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Glucocorticoids block the induced secretion of prostaglandins in a variety of biological contexts. We have identified a primary response gene, TIS10, which encodes a mitogen-inducible prostaglandin synthase/cyclooxygenase in Swiss 3T3 cells. TIS10 is distinct from prostaglandin synthase/cyclooxygenase. (EC, previously cloned from mouse, man, and sheep. Dexamethasone blocks prostaglandin E2 synthesis by 3T3 cells in response to tetradecanoylphorbol acetate. Dexamethasone also blocks both phorbol ester- and forskolin-induced TIS10 mRNA accumulation. In contrast, phorbol esters, forskolin, and dexamethasone have little or no effect on the levels of prostaglandin synthase/cyclooxygenase mRNA in 3T3 cells. Moreover, dexamethasone does not inhibit induction of TIS8/egr-1, another primary response gene. Inhibition of the synthesis of TIS10 prostaglandin synthase/cyclooxygenase may be a principal mechanism by which glucocorticoids block prostaglandin synthesis and secretion.  相似文献   

A 1.9-kilobase (kb) cDNA for a new transglutaminase protein has been cloned and sequenced from retinoic acid-induced human erythroleukemia (HEL) cells. Full-length cDNA analysis reveals an open reading frame coding for a polypeptide of 548 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 61,740. The deduced amino acid sequence exhibited 98% identity to the human cellular transglutaminase sequence. The cysteine at position 277 in the active site and the putative Ca(2+)-binding pocket at residues 446-453 of cellular transglutaminase are conserved. Such evidence predicts that the encoded protein product is likely to be a transglutaminase homologue (TGase-H). Immunoprecipitation of the in vitro translation products from a synthetic TGase-H mRNA and from total protein of cultured erythroleukemia HEL cells revealed a protein with a molecular weight of 63,000 by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Northern blot analysis of HEL cells and normal human fibroblast cells WI-38 using a cellular TGase probe detected the 1.9- and 4.0-kb RNA species at a relative abundance of 1:3 and 1:7, respectively. The 3'-end of the human cellular transglutaminase mRNA was also cloned and sequenced to allow comparison to the 3'-end of TGase-H reported here. This new piece gives a full length of 4012 nucleotides (4.0 kb) for human cellular transglutaminase. Comparison of the 5'-end (bases 1-1747) of the 1.9- and 4.0-kb cDNA sequences revealed a very high degree of identity. Beginning with base 1748, the sequences diverge showing no homology. The divergence point correlates with known intron-exon consensus boundaries indicative of alternative splicing.  相似文献   

A protein recognizing apolipoproteins AI, AII and AIV was purified from cultured mouse adipose cells of the Ob17MT18 clonal line. Apolipoprotein A binding sites were solubilized in the presence of proteinase inhibitors using the non-denaturating detergent CHAPS. Chromatography of the soluble extract on DEAE-Trisacryl was followed by immunoaffinity chromatography of the complex apolipoprotein AI-binding proteins on anti-(apolipoprotein AI) coupled to Sepharose 4B and then by h.p.l.c. on an RP-Select B column. A 1400-fold purification over the starting crude homogenate was achieved. The purified material contained two proteins that were both able to bind apolipoproteins AI, AII and AIV, but not low-density lipoprotein. Glycopeptidase F treatment showed the existence of a single protein bearing either N-linked high-mannose or complex oligosaccharide chains. The purified material showed an apparent molecular mass of 80 +/- 9 kDa by h.p.l.c. on a TSKG 3000 SW column. Rabbit polyclonal antibodies directed against the purified material revealed two protein bands of 80 and 92 kDa after SDS/PAGE under reducing conditions and immunoblotting. These bands were undetectable in growing Ob17PY cells previously shown not to bind the various apolipoproteins A and not to undergo cholesterol efflux, whereas they were conspicuous in growth-arrested Ob17PY cells which have recovered these properties.  相似文献   

The expression of members of the Ca2+ and phospholipid-dependent protein kinase (PKC) family were studied in murine Swiss 3T3 cells. In addition to PKC-alpha, the presence of immunoreactive PKC-delta, -epsilon, and zeta was detected. Treatment with 500 nM 12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) led to the down-regulation of alpha, delta, and epsilon isoforms, but not that of zeta. Higher concentrations of TPA similarly had no effect on the level of PKC-zeta. In contrast to PKC-alpha, the membrane localization of PKC-delta, -epsilon, and -zeta was not enhanced by extraction in Ca(2+)-containing buffers, whereas acute TPA treatment increased membrane association of PKC-alpha, -delta, and -epsilon but not that of PKC-zeta.  相似文献   

We have previously isolated several cDNA clones specific for mRNA species that increase in abundance during the retinoic acid-associated differentiation of F9 teratocarcinoma stem cells. One of these mRNAs, J6, encodes a approximately 40 kDa protein as assayed by hybrid selection and in vitro translation (Wang, S.-Y., LaRosa, G., and Gudas, L. J. (1985) Dev. Biol. 107, 75-86). The time course of J6 mRNA expression is similar to those of both laminin B1 and collagen IV (alpha 1) messages following retinoic acid addition. To address the functional role of this protein, we have isolated a full-length cDNA clone complementary to this approximately 40-kDa protein mRNA. Sequence analysis reveals an open reading frame of 406 amino acids (Mr 45,652). The carboxyl-terminal portion of this predicted protein contains a region that is homologous to the reactive sites found among members of the serpin (serine protease inhibitor) family. The predicted reactive site (P1-P1') of this J6 protein is Arg-Ser, which is the same as that of antithrombin III. Like ovalbumin and human monocyte-derived plasminogen activator inhibitor (mPAI-2), which are members of the serpin gene family, the J6 protein appears to have no typical amino-terminal signal sequence.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to determine the mechanism by which phorbol ester stimulates eicosanoid synthesis in endothelial cells. We observed that phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) actively stimulated eicosanoid synthesis over a prolonged period of time, and the stimulatory effect was abolished by cycloheximide and actinomycin D. Western blot was employed to test the hypothesis that PMA elicited sustained eicosanoid synthesis via the stimulation of de novo synthesis of prostaglandin G/H synthase (cyclooxygenase, EC Treatment of cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells resulted in an enhancement of the 70-kDa immunoreactive prostaglandin G/H synthase band over the control cells treated with medium alone. The enhancement was abolished by cycloheximide. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells were then metabolically labeled with L-[35S]methionine, and the effect of PMA on methionine incorporation was evaluated by immunoblotting. PMA increased the synthetic rate of prostaglandin G/H synthase over the control cells. By pulse-chase experiments, we further showed that prostaglandin G/H synthase has a rapid turnover rate (t1/2 less than 10 min) in control cells, and PMA had no effect on the enzyme turnover. Our data indicate that PMA increases the synthesis of prostaglandin G/H synthase which is required for circumventing the autoinactivation of prostaglandin G/H synthase and hence permit sustained conversion of arachidonic acid into eicosanoids.  相似文献   

15-deoxy-Delta(12,14) prostaglandin J(2) (15dPGJ(2)), a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) ligand, induced synergistic stimulation of DNA synthesis in the presence of phorbol dibutyrate (PDB) in Swiss 3T3 cells. This effect was dose-dependent and the maximum response was obtained at 2 microM 15dPGJ(2), although higher concentrations of 15dPGJ(2) were cytotoxic. Furthermore, 15dPGJ(2) synergizes with PDB to induce cell-cycle progression and cyclin D(1) expression. Rosiglitazone and ciglitazone, two other agonists of PPARgamma, did not synergize with PDB to induce DNA synthesis, suggesting that activation of PPARgamma is not involved in 15dPGJ(2)-induced DNA synthesis. 15dPGJ(2) neither increased the levels of cAMP, nor changed the phosphorylation state of CREB, nor induced calcium mobilization, indicating that 15dPGJ(2) effects are independent of prostaglandin D(2) receptor (DP1 and DP2). Moreover, 15dPGJ(2) did not induce activation of PKB/AKT or activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK). These results establish a proliferative role for 15dPGJ(2) in Swiss 3T3 cells independent of the activation of PPARgamma or the PGD(2) receptors.  相似文献   

C3H/10T1/2 cells were exposed to 2.45-GHz microwaves for 24 h and/or 1.5 Gy of 238-kVp X rays at 3.75 Gy/min. Transformation frequency and cell survival were measured with or without postirradiation addition of the tumor promoter tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate (TPA) at 0.1 microgram/ml. We previously reported (Carcinogenesis 6,859-864, 1985) an enhancement of transformation frequency when 10T1/2 cells exposed to a special sequence of microwaves and X rays were subsequently cultured in TPA. The same sequence of microwaves and X rays without promotion resulted in a transformation response similar to that induced by X rays alone. We now report statistically significant (at P greater than 0.999) enhancement of transformation response by TPA in cells exposed to 2.45-GHz microwaves (SAR = 4.4 W/kg). Microwaves alone had no effect on transformation. Plating efficiency and cell survival were not affected by TPA or microwave treatments.  相似文献   

Enzymatic properties of a novel phorbol ester receptor/protein kinase, nPKC   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A protein kinase C-related cDNA encodes a novel phorbol ester receptor/protein kinase, nPKC epsilon, clearly distinct from the four "conventional" PKCs [Ohno, S., Akita, Y., Konno, Y., Imajoh, S., & Suzuki, K. (1988) Cell 53, 731-741]. We purified nPKC epsilon from COS cells transfected with nPKC cDNA and compared its enzymatic properties with a conventional PKC, PKC alpha. nPKC epsilon was eluted from a hydroxyapatite column at a position coincident with type II PKC and thus was separated from type III PKC (PKC alpha), the only PKC expressed in COS cells. The protein kinase activity of nPKC epsilon is activated by phospholipids and diacylglycerols (or phorbol esters) in a manner similar to conventional PKCs. However, the cofactor dependencies and substrate specificities were clearly different from PKC alpha. A phospholipid, cardiolipin, enhances the kinase activity three- to fourfold compared with phosphatidylserine. The optimum Mg2+ concentration (3 mM) is clearly different from those of conventional PKCs (10-20 mM). The activation of nPKC epsilon by these cofactors is totally independent of Ca2+. Similar to conventional PKCs, nPKC epsilon autophosphorylates serine and threonine residues, indicating the specificity of the kinase to these amino acid residues. However, it shows a clearly different substrate specificity against exogenous substrates in that myelin basic proteins rather than histone are good substrates. These properties of nPKC epsilon permit clear discrimination of nPKC epsilon from conventional PKCs.  相似文献   

Phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate, epidermal growth factor, and insulin raised the intracellular pH ([pH]i), presumably through the activation of a Na+/H+ antiporter. Addition of amiloride or replacement of extra-cellular Na+ by choline which abolishes the cytoplasmic alkalinization prevented the stimulation of hexose transport by these agents. Furthermore, monensin, a Na+/H+ ionophore which increases the [pH]i, stimulated hexose transport. This stimulation was also prevented by the replacement of extra-cellular Na+ by choline. These observations suggest that stimulation of the Na+/H+ antiporter may have stimulated the increase in hexose transport.  相似文献   

We report here the isolation of the Arabidopsis thaliana gene AtK-1. The predicted protein sequence of AtK-1 show 70% identity to the Arabidopsis ASK and alfalfa MsK kinases that are homologs of the Drosophila shaggy and rat GSK-3 serine/threonine protein kinases playing an important role in signal transduction processes in animals. Northern analysis of different organs revealed exclusive expression in inflorescences suggesting an involvement of the AtK-1 kinase in reproduction-specific processes.  相似文献   

The 3T3-TNR9 cell line is a variant of Swiss 3T3 cells which does not respond mitogenically to tumor promoters, but does respond mitogenically to epidermal growth factor, fibroblast growth factor, and serum. To elucidate differences between tumor promoters and polypeptide mitogens in the pathway(s) of mitogenesis which might be responsible for the nonresponsiveness of the 3T3-TNR9 cells, we have examined in these cells the early protein phosphorylation events known to be associated with mitogenesis in the parental 3T3 cells. We find that the 3T3-TNR9 cells display levels of tetradecanoyl phorbol acetate binding and of a calcium- and phospholipid-dependent protein kinase activity which are at least the equal of those seen in the parental 3T3 cells, implicating some postreceptor event in the nonmitogenic phenotype. In addition, we find that phosphorylation of the epidermal growth factor receptor and of 80-kDa and 22-kDa proteins, as well as the tyrosine phosphorylation of a 42-kDa protein, all proceed normally in the nonmitogenic variant, even though these phosphorylations must depend on the activation of different kinases. Thus, all these early phosphorylation reactions are intact in the 3T3-TNR9 cells. Although these phosphorylations may be necessary, they clearly are insufficient to trigger mitogenesis.  相似文献   

Addition of 1-oleoyl-2-acetyl-glycerol (OAG), 1,2-dioctanoyl-glycerol (diC8) or phorbol-12, 13-dibutyrate (PDBu) to cultures of Swiss 3T3 cells rapidly increases the phosphorylation of the Mr 80,000 protein kinase C (PKC) substrate, inhibits EGF binding and stimulates DNA synthesis. Prolonged incubation (40 h) with PDBu completely blocked these responses to all agents and down-regulated PKC. In contrast, a similar treatment with OAG or diC8, at mitogenic concentrations, neither induced homologous cellular desensitization nor decreased the immunoreactive level or activity of PKC. The results show that PKC down-regulation can be dissociated from PKC-mediated mitogenesis in Swiss 3T3 cells.  相似文献   

Chalcone synthase and stilbene synthase are plant-specific polyketide synthases. They catalyze three common consecutive decarboxylative condensations and specific cyclization reactions. They are highly homologous to each other, and are likely to fall into a family of polyketide synthases along with acridone synthase and bibenzyl synthase. Two cDNA clones (named HmC and HmS), both of which show high homology to the known chalcone synthases, were obtained from leaves of Hydrangea macrophylla var. thunbergii. They were expressed in Escherichia coli in order to determine their enzyme functions. Detection of chalcone formation clearly indicated that HmC encoded chalcone synthase, while HmS protein catalyzed the formation of neither chalcone nor stilbene. However, a novel pyrone, a lactonization product of a linear tetraketide was detected in reaction products of HmS protein. This proves that HmS encodes a novel polyketide synthase that catalyzes only chain elongation without cyclization.  相似文献   

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