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The 22-amino-acid protein VPg can be uridylylated in solution by purified poliovirus 3D polymerase in a template-dependent reaction thought to mimic primer formation during RNA amplification in infected cells. In the cell, the template used for the reaction is a hairpin RNA termed 2C-cre and, possibly, the poly(A) at the 3' end of the viral genome. Here, we identify several additional substrates for uridylylation by poliovirus 3D polymerase. In the presence of a 15-nucleotide (nt) RNA template, the poliovirus polymerase uridylylates other polymerase molecules in an intermolecular reaction that occurs in a single step, as judged by the chirality of the resulting phosphodiester linkage. Phosphate chirality experiments also showed that VPg uridylylation can occur by a single step; therefore, there is no obligatory uridylylated intermediate in the formation of uridylylated VPg. Other poliovirus proteins that could be uridylylated by 3D polymerase in solution were viral 3CD and 3AB proteins. Strong effects of both RNA and protein ligands on the efficiency and the specificity of the uridylylation reaction were observed: uridylylation of 3D polymerase and 3CD protein was stimulated by the addition of viral protein 3AB, and, when the template was poly(A) instead of the 15-nt RNA, the uridylylation of 3D polymerase itself became intramolecular instead of intermolecular. Finally, an antiuridine antibody identified uridylylated viral 3D polymerase and 3CD protein, as well as a 65- to 70-kDa host protein, in lysates of virus-infected human cells.  相似文献   

A poliovirus-specific RNA-dependent RNA polymerase was isolated from a cytoplasmic extract of infected HeLa cells and was shown to copurify with a single virus-specific protein. The polymerase was isolated from cells labeled with [35S]-methionine and was fractionated from other soluble cytoplasmic proteins by ammonium sulfate precipitation, phosphocellulose chromatography, gel filtration on Sephacryl S-200, and chromatography on hydroxylapatite. The activity of the enzyme was measured by using either polyadenylic acid or poliovirion RNA as a template in the presence of an oligouridylic acid primer. A single virus-specific protein that had an apparent molecular weight of 63,000 (p63) was found to copurify with this activity. Host-coded proteins were present in reduced molar amounts relative to p63. Noncapsid viral protein 2 (NCVP2) and other viral proteins were clearly separated from p63 by gel filtration on Sephacryl S-200. Polymerase activity coeluted from the column precisely with p63. NCVP2 was totally inactive as an RNA polymerase and did not stimulate the polymerase activity of p63. The purified enzyme sedimented at about 4S on a glycerol gradient and thus appeared to be a monomer of p63. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of the polymerase protein indicated that it had an isoelectric point of about 7.5. Thus, the viral polypeptide, p63, as defined by the above physical parameters, is an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase that can copy poliovirion RNA when oligouridylic acid is used as a primer.  相似文献   

Poliovirus-specific RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (3Dpol) was purified to apparent homogeneity. A single polypeptide of an apparent molecular weight of 63,000 catalyzes the synthesis of dimeric and monomeric RNA products in response to the poliovirion RNA template. Analysis of purified 3Dpol by two-dimensional electrophoresis showed multiple forms of 3Dpol, suggesting posttranslational modification of the protein in virus-infected cells. The two major forms of 3Dpol appear to have approximate pI values of 7.1 and 7.4. Incubation of purified 3Dpol with calf intestinal phosphatase resulted in almost complete disappearance of the pI 7.1 form and a concomitant increase in the intensity of the pI 7.4 form of 3Dpol. Addition of 32P-labeled Pi during infection of HeLa cells with poliovirus resulted in specific labeling of 3Dpol and 3CD, a viral protein which contains the entire 3Dpol sequence. Both 3Dpol and 3CD appear to be phosphorylated at serine residues. Ribosomal salt washes prepared from both mock- and poliovirus-infected cells contain phosphatases capable of dephosphorylating quantitatively the phosphorylated form (pI 7.1) of 3Dpol.  相似文献   

Protein priming of viral RNA synthesis plays an essential role in the replication of picornavirus RNA. Both poliovirus and coxsackievirus encode a small polypeptide, VPg, which serves as a primer for addition of the first nucleotide during synthesis of both positive and negative strands. This study examined the effects on the VPg uridylylation reaction of the RNA template sequence, the origin of VPg (coxsackievirus or poliovirus), the origin of 3D polymerase (coxsackievirus or poliovirus), the presence and origin of interacting protein 3CD, and the introduction of mutations at specific regions in the poliovirus 3D polymerase. Substantial effects associated with VPg origin were traced to differences in VPg-polymerase interactions. The effects of 3CD proteins and mutations at polymerase-polymerase intermolecular Interface I were most consistent with allosteric effects on the catalytic 3D polymerase molecule. In conclusion, the efficiency and specificity of VPg uridylylation by picornavirus polymerases is greatly influenced by allosteric effects of ligand binding that are likely to be relevant during the viral replicative cycle.  相似文献   

The active RNA-dependent RNA polymerase of poliovirus, 3Dpol, is generated by cleavage of the 3CDpro precursor protein, a protease that has no polymerase activity despite containing the entire polymerase domain. By intentionally disrupting a known and persistent crystal packing interaction, we have crystallized the poliovirus polymerase in a new space group and solved the complete structure of the protein at 2.0 A resolution. It shows that the N-terminus of fully processed 3Dpol is buried in a surface pocket where it makes hydrogen bonds that act to position Asp238 in the active site. Asp238 is an essential residue that selects for the 2' OH group of substrate rNTPs, as shown by a 2.35 A structure of a 3Dpol-GTP complex. Mutational, biochemical, and structural data further demonstrate that 3Dpol activity is exquisitely sensitive to mutations at the N-terminus. This sensitivity is the result of allosteric effects where the structure around the buried N-terminus directly affects the positioning of Asp238 in the active site.  相似文献   

Properties of poliovirus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (3Dpol) including optimal conditions for primer extension, processivity and the rate of dissociation from primer-template (koff) were examined in the presence and absence of viral protein 3AB. Primer-dependent polymerization was examined on templates of 407 or 1499 nt primed such that fully extended products would be 296 or 1388 nt, respectively. Maximal primer extension was achieved with low rNTP concentrations (50–100 µM) using pH 7 and low (<1 mM) MgCl2 and KCl (<20 mM) concentrations. However, high activity (about half maximal) was also observed with 500 µM rNTPs providing that higher MgCl2 levels (3–5 mM) were used. The enhancement observed with the former conditions appeared to result from a large increase in the initial level or active enzyme that associated with the primer. 3AB increased the number of extended primers at all conditions with no apparent change in processivity. The koff values for the polymerase bound to primer-template were 0.011 ± 0.005 and 0.037 ± 0.006 min–1 (average of four or more experiments ± SD) in the presence or absence of 3AB, respectively. The decrease in the presence of 3AB suggested an enhancement of polymerase binding or stability. However, binding was tight even without 3AB, consistent with the highly processive (at least several hundred nucleotides) nature of 3Dpol. The results support a mechanism whereby 3AB enhances the ability of 3Dpol to form a productive complex with the primer-template. Once formed, this complex is very stable resulting in highly processive synthesis.  相似文献   

To generate a collection of conditionally defective poliovirus mutants, clustered charged-to-alanine mutagenesis of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase 3D was performed. Clusters of charged residues in the polymerase coding region were replaced with alanines by deoxyoligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis of a full-length poliovirus cDNA clone. Following transfection of 27 mutagenized cDNA clones, 10 (37%) gave rise to viruses with temperature-sensitive (ts) phenotypes. Three of the ts mutants displayed severe ts plaque reduction phenotypes, producing at least 10(3)-fold fewer plaques at 39.5 degrees C than at 32.5 degrees C; the other seven mutants displayed ts small-plaque phenotypes. Constant-temperature, single-cycle infections showed defects in virus yield or RNA accumulation at the nonpermissive temperature for eight stable ts mutants. In temperature shift experiments, seven of the ts mutants showed reduced accumulation of viral RNA at the nonpermissive temperature and showed no other ts defects. The mutations responsible for the phenotypes of most of these ts mutants lie in the N-terminal third of the 3D coding region, where no well-characterized mutations responsible for viable mutants had been previously identified. Clustered charged-to-alanine mutagenesis (S. H. Bass, M. G. Mulkerrin, and J. A. Wells, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88:4498-4502, 1991; W. F. Bennett, N. F. Paoni, B. A. Keyt, D. Botstein, J. J. S. Jones, L. Presta, F. M. Wurm, and M. J. Zoller, J. Biol. Chem. 266:5191-5201, 1991; and K. F. Wertman, D. G. Drubin, and D. Botstein, Genetics 132:337-350, 1992) is designed to target residues on the surfaces of folded proteins; thus, extragenic suppression analysis of such mutant viruses may be very useful in identifying components of the viral replication complex.  相似文献   

A soluble RNA-dependent RNA polymerase was purified from the cytoplasm of poliovirus-infected HeLa cells. A single virus-specific protein designated as p63 (or NCVP4) copurified with this activity. The purified polymerase was free of ribonuclease activity and was shown to copy poliovirion RNA when oligo(U) was added to the in vitro reaction mixture. Characterization of the product RNA by electrophoresis in methylmercury (II) hydroxide-agarose gels showed that genome-sized copies of poliovirion RNA were synthesized in vitro by the purified polymerase. The product RNA was shown to be heteropolymeric, complementary to virion RNA, and covalently linked to oligo(U). The product RNA contained the expected distribution of UMP and GMP containing dinucleotide pairs which included a very low frequency of CpG pairs. The amount, size distribution, and rate of synthesis of product RNA was very dependent on the in vitro reaction conditions. Full sized product RNA was synthesized in about 6 min when reaction conditions were used that yielded maximum elongation rates (pH 8.0, 7 mM Mg2+, 37 degrees C). Under these conditions, most of the product RNA recovered from a 1-h reaction was full sized. Thus, the polymerase was found to specifically initiate synthesis at the 3'-end of the template using an oligo(U) primer and to carry out an elongation reaction at about 1250 nucleotides/min that resulted in the synthesis of full sized product RNA.  相似文献   

Replication of the picornavirus genome is catalysed by a viral encoded RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, termed 3D polymerase. Together with other viral and host proteins, this enzyme performs its functions in the cytoplasm of host cells. The crystal structure of 3D polymerase from a number of picornaviruses has been determined. This review discusses the structure and function of the poliovirus 3D polymerase. The high error rates of 3D polymerase result in high sequence diversity such that virus populations exist as quasispecies. This phenomenon is thought to facilitate survival of the virus population in complex environments.  相似文献   

Protein-RNA interaction plays a critical role in regulating RNA synthesis by the hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp). RNAs of 7 nucleotides (nt) or longer had affinities 5-fold better than an RNA of 5 nt, suggesting a minimal length required for binding. To identify RNA contact sites on the HCV RdRp, a biotinylated 7-nt RNA capable of directing de novo initiation was used in a process that coupled reversible formaldehyde cross-linking, RNA affinity chromatography, and mass spectrometry. By this process, we identified 18 peptides cross-linked to the 7-nt RNA. When these identified peptides were overlaid on the three-dimensional structures of NS5B, most mapped to the fingers subdomain, connecting loops between fingers and thumb subdomains and in the putative RNA binding channel. Two of the identified peptides resided in the active site cavity of the RdRp. Recombinant HCV RdRp with single residue changes in likely RNA contact sites were generated and characterized for effects on HCV RdRp activity. Mutant proteins had significant effects on cross-linking to 7-nt RNA and reduced RNA synthesis in vitro by 2- to 20-fold compared with wild type protein. When the mutations were tested for the replication of HCV RNA in the context of the cells transfected with the HCV subgenomic replicon, all except one prevented colony formation, indicating a defect in HCV RNA replication. These biochemical and functional analyses identified a number of residues in the HCV RdRp that are important for HCV RNA synthesis.  相似文献   

RNA-dependent RNA polymerase in Chinese cabbage   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

Cross-linking of ribonucleoside triphosphates (NTPs) to specific binding sites on the poliovirus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase has been performed by ultraviolet irradiation and by reduction of oxidized nucleotide-protein complexes. The latter method approached a cross-linking efficiency of 1 NTP/molecule of enzyme. Nucleotide competition experiments suggested that the same binding site is occupied by all NTPs. Analysis of peptides produced by proteinase Glu-C and trypsin digestion and labeled with [32P]GTP indicated that a lysine residue between Met-189 and Lys-228 in the polymerase was cross-linked to NTP. Nucleotide binding was exploited for rapid purification of the enzyme by GTP-agarose affinity chromatography. In addition, a set of cloned, modified polymerase molecules with reduced or absent polymerization activity was analyzed for binding efficiency to a GTP-agarose column. Some mutations eliminated GTP binding, whereas others generated proteins with varying affinities for GTP. Incubation of the poliovirus polymerase with high concentrations of NTP, particularly GTP, resulted in a dramatic protection against heat denaturation and activity loss. These data suggest that nucleotide binding results in an alteration of the enzyme conformation or the stabilization of an ordered conformation.  相似文献   

The primary oligomerization domain of poliovirus polymerase, 3Dpol, is stabilized by the interaction of the back of the thumb subdomain of one molecule with the back of the palm subdomain of a second molecule, thus permitting the head-to-tail assembly of 3Dpol monomers into long fibers. The interaction of Arg-455 and Arg-456 of the thumb with Asp-339, Ser-341, and Asp-349 of the palm is key to the stability of this interface. We show that mutations predicted to completely disrupt this interface do not produce equivalent growth phenotypes. Virus encoding a polymerase with changes of both residues of the thumb to alanine is not viable; however, virus encoding a polymerase with changes of all three residues of the palm to alanine is viable. Biochemical analysis of 3Dpol derivatives containing the thumb or palm substitutions revealed that these derivatives are both incapable of forming long fibers, suggesting that polymerase fibers are not essential for virus viability. The RNA binding activity, polymerase activity, and thermal stability of these derivatives were equivalent to that of the wild-type enzyme. The two significant differences observed for the thumb mutant were a modest reduction in the ability of the altered 3CD proteinase to process the VP0/VP3 capsid precursor and a substantial reduction in the ability of the altered 3Dpol to catalyze oriI-templated uridylylation of VPg. The defect to uridylylation was a result of the inability of 3CD to stimulate this reaction. Because 3C alone can substitute for 3CD in this reaction, we conclude that the lethal replication phenotype associated with the thumb mutant is caused, in part, by the disruption of an interaction between the back of the thumb of 3Dpol and some undefined domain of 3C. We speculate that this interaction may also be critical for assembly of other complexes required for poliovirus genome replication.  相似文献   

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