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林圣龙 《人类学学报》1993,12(2):182-193
笔者(Lin Shehglong,1991)曾指出,与欧洲相比,中国旧石器时代文化中生产骨角器毛坯的楔劈技术(Wedge technique)和沟裂技术(Groove and splinter technique)至今尚无记录,同时雕刻器也很少。本文综合了有关这方面的具体材料,就此问题作一综述。  相似文献   

Metabarcoding has improved the way we understand plants within our environment, from their ecology and conservation to invasive species management. The notion of identifying plant taxa within environmental samples relies on the ability to match unknown sequences to known reference libraries. Without comprehensive reference databases, species can go undetected or be incorrectly assigned, leading to false‐positive and false‐negative detections. To improve our ability to generate reference sequence databases, we developed a targeted capture approach using the OZBaits_CP V1.0 set, designed to capture chloroplast gene regions across the entirety of flowering plant diversity. We focused on generating a reference database for coastal temperate plant species given the lack of reference sequences for these taxa. Our approach was successful across all specimens with a target gene recovery rate of 92%, which was achieved in a single assay (i.e., samples were pooled), thus making this approach much faster and more efficient than standard barcoding. Further testing of this database highlighted 80% of all samples could be discriminated to family level across all gene regions with some genes achieving greater resolution than others—which was also dependent on the taxon of interest. Thus, we demonstrate the importance of generating reference sequences across multiple chloroplast gene regions as no single loci are sufficient to discriminate across all plant groups. The targeted capture approach outlined in this study provides a way forward to achieve this.  相似文献   

 A general system is described that facilitates gene replacements such that the recombinant strains are not labelled with antibiotic resistance genes. The method is based on the conditional replication of derivatives of the lactococcal plasmid pWV01, which lacks the repA gene encoding the replication initiation protein. Replacement vectors can be constructed in and isolated from gram-positive and gram-negative helper strains that provide RepA in trans. Cointegrate formation of the integration vectors with the chromosome of the target strain is selected by antibiotic resistance. Resolution of the cointegrate structure is identified in the second step of the procedure by the loss of the lacZ reporter gene present in the delivery vector. The second recombination event results either in gene replacement or in restoration of the original copy of the gene. As no antibiotic resistance marker is present in the genome of the mutant the system can be used to introduce multiple mutations in one strain. A feasibility study was performed using Lactococcus lactis and Bacillus subtilis as model organisms. The results indicate that the method should be applicable to any non-essential gene in numerous bacterial species. Received: 2 April 1996 / Accepted: 15 July 1996  相似文献   

Effective cancer therapy continues to be a daunting challenge due mainly to considerable tumor cell heterogeneity, drug-resistance, and dose-limiting toxicity of therapeutics. Here we review a versatile nano-cellular (minicell) delivery vehicle that can be packaged with therapeutically effective concentrations of chemotherapeutic drugs, siRNAs or shRNAs and can be targeted to tumors via minicell-surface attached bispecific antibodies. A range of minicell-based therapeutics have shown highly effective tumor stabilization/regression in the murine xenograft model and in case studies in canines with late-stage endogenous tumors. Repeat intravenous dosing shows absence of toxicity or immunogenicity in both species. The minicell-based therapeutic has potential applications in personalized cancer medicine.  相似文献   

A simple method for the identification of gap-bridging subclones in DNA sequencing is described.This work was carried out in the laboratory of Dr Johnston at the John Innes Institute, Norwich, NR4 7UH, UK.  相似文献   

A new design of microrespirometer suitable for routine laboratory work has been described.  相似文献   

An affinity adsorbent for phospholipase A2 (EC was prepared by reacting 10-O-p-toluenesulfonyldecane-1-O-phosphocholine with AH-Sepharose 4B. Phospholipases A2 bind to the immobilized ligand in the presence of Ca2+ and can be eluted with buffers containing EDTA. This principle held not only for soluble phospholipase A2 from porcine pancreas and Crotalus adamanteus, but proved also effective in the purification of phospholipases A2 solubilized from the membranes of rat liver mitochondria and rat platelets.  相似文献   

By virtue of their size, functional group diversity, and complex structure, proteins can often recognize and modulate disease‐relevant macromolecules that present a challenge to small‐molecule reagents. Additionally, high‐throughput screening and evolution‐based methods often make the discovery of new protein binders simpler than the analogous small‐molecule discovery process. However, most proteins do not cross the lipid bilayer membrane of mammalian cells. This largely limits the scope of protein therapeutics and basic research tools to those targeting disease‐relevant receptors on the cell surface or extracellular matrix. Previously, researchers have shown that cationic resurfacing of proteins can endow cell penetration. However, in our experience, many proteins are not amenable to such extensive mutagenesis. Here, we report that nanobodies—a small and stable protein that can be evolved to recognize virtually any disease‐relevant receptor—are amenable to cationic resurfacing, which results in cell internalization. Once internalized, these nanobodies access the cytosol. Polycationic resurfacing does not appreciably alter the structure, expression, and function (target recognition) of a previously reported GFP‐binding nanobody, and multiple nanobody scaffolds are amenable to polycationic resurfacing. Given this, we propose that polycationic resurfaced cell‐penetrating nanobodies might represent a general scaffold for intracellularly targeted protein drug discovery.  相似文献   

In A549 cell culture, significant variability was found in sensitivity to actinomycin D. Using limiting dilution, actinomycin D-susceptible (G4S) and -resistant (D3R) subclones were isolated. G4S cells were also susceptible to protein synthesis inhibitors, a redox cycling quinone, and an electrophile with concomitant activation of caspases 3 and 9. D3R cells were resistant to these agents without caspase activation. Antioxidant profiles revealed that D3R cells had significantly higher glutathione and glutathione reductase activity but markedly lower catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and aldehyde reductase activities than G4S cells. Thus A549 cells contain at least two distinct subpopulations with respect to predisposition to cell death and antioxidant profile. Because sensitivities to agents and the antioxidant profile were inconsistent, mechanisms independent of antioxidants, including the apparent inability to activate caspases in D3R cells, may play an important role. Regardless, the results suggest that antioxidant profiles of asymmetrical cell populations cannot predict sensitivity to oxidants and warn that the use of single subclones is advisable for mechanistic studies using A549 or other unstable cell lines.  相似文献   

A versatile vector set for animal transgenesis   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Genetic manipulation of a series of diverged arthropods is a highly desirable goal for a better understanding of developmental and evolutionary processes. A major obstacle so far has been the difficulty in obtaining marker genes that allow easy and reliable identification of transgenic animals. Here, we present a versatile vector set for germline transformation based on the promiscuous transposons mariner, Hermes and piggyBac. Into these vectors, we introduced a potentially universal marker system that is comprised of an artificial promoter containing three Pax-6 homodimer binding sites. This promoter drives strong expression of spectral variants of the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) in larval, pupal, and adult photoreceptors. Using special filter sets, the yellow (EYFP) and cyan (ECFP) variant are fully distinguishable and therefore represent a separable pair of markers. Furthermore, we adapted a simple plasmid-based transposition assay system to enable quick functional tests of our vectors in different arthropod species before employing them in more laborious germline transformation experiments. Using this system we demonstrate that our vectors transpose in both Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila virilis. Received: 11 July 2000 / Accepted: 27 July 2000  相似文献   

Full-length IgG antibodies cannot cross cell membranes of living cells; this limits their use for direct targeting of cytosolic proteins. Here, we describe a general strategy for the generation of intact, full-length IgG antibodies, herein called cytotransmabs, which internalize into living cells and localize in the cytosol. We first generated a humanized light chain variable domain (VL) that could penetrate into the cytosol of living cells and was engineered for association with various subtypes of human heavy chain variable domains (VHs). When light chains with humanized VL were co-expressed with 3 heavy chains (HCs), including 2 HCs of the clinically approved adalimumab (Humira®) and bevacizumab (Avastin®), all 3 purified IgG antibodies were internalized into the cytoplasm of living cells. Cytotransmabs primarily internalized into living cells by the clathrin-mediated endocytic pathway through interactions with heparin sulfate proteoglycan that was expressed on the cell surface. The cytotransmabs escaped into the cytosol from early endosomes without being further transported into other cellular compartments, like the lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and nucleus. Furthermore, we generated a cytotransmab that co-localized with the targeted cytosolic protein when it was incubated with living cells, demonstrating that the cytotransmab can directly target cytosolic proteins. Internalized cytotransmabs did not show any noticeable cytotoxicity and remained in the cytosol for more than 6 h before being degraded by proteosomes. These results suggest that cytotransmabs, which efficiently enter living cells and reach the cytosolic space, will find widespread uses as research, diagnostic, and therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

Full-length IgG antibodies cannot cross cell membranes of living cells; this limits their use for direct targeting of cytosolic proteins. Here, we describe a general strategy for the generation of intact, full-length IgG antibodies, herein called cytotransmabs, which internalize into living cells and localize in the cytosol. We first generated a humanized light chain variable domain (VL) that could penetrate into the cytosol of living cells and was engineered for association with various subtypes of human heavy chain variable domains (VHs). When light chains with humanized VL were co-expressed with 3 heavy chains (HCs), including 2 HCs of the clinically approved adalimumab (Humira®) and bevacizumab (Avastin®), all 3 purified IgG antibodies were internalized into the cytoplasm of living cells. Cytotransmabs primarily internalized into living cells by the clathrin-mediated endocytic pathway through interactions with heparin sulfate proteoglycan that was expressed on the cell surface. The cytotransmabs escaped into the cytosol from early endosomes without being further transported into other cellular compartments, like the lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and nucleus. Furthermore, we generated a cytotransmab that co-localized with the targeted cytosolic protein when it was incubated with living cells, demonstrating that the cytotransmab can directly target cytosolic proteins. Internalized cytotransmabs did not show any noticeable cytotoxicity and remained in the cytosol for more than 6 h before being degraded by proteosomes. These results suggest that cytotransmabs, which efficiently enter living cells and reach the cytosolic space, will find widespread uses as research, diagnostic, and therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

A versatile apparatus for membrane transport studies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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