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Microtubules are dynamically unstable polymers that interconvert stochastically between growing and shrinking states by the addition and loss of subunits from their ends. However, there is little experimental data on the relationship between microtubule end structure and the regulation of dynamic instability. To investigate this relationship, we have modulated dynamic instability in Xenopus egg extracts by adding a catastrophe-promoting factor, Op18/stathmin. Using electron cryomicroscopy, we find that microtubules in cytoplasmic extracts grow by the extension of a two- dimensional sheet of protofilaments, which later closes into a tube. Increasing the catastrophe frequency by the addition of Op18/stathmin decreases both the length and frequency of the occurrence of sheets and increases the number of frayed ends. Interestingly, we also find that more dynamic populations contain more blunt ends, suggesting that these are a metastable intermediate between shrinking and growing microtubules. Our results demonstrate for the first time that microtubule assembly in physiological conditions is a two-dimensional process, and they suggest that the two-dimensional sheets stabilize microtubules against catastrophes. We present a model in which the frequency of catastrophes is directly correlated with the structural state of microtubule ends.  相似文献   

The Xenopus early embryonic cell cycle consists of rapid oscillations between mitosis and DNA synthesis. We used ubiquitin (Ub)-dependent proteolysis inhibitors to determine whether Ub-mediated proteolysis regulates the initiation of DNA replication in Xenopus egg extract. Methylated Ub, a chemically modified Ub that cannot form chains, and S5a, a Ub chain-binding subunit of the 26S proteasome, were added to extract at concentrations known to inhibit cyclin B proteolysis and their effects on cell cycle progression and DNA replication were examined. DNA replication initiated concomitant with controls and proceeded in a semiconservative fashion in the presence of both methylated Ub and S5a. However, mitotic progression was halted, showing that the inhibitors were functional. We conclude that initiation of DNA replication is not regulated by Ub-dependent proteolysis in the early Xenopus cell cycle.  相似文献   

Lu P  Zheng H  Zhai Z 《Cell research》2006,16(7):632-640
We reconstituted bilayer nuclear membranes, multilayer membranes, and organelles from mixtures ofXenopus laevis egg extracts and demembranatedXenopus sperm nuclei. Varying proportions of the cytosolic and vesicular fractions from the eggs were used in the reconstitution mixtures. A cytosol:vesicle ratio of 10:1 promoted reassembly of the normal bilayer nuclear membrane with inserted nuclear pore complexes around the decondensed Xenopus sperm chromatin. A cytosol: vesicle ratio of 5:1 caused decondensed and dispersed sperm chromatin to be either surrounded by or divided by unusual multilayer membrane structures with inlaid pore complexes. A cytosol:vesicle ratio of 2.5:1 promoted reconstitution of mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum networks, and Golgi apparatus. During reassembly of the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus, vesicular fragments of the corresponding organelles fused together and changed their shape to form flattened cistemae, which were then stacked one on top of another.  相似文献   

The cell-free extracts from animalXenopus laevis egg could induce chromatin decondensation and pronuclear formation from demembranated plant (Orychophragmus violaceu) sperm. The demembranatedOrychophragmus violaceus sperm began to swell in 30 min incubation, and then were gradually decondensed. The reassembly of nuclear envelope in the reconstituted nuclei had been visualized by means of electron microscopy and fluorescent microscopy. Membrane vesicles fused to form the double envelope around the periphery of the decondensed chromatin. The morphology of the newly formed nucleus, with a double membrane, was similar to those nuclei after fertilization. Transmission electron microscope micrograph of the whole mount prepared nuclear matrix-lamina showed the reconstituted nucleus to be filled with a dense network.  相似文献   

Xenopus egg extracts provide a powerful tool for studying the formation and function of chromosomes. Two alternative protocols are generally used to obtain mitotic chromosomes. The first one uses a direct chromatin assembly from sperm nuclei in cytostatic factor (CSF)-arrested meiotic extracts, while the second is based on transition of sperm DNA through a replication step with subsequent reestablishment of CSF arrest. In this study we show that general kinetochore structure is disrupted in chromosomes assembled directly in CSF egg extracts: The amounts of outer kinetochore proteins such as Bub1, BubR1, and Dynactin subunit p150glued are reduced and the components of the inner centromeric region (Aurora B kinase and Survivin) show compromised recruitment to centromeres. On the contrary, kinetochores on chromosomes assembled according to the second protocol closely resemble those in somatic cells. Our results indicate that the transition of sperm nuclei through interphase is an essential step for proper kinetochore assembly.  相似文献   

The cell-free extracts from animal Xenopus laevis egg could induce chromatin decon-densation and pronuclear formation from demembranated plant (Orychophragmus violaceus) sperm. The demembranated Orychophragmus violaceus sperm began to swell in 30 min incubation, and then were gradually decondensed. The reassembly of nuclear envelope in the reconstituted nuclei had been visualized by means of electron microscopy and fluorescent microscopy. Membrane vesicles fused to form the double envelope around the periphery of the decondensed chromatin. The morphology of the newly formed nucleus, with a double membrane, was similar to those nuclei after fertilization. Transmission electron microscope micrograph of the whole mount prepared nuclear matrix-lamina showed the reconstituted nucleus to be filled with a dense network.  相似文献   

The yeast UbL-UBA protein Dsk2 is thought to act as a shuttle protein that delivers polyubiquitinated proteins to the proteasome. Previously, we identified Xenopus Dsk2-related protein, XDRP1, as a cyclin A-interacting protein. Using Xenopus egg extracts, we further characterized its two isoforms, XDRP1L and XDRP1S, with respect to cyclin binding and its degradation. Polyubiquitinated cyclins bound to the UBA domain of XDRP1L and XDRP1S, whereas monomeric cyclins A and B bound to the UbL domain of XDRP1S but not to XDRP1L. Binding of XDRP1S with monomeric cyclins was affected by a Cdc2-mediated phosphorylation of either the XDRP1S UbL domain or cyclins. Degradation of cyclin B was also prevented by XDRP1S in a Cdc2-sensitive manner. Loss of the XDRP1S-cyclin interaction allowed cyclins to be degraded in calcium-treated CSF extracts. These results suggest that the shuttling pathway via the UbL-UBA protein XDRP1 participates in degradation of mitotic cyclins in Xenopus eggs.  相似文献   

Summary A saline extract was prepared fromDrosophila eggs. When diluted to a concentration of 1% withDrosophila tissue culture medium, it did not support growth of cells from theDrosophila line D1 during the first few days of subculture as well as medium containing serum. When cells reached a stationary phase, however, the cell density in medium containing extract was greater than in medium containing serum. By altering the concentrations of the extract, and by adding bovine albumin, a medium was obtained in which D1 cells survived initial culturing, and which supported cell growth by day 4 as well as medium plus serum. The initial retardation of growth in medium containing egg extract might be due to the need of the cells to adapt to the new medium. At the present time fourDrosophila cell lines have been maintained in this medium for more than 16 passages. Preliminary experiments with primary embryonicDrosophila cells indicate that medium containing 2% extract and bovine albumin retards the differentiation of these cells. This work was supported by a grant from the Science Research Council of Great Britain.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic DNA replication is initiated through stepwise assembly of evolutionarily conserved replication proteins onto replication origins, but how the origin DNA is unwound during the assembly process remains elusive. Here, we established a site-specific origin on a plasmid DNA, using in vitro replication systems derived from Xenopus egg extracts. We found that the pre-replicative complex (pre-RC) was preferentially assembled in the vicinity of GAL4 DNA-binding sites of the plasmid, depending on the binding of Cdc6 fused with a GAL4 DNA-binding domain in Cdc6-depleted extracts. Subsequent addition of nucleoplasmic S-phase extracts to the GAL4-dependent pre-RC promoted initiation of DNA replication from the origin, and components of the pre-initiation complex (pre-IC) and the replisome were recruited to the origin concomitant with origin unwinding. In this replication system, RecQ4 is dispensable for both recruitment of Cdc45 onto the origin and stable binding of Cdc45 and GINS to the pre-RC assembled plasmid. However, both origin binding of DNA polymerase α and unwinding of DNA were diminished upon depletion of RecQ4 from the extracts. These results suggest that RecQ4 plays an important role in the conversion of pre-ICs into active replisomes requiring the unwinding of origin DNA in vertebrates.  相似文献   

Apoptosis in Xenopus egg extracts is carried out by maternally stockpiled materials, but the contributions of endogenous apoptosis regulators are still poorly characterized. Here we examined the physiological role of Xenopus Bid (xBid), a pro-apoptotic BH3-only member of Bcl-2 family proteins. We found that endogenous xBid was a physiological accelerator of apoptosis in egg extracts. Interestingly, xBid was mono-/diubiquitylated but not degraded by proteasome in egg extracts, and we identified three ubiquitylated Lys residues in the N-terminal propeptide region. Comparison with human Bid suggested that mono-/diubiquitylation is a specific feature of xBid.  相似文献   

The recognition and removal of interstrand cross-links is perhaps the least understood of all repair pathways in eukaryotic cells. We have shown previously that uncoupling of cross-links occurs in mammalian cell extracts and have identified a number of factors that mediate this process. However, we have not observed complete repair of the substrate in this system. Here, we show that uncoupling of interstrand cross-links also occurs in Xenopus laevis egg extracts, and that the initial products of this reaction are identical to the products observed in mammalian cell extracts suggesting a common mechanism. However in contrast to mammalian cell extracts, we observe repair of the cross-linked substrate in the Xenopus extracts presumably by a translesion bypass mechanism that allows replication past the uncoupled monoadduct, and its likely subsequent removal by nucleotide excision repair. This repair process is shown to be highly mutagenic consistent with bypass synthesis.  相似文献   

Sizes of yolk platelets were measured in sections of oocytes and embryos in Xenopus. It was found that the average size of the largest group of platelets in cells differed between germ layers of neurulae. It was small (3 to 5 m) in the ectoderm, medium-sized (5 to 8 µm) in the mesoderm, and large (over 8 m) in the endoderm. Platelets of these size classes formed layers in egg, the yolk gradient, by the end of oocyte maturation. The yolk gradient contained products of the mitochondrial cloud and a part of the germinal vesicle material at certain positions. The layers of small, medium and large platelets in the egg changed their locations to distribute to the ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm of neurulae, respectively. The yolk layers in the egg thus represented different prospective fates, and a figure describing the locations of these layers could be regarded as a fate map for the one-cell stage. Most of the marginal blastomeres of embryos at cleavage stages consisted of a few parts with different prospective fates. Results were discussed with reference to available fate maps for cleavage stage embryos.  相似文献   

We have developed a cell-free system that can trigger the nuclei purified from mouse liver and suspensioncultured carrot cells to undergo apoptosis as defined by the formation of apoptotic bodies and nucleosomal DNA fragments.The effects of different divalent cations and cycloheximide on DNA cleavage in this system were assessed.The fact that nuclei of plant cells can be induced to undergo apoptosis in a cell-free animal system suggests that animals and plants share a common signal transduction pathway triggering in the initiation stage of apoptosis.  相似文献   

We have used Xenopus egg extracts to investigate the effects of the antitumor drug daunomycin on DNA replication in vitro. Xenopus sperm nuclei replicated nearly synchronously in our egg extracts, thereby allowing us to determine the effects of the drug on both replication initiation and elongation. Titration experiments demonstrated that daunomycin effectively inhibited replication in the extract, with 50% inhibition at a total drug concentration of 2.7 μM. However, a high concentration of daunomycin 150 μM) also inhibited nuclear envelope assembly, a prerequisite for the initiation of replication in this system. Therefore, to bypass the effects of daunomycin on nuclear envelope assembly, sperm nuclei were preassembled in extract prior to drug addition. Initiation of replication in preassembled nuclei was also inhibited by daunomycin, with 50% inhibition at a drug concentration of 3.6 μM. At low drug concentrations, where replication did occur, the synchrony of initiations within individual nuclei was lost. This drug-induced disruption of initiation events may provide important clues regarding the mechanism(s) by which these events are coordinated in eukaryotic cells. Daunomycin also inhibited replication elongation in preassembled, preinitiated nuclei. However, the concentration of drug required for 50% inhibition of elongation was nearly fourfold higher than that required for inhibition of initiation. Taken together, these data demonstrate that Xenopus egg extract can be used to investigate the effects of DNA-binding antitumor drugs on a number of interrelated cellular processes, many of which are less tractable in whole cell systems. J. Cell. Biochem. 64:476–491. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary The populations of cell surface proteins and total glycoproteins were investigated in early Xenopus embryos through lectin staining, affinity binding of glycoproteins to lectins, and use of a succinimide ester to biotinylate cell surface molecules. Lectin staining shows that the egg is endowed with a thick layer of surface glycoprotein, and that glycoprotein is immediately detected on the newly formed membranes of nascent blastomeres. The amount of glycoprotein found in eggs and early embryos remains constant, and electrophoretic analysis reveals no changes in abundant lectin-binding glycoproteins through the neurula stage. In contrast, the amount of cell surface protein increases dramatically from the 2-cell to the gastrula stages. Despite this quantiative increase, only a small number of differences in cell surface proteins were detected during this period. A series of bands was detected which appears to be specific to the outer surface of the embryo. Because the populations of surface proteins and of total glycoproteins overlap to a great extent, the increase in cell surface protein, in the absence of a change in total glycoprotein, indicates the presence of a maternal glycoprotein pool in the Xenopus egg, from which the cell surface proteins of embryonic blastomeres are recruited.  相似文献   

EBF proteins have diverse functions in the development of multiple lineages, including neurons, B cells and adipocytes. During Drosophila muscle development EBF proteins are expressed in muscle progenitors and are required for muscle cell differentiation, but there is no known function of EBF proteins in vertebrate muscle development. In this study, we examine the expression of ebf genes in Xenopus muscle tissue and show that EBF activity is necessary for aspects of Xenopus skeletal muscle development, including somite organization, migration of hypaxial muscle anlagen toward the ventral abdomen, and development of jaw muscle. From a microarray screen, we have identified multiple candidate targets of EBF activity with known roles in muscle development. The candidate targets we have verified are MYOD, MYF5, M-Cadherin and SEB-4. In vivo overexpression of the ebf2 and ebf3 genes leads to ectopic expression of these candidate targets, and knockdown of EBF activity causes downregulation of the endogenous expression of the candidate targets. Furthermore, we found that MYOD and MYF5 are likely to be direct targets. Finally we show that MYOD can upregulate the expression of ebf genes, indicating the presence of a positive feedback loop between EBF and MYOD that we find to be important for maintenance of MYOD expression in Xenopus. These results suggest that EBF activity is important for both stabilizing commitment and driving aspects of differentiation in Xenopus muscle cells.  相似文献   

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