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It has been hypothesized that a single mutation at a highly conserved amino acid site (HCS) can be severely deleterious to HIV in most if not all isolate-specific genetic backgrounds. Consequently, potentially universal HIV-1 vaccines exclusively targeting highly conserved regions of the viral proteome have been proposed. To test this hypothesis, we examined the impact of 10 Gag-p24 and 9 Env-gp120 HCS single mutations on viral fitness. In the original founder sequence of the subject in whom these mutations were identified, all Gag-p24 HCS mutations significantly reduced viral replication fitness, including 7 that were lethal. Similar results were obtained at 9/10 sites when the same mutations were introduced into the founder sequences of two epidemiologically unlinked subjects. In contrast, none of the 9 Env-gp120 HCS mutations were lethal in the original founder sequence, and four had no fitness cost. Hence, HCS mutations in Gag-p24 are likely to be severely deleterious in different HIV-1 subtype B backgrounds; however, some HCS mutations in both Gag-p24 and Env-gp120 fragments can be well tolerated. Therefore, when designing HIV-1 immunogens that are intended to force the virus to nonviable escape pathways, the fitness constraints on the HIV segments included should be considered beyond their conservation level.  相似文献   

Abstract: This report presents the first evidence that a member of the L1 family of nervous system cell-adhesion molecules is covalently modified by thioesterification with palmitate, and identifies a highly conserved cysteine in the predicted membrane-spanning domain as the site of modification. Neurofascin is constitutively palmitoylated at cysteine-1213 at close to a 1:1 molar stoichiometry. Kinetics of palmitate incorporation into neurofascin expressed in resting neuroblastoma cells indicate that the palmitate modification has the same turnover rate as the polypeptide chain and does not affect the protein stability of neurofascin. Palmitoylation of neurofascin expressed in dorsal root ganglion neurons is not required for delivery of neurofascin to the plasma membrane or targeting to axons. Palmitoylation also has no effect on ankyrin-binding activity of neurofascin, on the oligomeric state of neurofascin in solution, or on cell-adhesion activity of neurofascin expressed in neuroblastoma cells. A significant difference between native and C1213L neurofascin is that these proteins were localized in distinct fractions within a low-density membrane population enriched in signaling molecules. These results indicate a palmitate-dependent targeting of neurofascin to a specialized membrane microdomain.  相似文献   

In magnetotactic bacteria, a number of specific proteins are associated with the magnetosome membrane (MM) and may have a crucial role in magnetite biomineralization. We have cloned and sequenced the genes of several of these polypeptides in the magnetotactic bacterium Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense that could be assigned to two different genomic regions. Except for mamA, none of these genes have been previously reported to be related to magnetosome formation. Homologous genes were found in the genome sequences of M. magnetotacticum and magnetic coccus strain MC-1. The MM proteins identified display homology to tetratricopeptide repeat proteins (MamA), cation diffusion facilitators (MamB), and HtrA-like serine proteases (MamE) or bear no similarity to known proteins (MamC and MamD). A major gene cluster containing several magnetosome genes (including mamA and mamB) was found to be conserved in all three of the strains investigated. The mamAB cluster also contains additional genes that have no known homologs in any nonmagnetic organism, suggesting a specific role in magnetosome formation.  相似文献   

hnulp1是具有碱性螺旋-环-螺旋(bHLH)的新的一类转录因子.其C端含一个DUF654结构域,其序列在同源基因中相当保守,但该结构域功能未知.利用GAL4转录因子中的DNA结合结构域(DBD)和含有与DBD结合序列的荧光素酶报告基因(GAL4-Luc)质粒,构建了哺乳动物细胞转录因子活性分析系统,随后利用GAL4-Luc荧光素酶报告基因对5种含DUF654结构域的不同缺失片段转录抑制活性进行检测.检测结果表明,该基因DUF654结构域中从Δ228-407氨基酸区段具有强烈的转录抑制活性.该结果为进一步研究DUF654结构域的功能和hnulp1基因转录调控的机制奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Alternative RNA splicing in multicellular organisms is regulated by a large group of proteins of mainly unknown origin. To predict the functions of these proteins, classification of their domains at the sequence and structural level is necessary. We have focused on four groups of splicing regulators, the heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP), serine?Carginine (SR), embryonic lethal, abnormal vision (ELAV)-like, and CUG-BP and ETR-like factor (CELF) proteins, that show increasing diversity among metazoa. Sequence and phylogenetic analyses were used to obtain a broader understanding of their evolutionary relationships. Surprisingly, when we characterised sequence similarities across full-length sequences and conserved domains of ten metazoan species, we found some hnRNPs were more closely related to SR, ELAV-like and CELF proteins than to other hnRNPs. Phylogenetic analyses and the distribution of the RRM domains suggest that these proteins diversified before the last common ancestor of the metazoans studied here through domain acquisition and duplication to create genes of mixed evolutionary origin. We propose that these proteins were derived independently rather than through the expansion of a single protein family. Our results highlight inconsistencies in the current classification system for these regulators, which does not adequately reflect their evolutionary relationships, and suggests that a domain-based classification scheme may have more utility.  相似文献   

NOA36/ZNF330 is an evolutionarily well-preserved protein present in the nucleolus and mitochondria of mammalian cells. We have previously reported that the pro-apoptotic activity of this protein is mediated by a characteristic cysteine-rich domain. We now demonstrate that the nucleolar localization of NOA36 is due to a highly-conserved nucleolar localization signal (NoLS) present in residues 1–33. This NoLS is a sequence containing three clusters of two or three basic amino acids. We fused the amino terminal of NOA36 to eGFP in order to characterize this putative NoLS. We show that a cluster of three lysine residues at positions 3 to 5 within this sequence is critical for the nucleolar localization. We also demonstrate that the sequence as found in human is capable of directing eGFP to the nucleolus in several mammal, fish and insect cells. Moreover, this NoLS is capable of specifically directing the cytosolic yeast enzyme polyphosphatase to the target of the nucleolus of HeLa cells, wherein its enzymatic activity was detected. This NoLS could therefore serve as a very useful tool as a nucleolar marker and for directing particular proteins to the nucleolus in distant animal species.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes strains belonging to serotypes 1/2a and 4b are frequently linked to listeriosis. While inlA mutations leading to premature stop codons (PMSCs) and attenuated virulence are common in 1/2a, they are rare in serotype 4b. We observed PMSCs in 35% of L. monocytogenes isolates (n = 54) recovered from the British Columbia food supply, including serotypes 1/2a (30%), 1/2c (100%), and 3a (100%), and a 3-codon deletion (amino acid positions 738 to 740) seen in 57% of 4b isolates from fish-processing facilities. Caco-2 invasion assays showed that two isolates with the deletion were significantly more invasive than EGD-SmR (P < 0.0001) and were either as (FF19-1) or more (FE13-1) invasive than a clinical control strain (08-5578) (P = 0.006). To examine whether serotype 1/2a was more likely to acquire mutations than other serotypes, strains were plated on agar with rifampin, revealing 4b isolates to be significantly more mutable than 1/2a, 1/2c, and 3a serotypes (P = 0.0002). We also examined the ability of 33 strains to adapt to cold temperature following a downshift from 37°C to 4°C. Overall, three distinct cold-adapting groups (CAG) were observed: 46% were fast (<70 h), 39% were intermediate (70 to 200 h), and 15% were slow (>200 h) adaptors. Intermediate CAG strains (70%) more frequently possessed inlA PMSCs than did fast (20%) and slow (10%) CAGs; in contrast, 87% of fast adaptors lacked inlA PMSCs. In conclusion, we report food chain-derived 1/2a and 4b serotypes with a 3-codon deletion possessing invasive behavior and the novel association of inlA genotypes encoding a full-length InlA with fast cold-adaptation phenotypes.  相似文献   

The oxidative pentose phosphate pathway is required for function of the alternative pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway, a pathway that allows thiamine synthesis in the absence of the PurF enzyme in Salmonella typhimurium. Mutants that no longer required function of the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway for thiamine synthesis were isolated. Further phenotypic analyses of these mutants demonstrated that they were also sensitive to the presence of serine in the medium, suggesting a partial defect in isoleucine biosynthesis. Genetic characterization showed that these pleiotropic phenotypes were caused by null mutations in yjgF, a previously uncharacterized open reading frame encoding a hypothetical 13.5-kDa protein. The YjgF protein belongs to a class of proteins of unknown function that exhibit striking conservation across a wide range of organisms, from bacteria to humans. This work represents the first detailed phenotypic characterization of yjgF mutants in any organism and provides important clues as to the function of this highly conserved class of proteins. Results also suggest a connection between function of the isoleucine biosynthetic pathway and the requirement for the pentose phosphate pathway in thiamine synthesis.The increasing number of completed genome sequences has resulted in the identification of new families of hypothetical proteins whose function has yet to be established. The lack of existing mutants defective in these conserved proteins suggests novel, complex, or subtle phenotypes. Through our work on thiamine synthesis in Salmonella typhimurium, we have isolated mutants defective in the recently identified YER057c/YjgF protein family. Our data suggest that defects in this protein result in complex phenotypes involving thiamine and isoleucine biosynthesis.Thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) serves as an essential cofactor for a number of metabolic reactions involving the removal or transfer of C2 units. Despite the important role of TPP in cellular metabolism, its synthesis and regulation are not well understood in any organism. TPP is formed from two precursors, 4-methyl-5-(β-hydroxyethyl)thiazole phosphate (THZ-P) and 4-amino-5-hydroxymethyl-2-methylpyrimidine pyrophosphate (HMP-PP). These compounds are joined and subsequently phosphorylated as shown in Fig. Fig.1A.1A. Although many of the enzymatic steps in both the THZ-P and HMP-PP pathways have not been clearly defined, the major precursor molecules for both of these compounds have been determined by labeling studies (17, 20, 28, 29). In particular, the purine pathway intermediate, aminoimidazole ribotide (AIR), has been shown to provide all of the atoms in HMP (28, 50, 51).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1Pathway schematics. (A) Biosynthetic pathway for TPP. The involvement of the purine pathway in HMP-PP synthesis is shown with structural intermediates prior to the AIR branch point. Arrows denoted with dotted lines represent proposed steps. Reactions involved in the conversion of AIR to HMP-PP and in the synthesis of THZ-P have not been clearly defined. Genes whose products are required for selected reactions are indicated next to the relevant arrows. Abbreviations: R-P, ribose-5-phosphate, PRPP, phosphoribosylpyrophosphate. (B) Biosynthetic pathways for the branched-chain amino acids isoleucine and valine. Enzymes that catalyze specific steps are as follows: 1, aspartate transaminase; 2, 3, and 4, aspartate kinases I, II, and III, respectively; 5, aspartate semialdehyde dehydrogenase; 6 and 7, homoserine dehydrogenases I and II, respectively; 8, homoserine kinase; 9, threonine synthase; 10, threonine deaminase; 11 and 12, acetohydroxy acid synthases I and II, respectively; 13, acetohydroxy acid isomeroreductase; 14, dihydroxy acid dehydratase; 15, transaminase B; 16, transaminase C. OAA, oxaloacetic acid.Although the involvement of the purine pathway in the synthesis of HMP is clear, there is substantial genetic and biochemical evidence indicating that the first enzyme of the purine pathway, phosphoribosylpyrophosphate amidotransferase (PurF) (EC, is not required for HMP synthesis in S. typhimurium under all conditions. Mutants defective in purF are able to grow in the absence of thiamine when glucose is used as a carbon source if pantothenate is also supplied in the medium (23). Similarly, purF mutants do not require thiamine when grown on a number of nonglucose carbon sources, such as gluconate or ribose (54). The pathway responsible for synthesis of HMP independent of the PurF enzyme has been defined as the alternative pyrimidine biosynthetic (APB) pathway (21, 54); recent biochemical data suggest that phosphoribosylamine (PRA), or a derivative, is an intermediate in this pathway (24).Significant progress in our understanding of the APB pathway has been made by the isolation and characterization of mutants unable to synthesize thiamine in a purF background. One class of mutants, designated apbA, was defective in a pantothenate biosynthetic enzyme (ketopantoate reductase [PanE]) (32, 33), consistent with previous results implicating a role for pantothenate in PurF-independent thiamine synthesis (23). A second class of these mutants was defective in the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway, affecting either glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (Zwf) or gluconate-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (Gnd) (25, 54). Addition of ribose-5-phosphate (ribose-5-P) restored function of the APB pathway in these mutants, suggesting that the role of these enzymes in HMP synthesis was to supply ribose-5-P. These results led to the model shown in Fig. Fig.1A1A which implicates ribose-5-P and an amine donor as precursors to PRA. Repeated attempts have failed to identify either the predicted PRA-forming activity or mutants defective in this step (27). There are several possible explanations for this. It is possible that the correct substrates have not been identified and/or that the PRA-forming activity is required for another cellular function.In this report, we describe the isolation and characterization of mutations that allow function of the APB pathway in the absence of the pentose phosphate pathway. These mutations were found to disrupt a previously uncharacterized open reading frame (ORF) encoding a hypothetical 13.5-kDa protein. We have designated this gene yjgF based on homology to the respective ORF in Escherichia coli. The YjgF protein belongs to the YER057c/YjgF protein family, a class of proteins of unknown function that exhibit striking conservation across a wide range of organisms. Characterization of these mutants revealed that they also were sensitive to the presence of serine in the medium, exhibiting a requirement for isoleucine under this condition. The phenotypes caused by yjgF mutations suggest that the YjgF protein may be involved in regulation or function of the isoleucine biosynthetic pathway. Further, results suggest a connection between isoleucine biosynthesis and function of the APB pathway in thiamine synthesis.  相似文献   

OATP1B1 and 1B3 are related transporters mediating uptake of numerous compounds into hepatocytes. A putative model of OATP1B3 with a “positive binding pocket” containing conserved positively charged amino acids was predicted (Meier-Abt et al. J Membr Biol 208:213–227, 2005). Based on this model, we tested the hypothesis that these positive amino acids are important for OATP1B1 function. We made mutants and measured surface expression and uptake of estradiol-17β-glucuronide, estrone-3-sulfate and bromosulfophthalein in HEK293 cells. Two of the mutants had low surface expression levels: R181K at 10% and R580A at 30% of wild-type OATP1B1. A lysine at position 580 (R580K) rescued the expression of R580A. Mutations of several amino acids resulted in substrate-dependent effects. The largest changes were seen for estradiol-17β-glucuronide, while estrone-3-sulfate and bromosulfophthalein transport were less affected. The wild-type OATP1B1 K m value for estradiol-17β-glucuronide of 5.35 ± 0.54 μM was increased by R57A to 30.5 ± 3.64 μM and decreased by R580K to 0.52 ± 0.18 μM. For estrone-3-sulfate the wild-type high-affinity K m value of 0.55 ± 0.12 μM was increased by K361R to 1.8 ± 0.47 μM and decreased by R580K to 0.1 ± 0.04 μM. In addition, R580K reduced the V max values for all three substrates to <25% of wild-type OATP1B1. Mutations at intracellular K90, H92 and R93 mainly affected V max values for estradiol-17β-glucuronide uptake. In conclusion, the conserved amino acids R57, K361 and R580 seem to be part of the substrate binding sites and/or translocation pathways in OATP1B1.  相似文献   



The cellulosome is a multi-enzyme machine, which plays a key role in the breakdown of plant cell walls in many anaerobic cellulose-degrading microorganisms. Ruminococcus flavefaciens FD-1, a major fiber-degrading bacterium present in the gut of herbivores, has the most intricate cellulosomal organization thus far described. Cellulosome complexes are assembled through high-affinity cohesin-dockerin interactions. More than two-hundred dockerin-containing proteins have been identified in the R. flavefaciens genome, yet the reason for the expansion of these crucial cellulosomal components is yet unknown.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We have explored the full spectrum of 222 dockerin-containing proteins potentially involved in the assembly of cellulosome-like complexes of R. flavefaciens. Bioinformatic analysis of the various dockerin modules showed distinctive conservation patterns within their two Ca2+-binding repeats and their flanking regions. Thus, we established the conceptual framework for six major groups of dockerin types, according to their unique sequence features. Within this framework, the modular architecture of the parent proteins, some of which are multi-functional proteins, was evaluated together with their gene expression levels. Specific dockerin types were found to be associated with selected groups of functional components, such as carbohydrate-binding modules, numerous peptidases, and/or carbohydrate-active enzymes. In addition, members of other dockerin groups were linked to structural proteins, e.g., cohesin-containing proteins, belonging to the scaffoldins.


This report profiles the abundance and sequence diversity of the R. flavefaciens FD-1 dockerins, and provides the molecular basis for future understanding of the potential for a wide array of cohesin-dockerin specificities. Conserved differences between dockerins may be reflected in their stability, function or expression within the context of the parent protein, in response to their role in the rumen environment.  相似文献   

微丝相关新基因hHBrk1的克隆及功能鉴定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
微丝相关新基因hHBrk1被克隆 .hHBrk1基因位于 3p2 5 3 2 4 1区 ,由 3个外显子和 2个内含子组成 .Northern印迹杂交结果表明hHBrk1基因有 2个转录本 ,在人体 12种组织中均有表达 ,尤以心肌和骨骼肌为著 .hHBRK1蛋白含 75个氨基酸 ,分子量约 9kD ,与动植物界相关蛋白的同源性达 98%~ 35 % .hHBRK1蛋白定位于细胞浆 ,在细胞运动的最前沿富集 ;在有丝分裂期 ,hHBRK1蛋白定位于细胞膜皮质区和缢缩环 .实验结果提示 ,hHBRK1蛋白可能通过调控F 肌动蛋白的聚合而参与调控细胞运动、分化等基础生命活动 .  相似文献   

Claudin-1, a component of tight junctions between liver hepatocytes, is a hepatitis C virus (HCV) late-stage entry cofactor. To investigate the structural and functional roles of various claudin-1 domains in HCV entry, we applied a mutagenesis strategy. Putative functional intracellular claudin-1 domains were not important. However, we identified seven novel residues in the first extracellular loop that are critical for entry of HCV isolates drawn from six different subtypes. Most of the critical residues belong to the highly conserved claudin motif W30-GLW51-C54-C64. Alanine substitutions of these residues did not impair claudin-1 cell surface expression or lateral protein interactions within the plasma membrane, including claudin-1-claudin-1 and claudin-1-CD81 interactions. However, these mutants no longer localized to cell-cell contacts. Based on our observations, we propose that cell-cell contacts formed by claudin-1 may generate specialized membrane domains that are amenable to HCV entry.Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major human pathogen that affects approximately 3% of the global population, leading to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma in chronically infected individuals (5, 23, 42). Hepatocytes are the major target cells of HCV (11), and entry follows a complex cascade of interactions with several cellular factors (6, 8, 12, 17). Infectious viral particles are associated with lipoproteins and initially attach to target cells via glycosaminoglycans and the low-density lipoprotein receptor (1, 7, 31). These interactions are followed by direct binding of the E2 envelope glycoprotein to the scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-B1) and then to the CD81 tetraspanin (14, 15, 33, 36). Early studies showed that CD81 and SR-B1 were necessary but not sufficient for HCV entry, and claudin-1 was discovered to be a requisite HCV entry cofactor that appears to act at a very late stage of the process (18).Claudin-1 is a member of the claudin protein family that participates in the formation of tight junctions between adjacent cells (25, 30, 37). Tight junctions regulate the paracellular transport of solutes, water, and ions and also generate apical-basal cell polarity (25, 37). In the liver, the apical surfaces of hepatocytes form bile canaliculi, whereas the basolateral surfaces face the underside of the endothelial layer that lines liver sinusoids. Claudin-1 is highly expressed in tight junctions formed by liver hepatocytes as well as on all hepatoma cell lines that are permissive to HCV entry (18, 24, 28). Importantly, nonhepatic cell lines that are engineered to express claudin-1 become permissive to HCV entry (18). Claudin-6 and -9 are two other members of the human claudin family that enable HCV entry into nonpermissive cells (28, 43).The precise role of claudin-1 in HCV entry remains to be determined. A direct interaction between claudins and HCV particles or soluble E2 envelope glycoprotein has not been demonstrated (18; T. Dragic, unpublished data). It is possible that claudin-1 interacts with HCV entry receptors SR-B1 or CD81, thereby modulating their ability to bind to E2. Alternatively, claudin-1 may ferry the receptor-virus complex to fusion-permissive intracellular compartments. Recent studies show that claudin-1 colocalizes with the CD81 tetraspanin at the cell surface of permissive cell lines (22, 34, 41). With respect to nonpermissive cells, one group observed that claudin-1 was predominantly intracellular (41), whereas another reported associations of claudin-1 and CD81 at the cell surface, similar to what is observed in permissive cells (22).Claudins comprise four transmembrane domains along with two extracellular loops and two cytoplasmic domains (19, 20, 25, 30, 37). The first extracellular loop (ECL1) participates in pore formation and influences paracellular charge selectivity (25, 37). It has been shown that the ECL1 of claudin-1 is required for HCV entry (18). All human claudins comprise a highly conserved motif, W30-GLW51-C54-C64, in the crown of ECL1 (25, 37). The exact function of this domain is unknown, and we hypothesized that it is important for HCV entry. The second extracellular loop is required for the holding function and oligomerization of the protein (25). Claudin-1 also comprises various signaling domains and a PDZ binding motif in the intracellular C terminus that binds ZO-1, another major component of tight junctions (30, 32, 37). We further hypothesized that some of these domains may play a role in HCV entry.To understand the role of claudin-1 in HCV infection, we developed a mutagenesis strategy targeting the putative sites for internalization, glycosylation, palmitoylation, and phosphorylation. The functionality of these domains has been described by others (4, 16, 25, 35, 37, 40). We also mutagenized charged and bulky residues in ECL1, including all six residues within the highly conserved motif W30-GLW51-C54-C64. None of the intracellular domains were found to affect HCV entry. However, we identified seven residues in ECL1 that are critical for entry mediated by envelope glycoproteins derived from several HCV subtypes, including all six residues of the conserved motif. These mutants were still expressed at the cell surface and able to form lateral homophilic interactions within the plasma membrane as well as to engage in lateral interactions with CD81. In contrast, they no longer engaged in homophilic trans interactions at cell-cell contacts. We conclude that the highly conserved motif W30-GLW51-C54-C64 of claudin-1 is important for HCV entry into target cells and participates in the formation of cell-cell contacts.  相似文献   

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