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The effects of pressure on mu and m-calpain stability and specific activity have been examined. Activity and stability of these neutral calcium-dependent heterodimeric proteinases were studied using an in-house built bioreactor allowing on-line spectrophotometric monitoring with retention of pressure. Both isozymes were founded to be rather baro-sensitive with t1/2 at 1500 bar of 6 min and 11 min for mu and m-calpain respectively. Activity measurements under pressure showed a biphasic behavior for both proteinases with a slight activation for pressure up to 500 bar and 750 bar for m and mu-calpain respectively. Activation volume changes indicated that the proteolytic reaction was alternatively favored and disfavored by pressure due to catalytic step activation associated with enzyme-substrate binding step being continuously inhibited by pressure. Furthermore, autoproteolysis of calpain, a calcium dependent phenomenon was inhibited by application of pressure indicating that pressure inhibition of proteolytic activity could also be due to Ca2(+)-binding decrease under pressure. Implication of these results with catalytic mechanism of these heterodimeric proteinases is also discussed.  相似文献   

The active association-dissociation of dynamic protein-protein interactions is critical for the ability of the actin cytoskeleton to remodel. To determine the influence of phosphoinositide binding on the dynamic interaction of alpha-actinin with actin filaments and integrin adhesion receptors, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) microscopy was carried out comparing wild-type green fluorescent protein (GFP)-alpha-actinin and a GFP-alpha-actinin mutant with a decreased affinity for phosphoinositides (Fraley, T. S., Tran, T. C., Corgan, A. M., Nash, C. A., Hao, J., Critchley, D. R., and Greenwood, J. A. (2003) J. Biol. Chem. 278, 24039-24045). In fibroblasts, recovery of the mutant alpha-actinin protein was 2.2 times slower than the wild type along actin stress fibers and 1.5 times slower within focal adhesions. FRAP was also measured in U87MG glioblastoma cells, which have higher levels of 3-phosphorylated phosphoinositides. As expected, alpha-actinin turnover for both the stress fiber and focal adhesion populations was faster in U87MG cells compared with fibroblasts with recovery of the mutant protein slower than the wild type along actin stress fibers. To understand the influence of alpha-actinin turnover on the modulation of the actin cytoskeleton, wild-type or mutant alpha-actinin was co-expressed with constitutively active phosphoinositide (PI) 3-kinase. Co-expression with the alpha-actinin mutant inhibited actin reorganization with the appearance of enlarged alpha-actinin containing focal adhesions. These results demonstrate that the binding of phosphoinositides regulates the association-dissociation rate of alpha-actinin with actin filaments and integrin adhesion receptors and that the dynamics of alpha-actinin is important for PI 3-kinase-induced reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton. In conclusion, phosphoinositide regulation of alpha-actinin dynamics modulates the plasticity of the actin cytoskeleton influencing remodeling.  相似文献   

Specific proteolysis of the NR2 subunit at multiple sites by calpain   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The NMDA subtype of glutamate receptor plays an important role in the molecular mechanisms of learning, memory and excitotoxicity. NMDA receptors are highly permeable to calcium, which can lead to the activation of the calcium-dependent protease, calpain. In the present study, the ability of calpain to modulate NMDA receptor function through direct proteolytic digestion of the individual NMDA receptor subunits was examined. HEK293t cells were cotransfected with the NR1a/2A, NR1a/2B or NR1a/2C receptor combinations. Cellular homogenates of these receptor combinations were prepared and digested by purified calpain I in vitro. All three NR2 subunits could be proteolyzed by calpain I while no actin or NR1a cleavage was observed. Based on immunoblot analysis, calpain cleavage of NR2A, NR2B and NR2C subunits was limited to their C-terminal region. In vitro calpain digestion of fusion protein constructs containing the C-terminal region of NR2A yielded two cleavage sites at amino acids 1279 and 1330. Although it has been suggested that calpain cleavage of the NMDA receptor may act as a negative feedback mechanism, the current findings demonstrated that calpain cleavage did not alter [(125)I]MK801 binding and that receptors truncated to the identified cleavage sites had peak intracellular calcium levels, (45)Ca uptake rates and basal electrophysiological properties similar to wild type.  相似文献   

alpha-Actinin is an actin bundling protein that regulates cell adhesion by directly linking actin filaments to integrin adhesion receptors. Phosphatidylinositol (4,5)-diphosphate (PtdIns (4,5)-P(2)) and phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5)-triphosphate (PtdIns (3,4,5)-P(3)) bind to the calponin homology 2 domain of alpha-actinin, regulating its interactions with actin filaments and integrin receptors. In this study, we examine the mechanism by which phosphoinositide binding regulates alpha-actinin function using mass spectrometry to monitor hydrogen-deuterium (H/D) exchange within the calponin homology 2 domain. The overall level of H/D exchange for the entire protein showed that PtdIns (3,4,5)-P(3) binding alters the structure of the calponin homology 2 domain increasing deuterium incorporation, whereas PtdIns (4,5)-P(2) induces changes in the structure decreasing deuterium incorporation. Analysis of peptic fragments from the calponin homology 2 domain showed decreased local H/D exchange within the loop region preceding helix F with both phosphoinositides. However, the binding of PtdIns (3,4,5)-P(3) also induced increased exchange within helix E. This suggests that the phosphate groups on the fourth and fifth position of the inositol head group of the phosphoinositides constrict the calponin homology 2 domain, thereby altering the orientation of actin binding sequence 3 and decreasing the affinity of alpha-actinin for filamentous actin. In contrast, the phosphate group on the third position of the inositol head group of PtdIns (3,4,5)-P(3) perturbs the calponin homology 2 domain, altering the interaction between the N and C terminus of the full-length alpha-actinin antiparallel homodimer, thereby disrupting bundling activity and interaction with integrin receptors.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor binding protein-6 (IGFBP-6) is an O-linked glycoprotein which specifically inhibits insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-II actions. The effects of O-glycosylation of IGFBP-6 on binding to glycosaminoglycans and proteolysis, both of which reduce the IGF binding affinity of other IGFBPs were studied. Binding of recombinant human nonglycosylated (n-g) IGFBP-6 to a range of glycosaminoglycans in vitro was approximately threefold greater than that of glycosylated (g) IGFBP-6. When bound to glycosaminoglycans, IGFBP-6 had approximately 10-fold reduced binding affinity for IGF-II. Exogenously added n-gIGFBP-6 but not gIGFBP-6 also bound to partially purified rat PC12 phaeochromocytoma membranes. Binding of n-gIGFBP-6 was inhibited by increasing salt concentrations, which is typical of glycosaminoglycan interactions. O-glycosylation also protected human IGFBP-6 from proteolysis by chymotrypsin and trypsin. Proteolysis decreased the binding affinity of IGFBP-6 for IGF-II, even with a relatively small reduction in apparent molecular mass as observed with chymotrypsin. Analysis by ESI-MS of IGFBP-6 following limited chymotryptic digestion showed that a 4.5-kDa C-terminal peptide was removed and peptide bonds involved in the putative high affinity IGF binding site were cleaved. The truncated, multiply cleaved IGFBP-6 remained held together by disulphide bonds. In contrast, trypsin cleaved IGFBP-6 in the mid-region of the molecule, resulting in a 16-kDa C-terminal peptide which did not bind IGF-II. These results indicate that O-glycosylation inhibits binding of IGFBP-6 to glycosaminoglycans and cell membranes and inhibits its proteolysis, thereby maintaining IGFBP-6 in a high-affinity, soluble form and so contributing to its inhibition of IGF-II actions.  相似文献   

Filaggrin-2 (FLG2), a member of the S100-fused type protein family, shares numerous features with filaggrin (FLG), a key protein implicated in the epidermal barrier functions. Both display a related structural organization, an identical pattern of expression and localization in human epidermis, and proteolytic processing of a large precursor. Here, we tested whether FLG2 was a substrate of calpain 1, a calcium-dependent protease directly involved in FLG catabolism. In addition, deimination being critical for FLG degradation, we analyzed whether FLG2 deimination interfered with its proteolytic processing. With this aim, we first produced a recombinant form of FLG2 corresponding to subunits B7 to B10 fused to a COOH-terminal His tag. Incubation with calpain 1 in the presence of calcium induced a rapid degradation of the recombinant protein and the production of several peptides, as shown by Coomassie Blue-stained gels and Western blotting with anti-FLG2 or anti-His antibodies. MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry confirmed this result and further evidenced the production of non-immunoreactive smaller peptides. The degradation was not observed when a calpain 1-specific inhibitor was added. The calpain cleavage sites identified by Edman degradation were regularly present in the B-type repeats of FLG2. Moreover, immunohistochemical analysis of normal human skin revealed colocalization of FLG2 and calpain 1 in the upper epidermis. Finally, the FLG2 deiminated by human peptidylarginine deiminases was shown to be more susceptible to calpain 1 than the unmodified protein. Altogether, these data demonstrate that calpain 1 is essential for the proteolytic processing of FLG2 and that deimination accelerates this process.  相似文献   

In the molecular interplay between pathogenic microorganisms and their host, proteolytic mechanisms are believed to play a crucial role. Here we find that the important human pathogen Streptococcus pyogenes (group A Streptococcus) expresses a surface protein with high affinity (Ka = 2.0 x 10(8) M-1) for alpha2-macroglobulin (alpha2M), the dominating proteinase inhibitor of human plasma. The immunoglobulin-binding protein G of group C and G streptococci also contains an alpha2M-binding domain and a gene encoding protein GRAB (protein G-related alpha2M-binding protein) was identified in the S. pyogenes Genome Sequencing data base. The grab gene is present in most S. pyogenes strains and is well conserved. Protein GRAB has typical features of a surface-attached protein of Gram-positive bacteria. It also contains a region homologous to parts of the alpha2M-binding domain of protein G and a variable number of a unique 28-amino acid-long repeat. Using Escherichia coli-produced protein GRAB and synthetic GRAB peptides, the alpha2M-binding region was mapped to the NH2-terminal part of protein GRAB, which is the region with homology to protein G. An isogenic S. pyogenes mutant lacking surface-associated protein GRAB showed no alpha2M binding activity and was attenuated in virulence when injected intraperitoneally in mice. Finally, alpha2M bound to the bacterial surface via protein GRAB was found to entrap and inhibit the activity of both S. pyogenes and host proteinases, thereby protecting important virulence determinants from proteolytic degradation. This regulation of proteolytic activity at the bacterial surface should affect the host-microbe relation during S. pyogenes infections.  相似文献   

The degradation of phosphorylated and dephosphorylated neurofilament proteins by the Ca2+-activated neutral proteinase calpain was studied. Neurofilaments were isolated from bovine spinal cord, dephosphorylated by alkaline phosphatase (from Escherichia coli) and radioiodinated with [125I]-Bolton-Hunter reagent. The radioiodinated neurofilament proteins (untreated and dephosphorylated) were incubated in the presence and absence of calpain from rabbit skeletal muscle, and the degradation rates of large (NF-H), mid-sized (NF-M) and small (NF-L) neurofilament polypeptides were analysed by SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. The degradation of dephosphorylated neurofilament proteins occurred at a higher rate, and to a greater extent, than did that of the phosphorylated (untreated) neurofilament proteins. The dephosphorylated high-molecular-mass neurofilament (NF-HD) was proteolyzed 6 times more quickly than the untreated NF-H. The degradation rate of the NF-M and NF-L neurofilament proteins was also enhanced after dephosphorylation, but less than that of NF-H. This indicates that the dephosphorylation of neurofilament proteins can increase their sensitivity to calpain degradation.  相似文献   

Spectrins, components of the membrane skeleton, are implicated in various cellular functions. Understanding the diversity of these functions requires better characterization of the interacting domains of spectrins, such as the SH3 domain. Yeast two-hybrid screening of a kidney cDNA library revealed that the SH3 domain of alpha II-spectrin binds specifically isoform A of low-molecular-weight phosphotyrosine phosphatase (LMW-PTP). The alpha II-spectrin SH3 domain does not interact with LMW-PTP B or C nor does LMW-PTP A interact with the alpha I-spectrin SH3 domain. The interaction of spectrin with LMW-PTP A led us to look for a tyrosine-phosphorylated residue in alpha II-spectrin. Western blotting showed that alpha II-spectrin is tyrosine phosphorylated in vivo. Using mutagenesis on recombinant peptides, we identified the residue Y1176 located in the calpain cleavage site of alpha II-spectrin, near the SH3 domain, as an in vitro substrate for Src kinase and LMW-PTP A. This Y1176 residue is also an in vivo target for kinases and phosphatases in COS cells. Phosphorylation of this residue decreases spectrin sensitivity to calpain in vitro. Similarly, the presence of phosphatase inhibitors in cell culture is associated with the absence of spectrin cleavage products. This suggests that the Y1176 phosphorylation state could modulate spectrin cleavage by calpain and may play an important role during membrane skeleton remodeling.  相似文献   

The in vitro degradation of individual neurofilament proteins by calpain and the effects of calmodulin on this proteolysis were studied. Two major results are reported. First, in the presence of calcium, calmodulin binds to the 200-kD neurofilament protein, but only weakly associates with the 150-kD neurofilament protein. The 70-kD neurofilament protein shows no specific calmodulin-binding. Second, calmodulin inhibits the calpain-mediated degradation of the 200-kD neurofilament protein, but does not alter the hydrolysis of the 150-kD and 70-kD neurofilament proteins. In addition, calmodulin is able to bind to the 200-kD neurofilament protein in the presence of other neurofilament subunits, indicating that calmodulin may play a role in the regulation of the metabolism of the 200-kD neurofilament protein in vivo.  相似文献   

m-Calpain is a protease implicated in the control of cell adhesion through focal adhesion disassembly. The mechanism by which the enzyme is spatially and temporally controlled is not well understood, particularly because the dependence of calpain on calcium exceeds the submicromolar concentrations normally observed in cells. Here we show that the channel kinase TRPM7 localizes to peripheral adhesion complexes with m-calpain, where it regulates cell adhesion by controlling the activity of the protease. Our research revealed that overexpression of TRPM7 in cells caused cell rounding with a concomitant loss of cell adhesion that is dependent upon the channel of the protein but not its kinase activities. Knockdown of m-calpain blocked TRPM7-induced cell rounding and cell detachment. Silencing of TRPM7 by RNA interference, however, strengthened cell adhesion and increased the number of peripheral adhesion complexes in the cells. Together, our results suggest that the ion channel TRPM7 regulates cell adhesion through m-calpain by mediating the local influx of calcium into peripheral adhesion complexes.  相似文献   

Tubular atrophy predicts chronic kidney disease progression, and is caused by proximal tubular epithelial cellcaused by proximal tubular epithelial cell (PTC) apoptosis. The normally quiescent Na(+)/H(+) exchanger-1 (NHE1) defends against PTC apoptosis, and is regulated by PI(4,5)P(2) binding. Because of the vast array of plasma membrane lipids, we hypothesized that NHE1-mediated cell survival is dynamically regulated by multiple anionic inner leaflet phospholipids. In membrane overlay and surface plasmon resonance assays, the NHE1 C terminus bound phospholipids with low affinity and according to valence (PIP(3) > PIP(2) > PIP = PA > PS). NHE1-phosphoinositide binding was enhanced by acidic pH, and abolished by NHE1 Arg/Lys to Ala mutations within two juxtamembrane domains, consistent with electrostatic interactions. PI(4,5)P(2)-incorporated vesicles were distributed to apical and lateral PTC domains, increased NHE1-regulated Na(+)/H(+) exchange, and blunted apoptosis, whereas NHE1 activity was decreased in cells enriched with PI(3,4,5)P(3), which localized to basolateral membranes. Divergent PI(4,5)P(2) and PI(3,4,5)P(3) effects on NHE1-dependent Na(+)/H(+) exchange and apoptosis were confirmed by selective phosphoinositide sequestration with pleckstrin homology domain-containing phospholipase Cδ and Akt peptides, PI 3-kinase, and Akt inhibition in wild-type and NHE1-null PTCs. The results reveal an on-off switch model, whereby NHE1 toggles between weak interactions with PI(4,5)P(2) and PI(3,4,5)P(3). In response to apoptotic stress, NHE1 is stimulated by PI(4,5)P(2), which leads to PI 3-kinase activation, and PI(4,5)P(2) phosphorylation. The resulting PI(3,4,5)P(3) dually stimulates sustained, downstream Akt survival signaling, and dampens NHE1 activity through competitive inhibition and depletion of PI(4,5)P(2).  相似文献   

To produce ubiquitinated substrates for studies on ATP-dependent proteolysis, 125I-lysozyme was incubated in hemin-inhibited rabbit reticulocyte lysates. A portion of the labeled molecules became linked to ubiquitin in large covalent complexes. When these were partially purified and returned to uninhibited lysates containing ATP, the conjugated lysozyme molecules were degraded 10 times faster than free lysozyme. Purification of covalently modified lysozyme from hemin-inhibited lysates containing 125I-ubiquitin and 131I-lysozyme confirmed that both molecules were present in the complexes. The doubly labeled conjugates also permitted us to determine the fate of each molecule in uninhibited lysates. Besides degradation of lysozyme, there was a progressive release of intact lysozyme molecules from the complexes. This disassembly, which was the only fate of the complexes in the absence of ATP, proceeded through a series of smaller intermediates, several having molecular weights expected for ubiquitin-lysozyme conjugates, and eventually free lysozyme was regenerated. The behavior of labeled ubiquitin was similar, though not identical, to that of lysozyme. Even in lysates containing ATP ubiquitin emerged from the complex undegraded. Furthermore, ubiquitin was present in a greater number of species than was lysozyme. The demonstration that ubiquitin-lysozyme conjugates are rapidly degraded provides support for the hypothesis of Hershko, Rose, Ciechanover, and their colleagues that a key function of ubiquitin is to modify the proteolytic substrate. Further support for the hypothesis is presented in the following paper where we show that the conjugated lysozyme molecules are substrates for an ATP-dependent protease that does not degrade free lysozyme.  相似文献   

Glutamate dehydrogenase is very susceptible to carbamylation which results in loss of activity. The effect of a number of proteolytic enzymes (pronase, trypsin and chymotrypsin) on native and carbamylated glutamate dehydrogenase was tested. In all cases, the carbamylated enzyme was at least twice as susceptible to proteolysis as the native enzyme. Antibodies were prepared against glutamate dehydrogenase and carbamylated glutamate dehydrogenase; the carbamylated enzyme was antigenically indistinguishable from the native enzyme. Preliminary experiments indicate that the carbamylated glutamate dehydrogenase is taken up by ascites tumor cells while glutamate dehydrogenase is not. It seems possible that the effects described can be extrapolated to degradation by lysosomes and to other covalently modified enzymes.  相似文献   

This report demonstrates that specific proteolysis of brain spectrin by a calcium-dependent protease, calpain I, abolishes association of brain spectrin with the ankyrin-independent binding site(s) in brain membranes. Calpain I cleaves the beta subunit of spectrin at the N-terminal end leaving a 218-kDa fragment and cleaves the alpha subunit in the midregion to produce 150- and 130-kDa fragments. Calpain-proteolyzed spectrin almost completely loses the capacity to displace binding of intact spectrin to membranes. Spectrin digested by calpain I under conditions that almost completely destroyed membrane-binding remained associated as a tetramer and retained about 60% of the ability to associate with actin filaments. Cleavage of spectrin occurred at sites distinct from the membrane-binding site which is located on the beta subunit since the isolated 218-kDa fragment of the beta subunit as well as a reconstituted complex of alpha and 218-kDa beta subunit fragment partially regained binding activity. Moreover, cleavage of the alpha subunit alone reduced the affinity of spectrin for membranes by 2-fold. A consequence of distinct sites for calpain I cleavage and membrane-binding is that calpain I can digest spectrin while spectrin is complexed with other proteins and therefore has the potential to mediate disassembly of a spectrin-actin network from membranes.  相似文献   

TRAIL is an apoptotic cell death-inducing ligand that belongs to a TNF superfamily. To identify the regulators that govern the susceptibility to TRAIL, TRAIL-resistant HeLa (TR) cells were established by repeatedly treating HeLa cells with TRAIL. Here we showed that scaffolding protein Homer1 plays a decisive role in regulating the apoptotic susceptibility to TRAIL. TR cells showing the normal susceptibility to FasL and chemotherapeutic agent etoposide expressed the lower protein levels of Homer1 than parental HeLa cells. They showed the delayed activation of caspases-8, Bid cleavage and Bax translocation to mitochondria in response to TRAIL. Reconstitution of Homer1 expression in TR cells significantly restored the susceptibility to TRAIL. In addition, knock-down of Homer1 using interfering shRNA in parental HeLa cells lost the susceptibility to TRAIL. Together, our data indicate that Homer1 plays a critical role in determining the apoptotic susceptibility to TRAIL.  相似文献   

A synthetic inhibitor of calpain protects rat erythrocyte membrane-associated cytoskeletal proteins from proteolytic degradation (IC50 = 1 microM) which occurs when the cells are rendered permeable to Ca++. Leupeptin, a naturally occurring inhibitor of the enzyme, does not afford any protection at concentrations up to 100 microM.  相似文献   

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