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Under 25 degrees C and a long-day photoperiod, starvation induces premature pupation in 4th instar Psacothea hilaris larvae exceeding a threshold weight of 180 mg, resulting in the formation of small but morphologically normal adults. To investigate possible mechanisms underlying this phenomenon, we first measured the hemolymph trehalose and glucose levels of starved larvae. When larvae were starved after 4 days of feeding (attaining the threshold weight), glucose levels decreased 4-fold within the next 24 h, while trehalose levels, after a temporary slight decrease, increased remarkably to reach a peak just before the prepupa stage. The effects of ingesting various nutrients on the developmental fate and the hemolymph sugar titers of starving larvae were then examined. Feeding on agar blocks containing sucrose or glucose totally suppressed the occurrence of premature pupation, while trehalose, fructose, casein and starch were ineffective. Feeding on glucose or trehalose resulted in a 6-fold decrease in hemolymph glucose levels and remarkably elevated trehalose levels. Since feeding on glucose and trehalose induced similar changes in hemolymph sugar titers but trehalose was not effective in suppressing premature pupation, glucose may have exhibited its effects via gustatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

At 25 degrees C and under a long-day photoperiod, all 5th instar Psacothea hilaris larvae pupate at the next molt. Under a short-day photoperiod, in contrast, they undergo one or two additional larval molts and enter diapause; the 7th instar larvae enter diapause without further molt. The changes in hemolymph juvenile hormone (JH III) titers, JH esterase activity, and ecdysteroid titers in pupation-destined, pre-diapause, and diapause-destined larvae were examined. JH titers of the 5th instar pupation-destined larvae decreased continuously from 1.3 ng/ml and became virtually undetectable on day 13, when JH esterase activity peaked. Ecdysteroids exhibited a small peak on day 8, 1 day before gut purge, and a large peak on day 11, 2 days before the larvae became pre-pupae. The two ecdysteroid peaks are suggested to be associated with pupal commitment and pupation, respectively. JH titers of the 5th instar pre-diapause larvae were maintained at approximately 1.5 ng/ml for 5 days and then increased to form a peak (3.3 ng/ml) on day 11. JH esterase activity remained at a low level throughout. Ecdysteroid levels exhibited a large peak of 40 ng/ml on day 18, coincident with the larval molt to the 6th instar. JH titers of the 7th instar diapause-destined larvae peaked at 1.9 ng/ml on day 3, and a level of approximately 1.1 ng/ml was maintained even 30-60 days into the instar, when they were in diapause. Ecdysteroid titers remained approximately 0.02 ng/ml. Diapause induction in this species was suggested to be a consequence of high JH and low ecdysteroid titers.  相似文献   

Under long-day conditions larvae of Psacothea hilaris (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) pupate after the 4th or 5th instar, while under short-day conditions they undergo 2-4 nonstationary supernumerary molts and eventually enter diapause. To explore the possibility of a threshold weight for entering diapause, P. hilaris larvae were deprived of food on days 0 (day of ecdysis), 4 or 8 of the 4th, 5th and 6th instars under short-day conditions. Within the first 40 days of starvation, 60% of the larvae starved starting on day 0 of the 4th instar died, but all the larvae starved at later stages survived. The incidence of diapause in these survivors was determined by the occurrence of pupation after a temporary chilling at 15 degrees C for 15 days. Diapause incidence increased as the onset of starvation was delayed; from 11% in the larvae starved on day 0 of the 5th instar to 100% in the larvae starved on day 4 and day 8 of the 6th instar. Analysis of the relationship between the initial weight of a respective larva at the onset of starvation and its pupation success revealed that none of the larvae weighing 690 mg did. This finding suggests the presence of a threshold weight (about 600 mg), below which larvae are incapable of entering diapause. We discuss these findings with reference to the life history of P. hilaris.  相似文献   

Rapid cold-hardening (RCH) and cold acclimation (ACC) were examined in eggs of the yellow-spotted longicorn beetle, Psacothea hilaris (Pascoe) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). When eggs incubated at 25 degrees C were transferred directly to conditions of -22 degrees C for 2h, less than 30% survived, whereas exposure to 0 degrees C for 4h prior to transfer to -22 degrees C increased survival to nearly 60%. The rapidly enhanced cold tolerance (RCH) was transient and lost rapidly after 1h at 25 degrees C. Incubation at 15.5 degrees C for 9 days (ACC) also enhanced cold tolerance. Comparison of the cold tolerance of non-treated eggs and eggs pre-treated to give RCH, ACC, or ACC+RCH allowed the relationship between the two hardening processes to be determined. At a mild subzero temperature (-10 degrees C) an RCH effect was not detected, whereas only RCH is effective at the severest subzero temperature just above the SCP (-26 degrees C). At intermediate temperatures (-16, -22 and -25 degrees C), ACC and RCH enhanced survival in combination. Therefore, the two hardening processes have different physiological bases but operate concomitantly over a wide temperature range.  相似文献   

The photoperiodic control of diapause induction in the larvae of the yellow-spotted longicorn beetle, Psacothea hilaris (Pascoe), was investigated using a west Japan-type population collected from Ino, Kochi Prefecture, Japan. In this population, the larvae expressed a long-day photoperiodic response with a critical daylength between 13.5 and 14 h at 25 °C ; under a long daylength, the larvae pupated after the 4th or 5th instar, while the larvae entered diapause under a short daylength after 2.3 additional molts on average. When the photoperiod was changed from a short (L12:D12) to a long (L15:D9) daylength, pupation occurred in most of the individuals irrespective of the time of the change. When the photoperiod was changed from long to short at 1 or 2 weeks after hatching, all of the larvae entered diapause, whereas when the photoperiod was changed at 5 weeks after hatching or later, most of the larvae pupated. The 2 weeks exposures to a long daylength against a 'background' of a short daylength at various times revealed that the larvae of this insect are most sensitive to the photoperiod from 4 to 6 weeks after hatching.  相似文献   

The diapause-averting effect of low temperature on pre-diapause larvae was examined in the yellow-spotted longicorn beetle, Psacothea hilaris. Larvae that had been reared under diapause-inducing conditions (25 °C , L12:D12) were temporarily exposed to 10 °C for various periods, and returned to the initial condition. Diapause was not averted by chilling for 15 days irrespective of the age of the larvae at chilling. After a 30-day chilling treatment, all of the 40- and 60-day-old larvae averted diapause, while diapause was averted in only one-third of the 10- and 20-day-old larvae. None of the pre-diapause larvae chilled for 60 days entered diapause irrespective of the age at chilling. With diapause avoidance, larvae that overwintered in earlier instars can start growing in earliest spring without any arrest; this phenomenon probably subserves the synchronization of larval development in a population.  相似文献   

The role of the stemmata in photoperiodism has been examined in holometabolic insects, but the only reliable results in Coleoptera have been obtained in Leptocarabus kumagaii (Carabidae), the larvae of which do not respond to photoperiod without stemmata. In the present study, photoperiodism was examined in another coleopteran, Psacothea hilaris (Pascoe) (Cerambycidae), after surgical removal of the stemmata. Larvae reared under short-day conditions and transferred to long-day conditions on day 2 of the 5th instar pupated without further larval molts, whereas those continuously reared under short-day conditions underwent supernumerary molts and did not pupate. When the stemmata were removed on day 2 of the 5th instar, the larvae pupated under long-day conditions but did not do so under short-day conditions. However, under long-day conditions some underwent supernumerary molts before pupation. Larvae from which the sensilla trichodeum were removed showed a similar response to that of stemmata-deficient larvae, and larvae from which stemmata were removed at a younger stage (day 2 of the 4th instar) responded to photoperiod similarly to intact larvae. Thus, supernumerary molts under long-day conditions after removal of the stemmata were attributed to injury due to surgery, rather than a change in photoperiodic photoreception. Therefore, we conclude that larvae of P. hilaris show a photoperiodic response after removal of stemmata, in contrast to larvae of L. kumagaii.  相似文献   

Abstract. .The effects of photoperiod and low temperature on diapause termination in the yellow-spotted longicorn beetle, Psacothea hilaris (Pascoe) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), were examined using a population from Ino, Japan. Diapausing insects obtained by rearing larvae under short daylength (12 or 13 h) at 25oC were subjected to various treatments. When the photoperiod was changed at the same temperature, diapausing larvae showed a long-day response with a critical daylength between 13.5 and 14h. The diapause was terminated and consequently pupation occurred if the daylength was longer than 13.5 h. Chilling the diapausing larvae at 10oC for 30 or more days also terminated diapause in most larvae irrespective of the photoperiods during and after chilling treatment. In contrast, the post-chilling photoperiod had a critical effect on development of diapausing larvae chilled for only 15 days.  相似文献   

Cold hardiness of eggs and neonate larvae of the yellow-spotted longicorn beetle, Psacothea hilaris (Pascoe) was examined using six geographical populations in Japan. Particular attention was paid to cold hardiness of eggs and neonate larvae of the subtropical population (Ishigaki), because the east Japan populations are considered to have been introduced from a subtropical area, and the overwintering stage in the east Japan populations is incidentally shifted from the original mature larval stage to the egg or neonate larval stages. When the eggs were exposed to low temperatures for 1 h, the decrease in hatchability became significant at –12°C in the southernmost two populations (Ishigaki and Naze), and at –16°C in the northern populations. After 1 h exposure to –20°C, few eggs could hatch in the Ishigaki population, whereas 27–55% of the eggs survived in the northern populations. Pre-chilling of the eggs at 10°C for 10 days enhanced the cold hardiness in all populations. This effect was particularly distinct in the subtropical population; the eggs of the Ishigaki population became as cold hardy as those of the northern populations after acclimation. These results suggest that the subtropical population is capable of establishing itself in east Japan, where the winter is cold.  相似文献   

Abstract. The interactive effects of temperature (20 °C or 25 °C) and photoperiod (LD 12 : 12 h or LD 15 : 9 h) on diapause induction and termination are investigated in the west‐Japan type yellow‐spotted longicorn beetle, Psacothea hilaris (Pascoe) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Larval diapause of P. hilaris is induced under three diapause‐inducing conditions (20 °C–SD, 20 °C–LD and 25 °C–SD), and the diapause larvae are transferred to one of four conditions (20 °C–SD, 20 °C–LD, 25 °C–SD or 25 °C–LD) for observation of pupation, which indicates termination of diapause. The intensity of diapause induced under the three conditions increases in the order 20 °C–SD < 25 °C–SD < 20 °C–LD, when assessed by the time course of pupation after the transfer. On the other hand, the effectiveness of the temperature–photoperiod combinations to terminate diapause is in the order 25 °C–SD (ineffective) < < 20 °C–LD < 25 °C–LD < 20 °C–SD. Among the temperatures (5, 10, 15 and 20 °C) examined, 15 °C is the most effective in terminating diapause under the short day; diapause in most larvae appears to have been completed in 15 days.  相似文献   

  1. Psacothea hilaris hilaris is an exotic cerambycid detected in Lombardy (northern Italy) in 2005 and now established and undergoing an expansion phase. The species constitutes a serious pest for Ficus spp. and Morus spp.
  2. The aim of this work is to update the distribution area of the species in Italy, investigating its expansion over 16 years. Data were acquired through the authors' direct field records and community science, by data mining on national and international web platforms and social networks. Reports were analysed and GPS points plotted in ArcMap 10.8.1 to obtain distribution maps.
  3. Of the records collected, 34% were acquired during field surveys, 22% via e-mail and 44% through on-line forums and social networks.
  4. Adults of P. h. hilaris showed a long period of activity, from April to the beginning of December, with a peak of presence from June to September. The presence of the pest has been ascertained over six provinces in Lombardy covering an area estimated at more than 1750 km2 in 2021. New detections occurred within 2 km of a known infestation from the previous year in 41.6% of cases, and between 2 and 4 km away in 37.7% of cases. The mean rate of range expansion estimated from reported records was 3.17 ± 0.33 km/year from 2010 to 2021. After an initial phase of settlement, the insect is now spreading southward.
  5. Given the relevant phytosanitary interest that the species may have for fig plants in Italy and in the Mediterranean Basin, it is fundamental to deepen the knowledge about its flight biology, dynamics and active dispersal capabilities in order to estimate the future range expansion.

A cellulase (endo-beta-1,4-glucanase, EC was purified from the gut of larvae of the yellow-spotted longicorn beetle Psacothea hilaris by acetone precipitation and elution from gels after native PAGE and SDS/PAGE with activity staining. The purified protein formed a single band, and the molecular mass was estimated to be 47 kDa. The purified cellulase degraded carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), insoluble cello-oligosaccharide (average degree of polymerization 34) and soluble cello-oligosaccharides longer than cellotriose, but not crystalline cellulose or cellobiose. The specific activity of the cellulase against CMC was 150 micro mol.min-1.(mg protein)-1. TLC analysis showed that the cellulase produces cellotriose and cellobiose from insoluble cello-oligosaccharides. However, a glucose assay linked with glucose oxidase detected a small amount of glucose, with a productivity of 0.072 micro mol.min-1.(mg protein)-1. The optimal pH of P. hilaris cellulase was 5.5, close to the pH in the midgut of P. hilaris larvae. The N-terminal amino-acid sequence of the purified P. hilaris cellulase was determined and a degenerate primer designed, which enabled a 975-bp cDNA clone containing a typical polyadenylation signal to be obtained by PCR and sequencing. The deduced amino-acid sequence of P. hilaris cellulase showed high homology to members of glycosyl hydrolase family 5 subfamily 2, and, in addition, a signature sequence for family 5 was found. Thus, this is the first report of a family 5 cellulase from arthropods.  相似文献   

Metamorphosis in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis is a very complex process which converts a swimming tadpole to an adult. The process involves reorganisation of the body plan and a remarkable regression of the tail, which is controlled by caspase-dependent apoptosis. However, the endogenous signals triggering apoptosis and metamorphosis are little explored. Herein, we report evidence that nitric oxide (NO) regulates tail regression in a dose-dependent manner, acting on caspase-dependent apoptosis. An increase or decrease of NO levels resulted in a delay or acceleration of tail resorption, without affecting subsequent juvenile development. A similar hastening effect was induced by suppression of cGMP-dependent NO signalling. Inhibition of NO production resulted in an increase in caspase-3-like activity with respect to untreated larvae. Detection of endogenously activated caspase-3 and NO revealed the existence of a spatial correlation between the diminution of the NO signal and caspase-3 activation during the last phases of tail regression. Real-time PCR during development, from early larva to early juveniles, showed that during all stages examined, NO synthase (NOS) is always more expressed than arginase and it reaches the maximum value at late larva, the stage immediately preceding tail resorption. The spatial expression pattern of NOS is very dynamic, moving rapidly along the body in very few hours, from the anterior part of the trunk to central nervous system (CNS), tail and new forming juvenile digestive organs. NO detection revealed free diffusion from the production sites to other cellular districts. Overall, the results of this study provide a new important link between NO signalling and apoptosis during metamorphosis in C. intestinalis and hint at novel roles for the NO signalling system in other developmental and metamorphosis-related events preceding and following tail resorption.  相似文献   

MiR-1, miR-133a, and miR-206a have been identified as muscle-specific miRNAs. They play multiple crucial roles in the regulation of muscle development. Here, we show that these miRNAs were differentially expressed during the larval development of flounder, and specifically expressed in skeletal muscle and heart in adult tissues/organs. The expression levels of these miRNAs were significantly changed by thyroid hormone (TH) or thiourea (TU) treatment during metamorphosis from 17 dph (days post hatching) to 42 dph. In addition, the expression levels of MyoD and Myf5 mRNAs markedly increased at 14 dph (pre-metamorphosis) compared to metamorphic stages, and their expression levels are far above the myogenin during larval development. Moreover, these MRFs (myogenic regulatory factors) expression were directly or indirectly regulated by thyroid hormone or thiourea during metamorphosis. All the results suggest that miRNAs and MRFs might be involved in signaling pathway of TH or TU-mediated flounder metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Insect hemocytes play a major role in developmental processes where they disassociate and rebuild metamorphosing tissues while undergoing physiological changes themselves. We identified hemocyte changes from the last larval to the beginning of the pupal stage of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta. Larval and pupal hemocytes behaved differently in a 40% Percoll density gradient. Larval granular cells were found in almost all density layers, pupal granular cells were abundant in high density layers; larval plasmatocytes occurred in dense layers, pupal plasmatocytes became enriched in less dense layers of the gradient. Using a panel of monoclonal antibodies generated against purified hemocytes, several different antibody binding patterns were identified. Quantitative differences in staining intensities were observed more often than qualitative changes, e.g. a loss or a gain of staining. Both phenomena were related to both plasmatocytes and granular cells. The distribution of the corresponding antigens in tissues was tested on cross sections of larvae and pupae as well as in Western blot analyses using organ homogenates. Several antibodies were specific for hemocytes only, among which two antibodies bound to molecules of the hematopoietic organ. Other antibodies had an additional reactivity to other tissues, mainly to the basal lamina.  相似文献   

Lab-reared sphingid and noctuid moths appear to feed less than wild moths, and often are starved to enhance responsiveness in feeding assays. To measure the impact of larval nutrition on adult feeding, we raised a model sphingid species, Manduca sexta, on control or modified diets (reduced sugar, protein or water, supplemented beta-carotene) or cut tobacco leaves, then conducted feeding assays with artificial flowers. Behaviour was scored and analysed in a double-blind manner. Larval diet affected adult eclosion time, size and fat content, the latter of which was inversely proportional to moth approaches to the floral array in a flight cage. In contrast, behaviours refractory to feeding (sitting, escaping) were associated with sex and barometric pressure, but not with diet or fat content. Frequency of floral approaches and probing was not associated with any variable. However, moths reared on beta-carotene-supplemented diet were 2-3 times more likely to feed, and significantly less likely to sit or show "escape" behaviour than were moths from most other treatments. Our results suggest that decreased visual sensitivity, rather than increased fat content, accounts for reduced adult feeding by lab-reared M. sexta.  相似文献   

We have determined the complete mitochondrial genome of the yellow-spotted long horned beetle, Psacothea hilaris (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), an endangered insect species in Korea. The 15,856-bp long P. hilaris mitogenome harbors gene content typical of the animal mitogenome and a gene arrangement identical to the most common type found in insect mitogenomes. As with all other sequenced coleopteran species, the 5-bp long TAGTA motif was also detected in the intergenic space sequence located between tRNASer(UCN) and ND1 of P. hilaris. The 1,190-bp long non-coding A+T-rich region harbors an unusual series of seven identical repeat sequences of 57-bp in length and several stretches of sequences with the potential to form stem-and-loop structures. Furthermore, it contains one tRNAArg-like sequence and one tRNALys-like sequence. Phylogenetic analysis among available coleopteran mitogenomes using the concatenated amino acid sequences of PCGs appear to support the sister group relationship of the suborder Polyphaga to all remaining suborders, including Adephaga, Myxophaga, and Archostemata. Among the two available infraorders in Polyphaga, a monophyletic Cucujiformia was confirmed, with the placement of Cleroidea as the basal lineage for Cucujiformia. On the other hand, the infraorder Elateriformia was not identified as monophyletic, thereby indicating that Scirtoidea and Buprestoidea are the basal lineages for Cucujiformia and the remaining Elateriformia.  相似文献   

The combined effects of temperature and salinity on larval development and attachment of Balanus trigonus Darwin (Cirripedia, Balanidae) was examined under controlled laboratory conditions. Whilst larval survivorship was not affected (>70%), the duration of larval development was significantly affected by temperature and salinity. The effect of temperature was comparatively stronger than that of salinity. The majority of nauplius II larvae metamorphosed into cypris stage after 4-5 and 10-11 days at 28 °C (22-34‰) and 18 °C (22-34‰), respectively. Temperature, salinity and the duration of assay had a significant effect on cypris attachment with significant interaction among these main effects. Maximum (>80% in 6 days) and minimum percent attachment (0% in 6 days) on polystyrene surfaces were observed at 24 °C (34‰) and 18 °C (22‰), respectively. At high temperature (28 °C) and low salinity (22-26‰), larvae rapidly (4 days) developed into cyprids, but less than 33% attached. These results suggest that low larval attachment rates may lead to the low recruitment of B. trigonus in Hong Kong waters during summer when the water temperature is high (about 28 °C) and salinity is low (<26‰).  相似文献   

Starvation of second instar Colorado potato beetle larvae for 24h immediately after treatment with Beauveria bassiana conidia increased susceptibility to the pathogen and subsequent sporulation of cadavers but decreased time to larval death. In feeding studies, B. bassiana-treatment had no effect on subsequent larval development, and mortality occurred 5-6 days after treatment. Twenty-four hours of starvation alone retarded subsequent larval development but did not affect mortality. Mortality of B. bassiana-treated starvation stressed larvae occurred 4-5 days after treatment. Both B. bassiana treatment and 24h starvation significantly reduced total foliage consumption and daily weight gains. On the day of treatment, B. bassiana had no effect on the efficiency with which food was converted to biomass (ECI). ECI was not affected by B. bassiana or starvation alone on the day following treatment but was significantly affected by a combination of both. When larvae were exposed to a range of limited food quantities, ECI decreased with decreasing food availability but only extreme stress (starvation for 24h) increased susceptibility to B. bassiana. Topical application of Dacryodes excelsa resin (an antifeedant) to potato leaves caused a concentration dependent reduction in foliage consumption and weight gain by second instar larvae but did not affect larval mortality. When larvae were exposed to a fixed concentration of B. bassiana and a range of antifeedant concentrations there were significant linear relationships between 24h larval weight gain and mortality and 24h larval weight gain and sporulation. The interaction between starvation stress and the susceptibility to B. bassiana infection is discussed and its possible implications in pest management considered.  相似文献   

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