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Since the establishment of production of viable cloned dogs by somatic cell nucleus transfer, great concern has been given to the reproductive abilities of these animals (Canis familiaris). Therefore, we investigated reproductive activity of cloned dogs by (1) performing sperm analysis using computer-assisted sperm analysis and early embryonic development, (2) assessing reproductive cycling by measuring serum progesterone (P4) levels and performing vaginal cytology, and (3) breeding cloned dogs using artificial insemination. Results showed that most parameters of sperm motility in a cloned male dog were within the reference range, and in vivo–matured oocytes from a noncloned female were successfully fertilized by spermatozoa from a cloned male dog and develop normally to the 8-cell stage. Three cloned female dogs displayed normal patterns of P4 levels and morphologic changes of the vaginal epithelium. Two cloned female dogs became pregnant using semen from a cloned male dog and successfully delivered 10 puppies by natural labor. In conclusion, these data demonstrated that both cloned male and female dogs are fertile, and their puppies are currently alive and healthy with normal growth patterns.  相似文献   

Primary follicles retrieved from B6CBAF1 prepubertal mice were cultured in a stepwise manner in an alpha-minimum essential medium-based medium to generate viable embryos and embryonic stem cell (ESC)-like cells. A significant increase in follicle growth and oocyte maturation accompanied by increased secretion of 17beta-estradiol and progesterone was achieved by exposing primary follicles to 100 or 200 mIU of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) during culture. More oocytes developed into blastocysts following in vitro fertilization (IVF) or parthenogenetic activation after culture with 200 mIU of FSH during the entire culture period than with 100 mIU. Eleven ESC-like cell lines, consisting of four heterozygotic and seven homozygotic phenotypes, were established from 25 trials of primary follicle culture combined with IVF or parthenogenetic activation. In conclusion, primary follicles can potentially yield developmentally competent oocytes, which produce viable embryos and ESC-like cell lines following in vitro manipulation. We suggest a method to utilize immature follicles, which are most abundant in ovaries, to improve reproductive efficiency and for use in regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

Previous reports from our laboratory (1981. J. Biol. Chem. 256: 13112-13120 and 1983. Endocrinology. 113: 251-258) showed the absence of Nfa-GalCer and Nfa-GaOse2Cer in kidneys of several strains of female mice. These lipids are always present in male kidneys and several other glycolipids are also elevated in males. To test whether this phenomenon is due to lowered biosynthesis in females, glycosphingolipid formation was assessed in kidney slices with [3H]galactose as precursor. The glycolipids were extracted after various incubation periods (from 30 min to 90 min) and individual glycolipids were separated and quantitated by high performance liquid chromatography and radioactivity was determined. The rate of formation of hydroxy fatty acid-containing galactosylceramide was the same in both sexes. The glycolipids which were low or not detectable in female kidney, Nfa-GalCer, Nfa-GaOse2Cer and Hfa-GaOse2Cer were rapidly labeled in the male kidney slices. These results suggest that nonhydroxy fatty acid-containing ceramide:UDP-Gal galactosyltransferase and hydroxy fatty acid-containing galactosylceramide:UDP-Gal galactosyltransferase have elevated activities in males. While the glucosylceramides are labeled at the same rates in both sexes, lactosylceramide appears to be labeled at higher rates in the male tissue. This suggests that glucosylceramide:UDP-Gal galactosyltransferase also has elevated activity in males. In addition, these data show that monohexosylceramides with different ceramide compositions are labeled at different rates.  相似文献   

1. After the administration of large doses of androsterone, epiandrosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone and testosterone to mice, females excreted more of the dose conjugated with sulphuric acid than did males. 2. Liver slices from female mice conjugated androgens with sulphuric acid to a greater extent than did slices from males. 3. Sulphotransferase preparations from livers of female rats and mice catalysed the formation of dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate at a faster rate than preparations from livers of the male animals. 4. A possible explanation for the observed sex differences is discussed.  相似文献   

Diets low in methionine extend lifespan of rodents, though through unknown mechanisms. Glycine can mitigate methionine toxicity, and a small prior study has suggested that supplemental glycine could extend lifespan of Fischer 344 rats. We therefore evaluated the effects of an 8% glycine diet on lifespan and pathology of genetically heterogeneous mice in the context of the Interventions Testing Program. Elevated glycine led to a small (4%–6%) but statistically significant lifespan increase, as well as an increase in maximum lifespan, in both males (p = 0.002) and females (p < 0.001). Pooling across sex, glycine increased lifespan at each of the three independent sites, with significance at p = 0.01, 0.053, and 0.03, respectively. Glycine‐supplemented females were lighter than controls, but there was no effect on weight in males. End‐of‐life necropsies suggested that glycine‐treated mice were less likely than controls to die of pulmonary adenocarcinoma (p = 0.03). Of the 40 varieties of incidental pathology evaluated in these mice, none were increased to a significant degree by the glycine‐supplemented diet. In parallel analyses of the same cohort, we found no benefits from TM5441 (an inhibitor of PAI‐1, the primary inhibitor of tissue and urokinase plasminogen activators), inulin (a source of soluble fiber), or aspirin at either of two doses. Our glycine results strengthen the idea that modulation of dietary amino acid levels can increase healthy lifespan in mice, and provide a foundation for further investigation of dietary effects on aging and late‐life diseases.  相似文献   

Generation of viable fish from cryopreserved primordial germ cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An increasing number of wild fish species are in danger of extinction, often as a result of human activities. The cryopreservation of gametes and embryos has great potential for maintaining and restoring threatened species. The conservation of both paternal and maternal genetic information is essential. However, although this technique has been successfully applied to the spermatozoa of many fish species, reliable methods are lacking for the long-term preservation of fish eggs and embryos. Here, we describe a protocol for use with rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) primordial germ cells (PGCs) and document the restoration of live fish from gametes derived from these cryopreserved progenitors. Genital ridges (GRs), which are embryonic tissues containing PGCs, were successfully cryopreserved in a medium containing 1.8 M ethylene glycol (EG). The thawed PGCs that were transplanted into the peritoneal cavities of allogenic trout hatchlings differentiated into mature spermatozoa and eggs in the recipient gonads. Furthermore, the fertilization of eggs derived from cryopreserved PGCs by cryopreserved spermatozoa resulted in the development of fertile F1 fish. This PGC cryopreservation technique represents a promising tool in efforts to save threatened fish species. Moreover, this approach has significant potential for maintaining domesticated fish strains carrying commercially valuable traits for aquaculture purposes.  相似文献   

Male urinary pheromones modulate behavioral and neuroendocrine function in mice after being detected by sensory neurons in the vomeronasal organ (VNO) neuroepithelium. We used nuclear Fos protein immunoreactivity (Fos-IR) as a marker of changes in neuronal activity to examine the processing of male pheromones throughout the VNO projection pathway to the hypothalamus. Sexually naive male and female Balb/c mice were gonadectomized and treated daily with estradiol benzoate (EB) or oil vehicle for 3 weeks. Subjects were then exposed to soiled bedding from gonadally intact Balb/c males or to clean bedding for 90 min prior to sacrifice and processing of their VNOs and forebrains for Fos-IR. Male pheromones induced similar numbers of Fos-IR cells in the VNO neuroepithelium of oil-treated male and female subjects; however, EB-treated females had significantly more Fos-IR neurons in the VNO than any other group. There was an equivalent neuronal Fos response to male odors in the mitral and granule cells of the anterior and posterior accessory olfactory bulb of males and females, regardless of hormone treatment. In central portions of the VNO projection pathway (i.e., bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, medial preoptic area) neuronal Fos responses to male pheromones were present in female but absent in male subjects, regardless of hormone treatment. In a separate experiment, mating induced neuronal Fos-IR in these brain regions at levels in gonadally intact male subjects which were equal to or greater than those seen in ovariectomized females primed with estrogen and progesterone. This suggests that neurons in the central portions of the male's VNO pathway are capable of expressing Fos. Our results suggest that sexually dimorphic central responses to pheromones exist in mice that may begin in the VNO neuroepithelium.  相似文献   

Mice chimeric for embryonic stem (ES) cells have not always successfully produced ES-derived offspring. Here we show that the male gametes from ES cells could be selected in male chimeric mice testes by labeling donor ES cells or host blastocytes with GFP. Male GFP-expressing ES-derived germ cells occurred as colonies in the chimeric testes, where the seminiferous tubules were separated into green and non-green regions. When mature spermatozoa from green tubules were used for microinsemination, GFP-expressing offspring were efficiently obtained. Using a reverse study, we also obtained ES-derived progeny from GFP-negative ES cells in GFP-labeled host chimeras. Furthermore, we showed this approach could be accelerated by using round spermatids from the testes of 20-day-old chimeric mice. Thus, this technique allowed us to generate the ES cell-derived progeny even from the low contributed chimeric mice, which cannot produce ES-origin offspring by natural mating.  相似文献   

This study characterized age-related alterations in excitation-contraction (EC)-coupling in ventricular myocytes and investigated whether these alterations are affected by the sex of the animal. Voltage-clamp experiments were conducted in myocytes from young adult (approximately 7 mo) and aged (approximately 24 mo) male and female mice. Intracellular Ca(2+) concentrations and unloaded cell shortening were measured at 37 degrees C with fura-2 and a video edge detector. Fractional shortening and Ca(2+) current density were significantly reduced in aged male myocytes compared with those in young adult male cells. In addition, Ca(2+) transients were significantly smaller in aged male myocytes. Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) content, assessed by rapid application of 10 mM caffeine, declined with age in male myocytes. However, EC coupling gain and fractional release of SR Ca(2+) were similar in young adult and aged male cells. In contrast to results in male animals, fractional shortening and Ca(2+) current densities were similar in young adult and aged myocytes isolated from female hearts. Furthermore, Ca(2+) transient amplitudes were unaffected by age in female cells. Interestingly, SR Ca(2+) content was elevated in aged female myocytes, and fractional SR Ca(2+) release declined with age in females. However, the gain of EC coupling was not different in myocytes from young adult and aged female mice. These data demonstrate that age-related alterations in EC coupling are more prominent in myocytes from male hearts than in cells from female hearts and suggest that it is important to consider sex as a variable in studies of the effects of aging on cardiac EC coupling.  相似文献   

Low molecular weight, acid-stable proteinase inhibitors from epididymal and seminal vesicle homogenates were isolated and characterized. The isolation procedure consisted of gel filtration, trypsin affinity, and ion exchange chromatography. The inhibitor from seminal vesicle homogenates has a molecular weight of approximately 6,200, and that of the epididymal inhibitor was estimated at 4,000. Antiserum directed against the seminal vesicle inhibitor did not react with epididymal components. The epididymal inhibitor shows competitive, whereas the seminal vesicle inhibitor shows noncompetitive inhibition against trypsin on double reciprocal plots. Both inhibitors are effective against trypsin and acrosin but not against chymotrypsin, kallikrein, thrombin, or plasmin. To verify site of origin and to investigate androgen dependency of the epididymal inhibitor, mice were efferentiectomized, orchiectomized, or orchiectomized with androgen supplementation. Gel filtration profiles of acid-treated epididymal homogenates from normal and efferentiectomized animals show inhibitor peaks in the same regions. The concentration of acid-stable inhibitor from epididymal homogenates decreased with orchiectomy but returned to normal values when exogenous androgen was supplied. These observations suggest that the low molecular weight inhibitor in the epididymal homogenates is distinct from that in the seminal vesicles. Furthermore, the inhibitor associated with epididymal homogenates is androgen-dependent, and the epididymis is the site of origin of this inhibitor.  相似文献   

Swiss mice of differing ages (juvenile and adult) and sexes were fed four specially formulated, pelleted diets containing respectively 8% saturated vegetable fat, 8% soya oil, 8% olive oil and 2% soya oil (with identities hidden from the experimenter) or a local commercial chow (3% crude fat) for 3 or 6 weeks. Subjects were individually housed and were assessed under red lighting for behaviour in a modified 'open field' (a 30 x 20 cm box with a black floor). Videotaped records were analysed using 'The Observer' system, quantifying transitions between inner and outer zones, rearing, freezing, grooming and defaecation as well as location in the two equal-sized zones. Clearly, these non-isocaloric diets differed in palatability, producing complex effects on growth as well as physiological and behavioural measures. Many indices were influenced by age, sex, and the duration of dietary exposure. Interactions between factors were common. Defaecation does not seem to provide a useful index of 'emotionality' in this type of study and investigations lacking a wide range of indices seem unlikely to provide unequivocal support for postulated links between dietary lipids and behaviour. The study broadly supports the contention that dietary fats subtly influence mood in mice.  相似文献   

The time-course of acute Giardia muris infection was compared in male and female immunocompetent BALB/c mice that had not previously been exposed to the parasite. No sex-related difference was observed in the time-course of the infection in these mice. Sexually mature mice of both sexes excreted substantial numbers of G. muris cysts (greater than 10(4)/2 hr) over a longer period than did sexually immature mice.  相似文献   

Antizyme, a protein inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), was shown to be induced in mouse kidney by repeated injection of putrescine. Antizyme was also present as a complex with ODC in the kidney of untreated mouse. The amount of the renal ODC-antizyme complex was 3-fold higher in male mice than in female mice. On the contrary, the proportion of ODC present as a complex with antizyme was 24-fold higher in females than in males, and the decay of renal ODC activity after cycloheximide treatment was about 5-fold more rapid in females than in males. Administration of testosterone to female mice, a procedure known to prolong the half-life of renal ODC, increased both ODC activity and the content of ODC-antizyme complex, but decreased the antizyme/ODC ratio in the kidney. These results are consistent with the previous observation in HTC cells that the decay rate of ODC activity in the presence of cycloheximide correlated well with the proportion of ODC present as a complex with antizyme, suggesting the ubiquitous role of antizyme in ODC degradation.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of neonatal androgen stimulation in the development of the potential for masculine and feminine sexual behavior in the mouse, different groups of mice were hormonally manipulated early in life. One group of female mice was administered testosterone propionate (TP) within 24 hr of birth; a second group of females was given a control injection of oil on the day of birth; a third group of females received an injection of TP on the 10th day after birth. A group of males received a control injection of oil on the day of birth. All mice were gonadectomized at about 30 days of age. At 60 days of age, mice were injected with estrogen and progesterone and tested for sexual receptivity; several weeks later all mice were injected with TP and tested for male sexual behavior. Female behavior: Females given oil at birth and females given TP on the 10th day after birth showed high levels of sexual receptivity as adults following estrogen-progesterone treatment. Females given TP on the day of birth, and male mice, rarely exhibited lordosis following estrogen-progesterone treatment. Male behavior: Most mice, regardless of genetic sex or neonatal treatment, mounted in adulthood following administration of exogenous androgen. There was little difference in mounting frequency between groups, suggesting that exogenous or endogenous androgen stimulation of the neonatal mouse does not facilitate adult mounting behavior. These data for the mouse are in essential agreement with existing data for the rat, and indicate that sexual behavioral differentiation induced by androgen stimulation in infancy is best characterized as an inhibition of the potential to display feminine sexual behavior in adulthood.  相似文献   

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