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Epicatechin gallate (ECg) sensitizes methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) to oxacillin and other β-lactam agents; it also reduces the secretion of virulence-associated proteins, prevents biofilm formation, and induces gross morphological changes in MRSA cells without compromising the growth rate. MRSA is resistant to oxacillin because of the presence of penicillin-binding protein 2a (PBP2a), which allows peptidoglycan synthesis to continue after oxacillin-mediated acylation of native PBPs. We show that ECg binds predominantly to the cytoplasmic membrane (CM), initially decreasing the fluidity of the bilayer, and induces changes in gene expression indicative of an attempt to preserve and repair a compromised cell wall. On further incubation, the CM is reorganized; the amount of lysylphosphatidylglycerol is markedly reduced, with a concomitant increase in phosphatidylglycerol, and the proportion of branched chain fatty acids increases, resulting in a more fluid structure. We found no evidence that ECg modulates the enzymatic activity of PBP2a through direct binding to the protein but determined that PBP2 is delocalized from the FtsZ-anchored cell wall biosynthetic machinery at the septal division site following intercalation into the CM. We argue that many features of the ECg-induced phenotype can be explained by changes in the fluid dynamics of the CM.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus is a widespread Gram‐positive opportunistic pathogen, and a methicillin‐resistant form (MRSA) is particularly difficult to treat clinically. We have solved two crystal structures of penicillin‐binding protein (PBP) 3 (PBP3) from MRSA, the apo form and a complex with the β-lactam antibiotic cefotaxime, and used electrospray mass spectrometry to measure its sensitivity to a variety of penicillin derivatives. PBP3 is a class B PBP, possessing an N-terminal non-penicillin‐binding domain, sometimes called a dimerization domain, and a C-terminal transpeptidase domain. The model shows a different orientation of its two domains compared to earlier models of other class B PBPs and a novel, larger N-domain. Consistent with the nomenclature of “dimerization domain”, the N-terminal region forms an apparently tight interaction with a neighboring molecule related by a 2-fold symmetry axis in the crystal structure. This dimer form is predicted to be highly stable in solution by the PISA server, but mass spectrometry and analytical ultracentrifugation provide unequivocal evidence that the protein is a monomer in solution.  相似文献   

An extracellular bacteriolytic endo-β-N-acetylglucosaminidase has been purified and its specificity of action has been investigated (Wadström & Hisatsune, 1970a,b). Some enzymic properties, such as optimum pH for enzyme activity on whole cells and cell walls of Micrococcus lysodeikticus and Staphylococcus aureus and optimum pH for stability, have been studied. The activity was maximum in 0.05m-tris–hydrochloric acid buffer, pH7.0. A higher ionic strength inhibited cell-wall hydrolysis. Since the crude and purified enzymes were found to be unstable on storage, the stabilizing and inhibiting effects of several compounds were investigated. Several heavy metal ions inactivated the enzyme at very low concentrations. Thiol compounds stabilized and thiol-reacting compounds partly inhibited the activity. Crude and purified glucosaminidase was found to be heat-stable at acidic pH and unstable at alkaline pH as previously found for several lysozymes (endo-β-N-acetylmuramidases). Other properties of the staphylococcal enzyme and hen''s-egg-white lysozyme have been compared, since the modes of action of the two are quite similar (Wadström & Hisatsune, 1970b).  相似文献   

An α-amylase[α-l,4-glucan 4-glucanohydrolase, EC], found in the culture filtrate of a strain of Thermoactinomyces vulgaris, was purified by ammonium sulfate fractionation, and DEAE-cellulose and CM-cellulose chromatographies. The purified enzyme showed a single band on disc gel electrophoresis. The optimum reaction pH and temperature were determined to be around pH 5.0 and 70°C. The isoelectric point was determined to be pH 5.2. The α-amylase was stabilized by Ca2+.

The α-amylase was found to hydrolyze pullulan to panose. Therefore, the hydrolytic pattern of this enzyme is different from those of pullulanase and isopullulanase.  相似文献   

Several aspects of mitotic spindle assembly are orchestrated by the Ran GTPase through its modulation of the interaction between spindle assembly factors and importin-α. One such factor is TPX2 that promotes microtubule assembly in the vicinity of chromosomes. TPX2 is inhibited when bound to importin-α, which occurs when the latter is bound to importin-β. The importin-α:β interaction is disrupted by the high RanGTP concentration near the chromosomes, releasing TPX2. In more distal regions, where Ran is predominantly GDP-bound, TPX2 remains bound to importin-α and so is inhibited. Here we use a combination of structural and biochemical methods to define the basis for TPX2 binding to importin-α. A 2.2 Å resolution crystal structure shows that the primary nuclear localization signal (284KRKH287) of TPX2, which has been shown to be crucial for inhibition, binds to the minor NLS-binding site on importin-α. This atypical interaction pattern was confirmed using complementary binding studies that employed importin-α variants in which binding to either the major or minor NLS-binding site was impaired, together with competition assays using the SV40 monopartite NLS that binds primarily to the major site. The different way in which TPX2 binds to importin-α could account for much of the selectivity necessary during mitosis because this would reduce the competition for binding to importin-α from other NLS-containing proteins.  相似文献   

Enterotoxin A (SEA) is a staphylococcal virulence factor which is suspected to worsen septic shock prognosis. However, the presence of SEA in the blood of sepsis patients has never been demonstrated. We have developed a mass spectrometry-based assay for the targeted and absolute quantification of SEA in serum. To enhance sensitivity and specificity, we combined an immunoaffinity-based sample preparation with mass spectrometry analysis in the selected reaction monitoring (SRM) mode. Absolute quantification of SEA was performed using the PSAQ™ method (Protein Standard Absolute Quantification), which uses a full-length isotope-labeled SEA as internal standard. The lower limit of detection (LLOD) and lower limit of quantification (LLOQ) were estimated at 352 pg/mL and 1057 pg/mL, respectively. SEA recovery after immunocapture was determined to be 7.8 ± 1.4%. Therefore, we assumed that less than 1 femtomole of each SEA proteotypic peptide was injected on the liquid chromatography column before SRM analysis. From a 6-point titration experiment, quantification accuracy was determined to be 77% and precision at LLOQ was lower than 5%. With this sensitive PSAQ-SRM assay, we expect to contribute to decipher the pathophysiological role of SEA in severe sepsis. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Proteomics: The clinical link.  相似文献   

In the past decade, community-associated (CA-) infections with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) have emerged throughout the world. Different CA-MRSA strains dominate in different geographical locations. Many CA-MRSA lineages contain genes coding for the Pantón-Valentine leukocidin. However, the role of this leukotoxin in CA-MRSA pathogenesis is still controversial. The genome sequences of two key PVL-positive CA-MRSA strains (USA300, USA400) have been reported, but we lack information on the more recently found PVL-negative CA-MRSA strains. One such strain is the PVL-negative ST72, the main cause of CA-MRSA infections in Korea. Here, we report the entire genome sequence of CA-MRSA ST72 and analyze its gene content with a focus on virulence factors. Our results show that this strain does not have considerable differences in virulence factor content compared to other CA-MRSA strains (USA300, USA400), indicating that other toxins do not substitute for the lack of PVL in ST72. This finding is in accordance with the notion that differential expression of widespread virulence determinants, rather than the acquisition of additional virulence factors on mobile genetic elements, such as PVL, is responsible for the increased virulence of CA- compared to hospital-associated MRSA.  相似文献   

Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins - The use of natural products together with standard antimicrobial drugs has recently received more attention as a strategy to combat infectious diseases...  相似文献   

Previously, we showed that interactions between p90RSK1 (RSK1) and the subunits of type I protein kinase A (PKA) regulate the activity of PKA and cellular distribution of active RSK1 (Chaturvedi, D., Poppleton, H. M., Stringfield, T., Barbier, A., and Patel, T. B. (2006) Mol. Cell Biol. 26, 4586–4600). Here we examined the role of the PKARIα subunit of PKA in regulating RSK1 activation and cell survival. In mouse lung fibroblasts, silencing of the PKARIα increased the phosphorylation and activation of RSK1, but not of RSK2 and RSK3, in the absence of any stimulation. Silencing of PKARIα also decreased the nuclear accumulation of active RSK1 and increased its cytoplasmic content. The increased activation of RSK1 in the absence of any agonist and changes in its subcellular redistribution resulted in increased phosphorylation of its cytoplasmic substrate BAD and increased cell survival. The activity of PKA and phosphorylation of BAD (Ser-155) were also enhanced when PKARIα was silenced, and this, in part, contributed to increased cell survival in unstimulated cells. Furthermore, we show that RSK1, PKA subunits, D-AKAP1, and protein phosphatase 2A catalytic subunit (PP2Ac) exist in a complex, and dissociation of RSK1 from D-AKAP1 by either silencing of PKARIα, depletion of D-AKAP1, or by using a peptide that competes with PKARIα for binding to AKAPs, decreased the amount of PP2Ac in the RSK1 complex. We also demonstrate that PP2Ac is one of the phosphatases that dephosphorylates RSK, but not ERK1/2. Thus, in unstimulated cells, the increased phosphorylation and activation of RSK1 after silencing of PKARIα or depletion of D-AKAP1 are due to decreased association of PP2Ac in the RSK1 complex.Cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA)3 plays a pivotal role in manifesting an array of biological actions ranging from cell proliferation and tumorigenesis to increased inotropic and chronotropic effects in the heart as well as regulation of long term potentiation and memory. The PKA holoenzyme is a heterotetramer and consists of two catalytic (PKAc) subunits bound to a dimer of regulatory subunits. To date, four isoforms of the PKAc (PKAcα, PKAcβ, PKAcγ, and PKAcδ) and four isoforms of the regulatory subunits (RIα, RIβ, RIIα, and RIIβ) have been described (1). The various isoforms of PKA subunits are expressed differently in a tissue- and cell-specific manner (2). In addition to binding and inhibiting the activity of PKAc via their pseudo substrate region (36), the R subunits also interact with PKA-anchoring proteins (AKAPs) and facilitate the localization of PKA in specific subcellular compartments (7, 8). More than 50 AKAP family members have been described, and although most of these have a higher affinity for the RII subunits (9), certain AKAPs such as D-AKAP1 and D-AKAP2 preferentially bind the PKARIα subunit (1012). Because the AKAPs also bind other signaling molecules such as phosphatases (PP2B) and kinases (protein kinase C), they act as scaffolds to organize and integrate specific signaling events within specific compartments in the cells (7, 8, 13, 14).We have shown that the PKARIα and PKAcα subunits of PKA interact with the inactive and active forms of p90RSK1 (RSK1), respectively (15). Binding of inactive RSK1 to PKARIα decreases the interactions between PKARIα and PKAc, whereas the association of active RSK1 with PKAc increases interactions between PKARIα and PKAc such that larger amounts of cAMP are required to activate PKAc in the presence of active RSK1 (15). Moreover, the indirect (via subunits of PKA) interaction of RSK1 with AKAPs is required for the nuclear localization of active RSK1 (15), and disruption of the interactions of RSK1·PKA complex from AKAPs results in increased cytoplasmic distribution of active RSK1 with a concomitant increase in phosphorylation of its cytosolic substrates such as BAD and reduced cellular apoptosis (15). These findings show the functional and biological significance of RSK1·PKA·AKAP interactions.Besides inhibiting PKAc activity, the physiological role of PKARIα is underscored by the findings that mutations in the PKAR1A gene that result in haploinsufficiency of PKARIα are the underlying cause of Carney complex (CNC) (16, 17). CNC is an autosomal dominant multiple neoplasia syndrome in which myxomas of the skin, heart, and/or vicera are recurrent and also associated with high incidence of endocrine and ovarian tumors as well as Schwannomas (1820). The majority of patients with the multiple neoplasia CNC syndrome harbor mutations in the PKAR1A gene (21) that result in PKARIα haploinsufficiency. Importantly, however, loss of heterozygosity or alterations in PKA activity may not contribute toward the tumorigenicity in either CNC patients or mouse model of CNC (21). This suggests that loss of function(s) of PKARIα other than inhibition of PKA activity is(are) involved in the enhanced tumorigenicity in CNC patients and in the murine CNC model.Because RSK1 regulates cell growth, survival, and tumorigenesis (2227), and because its subcellular localization and ability to inhibit apoptosis is regulated by its interactions via PKARIα with AKAPs (15), we reasoned that in conditions such as CNC where PKARIα levels are decreased, the increase in tumorigenicity may emanate from aberrant regulation of the activity and/or subcellular localization of RSK1. Therefore, herein we have investigated whether PKARIα regulates the activation of RSK1 and its biological functions. Decreasing expression of PKARIα by small interfering RNA (siRNA) enhanced the activation of RSK1, but not RSK2 or RSK3, in the absence of an agonist such as EGF. This was accompanied by an increase in the cytoplasmic localization of the active RSK1 and enhanced cell survival in the absence of any growth factor. Silencing of PKARIα also increased PKAc activity and while part of the anti-apoptotic response could be attributed to an increase in PKAc activity, activation of RSK1 under basal conditions contributed significantly to cell survival. The elevation in RSK1 activity upon PKARIα silencing was not due to increased PKAc activity. Rather the activation of RSK1 in the absence of PKARIα was due to a decrease in PP2A in the RSK1 complex. These findings demonstrate a novel role for PKARIα in the regulation of RSK1 activation, a key enzyme that mediates the downstream actions of the ERK1/2 cascade.  相似文献   

Llarrull LI  Mobashery S 《Biochemistry》2012,51(23):4642-4649
A heterologous expression system was used to evaluate activation of BlaR1, a sensor/signal transducer protein of Staphylococcus aureus with a central role in resistance to β-lactam antibiotics. In the absence of other S. aureus proteins that might respond to antibiotics and participate in signal transduction events, we documented that BlaR1 fragmentation is autolytic, that it occurs in the absence of antibiotics, and that BlaR1 directly degrades BlaI, the gene repressor of the system. Furthermore, we disclosed that this proteolytic activity is metal ion-dependent and that it is not modulated directly by acylation of the sensor domain by β-lactam antibiotics.  相似文献   

Spectrin and protein 4.1 cross-link F-actin protofilaments into a network called the membrane skeleton. Actin and 4.1 bind to one end of β-spectrin. The adjacent end of α-spectrin, called the EF-domain, is calmodulin-like, with calcium-dependent and calcium-independent EF-hands. It has no known function. However, the sph1J/sph1J mouse has very fragile red cells and lacks the last 13 amino acids in the EF-domain, suggesting the domain is critical for skeletal integrity. Using pulldown binding assays, we find the α-spectrin EF-domain either alone or incorporated into a mini-spectrin binds native and recombinant protein 4.2 at a previously identified region of 4.2 (G3 peptide). Native 4.2 binds with an affinity comparable with other membrane skeletal interactions (Kd = 0.30 μm). EF-domains bearing the sph1J mutation are inactive. Binding of protein 4.2 to band 3 (Kd = 0.45 μm) does not interfere with the spectrin-4.2 interaction. Spectrin-4.2 binding is amplified by micromolar concentrations of Ca2+ (but not Mg2+) by three to five times. Calmodulin also binds to the EF-domain (Kd = 17 μm), and Ca2+-calmodulin blocks Ca2+-dependent binding of protein 4.2 but not Ca2+-independent binding. The data suggest that protein 4.2 is located near protein 4.1 at the spectrin-actin junctions. Because proteins 4.1 and 4.2 also bind to band 3, the erythrocyte anion channel, we suggest that one or both of these proteins cause a portion of band 3 to localize near the spectrin-actin junctions and provide another point of attachment between the membrane skeleton and the lipid bilayer.  相似文献   

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