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Spontaneous abortion and birth order   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The purpose of this study was to confirm a previous finding that homosexual males with older brothers weigh less at birth than do heterosexual males with older brothers. The subjects comprised 250 feminine boys referred to a child psychiatry service because of extreme cross-gender wishes or behavior and assumed, on the basis of previous research, to be prehomosexual, plus 739 control boys and 261 control girls referred to the same service for reasons unrelated to sexual orientation or gender identity disorder and assumed, from base-rate probabilities, to be preheterosexual. The feminine boys with two or more older brothers weighed 385 g less at birth than did the control boys with two or more older brothers (P = 0.005). In contrast, the feminine and control boys with fewer than two older brothers did not differ in birth weight. This finding suggests that the mechanism by which older brothers increase the odds of homosexuality in later-born males operates prior to the individual's birth. We hypothesize that this mechanism may be immunologic, that antimale antibodies produced by human mothers in response to immunization by male fetuses could decrease the birth weight of subsequent male fetuses as well as increase their odds of homosexuality.  相似文献   

Although it is well documented that hatching asynchrony in birds can lead to competitive and developmental hierarchies, potentially greatly affecting growth and survival of nestlings, hatching asynchrony may also precipitate modulations in neuroendocrine development or function. Here we examine sibling variation in adrenocortical function in postnatally developing, asynchronously hatching American kestrels (Falco sparverius) by measurements of baseline and stress-induced levels of corticosterone at ages 10, 16, 22, and 28 days posthatching. There was a significant effect of hatching order on both baseline and stress-induced corticosterone levels during development and these effects grew stronger through development. First-hatched chicks exhibited higher baseline levels than later-hatched chicks throughout development and higher stress-induced levels during the latter half of development. Furthermore, there was significant hatching span (difference in days between first- and last-hatched chicks) x hatching order interaction on both baseline and stress-induced corticosterone levels during development. Hatching span was also positively correlated with both measures of corticosterone and body mass in first-hatched chicks, but was negatively correlated with these factors through most of the development in last-hatched chicks. It is known that hatching asynchrony creates mass and size hierarchies within kestrel broods and we suggest that hierarchies in adrenocortical function among siblings may be one physiological mechanism by which these competitive hierarchies are maintained.  相似文献   

Turner T  Pihur V  Chakravarti A 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e26418
Autism is a complex genetic disorder with multiple etiologies whose molecular genetic basis is not fully understood. Although a number of rare mutations and dosage abnormalities are specific to autism, these explain no more than 10% of all cases. The high heritability of autism and low recurrence risk suggests multifactorial inheritance from numerous loci but other factors also intervene to modulate risk. In this study, we examine the effect of birth rank on disease risk which is not expected for purely hereditary genetic models. We analyzed the data from three publicly available autism family collections in the USA for potential birth order effects and studied the statistical properties of three tests to show that adequate power to detect these effects exist. We detect statistically significant, yet varying, patterns of birth order effects across these collections. In multiplex families, we identify V-shaped effects where middle births are at high risk; in simplex families, we demonstrate linear effects where risk increases with each additional birth. Moreover, the birth order effect is gender-dependent in the simplex collection. It is currently unknown whether these patterns arise from ascertainment biases or biological factors. Nevertheless, further investigation of parental age-dependent risks yields patterns similar to those observed and could potentially explain part of the increased risk. A search for genes considering these patterns is likely to increase statistical power and uncover novel molecular etiologies.  相似文献   



Sex-ratio at birth in families with previous girls is worse than those with a boy. Our aim was to prospectively study in a large maternal and child unit sex-ratio against previous birth sex and use of traditional medicines for sex selection.

Main Outcome Measures

Sex-ratio among mothers in families with a previous girl and in those with a previous boy, prevalence of indigenous medicine use and sex-ratio in those using medicines for sex selection.


Overall there were 806 girls to 1000 boys. The sex-ratio was 720∶1000 if there was one previous girl and 178∶1000 if there were two previous girls. In second children of families with a previous boy 1017 girls were born per 1000 boys. Sex-ratio in those with one previous girl, who were taking traditional medicines for sex selection, was 928∶1000.


Evidence from the second children clearly shows the sex-ratio is being manipulated by human interventions. More mothers with previous girls tend to use traditional medicines for sex selection, in their subsequent pregnancies. Those taking such medication do not seem to be helped according to expectations. They seem to rely on this method and so are less likely use more definitive methods like sex selective abortions. This is the first such prospective investigation of sex ratio in second children looked at against the sex of previous children. More studies are needed to confirm the findings.  相似文献   

A survey of the 20 698 singleton births occurring in one year to women resident in the Greater Dublin area provided information on birth weight, birth order, and social class. Low (less than or equal to 2500 g), suboptimal (less than or equal to 3000 g), and optimal (3001-4499 g) birth weights all showed a linear relation with social class. The incidence of low and suboptimal birth weight was highest in first, fifth, and subsequent births, and conversely optimal weight was commonest in second, third, and fourth births. Analysis indicated that a major part of the birth-order effect was attributable to social class. Birthweight categories give information which may be distorted when using mean weight alone. The ue of suboptimal and optimal weight offers the possibility of more accurate assessment of trends in performance, particularly in small samples, than does the conventional sole use of low birth weight. Low and suboptimal birth weights are uncommon in Dublin.  相似文献   

D M Heer 《Social biology》1986,33(1-2):1-4
The impact of the number, order, and spacing of siblings on child and adult outcomes has been the topic of research by scholars in 4 separate fields (human biology, psychology, sociology, and economics), and the barriers to communication between academic disciplines are strong. Also most researchers have had to work with data sets gathered for other purposes. This has resulted in a relative inadequacy of research. Social scientists have 3 theories concerning the relationship between the number, order, and spacing of siblings and child and adult outcomes: that an increase in the number of siblings or a decrease in the spacing between them dilutes the time and material resources that parents can give to each child and that these resource dilutions hinder the outcome for each child; that account must be taken not only of parental resources but also of the resources given to each child by his/her siblings; and that there is no causal relationship between number, order and spacing of siblings and child outcomes and that any apparent relationships are spurious. In light of these theories, the question arises as to how should the sibling variables be measured. The most important aspect of sibling number is that it is a variable over time. Yet, the proper measurement of sibling number has an additional complication. According to all existing theories, the ages of the other siblings are relevant for the outcome for the given child. All of the relevant information is now available only when it is possible to construct a matrix in which the rows present the age of the given child and the columns the age grouping of the siblings for whom a count of sibling number will be made. Many such matrices could be developed, some much more elaborate than others. For illustrative purposes, Table 1 presents the matrix of the number of siblings for a child who is the first-born among 5 children, all of whom are spaced exactly 3 years apart and all of whom are financially dependent only up to exact age 21. Table 2 presents the matrix for the last-born child among 5 children with characteristics identical to those in Table 1. It can be inferred from these tables that the oldest child in the family, as compared to the youngest child, probably will suffer from a diminution of parental resources, most likely financial resources, in adolescence. The youngest will suffer from a reduction of parental resources, probably time resources, in infancy and early childhood. Research concerned with the consequences of the number and spacing of children should be based on data sets for which some version of this matrix can be constructed.  相似文献   

The data of this study, an extension of a previous study on secondary sex ratio in the human population of Muridke, Punjab, Pakistan, are based on the population of Muridke, 27 km north of Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan. Records of deaths of children, at later stages of birth, for different birth ranks, and that of maternal and paternal ages were made. 1000 families were scored for this study. Families providing the required information were included. Data for paternal age and maternal age combination consisted of 4807 total number of children of which 2586 were male. Paternal age and birth order combination was comprised of a total of 4405 children, containing 2316 males. Maternal age and birth order combination consisted of 4658 children, of which 2458 were males. The discrepancy in the number of children in the 3 types of combinations was due to the lack of required information in different groups. Sex ratio based on total number of males in relation to paternal age and maternal age was 0.54. Younger fathers (15-19 years) showed higher sex ratio (0.69). This dropped in paternal age groups 20-24 years (0.59) and 25-29 years (0.51). Younger mothers (15-19 years) showed higher sex ratio (0.62), declines in the age groups 20-24 years (0.52) and 25-29 years (0.51) and rise in age groups 35-39 years (0.55) and 40-44 years (0.54). Chi-square tests were carried out to compare the number of male and female offspring in the paternal age groups 15-19, 20-24, and 25-29 years. These showed highly significant deviation from the expected number. The higher age groups showed nonsignificant differences in the number of male and female offspring. Maternal age groups 15-19, 20-24, and 25-29 years showed highly significant differences in the male and female offspring and nonsignificant results in the higher age groups. Maternal age in relation to paternal age showed positive simple and partial correlations. Sex ratio for the total number of males based on paternal age and birth order was 0.52. 1st birth order showed higher sex ratio (0.55) and decreased in the 2nd (0.50) and 3rd birth orders (0.51), showed increase in the 4th birth order (0.53) and declines in the higher birth ranks. The number of male and female offspring in the birth orders 1, 2, and 3 showed significant differences, but in higher birth ranks the difference was insignificant. Paternal age and birth order indicated positive simple and partial correlations. Higher sex ratio (0.58) was seen in the 1st birth order and then it decreased in the 2nd (0.50) and 3rd (0.51) birth order. Chi-square tests carried out to compare the number of male and female offspring in borth orders 1, 2, and 3 showed highly significant differences but in higher birth ranks the difference was insignificant.  相似文献   

Success in competition for limiting parental resources depends on the interplay between parental decisions over allocation of care and offspring traits. Birth order, individual sex and sex of competing siblings are major candidates as determinants of success in sib-sib competition, but experimental studies focusing on the combined effect of these factors on parent-offspring communication and within-brood competitive dynamics are rare. Here, we assessed individual food intake and body mass gain during feeding trials in barn swallow chicks differing for seniority and sex, and compared the intensity of their acoustic and postural solicitation (begging) displays. Begging intensity and success in competition depended on seniority in combination with individual sex and sex of the opponent. Junior chicks begged more than seniors, independently of satiation level (which was also experimentally manipulated), and obtained greater access to food. Females were generally weaker competitors than males. Individual sex and sex of the opponent also affected duration of begging bouts. Present results thus show that competition with siblings can make the rearing environment variably harsh for developing chicks, depending on individual sex, sex of competing broodmates and age ranking within the nest. They also suggest that parental decisions on the allocation of care and response of kin to signalling siblings may further contribute to the outcome of sibling competition.  相似文献   

In men, sexual orientation correlates with an individual's number of older brothers, each additional older brother increasing the odds of homosexuality by approximately 33%. It has been hypothesized that this fraternal birth order effect reflects the progressive immunization of some mothers to Y-linked minor histocompatibility antigens (H-Y antigens) by each succeeding male fetus and the concomitantly increasing effects of such maternal immunization on the future sexual orientation of each succeeding male fetus. According to this hypothesis, anti-H-Y antibodies produced by the mother pass through the placental barrier to the fetus and affect aspects of sexual differentiation in the fetal brain. This explanation is consistent with a variety of evidence, including the apparent irrelevance of older sisters to the sexual orientation of later born males, the probable involvement of H-Y antigen in the development of sex-typical traits, and the detrimental effects of immunization of female mice to H-Y antigen on the reproductive performance of subsequent male offspring. The maternal immune hypothesis might also explain the recent finding that heterosexual males with older brothers weigh less at birth than heterosexual males with older sisters and homosexual males with older brothers weigh even less than heterosexual males with older brothers.  相似文献   

Diversifying neural cells through order of birth and asymmetry of division   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Zhong W 《Neuron》2003,37(1):11-14
A key question in developmental neurobiology is how the diversity of cell types that make up the mature nervous system are generated from a common set of progenitor cells. Drosophila genes governing temporal cell fate determination and asymmetric cell divisions involving numb may represent evolutionarily conserved mechanisms for regulating cell fate diversification in the developing nervous system.  相似文献   

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