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The Baja California peninsula represents a biogeographical boundary contributing to regional differentiation among populations of marine animals. We investigated the genetic characteristics of perennial and annual populations of the marine angiosperm, Zostera marina, along the Pacific coast of Baja California and in the Gulf of California, respectively. Populations of Z. marina from five coastal lagoons along the Pacific coast and four sites in the Gulf of California were studied using nine microsatellite loci. Analyses of variance revealed significant interregional differentiation, but no subregional differentiation. Significant spatial differentiation, assessed using θST values, was observed among all populations within the two regions. Z. marina populations along the Pacific coast are separated by more than 220 km and had the greatest θST (0.13–0.28) values, suggesting restricted gene flow. In contrast, lower but still significant genetic differentiation was observed among populations within the Gulf of California (θST = 0.04–0.18), even though populations are separated by more than 250 km. This suggests higher levels of gene flow among Gulf of California populations relative to Pacific coast populations. Direction of gene flow was predominantly southward among Pacific coast populations, whereas no dominant polarity in the Gulf of California populations was observed. The test for isolation by distance (IBD) showed a significant correlation between genetic and geographical distances in Gulf of California populations, but not in Pacific coast populations, perhaps because of shifts in currents during El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events along the Pacific coast.  相似文献   

Peinado  M.  Alcaraz  F.  Aguirre  J. L.  Martínez-Parras  J.M. 《Plant Ecology》1997,129(1):29-47
This phytosociological study, carried out according to the Braun–Blanquet method and supported by cluster analysis, describes Walter's zonobiomes along the North American Pacific coast between the California–Oregon state border and Alaska (USA), including some interior zones of British Columbia and the Yukon Territory (Canada). Twenty two floristic associations are identified and each is characterized by a unique floristic combination, a distinctive geographical range and particular bioclimatic or edaphic conditions.  相似文献   

Beecher Crampton 《Brittonia》1967,19(2):174-177
Agrostis clivicola, A. clivicola var.punta-reyesensis andA. blasdalei var.marinensis are described from the California coast. A key distinguishes these from other species of similar habit and habitat.  相似文献   

C. M. LESSELLS 《Ibis》1985,127(1):31-41
Natal dispersal in Canada Geese Branta canadensis breeding in the English midlands is male-biased; males are more likely to change sites between birth and breeding, and move greater distances when they do so. Breeding dispersal is confined to within-site movements, and the evidence for a sex bias is equivocal. It is suggested that the ability to exploit information on brood rearing areas may be an important selection pressure favouring female philopatry in wildfowl.  相似文献   

The seasonal and interannual proximate and sterol composition were assessed in two red (Gelidium robustum, Gelidiaceae and Gracilariopsis sjoestedtii, Gracilariaceae), two brown (Ecklonia arborea, Lessoniaceae and Macrocystis pyrifera, Laminariaceae), and two green (Ulva lactuca and Ulva clathrata, Ulvaceae) macroalgae species and the seagrass Phyllospadix torreyi (Zosteraceae) sampled over 3 years in a subtropical climate in Baja California Sur, Mexico. Each macroalga had a particular sterol composition that was typical of their taxonomic group. The red algae had cholesterol as the major sterol; 92% on average in G. robustum and 90% in G. sjoestedtii, followed by t‐dehydrosterol and brassicasterol. In the brown algae the major sterol was fucosterol, which accounted for approx. 90% and 92% of total sterols for M. pyrifera and E. arborea, respectively, followed by campesterol (7% and 5%) and isofucosterol (1.5% and 1.3%). The green algae had isofucosterol as the major sterol, with 92% on average for U. lactuca and 87% for U. clathrata, followed by cholesterol, fucosterol, and brassicasterol or norcholesterol. The seagrass P. torreyi had β‐sitosterol as the major sterol (39 to 89%, depending on the season), followed by campesterol (4 to 7%), stigmasterol (3 to 6%), and isofucosterol (1.7 to 3.5%). Four (cholesterol, campesterol, fucosterol, and isofucosterol) of the 14 sterols identified in macroalgae and the seagrass could be used to differentiate between classes (Florideophyceae – red, Phaeophyceae – brown, Ulvophyceae – green, and Monocots – seagrass) both seasonally and interannually. The seasonal and interannual sterol composition of macroalgae and seagrass was quite stable, with the exception of red G. sjoestedtii sampled in August and green macroalga U. lactuca and seagrass P. torreyi both sampled in May 2002. Seasonal and interannual variations of proximate and sterol composition are discussed in relation to their reproductive state and environmental parameters.  相似文献   

The accurate prediction of recruitment to the fishery is a very important tool within the management structure of any fish stock being exploited. In the case of the Pacific herring, Clupea pallasi, fishery in Canada, a forecast of the abundance of each herring stock is particularly important for formulating an annual catch quota. The sustainable management of the fishery and the resource is based in part on accurate recruitment forecasting because Pacific herring are short-lived and so the recruitment contributes a significant part of the total spawning run targeted by the fishery each year. Several factors are believed be important in determining the success of recruitment besides spawners biomass. Since herrings are “r” strategists, conditions related to the egg, the planktonic, or even the juvenile stage might determine the future level of recruitment. Recently a formula that defines conditions for a semi-quantitative level of recruitment forecast was elaborated using genetic algorithms and current study attempts to improve on this model. Using salinity in two quarterly periods during the planktonic and pre-recruit stages, temperature and spawning biomass for the west coast of Vancouver Island stock, classification rules that define recruitment in 3 different levels (low, medium and high) were developed with a genetic algorithm, setting low and high boundaries for each condition. A 75% success in classifying recruitment was obtained. The model was shown to be particularly effective at predicting when the recruitment would be low, which could be important from the perspective of the Precautionary Approach and the sustainable management of this stock.  相似文献   

Ten adult blue-winged teal (Anas discors) and six Canada goose (Branta canadensis) goslings were inoculated with liver tissue from a natural case of duck plague in a wild mallard (Anas platyrhynchos). Four additional teal were placed in contact with the inoculated ducks. Inoculated teal died 63.5-68 hr after inoculation; two of the contact teal died 161-162 hr after exposure. Three of the goslings died 119-133 hr after inoculation, the others were killed when moribund 90-133 hr postinfection. The clinical course of disease was extremely rapid in both species. Signs were limited to sudden onset of profound weakness, ataxia, tremors and terminal convulsions. The only consistent gross lesion in the teal was a small dark spleen; half the teal also had inconspicuous foci of epithelial necrosis in the distal esophagus and in the cloaca. Goslings had more severe lesions, with focal hepatic necrosis visible in all, and mucosal necrosis over the intestinal lymphoid tissue, and intestinal hemorrhage in three birds each. Microscopic lesions in both species were similar to those reported in mallards. Duck plague might be overlooked at necropsy of blue-winged teal, because of the paucity of gross lesions.  相似文献   

Causes of death in marine mammals stranded along the Oregon coast   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sixty-eight marine mammals stranded on the Oregon beaches were examined at necropsy. Gunshot was the primary cause of death in 30% of the pinnipeds examined. Bacterial infections (27%) and parasitism (27%) were also of major importance in the death and debilitation of Oregon marine mammals. Traumatic death or debilitation other than gunshot was observed in 11 animals (16%). Predation, starvation due to neonatal abandonment, viral encephalitis (presumptive diagnosis), dystocia and neoplasia were diagnosed as primary or contributory causes of stranding.  相似文献   

Forty-two seals and sea lions found dead along the Oregon Coast were examined for parasites and associated pathology. Nematode infections of the lung and/or gastrointestinal tract were the primary cause of death in 5 of 42 animals examined. New distribution records were established for Pricetrema zalophi and Zalophotrema hepaticum. New host records include Z. hepaticum and Diphyllobothrium cordatum in the Steller's sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus); Nanophyetus salmincola in the California sea lion (Zalophus californianus); P. zalophi in the harbor seal (Phoca vitulina); and P. zalophi, Trigonocotyle sp. and Otostrongylus circumlitus in the northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris).  相似文献   

R. Buchsbaum  I. Valiela 《Oecologia》1987,73(1):146-153
Summary We investigated the influence of interspecific and seasonal variations in plant chemistry on food choices by adult and gosling Canada Geese, Branta canadensis, on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The geese fed primarily on the abundant marsh grasses, Spartina spp., and rushes, Juncus gerardi, early in the growing season and switched to a greater dependence on eelgrass, Zostera marina, later. Forbs were generally avoided all season even when growing within patches of abundant species. The avoidance of forbs was related to their low abundance and their high concentrations of deterrent secondary metabolites. Differences in plant chemistry also determined the switch from marsh graminoids to Z. marina during the growing season. Marsh grasses were higher than Z. marina in nitrogen, particularly in the spring when the nitrogen requirement of geese is especially high. Z. marina was a better source of soluble carbohydrates and was the preferred food during the summer when the need to build up energy reserves may be more critical to geese than protein intake. Goslings, which require a diet higher in nitrogen than do adults, fed on marsh graminoids later into the growing season than the adults. The nitrogen content of the diets of goslings was significantly higher than that available to them in the plants, indicating that they selected for introgen. The diets of non-breeding adults in the spring and all geese in mid summer closely reflected the nutrient content of the plants. The diet of breeding adults was more similar to that of their goslings than to that of non-breeding adults. The effects of plant chemistry and the nutritional needs of geese on food choices were modified by the need to select a safe feeding site.  相似文献   

An avian cholera (Pasteurella multocida) epizootic was observed among wildfowl at the Centerville Gun Club, Humboldt County, California (USA) in January 1978. Compared to their live populations and use of the area, coots (Fulica americana) died in proportionately greater numbers than any other species. Coots collected by gunshot were evaluated for sex and age composition, and morphometry from November 1977 through mid-January 1978 at this site. There was no substantial difference in the sex, age or morphometry between birds dying of avian cholera and from those dying from gunshot. Assuming coots dying of gunshot are representative of the general population, it appears there was little selection among coots by P. multocida. There was evidence for a sequential mortality similar to that reported previously at this site: coots were the first birds to die, followed by American wigeon (Anas americana) and northern pintails (A. acuta acuta); northern shovelers (A. clypeata) and mallards (A. platyrhynchos) died late in the epizootic.  相似文献   

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