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Four species of Stephanostomum are described from various sites in Seriola dumerili from off Corsica, France. S. ditrematis (Yamaguti, 1939), from the stomach, pyloric caeca and duodenum, has 36 circum-oral spines. S. seriolae Yamaguti, 1970 is considered a synonym of S. ditrematis. S. filiforme Linton, 1940, from the mid-intestine, has 43-46 circum-oral spines. S. petimba Yamaguti, 1970, from the rectum, has a 42 circum-oral spines. S. euzeti n. sp. has 49-51 circum-oral spines, and differs from worms with a similar anterior extent of the vitellarium and circum-oral spine number in details of the vitelline distribution and the distances between the gonads. Attention is drawn to the presence in the rectum of S. dumerili of sympatric species differentiated mainly on circum-oral spine number.  相似文献   

Nine species of Stephanostomum are described from Australian and Southern Pacific marine fishes: Stephanostomum madhaviae n. sp. [syn. S. orientalis of Madhavi (1976)] from Caranx ignobilis, off Hope Island, Queensland, with 30-34 circum-oral spines and vitelline fields almost reaching to the posterior extremity of the cirrus-sac; S. bicoronatum (Stossich, 1883) from Argyrosomus hololepidotus, off Southport Broadwater, Queensland; S. votonimoli n. sp. from Scomberoides lysan, off Moorea, French Polynesia (type-locality) and Western Samoa, with 33-38 circum-oral spines, a uroproct and the vitelline fields not reaching the cirrus-sac; S. nyoomwa n. sp. from Caranx sexfasciatus, off Heron Island, Queensland, with 33-38 circum-oral spines, a uroproct and the vitelline fields reaching the cirrus-sac; S. cobia n. sp. from Rachycentron canadum, off Heron Island, with 36 circum-oral spines, a uroproct and the vitelline fields reaching the cirrus-sac; S. petimba Yamaguti, 1970 from Seriola hippos, off Rottnest Island, Western Australia; S. pacificum (Yamaguti, 1951) from Pseudocaranx wrighti, off Fremantle, Western Australia; S. aaravi n. sp. from Lethrinus miniatus, off Heron Island, with 36-39 circum-oral spines, probably a uroproct and the vitelline fields reaching the ventral sucker; S. pagrosomi (Yamaguti, 1939) from L. nebulosus, L. miniatus and L. atkinsoni off Heron Island, Pagrus auratus, off Rottnest Island, Western Australia and Gymnocranius audleyi, off Heron Island. A digest of described species of Stephanostomum is included as an appendix.  相似文献   

Stephanostomum kovalevae Parukhin, 1968 from the intestine of Lophius vomerinus off Swakopmund, Namibia, is redescribed. It is characterised by its large number (c. 73-88) of circum-oral spines, its relatively very long hindbody and the vitellarium reaching close to or just overlapping the ventral sucker. S. beukelaardori n. sp., from the intestine of Zenopsis conchifera off Walvis Bay, Namibia, is described. It belongs to the group of species where the vitellarium reaches the ventral sucker, and which has c. 32-38 circum-oral spines. It is closest to S. casum (Linton, 1910), but differs in lacking the lining of prominent spines in the ejaculatory duct, probably in egg-size and in both forebody and hindbody lengths.  相似文献   

We describe the adult and metacercaria of a new species of digenetic trematode, Stephanostomum lophii sp. nov., an intestinal parasite of the angler fish, Lophius piscatorius . The species is distinguished from the similar Stephanostomum kovalevi by the numerous peristomial spines in the latter and from S. baccatum by the oral sucker being larger than the ventral sucker and by the fact that the principal intermediate hosts are gadids, not pleuronectids as in the case of Stephanostomum baccatum . We also report the prevalence of S. lophii metacercariae in various potential angler fish prey species caught off the coast of Galicia (NW Spain).  相似文献   

A new Himasthlinae species, Curtuteria arguinae, is described as metacercariae from the cockle Cerastoderma edule (L.), collected at Banc d'Arguin (southwestern France). These metacercariae encysted preferentially in the mantle and also in the foot of cockles. Encysted and chemically excysted metacercariae were studied by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, respectively. Excysted metacercariae were elongated and curved ventrally. They bore a 33-spine circumoral collar. Sensory papillae were arranged around the oral sucker and also symmetrically along the ventral surface body, from the collar to the acetabulum. The dorsal and ventral tegument surfaces were densely packed with similar pointed spines. The posterior end of the body was without any spines. Among the Curtuteria species described previously, only Curtuteria haematopodis Smogorjewskaja and Iskova, 1966 had the same number of circumoral collar spines. A 6-yr field survey showed that the cockle population at Banc d'Arguin was subjected to a summer infection of C. arguinae. Curtuteria arguinae phenology of infection is characterized by interannual variability and seasonality (beginning in July-August and maximum in autumn). The first intermediate and final hosts remain unknown.  相似文献   

Expression of the Otx gene, HprOtx, from the sea urchin Holopneustes purpurescens, is described during the development of the adult echinoid rudiment in the vestibula larva of this species. The adult rudiment forms directly after gastrulation in the vestibula larva since, unlike the pluteus larva of most other sea urchin species, it is not a feeding larva. The expression is described during the period from hatching to a late vestibula larva. At hatching, HprOtx is expressed throughout the ectoderm of the gastrula. A short time later, expression is absent from the ectoderm on the oral side of the gastrula where the vestibule will form. In an early vestibula larva, HprOtx is not expressed in the ectodermal floor of the vestibule but is expressed in an asymmetric pattern in the aboral ectoderm. As the vestibule invaginates, HprOtx is newly expressed in the ectodermal floor of the vestibule as it develops into the neuroectoderm that is the anlage of the circum-oral central nervous system. The expression is at first in the central part of the floor, then it extends outwards to the ectoderm around the five primary podia and to the epineural folds between the podia. The epineural folds later close to form the radial nerves and the circum-oral nerve ring. In a late vestibula larva, HprOtx is expressed in the radial nerves and the nerve ring. The expression of an Otx gene in the developing echinoid central nervous system is interpreted as an instance of conserved gene expression in echinoderm development.  相似文献   

Most repeat units of rDNA in Drosophila virilis are interrupted in the 28S rRNA coding region by an intervening sequence about 10 kb in length; uninterrupted repeats have a length of about 11 kb. We have sequenced the coding/intervening sequence junctions and flanking regions in two independent clones of interrupted rDNA, and the corresponding 28S rRNA coding region in a clone of uninterrupted rDNA. The intervening sequence is terminated at both ends by a direct repeat of a fourteen nucleotide sequence that is present once in the corresponding region of an intact gene. This is a phenomenon associated with transposable elements in other eukaryotes and in prokaryotes, and the Drosophila rDNA intervening sequence is discussed in this context. We have compared more than 200 nucleotides of the D. virilis 28S rRNA gene with sequences of homologous regions of rDNA in Tetrahymena pigmentosa (Wild and Sommer, 1980) and Xenopus laevis (Gourse and Gerbi, 1980): There is 93% sequence homology among the diverse species, so that the rDNA region in question (about two-thirds of the way into the 28S rRNA coding sequence) has been very highly conserved in eukaryote evolution. The intervening sequence in T. pigmentosa is at a site 79 nucleotides upstream from the insertion site of the Drosophila intervening sequence.  相似文献   

Two new species of Stellifer from the eastern Pacific coast are described. Stellifer walkeri n. sp. and S. wintersteenorum n. sp. are both found in coastal waters off southern Mexico. They are distinguished from other species of Stellifer by having two sharp spines at the lower margin of the preopercle and four sensory pores at the tip of the lower jaw. Stellifer wintersteenorum can be distinguished from S. walkeri by having jet black pigment on the roof of the mouth and pharyngeal cavity. Stellifer wintersteenorum can be further distinguished from S. furthii (Steindachner), which also has a black mouth lining, by having a pair of short diverticula on the anterior chamber of the gas bladder compared with those of S. furthii, which are extended posteriorly as long, narrow tubes. Stellifer walkeri is further distinguished from S. pizarroensis Hildebrand by having fewer gill rakers (36-38 vs. 51-55) and soft anal-fin rays (9 vs. 10-11), and from S. zestocarus Gilbert by having two, instead of one preopercular spines, more gill rakers (36-38 vs. 29-32) and a smaller eye (4.5-4.8 vs. 3.6-4.2 in head length). Stellifer ephelis Chirichigno, which was incompletely described when named, is redescribed based on materials from throughout the species' range. A key to the eastern Pacific species of Stellifer is also included.  相似文献   

A new genus and species Microdocnemis xerophilicus gen. et sp. n. of the tenebrionid-beetle tribe Helopini is described from southwestern Turkey. The new genus belongs to the cylindrinotoid group of genera and is closely related to the genus Odocnemis Allard, 1876 in the structure of the male genitalia and female genital tubes and in the denticulation of the inner margin of the fore tibia. Microdocnemis differs from Odocnemis in the following characters: body very weakly flattened dorsally and ventrally; apical part of elytra, body ventrally, and epipleura with hairs; anal sternite with double bordering; apical margins of tibiae with short thick spines. The only species of the new genus inhabits xerophytic stony biotopes and has been found under stones; the species of the genus Odocnemis live on tree trunks covered with lichens.  相似文献   

Spinitectus acipenseri is described as a new species from the muscular stomach of the lake sturgeonAcipenser fulvescens from Manitoba and Saskatchewan. This new species closely resemblesS. gracilis Ward & Magath, 1917, but the major differences are the arrangement and larger size of spines (circlets and semicirclets of spines reaching to the anus in females ofS. acipenseri). Other differences include total body dimensions of adults (length and width relationships) and a 1:4–1:5 ratio of oesophagus to body length.  相似文献   

Three echinostome species, i.e., Patagifer bilobus, Petasiger neocomense, and Saakotrema metatestis, are newly recorded in the trematode fauna of the Republic of Korea. They were recovered from 3 species of migratory birds (Platalea minor, Podiceps cristatus, and Egretta garzetta), which were donated by the Wildlife Center of Chungbuk (WCC) and the Conservation Genome Resource Bank for Korean Wildlife (CGRB). Only 1 P. bilobus specimen was recovered from the intestine of a black-faced spoonbill (P. minor), and characterized by the bilobed head crown with a deep dorsal incision and 54 collar spines. Twenty P. neocomense were recovered from the intestine of a great crested grebe (P. cristatus), and they had a well-developed head crown with 19 spines and 2 testes obliquely located at the posterior middle of the body. Total 70 S. metatestis were collected from the bursa of Fabricius of 1 little egret (E. garzetta). It is characterized by stout tegumental spines covered in the entire leaf-shaped body, posterior extension of the uterus, presence of the uroproct and a well-developed head crown with 12 pairs of collar spines on each side. By the present study, these 3 echinostome species are newly added to the trematode fauna in Korea.  相似文献   

Syncuaria mackoi n. sp. is described, based on light and scanning electron microscopy, from the stomach of the black stork Ciconia nigra in Bulgaria. The new species is characterised by: body length 7.18–8.30 mm (males) and 10.13–11.40 mm (females); cordons anastomosing about the level of the middle of the muscular oesophagus and consisting of delicate cuticular plates; bifurcate deirids 7–9 μm long; lateral longitudinal cuticular band-like swellings; nine pairs of pedunculate caudal papillae, i.e. four precloacal and five postcloacal, the latter forming two groups (2 + 3); sixth pair of postcloacal papillae sessile; left spicule 854–907 μm long; right spicule 138–154 μm in length, with a curved distal end resembling a horn and a short lateral projection at some distance from its tip; and vagina vera provided with an anteriorly-directed blind appendix. The specimens identified as S. ciconiae (Gil’bert, 1927) by Macko (1964) from C. nigra in Slovakia are considered as belonging to S. mackoi. A pair of small cupolae situated dorsally and ventrally between bases of cordons of the new species is described for the first time in this genus; they are recognised as homologous to the pair of spines in the same position previously described in S. diacantha Petter, 1961 and S. plegadisi Digiani, 1999.  相似文献   

A new species,Paralepidapedon williamsi, is described from the fishCottunculus microps and an unidentified fish of the suborder Cottoidei in the NE Atlantic Ocean. This species is the first member of the genus to be recognized in the Atlantic Ocean. Its general morphology is similar to that of the other members of the genus, but it is distinguished by its large eggs and the relatively few gland-cells associated with the external seminal vesicle. The genusParalepidapedon, which differs fromNeolepidapedon in the possession of a uroproct, is reviewed and a key to the species given. The genus is considered to include five species.  相似文献   

Well preserved parts of Telephina bicuspis described from dark limestone concretions of Llanvirn age, in the Oslo Region, Norway, exhibit many features associated with a pelagic life style for this trilobite. The free cheek has a huge holochroal eye with perfectly square lenses and a long genal spine which is unique in being directed vertically upwards rather than ventrally. Additional spines include an occipital spine, the macro spine on the rachis of the 6th thoracic segment and paired spines from each of the two rachial rings of the pygidium. These spines may have had a hydrodynamic and stabilizing function. The genal spine could have had a sensory function or been a dimorphic feature. The hypostoma is figured for the first time and a reconstruction is given for the complete exoskeleton.  相似文献   

A new species, Overstreetia olsoni, is described from Atherinomorus capricornensis off Heron Island on the Great Barrier Reef off Queensland, Australia. It differs from its only known congener in that the enlarged spines of the circum-oral rows are smaller ( ≤ 4.5 × 3.5 vs ≤ 21.5 × 10.5μm), the sucker-ratio is smaller (1: 0.97–1.01 vs 1:1.8) and the eggs are larger (40–45 × 22–28 vs 34–37 × 17–22μm).  相似文献   

A total of 200 marine fishes (36 species) from the Caribbean Sea off Belize were examined for digenetic trematodes and 163 (81.5%) harbored at least one species. Five species are described as new: Lasiotocus asymmetricus (Monorchiidae) from Haemulon flavolineatum; Stephanostomum belizense (Acanthocolpidae) from Caranx bartholomaei; Neolepidapedon belizense (Lepocreadiidae) from Sphyraena barracuda; Opecoeloides belizensis (Opecoelidae) from Priacanthus arenatus; Saturnius belizensis (Hemiuridae) from Mugil curema. 72 previously known species were identified, and all represent new geographical distribution records while many are recorded from new hosts. Their zoogeographical affinities are very strongly with the tropical western Atlantic, although some also occur in the eastern Atlantic, Mediterranean, and Indo-Pacific regions.  相似文献   

Two new species belonging to the Echinoderes coulli group are described with their external morphologies and sequences of nuclear 18S rRNA and 28S rRNA genes, and mitochondrial COI gene. The first species, Echinoderes komatsui sp. n., is characterized by absence of acicular spines, and presence of lateroventral tubules on segments 5 and 8, laterodorsal tubules on segment 10, inverted triangle or wide oval shaped large sieve plates, lateral terminal accessory spines in female, and short tips of ventral pectinate fringe on segment 10. The second species, Echinoderes hwiizaa sp. n., is characterized by absence of acicular spines, and presence of lateroventral tubules on segments 5 and 7–9, midlateral tubules on segment 8, laterodorsal tubules on segment 10, large narrow oval shaped sieve plates on segment 9, and thick, short and blunt lateral terminal spines about 10–15% of trunk length. The diagnostic characters and key to species of E. coulli group are provided as well.  相似文献   

The expression of Hox11/13 and Hox5 orthologues in the adult echinoid rudiment in the vestibula larva of Holopneustes purpurescens is described from whole mounts and sections of whole mounts after mRNA in situ hybridization. The Hox5 orthologue is HpHox5, which was isolated here. The expression of HpHox11/13 in the epithelium of the vestibule is aboral to the expression of HpHox5. HpHox5 is expressed in the epithelium of the vestibule floor where the secondary podia develop. The expression of HpHox11/13 and HpHox5 contrasts with the expression of an Otx orthologue, HprOtx, in the circum-oral nerve ring, the radial nerves and the neuroepithelium around the bases of the primary podia. From the expression patterns, we conclude that the two Hox genes are involved in the growth of a metameric series of secondary podia from a growth zone aboral to each primary podium, with the older podia nearer the circum-oral nerve ring. With respect to echinoderm body-plan polarities, we conclude that the growth zone is posterior relative to the anterior circum-oral nerve ring. The metamerism generated in this echinoderm from a posterior growth zone thus might not be generated differently from the way it is generated in bilateral animals.  相似文献   

The tegumental ultrastructure of the cercaria of the liver fluke, Clonorchis sinensis (Cobbold, 1875), was studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The body surface is almost encircled by many rows of regularly arranged spines. The tegumental syncytium of the body contains many rod-shaped dense granules and central electron-lucent bodies, neither of which are present in the tail tegument. There are four rows of hooked teeth and modified spines on the oral cone. These teeth are differentiated morphologically and probably functionally from the other body spines. Disc-shaped papillae with long or short cilia are distributed on the body in a bilaterally symmetrical pattern dorsally and ventrally. There are 30 to 37 papillae with much longer cilia laterally. Four pairs of papillae were found on the tail. From their structure and location these papillae appear to have a mainly tango- or rheoreceptive function. Another type of sheathed papillae is situated around the oral sucker. The cuticular tegument is expanded laterally at the base of the tail, forming a characteristic sac-like structure.  相似文献   

Acanthostomum macroclemidis n. sp. is described from specimens found in the intestine of an alligator snapping turtle Macroclemys temmincki from southern Mississippi. The most important diagnostic features of the new species are the general shape and proportions of the body, the position of the pharynx (relative length of the prepharynx and esophagus), the egg size, the relative length and position of the vitelline fields, and the number, shape, and size of the circumoral spines. The new species has a very elongated body (length-width ratio, 8.9-13.0:1), 26 circumoral spines, which are almost oval in shape, a long prepharynx and a very short (shorter than the pharynx) esophagus, a seminal receptacle situated between the ovary and the anterior testis, a uterus not extending posterior to the anterior margin of the ovary, a long-stemmed and short-armed excretory vesicle, and 2 anal openings. Some features of the external morphology, such as the suckers, circumoral spines, sensory papillae, tegumental spines, and morphology of the posterior end, are examined using scanning electron microscopy. A diagnosis differentiating A. macroclemidis n. sp. from some other acanthostomine digeneans is provided. Acanthostomum macroclemidis n. sp. is the first digenean reported from an alligator snapping turtle and represents the northernmost record of an acanthostomine from turtles.  相似文献   

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