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The initiator protein DnaA has several unique DNA-binding features. It binds with high affinity as a monomer to the nonamer DnaA box. In the ATP form, DnaA binds cooperatively to the low-affinity ATP-DnaA boxes, and to single-stranded DNA in the 13mer region of the origin. We have carried out an extensive mutational analysis of the DNA-binding domain of the Escherichia coli DnaA protein using mutagenic PCR. We analyzed mutants exhibiting more or less partial activity by selecting for complementation of a dnaA(Ts) mutant strain at different expression levels of the new mutant proteins. The selection gave rise to 30 single amino acid substitutions and, including double substitutions, more than 100 mutants functional in initiation of chromosome replication were characterized. The analysis indicated that all regions of the DNA-binding domain are involved in DNA binding, but the most important amino acid residues are located between positions 30 and 80 of the 94 residue domain. Residues where substitutions with non-closely related amino acids have very little effect on protein function are located primarily on the periphery of the 3D structure. By comparison of the effect of substitutions on the activity for initiation of replication with the activity for repression of the mioC promoter, we identified residues that might be involved specifically in the cooperative interaction with ATP-DnaA boxes.  相似文献   

We showed recently that a mutant of Escherichia coli initiator tRNA with a CAU-->CUA anticodon sequence change can initiate protein synthesis from UAG by using formylglutamine instead of formylmethionine. We further showed that coupling of the anticodon sequence change to mutations in the acceptor stem that reduced Vmax/Km(app) in formylation of the tRNAs in vitro significantly reduced their activity in initiation in vivo. In this work, we have screened an E. coli genomic DNA library in a multicopy vector carrying one of the mutant tRNA genes and have found that the gene for E. coli methionyl-tRNA synthetase (MetRS) rescues, partially, the initiation defect of the mutant tRNA. For other mutant tRNAs, we have examined the effect of overproduction of MetRS on their activities in initiation and their aminoacylation and formylation in vivo. Some but not all of the tRNA mutants can be rescued. Those that cannot be rescued are extremely poor substrates for MetRS or the formylating enzyme. Overproduction of MetRS also significantly increases the initiation activity of a tRNA mutant which can otherwise be aminoacylated with glutamine and fully formylated in vivo. We interpret these results as follows. (i) Mutant initiator tRNAs that are poor substrates for MetRS are aminoacylated in part with methionine when MetRS is overproduced. (ii) Mutant tRNAs aminoacylated with methionine are better substrates for the formylating enzyme in vivo than mutant tRNAs aminoacylated with glutamine. (iii) Mutant tRNAs carrying formylmethionine are significantly more active in initiation than those carrying formylglutamine. Consequently, a subset of mutant tRNAs which are defective in formylation and therefore inactive in initiation when they are aminoacylated with glutamine become partially active when MetRS is overproduced.  相似文献   

Elimination of plasmids from regenerating S. aureus protoplasts occurred when the regeneration medium contained sucrose but not when it contained sodium succinate. This difference was caused by the occurrence of cell division prior to regeneration of the cell wall on sucrose but not on succinate. Coexisting compatible plasmids were cured independently; coexisting incompatible plasmids were cured jointly. These results support the hypothesis that plasmid pools exist as physically sequestered units in protoplasts and that curing is a consequence of the segregation of such units during abnormal division of wall-less organisms.  相似文献   

Translating ribosomes often stall during elongation. The stalled ribosomes are known to be recycled by tmRNA (SsrA)-mediated trans-translation. Another process that recycles the stalled ribosomes is characterized by peptidyl-tRNA release. However, the mechanism of peptidyl-tRNA release from the stalled ribosomes is not well understood. We used a defined system of an AGA-minigene containing a small open reading frame (ATG AGA AGA). Translation of the AGA-minigene mRNA is toxic to Escherichia coli because it stalls ribosomes during elongation and sequesters tRNAArg4 as a short-chain peptidyl-tRNAArg4 in the ribosomal P-site. We show that a ribosome recycling factor (RRF)-mediated process rescues the host from the AGA-minigene toxicity by releasing the peptidyl-tRNAArg4 from the ribosomes. The growth phenotypes of E. coli strains harboring mutant alleles of RRF and initiation factor 3 (IF3) genes and their consequences on λimmP22 phage replication upon AGA-minigene expression reveal that IF3 facilitates the RRF-mediated processing of the stalled ribosomes. Additionally, we have designed a uracil DNA glycosylase gene construct, ung-stopless, whose expression is toxic to E. coli. We show that the RRF-mediated process also alleviates the ung-stopless construct-mediated toxicity to the host by releasing the ung mRNA from the ribosomes harboring long-chain peptidyl-tRNAs.  相似文献   

The tsx protein is known to be a specific diffusion pathway for nucleosides. The ability of this protein to facilitate the transport of molecules other than nucleosides was examined in strains lacking detectable amounts of porin (ompB mutants). The tsx protein was shown to promote serine, glycine, and phenylalanine transport and to have no effect on either glucose or arginine transport.  相似文献   

We present a novel missense suppression system for the selection of tRNA(2GIn) mutants that can efficiently translate the CGA (arginine) codon as glutamine. tRNA(2Gln) mutants were cloned from a partially randomized synthetic gene pool using a plasmid vector that simultaneously expresses the tRNA gene and, to ensure efficient aminoacylation, the glutamine aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase gene (glnS). tRNA mutants that insert glutamine at CGA were selected as missense suppressors of a lacZ mutant (lacZ625(CGA)) that contains CGA substituted for an essential glutamine codon. Preliminary characterizations of four suppressors is presented. All of them contain two anticodon mutations: C-->U at position 34 and U-->C at position 35, which allow for cognate translation of CGA. U35 was previously shown to be an important determinant for glutaminylation of tRNA(2Gln) in vitro; suppression in vivo requires overexpression of the glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase gene (glnS). One tRNA variant contains no further mutations and has the highest missense suppression activity (8%). Three other isolates each contain an additional point mutation that alters suppression efficiency. This system will be useful for further studies of tRNA structure and function. In addition, because relatively efficient translation of the rare CGA codon as glutamine is not toxic for Escherichia coli, it may be possible to translate this sense codon with other alternate meanings, a property which could greatly facilitate protein engineering.  相似文献   

We describe the use of a gel electrophoretic method for measuring the levels of aminoacylation in vivo of mutant Escherichia coli initiator tRNAs, which are substrates for E. coli glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase (GlnRS) due to an anticodon sequence change. Using this method, we have compared the effects of introducing further mutations in the acceptor stem, at base pairs 1:72, 2:71, and 3:70 and discriminator base 73, on the recognition of these tRNAs by E. coli GlnRS in vitro and in vivo. The effects of the acceptor stem mutations on the kinetic parameters for aminoacylation of the mutant tRNAs in vitro are consistent with interactions seen between this region of tRNA and GlnRS in the crystal structure of tRNA(Gln). GlnRS complex. Except for one mutant, the observed levels of aminoacylation of the mutant tRNAs in vivo agree with those expected on the basis of the kinetic parameters obtained in vitro. We have also measured the relative amounts of aminoacyl-tRNAs for the various mutants and their activities in suppression of an amber codon in vivo. We find that there is, in general, a good correlation between the relative amounts of aminoacyl-tRNAs and their activities in suppression.  相似文献   

The involvement of nucleotides adjacent to the termination codons in tRNA during the suppression of termination has been formulated as the 'context theory' by Bossi and Roth (1980) [Nature (Lond.) 286, 123-127]. The finding that U-U-G functions as an initiator codon has revived the discussion on the participation of the nucleotides flanking the initiator triplet in the decoding of initiator tRNA (context theory of initiation by the ribosome). We compared the capacity of oligonucleotides cognate to the anticodon loop of formylmethionine tRNA, such as A-U-G, A-U-G-A and U-A-U-G-A, to enhance the formation of the 30-S and 70-S ribosomal initiation complexes. Three different methods were used to determine the apparent binding constants and the stoichiometries of the respective complexes: adsorption of the complexes to nitrocellulose filters, equilibrium dialysis, and velocity sedimentation. We found that in the 30-S ribosomal initiation complex and in the presence of initiation factor 2 and GTP, formylmethionyl-tRNA is preferentially decoded by more than three mRNA bases. With the 70-S ribosome, however, once initiation factor 2 had been released, A-U-G represented the most effective codon to direct the formylmethionyl-tRNA to the peptidyl site. An extended initiator sequence may either give additional stability to the 30-S initiation complex or may allow for an ambiguity by one base pair in the decoding of the initiator tRNA.  相似文献   

Does formylation of initiator tRNA act as a regulatory signal in E. coli?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A Danchin 《FEBS letters》1973,34(2):327-332

Mutants of Escherichia coli defective in the HemA protein grow extremely poorly as the result of heme deficiency. A novel hemA mutant was identified whose rate of growth was dramatically enhanced by addition to the medium of low concentrations of translational inhibitors, such as chloramphenicol and tetracycline. This mutant (H110) carries mutation at position 314 in the hemA gene, which resulted in diminished activity of the encoded protein. Restoration of growth of H110 upon addition of the drugs mentioned above was due to activation of the synthesis of porphyrin. However, this activation was not characteristic exclusively of cells with this mutant hemA gene since it was also observed in a heme-deficient strain bearing the wild-type hemA gene. The activation did not depend on the promoter activity of the hemA gene, as indicated by studies with fusion genes. It appears that partial inhibition of protein synthesis via inhibition of peptidyltransferase can promote the synthesis of porphyrin by providing an increased supply of Guamyl-tRNA for porphyrin synthesis. Glutamyl-tRNA is the common substrate for peptidyltransferase and HemA.  相似文献   

The binding of the EF-Tu.GTP.aminoacyl-tRNA ternary complex (EF, elongation factor) to the ribosome is known to be strengthened by a 2661G-to-C mutation in 23S ribosomal RNA, whereas the binding to normal ribosomes is weakened if the factor is in an appropriate mutant form (Aa). In this report we describe the mutual effects by the 2661C alteration in 23S rRNA and EF-Tu(Aa) on bacterial viability and translation efficiency in strains with normal or mutationally altered ribosomes. The rrnB(2661C) allele on a multicopy plasmid was introduced by transformation into Escherichia coli K-12 strains, harbouring either the wild-type or the mutant gene (tufA) for EF-Tu as well as normal or mutant ribosomal protein S12 (rpsL). Together with wild-type EF-Tu, the 2661C mutant ribosomes decreased the translation elongation rate in a rpsL+ strain or a non-restrictive rpsL224 strain. This reduction was not seen in strains which harbored EF-Tu(Aa) instead of EF-Tu(As) (As, wild-type form). Nonsense codon suppression by tyrT(Su3) suppressor tRNA was reduced by 2661C in a rpsL224 strain in the presence of EF-Tu(As) but not in the presence of EF-Tu(Aa). The lethal effect obtained by the combination of 2661C and a restrictive ribosomal protein S12 mutation (rpsL282) disappeared if EF-Tu(As) was replaced by EF-Tu(Aa) in the strain. In such a viable strain, 2661C had no effect on either the translation elongation rate or nonsense codon suppression. Our data suggest that the G base at position 2661 in 23S rRNA is important for binding of EF-Tu during protein synthesis in vivo. The interaction between this base and EF-Tu is strongly influenced by the structure of ribosomal protein S12.  相似文献   

Eucaryotic and procaryotic organisms differ in two aspects of their translation machinery: polycistronic messengers are expressed as a sequence of individual proteins only in procaryotes, and the initiation of protein synthesis proceeds with an initiator tRNA which is found to be modified (formylated) in procaryotes and not in eucaryotes. In the present study, we show that formylation is required in vivo for the coordinate expression of the Escherichia coli lactose operon. Our experiments are consistent with a translation mechanism using dissociated ribosomes at the 5' end of the mRNA in a reaction that is only weakly dependent on formylation at this initiation step; the ribosomes then travel along the messenger and can reinitiate after the intracistronic barrier without dissociation. This latter initiation step is strongly dependent on the level of formylation: a low level of the formyl group, obtained by the antifolic agent trimethoprim, induces a strong polarity in the expression of the lactose operon. There exist mutant strains in which this polarity is much less apparent than in the wild type. We show here that such is the case of rpsL mutants. Ribosomes mutated in the S12 protein (rpsL) are found to be much more easily dissociated than the wild type. This might explain why the expression of the lactose operon on rpsL strains remains coordinated when the intracellular level of formylation is decreased.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis in eukaryotic cytoplasm and in archaebacteria is initiated with methionine, whereas, that in eubacteria and in eukaryotic organelles, such as mitochondria and chloroplasts, is initiated with formylmethionine. In view of this clear distinction, we have investigated whether protein synthesis in the eukaryotic cytoplasm can be initiated with formylmethionine, and, if so, what the consequences are to the cell. For this purpose, we have expressed in an inducible manner the Escherichia coli methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase (MTF) in the cytoplasm of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Expression of active MTF, but not of an inactive mutant, leads to formylation of methionine attached to the yeast cytoplasmic initiator tRNA to the extent of about 70%. As a consequence, the yeast strain grows slowly. Coexpression of the E. coli polypeptide deformylase (DEF), which removes the formyl group from the N-terminal formylmethionine in a polypeptide, rescues the slow-growth phenotype, whereas, coexpression of an inactive mutant of DEF does not. These results suggest that the cytoplasmic protein-synthesizing system of yeast, like that of eubacteria, can at least to some extent utilize formylated initiator Met-tRNA to initiate protein synthesis and that initiation of proteins with formylmethionine leads to the slow-growth phenotype. Removal of the formyl group in these proteins by DEF would explain the rescue of the slow-growth phenotype.  相似文献   

The protein-synthesizing S30 extract of Escherichia coli contains tRNA, which limits its applications in cell-free protein synthesis. Here, we show that at least Arg- and Ser-acceptor activities can be removed from a standard S30 extract by treatment with an immobilized RNase A resin. This RNase-treated extract exhibits no protein synthesis activity, but regains it when supplied with crude E. coli tRNA and a small amount of human placental RNase inhibitor. The protein synthesis is dependent on the addition of tRNA in the presence of the RNase inhibitor. Chloramphenicol acetyltransferase was synthesized with this system and found to be active.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis in eukaryotic organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts is widely believed to require a formylated initiator methionyl tRNA (fMet-tRNA(fMet)) for initiation. Here we show that initiation of protein synthesis in yeast mitochondria can occur without formylation of the initiator methionyl-tRNA (Met-tRNA(fMet)). The formylation reaction is catalyzed by methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase (MTF) located in mitochondria and uses N(10)-formyltetrahydrofolate (10-formyl-THF) as the formyl donor. We have studied yeast mutants carrying chromosomal disruptions of the genes encoding the mitochondrial C(1)-tetrahydrofolate (C(1)-THF) synthase (MIS1), necessary for synthesis of 10-formyl-THF, and the methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase (open reading frame YBL013W; designated FMT1). A direct analysis of mitochondrial tRNAs using gel electrophoresis systems that can separate fMet-tRNA(fMet), Met-tRNA(fMet), and tRNA(fMet) shows that there is no formylation in vivo of the mitochondrial initiator Met-tRNA in these strains. In contrast, the initiator Met-tRNA is formylated in the respective "wild-type" parental strains. In spite of the absence of fMet-tRNA(fMet), the mutant strains exhibited normal mitochondrial protein synthesis and function, as evidenced by normal growth on nonfermentable carbon sources in rich media and normal frequencies of generation of petite colonies. The only growth phenotype observed was a longer lag time during growth on nonfermentable carbon sources in minimal media for the mis1 deletion strain but not for the fmt1 deletion strain.  相似文献   

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