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Male reproductive behavior is highly dependent upon gonadal steroids. However, between individuals and across species, the role of gonadal steroids in male reproductive behavior is highly variable. In male B6D2F1 hybrid mice, a large proportion (about 30%) of animals demonstrate the persistence of the ejaculatory reflex long after castration. This provides a model to investigate the basis of gonadal steroid-independent male sexual behavior. Here we assessed whether non-gonadal steroids promote mating behavior in castrated mice. Castrated B6D2F1 hybrids that persisted in copulating (persistent copulators) were treated with the androgen receptor blocker, flutamide, and the aromatase enzyme inhibitor, letrozole, for 8 weeks. Other animals were treated with the estrogen receptor blocker, ICI 182,780, via continual intraventricular infusion for 2 weeks. None of these treatments eliminated persistent copulation. A motivational aspect of male sexual behavior, the preference for a receptive female over another male, was also assessed. This preference persisted after long-term castration in persistent copulators, and administration of ICI 182,780 did not influence partner preference. To assess the possibility of elevated sensitivity to sex steroids in brains of persistent copulators, we measured mRNA levels for genes that code for the estrogen receptor-α, androgen receptor, and aromatase enzyme in the medial preoptic area and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. No differences in mRNA of these genes were noted in brains of persistent versus non-persistent copulators. Taken together our results suggest that non-gonadal androgens and estrogens do not maintain copulatory behavior in B6D2F1 mice which display copulatory behavior after castration.  相似文献   

The neuropeptide cholecystokinin (CCK) inhibits lordosis behavior when infused into the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMN) of female rats and has no effect when infused into the VMN of male rats. To test whether this sex difference develops under the control of perinatal steroids, male rats were castrated or given sham surgeries within 3 h of birth and female rats were injected with either 0 or 100 micrograms testosterone propionate on postnatal day 5. As adults, these rats were castrated as necessary, implanted with unilateral cannulae directed at the VMN, and tested for their ability to display female sexual behavior and to respond to CCK. Neonatal castration of males prevented defeminization of this response. When treated with 5 micrograms estradiol benzoate (EB), neonatally castrated males showed both lordosis behavior and a profound inhibition of that behavior after infusions of CCK. Neonatally castrated males did not display lordosis behavior when treated with 2 micrograms EB. Control males showed no lordosis behavior and, therefore, no response to CCK. Both doses of EB induced lordosis behavior in neonatally androgenized females. Significantly, these neonatally androgenized females were less responsive to CCK's inhibition of lordosis and were also anovulatory. These results imply that androgens alter the development of CCK responsive circuits as well as defeminize cyclic gonadotropin release. Levels of 125I-sCCK-8 binding in the VMN were correlated closely with an individual's ability to respond to sCCK-8. In summary, the inhibition of female sexual behavior caused by exogenously administered CCK in normal adult female rats appears to be controlled at least partially by levels of CCK receptors in the VMN and to differentiate under the control of perinatally present testosterone.  相似文献   

Sex differences in the brain and behavior are primarily attributed to dichotomous androgen exposure between males and females during neonatal development, as well as adult responses to gonadal hormones. Here we tested an alternative hypothesis and asked if sex chromosome complement influences male copulatory behavior, a standard behavior for studies of sexual differentiation. We used two mouse models with non-canonical associations between chromosomal and gonadal sex. In both models, we found evidence for sex chromosome complement as an important factor regulating sex differences in the expression of masculine sexual behavior. Counter intuitively, males with two X-chromosomes were faster to ejaculate and display more ejaculations than males with a single X. Moreover, mice of both sexes with two X-chromosomes displayed increased frequencies of mounts and thrusts. We speculate that expression levels of a yet to be discovered gene(s) on the X-chromosome may affect sexual behavior in mice and perhaps in other mammals.  相似文献   

Sex steroids control cellular phenotypes by binding to receptor proteins that in turn regulate downstream gene expression. They are important tropic factors in hormonally responsive tissues and have been implicated in the pathogenesis of both benign proliferations and malignancies at some of these sites. Knockout mice lacking inhibins, alpha:beta heterodimeric peptide hormones of the TGFbeta superfamily, develop gonadal tumors that produce sex steroids and depend on pituitary gonadotropin hormones. To better appreciate how sex steroid receptor signaling pathways contribute to the loss of granulosa/Sertoli cell proliferation in the ovary and testis of inhibin alpha (Inhalpha) knockout mice, we are using both pharmacologic and genetic approaches. Roles of androgens in testicular tumor development have been investigated in our previous studies using double-mutant mice lacking inhibins and carrying the null testicular feminization (tfm) mutation of the androgen receptor. Herein, we report that androgens also participate in the development of ovarian tumors, as tumor development is forestalled in mice treated with flutamide, a nonsteroidal inhibitor of androgen actions. Additionally, we generated double-mutant mice lacking estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha) and Inhalpha or ERbeta and Inhalpha, as well as triple-mutant mice lacking ERalpha, ERbeta, and Inhalpha to determine the effects of individual and combined ER signaling pathways on tumor development. Although estrogens may have proliferative effects during follicle development and are important in specifying the granulosa cell phenotype, ERalpha and ERbeta signaling are not essential for timely granulosa cell tumor development or granulosa cell-like morphological features in ovarian tumors. However, redundant ER signaling through ERalpha and ERbeta in males is critical for testicular tumor formation, as triple-knockout, but not double-knockout, males are protected from early Sertoli cell tumorigenesis and death. Together, these studies indicate important and sexually dimorphic functions of estrogens and androgens in tumor development in this mouse model and indicate, for the first time, overlapping functions of ERalpha and ERbeta in Sertoli cell pathophysiology.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism, i.e. the distinct recognition of only two sexes per species, is the phenotypic expression of a multi-stage procedure at chromosomal, gonadal, hormonal and behavioral level. Chromosomal--genetic sexual dimorphism refers to the presence of two identical (XX) or two different (XY) gonosomes in females and males, respectively. This is due to the distinct content of the X and Y-chromosomes in both genes and regulatory sequences, SRY being the key regulator Hormones (AMH, testosterone, Insl3) secreted by the foetal testis (gonadal sexual dimorphism), impede Müller duct development, masculinize Wolff duct derivatives and are involved in testicular descent (hormonal sexual dimorphism). Steroid hormone receptors detected in the nervous system, link androgens with behavioral sexual dimorphism. Furthermore, sex chromosome genes directly affect brain sexual dimorphism and this may precede gonadal differentiation.  相似文献   

Adolescence is associated with increases in pleasure-seeking behaviors, which, in turn, are shaped by the pubertal activation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis. In animal models of naturally rewarding behaviors, such as sex, testicular androgens contribute to the development and expression of the behavior in males. To effect behavioral maturation, the brain undergoes significant remodeling during adolescence, and many of the changes are likewise sensitive to androgens, presumably acting through androgen receptors (AR). Given the delicate interaction of gonadal hormones and brain development, it is no surprise that disruption of hormone levels during this sensitive period significantly alters adolescent and adult behaviors. In male hamsters, exposure to testosterone during adolescence is required for normal expression of adult sexual behavior. Males deprived of androgens during puberty display sustained deficits in mating. Conversely, androgens alone are not sufficient to induce mating in prepubertal males, even though brain AR are present before puberty. In this context, wide-spread use of anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) during adolescence is a significant concern. AAS abuse has the potential to alter both the timing and the levels of androgens in adolescent males. In hamsters, adolescent AAS exposure increases aggression, and causes lasting changes in neurotransmitter systems. In addition, AAS are themselves reinforcing, as demonstrated by self-administration of testosterone and other AAS. However, recent evidence suggests that the reinforcing effects of androgens may not require classical AR. Therefore, further examination of interactions between androgens and rewarding behaviors in the adolescent brain is required for a better understanding of AAS abuse.  相似文献   

It is probably not surprising to most of us that the endocrine system plays a significant role in controlling the singing behavior of birds. We are familiar with the song of birds as a conspicuous acoustic feature of our environment during the avian breeding season. We often witness song when it is produced by birds (males) that are aggressively establishing and defending territories and that are advertising to available females. Thus, it is easy to imagine that song is likely to be stimulated by gonadal hormones. However, the ways in which gonadal sex steroids influence the various parts of the brain at various stages of the bird's life to influence song are complex and far from being completely understood. In this review, I will highlight some of the significant discoveries that have contributed to our view that the songbird brain is a significant and dynamic target of sex steroids. I will also describe what we have learned about properties of the endocrine system and the brain and how they each contribute to making androgens or estrogens available to particular parts of the songbird brain. Finally, I will describe some new research directions that may help answer some unresolved issues about hormonal effects on the songbird brain. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 33: 619–631, 1997  相似文献   

Early workers interested in the mechanisms mediating sex differences in morphology and behavior assumed that differences in behavior that are commonly observed between males and females result from the sex specificity of androgens and estrogens. Androgens were thought to facilitate male-typical traits, and estrogens were thought to facilitate female-typical traits. By the mid-20th century, however, it was apparent that administering androgens to females or estrogens to males was not always effective in sex-reversing behavior and that in some cases a “female” hormone such as an estrogen could produce male-typical behavior and an androgen could induce female-typical behavior. These conceptual difficulties were resolved to a large extent by the seminal paper of C. H. Phoenix, R. W. Goy, A. A. Gerall, and W. C. Young in (1959,Endocrinology65, 369–382) that illustrated that several aspects of sexual behavior are different between males and females because the sexes have been exposed during their perinatal life to a different endocrine milieu that has irreversibly modified their response to steroids in adulthood. Phoenixet al.(1959) therefore formalized a clear dichotomy between the organizational and activational effects of sex steroid hormones. Since this paper, a substantial amount of research has been carried out in an attempt to identify the aspects of brain morphology or neurochemistry that differentiate under the embryonic/neonatal effects of steroids and are responsible for the different behavioral response of males and females to the activation by steroids in adulthood. During the past 25 years, research in behavioral neuroendocrinology has identified many sex differences in brain morphology or neurochemistry; however many of these sex differences disappear when male and female subjects are placed in similar endocrine conditions (e.g., are gonadectomized and treated with the same amount of steroids) so that these differences appear to be of an activational nature and cannot therefore explain sex differences in behavior that are still present in gonadectomized steroid-treated adults. This research has also revealed many aspects of brain morphology and chemistry that are markedly affected by steroids in adulthood and are thought to mediate the activation of behavior at the central level. It has been explicitly, or in some cases, implicitly assumed that the sexual differentiation of brain and behavior driven by early exposure to steroids concerns primarily those neuroanatomical/neurochemical characteristics that are altered by steroids in adulthood and presumably mediate the activation of behavior. Extensive efforts to identify these sexually differentiated brain characteristics over the past 20 years has only met with limited success, however. As regards reproductive behavior, in all model species that have been studied it is still impossible to identify satisfactorily brain characteristics that differentiate under early steroid action and explain the sex differences in behavioral activating effects of steroids. This problem is illustrated by research conducted on Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica), an avian model system that displays prominent sex differences in the sexual behavioral response to testosterone, and in which the endocrine mechanisms that control sexual differentiation of behavior have been clearly identified so that subjects with a fully sex-reversed behavioral phenotype can be easily produced. In this species, studies of sex differences in the neural substrate mediating the action of steroids in the brain, including the activity of the enzymes that metabolize steroids such as aromatase and the distribution of steroid hormone receptors as well as related neurotransmitter systems, did not result in a satisfactory explanation of sex differences in the behavioral effectiveness of testosterone. Possible explanations for the relative failure to identify the organized brain characteristics responsible for behavioral sex differences in the responsiveness to steroids are presented. It is argued that novel research strategies may have to be employed to successfully attack the fundamental question of the hormonal mechanisms regulating sex differences in behavior.  相似文献   

Play behavior in juvenile primates, rats and other species is sexually dimorphic, with males showing more play than females. In mice, sex differences in juvenile play have only been examined in out-bred CD-1 mice. In this strain, contrary to other animals, male mice display less play soliciting than females. Using an established same-sex dyadic interaction test, we examined play in in-bred C57BL/6J (B6) 21-day-old mice. When paired with non-siblings, males tended to be more social than females, spending more time exploring the test cage. Females displayed significantly more anogenital sniffing and solicited play more frequently than did males. To determine if the origin of the sex difference was sex chromosome genes or gonadal sex, next we used the four core genotype mouse. We found significant interactions between gonadal sex and genotype for several behaviors. Finally, we asked if sibling pairs (as compared to non-siblings) would display qualitatively or quantitatively different behavior. In fact, XX females paired with a sibling were more social and less exploratory or investigative, whereas XY males exhibited less investigative and play soliciting behaviors in tests with siblings. Many neurobehavioral disorders, like autism spectrum disorder (ASD), are sexually dimorphic in incidence and patients interact less than normal with other children. Our results suggest that sex chromosome genes interact with gonadal hormones to shape the development of juvenile social behavior, and that social context can drastically alter sex differences. These data may have relevance for understanding the etiology of sexually dimorphic disorders such as ASD.  相似文献   

Developmental endocrinology of the reproductive axis in the chicken embryo   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In mammals, the phenotype of the homogametic sex develops in the (relative) absence of steroids and the phenotype of the heterogametic sex is imposed by the early action of steroids. In contrast, the heterogametic sex in avian species is the female and the presence of estrogens and their receptors plays a crucial role in female sexual differentiation. The time- and sex-dependent expression of enzymes involved in steroidogenesis which determine the ratio of androgens/estrogens produced by the gonads has been extensively investigated during the last 5-6 years. These results all show that the lack of estrogen synthesis in the male appears to be due to the extremely low levels of 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and P450aromatase expression. In females, extensive expression of the aromatase gene (around day 5-6 of incubation), leading to estrogen synthesis, and specific expression of the estrogen receptor-mRNA in the left gonad results in the development of a functional left ovary. Other sex differences can be found in the expression of the inhibin subunit genes in gonads of chicken embryos and in circulating concentrations of inhibin, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and steroids. Sex reversal attempts have been made by varying incubation temperatures, by using anti-estrogens, androgens, aromatase inhibitors and synthetic steroids. In ovo administration of a sex steroid hormone or an inhibitor of endogenous sex steroid synthesis can cause phenotypical sex reversal. All these experiments show that the development of gonads in birds is very sensitive to changes in the embryonic hormonal environment, sometimes resulting in changes of postnatal reproduction and even growth.  相似文献   

Male sexual behavior depends on gonadal androgens in species of all major vertebrate lineages, including reptiles. However, male sexual behavior includes distinct appetitive and consummatory phases, typically denoted as courtship and mounting, with potentially different hormonal control. Different proximate controls of courtship versus mounting could enable disconnected evolutionary losses and gains of various aspects of male sexual behavior. Male courtship display, which is activated by testosterone (T) in many species, is an ancestral trait in the lizard family Eublepharidae. However, Coleonyx elegans (Yucatan Banded Gecko) lost the courtship display, while retaining a highly simplified male sexual behavior that involves only mounting for copulation. We performed surgical manipulations (castration with and without T replacement in adult males; implantation of adult females with exogenous T) to investigate hormonal mechanisms involved in this evolutionary novelty. Our results indicate that the expression of simplified sexual behavior in C. elegans does not require elevated circulating levels of T, a finding that is previously unreported in lizards. In females, however, exogenous T induced male-like mounting. Thus, the mounting phase of sexual behavior is not activated by T in the traditional sense of this term but probably requires post-natal, maturational organization (if not periodic reorganization) by androgens. We conclude that the simplification of male sexual behavior and its independence from elevated levels of circulating androgens in C. elegans evolved via 1) evolutionary loss of the androgen-activated courtship display and 2) retention of the mounting phase, which has a longer “functional memory” for the effects of androgenic steroids.  相似文献   

Sex determination: insights from the chicken   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Not all vertebrates share the familiar system of XX:XY sex determination seen in mammals. In the chicken and other birds, sex is determined by a ZZ:ZW sex chromosome system. Gonadal development in the chicken has provided insights into the molecular genetics of vertebrate sex determination and how it has evolved. Such comparative studies show that vertebrate sex-determining pathways comprise both conserved and divergent elements. The chicken embryo resembles lower vertebrates in that estrogens play a central role in gonadal sex differentiation. However, several genes shown to be critical for mammalian sex determination are also expressed in the chicken, but their expression patterns differ, indicating functional plasticity. While the genetic trigger for sex determination in birds remains unknown, some promising candidate genes have recently emerged. The Z-linked gene, DMRT1, supports the Z-dosage model of avian sex determination. Two novel W-linked genes, ASW and FET1, represent candidate female determinants.  相似文献   

It has been widely reported that gonadal hormones influence the display of aggression in Syrian hamsters; conversely, much less is known about whether gonadal hormones modulate submissive/defensive behaviors in these animals. Following social defeat, male hamsters no longer display normal territorial aggression but instead display submissive/defensive behavior in the presence of a smaller opponent, a phenomenon we have termed conditioned defeat (CD). The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of gonadal hormones on the display of CD in male hamsters. In Experiment 1, males were castrated or sham-operated. The castrated males were significantly more submissive following social defeat relative to their intact counterparts. The increased submissive behavior in the castrated males during CD testing was particularly surprising, given the fact that they were attacked significantly less during CD training. In Experiment 2a, males were castrated and given hormone replacement. Castrated males treated with testosterone or dihydrotestosterone displayed significantly less submissive behavior following social defeat than did those treated with cholesterol or estradiol. Finally, in Experiment 2b, there was no effect of hormone replacement on aggressive behavior in non-defeated hamsters suggesting that the decrease in submissive behavior in males treated with dihydrotestosterone or testosterone is specific to being previously defeated. Taken together the data indicate that the presence of androgens reduces the display of submission in defeated male hamsters. More importantly, these findings suggest that androgens may have a protective effect against the development of depression-like or anxiety-like behaviors following exposure to an ethologically relevant stressor.  相似文献   

A transplantable tumor CUB-II, a subline derived from the Dunning R 3327 rat prostatic adenocarcinoma, contains a unique sex steroid-binding protein. The protein possesses binding sites for androgens as well as for estrogens, and the binding affinity to androgen is higher than that to estrogen. The sedimentation coefficient of the protein is 10S. Sodium thiocyanate inhibits the binding to both sex steroids. This type of binding is not present in the 0.4M KC1 extract of nuclei. These results suggest that the binding protein is not the receptor for steroid hormones in spite of its high affinity binding to androgens and estrogens. Since the original tumor does not contain such protein, production of this binding protein seems to take place during culture in vitro and/or serial transplantations of the tumor.  相似文献   

Sexually inexperienced male Wistar rats (strain WI in our colony) known to very infrequently display spontaneous lordosis behavior (Schaeffer et al., 1990b) were used. A first group was tested four times at 5-day intervals for lordosis with vigorous stimulus males (heterotypic sexual behavior), immediately following testing for masculine sexual activity with highly receptive females (homotypic sexual behavior). A small number of animals displayed lordosis during the first test, but more and more animals displayed this behavior from the first to the fourth test. There was no relationship between the degree of masculine sexual activity--intromission without ejaculation or ejaculation--and the occurrence of lordosis behavior. A second group was tested only once for both masculine sexual activity and lordosis behavior as above and afterwards three times at 5-day intervals for lordosis behavior in the absence of any previous testing for masculine sexual activity. A few animals displayed lordosis during their first test. As compared to the first group, the animals which had not displayed lordosis in the first test never showed lordosis responses in the following tests. It is concluded that both homotypic and heterotypic sexual interactions are required for the display of lordosis behavior in the strain of Wistar rats used in this study.  相似文献   

Neural sexual differentiation begins during embryogenesis and continues after birth for a variable amount of time depending on the species and brain region. Because gonadal hormones were the first factors identified in neural sexual differentiation, their role in this process has eclipsed investigation of other factors. Here, we use a mouse with a spontaneous translocation that produces four different unique sets of sex chromosomes. Each genotype has one normal X‐chromosome and a unique second sex chromosome creating the following genotypes: XY*x, XX, XY*, XXY*. This Y* mouse line is used by several laboratories to study two human aneuploid conditions: Turner and Klinefelter syndromes. As sex chromosome number affects behavior and brain morphology, we surveyed brain gene expression at embryonic days 11.5 and 18.5 to isolate X‐chromosome dose effects in the developing brain as possible mechanistic changes underlying the phenotypes. We compared gene expression differences between gonadal males and females as well as individuals with one vs. two X‐chromosomes. We present data showing, in addition to genes reported to escape X‐inactivation, a number of autosomal genes are differentially expressed between the sexes and in mice with different numbers of X‐chromosomes. Based on our results, we can now identify the genes present in the region around the chromosomal break point that produces the Y* model. Our results also indicate an interaction between gonadal development and sex chromosome number that could further elucidate the role of sex chromosome genes and hormones in the sexual differentiation of behavior.  相似文献   

Previous research in the zebra finch, a socially monogamous pair-bonding species, suggests that the preference for opposite-sex partners may arise in part through the organizing actions of sex steroids. To further investigate this process, zebra finch eggs were injected with 20 microg fadrozole, a potent estrogen synthesis inhibitor, or with the saline vehicle on embryonic day 5. As adults they were given two-choice sexual partner preference tests followed by group aviary tests. Fadrozole females had masculinized beak color and had testes or ovotestes instead of ovaries. Males were not affected by fadrozole; they did not differ from controls on any measure. In contrast, sexual partner preference was substantially masculinized in fadrozole females in the group aviary tests. Untreated males given a choice between fadrozole and untreated females preferred the untreated females, but this was equally the case when they were given a choice between saline-treated and untreated females. These results suggest that males do not specifically avoid females with testes and that male avoidance is unlikely to explain why fadrozole-treated females pair with other females. The present data add to the evidence that actions of gonadal steroids during development contribute to adult sex differences in partner preference in this pair-bonding species. Furthermore, because fadrozole-treated females do not produce audible song, the mechanisms regulating partner preference and song system development are dissociated.  相似文献   

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