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Multiple genome maintenance processes are coordinated at the replication fork to preserve genomic integrity. How eukaryotic cells accomplish such a coordination is unknown. Swi1 and Swi3 form the replication fork protection complex and are involved in various processes including stabilization of replication forks, activation of the Cds1 checkpoint kinase and establishment of sister chromatid cohesion in fission yeast. However, the mechanisms by which the Swi1-Swi3 complex achieves and coordinates these tasks are not well understood. Here, we describe the identification of separation-of-function mutants of Swi3, aimed at dissecting the molecular pathways that require Swi1-Swi3. Unlike swi3 deletion mutants, the separation-of-function mutants were not sensitive to agents that stall replication forks. However, they were highly sensitive to camptothecin that induces replication fork breakage. In addition, these mutants were defective in replication fork regeneration and sister chromatid cohesion. Interestingly, unlike swi3-deleted cell, the separation-of-functions mutants were proficient in the activation of the replication checkpoint, but their fork regeneration defects were more severe than those of checkpoint mutants including cds1Δ, chk1Δ and rad3Δ. These results suggest that, while Swi3 mediates full activation of the replication checkpoint in response to stalled replication forks, Swi3 activates a checkpoint-independent pathway to facilitate recovery of collapsed replication forks and the establishment of sister chromatid cohesion. Thus, our separation-of-function alleles provide new insight into understanding the multiple roles of Swi1-Swi3 in fork protection during DNA replication, and into understanding how replication forks are maintained in response to different genotoxic agents.  相似文献   

The replication checkpoint is a dedicated sensor-response system activated by impeded replication forks. It stabilizes stalled forks and arrests division, thereby preserving genome integrity and promoting cell survival. In budding yeast, Tof1 is thought to act as a specific mediator of the replication checkpoint signal that activates the effector kinase Rad53. Here we report studies of fission yeast Swi1, a Tof1-related protein required for a programmed fork-pausing event necessary for mating type switching. Our studies have shown that Swi1 is vital for proficient activation of the Rad53-like checkpoint kinase Cds1. Together they are required to prevent fork collapse in the ribosomal DNA repeats, and they also prevent irreversible fork arrest at a newly identified hydroxyurea pause site. Swi1 also has Cds1-independent functions. Rad22 DNA repair foci form during S phase in swi1 mutants and to a lesser extent in cds1 mutants, indicative of fork collapse. Mus81, a DNA endonuclease required for recovery from collapsed forks, is vital in swi1 but not cds1 mutants. Swi1 is recruited to chromatin during S phase. We propose that Swi1 stabilizes replication forks in a configuration that is recognized by replication checkpoint sensors.  相似文献   

Replication fork protection complex Swi1-Swi3 and replication checkpoint mediator Mrc1 are required for maintenance of replication fork integrity during the course of DNA replication in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. These proteins play crucial roles in stabilizing stalled forks and activating replication checkpoint signaling pathways. Although they are conserved replication fork components, precise biochemical roles of these proteins are not known. Here we purified Mrc1 and Swi1-Swi3 proteins and show that these proteins bind to DNA independently but synergistically in vitro. Mrc1 binds preferentially to arrested fork or D-loop-like structures, although the affinity is relatively low, whereas the Swi1-Swi3 complex binds to double-stranded DNA with higher affinity. In the presence of a low concentration of Swi1-Swi3, Mrc1 generates a novel ternary complex and binds to various types of DNA with higher affinity. Moreover, purified Mrc1 and Swi1-Swi3 physically interact with each other, and this interaction is lost by mutations in the known DNA binding domain of Mrc1 (K235E,K236E). The interaction is also lost in a mutant form of Swi1 (E662K) that is specifically defective in polar fork arrest at a site called RTS1 and causes sensitivity to genotoxic agents, although the DNA binding affinity of Swi1-Swi3 is not affected by this mutation. As expected, the synergistic effect of the Swi1-Swi3 on DNA binding of Mrc1 is also lost by these mutations affecting the interaction between Mrc1 and Swi1-Swi3. Our results reveal an aspect of molecular interactions that may play an important role in replication pausing and fork stabilization.  相似文献   

The protein kinase Hsk1 is essential for DNA replication in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. It associates with Dfp1/Him1 to form an active complex equivalent to the Cdc7-Dbf4 protein kinase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Swi1 and Swi3 are subunits of the replication fork protection complex in S. pombe that is homologous to the Tof1-Csm3 complex in S. cerevisiae. The fork protection complex helps to preserve the integrity of stalled replication forks and is important for activation of the checkpoint protein kinase Cds1 in response to fork arrest. Here we describe physical and genetic interactions involving Swi1 and Hsk1-Dfp1/Him1. Dfp1/Him1 was identified in a yeast two-hybrid screen with Swi1. Hsk1 and Dfp1/Him1 both co-immunoprecipitate with Swi1. Swi1 is required for growth of a temperature-sensitive hsk1 (hsk1ts) mutant at its semi-permissive temperature. Hsk1ts cells accumulate Rad22 (Rad52 homologue) DNA repair foci at the permissive temperature, as previously observed in swi1 cells, indicating that abnormal single-stranded DNA regions form near the replication fork in hsk1ts cells. hsk1ts cells were also unable to properly delay S-phase progression in the presence of a DNA alkylating agent and were partially defective in mating type switching. These data suggest that Hsk1-Dfp1/Him1 and Swi1-Swi3 complexes have interrelated roles in stabilization of arrested replication forks.  相似文献   

Relatively little is known about the in vivo function of individual components of the eukaryotic gamma-tubulin complex (gamma-TuC). We identified three genes, gfh1+, mod21+, and mod22+, in a screen for fission yeast mutants affecting microtubule organization. gfh1+ is a previously characterized gamma-TuC protein weakly similar to human gamma-TuC subunit GCP4, whereas mod21+ is novel and shows weak similarity to human gamma-TuC subunit GCP5. We show that mod21p is a bona fide gamma-TuC protein and that, like gfh1Delta mutants, mod21Delta mutants are viable. We find that gfh1Delta and mod21Delta mutants have qualitatively normal microtubule nucleation from all types of microtubule-organizing centers (MTOCs) in vivo but quantitatively reduced nucleation from interphase MTOCs, and this is exacerbated by mutations in mod22+. Simultaneous deletion of gfh1p, mod21p, and alp16p, a third nonessential gamma-TuC protein, does not lead to additive defects, suggesting that all three proteins contribute to a single function. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments suggest that gfh1p and alp16p are codependent for association with a small "core" gamma-TuC, whereas mod21p is more peripherally associated, and that gfh1p and mod21p may form a subcomplex independently of the small gamma-TuC. Interestingly, sucrose gradient analysis suggests that the major form of the gamma-TuC in fission yeast may be a small complex. We propose that gfh1p, mod21p, and alp16 act as facultative "noncore" components of the fission yeast gamma-TuC and enhance its microtubule-nucleating ability.  相似文献   

The Swi1 and Swi3 proteins are required for mat1 imprinting and mating-type switching in Schizosaccharomyces pombe, where they mediate a pause of leading-strand replication in response to a lagging-strand signal. In addition, Swi1 has been demonstrated to be involved in the checkpoint response to stalled replication forks, as was described for the Saccharomyces cerevisiae homologue Tof1. This study addresses the roles of Swi1 and Swi3 during a replication process perturbed by the presence of template bases alkylated by methyl methanesulfonate (MMS). Both the swi1 and swi3 mutations have additive effects on MMS sensitivity and on the MMS-induced damage checkpoint response when combined with chk1 and cds1, but they are nonadditive with hsk1. Cells with swi1, swi3, or hsk1 mutations are also defective in slowing progression through S phase in response to MMS damage. Moreover, swi1 and swi3 strains show increased levels of genomic instability even in the absence of exogenously induced DNA damage. Chromosome fragmentation, increased levels of single-stranded DNA, increased recombination, and instability of replication forks stalled in the presence of hydroxyurea are observed, consistent with the possibility that the replication process is affected in these mutants. In conclusion, Swi1, Swi3, and Hsk1 act in a novel S-phase checkpoint pathway that contributes to replication fork maintenance and to survival of alkylation damage.  相似文献   

Chromosome replication depends on efficient removal of nucleosomes by accessory factors to ensure rapid access to genomic information. Here, we show this process requires recruitment of the nucleosome reorganization activity of the histone chaperone FACT. Using single-molecule FRET, we demonstrate that reorganization of nucleosomal DNA by FACT requires coordinated engagement by the middle and C-terminal domains of Spt16 and Pob3 but does not require the N-terminus of Spt16. Using structure-guided pulldowns, we demonstrate instead that the N-terminal region is critical for recruitment by the fork protection complex subunit Tof1. Using in vitro chromatin replication assays, we confirm the importance of these interactions for robust replication. Our findings support a mechanism in which nucleosomes are removed through the coordinated engagement of multiple FACT domains positioned at the replication fork by the fork protection complex.  相似文献   

During meiosis, the centrosome/spindle pole body (SPB) must be regulated in a manner distinct from that of mitosis to achieve a specialized cell division that will produce gametes. In this paper, we demonstrate that several SPB components are localized to SPBs in a meiosis-specific manner in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. SPB components, such as Cut12, Pcp1, and Spo15, which stay on the SPB during the mitotic cell cycle, disassociate from the SPB during meiotic prophase and then return to the SPB immediately before the onset of meiosis I. Interestingly, the polo kinase Plo1, which normally localizes to the SPB during mitosis, is excluded from them in meiotic prophase, when meiosis-specific, horse-tail nuclear movement occurs. We found that exclusion of Plo1 during this period was essential to properly remodel SPBs, because artificial targeting of Plo1 to SPBs resulted in an overduplication of SPBs. We also found that the centrin Cdc31 was required for meiotic SPB remodeling. Thus Plo1 and a centrin play central roles in the meiotic SPB remodeling, which is essential for generating the proper number of meiotic SPBs and, thereby provide unique characteristics to meiotic divisions.  相似文献   

Assembly of initiation factors on individual replication origins at onset of S phase is crucial for regulation of replication timing and repression of initiation by S-phase checkpoint control. We dissected the process of preinitiation complex formation using a point mutation in fission yeast nda4-108/mcm5 that shows tight genetic interactions with sna41(+)/cdc45(+). The mutation does not affect loading of MCM complex onto origins, but impairs Cdc45-loading, presumably because of a defect in interaction of MCM with Cdc45. In the mcm5 mutant, however, Sld3, which is required for Cdc45-loading, proficiently associates with origins. Origin-association of Sld3 without Cdc45 is also observed in the sna41/cdc45 mutant. These results suggest that Sld3-loading is independent of Cdc45-loading, which is different from those observed in budding yeast. Interestingly, returning the arrested mcm5 cells to the permissive temperature results in immediate loading of Cdc45 to the origin and resumption of DNA replication. These results suggest that the complex containing MCM and Sld3 is an intermediate for initiation of DNA replication in fission yeast.  相似文献   

Noguchi C  Noguchi E 《Genetics》2007,175(2):553-566
Sap1 is involved in replication fork pausing at rDNA repeats and functions during mating-type switching in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. These two roles are dependent on the ability of Sap1 to bind specific DNA sequences at the rDNA and mating-type loci, respectively. In S. pombe, Swi1 and Swi3 form the replication fork protection complex (FPC) and play important roles in the activation of the replication checkpoint and the stabilization of stalled replication forks. Here we describe the roles of Sap1 in the replication checkpoint. We show that Sap1 is involved in the activation of the replication checkpoint kinase Cds1 and that sap1 mutant cells accumulate spontaneous DNA damage during the S- and G2-phases, which is indicative of fork damage. We also show that sap1 mutants have a defect in the resumption of DNA replication after fork arrest. Sap1 is localized at the replication origin ori2004 and this localization is required for the association of the FPC with chromatin. We propose that Sap1 is required to recruit the FPC to chromatin, thereby contributing to the activation of the replication checkpoint and the stabilization of replication forks.  相似文献   

Regulation of DNA replication machinery by Mrc1 in fission yeast   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Faithful replication of chromosomes is crucial to genome integrity. In yeast, the ORC binds replication origins throughout the cell cycle. However, Cdc45 binds these before S-phase, and, during replication, it moves along the DNA with MCM helicase. When replication progression is inhibited, checkpoint regulation is believed to stabilize the replication fork; the detailed mechanism, however, remains unclear. To examine the relationship between replication initiation and elongation defects and the response to replication elongation block, we used fission yeast mutants of Orc1 and Cdc45--orp1-4 and sna41-928, respectively--at their respective semipermissive temperatures with regard to BrdU incorporation. Both orp1 and sna41 cells exhibited HU hypersensitivity in the absence of Chk1, a DNA damage checkpoint kinase, and were defective in full activation of Cds1, a replication checkpoint kinase, indicating that normal replication is required for Cds1 activation. Mrc1 is required to activate Cds1 and prevent the replication machinery from uncoupling from DNA synthesis. We observed that, while either the orp1 or the sna41 mutation partially suppressed HU sensitivity of cds1 cells, sna41 specifically suppressed that of mrc1 cells. Interestingly, sna41 alleviated the defect in recovery from HU arrest without increasing Cds1 activity. In addition to sna41, specific mutations of MCM suppressed the HU sensitivity of mrc1 cells. Thus, during elongation, Mrc1 may negatively regulate Cdc45 and MCM helicase to render stalled forks capable of resuming replication.  相似文献   

Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) are absolutely required for DNA replication in eukaryotic cells. CDKs are thought to activate one or more replication factors, but the identities of these proteins are unknown. Here we describe fission yeast Drc1, a protein required for DNA replication that is phosphorylated by Cdc2. Drc1 depletion leads to catastrophic mitotic divisions with incompletely replicated DNA, indicating that Drc1 is required for DNA synthesis and S-M replication checkpoint control. Drc1 associates with Cdc2 and is phosphorylated at the onset of S phase when Cdc2 is activated. Mutant Drc1 that lacks CDK phosphorylation sites is nonfunctional and fails to interact with Cut5 replication factor. These data suggest that Cdc2 promotes DNA replication by phosphorylating Drc1 and regulating its association with Cut5.  相似文献   

We have identified five autonomously replicating sequences (ARSs) in a 100 kbp region of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe chromosome II. Analyses of replicative intermediates of the chromosome DNA by neutral/neutral two-dimensional gel electrophoresis demonstrated that at least three of these ARS loci operate as chromosomal replication origins. One of the loci,ori2004, was utilized in almost every cell cycle, while the others were used less frequently. The frequency of initiation from the respective chromosomal replication origin was found to be roughly proportional to the efficiency of autonomous replication of the corresponding ARS plasmid. Replication from ori2004 was initiated within a distinct region almost the same as that for replication of the ARS plasmid. These results showed that the ori2004 region of approximately 3 kbp contains all the cis elements essential for initiation of chromosome replication.  相似文献   

RMI1 is a member of an evolutionarily conserved complex composed of BLM and topoisomerase IIIα (TopoIIIα). This complex exhibits strand passage activity in vitro, which is likely important for DNA repair and DNA replication in vivo. The inactivation of RMI1 causes genome instability, including elevated levels of sister chromatid exchange and accelerated tumorigenesis. Using molecular combing to analyze DNA replication at the single-molecule level, we show that RMI1 is required to promote normal replication fork progression. The fork progression defect in RMI1-depleted cells is alleviated in cells lacking BLM, indicating that RMI1 functions downstream of BLM in promoting replication elongation. RMI1 localizes to subnuclear foci with BLM and TopoIIIα in response to replication stress. The proper localization of the complex requires a BLM-TopoIIIα-RMI1 interaction and is essential for RMI1 to promote recovery from replication stress. These findings reveal direct roles of RMI1 in DNA replication and the replication stress response, which could explain the molecular basis for its involvement in suppressing sister chromatid exchange and tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Regulation of replication timing in fission yeast.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
S M Kim  J A Huberman 《The EMBO journal》2001,20(21):6115-6126
Here we report the first characterization of replication timing and its regulation in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. We used three different synchronization methods: centrifugal elutriation, cdc10 temperature-shift and release, and starvation for deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates (dNTPs) by treatment with hydroxyurea (HU) followed by removal of HU, to study the times when specific autonomously replicating sequence elements (ARS elements; potential replication origins) replicate during S phase. We found that individual ARS elements replicate at characteristic times, some early and some late, independently of synchronization method. In wild-type cells treated with HU, early ARS elements replicated but late ones did not. However, in HU-treated mutant cells lacking the Rad3 (similar to human ATR and ATM) or Cds1 (similar to human CHK2) checkpoint kinase, both early and late ARS elements were able to replicate. Thus under conditions of dNTP starvation the Rad3 and Cds1 kinases are needed to suppress the replication of normally late-replicating regions.  相似文献   

The presence of histones H1 and H4 at the sites of actual DNA synthesis has been studied with Ehrlich ascites tumour cells, pulse labeled for different times with 3H-thymidine and then treated with formaldehyde to crosslink histones to DNA. The fixed chromatin fragments were sonicated to reduce the size of DNA, purified in a CsCl gradient and immunoprecipitated with antibodies to histones H1 and H4. Determination of specific radioactivity in precipitated probes showed that both histones have been associated with nascent DNA even upon 1 min pulse with 3H-thymidine, thus indicating their presence near the replication fork.  相似文献   

During S-phase, the genome is extremely vulnerable and the progression of replication forks is often threatened by exogenous and endogenous challenges. When replication fork progression is halted, the intra S-phase checkpoint is activated to promote structural stability of stalled forks, preventing the dissociation of replisome components. This ensures the rapid resumption of replication following DNA repair. Failure in protecting and/or restarting the stalled forks contributes to alterations of the genome. Several human genetic diseases coupled to an increased cancer predisposition are caused by mutations in genes involved in safeguarding genome integrity during DNA replication. Both the ATR (ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related protein) kinase and the Replication pausing complex (RPC) components Tipin, Tim1 and Claspin play key roles in activating the intra S-phase checkpoint and in stabilizing the stalled replication forks. Here, we discuss the specific contribution of these factors in preserving fork structure and ensuring accurate completion of DNA replication.  相似文献   

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