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J R Pierce  R Case  M S Tang 《Biochemistry》1989,28(14):5821-5826
Recognition of damage induced by N-hydroxy-2-aminofluorene (N-OH-AF) and N-acetoxy-2-(acetylamino)fluorene (NAAAF) in both phi X174 RFI supercoiled DNA and a linear DNA fragment by purified UVRA, UVRB, and UVRC proteins was investigated. We have previously demonstrated that N-OH-AF and NAAAF treatments produce N-(deoxyguanosin-8-yl)-2-aminofluorene (dG-C8-AF) and N-(deoxyguanosin-8-yl)-2-(acetylamino)fluorene (dG-C8-AAF), respectively, in DNA. Using a piperidine cleavage method and DNA sequence analysis, we have found that all guanine residues can be modified by N-OH-AF and NAAAF. These two kinds of adducts have different impacts on the DNA helix structure; while dG-C8-AF maintains the anti configuration, dG-C8-AAF is in the syn form. phi X174 RF DNA-Escherichia coli transfection results indicate that while the uvrA, uvrB, and uvrC gene products are needed to repair dG-C8-AAF, the uvrC, but not the uvrA or uvrB gene products, is needed for repair of dG-C8-AF. However, we have found that in vitro the UVRA, UVRB, and UVRC proteins must work in concert to nick both dG-C8-AF and dG-C8-AAF. In general, the reactions of UVRABC nuclease toward dG-C8-AF are similar to those toward dG-C8-AAF; it incises seven to eight nucleotides from the 5' side and three to four nucleotides from the 3' side of the DNA adduct. Evidence is presented to suggest that hydrolysis on the 3' and 5' sides of the damaged base by UVRABC nuclease is not simultaneous and that at least occasionally hydrolysis occurs only on the 3' side or on the 5' side of the damage site. The possible mechanisms of UVRABC nuclease incision for AF-DNA are discussed.  相似文献   

We investigate the influence of base sequence context on the conformations of the 10S (+)- and 10R (-)-trans-anti-[BP]-N(6)-dA adducts through molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with free energy calculations, and relate the structural findings to results of nucleotide excision repair (NER) assays in human cell extracts. In previous studies, these adducts were studied in the CA*A sequence context, and here we report results for the CA*C sequence. Our simulations indicate that the base sequence context affects the syn-anti conformational equilibrium in the 10S (+) adduct by modulating the barrier heights between these states on the energy surface, with a higher barrier in the CA*C case. Our nucleotide excision repair assay finds greater NER susceptibilities in the 10S (+) adduct for the CA*C sequence context. A structural rationale ties together these results. A sequence specific hydrogen bond, accompanied by a significantly increased roll and consequent bending in the 10S (+) adduct, has been found in our simulations for the CA*C sequence, which could account for the enhanced nucleotide excision repair as well as the syn-anti equilibrium difference we observe in this isomer and sequence. Such sequence specific differential repair could contribute to the existence of mutational hotspots and thereby contribute to the complexity of cancer initiation.  相似文献   

One of the major products of lipid peroxidation is trans-4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (HNE). HNE forms highly mutagenic and genotoxic adducts to all DNA bases. Using M13 phage lacZ system, we studied the mutagenesis and repair of HNE treated phage DNA in E. coli wild-type or uvrA, recA, and mutL mutants. These studies revealed that: (i) nucleotide excision and recombination, but not mismatch repair, are engaged in repair of HNE adducts when present in phage DNA replicating in E. coli strains; (ii) in the single uvrA mutant, phage survival was drastically decreased while mutation frequency increased, and recombination events constituted 48 % of all mutations; (iii) in the single recA mutant, the survival and mutation frequency of HNE-modified M13 phage was slightly elevated in comparison to that in the wild-type bacteria. The majority of mutations in recA- strain were G:C → T:A transversions, occurring within the sequence which in recA+ strains underwent RecA-mediated recombination, and the entire sequence was deleted; (iv) in the double uvrA recA mutant, phage survival was the same as in the wild-type although the mutation frequency was higher than in the wild-type and recA single mutant, but lower than in the single uvrA mutant. The majority of mutations found in the latter strain were base substitutions, with G:C → A:T transitions prevailing. These transitions could have resulted from high reactivity of HNE with G and C, and induction of SOS-independent mutations.  相似文献   

C3 is a chimera from human β-defensins 2 and 3 and possesses higher antimicrobial activity compared with its parental molecules, so it is an attractive candidate for clinical application of antimicrobial peptides. In continuation with the previous studies, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were carried out for further investigating the effect of ambient environments (temperature and bacterial membrane) on C3 dynamics. Our results reveal that C3 has higher flexibility, larger intensity of motion, and more relevant secondary structural changes at 363 K to adapt the high temperature and maintain its antimicrobial activity, comparison with it at 293 K; when C3 molecule associates with the bacterial membrane, it slightly fluctuates and undergoes local conformational changes; in summary, C3 molecule demonstrates stable conformations under these environments. Furthermore, MD results analysis show that the hydrophobic contacts, the hydrogen bonds, and disulfide bonds in the peptide are responsible for maintaining its stable conformation. In addition, our simulation shows that C3 peptides can make anionic lipids clustered in the bacterial membrane; it means that positive charges and pronounced regional cationic charge density of C3 are most key factors for its antimicrobial activity.  相似文献   

Parvalbumins constitute a class of calcium-binding proteins characterized by the presence of several helix-loop-helix (EF-hand) motifs. In a previous study (Revett SP, King G, Shabanowitz J, Hunt DF, Hartman KL, Laue TM, Nelson DJ, 1997, Protein Sci 7:2397-2408), we presented the sequence of the major parvalbumin isoform from the silver hake (Merluccius bilinearis) and presented spectroscopic and structural information on the excised "EF-hand" portion of the protein. In this study, the X-ray crystal structure of the silver hake major parvalbumin has been determined to high resolution, in the frozen state, using the molecular replacement method with the carp parvalbumin structure as a starting model. The crystals are orthorhombic, space group C2221, with a = 75.7 A, b = 80.7 A, and c = 42.1 A. Data were collected from a single crystal grown in 15% glycerol, which served as a cryoprotectant for flash freezing at -188 degrees C. The structure refined to a conventional R-value of 21% (free R 25%) for observed reflections in the range 8 to 1.65 A [1 > 2sigma(I)]. The refined model includes an acetylated amino terminus, 108 residues (characteristic of a beta parvalbumin lineage), 2 calcium ions, and 114 water molecules per protein molecule. The resulting structure was used in molecular dynamics (MD) simulations focused primarily on the dynamics of the ligands coordinating the Ca2+ ions in the CD and EF sites. MD simulations were performed on both the fully Ca2+ loaded protein and on a Ca2+ deficient variant, with Ca2+ only in the CD site. There was substantial agreement between the MD and X-ray results in addressing the issue of mobility of key residues in the calcium-binding sites, especially with regard to the side chain of Ser55 in the CD site and Asp92 in the EF site.  相似文献   

The maintenance of genome stability is essential to prevent loss of genetic information and the development of diseases such as cancer. One of the most common forms of damage to the genetic code is the oxidation of DNA by reactive oxygen species (ROS), of which 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-guanine (8-oxoG) is the most frequent modification. Previous studies have established that human single-stranded DNA-binding protein 1 (hSSB1) is essential for the repair of double-stranded DNA breaks by the process of homologous recombination. Here we show that hSSB1 is also required following oxidative damage. Cells lacking hSSB1 are sensitive to oxidizing agents, have deficient ATM and p53 activation and cannot effectively repair 8-oxoGs. Furthermore, we demonstrate that hSSB1 forms a complex with the human oxo-guanine glycosylase 1 (hOGG1) and is important for hOGG1 localization to the damaged chromatin. In vitro, hSSB1 binds directly to DNA containing 8-oxoguanines and enhances hOGG1 activity. These results underpin the crucial role hSSB1 plays as a guardian of the genome.  相似文献   

8-Oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine (8-oxo-Gua, also known as 8-hydroxyguanine) is a major base lesion that is generated by reactive oxygen species in both the DNA and nucleotide pool. The role of DNA glycosylases, which initiate base excision repair, in the mutagenic processes of 8-oxo-Gua in DNA and 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2′-deoxyguanosine 5′-triphosphate (8-oxo-dGTP, also known as 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine 5′-triphosphate) were investigated using supF shuttle plasmids propagated in human cells. The DNA glycosylases, OGG1, MUTYH, NTH1, and NEIL1, in 293T cells were individually knocked-down by siRNAs and plasmid DNAs containing an 8-oxo-Gua:C/8-oxo-Gua:A pair, and 8-oxo-dGTP plus unmodified plasmid DNA were then introduced into the knocked-down cells. The knock-down of OGG1, MUTYH, NTH1, and NEIL1 resulted in a significant increase in G:C  T:A transversions caused by the 8-oxo-Gua:C pair in the shuttle plasmid. The knock-down of MUTYH resulted in a reduction in A:T  C:G transversions induced by 8-oxo-dGTP and the 8-oxo-Gua:A pair, but the knockdown of OGG1, NTH1, and NEIL1 had no effect on mutagenesis. These results indicate that all of the above DNA glycosylases suppress mutations caused by 8-oxo-Gua:C in DNA. In contrast, it appears that MUTYH enhances A:T  C:G mutations caused by 8-oxo-dGTP.  相似文献   

Locked nucleic acid (LNA) is a chemically modified nucleic acid with its sugar ring locked in an RNA-like (C3′-endo) conformation. LNAs show extraordinary thermal stabilities when hybridized with DNA, RNA or LNA itself. We performed molecular dynamics simulations on five isosequential duplexes (LNA–DNA, LNA–LNA, LNA–RNA, RNA–DNA and RNA–RNA) in order to characterize their structure, dynamics and hydration. Structurally, the LNA–DNA and LNA–RNA duplexes are found to be similar to regular RNA–DNA and RNA–RNA duplexes, whereas the LNA–LNA duplex is found to have its helix partly unwound and does not resemble RNA–RNA duplex in a number of properties. Duplexes with an LNA strand have on average longer interstrand phosphate distances compared to RNA–DNA and RNA–RNA duplexes. Furthermore, intrastrand phosphate distances in LNA strands are found to be shorter than in DNA and slightly shorter than in RNA. In case of induced sugar puckering, LNA is found to tune the sugar puckers in partner DNA strand toward C3′-endo conformations more efficiently than RNA. The LNA–LNA duplex has lesser backbone flexibility compared to the RNA–RNA duplex. Finally, LNA is less hydrated compared to DNA or RNA but is found to have a well-organized water structure.  相似文献   

One- and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy has been used combined with molecular dynamics to determine the fine structure of the DNA duplex 5'-d(AGGAGCCACG).d(CGTGGFTCCT) where F is the N-(2-deoxy-beta-D-erythro-pentofuranosyl)formamide residue which is a ring fragmentation product of thymine. The formamide deoxyribose exists as two isomers with respect to the orientation about the peptide bond. The two isomers (trans and cis) are observed in a ratio 3:2 in solution. For both species, the oligonucleotide adopts a globally B form structure although conformational changes are observed around the mismatch site. The formamide residue, whatever the isomer, is intrahelical and can pair with the guanine on the opposite strand with one hydrogen bond. For the cis isomer, the residue adopts a syn orientation and is able to form a second hydrogen bond with the guanine on the 5' side on the same strand. Off-resonance ROESY experiments have been used to investigate the chemical exchange observed at low temperature of the duplex. Conformational exchange has only been found for the oligonucleotide with the formamide residue in the trans conformation.  相似文献   

Chemotherapeutic agents such as mitomycin C or nitrogen mustards induce DNA inter-strand cross-links (ICL) and are highly toxic, thus constituting an useful tool to treat some human degenerative diseases, such as cancer. Additionally, psoralens plus UV-A (PUVA), which also induce ICL, find use in treatment of patients afflicted with psoriasis and vitiligo. The repair of DNA ICL generated by different molecules involves a number of multi-step DNA repair pathways. In bacteria, as in eukaryotic cells, if DNA ICL are not tolerated or repaired via nucleotide excision repair (NER), homologous recombination or translesion synthesis pathways, these DNA lesions may lead to mutations and cell death. Herein, we bring new insights to the role of Escherichia coli nucleotide excision repair genes uvrA, uvrB and uvrC in the repair of DNA damage induced by some chemotherapeutic agents and psoralen derivatives plus UV-A. These new observations point to a novel role for the UvrB protein, independent of its previously described role in the Uvr(A)BC complex, which could be specific for repair of monoadducts, intra-strand biadducts and/or ICL.  相似文献   

A truly universal nucleobase enables a host of novel applications such as simplified templates for PCR primers, randomized sequencing and DNA based devices. A universal base must pair indiscriminately to each of the canonical bases with little or preferably no destabilization of the overall duplex. In reality, many candidates either destabilize the duplex or do not base pair indiscriminatingly. The novel base 8-aza-7-deazaadenine (pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidin- 4-amine) N8-(2′deoxyribonucleoside), a deoxyadenosine analog (UB), pairs with each of the natural DNA bases with little sequence preference. We have utilized NMR complemented with molecular dynamic calculations to characterize the structure and dynamics of a UB incorporated into a DNA duplex. The UB participates in base stacking with little to no perturbation of the local structure yet forms an unusual base pair that samples multiple conformations. These local dynamics result in the complete disappearance of a single UB proton resonance under native conditions. Accommodation of the UB is additionally stabilized via heightened backbone conformational sampling. NMR combined with various computational techniques has allowed for a comprehensive characterization of both structural and dynamic effects of the UB in a DNA duplex and underlines that the UB as a strong candidate for universal base applications.  相似文献   

Atomistic molecular dynamics simulations have been used to investigate the adsorption of permethyldecasilane (MS10) on the silicon (001) surface. The condition under which the self-assembled monolayer forms is examined. The properties of the well-ordered structures, including the packing patterns, the equilibrium distances between two neighboring chains, and the tilt angles, are calculated to characterize the structure of the self-assembled monolayer. The results are comparable with those obtained experimentally.  相似文献   

Many human neurodegenerative diseases are associated with amyloid fibril formation. The human 99-residue beta(2)-microglobulin (beta2m) is one of the most intensively studied amyloid-forming proteins. Recent studies show that the C-terminal fragments 72-99, 83-89, and 91-96 form by themselves amyloid fibrils in vitro and play a significant role in fibrillization of the full-length beta2m protein under acidic pH conditions. In this work, we have studied the equilibrium structures of the 17-residue fragment 83-99 in solution, and investigated its dimerization process by multiple molecular dynamics simulations. We find that an intertwined dimer, with the positions of the beta-strands consistent with the results for the monomer, is a possible structure for two beta2m(83-89) peptides. Based on our molecular-dynamics-generated dimeric structure, a protofibril model is proposed for the full-length beta2m protein.  相似文献   

The DNA damage dependence of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-2 (PARP-2) activity is suggestive of its implication in genome surveillance and protection. Here we show that the PARP-2 gene, mainly expressed in actively dividing tissues follows, but to a smaller extent, that of PARP-1 during mouse development. We found that PARP-2 and PARP-1 homo- and heterodimerize; the interacting interfaces, sites of reciprocal modification, have been mapped. PARP-2 was also found to interact with three other proteins involved in the base excision repair pathway: x-ray cross complementing factor 1 (XRCC1), DNA polymerase beta, and DNA ligase III, already known as partners of PARP-1. XRCC1 negatively regulates PARP-2 activity, as it does for PARP-1, while being a polymer acceptor for both PARP-1 and PARP-2. To gain insight into the physiological role of PARP-2 in response to genotoxic stress, we developed by gene disruption mice deficient in PARP-2. Following treatment by the alkylating agent N-nitroso-N-methylurea (MNU), PARP-2-deficient cells displayed an important delay in DNA strand breaks resealing, similar to that observed in PARP-1 deficient cells, thus confirming that PARP-2 is also an active player in base excision repair despite its low capacity to synthesize ADP-ribose polymers.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper we present longitudinal relaxation times, order parameters and effective correlation times for the base and sugar carbons in both strands of the oligonucleotide duplexes d(TCGCG)2 and d(CGCGCG)2, as calculated from 400 ps molecular dynamics trajectories in aqueous solution. The model-free approach (Lipari and Szabo, 1982) was used to determine the amplitudes and time scales of the internal motion. Comparisons were made with NMR relaxation measurements (Borer et al., 1994). The order parameters could acceptably be reproduced, and the effective correlation times were found to be lower than the experimental estimates. Reasonable T1 relaxation times were obtained in comparison with experiment for the nonterminal nucleosides. The T1 relaxation times were found to depend mainly on the order parameters and overall rotational correlation time.Abbreviations MD molecular dynamics - CSA chemical shift anisotropy To whom correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   

The (beta/alpha)(8)-barrel is the most common protein fold. Similar structural properties for folding intermediates of (beta/alpha)(8)-barrel proteins involved in tryptophan biosynthesis have been reported in a number of experimental studies; these intermediates have the last two beta-strands and three alpha-helices partially unfolded, with other regions of the polypeptide chain native-like in conformation. To investigate the detailed folding/unfolding pathways of these (beta/alpha)(8)-barrel proteins, temperature-induced unfolding simulations of N-(5'-phosphoribosyl)anthranilate isomerase from Escherichia coli were carried out using a special-purpose parallel computer system. Unfolding simulations at five different temperatures showed a sequential unfolding pathway comprised of several events. Early events in unfolding involved disruption of the last two strands and three helices, producing an intermediate ensemble similar to those detected in experimental studies. Then, denaturation of the first two betaalpha units and separation of the sixth strand from the fifth took place independently. The remaining central betaalphabetaalphabeta module persisted the longest during all simulations, suggesting an important role for this module as the incipient folding scaffold. Our simulations also predicted the presence of a nucleation site, onto which several hydrophobic residues condensed forming the foundation for the central betaalphabetaalphabeta module.  相似文献   

Fujimi TJ  Kariya Y  Tsuchiya T  Tamiya T 《Gene》2002,284(1-2):225-231
A protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) coding sequence was cloned from a cDNA library derived from carrot (Daucus carota L.) somatic embryos. The cDNA is 2060 bp in length and encodes for a protein of 581 amino acids and molecular weight of 64.4 kDa. Primary structure analysis of the deduced protein revealed two thioredoxin-like active sites and an endoplasmic reticulum-retention signal at its C-terminus, which is also found in PDIs in plants and animals. Although between the carrot protein and other plant PDIs there is only about 30% identity, the active site regions are almost identical. The corresponding mRNA was found in varying amounts, in all tissues investigated. A recombinant protein expressed from the carrot cDNA clone effectively catalyzed both glutathione-insulin transhydrogenation and the oxidative renaturation of denatured RNase A. These results suggest that the protein coded for by the carrot gene is a novel member of the PDI family in plants. We therefore designated this novel carrot gene PDIL1. The protein expressed by the PDIL1 cDNA sequence had a highly acidic stretch at its N-terminal region (no such domain exists in known plant PDIs), and was located far from known plant PDIs on a maximum likelihood tree. The PDIL1 gene, together with closely-related genes identified in Arabidopsis and tomato, was suggested to belong to a novel subfamily of PDIs.  相似文献   

Bharatham N  Chi SW  Yoon HS 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e26014
Bcl-X(L), an antiapoptotic Bcl-2 family protein, plays a central role in the regulation of the apoptotic pathway. Heterodimerization of the antiapoptotic Bcl-2 family proteins with the proapoptotic family members such as Bad, Bak, Bim and Bid is a crucial step in the apoptotic regulation. In addition to these conventional binding partners, recent evidences reveal that the Bcl-2 family proteins also interact with noncanonical binding partners such as p53. Our previous NMR studies showed that Bcl-X(L): BH3 peptide and Bcl-X(L): SN15 peptide (a peptide derived from residues S15-N29 of p53) complex structures share similar modes of bindings. To further elucidate the molecular basis of the interactions, here we have employed molecular dynamics simulations coupled with MM/PBSA approach. Bcl-X(L) and other Bcl-2 family proteins have 4 hydrophobic pockets (p1-p4), which are occupied by four systematically spaced hydrophobic residues (h1-h4) of the proapoptotic Bad and Bak BH3 peptides. We observed that three conserved hydrophobic residues (F19, W23 and L26) of p53 (SN15) peptide anchor into three hydrophobic pockets (p2-p4) of Bcl-X(L) in a similar manner as BH3 peptide. Our results provide insights into the novel molecular recognition by Bcl-X(L) with p53.  相似文献   

J C Delaney  J M Essigmann 《Biochemistry》2001,40(49):14968-14975
Understanding the origins of mutational hotspots is complicated by the intertwining of several variables. The selective formation, repair, and replication of a DNA lesion, such as O(6)-methylguanine (m(6)G), can, in principle, be influenced by the surrounding nucleotide environment. A nearest-neighbor analysis was used to address the contribution of sequence context on m(6)G repair by the Escherichia coli methyltransferases Ada or Ogt, and on DNA polymerase infidelity in vivo. Sixteen M13 viral genomes with m(6)G flanked by all permutations of G, A, T, and C were constructed and individually transformed into repair-deficient and repair-proficient isogenic cell strains. The 16 genomes were introduced in duplicate into 5 different cellular backgrounds for a total of 160 independent experiments, for which mutations were scored using a recently developed assay. The Ada methyltransferase demonstrated strong 5' and 3' sequence-specific repair of m(6)G in vivo. The Ada 5' preference decreased in the general order: GXN > CXN > TXN > AXN (X = m(6)G, N = any base), while the Ada 3' preference decreased in the order: NX(T/C) > NX(G/A), with mutation frequencies (MFs) ranging from 35% to 90%. The Ogt methyltransferase provided MFs ranging from 10% to 25%. As was demonstrated by Ada, the Ogt methyltransferase repaired m(6)G poorly in an AXN context. When both methyltransferases were removed, the MF was nearly 100% for all sequence contexts, consistent with the view that the replicative DNA polymerase places T opposite m(6)G during replication irrespective of the local sequence environment.  相似文献   

Jas GS  Kuczera K 《Biophysical journal》2004,87(6):3786-3798
We have performed experimental measurements and computer simulations of the equilibrium structure and folding of a 21-residue alpha-helical heteropeptide. Far ultraviolet circular dichroism spectroscopy is used to identify the presence of helical structure and to measure the thermal unfolding curve. The observed melting temperature is 296 K, with a folding enthalpy of -11.6 kcal/mol and entropy of -39.6 cal/(mol K). Our simulations involve 45 ns of replica-exchange molecular dynamics of the peptide, using eight replicas at temperatures between 280 and 450 K, and the program CHARMM with a continuum solvent model. In a 30-ns simulation started from a helical structure, conformational equilibrium at all temperatures was reached after 15 ns. This simulation was used to calculate the peptide melting curve, predicting a folding transition with a melting temperature in the 330-350 K range, enthalpy change of -10 kcal/mol, and entropy change of -30 cal/(mol K). The simulation results were also used to analyze the peptide structural fluctuations and the free-energy surface of helix unfolding. In a separate 15-ns replica-exchange molecular dynamics simulation started from the extended structure, the helical conformation was first attained after approximately 2.8 ns, and equilibrium was reached after 10 ns of simulation. These results showed a sequential folding process with a systematic increase in the number of hydrogen bonds until the helical state is reached, and confirmed that the alpha-helical state is the global free-energy minimum for the peptide at low temperatures.  相似文献   

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