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To facilitate the study of respiratory wheezes in an animal lung model, an isovolume, constant-flow excised dog lung preparation was developed. Dog lungs were inflated to 26 +/- 4 cmH2O and coated with layers of epoxy glue and polyester compound. A rigid shell 2 mm thick was obtained around the entire pleural surface and the extra-pulmonary airways. The adhesive forces between the pleura and the shell were strong enough to hold the lung distended after the inflation pressure was removed. Holes 2 mm diam were drilled through the shell over one of the lung lobes in an array, 4 cm across. The holes penetrated the pleural surface, so that constant flow could be maintained in the expiratory direction by activating a suction pump connected to the trachea. Downstream suction pressure and flow rate were measured with a mercury manometer and a rotameter, respectively. Sounds were recorded by a small (0.6 cm OD) microphone inserted into the trachea. When suction pressure was increased, flow initially increased to 31 +/- 3 l/min. Further increase of suction pressure caused only very slight additional increase in flow (i.e., flow limitation). During this plateau of flow, a pure tone was generated with acoustic properties similar to respiratory wheezes. Both the flow plateau and the wheezing sounds could be eliminated by freezing the lungs. It is concluded that wheezing sounds were associated with flow limitation in this preparation. It is suggested that the stable acoustic properties obtained by this preparation may become useful in the analysis of mechanisms of wheezing lung sounds generation.  相似文献   

Flow limitation (FL) has recently been shown to be a necessary condition for the generation of forced expiratory wheezes (FEW) in normal subjects. The present study was designed to investigate whether it is also a sufficient condition. To do so we studied the effects of varying expiratory effort on generation of FEW. Six normal subjects exhaled with varying force into an orifice in line with a high-impedance suction pump. Esophageal (Pes), airway opening, and transpulmonary (Ptp) pressures were measured alongside flow rate, lung volume, and tracheal lung sounds. In each subject a certain critical degree of effort had to be attained before FEW were generated. This effort, measured as Pes at the onset of wheezes, varied among the subjects (range -11 to 45 cmH2O). Similarly, a minimal Ptp had to be reached for FEW to evolve (mean +/- SD -34 +/- 12 cmH2O, range -18 to -50 cmH2O). These critical Pes and Ptp values were significantly higher than those required for FL. It was concluded that, in addition to the requirement for FL, sufficient levels of effort and negative Ptp must exist before FEW can be generated. By analogy to experimental and theoretical results from studies on flow-induced oscillations in self-supporting collapsible tubes, it was further concluded that these pressures are required to induce flattening of the intrathoracic airways downstream from the choke point. It is this configurational change that causes air speed to become equal to or exceed the critical gas velocity needed to induce oscillations in soft-walled tubes.  相似文献   

Detection of expiratory flow limitation during exercise in COPD patients   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Koulouris, Nickolaos G., Ioanna Dimopoulou, PäiviValta, Richard Finkelstein, Manuel G. Cosio, and J. Milic-Emili.Detection of expiratory flow limitation during exercise in COPDpatients. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(3):723-731, 1997.The negative expiratory pressure (NEP) method wasused to detect expiratory flow limitation at rest and at differentexercise levels in 4 normal subjects and 14 patients with chronicobstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This method does not requireperformance of forced expirations, nor does it require use of bodyplethysmography. It consists in applying negative pressure (5cmH2O) at the mouth during early expiration and comparing the flow-volume curve of the ensuing expiration with that of the preceding control breath. Subjects in whomapplication of NEP does not elicit an increase in flow during part orall of the tidal expiration are considered flow limited. The fournormal subjects were not flow limited up to 90% of maximal exercisepower output(max).Five COPD patients were flow limited at rest, 9 were flow limited atone-third max, and 12 were flow limited at two-thirdsmax. Whereasin all patients who were flow limited at rest the maximalO2 uptake was below the normallimits, this was not the case in most of the other patients. Inconclusion, NEP provides a rapid and reliable method to detectexpiratory flow limitation at rest and during exercise.


Peslin, R., R. Farré, M. Rotger, and D. Navajas.Effect of expiratory flow limitation on respiratory mechanicalimpedance: a model study. J. Appl.Physiol. 81(6): 2399-2406, 1996.Large phasicvariations of respiratory mechanical impedance (Zrs) have been observedduring induced expiratory flow limitation (EFL) (M. Vassiliou, R. Peslin, C. Saunier, and C. Duvivier. Eur. Respir. J. 9: 779-786, 1996). To clarify themeaning of Zrs during EFL, we have measured from 5 to 30 Hz the inputimpedance (Zin) of mechanical analogues of the respiratory system,including flow-limiting elements (FLE) made of easily collapsiblerubber tubing. The pressures upstream (Pus) and downstream (Pds) fromthe FLE were controlled and systematically varied. Maximal flow(max) increased linearly with Pus, was close to thevalue predicted from wave-speed theory, and was obtained for Pus-Pds of4-6 hPa. The real part of Zin started increasing abruptlywith flow () >85%max and either further increased or suddenlydecreased in the vicinity of max. The imaginary part of Zin decreased markedly and suddenly above 95%max. Similar variations of Zin during EFL were seenwith an analogue that mimicked the changes of airwaytransmural pressure during breathing. After pressure and measurements upstream and downstream from the FLEwere combined, the latter was analyzed in terms of a serial (Zs) and ashunt (Zp) compartment. Zs was consistent with a large resistance andinertance, and Zp with a mainly elastic element having an elastanceclose to that of the tube walls. We conclude that Zrs data during EFLmainly reflect the properties of the FLE.


Regional expiratory flow limitation studied with Technegas in asthma.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Regional expiratory flow limitation (EFL) may occur during tidal breathing without being detected by measurements of flow at the mouth. We tested this hypothesis by using Technegas to reveal sites of EFL. A first study (study 1) was undertaken to determine whether deposition of Technegas during tidal breathing reveals the occurrence of regional EFL in induced bronchoconstriction. Time-activity curves of Technegas inhaled during 12 tidal breaths were measured in four asthmatic subjects at control conditions and after exposure to inhaled methacholine at a dose sufficient to abolish expiratory flow reserve near functional residual capacity. A second study (study 2) was conducted in seven asthmatic subjects at control and after three increasing doses of methacholine to compare the pattern of Technegas deposition in the lung with the occurrence of EFL. The latter was assessed at the mouth by comparing tidal with forced expiratory flow or with the flow generated on application of a negative pressure. Study 1 documented enhanced and spotty deposition of Technegas in the central lung regions with increasing radioactivity during tidal expiration. This is consistent with increased impaction of Technegas on the airway wall downstream from the flow-limiting segment. Study 2 showed that both methods based on analysis of flow at the mouth failed to detect EFL at the time spotty deposition of Technegas occurred. We conclude that regional EFL occurs asynchronously across the lung and that methods based on mouth flow measurements are insensitive to it.  相似文献   

We have shown that a polynomial equation, FP = AP3 + BP2 + CP + D, where F is flow and P is pressure, can accurately determine the presence of inspiratory flow limitation (IFL). This equation requires the invasive measurement of supraglottic pressure. We hypothesized that a modification of the equation that substitutes time for pressure would be accurate for the detection of IFL and allow for the noninvasive measurement of upper airway resistance. The modified equation is Ft = At3 + Bt2 + Ct + D, where F is flow and t is time from the onset of inspiration. To test our hypotheses, data analysis was performed as follows on 440 randomly chosen breaths from 18 subjects. First, we performed linear regression and determined that there is a linear relationship between pressure and time in the upper airway (R2 0.96 +/- 0.05, slope 0.96 +/- 0.06), indicating that time can be a surrogate for pressure. Second, we performed curve fitting and found that polynomial equation accurately predicts the relationship between flow and time in the upper airway (R2 0.93 +/- 0.12, error fit 0.02 +/- 0.08). Third, we performed a sensitivity-specificity analysis comparing the mathematical determination of IFL to manual determination using a pressure-flow loop. Mathematical determination had both high sensitivity (96%) and specificity (99%). Fourth, we calculated the upper airway resistance using the polynomial equation and compared the measurement to the manually determined upper airway resistance (also from a pressure-flow loop) using Bland-Altman analysis. Mean difference between calculated and measured upper airway resistance was 0.0 cmH2O x l(-1) x s(-1) (95% confidence interval -0.2, 0.2) with upper and lower limits of agreement of 2.8 cmH2O x l(-1) x s(-1) and -2.8 cmH2O x l(-1) x s(-1). We conclude that a polynomial equation can be used to model the flow-time relationship, allowing for the objective and accurate determination of upper airway resistance and the presence of IFL.  相似文献   

We determined the role of expiratory flow limitation (EFL) on the ventilatory response to heavy exercise in six trained male cyclists [maximal O2 uptake = 65 +/- 8 (range 55-74) ml. kg-1. min-1] with normal lung function. Each subject completed four progressive cycle ergometer tests to exhaustion in random order: two trials while breathing N2O2 (26% O2-balance N2), one with and one without added dead space, and two trials while breathing HeO2 (26% O2-balance He), one with and one without added dead space. EFL was defined by the proximity of the tidal to the maximal flow-volume loop. With N2O2 during heavy and maximal exercise, 1) EFL was present in all six subjects during heavy [19 +/- 2% of tidal volume (VT) intersected the maximal flow-volume loop] and maximal exercise (43 +/- 8% of VT), 2) the slopes of the ventilation (DeltaVE) and peak esophageal pressure responses to added dead space (e.g., DeltaVE/DeltaPETCO2, where PETCO2 is end-tidal PCO2) were reduced relative to submaximal exercise, 3) end-expiratory lung volume (EELV) increased and end-inspiratory lung volume reached a plateau at 88-91% of total lung capacity, and 4) VT reached a plateau and then fell as work rate increased. With HeO2 (compared with N2O2) breathing during heavy and maximal exercise, 1) HeO2 increased maximal flow rates (from 20 to 38%) throughout the range of vital capacity, which reduced EFL in all subjects during tidal breathing, 2) the gains of the ventilatory and inspiratory esophageal pressure responses to added dead space increased over those during room air breathing and were similar at all exercise intensities, 3) EELV was lower and end-inspiratory lung volume remained near 90% of total lung capacity, and 4) VT was increased relative to room air breathing. We conclude that EFL or even impending EFL during heavy and maximal exercise and with added dead space in fit subjects causes EELV to increase, reduces the VT, and constrains the increase in respiratory motor output and ventilation.  相似文献   

To understand how externally applied expiratory flow limitation (EFL) leads to impaired exercise performance and dyspnea, we studied six healthy males during control incremental exercise to exhaustion (C) and with EFL at approximately 1. We measured volume at the mouth (Vm), esophageal, gastric and transdiaphragmatic (Pdi) pressures, maximal exercise power (W(max)) and the difference (Delta) in Borg scale ratings of breathlessness between C and EFL exercise. Optoelectronic plethysmography measured chest wall and lung volume (VL). From Campbell diagrams, we measured alveolar (PA) and expiratory muscle (Pmus) pressures, and from Pdi and abdominal motion, an index of diaphragmatic power (W(di)). Four subjects hyperinflated and two did not. EFL limited performance equally to 65% W(max) with Borg = 9-10 in both. At EFL W(max), inspiratory time (TI) was 0.66s +/- 0.08, expiratory time (TE) 2.12 +/- 0.26 s, Pmus approximately 40 cmH2O and DeltaVL-DeltaVm = 488.7 +/- 74.1 ml. From PA and VL, we calculated compressed gas volume (VC) = 163.0 +/- 4.6 ml. The difference, DeltaVL-DeltaVm-VC (estimated blood volume shift) was 326 ml +/- 66 or 7.2 ml/cmH2O PA. The high Pmus and long TE mimicked a Valsalva maneuver from which the short TI did not allow recovery. Multiple stepwise linear regression revealed that the difference between C and EFL Pmus accounted for 70.3% of the variance in DeltaBorg. DeltaW(di) added 12.5%. We conclude that high expiratory pressures cause severe dyspnea and the possibility of adverse circulatory events, both of which would impair exercise performance.  相似文献   

To determine how decreasing velocity of shortening (U) of expiratory muscles affects breathing during exercise, six normal men performed incremental exercise with externally imposed expiratory flow limitation (EFLe) at approximately 1 l/s. We measured volumes of chest wall, lung- and diaphragm-apposed rib cage (Vrc,p and Vrc,a, respectively), and abdomen (Vab) by optoelectronic plethysmography; esophageal, gastric, and transdiaphragmatic pressures (Pdi); and end-tidal CO2 concentration. From these, we calculated velocity of shortening and power (W) of diaphragm, rib cage, and abdominal muscles (di, rcm, ab, respectively). EFLe forced a decrease in Uab, which increased Pab and which lasted well into inspiration. This imposed a load, overcome by preinspiratory diaphragm contraction. Udi and inspiratory Urcm increased, reducing their ability to generate pressure. Pdi, Prcm, and Wab increased, indicating an increased central drive to all muscle groups secondary to hypercapnia, which developed in all subjects. These results suggest a vicious cycle in which EFLe decreases Uab, increasing Pab and exacerbating the hypercapnia, which increases central drive increasing Pab even more, leading to further CO2 retention, and so forth.  相似文献   

Partial expiratory flow-volume (PEFV) curves in infants are generated by applying a compressive pressure over the chest wall with an inflatable jacket. This study addresses two issues: pressure transmission to and across the chest wall and whether flow limitation can be identified. Eleven infants sedated with chloral hydrate were studied. Pressure transmission to the chest wall, measured with neonatal blood pressure cuffs placed on the infant's body surface, was 72 +/- 4% of jacket pressure during compression maneuvers. The pressure transmission to the air spaces, determined by measuring airway pressure during a compression maneuver against an occluded airway, was 56 +/- 6% of jacket pressure. A significant amount of the applied pressure is therefore lost across both the jacket and chest wall. Rapid pressure oscillations (RPO) were superimposed on static jacket pressures while expiratory flow was measured. Absence of associated oscillations of flow measured at the mouth was taken to indicate that flow was independent of driving pressure and therefore limited. Flow limitation was demonstrable with the RPO technique in all infants for jacket pressures greater than 50 cmH2O; however, it was evident at jacket pressures less than 30 cmH2O jacket pressure in four infants with obstructive airway disease. The RPO technique is a useful adjunct to the compression maneuver utilized to generate PEFV curves in infants because it facilitates the recognition of expiratory flow limitation.  相似文献   

We assessed the difference between isovolumic maximal expiratory flows (Vmax) using maneuvers begun at mid-lung volumes, so-called partial expiratory flow-volume curves (P), vs. those begun at full inflation, so-called maximal expiratory flow-volume curves (M), in 10 asthmatic subjects before and following obstruction induced by isocapnic hyperpnea with cold air and before and after bronchodilation with a beta-agonist or antimuscarinic agent. Volume history effects were quantitated as an M-to-P ratio of Vmax at 30% vital capacity (M/P V30). Although M/P V30 was variable among patients at base line, there was a uniform increase in M/P V30 during constriction and a consistent decrease below base line after dilation. Blunting of induced obstruction with beta-agonists also diminished the increase in M/P V30. Antimuscarinics, despite equivalent bronchodilation, failed to alter the degree of obstruction induced by cold air or the increase in M/P V30 seen during obstruction. The level of airway tone, as indicated by specific resistance, related directly to the M/P V30. We conclude that the response of the asthmatic lung to a deep inhalation is relatively predictable when acute changes in airway tone are produced.  相似文献   

The site of greatest airway deformation in dog lungs was located during maximum expiratory flow by use of tantalum bronchography, fiberoptic bronchoscopy, and airway pressure measurements. A series of area vs. transmural pressure curves for each of these segments of the airway was produced after stepwise changes in transmural pressure. Measurements of area were made using cinephotography to elucidate the effect of time on airway compliance. The maximum flow rate was calculated using the t = 0.1 s compliance curve of the airway. An equation was derived so that maximum flow (V) could be calculated from the area (A) and transmural pressure (Ptm) of the flow-limiting segment. This equation, V = K-A square root of Ptm, implied that if V were constant then A must vary as Ptm-1/2. It was demonstrated that the area-transmural pressure curve of the flow-limiting segment showed this relationship between A and Ptm and that the flow calculated from this equation and the data from the A-Ptm curve gave flows identical to those measured during maximum expiration. The phenomena of effort-independent flow and negative effort dependence are also explained in terms of the area-transmural pressure curve of the flow-limiting segment.  相似文献   

The passive pharyngeal critical closing pressure (Pcrit) is measured using a series of pressure drops. However, pressure drops also lower end-expiratory lung volume (EELV), which independently affects Pcrit. We describe a technique to measure Pcrit at a constant EELV. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)-treated obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patients and controls were instrumented with an epiglottic catheter, magnetometers (to measure change in EELV), and nasal mask/pneumotachograph and slept supine on nasal CPAP. Pcrit was measured in standard fashion and using our novel "biphasic technique" in which expiratory pressure only was lowered for 1 min before the inspiratory pressure was dropped; this allowed EELV to decrease to the drop level before performing the pressure drop. Seven OSA and three controls were studied. The biphasic technique successfully lowered EELV before the inspiratory pressure drop. Pcrit was similar between the standard and biphasic techniques (-0.4 ± 2.6 vs. -0.6 ± 2.3 cmH(2)O, respectively, P = 0.84). Interestingly, we noted three different patterns of flow limitation: 1) classic Starling resistor type: flow fixed and independent of downstream pressure; 2) negative effort dependence within breaths: substantial decrease in flow, sometimes with complete collapse, as downstream pressure decreased; and 3) and negative effort dependence across breaths: progressive reductions in peak flow as respiratory effort on successive breaths increased. Overall, EELV changes do not influence standard passive Pcrit measurements if breaths 3-5 of pressure drops are used. These results also highlight the importance of inspiratory collapse in OSA pathogenesis. The cause of negative effort dependence within and across breaths is not known and requires further study.  相似文献   

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