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Factors involved in the isolation of protoplasts from the leaves of tomato plants grown over a wide range of environmental conditions have been studied. Increases in calcium pectate in summer grown (“hard”) plants are suggested as a barrier to cell wall degradation. A one-step method involving the addition of sodium citrate to pectinase plus cellulase gives high yield of protoplasts from hard plants. Attempts to convert isolated palisade cells to protoplasts have failed. The plant culture conditions are described such that protoplasts may be isolated throughout the year using low enzyme concentrations.  相似文献   

Mono-divalent ion exchange in isolated cell walls of Nitella flexilis (L.) Ag. induces a marked loss of wall polymers and a decrease in the wall cationic exchange capacity. These data correlate with the replacement in the walls of adsorbed Mn2+ by Na+ ions. Boiling wall samples in methanol for 1 h or keeping the ionic solutions chilled to 4°C does not inhibit the cell wall polymer leakage but modifies the kinetics both of the ionic exchange and of the released polymers. These data are more compatible with physical rather than enzymic induced processes. The extracted polymers in the successively renewed NaCl solutions initially belong to the wall protein and pectin fractions and mainly to pectic fractions subsequently. Determination of the average degree of polymerization shows that the average molecular size of the lost acidic polysaccharides increases with extraction time up an average polymerization degree of 25. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay inhibition tests show the presence of homopolymer blocks equal to or higher than 10 in the released polymer fragments. Compositional analysis of released polysaccharides suggests that the pectin lost by action of monovalent ions was largely composed of rhamnogalacturonans whose acidic residue fraction is approximately 60% in association with galactose chains. Small quantities of glucuronylated xylans are also found.  相似文献   

The mesosomes of log-phase Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538P and Staphylococcus aureus phage-type 80/81, as seen in situ in ultrathin sections, were of the vesicular type. The constituent vesicles ranged from 35 to 50 nm in diameter when the glutaraldehyde-osmium-uranium-lead sequence of fixation and staining was used. During protoplasting in hypertonic buffer containing a muralytic enzyme, vesicles of the same size were extruded and required magnesium ion to maintain structural integrity. The vesicles, purified from the protoplasting supernatant medium by density gradient centrifugation, maintained size and configuration in a homogeneous preparation. Cytoplasmic membranes, produced by osmotic shock and nuclease treatment of protoplasts, were similarly concentrated in gradients. However, they were not free of membrane-associated ribosomes nor of mesosomal vesicles except when prepared in the absence of magnesium.  相似文献   

Studies of the formation and separation of cellular aggregatesin Paul's Scarlet rose suspension cultures have been conductedin an attempt to resolve the basis for intercellular adherence.During the typical growth cycle, cellular aggregates begin tofragment spontaneously at about day 12 in culture. This fragmentationis accompanied by a sharp decrease in the galactose contentof wall polysaccharides. At approximately this same time, thereis an increase in ß-glucosidase and ß-galactosidaseactivity associated with the cell surface. The presence of aß-glucosidase inhibitor, nojirimycin, inhibits thesurface ß-glycosidase activity, reduces the extentto which cell wall galactose is decreased, and prevents theseparation of cells. No other cell wall component examined changesin a manner consistent with cell separation. The results suggestthat a galactose-containing wall polysaccharide may be involvedin the maintenance of intercellular coherency and that partialremoval of this component may be causally related to the spontaneousseparation of cells in culture.  相似文献   

Cell walls of a storage organ (potato tubers) showed autolysis-likeactivity. After 20 h of incubation in water at 35°C, thepurified cell walls released approximately 10% of the cell walldry weight as pectic polysaccharides containing about 40% ofthe total galacturonic acid present in the cell walls. Virtuallyno neutral polysaccharides were found in the soluble fraction.The pectic polysaccharides were heterogeneous in galacturonicacid content and had a very large molecular size. The releaseof pectic polymers was caused neither by enzymatic reactionsnor by ß-elimination, but by a chelation of Ca2+ and/orother metal ions during the cell wall isolation. Ultrastructuralobservations clearly showed that these pectic polysaccharideswere released not from the middle lamella, but from the primarycell wall adjacent to the plasma membrane. These results indicatethat nearly half of cell wall pectic polysaccharides are heldin the primary wall only by Ca2+- and/or other metal-bridgesand that these pectic polymers are not associated with the middlelamella. (Received March 20, 1989; Accepted October 3, 1989)  相似文献   

The kinetics of release of old versus new cell wall in two strains of Staphylococcus aureus were studied during autolysis. In both strains the autolytic enzyme is an amidase. Cells were double labeled with (3)H and (14)C, and the distribution of radioactivity in the cell walls was monitored during autolysis. In all cases the rate of release of steady-state lable from peptidoglycan was significantly higher than that of pulse label. Identical results were obtained with whole cells or isolated cell walls. The results suggest that in S. aureus the old cell wall is preferentially released during autolysis.  相似文献   

去壁酶与酶解方式对曲霉原生质体释放的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了纤维素酶、蜗牛酶、溶菌酶以及菌丝体培养方式和酶解方式对黑曲霉和米曲霉菌丝释放原生质体的效应。发现黑曲霉菌丝原生质体制备最佳条件为固体透析培养菌丝体,2%纤维素酶,在平皿中,28℃和80r/min条件下酶解3h;米曲霉原生质体制备最佳条件为2%纤维素酶+1%蜗牛酶+5mmol/L二硫苏糖醇,酶解时间6h,其它条件与黑曲霉的相同。  相似文献   

Protoplasts, enzymatically isolated from cell suspension cultures of Daucus carota, have been grown in small Petri-dishes. After enzyme treatment and washing the protoplasts were plated in agar media. Growth and divisions were viewed through the bottom of the Petri-dishes with a light microscope. Different osmotic stabilizers were tested with respect to their ability to promote wall formation and growth of the protoplasts. Combinations of sucrose, sorbitol and “Modopeg” gave the best results. Electron micrographs of cultured protoplasts revealed normal as well as abnormal nuclear conditions.  相似文献   

The peptidoglycan layer of Spirillum serpens cell walls was isolated from intact cells after treatment with sodium dodecylsulfate and digestion with Pronase. The isolated peptidoglycan contained glucosamine, muramic acid, alanine, glutamic acid, and meso-diaminopimelic acid in the approximate molar ratio of 1:1:2:1:1. Aspartic acid and glycine were the only other amino acids found in significant quantities. N-terminal amino acid analyses of the tetrapeptide amino acids in the peptidoglycan revealed that 54% of the diaminopimelic acid molecules are involved in cross-linkage between tetrapeptides. This amount of cross-linkage is greater than that found in the peptidoglycan of previously studied cell walls of gram-negative bacteria. The polysaccharide backbone was isolated, after myxobacter AL-1 enzyme digestion of the peptidoglycan, by fractionation with ECTEOLA-cellulose and Sephadex G-100. An average length of 99 hexosamines for the polysaccharide chains was found (ratio of total hexosamines to reducing end groups).  相似文献   

Peroxidase active against 2,2'-azino-bis-[3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonicacid] (ABTS) and guaiacol were found in the apoplastic fluid,as well as ionically and covalently associated with pine cellwalls. The highest activity was found covalently bound to cellwalls, while the lowest activity was in the apoplastic fluid.Both ABTS and guaiacol peroxidases increased with the hypocotylage in the three fractions, apoplastic, ionically and covalentlybound. Furthermore, the changes in both peroxidases along thehypocotyl were also studied. Both apoplastic ABTS- and guaiacol-peroxidasesincreased from the apical towards the basal region of the hypocotylsof 10-d-old seedlings. A relation between peroxidase activityin the apoplastic fluid and the cell wall stiffening in pinehypocotyls is proposed.Copyright 1995, 1999 Academic Press Cell wall, growth, hypocotyl, peroxidase, pine, Pinus pinaster Aiton  相似文献   

Ho TH  Abroms J  Varner JE 《Plant physiology》1982,69(5):1128-1131
A large portion of the gibberellic acid (GA3)-induced α-amylase in isolated aleurone layers is transported into the incubation medium. In the presence of GA3 and ethylene, an even larger portion of the enzyme is found in the medium. Employing an acid washing technique developed by Varner and Mense (Plant Physiol 1972 49:187-189), it was observed that ethylene significantly reduces the amount of α-amylase trapped by the thick cell walls of aleurone layers. However, the amount of enzyme remaining in the cell (within the boundary of plasma membrane) is not affected by ethylene. Ethylene has no observable effect on membrane formation as measured by the incorporation of [32P]orthophosphate into phospholipids. Because of these observations it is suggested that ethylene enhances the release of α-amylase, i.e. transport of α-amylase across cell walls, but not the secretion of α-amylase, i.e. transport of α-amylase past the barrier of plasma membrane. The possible mechanism of this ethylene effect is discussed.  相似文献   

In previous work, senescence of rose petal cells has been shown to be accompanied by a gradual decrease of membrane fluidity, as measured by a fluorescence polarization technique. Concomitantly, an increase in the free sterol-to-phospholipid ratio was found. Both observations were verified in this study. Further, experiments carried out on whole tissue and isolated protoplasts during senescence revealed that there was no quantitative change in the level of free sterols. The content of phospholipids decreased without any significant change in their composition. Results from experiments measuring the incorporation of [32P]orthophosphate indicated a reduced capacity for phospholipid synthesis in senescent cells. Both young and old tissue showed phospholipase A and D activity, the former increasing with age.  相似文献   

The patterns of substrate degradation by purified pectate lyase(PGL) (E.C. [EC] ) from Erwinia carotovora and Bacillus polymyxawere compared. Reaction products released by both enzymes frompotato cell walls, sodium polypectate and citrus pectin wereseparated by anion exchange chromatography using a TSK DEAE-5PWcolumn and measured quantitatively. The relative amounts ofoligomers released by both enzymes varied, especially the levelof unsaturated tetramers. Degradation patterns also varied accordingto the substrate used and results with citrus pectin suggestedthat methylation reduced the ability of E. carotovora PGL torelease wall fragments. Oligomers released from potato cell walls by E. carotovora PGLwere pooled separately and assayed for phytoalexin elicitoractivity using the soybean cotyledon bioassay. Fractions containingdeca- and undecagalacturonides had the highest elicitor activitywhen tested at 5.0µg of uronic acid per cotyledon. Key words: Pectic enzyme, elicitor, phytoalexin  相似文献   

Acid–base properties of cell walls isolated from various root tissues of 7-day-old lupine seedlings and 14-day-old lupine plants grown in various media were studied. The ion-exchange capacity of root cell walls was estimated at various pH values (from 2 to 12) and constant ionic strength (10 mM). The parameters determining the qualitative and quantitative composition of cell wall ionogenic groups along the root length and in its radial direction were estimated using Gregor's model. This model fits the experimental data reasonably well. Four types of ionogenic groups were found in the cell walls: an amino group (pK a 3), two types of carboxylic groups (pK a 5 and 7.3, the first being the carboxylic group of galacturonic acid), and a phenolic group (pK a 10). The number of functional groups of each type was estimated, and the corresponding ionization constant values were calculated. It is shown that the chemical composition of the ionogenic groups was constant along the root length as well as in its radial direction and did not depend on either physiological state or root nutrition, while the number of different groups varied. The content of carboxylic groups of -D-polygalacturonic acid in the root cell walls of 14-day-old plants was shown to depend on the distance from the root tip, being maximal in the zone of lateral roots. The number of these groups was 10- and 2-fold less in the central cylinder compared to that of cortex for 14-day-old plants and 7-day-old seedlings, respectively.  相似文献   

细胞壁作为植物细胞重要的组成部分,在决定细胞形状、维持机械支撑、吸收养分等方面发挥重要功能.因此,揭示植物细胞壁合成的调控机制具有重大的生物学意义.基于植物组织水平研究细胞壁的生物合成具有难以控制时间尺度、观察空间狭小等局限性.原生质体作为去除细胞壁的单个细胞是研究细胞壁再生的理想系统.在过去的几十年里报道了大量关于植...  相似文献   

以大花蕙兰的叶片、根为试材,分析不同酶液组合、摇床转速、酶解温度、材料酶液比、酶解时间等因素对其原生质体分离的影响。大花蕙兰叶片、根经过90 min质壁分离预处理后,在温度28 ℃,于摇床上50 r·min-1振荡酶解6 h,叶、根分别在酶解液为纤维素酶2.0%+果胶酶0.1%+离析酶0.2%+崩溃酶0.2%和纤维素酶2.0%+果胶酶0.3%+离析酶0.1%+崩溃酶0.1%中得到最高产量的原生质体。  相似文献   

采摘现蕾、初开、萎蔫和脱落期月季花花瓣,纯化原生质体。利用Ca2 荧光指示剂Fura-2-AM,分别用SpexF212Fluorolog和数字分析系统,建立了植物细胞胞质自由Ca 浓度的测定技术。结果表明,月季花现蕾、初开、萎蔫和脱落时期,胞质Ca2 浓度分别为8、62、12和15nmol/L,花开放时刻,[Ca2 ]c有一个突然升高,然后又回到静息态。ACC1mmol/L处理,使[Ca2 ]c迅速增高,并促进花的开放。推测胞内静息态Ca2 浓度为8~15nmol/L,[Ca2 ]c改变控制着花的开放运动;但是衰老期[Ca2 ]c没有增加,可能由于衰老是一个缓慢过程,[Ca2 ]c增加只发生在衰老的启始阶段。IP33.6μmol/L处理原生质体,可降低[Ca2 ]c,钙通道阻塞剂La3 阻止这种降低,IP3可能作用于质膜上的Ca2 通道。因此,膜磷脂代谢在胞内钙稳态控制中起着重要作用。  相似文献   

The serotype-specific carbohydrate moiety of Streptococcus mutans was isolated by mild degradation of purified cell walls with a cell-wall lytic enzyme. Cell walls of serotype g S. mutans strain 6715 were digested with M1 enzyme, an endo-N-acetylmuramidase purified from culture supernatants of Streptomyces globisporus strain 1829. The enzyme lysate of the cell walls was applied to a CM Sephadex C-25 column to remove the M1 enzyme from the cell wall lysate and then subjected to Sephadex G-100 column chromatography. Carbohydrate antigens with serotype g specificity, designated M1g, and a peptidoglycan—polysaccharide complex lacking serotype specificity (M1PG) were separated. Purified serotype g antigen was also obtained by autoclaving the S. mutans 6715 whole cells in saline at 120 C for 30 min. The extract was applied to a DEAE Sephadex A-25 column to remove nucleic acids and teichoic acids. The unbound peak fraction was concentrated and re-chromatographed on a Bio-Gel P-100 column. The void volume fraction contained serotype g carbohydrate and was designated RRg antigen. M1g and RRg antigens formed a band of identity with anti-serotype g serum by immunodiffusion. These antigens were composed mainly of galactose, glucose, and rhamnose at an approximate weight ratio of 8 : 4 : 1, while constituent sugars of M1PG consisted of rhamnose and glucose, with no detectable galactose. M1g also contained peptidoglycan residues other than threonine, an interpeptide bridge component of the native cell wall peptidoglycan. Marked inhibition of the quantitative precipitin reaction between M1g and anti-serotype g serum was obtained with melibiose and galactose, which suggests that the immunodeterminant of the serotype g carbohydrate is an α-linked galactose-glucose terminal linkage.  相似文献   

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