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The fertilized eggs of Tetrodontophora bielanensis start to cleave 6 to 8 days after oviposition and initially only karyokineses occur. The cytokinesis begins after two karyokineses, when four nuclei are observed in the ooplasm. Two cleavage furrows, perpendicular to each other, appear simultaneously at the egg poles where polar bodies are located and gradually the furrows encompass the whole egg diameter. The furrow formation is initiated by the bundle of microfilaments that contract and pull superficial fragments of the oolemma into the yolk and subsequently new membranes, separating the daughter cells, start to form. However, they do not grow towards the egg centre but bifurcate, leaving the central part of the ooplasm outside of the newly formed blastomeres. Starting from the fourth or fifth cleavage division, the bifurcations permanently occur and multiple cleavage furrows are formed on the embryo surface. Moreover, fragments of the ooplasm, enclosed within the cell membrane but devoid of cell nucleus are observed. During further development such cell fragments become reincorporated into the embryo. This mode of cleavage leads eventually to the formation of cellular blastoderm on the embryo surface. The results presented in the paper suggest that the control of cleavage in T. bielanensis acts not at the level of cytoplasmic determinants but rather at the level of positional information of blastomeres.  相似文献   

Five types of haemocytes: prohaemocytes, plasmatocytes, granular haemocytes, spherule cells and phagocytes, have been distinguished on the basis of ultrastructural studies. Prohaemocytes are ovoid cells with a simple structural organization. Plasmatocytes are larger; their cytoplasm contains well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum, numerous mitochondria and free ribosomes. Granular haemocytes are the most numerous of the blood cells, characterized by the presence of electron-dense granules. The cytoplasm of spherule cells contains many spherules made up of filamentous material of medium electron density. Rough endoplasmic reticulum, free ribosomes and mitochondria are also found in the cytoplasm. Phagocytes are the largest haemocytes. Their cytoplasm contains an abundance of lysosomes and myelin structures. In addition to haemocytes, cells intermediate between plasmatocytes and granular haemocytes have been observed, which indicates that the granular haemocytes are derived from plasmatocytes.  相似文献   

Summary Vitellogenesis in Tetrodontophora bielanensis (Waga) is of the mixed type. Part of the yolk material is produced inside the oocyte (auto-synthesis), while part is absorbed by micropinocytosis. During autosynthesis polyribosomes, rough endoplasmic reticulum and dictyosomes take part. Regardless of their origin, mature yolk spheres are constructed identically and are composed of three elements: cortex layer, matrix and crystals. Histochemical tests show that polysaccharides are present in the yolk spheres. Lipid droplets have been observed in the ooplasm; they develop without visible contact with any of the organelles. Among the reserve materials the following have been found: rough endoplasmic reticulum, dictyosomes, polyribosomes, mitochondria and a few microtubules.  相似文献   

The pyloric region in the alimentary tract of Tetrodontophora bielanensis consists of three parts, of which the first (P1) belongs to the midgut and the others (P2, P3) to the hindgut. Behind the pyloric region in the hindgut, sphincter (S), rectum (R1, R2) and rectal ampulla (AR) follow. Morphologically, the cells of part P1 differ in structure from the midgut epithelial cells described by Kazysztofowicz et al. [11], both by presence of microtubular bodies in an apical region and by the lack of the mitochondrial region. The cytoplasm of the cells of part P3 is filled with lysosome-like bodies with an unknown function. The authors suggest that they are connected with a secretion of the pheromons. The structure of rectum epithelial cells is typical of insects.  相似文献   

The mode of cleavage in the Acari is generalized as superficial or intralecithal, with a preceding phase of total (holoblastic) cleavage, but the knowledge is fragmentary and conclusions have been inconsistent, even when relating to the same species. Since no data about early embryology is available for the speciose group Oribatida, we studied Archegozetes longisetosus using transmission electron microscopy. We focused on early cleavages and the formation of the blastula, as these are the important and controversial points in early embryology of the Acari. We expected, as postulated for other acarine eggs, the early cleavages to be holoblastic and followed by a superficial preblastoderm stage. The early cleavages of A. longisetosus are holoblastic and blastomeres give rise to yolk-free micromeres and macromeres containing all the yolk. In contrast to expectations, the micromeres do not form a superficial preblastoderm layer. They are scattered along the embryonic surface and form an external, monocellular layer that covers the whole surface of the embryo. Since each of the existing TEM studies of mites shows this same pattern, and since this specialized form of total cleavage seems to be unique in Chelicerata, it may be the general mode of cleavage in Acari. However, the question will require much more investigation, especially since most data relate to the Actinotrichida and very few are currently available for species in the other major group, the Anactinotrichida.  相似文献   

This article reviews cell cycle changes that occur during midblastula transition (MBT) in Xenopus laevis based on research carried out in the authors' laboratory. Blastomeres dissociated from the animal cap of blastulae, as well as those in an intact embryo, divide synchronously with a constant cell cycle duration in vitro, up to the 12th cell cycle regardless of their cell sizes. During this synchronous cleavage, cell sizes of blastomeres become variable because of repeated unequal cleavage. After the 12th cell cycle blastomeres require contact with an appropriate protein substrate to continue cell division. When nucleocytoplasmic (N/C) ratios of blastomeres reach a critical value during the 13th cycle, their cell cycle durations lengthen in proportion to the reciprocal of cell surface areas, and cell divisions become asynchronous due to variations in cell sizes. The same changes occur in haploid blastomeres with a delay of one cell cycle. Thus, post-MBT cell cycle control becomes dependent not only on the N/C relation but also on cell surface activities of blastomeres. Unlike cell cycle durations of pre-MBT blastomeres, which show monomodal frequency distributions with a peak at about 30 min, those of post-MBT blastomeres show polymodal frequency distributions with peaks at multiples of about 30 min, suggesting 'quantisement' of the cell cycle. Thus, we hypothesised that MPF is produced periodically during its unit cycle with 30 min period, but it titrates, and is neutralized by, an inhibitor contained in the nucleus in a quantity proportional to the genome size; however, when all of the inhibitor has been titrated, excess MPF during the last cycle triggers mitosis. At MBT, cell cycle checkpoint mechanisms begin to operate. While the operation of S phase checkpoint to monitor DNA replication is initiated by N/C relation, the initiation of M phase checkpoint operation to monitor chromosome segregation at mitosis is regulated by an age-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

Real time B-mode ultrasound was used to detect and monitor the early conceptus, its growth and its anatomical features in 26 buffalo between Days 18 and 62 of gestation. The buffalo were artificially inseminated, and the conceptuses were examined on alternate days begining on Day 18. The embryonic vesicle and the embryo proper within the vesicle was first visible in 12 of the buffalo on mean Day (+/- SD) 19.00+/-2.1 and Day 19.0+/-1.69, respectively. The heartbeat of the embryo proper could be detected on Day 29.6+/-1.57. The heart rate of 203.8 +/- 9.0 beats per minute on the first day of detection decreased to 150 beats per minute on Day 62. The allantois, amnion, fore limbs, spinal cord and hind limbs were first identified on Day 30.0+/-1.14, Day 33.4+/-1.64, Day 34.6+/-1.34, Day 35.8+/-2.52 and Day 36.8+/-2.34, respectively. The optic area was first distinguished on Day 38.2+/-2.39. Split hooves, fetal movement, ribs and vertebra were identified on Day 46.0+/-2.64, Day 49.4+/-2.31 and Day 59.8+/-2.39, respectively. The mean length of the embryo proper was 4.2 mm on Day 19 which later increased to 53.6 +/- 2.1 mm on Day 62.  相似文献   

A total of 15 blue fox vixens aged 1–6 years were mated, 12 once on the first day of estrus and three a second time 48 hr after the first mating, and were killed 4 hr to 8 days following mating. Ova were collected from the oviducts, evaluated by stereomicroscopy, and studied by transmission (TEM; N = 49, 12 vixens) or scanning (SEM, N = 11, three vixens) electron microscopy. At 0–3 days after ovulation, the ova had not cleaved and were at different stages of meiotic maturation. In about one-half of these ova, representing all stages of meiotic maturation, a decondensing sperm head without nuclear envelope or a small pronucleus with partial nuclear envelope was observed. No clear relationship was found between maternal meiotic stage and the stage of paternal pronucleus formation. Sperm tails were never identified in the ooplasm. Cortical granules were released after sperm penetration at early stages of meiotic maturation. Thus the block against polyspermic penetration was activated during maturation of the oocyte. The first two-cell stage appeared 4 days after ovulation (3 days after mating), the first four-cell stage the following day (day 5), and the first eight-cell stage 6 days after ovulation (5 days after mating). In a single vixen mated late (7 days postovulation) two- to four-cell stages appeared the following day (day 8). This indicates that the time required for the first cleavage division decreases with increasing interval from ovulation to mating. The development of a functional nucleolus with fibrillar centers and fibrillar and granular components at the eight-cell stage indicates activation of embryonic RNA synthesis in fox embryos at the six- to eight-cell stage, suggesting that the embryonic genome is activated at this stage. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Metallothionein (MT) is an ubiquitous heavy metal-binding protein which has been identified in animals, plants, protists, fungi and bacteria. In insects, primary structures of MTs are known only for Drosophila and the collembolan, Orchesella cincta. The MT cDNA from O. cincta encodes a 77 amino acid protein with 19 cysteines. Isolations of the protein itself have demonstrated the presence of two smaller metal-binding peptides, whose amino acid sequences correspond to parts of the cDNA, and which apparently result from cleavage of the native protein. The present study was undertaken to complete the picture of cleavage sites within the MT protein by applying protein isolation techniques in combination with mass spectrometry and N-terminal sequence analysis. Further, recombinant expression allowed us to study the intrinsic stability of the MT and to perform in vitro cleavage studies. The results show that the MT from O. cincta is specifically cleaved at two sites, both after the amino acid sequence Thr-Gln (TQ). One of these sites is located in the N-terminal region and the other in the linker region between two putative metal-binding clusters. When expressed in Escherichia coli, the recombinant O. cincta MT can be isolated in an uncleaved form; however, this protein can be cleaved in vitro by the proteolytic activity of O. cincta. In combination with other studies, the results suggest that the length of the linker region is important for the stability of MT as a two domain metal-binding protein.  相似文献   

Targeting of dystroglycan to the cleavage furrow and midbody in cytokinesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dystroglycan is a cell adhesion molecule that interacts with ezrin family proteins and also components of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathway. Ezrin and extracellular signal-regulated kinase are both involved in aspects of the cell division cycle. We therefore examined the role of dystroglycan during cytokinesis. Endogenous dystroglycan colocalised with ezrin at the cleavage furrow and midbody during cytokinesis in REF52 cells. Live cell imaging of green fluorescent protein-tagged dystroglycan in Swiss 3T3 and Hela cells revealed a similar localisation. Live cell imaging of a dystroglycan lacking its cytoplasmic domain revealed an even membrane localisation but no cleavage furrow or midbody localisation. Deletion of a previously identified ezrin-binding site in the dystroglycan cytoplasmic domain however only resulted in a slight reduction in cleavage furrow localisation but loss of midbody staining. There was no apparent cytokinetic defect in cells depleted for dystroglycan, however apoptosis levels were considerably higher in dystroglycan knockdown cells. Cell cycle analysis showed a delay in G2/M transition, possibly caused by a more than 50% reduction in extracellular signal-regulated kinase levels in the knockdown cells. Dystroglycan may therefore not only have a role in organising the contractile ring through direct or indirect associations with actin, but can also modulate the cell cycle by affecting extracellular signal-regulated kinase levels.  相似文献   

Using circulating plasma hormone estimations, ovulation was monitored in bitches. The results obtained indicate that the timing of ovulation bears little relationship to alterations in sexual behaviour. The bitches were killed and reproductive tracts were removed at various intervals after ovulation and ova or embryos were recovered. The embryo stages were assessed visually and some were investigated histologically. Embryonic development, to early blastocyst stage, took place within the oviducts during the first 12 days after ovulation and there was a marked increase in size between the early and late blastocyst. A culture system using cells from the uterine tube supported the development of one 1-cell embryo to the morula stage.  相似文献   

Bonefish (Albula vulpes L.) are a highly prized sport fish. Despite their economic importance, populations in the Florida Keys and Caribbean are in decline, with the early life history undescribed. Injections of carp pituitary extract into A. vulpes during the advanced stages of ovarian development induced ovulation and spawning. Embryos were sampled hourly until hatching into undeveloped, yolk-sac leptocephalus larvae. These larvae survived 56 h post-hatch, when myomeres and eyes were developing but not the mouth. These results inform future research on the reproduction and early life history of A. vulpes.  相似文献   

Female Myotis lucifugus lucifugus, obtained from a hibernaculum in northern central Ontario, were aroused during the week that normal departures from hibernation began, maintained in large cages at 28-30 degrees C, and fed mealworms daily. Some bats ovulated less than 24 hr after arousal, and with one exception, all bats with normal, mature follicles ovulated within 72 hr. Histological examination of reproductive tracts from ovulated bats indicated that oviductal transit was completed in 24-48 hr, and that blastocyst formation and implantation occurred 4 and 10 days, respectively, after fertilization. These time intervals were somewhat shorter than those reported in previous studies; however, the differences appeared to be due to the relative accuracy in determining the time of ovulation, not to differences in rates of development among different populations.  相似文献   

Lipid content in mammalian oocytes or embryos differs among species, with bovine and porcine oocytes and embryos showing large cytoplasmic droplets. These droplets are considered to play important roles in energy metabolism during oocyte maturation, fertilisation and early embryonic development, and also in the freezing ability of oocytes or embryos; however, their detailed distribution or function is not well understood. In the present study, changes in the distribution and morphology of porcine lipid droplets during in vivo and in vitro fertilisation, in contrast to parthenogenetic oocyte activation, as well as during their development to blastocyst stage, were evaluated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The analysis of semi-thin and ultra-thin sections by TEM showed conspicuous, large, electron-dense lipid droplets, sometimes associated with mitochondrial aggregates in the oocytes, irrespective of whether the oocytes had been matured in vivo or in vitro. Immediately after sperm penetration, the electron density of the lipid droplets was lost in both the in vivo and in vitro oocytes, the reduction being most evident in the oocytes developed in vitro. Density was restored in the pronculear oocytes, fully in the in vivo specimens but only partially in the in vitro ones. The number and size of the droplets seemed, however, to have decreased. At 2- to 4-cell and blastocyst stages, the features of the lipid droplets were almost the same as those of pronuclear oocytes, showing a homogeneous or saturated density in the in vivo embryos but a marbled or partially saturated appearance in the in vitro embryos. In vitro matured oocytes undergoing parthenogenesis had lipid droplets that resembled those of fertilised oocytes until the pronuclear stage. Overall, results indicate variations in both the morphology and amount of cytoplasmic lipid droplets during porcine oocyte maturation, fertilisation and early embryo development as well as differences between in vivo and in vitro development, suggesting both different energy status during preimplantation development in pigs and substantial differences between in vitro and in vivo development.  相似文献   

We have isolated a new female sterile mutant from Drosophila melanogaster, which arrests the embryonic development during the transition from syncytial to cellular blastoderm. Cytological analysis of the mutant embryos indicates that pseudocleavage furrows in the syncytial blastoderm are abnormal but not completely disrupted. However, cleavage furrows during cellularization are totally disorganized, and no embryos can develop beyond this stage. Consistent with this observation, the expression of this gene peaks around the cellular blastoderm and not in any later developmental stages. Based on immunofluorescence experiments, the protein product of this gene is localized in both pseudocleavage furrows at the syncytial blastoderm and in the cleavage furrows during the cellularization stage. Sequence homology analysis demonstrates a modest, but statistically significant, similarity of this protein with the carboxyl-terminal domains of dystrophin and a family of proteins collectively known as apodystrophins. It is possible that this protein may play an essential role in organizing and maintaining a specialized cytoskeletal structure, a function also suggested for dystrophin and apodystrophins.  相似文献   

Alarm substances elicit behavioural responses in a wide range of animals but effects on early embryonic development are virtually unknown. Here we investigated whether skin injury-induced alarm substances caused physiological responses in embryos produced by two Danio species (Danio rerio and Danio albolineatus). Both species showed more rapid physiological development in the presence of alarm substance, although there were subtle differences between them: D. rerio had advanced muscle contraction and heart function, whereas D. albolineatus had advanced heart function only. Hence, alarm cues from injured or dying fish may be of benefit to their offspring, inducing physiological responses and potentially increasing their inclusive fitness.  相似文献   

The formation of tissues is essential for metazoan development. During Caenorhabditis elegans embryogenesis, ventral epidermal cells migrate to encase the ventral surface of the embryo in a layer of epidermis by a process known as ventral enclosure. This process is regulated by guidance cues secreted by the underlying neuroblasts. However, since the cues and their receptors are differentially expressed in multiple cell types, the role of the neuroblasts in ventral enclosure is not fully understood. Furthermore, although F-actin is required for epidermal cell migration, it is not known if nonmuscle myosin is also required. Anillin (ANI-1) is an actin and myosin-binding protein that coordinates actin–myosin contractility in the early embryo. Here, we show that ANI-1 localizes to the cleavage furrows of dividing neuroblasts during mid-embryogenesis and is required for their division. Embryos depleted of ani-1 display a range of ventral enclosure phenotypes, where ventral epidermal cells migrate with similar speeds to control embryos, but contralateral neighbors often fail to meet and are misaligned. The ventral enclosure phenotypes in ani-1 RNAi embryos suggest that the position or shape of neuroblasts is important for directing ventral epidermal cell migration, although does not rule out an autonomous requirement for ani-1 in the epidermal cells. Furthermore, we show that rho-1 and other regulators of nonmuscle myosin activity are required for ventral epidermal cell migration. Interestingly, altering nonmuscle myosin contractility alleviates or strengthens ani-1's ventral enclosure phenotypes. Our findings suggest that ventral enclosure is a complex process that likely relies on inputs from multiple tissues.  相似文献   

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