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A problem often encountered in multidimensional NMR-spectroscopy is that an existing chemical shift list of a protein has to be used to assign an experimental spectrum but does not fit sufficiently well for a safe assignment. A similar problem occurs when temperature or pressure series of n-dimensional spectra are to be evaluated automatically. We have developed two different algorithms, AUREMOL-SHIFTOPT1 and AUREMOL-SHIFTOPT2 that fulfill this task. In the present contribution their performance is analyzed employing a set of simulated and experimental two-dimensional and three-dimensional spectra obtained from three different proteins. A new z-score based on atom and amino acid specific chemical shift distributions is introduced to weight the chemical shift contributions in different dimensions properly.  相似文献   

Summary A suite of computer programs (CLAIRE) is described which can be of assistance in the process of assigning 2D1H NMR spectra of proteins. The programs embody a software implementation of the sequential assignment approach first developed by Wüthrich and co-workers (K. Wüthrich. G. Wider, G. Wagner and W. Braun (1982)J. Mol. Biol. 155, 311). After data-abstraction (peakpicking), the software can be used to detect patterns (spin systems), to find cross peaks between patterns in 2D NOE data sets and to generate assignments that are consistent with all available data and which satisfy a number of constraints imposed by the user. An interactive graphics program calledCONPAT is used to control the entire assignment process as well as to provide the essential feedback from the experimental NMR spectra. The algorithms are described in detail and the approach is demonstrated on a set of spectra from the mistletoe protein phoratoxin B, a homolog of crambin. The results obtained compare well with those reported earlier based entirely on a manual assignment process.  相似文献   

Summary Linear prediction has been used to extrapolate the t1 domain of natural abundance1H–13C correlated two-dimensional (2D) FIDs of insulin. The FIDs were obtained by two different heteronuclear correlation experiments, one that utilizes heteronuclear multiple-quantum coherence during t1, and one that utilizes13C single-quantum coherence. It is shown that the enhancement of the resolution and sensitivity in the F1 dimension of the Fourier transform spectrum that results from the linear prediction extrapolation allows the t1 domain to be confined to a relatively short time period where the signal intensity is at maximum. In particular, it is found that the enhancement thus obtained is sufficiently good to allow an observation of the difference between the F1 line widths in the single-quantum and double-quantum coherence spectra.  相似文献   

The structure of naturally occurring galactomannans was characterized by high resolution NMR spectroscopy involving two-dimensional (2D) NMR measurements of the field gradient DQF-COSY, HMQC, HMBC, and ROESY experiments. Four galactomannans with different proportions of galactose (G) and mannose (M), from fenugreek gum (FG), guar gum (GG), tara gum (TG), and locust bean gum (LG), were investigated. Because these galactomannans had very high molecular weights, hydrolysis by dilute H2SO4 was carried out to give the corresponding low molecular weight galactomannans, the structural identities of which were established by comparison of the specific rotations, shape of the GPC profiles, and NMR spectra with those of higher molecular weight galactomannans. The correlation signals GH1-GC4, -GC5, and -MC6 in HMBC and GH1-GH6 in ROESY spectra of FG showed that more than two galactopyranose units with the 1 → 4 linkage were connected at C6 of the mannopyranose main chain. The coupling constant (JH1,2) of galactose was 3.4 Hz, indicating that galactose has an α-linkage. The main chain mannose was found to connect through the 1 → 4 linkage, because of the appearance of the correlation signals MH1-MC4, and MC1-MH4 in the HMBC spectrum due to the long-range correlation signals between two neighboring mannopyranose residues through the M4-O-M1 bond. Although the main chain mannose JH1,2 was not observed, probably because of the high molecular weight, the specific rotation of LG with a higher proportion of mannose was low, [α]D25 = +10.8°, compared with that of FG with a lower proportion of mannose, [α]D25 = +90.5°, suggesting that the mannose in the main chain had a α-linkage. These results suggest that the galactomannans comprise a (1 → 4)-β-mannopyranosidic main chain connected with more than two (1 → 4)-α-galactopyranosidic side chains, in addition to the single galactopyranose side chain, at C6 of the mannopyranose main chain.  相似文献   

Hedamycin, a member of the pluramycin family of drugs, displays a range of biological responses including antitumor and antimicrobial activity. The mechanism of action is via direct interaction with DNA through intercalation between the bases of the oligonucleotide and alkylation of a guanine residue at 5'-PyG-3' sites. There appears to be some minor structural differences between two earlier studies on the interaction of hedamycin with 5'-PyG-3' sites. In this study, a high-resolution NMR analysis of the hedamycin:d(ACCGGT)2 complex was undertaken in order to investigate the effect of replacing the thymine with a guanine at the preferred 5'-CGT-3' site. The resultant structure was compared with earlier work, with particular emphasis placed on the drug conformation. The structure of the hedamycin:d(ACCGGT)2 complex has many features in common with the two previous NMR structures of hedamycin:DNA complexes but differed in the conformation and orientation of the N,N-dimethylvancosamine saccharide of hedamycin in one of these structures. The preferential binding of hedamycin to 5'-CG-3' over 5'-TG-3' binding sites is explained in terms of the orientation and location of the N,N-dimethylvancosamine saccharide in the minor groove.  相似文献   

Summary An algorithm based on the technique of combinatorial minimization is used for the semi-automated assignment of multidimensional heteronuclear spectra. The program (ALFA) produces the best assignment compatible with the available input data. Even partially misleading or missing data do not seriously corrupt the final assignment. Ambiguous sequences of the possible assignment and all alternatives are indicated. The program can also use additional non-spectroscopic data to assist in the assignment procedure. For example, information from the X-ray structure of the protein and/or information about the secondary structure can be used. The assignment procedure was tested on spectra of mucous trypsin inhibitor, a protein of 107 residues.  相似文献   

Yuan ZF  Liu C  Wang HP  Sun RX  Fu Y  Zhang JF  Wang LH  Chi H  Li Y  Xiu LY  Wang WP  He SM 《Proteomics》2012,12(2):226-235
Determining the monoisotopic peak of a precursor is a first step in interpreting mass spectra, which is basic but non-trivial. The reason is that in the isolation window of a precursor, other peaks interfere with the determination of the monoisotopic peak, leading to wrong mass-to-charge ratio or charge state. Here we propose a method, named pParse, to export the most probable monoisotopic peaks for precursors, including co-eluted precursors. We use the relationship between the position of the highest peak and the mass of the first peak to detect candidate clusters. Then, we extract three features to sort the candidate clusters: (i) the sum of the intensity, (ii) the similarity of the experimental and the theoretical isotopic distribution, and (iii) the similarity of elution profiles. We showed that the recall of pParse, MaxQuant, and BioWorks was 98-98.8%, 0.5-17%, and 1.8-36.5% at the same precision, respectively. About 50% of tandem mass spectra are triggered by multiple precursors which are difficult to identify. Then we design a new scoring function to identify the co-eluted precursors. About 26% of all identified peptides were exclusively from co-eluted peptides. Therefore, accurately determining monoisotopic peaks, including co-eluted precursors, can greatly increase peptide identification rate.  相似文献   

The square root of a covariance spectrum, which offers high spectral resolution along both dimensions requiring only few t 1 increments, yields in good approximation the idealized 2D FT spectrum provided that the amount of magnetization exchanged between spins is relatively small. When this condition is violated, 2D FT and covariance peak volumes may differ. A regularization method is presented that produces a modified covariance spectrum with cross-peak volumes that closely match their 2D FT analogues. The method is demonstrated for TOCSY spectra with variable mixing times.  相似文献   

Summary A data processing method is described which reduces the effects of t1 noise artifacts and improves the presentation of 2D NMR spectral data. A t1 noise profile is produced by measuring the average noise in each column. This profile is then used to determine weighting coefficients for a sliding weighted smoothing filter that is applied to each row, such that the amount of smoothing each point receives is proportional to both its estimated t1 noise level and the level of t1 noise of neighbouring points. Thus, points in the worst t1 noise bands receive the greatest smoothing, whereas points in low-noise regions remain relatively unaffected. In addition, weighted smoothing allows points in low-noise regions to influence neighbouring points in noisy regions. This method is also effective in reducing the noise artifacts associated with the solvent resonance in spectra of biopolymers in aqueous solution. Although developed primarily to improve the quality of 2D NMR spectra of biopolymers prior to automated analysis, this approach should enhance processing of spectra of a wide range of compounds and can be used whenever noise occurs in discrete bands in one dimension of a multi-dimensional spectrum.  相似文献   

The new NMR experiments 3D H2BC and clean HMBC are explored for challenging applications to a complex carbohydrate at natural abundance of 13C. The 3D H2BC experiment is crucial for sequential assignment as it yields heteronuclear one- and two-bond together with COSY correlations for the 1H spins, all in a single spectrum with good resolution and non-informative diagonal-type peaks suppressed. Clean HMBC is a remedy for the ubiquitous problem of strong coupling induced one-bond correlation artifacts in HMBC spectra of carbohydrates. Both experiments work well for one of the largest carbohydrates whose structure has been determined by NMR, not least due to the enhanced resolution offered by the third dimension in 3D H2BC and the improved spectral quality due to artifact suppression in clean HMBC. Hence these new experiments set the scene to take advantage of the sensitivity boost achieved by the latest generation of cold probes for NMR structure determination of even larger and more complex carbohydrates in solution.  相似文献   

A 4-O-methylglucuronoxylan was converted into a hexenuronoxylan at high temperature and alkalinity similar to the conditions used during kraft pulping. The hexenuronoxylan was hydrolysed with enzymes, and acidic xylooligosaccharides were separated from the hydrolysate by anion-exchange and size-exclusion chromatography. The primary structure of the two main hexenuronic acid-substituted xylooligosaccharides (a tetramer and a pentamer) was determined by two-dimensional 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy. The 4-deoxy-hexenutronic acid is not stable under the acid hydrolysis step of conventional carbohydrate analysis. Here, we have identified the acidic degradation products of 4-deoxy-hexenuronic acid by NMR spectroscopy. Two degradation pathways were observed, both resulting in a furan derivative.  相似文献   

Ozonation of neat sunflower oil (SFO) methyl esters was monitored by FT-IR and 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy. During the early stage of ozonation, ozone absorption was essentially quantitative. This was accompanied by the formation of 1,2,4-trioxolane. IR and NMR spectra of ozonated samples showed that scission of ozonide to give aldehyde were minimal. 1H NMR analysis revealed that the amount of ozonide relative to aldehyde was more than 90% regardless of the extent of ozonation. Complete ozonation was attained after supplying around 0.20 g O3/ml methyl ester after which ozone absorption suddenly dropped to around 25%. At the latter part of ozonation, ozonide and aldehyde reacted with excess ozone to give carboxylic acid. Reaction products were identified according to Criegee mechanism.  相似文献   

Summary A generally applicable method for the automated classification of 2D NMR peaks has been developed, based on a Bayesian approach coupled to a multivariate linear discriminant analysis of the data. The method can separate true NMR signals from noise signals, solvent stripes and artefact signals. The analysis relies on the assumption that the different signal classes have different distributions of specific properties such as line shapes, line widths and intensities. As to be expected, the correlation network of the distributions of the selected properties affects the choice of the discriminant function and the final selection of signal properties. The classification rule for the signal classes was deduced from Bayes's theorem. The method was successfully tested on a NOESY spectrum of HPr protein from Staphylococcus aureus. The calculated probabilities for the different signal class memberships are realistic and reliable, with a high efficiency of discrimination between peaks that are true NOE signals and those that are not.  相似文献   

Abstract Originated from Klebsiella pneumoniae , pCL300 is a self-transmissible plasmid, coding for multiple antibiotic resistances and for lactose degradation. This fi+ plasmid belongs to the incompatibility group F I and is stably maintained in various lactose-negative Escherichia coli or in Salmonella typhi . The molecular mass determined by agarose gel electrophoresis after endonuclease digestions and confirmed by the electron microscope was 243 ± 15 kb, an unusually high value for a plasmid belonging to the incF I group.  相似文献   

Batch propionic acid fermentation of lactose by Propionibacterium acidipropionici were studied at various pH values ranging from 4.5 to 7.12. The optimum pH range for cell growth was between 6.0 and 7.1, where the specific growth rate was approximately 0.23 h(-1). The specific growth rate decreased with the pH in the acids have been identified as the two major fermentation products from lactose. The production of propionic acid was both growth and nongrowth associated, while acetic acid formation was closely associated with cell growth. The propionic acid yield increased with decreasing pH; It changed from approximately 33% (w/w) at pH 6.1-7.1 to approximately 63% at pH 4.5-5.0. In contrast, the acetic acid yield was not significantly affected by the pH; it remained within the range of 9%-12% at all pH values. Significant amounts of succinic and pyruvic acids were also formed during propionic acid fermentation of lactose. However, pyruvic acid was reconsumed and disappeared toward the end of the fermentation. The succinic acid yield generally decreased with the pH, from a high value of 17% at pH 7.0 to a low 8% at pH 5.0 Effects of growth nutrients present in yeast ex-tract on the fermentation were also studied. In general, the same trend of pH effects was found for fermentations with media containing 5 to 10 g/L yeast extract. However, More growth nutrients would be required for fermentations to be carried out efficienytly at acidic pH levels.  相似文献   

A novel gadolinium complex, derived from Gd-DTPA (DTPA: diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid) and sulfaphenazole, intended to be a potential MRI contrast agent and to interact with human serum albumin (HSA), was synthesized and characterized. Its relaxometric properties were evaluated in water, and its binding to HSA was investigated by three techniques: proton relaxation rate analysis, NMR diffusometry, and electrospray mass spectrometry. The complex has a higher relaxivity than the parent compound (r(1)=7.8s(-1)mM(-1) at 310K and 0.47T and 7.7s(-1)mM(-1) at 310K and 1.41T), a fast water exchange, and a very good stability versus zinc(II) transmetallation. All techniques agree with a high affinity of the complex for HSA, and competition experiments indicate that this contrast agent competes with ibuprofen for HSA.  相似文献   

Two galactofuranomannans, Ths-4 and Ths-5, were isolated from the lichen, Thamnolia vermicularis var. subuliformis, using ethanol fractionation and anion-exchange and size-exclusion chromatography. The average molecular weights of Ths-4 and Ths-5 were estimated to be 19 and 200 kDa, respectively. Structural characterisation of Ths-4, Ths-5 and their partially hydrolysed derivatives was performed by methanolysis and methylation analysis. The intact and partially hydrolysed Ths-4 was further analysed using NMR spectroscopy (1D, COSY, NOESY, TOCSY, HSQC and HMBC). According to the data obtained, the heteroglycans Ths-4 and Ths-5 have similar structures, but have large differences in molecular weight. The structure is composed of 3-O-linked and 5-O-linked galactofuranosyl chains linked to a mannan core. The mannan core consists of a main chain of alpha-(1-->6)-linked mannopyranosyl residues, substituted at O-2 with either a single alpha-mannopyranosyl unit or an alpha-Manp-(1-->2)-alpha-Manp-(1-->2)-alpha-Manp group in the ratio of approximately 1:3, respectively. The polysaccharides have idealised repeating blocks as is shown.  相似文献   

The application of the (31)P NMR spectroscopy to large proteins or protein complexes in solution is hampered by a relatively low intrinsic sensitivity coupled with large line widths. Therefore, the assignment of the phosphorus signals by two-dimensional NMR methods in solution is often extremely time consuming. In contrast, the quality of solid-state NMR spectra is not dependent on the molecular mass and the solubility of the protein. For the complex of Ras with the GTP-analogue GppCH(2)p we show solid-state (31)P NMR methods to be more sensitive by almost one order of magnitude than liquid-state NMR. Thus, solid-state NMR seems to be the method of choice for obtaining the resonance assignment of the phosphorus signals of protein complexes in solution. Experiments on Ras.GDP complexes show that the microcrystalline sample can be substituted by a precipitate of the sample and that unexpectedly the two structural states observed earlier in solution are present in crystals as well.  相似文献   

An ‘antisense’ peptide (‘HTCA’), whose sequence was generated by reading the antisense RNA sequence corresponding to ACTH(1–24) was shown to bind ACTH(1–24) with a Kd of 0.3 nM in a solid-matrix binding assay [(1986) Biochem. J. 234, 679–683]. Two-dimensional NMR spectra were used to examine the conformational behavior in methanol and in water solution of two fragments of adrenocorticotropin, ACTH(1–24) and ACTH(1–13), as well as their antisense peptides, HTCA and HTCA(12–24). The conformations are extended chains in these solutions, both as isolated molecules and when mixed with their antisense complements. The Kd values are greater than 1 mM.  相似文献   

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