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A comparison of hair cells from different parts of the cochlea reveals the same organization of actin filaments; the elements that vary are the length and number of the filaments. Thin sections of stereocilia reveal that the actin filaments are hexagonally packed and from diffraction patterns of these sections we found that the actin filaments are aligned such that the crossover points of adjacent actin filaments are in register. As a result, the cross-bridges that connect adjacent actin filaments are easily seen in longitudinal sections. The cross-bridges appear as regularly spaced bands that are perpendicular to the axis of the stereocilium. Particularly interesting is that, unlike what one might predict, when a stereocilium is bent or displaced, as might occur during stimulation by sound, the actin filaments are not compressed or stretched but slide past one another so that the bridges become tilted relative to the long axis of the actin filament bundle. In the images of bent bundles, the bands of cross- bridges are then tilted off perpendicular to the stereocilium axis. When the stereocilium is bent at its base, all cross-bridges in the stereocilium are affected. Thus, resistance to bending or displacement must be property of the number of bridges present, which in turn is a function of the number of actin filaments present and their respective lengths. Since hair cells in different parts of the cochlea have stereocilia of different, yet predictable lengths and widths, this means that the force needed to displace the stereocilia of hair cells located at different regions of the cochlea will not be the same. This suggests that fine tuning of the hair cells must be a built-in property of the stereocilia. Perhaps its physiological vulnerability may result from changes of stereociliary structure.  相似文献   

In 8-day-old embryos stereocilia can be identified on the hair cells of the chick cochlea; within each is a small population of actin filaments which extend from the tip of the stereocilium to the apical cytoplasm of the cell. These filaments are not ordered in a regular way, however, and tend to be found near the lateral margins of the stereocilia with large spaces between adjacent filaments. By 9 days the spaces between adjacent filaments are reduced and there are regions where the crossover points of adjacent actin helices are in register even though in cross section the actin filaments do not lie on a regular lattice. By 10-11 days the actin filaments become progressively more crossbridged together and we can recognize in longitudinal section horizontal stripes caused by the periodicity of the crossbridges. In transverse section the filaments begin to lie on a hexagonal lattice. Each stereocilium, however, contains less than 100 actin filaments. Evidence is presented that once crossbridging is maximal and the filaments hexagonally packed (Days 11-12), the stereocilia increase in width by the orderly addition of actin filaments to the lateral margins of the existing filament bundle so that by Day 16 we find up to 400 filaments all packed on a hexagonal lattice. Thus there are two stages in bundle formation. In the first a small number of filaments condense into a hexagonally packed, crosslinked bundle. In the second, the bundle increases in diameter by addition of filaments to the periphery of the bundle in a process akin to crystal growth. From observations on the elongation of filaments in the rootlets and stereocilia, we conclude that rootlets grow by addition of subunits at the nonpreferred end while stereocilia elongate by addition to the preferred end. What makes this interesting is that these two modes of addition occur at different developmental times.  相似文献   

The cochleae of chick embryos of 8 days of incubation until hatching (21 days) were examined by scanning electron microscopy. Unlike what one would expect from the literature, the total number of hair cells per cochlea (10,405 +/- 529) is already determined and visible in a 10-day embryo and the growth of the cochlea is a result of the growth in size and surface area of the hair cells. We also find that the hair cells differentiate simultaneously throughout the cochlea and have followed the differentiation of individual hair cells throughout development. During development we find that the total number, hexagonal packing, and orientation of the stereocilia in each hair cell is determined early and accurately (9- to 10-day embryos). The stereocilia then begin to elongate in all the cells of the cochlea at approximately 0.5 micron/day. By Day 12 the tallest stereocilia in each cell are 1.5-1.8 micron long, the mature length for cells at the proximal end of the cochlea. At this point all stereocilia cease elongating, but those along the inferior edge gradually increase in width from 0.11 micron to maximally 0.19 micron in 17-day embryos. When the stereocilia on the inferior edge reach their mature width, widening ceases and the elongation of stereocilia in the distal hair cells begins again. When these stereocilia have attained their mature lengths, they stop growing. Thus elongation and widening of stereocilia are separated in time. During this period, 11 to 13 days, the shape of the tufts at the proximal end of the cochlea changes. This occurs because stereocilia in the front of each tuft are absorbed while others at the sides appear de novo. This rearrangement converts a circular bundle of stereocilia to a rectangular bundle.  相似文献   

Summary We studied the mechanism controlling the organization of actin filaments (AFs) inHydrocharis root hair cells, in which reverse fountain streaming occurs. The distribution of AFs and microtubules (MTs) in root hair cells were analyzed by fluorescence microscopy and electron microscopy. AFs and MTs were found running in the longitudinal direction of the cell at the cortical region. AFs were observed in the transvacuolar strand, but not MTs. Ultrastructural studies revealed that AFs and MTs were colocalized and that MTs were closer to the plasma membrane than AFs. To examine if MTs regulate the organization of AFs, we carried out a double inhibitor experiment using cytochalasin B (CB) and propyzamide, which are inhibitors of AFs and MTs, respectively. CB reversibly inhibited cytoplasmic streaming while propyzamide alone had no effect on it. However, after treatment with both CB and propyzamide, removal of CB alone did not lead to recovery of cytoplasmic streaming. In these cells, AFs showed a meshwork structure. When propyzamide was also removed, cytoplasmic streaming and the original organization of AFs were recovered. These results strongly suggest that MTs are responsible for the organization of AFs inHydrocharis root hair cells.  相似文献   

Summary Effects of cytochalasin B and mycalolide-B on cytoplasmic streaming, organizations of actin filaments and the transvacuolar strand were studied in root hair cells ofHydrocharis, which shows reverse fountain streaming. Both toxins inhibited cytoplasmic streaming and destroyed the organizations of actin filaments and transvacuolar strands. However, we found a great difference between these toxins with respect to reversibility. The effects of cytochalasin B were reversible but not those of mycalolide B. The present results suggest that actin filaments work as a track of cytoplasmic streaming and as a cytoskeleton to maintain the transvacuolar strand. The usefulness of root hair cells ofHydrocharis in studying the dynamic organization of actin filaments of plant is discussed.Abbreviations CB cytochalasin B - DMSO dimethylsulfoxide - ML-B mycalolide B  相似文献   

Lateral mechanical coupling of stereocilia in cochlear hair bundles   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
For understanding the gating process of transduction channels in the inner ear it is essential to characterize and examine the functional properties of the ultrastructure of stereociliary bundles. There is strong evidence that transduction channels in hair cells are gated by directly pulling at the so-called tip links. In addition to these tip links a second class of filamentous structures was identified in the scanning and transmission electron microscope: the side-to-side links. These links laterally connect stereocilia of the same row of a hair bundle. This study concentrates on mechanical coupling of stereocilia of the tallest row connected by side-to-side links. Atomic Force microscopy (AFM) was used to investigate hair bundles of outer hair cells (OHCs) from postnatal rats (day 4). Although hair bundles of postnatal rats are still immature at day 4 and interconnecting cross-links do not show preferential direction yet, hair bundles of investigated OHCs already showed the characteristic V-shape of mature hair cells. In a first experiment, the stiffness of stereocilia was investigated scanning individual stereocilia with an AFM tip. The spring constant for the excitatory direction was 2.5 +/- 0.6 x 10(-3) N/m whereas a higher spring constant (3.1 +/- 1.5 x 10(-3) N/m) was observed in the inhibitory direction. In a second set of experiments, the force transmission between stereocilia of the tallest row was measured using AFM in combination with a thin glass fiber. This fiber locally displaced a stereocilium while the force laterally transmitted to the neighboring untouched taller stereocilia was measured by AFM. The results show a weak force interaction between tallest stereocilia of postnatal rats. The force exerted to an individual stereocilium declines to 36% at the nearest adjacent stereocilium of the same row not touched with the fiber. It is suggested that the amount of force transmitted from a taller stereocilium to an adjacent one of the same row depends on the orientation of links. Maximum force transmission is expected to appear along the axis of interconnecting side links. In our studies it is suggested that transmitted forces are small because connecting side links are oriented very close to an angle of 90 degrees with respect of the scan direction (excitatory-inhibitory direction).  相似文献   

The surface of the syncytial trophoblast of the human placenta is covered by a microvillous (brush) border that is in direct contact with maternal blood. Because of this location, it is the site of a variety of transport, enzymatic and receptor activities vital to many placental functions. The organization of the brush border as well as other features of placental villus organization may well be influenced by the distribution of cytoplasmic actin filaments. In order to determine the distribution of actin filaments in human placenta, small pieces of villi were briefly fixed in glutaraldehyde, permeabilized with saponin, and incubated in solutions containing subfragment 1 of myosin (S1). After S1 decoration of actin filaments, tissue was fixed in glutaraldehyde containing tannic acid in order to better visualize the polarity of the filaments, and prepared for electron microscopic examination. The microvilli each contained a core of actin filaments running from the tip of the microvillus to the apical cytoplasm. Most of the actin filaments displayed a distinct polarity, with the S1 arrowheads pointing away from the microvillar tips. These filaments extended only a short distance into the apical cytoplasm. There appeared to be another group of actin filaments in a matlike arrangement in the apical cytoplasm. Coated pits and vesicles were often observed between the microvilli. There appeared to be no clear association between the coated pits and decorated actin filaments, but this was difficult to establish with certainty because of the close proximity of the microvilli. Bundles of actin filaments were sometimes observed near the basal cell surface of the syncytial trophoblast, and in pericytes and capillary endothelial cells in the cores of the villi.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The current hypothesis of cytokinesis suggests that contractile forces in the cleavage furrow are generated by a circumferential band of actin filaments. However, relatively little is known about the global organization of actin filaments in dividing cells. To approach this problem we have used fluorescence-detected linear dichroism (FDLD) microscopy to measure filament orientation, and digital optical sectioning microscopy to perform three-dimensional reconstructions of dividing NRK cells stained with rhodamine-phalloidin. During metaphase, actin filaments in the equatorial region show a slight orientation along the spindle axis, while those in adjacent regions appear to be randomly distributed. Upon anaphase onset and through cytokinesis, the filaments become oriented along the equator in the furrow region, and along the spindle axis in adjacent regions. The degree of orientation appears to be dependent on cell-cell and cell-substrate adhesions. By performing digital optical sectioning microscopy on a highly spread NRK subclone, we show that actin filaments organize as a largely isotropic cortical meshwork in metaphase cells and convert into an anisotropic network shortly after anaphase onset, becoming more organized as cytokinesis proceeds. The conversion is most dramatic on the adhering ventral surface which shows little or no cleavage activity, and results in the formation of large bundles along the equator. On the dorsal surface, where cleavage occurs actively, actin filaments remain isotropic, showing only subtle alignment late in cytokinesis. In addition, stereo imaging has led to the discovery of a novel set of filaments that are associated with the cortex and traverse through the cytoplasm. Together, these studies provide important insights into the process of actin remodeling during cell division and point to possible additional mechanisms for force generation.  相似文献   

Replicas of the apical surface of hair cells of the inner ear (vestibular organ) were examined after quick freezing and rotary shadowing. With this technique we illustrate two previously undescribed ways in which the actin filaments in the stereocilia and in the cuticular plate are attached to the plasma membrane. First, in each stereocilium there are threadlike connectors running from the actin filament bundle to the limiting membrane. Second, many of the actin filaments in the cuticular plate are connected to the apical cell membrane by tiny branched connecting units like a "crow's foot." Where these "feet" contact the membrane there is a small swelling. These branched "feet" extend mainly from the ends of the actin filaments but some connect the lateral surfaces of the actin filaments as well. Actin filaments in the cuticular plate are also connected to each other by finer filaments, 3 nm in thickness and 74 +/- 14 nm in length. Interestingly, these 3-nm filaments (which measure 4 nm in replicas) connect actin filaments not only of the same polarity but of opposite polarities as documented by examining replicas of the cuticular plate which had been decorated with subfragment 1 (S1) of myosin. At the apicolateral margins of the cell we find two populations of actin filaments, one just beneath the tight junction as a network, the other at the level of the zonula adherens as a ring. The latter which is quite substantial is composed of actin filaments that run parallel to each other; adjacent filaments often show opposite polarities, as evidenced by S1 decoration. The filaments making up this ring are connected together by the 3-nm connectors. Because of the polarity of the filaments this ring may be a "contractile" ring; the implications of this is discussed.  相似文献   

Close to the bases of the photoreceptive microvilli, arthropod photoreceptors contain a dense network of endoplasmic reticulum that is involved in the regulation of the intracellular calcium concentration, and in the biogenesis of the photoreceptive membrane. Here, we examine the role of the cytoskeleton in organizing this submicrovillar endoplasmic reticulum in honeybee photoreceptors. Immunofluorescence microscopy of taxol-stabilized specimens, and electron-microscopic examination of high-pressure frozen, freeze-substituted retinae demonstrate that the submicrovillar cytoplasm lacks microtubules. The submicrovillar region contains a conspicuous F-actin system that codistributes with the submicrovillar endoplasmic reticulum. Incubation of retinal tissue with cytochalasin B leads to depolymerization of the submicrovillar F-actin system, and to disorganization and disintegration of the submicrovillar endoplasmic reticulum, indicating that an intact F-actin cytoskeleton is required to maintain the architecture of this domain of the endoplasmic reticulum. We have also developed a permeabilized cell model in order to study the physiological requirements for the interaction of the endoplasmic reticulum with actin filaments. The association of submicrovillar endoplasmic reticulum with actin filaments appears to be independent of ATP, Ca2+ and Mg2+, suggesting a tight static anchorage.  相似文献   

Beginning in 8-day embryos, stereocilia sprout from the apical surface of hair cells apparently at random. As the embryo continues to develop, the number of stereocilia increases. By 10 1/2 days the number is approximately the same as that encountered extending from mature hair cells at the same relative positions in the adult cochlea. Surprisingly, over the next 2-3 days the number of stereocilia continues to increase so that hair cells in a 12-day embryo have 1 1/2 to 2 times as many stereocilia as in adult hair cells. In short, there is an overshoot in stereociliary number. During the same period in which stereocilia are formed (9-12 days) the apical surface of each hair cell is filled with closely packed stereocilia; thus the surface area is proportional to the number of stereocilia present per hair cell, as if these features were coupled. The staircase begins to form in a 10-day embryo, with what will be the tallest row beginning to elongate first and gradually row after row begins to elongate by incorporation of stereocilia at the foot of the staircase. Extracellular connections or tip linkages appear as the stereocilia become incorporated into the staircase. After a diminutive staircase has formed, eg. in a 12-day embryo, the remaining stereocilia located at the foot of the staircase begin to be reabsorbed, a process that occurs during the next few days. We conclude that the hair cell determines the number of stereocilia to form by filling up the available apical surface area with stereocilia and then, by cropping back those that are not stabilized by extracellular linkages, arrives at the appropriate number. Furthermore, the stereociliary pattern, which changes from having a round cross-sectional profile to a rectangular one, is generated by these same linkages which lock the stereocilia into a precise pattern. As this pattern is established, we envision that the stereocilia flow over the apical surface until frozen in place by the formation of the cuticular plate in the apical cell cytoplasm.  相似文献   

The structures of cochlear transduction include stereocilia at the apical surface of hair cells and their connection to the tectorial membrane. The transduction site is one of the loci for noise-induced cochlear damage. Although stereocilia are susceptible to noise, it has been found that in the inner ears of avians, this fragile structure is largely self-repairing and is associated with recovery of hearing sensitivity after noise exposure, as observed in the difference between the temporal threshold shift (TTS) and the permanent threshold shift (PTS). In the mammalian cochleae, however, threshold shifts measured in the auditory brainstem responses (ABR) did not parallel the chronological changes in the stereocilia on hair cells. It is unclear how the morphological recovery of the stereocilia on the mammalian hair cells is correlated with the changes in cochlear transduction that can be assessed by measuring receptor potential. In the present study, guinea pigs were exposed to a broadband noise of 110 dB SPL for 2 h. Auditory sensitivity was evaluated using ABR and cochlear transduction was assessed using cochlear microphonics (CM). Stereocilia morphology was quantified at different time points after the noise and compared with the control. The noise produced a TTS of 55.69 ± 14.13 dB in frequency-averaged ABR thresholds. The threshold shift was reduced to 9.58 ± 11.75 dB SPL 1 month later with virtually no loss of hair cells. Damage to the stereocilia immediately after noise exposure was found to be associated with depression of CM amplitude. Virtually no abnormal stereocilia were observed 1 month after the noise in association with a fully recovered CM.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic actin and cochlear outer hair cell motility   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Isolated outer hair cells of the guinea pig lacking a cuticular plate and its associated infracuticular network retain the ability to shorten longitudinally and become thinner. Membrane ghosts lacking cytoplasm retain the cylindrical shape of the hair-cell, and although they do not shorten, they retain the ability to constrict and become thinner. These data suggest that cytoplasmic components are associated with outer hair-cell longitudinal shortening and that the lateral wall is responsible for maintaing cell shape and for constriction. Actin, a protein associated with the cytoskeleton and cell motility, is thought to be involved in outer hair-cell motility. To study its role, actin was localized in isolated outer hair cells by use of phalloidin labeled with fluorescein and antibodies against actin coupled to colloidal gold. In permeabilized guinea-pig hair cells stained with phalloidin, actin filaments are found along the lateral wall. In frozen-fixed hair cells actin filaments are distributed uniformly throughout the cytoplasm. Electron-microscopic studies show that antibodies label actin throughout the outer hair-cell body. Thus cytoplasmic actin filaments may provide the structural basis for the contraction-like events.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructural organization of actin filaments was studied in the neurohypophysial system of the rat after heavy meromyosin (HMM) labeling. This structural pattern is characterized by (1) a straight arrangement of the filaments parallel to the axonal axis in the proximal nondilated parts of axons, (2) a central location within axonal dilatations, and (3) a higher concentration within axonal endings where the filaments form a complex three-dimensional network. The relationships of the filaments to other axonal structures and organelles was further studied by use of electron microscopic stereoscopy. The actin filaments frequently appear anchored to the axolemma with either polar arrangements of the arrowhead decoration (i) at structurally undifferentiated sites, and (ii) more particularly within perivascular endings, at sites with electron-dense thickenings. In all axonal divisions actin filaments are also found to bind to filamentous material surrounding the microtubules and to various organelles. Within the terminal portions of the axons actin filaments exhibit close relationships to neurosecretory granules and to the numerous smooth microvesicles found in this region. Such preferential relationships are particularly observed both in axon terminals and in pituicytes, with coated vesicles frequently binding actin filaments. In water-deprived rats, the concentration of actin filaments is conspicuously increased along the axons and more clearly in the axonal swellings and endings, where they form a more complex and interconnected network. These data are discussed in the light of a possible involvement of contractile proteins in the mechanisms of axonal transport and terminal release of neurosecretory products.  相似文献   

The afferent synapse of cochlear hair cells   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Mechanosensory hair cells of the cochlea must serve as both transducers and presynaptic terminals, precisely releasing neurotransmitter to encode acoustic signals for the postsynaptic afferent neuron. Remarkably, each inner hair cell serves as the sole input for 10-30 individual afferent neurons, which requires extraordinary precision and reliability from the synaptic ribbons that marshal vesicular release onto each afferent. Recent studies of hair cell membrane capacitance and postsynaptic currents suggest that the synaptic ribbon may operate by simultaneous multi-vesicular release. This mechanism could serve to ensure the accurate timing of transmission, and further challenges our understanding of this synaptic nano-machine.  相似文献   

Located on the sensory epithelium of the sickle-shaped cochlea of a 7- to 10-d-old chick are approximately 5,000 hair cells. When the apical surface of these cell is examined by scanning microscopy, we find that the length, number, width, and distribution of the stereocilia on each hair cell are predetermined. Thus, a hair cell located at the distal end of the cochlea has 50 stereocilia, the longest of which are 5.5 microns in length and 0.12 microns in width, while those at the proximal end number 300 and are maximally 1.5 microns in length and 0.2 micron in width. In fact, if we travel along the cochlea from its distal to proximal end, we see that the stereocilia on successive hair cells gradually increase in number and width, yet decrease in length. Also, if we look transversely across the cochlea where adjacent hair cells have the same length and number of stereocilia (they are the same distance from the distal end of the cochlea), we find that the stereocilia of successive hair cells become thinner and that the apical surface area of the hair cell proper, not including the stereocilia, decreases from a maximum of 80 microns2 to 15 microns2. Thus, if we are told the length of the longest stereocilium on a hair cell and the width of that stereocilium, we can pinpoint the position of that hair cell on the cochlea in two axes. Likewise, if we are told the number of stereocilia and the apical surface of a hair cell, we can pinpoint the location of that cell in two axes. The distribution of the stereocilia on the apical surface of the cell is also precisely determined. More specifically, the stereocilia are hexagonally packed and this hexagonal lattice is precisely positioned relative to the kinocilium. Because of the precision with which individual hair cells regulate the length, width, number, and distribution of their cell extensions, we have a magnificent object with which to ask questions about how actin filaments that are present within the cell are regulated. Equally interesting is that the gradient in stereociliary length, number, width, and distribution may play an important role in frequency discrimination in the cochlea. This conclusion is amplified by the information presented in the accompanying paper (Tilney, L.G., E.H. Egelman, D.J. DeRosier, and J.C. Saunders, 1983, J. Cell Biol., 96:822- 834) on the packing of actin filaments in this stereocilia.  相似文献   

Demonstration of actin filaments in sponge cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Lamellipodium extension, incorporating actin filament dynamics and the cell membrane, is simulated in three dimensions. The actin filament network topology and the role of actin-associated proteins such as Arp2/3 are examined. We find that the orientational pattern of the filaments is in accord with the experimental data only if the spatial orientation of the Arp2/3 complex is restricted during each branching event. We hypothesize that branching occurs when Arp2/3 is bound to Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASP), which is in turn bound to Cdc42 signaling complex; Arp2/3 binding geometry is restricted by the membrane-bound complex. Using mechanical and energetic arguments, we show that any membrane protein that is conical or trapezoidal in shape preferentially resides at the curved regions of the plasma membrane. We hypothesize that the transmembrane receptors involved in the recruitment of Cdc42/WASP complex has this property and concentrate at the leading edge. These features, combined with the mechanical properties of the cell membrane, explain why lamellipodium is a flat organelle.  相似文献   

Summary Ring formed actin filaments were observed in tobacco BY-2 cells. The change of this structure during culture was followed by fluorescence microscopy.  相似文献   

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