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Oxygen uptake by the peat of two Antarctic bryophyte communities (a moss turf and a moss carpet) is converted to organic matter loss and used to derive the rate of decomposition. The decay rates obtained in this way are evaluated in two mathematical models which simulate the accumulation of dead organic matter (DOM) in the communities from the litter production and decomposition rate. Litter production, the extent of DOM accumulations at present on the sites and mean decomposition rates (i.e. fraction of standing crop lost per year) were 409 g m-2 year-1, 33.5 kg m-2 and 0.017 g g-1 year-1 in the moss turf and 392 g m-2 year-1, 29.6 kg m-2 and 0.010 g g-1 year-1 in the moss carpet respectively (all weights expressed as dry weight). Aerobic decomposition rate declined with depth in both communities. From the model's predictions it is suggested that the observed decay rate was too high in the moss turf and too low in the carpet. Possible reasons for this are discussed and suggestions made for future work.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. The River Eden (Kent, England) holds a mixed coarse fish population in which minnows ( Phoxinus phoxinus ), gudgeon ( Gobio gobio ), chub ( Leuciscus cephalus ) and dace ( Leuciscus leuciscus ) are numerically predominant. Chub and dace provide the major interest to anglers and their growth and production were studied. Observed growth rates of both species were marginally below recorded averages from other British habitats. Back-calculations showed that year-class strength and relative growth rates varied between years. Instantaneous mortality rate Z was 0.147 for chub aged 1–10, 0.438 for chub aged 10 and over, and 0.172 for dace. Exclusive of the 0-group, fish numbers, biomass (wet wt) and production were found to be 0.1305 m-2, 19.12 gm-2 and 5.38 gm-2 year-1, respectively, for chub and 0.0968 m-2, 4.33 gm-2 and 1.69 gm-2 year-1 for dace. Smoothing of data produced theoretical production figures of 6.69 gm-2 year-1 for chub and 1.15 gm-2 year-1 for dace.  相似文献   

The effects of intensive fishing and fish recruitment on the nutrient excretion rate by a planktivorous roach Rutilus rutilus stock in Lake Vesijärvi were estimated using a bioenergetics model. The values were compared with those given by the model assuming that no mass removal occurred or that the mass removal ceased after 2 years. According to the model, during June-August 1989 phosphorus (P) excretion by the pelagic roach stock corresponded to 18% of the annual external P loading and showed a maximum of 0.4 mg m−2 day−1. As a result of mass removal, the maximum daily P excretion declined to 0.18 mg m−2 by 1990 and to 0.10 mg m−2 by 1992. The reduction was due to the lower number of roach, while the excretion rates of individual fish were unaffected. A 2-year mass removal would have temporarily reduced the P excretion rate, but in 1991 and 1992 the highest daily excretion rates would have been doubled compared with values after the 4-year mass removal. Assuming no fishing mortality, interannual differences were diminished and the excretion rates in 1991 and 1992 were 2.5 times higher than the values after the 4-year mass removal. The results suggest that nutrient recycling by fish stocks may be affected substantially by fisheries management. However, the effects are dependent on the timing of fishing due to the variations in the year class strength of fish. In Lake Vesijärvi the reduction in nutrient excretion was amplified coincidentally by the natural variation in recruitment of the roach stock.  相似文献   

Seasonal measurements of the oxygen and nitrate uptake by a reed swamp sediment were carried out in a shallow, eutrophic Danish lake, Arreskov Sø. The oxidation of organic carbon in the sediment by aerobic and nitrate respiration was 290 and 188 g C m−2 yr−1 respectively. During winter, nitrate respiration amounted to 94% of the total carbon oxidation, whereas it was zero during summer. On an annual basis nitrate respiration constituted 39% of total respiration. Sediment nitrate uptake was correlated to nitrate concentration. In consequence of this the nitrate uptake rates varied during the year from zero in summer to 55 mg N m−2 d−1 in spring.
Oxygen uptake rates varied from 30 to 250 mg O2 m−2 h−1 during the year, with a maximum uptake in August. The oxygen uptake per year was calculated to 860 g O2 m−2. The oxygen uptake rate was correlated to lake temperature and Kjeldahl nitrogen content of the sediment. The oxygen uptake rate, however, showed no correlation with loss on ignition of the sediment. A Q10-value of 2.2 was found for lake measurements in the temperature interval of 5–15°C. The corresponding O10-value in the laboratory was 2.6. A high microbial biomass indicated by the maximum content of Kjeldahl nitrogen and the lowest ratio of loss on ignition on Kjeldahl nitrogen appeared in late August, when the maximum oxygen uptake occurred. The oxygen uptake rate increased during the time interval from sampling to the start of the experiments.  相似文献   

Epipelic production was studied over three years in Lake Gunillajaure, a small, subarctic lake in northern Sweden. In 1977 the lake was in its natural state and in 1978 and 1979 it was continuously fertilized with phosphorus and nitrogen. The fertilizations in 1978 and 1979 did not increase the annual epipelic production measured with 14C technique. Also the seasonal production pattern was the same during the three years. The variation in production with depth was similar all three years with mean values of 85 mg C m-2 d-1 at 2 m and 1 mg C m-2 d-1 at 11 m. Light penetration and water temperature were found to be the most important environmental factors affecting epipelic production. A long turnover time, between I months and 14 yr at different depths, of the probably well adapted epipelic community is suggested to be an explanation to the absence of a response to the fertilization.  相似文献   

The species composition, biomass (measured as algal volumes) and chlorophyll concentration of epipelic algae was studies before (1977) and during (1978–1979) fertilization with phosphorus and nitrogen of Lake Gunillajaure, a small subarctic lake in northern Sweden.
The epipelic biomass, dominated by Cyanophyceae and Bacillariophyceae, was high (5.6–20.1 cm3 m−2) at all depths in the lake with the highest values in the hypolimnion (8–13.7 m). Calculated over mean depth it was 20 times higher than that of the phytoplankton. There was no significant increase in biomass during fertilization and neither did the species composition change. The chlorophyll concentration on the other hand were significantly higher in late 1978 and in 1979 which was probably an effect of the declining light climate caused by a large phytoplankton development in the lake. Constant seasonal biomass and species composition indicate a perennial epipelic community in this lake.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. A massive population of the common dinoflagellate Ceratium hirundinella developed in Heart Lake. Ontario, Canada during the summer of 1976 and its sudden collapse and subsequent decomposition depleted dissolved oxygen and resulted in a fish-kill in the lake. The lake was being artificially mixed at the time by supplying compressed air to the bottom waters and the limnological events contributing to the development of the Ceratium population and its collapse appear to be closely related to the artificial destratification process. Artificial destratification during 1976 precluded the development of blue-green algue. The process also led to an increase in the density of herbivorous zooplankters which controlled the development of smaller planktonic algae. Ceratium flourished in Heart Lake because there was little competition for nutrients from other algae and because Ceratium cells are too large to be grazed by the zooplankton. The maximum size of the Ceratium population (53 mm3 1−1) is apparently the highest biomass reported in the literature and its collapse may have been related to a depletion of inorganic nitrogen. There is apparently no previously published record of a Ceratium -induced fish-kill in a freshwater lake.  相似文献   

Abstract. Two anatomical variants of Panicum maximum Jacq. were observed to accumulate an unusually large number of starch grains in the bundle sheath chloroplasts when grown under controlled environmental conditions in a nutrient medium containing a low level of nitrate nitrogen (20 mg N dm−3 as KNO3). When these plants were placed under dark conditions the chloroplasts were destarched, but exhibited a marked distortion of the thylakoid membranes. Under a higher level of nitrate nitrogen supply (200 mg N dm−3 as KNO3) the number of starch grains was markedly reduced compared to that observed above in both plant variants. When the nitrogen was supplied as ammonium nitrogen (200 mg N dm−3 as NH4Cl) there was again a high level of starch in the bundle sheath chloroplasts, the level being only slightly lower than that observed at the low KNO3 supply. An unusually large number of starch grains accumulated in the bundle sheath chloroplasts in the absence of added phosphorus in the nutrient medium, in the presence of the higher nitrate nitrogen level. It is suggested that the increased starch accumulation results from a reduced trans-location of Calvin cycle intermediates out of the chloroplasts into the cytoplasm and that both nitrate nitrogen and phosphorus may play an important role in this process. A good correlation between high net photosynthetic activity and low bundle sheath starch content was observed. Nutrient medium requirements favouring low starch content in chloroplasts also favoured high net photosynthetic rates.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. Respiration of Asellus aquaticus was determined on tiine occasions throughout the year using a Gilson differential respirometer. On each occasion the determination was made at the lake temperature, which ranged from 2 to 18°C, Linear regressions were derived for log oxygen uptake against log dry weight. There was a significant difference between mean rates of oxygen uptake at the various temperatures but the slopes of the regression lines, which varied from 0,62 to O.85 with a mean of 0,76, were not significantly different.
The temperature of the lake was monitored throughout the year. Using the relationship of oxygen uptake against temperature, and estimates of population density obtained previously, the total annual respiration of the population was calculated as 4571 ml O2 m-2, equivalent to an energy loss of 92.3 kj m-2 year-1 from a mean biomassof 752 mg m-2.
Consumption of decayed Alnus glutinosa leaves and faecal production rates, and thus assimilation efficiency, were determined by gravimetric methods in the laboratory at 10°C, close to the mean temperature of the lake (10.rC), In the four size classes investigated, larger animals consumed more food per individual, but less on a weight specific basis. However, it was shown that consumption was greater if the leaf material was more highly decomposed, Assimiliation efficiency was calculated as 23%.
Using data for respiration, population density and the assimilation efficiency, the annual population energy budget was estimated as (kJ m-2year-1): consumption, 568.9 (100%); production, 38.5 (6.8%); respiration, 92.3 (16.2%); faeces, 438.1 (77%). The significance of these energy values, and the ecological efficiencies calculated from them, are discussed in relation to other published work.  相似文献   

The Lahontan cutthroat trout lives under highly alkaline and saline conditions in Pyramid Lake, Nevada (pH 9.4; 0.2 mmol 1−1 Ca++; 7.3 mmol 1−1 Mg++). These experiments were conducted to study the possible roles of water Ca++ and Mg++ concentrations on ammonia excretion in the Lahontan cutthroat trout under highly alkaline conditions. The basic protocol of the experiments was to determine ammonia excretion rates during the following three exposure periods (each of 3-h duration) in sequence: (a) in normal lake water; (b) in soft lake water with the divalent cation concentrations reduced; and (c) in the soft lake water with either Ca++ or Mg++ (or no divalent cations added) added back at the appropriate lake water concentration. The soft-water exposure caused a significant reduction in ammonia excretion to about half of the control (original lake water) levels. When either Ca++ or Mg++ was added to the soft water in the third exposure period, the ammonia excretion rates were increased more than twofold back to lake water levels.  相似文献   

The life cycle, population dynamics and secondary production of the xerothermophilic land snail Xeropicta arenosa were studied in northern Greece. The study of biology and the demographic analysis of the populations of X. arenosa revealed that it is a semelparous annual species. Reproduction takes place in autumn and the majority of the adults die after egglaying. Growth is continuous throughout the year and no seasonal fluctuations occur. Estimation of annual secondary production with the Hynes' size frequency method revealed a mean standing crop ( aa ) of 0.075 g m-2 year-1 and a productivity ( P ) of 0.267+ 0.043 gm-2 year-1. The annual turnover ratio ( P/ ) was equal to 3.56.  相似文献   

22 samples of the benthic plant Nitella flexilis collected fortnightly in Grane Langsø from July 1959 to June 1960 were examined for epiphytic diatoms. The relative abundance of every taxon was determined by counting 400 valves from each of the Nitella samples. The species composition of the diatom assemblages seemed unchanged throughout the year. A clear seasonal periodicity in relative abundance could not be proved for any of the diatoms in spite of a variation in the irradiance from about 8–10 cal.cm-2 day-1 in June-July to 0.1–0.2 cal.cm-2 day-1 in February. The diatoms were living on a yearly PAR-irradiance of only 1000 cal.cm-2 year-1, which is 2.2% of that at the lake surface. The seasonal fluctuations in C02 and pH in 11.25 m subsurface depth are shown by diagrams. Diatom inferred pH is compared with measured pH.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. Barton Broad, Norfolk is a shallow, eutrophic lake. During the last 30 years submerged macrophytes have declined and phytoplankton numbers have increased. This change is traced through the stratigraphy of a 60-cm mud core. Diatom frustule counts of 1-cm sections of the core showed that an epiphyte-dominated diatom community was replaced by a planktonic community. From chemical analysis and radio-isotope dating of the core, sedimentation rates and past phosphorus and iron loadings are estimated. Sedimentation rates were between 1.2 mm and 3.1 mm year−1 during the early part of the core but doubled in the 1950s to 5 mm year−1, doubled again in the 1960s and have increased to 12 mm year−1 in the 1970s. Retention of phosphorus in the sediment increased from 0.5 g m−2 year−1 to 18–21 g m−2 year−1 in two steps. A similar trend is shown for iron. The diatom species composition and chemistry of the core sections are correlated with increased nutrient loading and the decline of macrophytes. Contemporary phosphorus and iron budgets are calculated from inflow–outflow data and balanced using sediment retentions estimated from the core data. It is believed a large proportion of phosphorus and iron enters the Broad by movement of sediment along the river bed. A reduction of 25% of the 1975 phosphorus loadings would probably permit re-establishment of some macrophytes. The present chemistry and algal communities of Barton Broad and the River Ant are described.  相似文献   

Nutrient ratios have been related to nutrient limitation of algal growth in lakes. Retention of nutrients in lakes, by sedimentation and by denitrification, reduces the nutrient concentrations in the water column, thereby enhancing nutrient limitation. Differential retention of nitrogen and phosphorus alters their ratios in lakes and thereby contributes to determine whether nitrogen or phosphorus limits algal growth. We examined the relationships between differential nutrient retention, nutrient ratios, and nutrient limitation in Lake Brunner, a deep oligotrophic lake. The observed retention of nitrogen (20%) and phosphorus (47%) agreed with predictions by empirical equations from literature. As a result of differential retention with a much larger proportion of phosphorus retained than that of nitrogen, the nitrogen:phosphorus ratio was higher in the lake (69) than in the inflows (46). While the mean ratio in the inflows suggested no or only moderate phosphorus limitation, the lake appeared to be severely phosphorus limited. Combining empirical equations from literature that predict nitrogen and phosphorus retention suggests that the nitrogen:phosphorus ratio is enhanced by greater retention of phosphorus compared to nitrogen only in deep lakes with relatively short residence times, such as Lake Brunner. In contrast, in most lakes differential retention is expected to result in lower nitrogen:phosphorus ratios.  相似文献   

1. An oligotrophic arctic lake was fertilised with inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus as (NH4)2 NO3 and H3PO4 for five summers. The loading rate was 1.7–2.5 mmol N m–2 day–1 and 0.136–0.20 mmol P m–2 day–1 which is two to three times the annual loading of lakes in the area. The heterotrophic microzooplankton community was enumerated during the experiment as well as 1 year pre- and post-treatment.
2. The structure of the microplankton community changed from a nutrient limited system, dominated by oligotrich protozoans and small-particle feeding rotifers, to a system dominated by a succession of peritrich protozoans and predatory rotifers. These peritrich protozoans and predatory rotifers were not present prior to fertilisation and never constituted more than a small fraction of the biomass in other lakes at the research site. The average biomass of the rotifers and protozoans was more than seven and a half times larger by the end of fertilisation than it was initially.
3. Because of the increases in numbers of individuals in these new taxa, the structure of the microbial food web changed. When fertilisation stopped, most parameters returned to prefertilisation levels within 1 year.  相似文献   

The tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum , is the most important fish landed at Manaus by the fishery in the Amazonas State, Brazil. Population parameters have been estimated for this stock, which are: L∞= 107·3 cm ( t.l. ), W∞=32 kg, AT=0·227 year-1, M=0·45 year-1. A yield per recruit analysis shows that the stock is underexploited for values of M bigger than 0·30 year-1.  相似文献   

1. Whole-lake experiments were conducted in two hardwater lakes (Halfmoon and Figure Eight) in Alberta, Canada, to investigate the effectiveness of repeated lime (slaked lime: Ca(OH)2 and/or calcite: CaCO3) treatments (5–78 mg L–1) for up to 7 years.
2. Randomized intervention analysis of intersystem differences between the experimental and three reference lakes demonstrated a decline in euphotic total phosphorus and chlorophyll a concentrations in the experimental lakes after repeated lime treatments.
3. After the second lime application to Halfmoon Lake, mean winter total phosphorus release rates (TPRR) decreased to < 1 mg m–2 day–1 compared with 3.6 mg m–2 day–1 during the winter after initial treatment. In the final year of lime application, mean summer TPRR decreased to 4.5 mg m–2 day–1 compared with 7.6 mg m–2 day–1 in the pre-treatment year.
4. Mean macrophyte biomass declined and species composition was altered at 1 and 2 m depths in Figure Eight Lake during lime application. Over the first 6 years of treatment, macrophyte biomass at 2 m declined by 95% compared with concentrations recorded during the initial treatment year. In the last year of the study, macrophyte biomass at 2 m reached initial treatment concentrations, which coincided with the greatest water transparency. Over the treatment period, macrophyte species shifted from floating to rooted plants.
5. Multiple lime applications can improve water quality in eutrophic hardwater lakes for periods of up to 7 years.  相似文献   

Growth rates, podomere addition, and secondary production of Arcilalitrus dorrieni (Hunt, 1925) populations inhabiting two neighbouring woodland sites at Kylemore, Co. Galway, Ireland, were investigated. One site was a mixed deciduous woodland infested with Rhododendron ponticum. The other a pure coniferous stand of Pinus contorta var. latifolia S. Wats. Seasonal changes in biomass were recorded at the two sites. In both years of the study, maximum biomass was recorded in September. Females had a higher growth rate than males, but growth rates of both males and females were higher at the mixed deciduous site. The number of podomeres on the second antenna was correlated with the size of the animal. The average length of A. dorrieni at each podomere number appeared to change seasonally. Comparisons of mean spring values with mean summer values showed a statistically significant decrease in mean amphipod length for a given podomere number, though this was more marked at the mixed deciduous site. Annual secondary production rates ranged from 5.06 g dry wt m-2 year-1at the coniferous site to 14.55 g dry wt m-2 year-1 at the mixed deciduous site. P:B values ranged from 2.41 at the coniferous site to 3.01 at the mixed deciduous site. Results are compared between sites and with data from other relevant crustacean species.  相似文献   

The carbon partitioning of the epipelic diatom Cylindrotheca closterium (Ehrenberg) Reiman and Lewin isolated from the Adriatic Sea was studied in the laboratory under varying scenarios of nutrient limitation. Total number of cells, photosynthesis measured at 695 μmol photons·m 2·s 1 irradiance (P695- μ mol), chlorophyll ( a + c ) content, respiration, extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), total particulate carbohydrate (TPC), and dissolved carbohydrate were evaluated under nitrogen and phosphorus deficiencies in culture. The highest total number of cells was found in the control, whereas the nitrogen-limited treatment showed the lowest value. During the transition phase of growth, photosynthesis in the nitrogen-limited treatment was 3-fold lower than in the phosphorus-limited treatment and 4-fold lower than in the control. Differences in respiration rates and chlorophyll ( a + c ) content were even more marked. Dissolved carbohydrate remained the same in all the treatments, whereas during the transition and stationary phase, EPS presented the highest values under phosphorus limitation and the lowest in the control treatment. The production of EPS was closely linked to the periods of carbon assimilation (transition phase) in the nutrient depleted treatments, especially in the phosphorus-limited treatment. These results point out the relevance of the nutrient imbalance (nitrogen or phosphorus) in the production of EPS by the benthic or resuspended diatoms and suggest that these diatoms play an important role in nutrient-unbalanced systems like sediments or marine snow.  相似文献   

Cyanophytes dominated the phytoplankton of shallow Lake Mikri Prespa during the period May 1990 to September 1992 (76.5 and 52.0% of the total phytoplankton biomass in 1990–1991 and 1991–1992, respectively). Biomass peaks were observed in autumn (from 5.2 to 34.5 g m-3) when low dissolved inorganic nitrogen, high phosphate phosphorus and low Zcu to Zmix ratio prevailed. The dominant species were Microcystis aeruginosa and M. wesenbergii. These represented 64 and 86% of the cyanophyte biomass in 1990–1991 and 1991–1992, respectively and revealed similar patterns of seasonality forming biomass peaks in late summer - autumn. Small chroococcalean cyanophytes (< 2 μm) showed also similar temporal distributions. Of the filamentous cyanophytes, the most important species was Anabaena lemmermannii var. minor which formed peaks in late summer and autumn (2.6 and 1.1 g m-3 in 1990 and 1992, respectively). Rainfall and the N:P ratio were probably the main factors influencing the seasonality of all of the filamentous cyanophytes in the lake. Cyanophytes, tended to increase at temperatures higher than 16 °C and at inorganic nitrogen concentrations lower than 100 μg 1--1. The frequent mixing of the water column did not seem to prohibit the substantial increase of the group.  相似文献   

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