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Ca(2+) of 0.3-1.0 microM induces both the exposure of tryptic cleavage sites within the gelsolin molecule inaccessible in the Ca-free conformation, and binding of one actin monomer to the N-terminal half of gelsolin. On the other hand, gelsolin-induced enhancement of pyrene actin fluorescence was observed only above 50 microM Ca(2+), and a ternary actin/gelsolin complex preformed in 200 microM Ca(2+) was stable only above 30 microM Ca(2+). These results provide direct evidence for Ca-induced transitions from closed to open conformation of the gelsolin molecule in the range of 3 x 10(-7) to 10(-6) M Ca(2+). They also suggest that Ca(2+)>10(-5) M is required to stabilize actin-actin contacts in the 2:1 actin/gelsolin complex.  相似文献   

Haem-copper oxygen reductases are transmembrane protein complexes that reduce dioxygen to water and pump protons across the mitochondrial or periplasmatic membrane, contributing to the transmembrane difference of electrochemical potential. Seven years ago we proposed a classification of these enzymes into three different families (A, B and C), based on the amino acid residues of their proton channels and amino acid sequence comparison, later supported by the so far identified characteristics of the catalytic centre of members from each family. The three families have in common the same general structural fold of the catalytic subunit, which contains the same or analogous prosthetic groups, and proton channels. These observations raise the hypothesis that the mechanisms for dioxygen reduction, proton pumping and the coupling of the two processes may be the same for all these enzymes. Under this hypothesis, they should be performed and controlled by the same or equivalent elements/events, and the identification of retained elements in all families will reveal their importance and may prompt the definition of the enzyme operating mode. Thus, we believe that the search for a minimum common denominator has a crucial importance, and in this article we highlight what is already established for the haem-copper oxygen reductases and emphasize the main questions still unanswered in a comprehensive basis.  相似文献   

Haem-copper oxygen reductases are the widest spread enzymes involved in aerobic respiratory chains, in Eukarya, Bacteria and Archaea. However, both the catalytic mechanism for oxygen reduction and its coupling to proton translocation remain to be fully understood. In this article we analyse the experimental data gathered in recent years for haem-copper reductases presenting features distinct from the mitochondrial-like enzymes. These features further support the classification of several families of haem-copper oxygen reductases based on their proton pathways and previously proposed by us [Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1505 (2001) 185], and allow to identify the minimal essential elements for these enzymes.  相似文献   



Heme-copper oxygen reductases (HCOs) are the last enzymatic complexes of most aerobic respiratory chains, reducing dioxygen to water and translocating up to four protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane (eukaryotes) or cytoplasmatic membrane (prokaryotes). The number of completely sequenced genomes is expanding exponentially, and concomitantly, the number and taxonomic distribution of HCO sequences. These enzymes were initially classified into three different types being this classification recently challenged.


We reanalyzed the classification scheme and developed a new bioinformatics classifier for the HCO and Nitric oxide reductases (NOR), which we benchmark against a manually derived gold standard sequence set. It is able to classify any given sequence of subunit I from HCO and NOR with a global recall and precision both of 99.8%. We use this tool to classify this protein family in 552 completely sequenced genomes.


We concluded that the new and broader data set supports three functional and evolutionary groups of HCOs. Homology between NORs and HCOs is shown and NORs closest relationship with C Type HCOs demonstrated. We established and made available a classification web tool and an integrated Heme-Copper Oxygen reductase and NOR protein database (www.evocell.org/hco).  相似文献   

Ribonucleotide reductases catalyze in all living organisms the production of the deoxyribonucleotides required for DNA replication and repair. Their appearance during evolution was a prerequisite for the transition from the "RNA world," where RNA sufficed for both catalysis and information transfer, to today's situation where life depends on the interplay among DNA, RNA, and protein. Three classes of ribonucleotide reductases exist today, widely differing in their primary and quaternary structures but all with a highly similar allosteric regulation of their substrate specificity. Here, I discuss the diversities between the three classes, describe their allosteric regulation, and discuss the evidence for their evolution. The appearance of oxygen on earth provided the likely driving force for enzyme diversification. From today's characteristics of the three classes, including their allosteric regulation, I propose that the anaerobic class III reductases with their iron-sulfur cluster and the requirement for S-adenosylmethionine for the generation of a glycyl protein free radical are the closest relatives to an ancestor ribonucleotide reductase.  相似文献   

Shestopalov VP 《Biofizika》2001,46(2):359-368
The stationary diffraction theory, the spectral theory of open systems, and the theory of Morse critical points of dispersion equations made it possible, when applied to bounded self-organizing biological media, to formulate the analytical dispersion laws and construct nonlinear evolution equations describing local space and time processes in a biomacromolecular continuum. By the simplest examples of the solution of the nonlinear evolution equations for planar medium interfaces, a variety of dynamical phenomena occurring in the self-organization of macromolecules are shown.  相似文献   

In tropane alkaloid biosynthesis, two tropinone reductases produce different stereoisomers from a common substrate, tropinone. The two enzymes share 64% of identical amino acids, and highly homologous proteins with variable substrate-binding residues have also been found in tropane alkaloid non-producing species. This exemplifies a simple evolutionary process that plants have taken to acquire a new secondary metabolic pathway.  相似文献   

The Rhodothermus marinus caa 3 haem-copper oxygen reductase contains all the residues of the so-called D- and K-proton channels, with the notable exception of the helix VI glutamate residue (Glu278I in Paracoccus denitrificans aa 3), being nevertheless a true oxygen reductase reducing O2 to water, and an efficient proton pump. Instead, in the same helix, but one turn below, it has a tyrosine residue (Tyr256I, R. marinus caa 3 numbering), whose hydroxyl group occupies the same spatial position as the carboxylate group of Glu278I, as deduced by comparative modelling techniques. Therefore, we proposed previously that this tyrosine residue could play an important role in the proton pathway. In this article we further study this hypothesis, by investigating the equilibrium thermodynamics of protonation in R. marinus caa 3, using theoretical methodologies based on the structural model previously obtained. Control calculations are also performed for the P. denitrificans aa 3 oxygen reductase. In both oxygen reductases we find several residues that are proton active (i.e., that display partial protonation) at physiological pH, some of them being redox sensitive (i.e., sensitive to the protein redox state). However, the caa 3 Tyr256I is not proton active at physiological pH, in contrast to the aa 3 Glu278I which is both proton active at physiological pH and shows a high redox sensitivity. In R. marinus caa 3 we do not find any other residues in the same protein zone that can have this property. Therefore, there are no putative D-channel residues that are proton active in this oxidase. The protonatable residues of the K-channel are much more functionally conserved in both oxygen reductases than the same type of residues in the D-channel. Two (Tyr262I and Lys336I, caa 3 numbering) out of three protonatable K-channel residues are proton active and redox sensitive in both proteins.  相似文献   

Soil detritophagy has been hypothesized to be the ancestral feeding type of the Lepidoptera as evidenced by the larval feeding habits of Zeugloptera. The ancestral feeding type, as well as mycetophagy and other closely related types of feeding, is still retained in Hepialomorpha, many Tineiformes, and some Cossiformes. Two main trends in the evolution of larval feeding are recognizable. Larvae of non-ditrysian moths and primitive Ditrysia show the evolutionary trend from detritophagy and soil phytophagy to wood-eating and feeding on inner leaf tissues, and further to leaf-mining. Evolutionary transition to leaf-mining occurred independently in the main phylogenetic lineages, viz Aglossata, Heterobathmiina, Eriocraniomorpha, Adelomorpha, Nepticulomorpha, and Tineiformes + Yponomeutiformes + Gelechiiformes. Evolutionary transition to open-living phytophagous larvae occurred within Cossiformes. Both evolutionary trends are in accordance with the principle of enhancing the role of larval feeding correlated with a tendency to weakening of adult feeding (Mazokhin-Porshnyakov, 1954). Under these conditions, simple proboscis seems to have evolved as an adaptation to the exploitation of water and feeding on decaying organic matter. Subsequent coevolution of Lepidoptera and Angiospermae results in evolving of much more complex proboscis and high-energetic nectar feeding. The input of additional energy seems to be correlated with the origin of parental care in the order. Flower visiting has arisen at the evolutionary level of leaf-mining larvae (Adelomorpha), but the origin of true anthophily seems to be correlated with the evolutionary transition to open-living larvae (Apoditrysia). This correlation is evidenced by the fact that the most substantial functional modification of proboscis, namely the origin of new extensors CMx 5 is shared by all Apoditrysia.  相似文献   

Methionine sulfoxide reductases (Msrs) are thiol-dependent enzymes which catalyze conversion of methionine sulfoxide to methionine. Three Msr families, MsrA, MsrB, and fRMsr, are known. MsrA and MsrB are responsible for the reduction of methionine-S-sulfoxide and methionine-R-sulfoxide residues in proteins, respectively, whereas fRMsr reduces free methionine-R-sulfoxide. Besides acting on proteins, MsrA can additionally reduce free methionine-S-sulfoxide. Some MsrAs and MsrBs evolved to utilize catalytic selenocysteine. This includes MsrB1, which is a major MsrB in cytosol and nucleus in mammalian cells. Specialized machinery is used for insertion of selenocysteine into MsrB1 and other selenoproteins at in-frame UGA codons. Selenocysteine offers catalytic advantage to the protein repair function of Msrs, but also makes these proteins dependent on the supply of selenium and requires adjustments in their strategies for regeneration of active enzymes. Msrs have roles in protecting cellular proteins from oxidative stress and through this function they may regulate lifespan in several model organisms.  相似文献   

Abstract The majority of extant life forms thrive in an O(2)-rich environment, which unavoidably induces the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) during cellular activities. ROS readily oxidize methionine (Met) residues in proteins/peptides to form methionine sulphoxide [Met(O)] that can lead to impaired protein function. Two methionine sulphoxide reductases, MsrA and MsrB, catalyse the reduction of the S and R epimers, respectively, of Met(O) in proteins to Met. The Msr system has two known functions in protecting cells against oxidative damage. The first is to repair proteins that have lost activity due to Met oxidation and the second is to function as part of a scavenger system to remove ROS through the reversible oxidation/reduction of Met residues in proteins. Bacterial, plant and animal cells lacking MsrA are known to be more sensitive to oxidative stress. The Msr system is considered an important cellular defence mechanism to protect against oxidative stress and may be involved in ageing/senescence. MsrA is present in all known eukaryotes and eubacteria and a majority of archaea, reflecting its essential role in cellular life. MsrB is found in all eukaryotes and the majority of eubacteria and archaea but is absent in some eubacteria and archaea, which may imply a less important role of MsrB compared to MsrA. MsrA and MsrB share no sequence or structure homology, and therefore probably emerged as a result of independent evolutionary events. The fact that some archaea lack msr genes raises the question of how these archaea cope with oxidative damage to proteins and consequently of the significance of msr evolution in oxic eukaryotes dealing with oxidative stress. Our best hypothesis is that the presence of ROS-destroying enzymes such as peroxiredoxins and a lower dissolved O(2) concentration in those msr-lacking organisms grown at high temperatures might account for the successful survival of these organisms under oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Most polluted sites contain mixed waste. This is especially true of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) waste sites which hold a complex mixture of heavy metals, radionuclides, and organic solvents. In such environments enzymes that can remediate multiple pollutants are advantageous. We report here evolution of an enzyme, ChrR6 (formerly referred to as Y6), which shows a markedly enhanced capacity for remediating two of the most serious and prevalent DOE contaminants, chromate and uranyl. ChrR6 is a soluble enzyme and reduces chromate and uranyl intracellularly. Thus, the reduced product is at least partially sequestered and nucleated, minimizing the chances of reoxidation. Only one amino acid change, (Tyr)128(Asn), was responsible for the observed improvement. We show here that ChrR6 makes Pseudomonas putida and Escherichia coli more efficient agents for bioremediation if the cellular permeability barrier to the metals is decreased.  相似文献   

The genome of the sulphate reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough, still considered a strict anaerobe, encodes two oxygen reductases of the bd and haem-copper types. The haem-copper oxygen reductase deduced amino acid sequence reveals that it is a Type A2 enzyme, which in its subunit II contains two c-type haem binding motifs. We have characterized the cytochrome c domain of subunit II and confirmed the binding of two haem groups, both with Met-His iron coordination. Hence, this enzyme constitutes the first example of a ccaa3 haem-copper oxygen reductase. The expression of D. vulgaris haem-copper oxygen reductase was found to be independent of the electron donor and acceptor source and is not altered by stress factors such as oxygen exposure, nitrite, nitrate, and iron; therefore the haem-copper oxygen reductase seems to be constitutive. The KCN sensitive oxygen reduction by D. vulgaris membranes demonstrated in this work indicates the presence of an active haem-copper oxygen reductase. D. vulgaris membranes perform oxygen reduction when accepting electrons from the monohaem cytochrome c553, thus revealing the first possible electron donor to the terminal oxygen reductase of D. vulgaris. The physiological implication of the presence of the oxygen reductase in this organism is discussed.  相似文献   

Twenty-five years of period-four O2-flash yield oscillation are celebrated with a personal recollection of the development of the Kok-Joliot model for photosynthetic oxygen evolution.Abbreviations PS II Photosystem II - RIAS Research Institute for Advanced Studies  相似文献   

Ribonucleotide reductases (RNRs) are uniquely responsible for converting nucleotides to deoxynucleotides in all dividing cells. The three known classes of RNRs operate through a free radical mechanism but differ in the way in which the protein radical is generated. Class I enzymes depend on oxygen for radical generation, class II uses adenosylcobalamin, and the anaerobic class III requires S-adenosylmethionine and an iron–sulfur cluster. Despite their metabolic prominence, the evolutionary origin and relationships between these enzymes remain elusive. This gap in RNR knowledge can, to a major extent, be attributed to the fact that different RNR classes exhibit greatly diverged polypeptide chains, rendering homology assessments inconclusive. Evolutionary studies of RNRs conducted until now have focused on comparison of the amino acid sequence of the proteins, without considering how they fold into space. The present study is an attempt to understand the evolutionary history of RNRs taking into account their three-dimensional structure. We first infer the structural alignment by superposing the equivalent stretches of the three-dimensional structures of representatives of each family. We then use the structural alignment to guide the alignment of all publicly available RNR sequences. Our results support the hypothesis that the three RNR classes diverged from a common ancestor currently represented by the anaerobic class III. Also, lateral transfer appears to have played a significant role in the evolution of this protein family.  相似文献   

A spectrophotometric assay for dissimilatory nitrite reductases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A spectrophotometric assay for dissimilatory nitrite reductases has been developed utilizing mammalian cytochrome c (equine heart) as reductant and spectrophotometric agent. The copper-containing nitrite reductase from Achromobacter cycloclastes has been shown to have apparent Km's for reduced cytochrome c and nitrite of 86 +/- 5 and 5.63 +/- 0.03 microM, respectively. The heme cd-containing enzyme from Pseudomonas stutzeri was shown to have apparent Km's for reduced cytochrome c and nitrite of 260 +/- 60 and 1.8 +/- 0.8 microM, respectively. This assay represents a simple, general method for consistently evaluating the activity of the copper- and heme cd-containing nitrite reductases that are capable of utilizing readily available mammalian cytochrome c as electron donor and should be useful for mechanistic studies of these enzymes.  相似文献   

A novel method for the reconstitution of oxygen evolution in cholate-extracted spinach thylakoid membranes was established and a protein essential for the reconstitution was purified from cholate extracts. Purification of the protein was accomplished by chromatography on a DEAE-Sephacel column. This protein (Mr 17 000) was reinserted into vesicular membranes reconstituted from cholate-extracted thylakoids in the presence of 25% glycerol to reactivate oxygen evolution.  相似文献   

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