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潘伯荣 《生物学通报》2003,38(11):23-25
介绍了位于我国新疆的吐鲁番沙漠植物园。其特点是:海拔最低,海拔高度为-95~-76m;环境条件极端严酷,干燥少雨、夏季炎热、冬季寒冷、风大风频;以引种收集和研究荒漠植物为主要方向,与干旱区沙漠治理、荒漠化防治等生态恢复与建设的工作紧密结合。现收集植物约460余种,在科学研究、园貌建设、科普教育和科技开发等方面都做出了显著的成绩。  相似文献   

内陆水—陆地交错带的生态功能及其保护与开发前   总被引:84,自引:6,他引:78  
尹澄清 《生态学报》1995,15(3):331-335
内陆水/陆地交错带是陆地和水生态系统的界面区。由于它在系统间的特殊地位,近年来受到国际上生态和环境学界的格外重视。水陆交错带的生态功能有保持生物物种的多样性、拦截和过滤经过此交错带的物质流、有利于鱼类的繁育、稳定毗邻的生态系统、净化水体、减少洪水危害、保持水土等。水陆交错带的保护和科学开发都有待提高,使之在人类和自然的协调发展中发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

有关《植物园学》问题的讨论   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
林有润  谢振华 《植物研究》2004,24(3):379-384
讨论了世界及我国植物园的建立、发展及近代植物园的性质与任务.本文第一作者曾指出中国科学院下属植物园的建立、建设和以科研为先导,推动科普与生产等工作,可以概括为一新兴的、综合性的学科--植物系统与工程学,或称新植物园学.并对中国科学院下属植物园科研、科普、建园、生产等作过论述.另外指出中国植物园与发达国家植物园之间的差距在于中国植物园的体制、管理机制、经济支撑与高素质的科技人才的努力工作精神.同时中国植物园信息研究、管理与交流滞后;在园貌建设方面,中国植物园与发达国家植物园相比,缺乏中国经典的建筑群与雕塑群,也缺少具中国特色的"师出自然"的造园手法与造林中的"适地适树"的有机结合等.过去提出植物园主要任务是植物引种驯化,即"从种子到种子".作者认为过分强调"从种子到种子"有其"误区".对园艺花卉、蔬菜及观叶植物而言,只需能长好叶或开好花,能批量生产、快速繁殖出来满足市场需要就是成果,而无需考虑种子的出处,或种子的有或无.原产中国多种杨树及柳树种子生育力已极度退化,原产地都难以"从种子到种子",但却是速生、无性繁殖力极强的树种.而若干有害杂草,如紫茎泽兰、薇苷菊、凤眼莲等从国外传入中国,无须"驯化"、却极容易"从种子到种子"的快速地繁衍,造成大面积的灾害.最后,作者强调发挥植物园作为植物大世界网上星罗棋布的一个闪亮发光的亮点的作用,加强信息研究、交流与传导工作,尤其在当今"知识创新工程"和新的"绿色革命"的浪潮的推动下,代表21世纪的新的技术革命的"纳米技术"与生物学的结合以及作为信息时代的信息研究与流通更显得必要.  相似文献   

植物资源是植物园存在和发展的基础,植物资源保育是植物园最基本的工作。以往的植物资源保育工作主要包括植物资源日常管护、繁殖和资源保育研究,此模式的局限性随着植物园的发展或植物园面临越来越多的挑战而日显突出。植物资源保育之创新,首先是拟保育资源的系统性选择,其次是已保育资源的运用,包括植物资源的基础研究与应用研究、开发与推广应用以及科普利用。  相似文献   

中国科学院武汉植物园始建于1956年。50年来,武汉植物园针对我国华中地区兼有南北气候过渡带的植物区系特点,在植物分类学、植物生态学、植物遗传学、水生植物生物学,资源植物学等方面为我国植物学基础研究、植物资源保护与开发利用、生态环境建设、国民经济与社会可持续发展做出了重大贡献,已成为我国在区域植物资源研究方面独具特色、在国内外享有一定声誉的植物学研究机构。  相似文献   

中国科学院武汉植物园始建于1956年。50年来,武汉植物园针对我国华中地区兼有南北气候过渡带的植物区系特点,在植物分类学、植物生态学、植物遗传学、水生植物生物学,资源植物学等方面为我国植物学基础研究、植物资源保护与开发利用、生态环境建设、国民经济与社会可持续发展做出了重大贡献,已成为我国在区域植物资源研究方面独具特色、在国内外享有一定声誉的植物学研究机构。  相似文献   

植物园是通过人工模拟区域自然环境和群落结构,实现物种多样性高度富集并进行相关科学研究的机构,也是生物多样性保育、科普教育、资源储存和开发利用的基地。随着信息技术的发展及其在植物园中的应用,将产生数字化植物园。在研究数字化植物园发展历史的基础上,提出广义和狭义的数字化植物园定义,并以华南植物园的数字化建设内容为例,探讨了数字化植物园的信息技术体系、虚拟植物和专类园智能化管理技术等理论与技术体系结构。  相似文献   

植物园发展战略研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文包括 (1)正确认识世界植物园发展的经验和 (2 )我国植物园发展的战略。阐述世界植物园发展的源、流、兴、衰和各国植物园之间因时而异的主、辅、唱、和关系。提出我国植物园新世纪战略目标和综合发展战略 ,认为万种药用植物的迁地保护和栽培化 ,以及城市植物环境的构建可以作为研究的重点  相似文献   

黄宏文  廖景平 《生物多样性》2022,30(6):22220-468
植物园诞生的原初是“皇家”或“国家”意志的产物, 植物园的概念从公元前2,800年我国的“神农本草园”起源, 至今已历经沧桑巨变, 而西方文艺复兴后演替出了现代植物园。科研、保护、教育与示范四大功能始终是植物园的主线。植物园作为专门从事野生植物收集、科学研究、引种驯化和保护利用的专业研究机构, 始终肩负着国家的重要使命。本文系统综述了植物园的起源与演变, 并对世界各国的国家植物园与国家植物园体系进行了系统梳理和分析。在对我国植物园历史与发展概况总结的基础上, 论述了我国国家植物园体系建设的定位与目标、区域布局、科学研究、人才队伍、基础设施等五个方面的思考, 以任务带学科构建我国国家植物园迁地保护综合体系。  相似文献   

The use of wild plant resources as a source of basic needs is an important aspect of multiple-use of land in much of Africa, ranging from vegetation with a low species diversity, high biomass production and resilience to harvesting (e.g.Phragmites reedbeds,Cymbopogon grasslands) through to vegetation with a high diversity of species (and plant life-forms), with a multiple of uses and often low resilience to resource harvesting (e.g. medicinal plants, pole cutting, fuelwood from Afro-montane forest). Complexity and costs of managing sustainable use of wild populations increase markedly with an increasing number of uses and resource users. It is suggested that if the primary objective of core conservation areas is accepted to be the maintenance of habitat and species diversity, then the limited money and manpower available for management of core conservation areas in southern Africa limits sustainable harvesting use of plant resources to low diversity, low conservation priority vegetation types or encroaching species. For high diversity, high conservation priority sites such as Afro-montane or Coastal evergreen forest, the emphasis must be on providing alternative sources of supply to resource users outside of core areas. Botanical gardens staff, with their horticultural experience, can play a very important role through bulking up material for supply to small farmers, herbalists and introducing additional species for agro-forestry. Botanical gardens can play a greater role in the establishment of field gene banks andex situ conservation of vulnerable species. They can also provide a valuable educational and research role on mass production techniques to boost local stocks of threatened and commercially valuable species for cultivation by local people, whether farmers or specialist users (e.g. herbalists) in the country of origin as a means of generating employment and restoring local self-sufficiency.  相似文献   

E. Barham 《Plant biosystems》2016,150(3):377-380
The ever increasing threat from new and emerging plant pests and pathogens poses a significant threat to plant health on a global scale. Once an organism is introduced and establishes itself in a new region, it is incredibly costly, both in terms of environmental impact and economic loss, to manage it. In most cases, eradication and containment programmes are most effective when the organism is identified early on. Further to this, the most cost effective management of all is preventing introduction in the first place. Therefore, the role for early warning systems in plant health is becoming more evident. Botanic gardens and arboreta are unique resources that can help provide such early warning and are, currently, often overlooked within plant health. The staff and volunteers that work within these botanical institutes are knowledgeable and passionate people, who if made aware of current threats, can become additional ‘eyes and ears’ for first detection of new introductions. Gardens can also help to increase available information on organisms and, potentially, identify the ‘unknown’ organisms through sentinel research. Plant collections provide a large range of exotic hosts (so-called ‘sentinels’) growing in diverse regions around the world which can be studied to determine susceptibility to potential pests that have not been introduced to their native ranges. The International Plant Sentinel Network (IPSN) has been developed in order to support such work and bring together botanical institutes with organisations working within plant health.  相似文献   

In this introduction to the papers resulting from the Specimen to Habitat Management Conference hosted by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, in September 1991. Current and future issues facing botanic gardens are outlined and responses outlined.  相似文献   

中国生态环境状况与生态文明建设   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
赵其国  黄国勤  马艳芹 《生态学报》2016,36(19):6328-6335
生态环境是人类生存和发展的主要物质来源,它承受着人类活动产生的废弃物和各种作用结果。良好的生态环境是人类发展最重要的前提,同时也是人类赖以生存、社会得以安定的基本条件。但目前全国生态环境问题日趋严峻,虽然当前环境状况在局部改善,但总体在恶化,治理速度远远赶不上破坏速度,生态环境破坏的程度在加剧,环境污染在加重,环境污染和破坏带来的危害也日趋明显,生态赤字逐渐扩大。生态文明是一种重视生态环境、重视环境保护的意识、价值观和文化,这意味着要解决当前日趋严峻的生态环境问题,进行生态文明建设是必要的。同时,我国经济的发展、科技的进步、法律法规的完善及社会环境保护意识的提高等使生态文明建设具有了可行性。因此,需要通过优化国土空间开发格局、调整能源利用结构、全面促进资源节约、加强生态文明制度建设、不断加强生态环境保护、转变经济增长方式等方面加强生态文明建设,为解决当前环境问题提供有效途径。  相似文献   

An international consortium of botanic gardens and arboreta is launching a collaborative Ecological Restoration Alliance under the auspices of BGCI (Botanic Gardens Conservation International). We describe the Alliance and the ways in which it serves worldwide restoration efforts. Botanic gardens and arboreta are uniquely positioned to contribute to restoration science and practice. They have the plant collections and information required to understand flora and vegetation, and the horticultural expertise and experience needed to propagate, grow, manage, and conserve plants, all of which are essential for successful restoration. Botanic gardens work beyond their walls to network, educate, advocate, develop policy, build capacity, and engage in restoration projects throughout the world.  相似文献   

A short review is provided of the role of a national botanic garden in propagating and selling indigenous plant species. Its relevancy to plant conservation is discussed.  相似文献   

王柯  张建军  邢哲  包扬航 《生态学报》2022,42(18):7685-7696
研究目的:聚焦生态问题研究热点区域,鉴定不同生态区生态问题,提出不同生态区生态保护修复方向,以期为国家有针对性、有目的性、有方向性的开展生态保护与修复工作提供有效基础支撑。研究方法:研究热度评价模型、比较分析法和归纳总结法。研究结果:(1)20世纪80年代以来,我国生态问题研究热度总体呈增长态势,1998年以后生态问题的研究热度进入加速期,且在2012年掀起了新一轮的生态文明研究热潮。(2)我国各类生态问题研究热度存在明显的内部差异和空间差异,研究热度较高的生态问题主要是水土流失和生物多样性丧失,超过85%的城市均发表过关于这两个生态问题的学术论文,且研究热点区域集中在我国西部省份。(3)水土流失、荒漠化、生物多样性、林草湿地生态系统退化是各生态区重点关注的生态问题,超过半数的生态区重点关注森林生态系统退化;而石漠化、盐碱化、矿区生态退化等生态问题集中分布在几个脆弱生态区。超过80%生态区的主要生态问题都在3个及以上,这体现出我国多数生态区生态问题的紧迫性和复杂性。(4)各生态区生态保护修复方向存在差异,生态本底好且人类活动少的生态区以保育保护和自然恢复为主,此类生态区的保护修复重点应...  相似文献   

李爱民  邓合黎  马琦 《生态学报》2012,32(15):4869-4889
以重庆市生态功能区为基本单元,用1998—2010年间重庆市蝴蝶群落调查的成果,总结、分析与物种多样性相关的数据与参数,报道了重庆市生态功能区蝴蝶多样性参数。采用路线法的调查方法,设置调查样带14503条,获知重庆市分布蝶类492种,隶属于12科,187属,其中,优势种36个,占总数的7.3%,常见种182个(37.0%),少见种155个(31.5%),罕见种119个(24.2%)。依据生态服务功能重要性,划分为14个功能区。其中,1、10功能区物种数在250种以上,物种丰度在30以上,种类优势度低于0.10;2、5、9功能区150种以上,物种丰度20—30之间,种类优势度0.10—0.14间;8、11、12、13功能区低于60种,物种丰度低于10,种类优势度0.17—0.32间。但是,物种多样性指数是6、7两个功能区最高(>1.8),4、5、8、14功能区在1.70—1.76间,2、3、11、12功能区最低;均匀度则是4、8、11三个功能区高于0.4,6、7、14功能区在0.35—0.4间,1、2、12功能区最低。最高的相对多度出现在功能区13,是33.55×10-3,功能区12居第二位(11.54×10-3),第三位是功能区1(6.59×10-3);最低的相对多度出现在功能区12(0.67×10-3),倒数第二位是功能区7(1.02×10-3),倒数第三位是功能区11。按照监测种类和类群选择的原则,选出监测种类24个,其中,甲等监测种类8个,乙等8个,丙等8个;类群12个,其中I类6群,Ⅱ类6群。  相似文献   

One of the consequences of global change, especially demographic and climatic, will be a demand for novel plant germplasm of all kinds suited to the new ecoclimatic conditions predicted and plant introduction will assume a new importance. As a consequence, botanic gardens will face an unprecedented opportunity to regain their role as introduction centres and become major actors in the assessment of new germplasm, both of ornamentals as well as other economically important plants. Plant introduction has remained largely unchanged over the past 400 years and is as often ad hoc, poorly organized and insufficiently collaborative, but if it is to meet the needs of today’s situation it needs to be overhauled. In particular: (1) the basis of plant introduction needs to be broadened; (2) closer cooperation with agricultural genebanks should be established; (3) agreement should be reached between botanic gardens and the agricultural sector on their respective responsibilities (4) the quality and sampling of the accessions should be more strictly controlled; (5) proper evaluation of the introductions before they are disseminated; (6) information on the accessions of introduced plants and their fate needs to be more effectively maintained and disseminated; and (7) full cognizance should be taken of policies to protect against invasive species and care should be taken to evaluate the risks that new introductions might represent. Finally, consideration should be given to preparing a set of guidelines or even a code of conduct for plant introductions by botanic gardens in association with other agencies.  相似文献   

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