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R Levis  P Dunsmuir  G M Rubin 《Cell》1980,21(2):581-588
We have determined the nucleotide sequence of the terminal regions of two members of the copia sequence family of D. melanogaster. The first 276 bp at one end of a copia element are repeated in direct orientation at its other end. The direct repeats on a single copia element are identical to each other, but they differ by two nucleotide substitutions between the two elements which were examined; this suggests that during transposition only one direct repeat of the parent element is used as a template for both direct repeats of the transposed element. Each direct repeat itself contain a 17 bp imperfectly matched inveted terminal repetition. The ends of copia show significant sequence homology both to the yeast Ty1 element and to the integrated provirus of avian spleen necrosis virus, two other eucaryotic elements known to insert at many different chromosomal locations. Analysis of the genomic organization of the direct repeat sequence demonstrates that it seldom, if ever, occurs unlinked to an entire copia element.  相似文献   

We determined the complete nucleotide sequence of bovine parvovirus (BPV), an autonomous parvovirus. The sequence is 5,491 nucleotides long. The terminal regions contain nonidentical imperfect palindromic sequences of 150 and 121 nucleotides. In the plus strand, there are three large open reading frames (left ORF, mid ORF, and right ORF) with coding capacities of 729, 255, and 685 amino acids, respectively. As with all parvoviruses studied to date, the left ORF of BPV codes for the nonstructural protein NS-1 and the right ORF codes for the major parts of the three capsid proteins. The mid ORF probably encodes the major part of the nonstructural protein NP-1. There are promoterlike sequences at map units 4.5, 12.8, and 38.7 and polyadenylation signals at map units 61.6, 64.6, and 98.5. BPV has little DNA homology with the defective parvovirus AAV, with the human autonomous parvovirus B19, or with the other autonomous parvoviruses sequenced (canine parvovirus, feline panleukopenia virus, H-1, and minute virus of mice). Even though the overall DNA homology of BPV with other parvoviruses is low, several small regions of high homology are observed when the amino acid sequences encoded by the left and right ORFs are compared. From these comparisons, it can be shown that the evolutionary relationship among the parvoviruses is B19 in equilibrium with AAV in equilibrium with BPV in equilibrium with MVM. The highly conserved amino acid sequences observed among all parvoviruses may be useful in the identification and detection of parvoviruses and in the design of a general parvovirus vaccine.  相似文献   

A mobile dispersed genetic element, mdg4 , approximately 7.5 kilobases (kb) long has been cloned from D. melanogaster genome. Chromosomal bands have only few sites of mdg4 , but it always hybridizes to the chromocenter. The location of mdg4 varies among D. melanogaster strains. Blot hybridization shows that, in contrast to other mdg elements, mdg4 sequences are rather heterogeneous. Only few copies are full-length. A strong amplification of mdg4 has occurred during the in vitro cultivation of cells involving only one mdg4 variant. Long terminal repeats (LTRs) and flanking sequences have been sequenced in two cloned copies of transposable element mdg4 . In both cloned copies of mdg4 , LTRs have an identical nucleotide sequence 479 bp long. The mdg4 is flanked by four-base-pair direct repeats, short mismatched palindromes being present at the ends of each LTR. The termini of the mdg4 body contain an oligopurine stretch and a region partially complementary to D. melanogaster tRNA-Lys. Thus, structural organization of mdg4 LTRs is similar to that of several other mdg elements and retroviral proviruses.  相似文献   

Based on reported TMV-U1 sequence, primers were designed and fragments covering the entire genome of TMV broad bean strain (TMV-B) were obtained with RT-PCR. These fragments were cloned and sequenced and the 5’ and 3’ end sequences of genome were confirmed with RACE. The complete sequence of TMV-B comprises 6 395 nucleotides (nt) and four open reading frames, which correspond to 126 ku (1 116 amino acids), 183 ku (1 616 amino acids), 30 ku (268 amino acids) and 17.5 ku proteins (159 amino acids). The complete nucleotide sequence of TMV-B is 99.4% identical to that of TMV-U1. The two virus isolates share the same sequence of 5’, 3’ non-coding region and 17.5 K ORF, and 6, 1 and 3 amino acid changes are found in 126 K protein, 54 K protein and 30 K protein, respectively. The possible mechanism on the infection of TMV-B inVicia faba is discussed. The EMBL accession number of the sequence reported in this paper is AJ011933.  相似文献   

Based on reported TMV-U1 sequence, primers were designed and fragments covering the entire genome of TMV broad bean strain (TMV-B) were obtained with RT-PCR. These fragments were cloned and sequenced and the 5' and 3' end sequences of genome were confirmed with RACE. The complete sequence of TMV-B comprises 6 395 nucleotides (nt) and four open reading frames, which correspond to 126 ku (1 116 amino acids), 183 ku (1 616 amino acids), 30 ku (268 amino acids) and 17.5 ku proteins (159 amino acids). The complete nucleotide sequence of TMV-B is 99.4% identical to that of TMV-U1. The two virus isolates share the same sequence of 5', 3' non-coding region and 17.5 K ORF, and 6, 1 and 3 amino acid changes are found in 126 K protein, 54 K protein and 30 K protein, respectively. The possible mechanism on the infection of TMV-B in Vicia faba is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The complete nucleotide sequence of a DNA rearrangement associated with the foldback 4 (FB 4) transposable element is presented. The results demonstrate that the entire loop sequence and almost all of one of the inverted terminal repeats is absent. Moreover, the sequence of the remaining inverted repeat suggests that the FB elements might undergo inversions via recombinations between the two inverted repeats of a single element.  相似文献   

The genomic DNA of tobacco leaf curl geminivirus (TLCV) from tomato plants with leaf curl disease in Japan has been sequenced. The single circular DNA molecule comprises 2,761 nucleotides. TLCV DNA contains six open reading frames (ORFs) capable of encoding proteins with a molecular weight greater than 10 K. In total nucleotide sequence comparisons with other geminiviruses, TLCV was most closely related to tomato leaf curl virus from Taiwan (TwToLCV) (76% identity), tomato leaf curl virus from Bangalore (ToLCV-Ba) (74%) and agerantum yellow vein virus (AYVV) (74%), all possessing a monopartite genome. The significant but relatively low sequence similarity in the genomic DNA between TLCV and other geminiviruses suggests it is a distinct geminivirus in genus Begomovirus.  相似文献   

T Garnier  S T Cole 《Plasmid》1988,19(2):134-150
The complete nucleotide sequence of the bacteriocinogenic plasmid, pIP404, from Clostridium perfringens has been determined. The plasmid genome comprises 10,207 bp and has a dA + dT content of 75%. Functions have been tentatively assigned to 6 of the 10 open reading frames and an origin-like region of repeated sequence identified. The codon usage of this extremely dA + dT rich plasmid is highly unusual and displays a pronounced preference for codons with the lowest dG + dC content. Only one of the genes from pIP404 was expressed at a significant level in Escherichia coli, suggesting that the atypical codon usage could represent a major obstacle to heterologous gene expression.  相似文献   

Based on reported TMV-U1 sequence, primers were designed and fragments covering the entire genome of TMV broad bean strain (TMV-B) were obtained with RT-PCR. These fragments were cloned and sequenced and the 5’ and 3’ end sequences of genome were confirmed with RACE. The complete sequence of TMV-B comprises 6 395 nucleotides (nt) and four open reading frames, which correspond to 126 ku (1 116 amino acids), 183 ku (1 616 amino acids), 30 ku (268 amino acids) and 17.5 ku proteins (159 amino acids). The complete nucleotide sequence of TMV-B is 99.4% identical to that of TMV-U1. The two virus isolates share the same sequence of 5’, 3’ non-coding region and 17.5 K ORF, and 6, 1 and 3 amino acid changes are found in 126 K protein, 54 K protein and 30 K protein, respectively. The possible mechanism on the infection of TMV-B inVicia faba is discussed.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of the chloroplast genome of the red algaPorphyra purpurea has been determined (accession number=U38804). The circular genome is 191,028 bp in length and encodes approximately 250 genes.  相似文献   

Zardoya R  Malaga-Trillo E  Veith M  Meyer A 《Gene》2003,317(1-2):17-27
The complete nucleotide sequence (16,650 bp) of the mitochondrial genome of the salamander Mertensiella luschani (Caudata, Amphibia) was determined. This molecule conforms to the consensus vertebrate mitochondrial gene order. However, it is characterized by a long non-coding intervening sequence with two 124-bp repeats between the tRNA(Thr) and tRNA(Pro) genes. The new sequence data were used to reconstruct a phylogeny of jawed vertebrates. Phylogenetic analyses of all mitochondrial protein-coding genes at the amino acid level recovered a robust vertebrate tree in which lungfishes are the closest living relatives of tetrapods, salamanders and frogs are grouped together to the exclusion of caecilians (the Batrachia hypothesis) in a monophyletic amphibian clade, turtles show diapsid affinities and are placed as sister group of crocodiles+birds, and the marsupials are grouped together with monotremes and basal to placental mammals. The deduced phylogeny was used to characterize the molecular evolution of vertebrate mitochondrial proteins. Amino acid frequencies were analyzed across the main lineages of jawed vertebrates, and leucine and cysteine were found to be the most and least abundant amino acids in mitochondrial proteins, respectively. Patterns of amino acid replacements were conserved among vertebrates. Overall, cartilaginous fishes showed the least variation in amino acid frequencies and replacements. Constancy of rates of evolution among the main lineages of jawed vertebrates was rejected.  相似文献   

J A Engler  M P van Bree 《Gene》1981,14(3):155-163
The nucleotide sequence of IS5, a bacterial insertion sequence, has been determined. It is 1195 bp long and contains an inverted terminal repetition of 16 bp with one mismatch. One open reading frame, spanning nearly the entire length of the element, could encode a polypeptide of 338 amino acids. Upon insertion into a DNA segment, IS5 causes a duplication of 4 bp. Based on seven examples, this site of insertion appears to be nonrandom, and the consensus target site sequence is C . T/A . A . G/A (or C/T . T . A/T . G on the opposite strand). The nucleotide sequences of IS5 insertions into the B and cim genes of bacteriophage Mu have allowed tentative identification of the protein-coding frames of B and cim.  相似文献   

Samia cynthia ricini is a commercial silk-producing insect that is now reared year-round in Korea, with the expectation of being utilized for diverse purposes. In this report, we present the complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of S. c. ricini. The 15,384-bp long S. cynthia ricini mitogenome was amplified into 26 short fragments using three long overlapping fragments using primers designed from reported lepidopteran mitogenome sequences. The genome comprises 37 genes (13 protein-coding genes, two rRNA genes, and 22 tRNA genes), and one large non-coding region termed the A + T-rich region. The A/T content of the third codon position was 91.7%, which was 18.8% and 21.6% higher than those of first and second codon positions, respectively. The high A/T content in the genome is reflected in codon usage, accounting for 39.5% of A/T-composed codons (TTA, ATT, TTT, and ATA). Unlike a previous report on the start codon for the COI gene, the S. c. ricini COI gene commences with a typical ATT codon. A total of 221 bp of non-coding sequences are dispersed in 17 regions, ranging in size from 1 to 54 bp, which comprise 1.4% of the total genome. One of the non-coding sequence located between tRNAGln and ND2 (54 bp) has 77% sequence homology with the 5′-sequence of the neighboring ND2 gene, suggesting partial duplication of the sequence during evolution. The 361-bp long A + T-rich region contains an 18 bp-long poly-T stretch, ATAGA motif, ATTTA element, microsatellite-like A/T sequence, poly-A stretch and one tRNA-like sequence, as typically found in Lepidoptera including Bombycoidea.  相似文献   

Gene distribution and nucleotide sequence organization in the mouse genome   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Mouse DNA was fractionated by preparative centrifugation in density gradients of Cs2SO4 containing 3,6-bis(acetatomercurimethyl)dioxane (BAMD). The effects of temperature, BAMD/nucleotide molar ratio and solvent on the fractionation were explored. The fractions so obtained were investigated by analytical centrifugation in CsCl density gradient and by hybridization with a number of gene probes. These approaches led to the definition of satisfactory conditions for the rapid fractionation of mouse DNA; to the localization of a number of genes in mouse DNA fractions; and to a better understanding of the mosaic organization of the mouse genome and, more specifically, to a better estimate of both the intermolecular and intramolecular compositional heterogeneity of mouse DNA in the (75-150) X 10(3)-base size range.  相似文献   

Gene distribution and nucleotide sequence organization in the human genome   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Human DNA was fractionated by centrifugation in Cs2SO4 density gradients containing 3,6-bis(acetatomercurimethyl)dioxane (BAMD). Fractions were investigated in their analytical CsCl profiles and a number of specific sequences were localized in them. The results so obtained led to an improved understanding of the organization of nucleotide sequences in the human genome, as well as to the discovery that a class of DNA having a very high G + C content and not represented in the mouse genome, is particularly rich in genes and interspersed repetitive sequences.  相似文献   

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