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The work was aimed at studying the resistance of three streptomycetes (Streptomyces chrysomallus, S. azureus and S. roseoflavus var. roseofungini) and their spontaneous Nocardia-like variants lacking aerial mycelium and spores against nine polyphages isolated mainly from soil. Some Nocardia-like variants were found to differ from their parent cultures in the resistance against certain actinophages. S. chrysomallus VKM Ac-590 and Ac-628 variants lost resistance against the phages. S. azureus VKM Ac-719 and S. roseoflavus var. roseofungini VKM Ac-770 variants became resistant to the phages. The changed phage resistance of the streptomycetes and their Nocardia-like variants was attributed to the disorganised process of adsorption (8 and 7%, respectively, against 70 and 90% for the parent strains).  相似文献   

Mass and six clonal cultures derived from Morris hepatoma 7777 by standard tissue culture techniques synthesize and secrete alpha-fetoprotein in vitro. During serial passage, the alpha-fetoprotein which accumulates in the media of these cultures contains two concanavalin A-affinity molecular variants. Each of the concanavalin A-affinity molecular variants shows two electrophoretic variants. Mass and clonal cell populations of hepatoma cells continue to secrete in vitrofour molecular variants of rat alpha-fetoprotein known to occur in vivo. These results demonstrate for the first time that individual hepatoma cells have the potential to synthesize four molecular variants of alpha-fetoprotein and that this phenotypic property is maintained during serial subculture in vitro.  相似文献   

Isolation of rat plasma transcortin was carried out by affinity chromatography, as previously described for human. The protein was shown to be pure by PAGE and one single N-terminal amino acid was identified (Ser), which suggested that the protein molecule has a single polypeptide chain. This assumption is supported by SDS-PAGE. The amino acid composition was reported and compared with the one of human transcortin. The purified protein always migrated in PAGE (with or without SDS) as a double band; the faster component being more intense than the slower one. Whether transcortin was free or bound to corticosterone, the same aspect was observed. Molecular weight of these two variants were determined by SDS-PAGE as 65,900 and 75,800. Polymers only appeared after irreversible denaturation of the protein, as previously described for human transcortin. Various other physical parameters were determined: a sedimentation coefficient of 3.71 S +/- 0.18 was calculated by ultracentrifugation in sucrose gradient, association constants at 4 degrees C for corticosterone and cortisol (2.7 X 10(9) M-1 and 4.2 X 10(8) M-1, respectively).  相似文献   

Phosphoglucomutase (PGM) of adult stage in Drosophilia melanogaster has been characterized by gel filtration, ion-exchange chromatography, and isoelectric focusing. The two common electrophoretic variants, PGMA and PGMB, differ with respect to their kinetic and stability parameters. PGMA is more thermostable than PGMB but shows the same pH optimum, equal dependence on Mg2+, and identical molecular weight. There is no significant kinetic difference between the two allozymes at the optimum pH values, but at pH 6.0 the Km value for glucose-1,6-diphosphate of PGMB is significantly higher than that of PGMA. This difference might explain the observed selective advantage of the PgmA allele in population studies.  相似文献   

Two new electrophoretic variants of human triosephosphate isomerase (TPI) have been partially purified and characterized. The TPI Manchester variant, a cathodally migrating electrophoretic allozyme identified in an individual with the phenotype TPI 1-Manchester, is associated with a normal level of enzyme activity in erythrocytes and normal kinetic properties. It is very thermolabile at 55 and 57° C, although it is not uniquely sensitive to either guanidine-HCl or urea denaturation. The TPI Hiroshima-2 variant is an anodally migrating allozyme (the phenotype of proband is TPI 1-Hiroshima-2) with normal activity and kinetic properties and also normal stability characteristics. It is inactivated less by antisera raised against normal human TPI than either the normal or the Manchester allozyme. Dissociation-reassociation experiments utilizing these allozymes have confirmed that normal human red blood cell TPI isozymes are produced by a sequence of reactions (presumably deamidations) involving alternating subunits.Financial support was derived from Contract EY-77-C-02-2828 from the Department of Energy.  相似文献   

Time-resolved fluorescence and time resolved fluorescence anisotropy studies have been performed on wild-type azurin from Pseudomonas aeruginosa and two variants to study the mobility of Trp48. The two azurin variants in which the microenvironment of Trp48 was changed comprised the single mutations Ile7Ser and Phe110Ser. The experiments were performed on the holo-Cu(I), holo-Cu(II), and apo- forms at various pH values, viscosities, and temperatures; two distinct parts of the emission spectrum were selected for detection. Two prominent subnanosecond lifetimes in the fluorescence decays of the Cu(II) proteins could be observed. The decay of apo-azurin also consists of more than one component. The occurrence of more than one component in the fluorescence decays is explained by conformational heterogeneity. The anisotropy decay results appeared to be different for wild-type and mutated azurins. Phe110Ser and Ile7Ser azurin show more mobility of the Trp48 residue, as reflected in the order parameter.  相似文献   

The photophysical properties of indoprofen photoproducts have been examined in various solvents by absorbance and emission spectroscopies in relation with their photosensitizing properties. The photophysical properties of 2-[4-(1-hydroxy)ethylphenyl]isoindolin-1-one (HOINP) and 2-(4-ethylphenyl)isoindolin-1-one (ETINP) are typical of a singlet excited state when the ones of 2-(4-acetylphenyl)isoindolin-1-one (KINP) are based on its triplet excited state according to previous work. The effect of solvent polarity on the absorption and fluorescence properties of HOINP and ETINP has been investigated as a function of Delta f, the Lippert solvent polarity parameter. A solvatochromic effect, function of the polarity region, has been observed for both photoproducts due to a change in the dipole moment of the compound upon excitation. In low-polarity regions, the excited state dipole moment of HOINP undergoes only a moderate increase (11.5 D) as compared to the dipole moment of the ground state (4.5 D) suggesting that the fluorescence arises from the locally excited state while in high-polarity regions it is strongly increased (42.9 D), which can imply that the emission takes place from a charge transfer state. In the case of ETINP, it would seem that the emitting state is rather a charge transfer state whatever the region is (16.9 and 31.8 D for the calculated excited-state dipole moments in the low and high-polarity regions, respectively). HOINP and ETINP do not produce thymine dimers by photosensitization but induce photooxidative damage via an electron transfer mechanism.  相似文献   

Summary The morphological characteristics and lectin-binding properties of mast cell granules from four human neurofibromata are described. Ultrastructural examination of the granules revealed that some contained dense cores, others had membranous configurations and some forms were intermediate between the two. A round electron-lucent area was present in some granules.After treatment with biotinylated lectins (10 g ml–1) followed by an avidin-peroxidase revealing system (5 g ml–1 in 0.125m Tris-buffered saline with 0.347m NaCl, pH 7.6), mast cell granules strongly bound Concanavalin A, garden pea, lentil, wheatgerm, erythro- and leuco-kidney bean lectins. This indicated the presence of abundantN-linked complex-type saccharide sequences. Soybean and peanut lectins showed only weak binding, while the presence of sparse -l-fucosyl terminals was indicated by the weak binding of winged pea lectin. The staining intensity of wheatgerm lectin was considerably reduced when incubated in the presence of its specific competing sugar tri-N-acetylchitotriose.Despite a wide variety of morphological differences between granules, all showed similar staining patterns and all granules within a single cell shared the same binding characteristics.  相似文献   

Gentamicin nucleotidyltransferase, AAD 2", catalyzes the transfer of a nucleotide to many aminoglycoside antibiotics, which are the drugs of choice in the treatment of gram-negative bacterial infections. The transfer is accompanied by the production of pyrophosphate, which is coupled to three other enzymes so that an increase in absorbance at 340 nm of NADPH can be monitored continuously as a quantitative assay of activity. A purification method was developed for this enzyme using all common principles of protein purification. These include selection of a desirable source of enzyme (choice of plasmid pMY 10), maximizing cellular yield of enzyme (controlled and monitored growth of Escherichia coli pMY 10/W677), selective extraction of protein (modified osmotic shock), removal of nucleic acids (precipitation with streptomycin sulfate), concentration of protein (precipitation with ammonium sulfate), removal of low-molecular-weight impurities (chromatography on Bio-Gel P-2), separation of proteins on the basis of charge (ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-Bio-Gel A), separation of proteins according to a biospecific property (affinity chromatography on gentamicin-Affi-Gel), and separation of proteins according to size (gel filtration on Ultrogel AcA 54). Purification to near-homogeneity revealed the presence of two related forms of enzyme. The first had a specific activity of 0.134 units/mg, bound rapidly and tightly to gentamicin-Affi-Gel, eluted as a function of ionic strength from Ultrogel, and migrated faster during electrophoresis in both the presence and absence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. It has an isoelectric point of 5.7 +/- 0.2 and consists of a single polypeptide of 32,500 Da. Kinetic characterization showed a pH optimum of 9.5 and Michaelis constants of 2.76 +/- 0.35 microM for tobramycin, 404 +/- 28 microM for Mg-ATP, 2008 +/- 260 microM for Mg-CTP, 30 +/- 3 microM for Mg-dATP and Mg-dGTP, and 90 +/- 7 microM for Mg-dCTP and Mg-dTTP. The second form had a specific activity of 0.274 unit/mg. It also bound tightly to gentamicin-Affi-gel but the onset of binding was time dependent. This form migrated slower during polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in both the presence and absence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. It has an isoelectric point of 6.0 +/- 0.2 and consists of a single polypeptide of 31,500 Da. The exact relationship between the two forms has not been elucidated. It is probable that they have a recent common ancestor or are the same polypeptide because the amino acid compositions and polypeptide chain lengths are essentially identical.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Myosin polymorphism in muscles has been studied by a variety of electrophoretic techniques, in non-dissociating and in dissociating conditions. The analysis of myosin isozymes in the native state was achieved in pyrophosphate buffer and required only minute amounts of protein; identical results were obtained with purified or crudely extracted myosin. The determination of the subunit content of each isozyme was done in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate or urea for light chain, and in a phenol, acetic acid and urea system for heavy chain screening. Electrophoresis in non-dissociating conditions has led to the separation of up to a dozen of myosin isozymes, differing in mobilities by as much as 30%. Muscle specificity of myosin was clearly established. Apart from a few exceptions, all the muscles tested were shown to contain more than one myosin species; fast-twitch muscles for instance all contained the same three isozymes, but in variable ratios. Class specificity of myosin appeared related to the relative proportions of isozymes in a given muscle. A second electrophoresis in dissociating solvents of the myosin bands first resolved in pyrophosphate buffer has then allowed a further characterization of the various isozymes. The differences in mobilities observed in the native state were shown to come either from the light chains, or from the heavy chains, or from both. The first case was illustrated by the three species present in fast muscles, which were shown to correspond to three alkali light-chain isozymes, the heterodimer representing in some instances up to 40% of the total. Next to light-chain muscle type specificity, electrophoresis in the phenol, acetic acid, urea system has led to the detection of differences in the heavy chains of fast, slow and cardiac myosins. The application of these various electrophoretic techniques to the analysis of the modification of myosin isozymes during development or in pathology studies can be considered.  相似文献   

Henzl MT  Agah S  Larson JD 《Biochemistry》2004,43(29):9307-9319
Introduction of a fifth carboxylate into the ligand array of the CD site (via the combined S55D and E59D mutations) or the EF site (G98D) of rat alpha-parvalbumin substantially increases divalent ion affinity. This behavior, in conflict with that seen in model peptide systems, agrees with existing data for rat beta-parvalbumin [Henzl et al. (1996) Biochemistry 35, 5856-5869]. The complete analysis of the S55D/E59D double variant necessitated characterization of alpha E59D. Whereas the D59E mutation has minimal influence on beta CD site affinity, E59D has a major impact on the alpha CD site, lowering the apparent association constant by a factor of 14. The thermodynamic consequences of exchanging the rat alpha CD and EF site ligand arrays, which differ at the +z and -x coordination positions, were also examined. When the alpha CD array is imported into the EF site, it acquires a low-affinity phenotype, in agreement with previous findings for beta [Henzl et al. (1998) Biochemistry 37, 9101-9111]. However, when the EF ligand array is introduced into the alpha CD binding loop, it retains a high-affinity signature. This result, contrary to that observed in beta, suggests that the influence of the parvalbumin CD site environment supersedes the intrinsic behavior of the ligand array, a conclusion further supported by the disparate impact of the beta D59E and alpha E59D mutations.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional electrophoretic procedure has been developed and applied to the analysis of histones from the mouse thymus, liver, and seminiferous epithelium. The technique uses acetic acid-urea polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the first dimension to provide a primary separation of major histone species. Separation of additional histone species and variants is achieved in the second dimension by adding 0.4% of the nonionic detergent Lubrol-WX to the polyacrylamide gel. The procedure is relatively simple and highly reproducible and enables the simultaneous resolution of 9 to 16 protein spots corresponding to the major histone species and their variants.  相似文献   

Antigenic analysis of adult female-specific blood and yolk proteins in Oncopeltus demonstrated an incomplete vitellogenin (A), which appears in the blood prior to yolk deposition and is later modified or joined by an antigenically complete molecule (AB). Vitellogenin AB is antigenically indistinguishable from the major yolk protein of mature eggs, though the electrophoretic mobilities of the two differ in 6% acrylamide gels. Vitellogenin A alone appears in the blood of adult females in which the corpora allata are known to be inactive, i.e., during starvation or photoperiodically induced diapause. Stimulation of these females with a juvenile hormone analog restores yolk deposition, and also induces the appearance of AB in the blood. While juvenile hormone is needed for the termination of diapause and the maturation of vitellogenin in this species, diapause begins with the vitellogenin-producing mechanism already partially assembled.  相似文献   

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