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Synopsis The behavior and ecology of the firemouth cichlid were investigated in southern Mexico. Observations were conducted primarily at Laguna Bacalar, Quintana Roo. The fish bred throughout the year, nesting in small rocky crevices. Territories were established either by wandering pairs or by lone males which subsequently attracted mates. Stationary territories were maintained for two to three weeks by both pair members until the young were free-swimming, after which the parents defended the young as they foraged. Brood care lasted approximately three months. The distances at which fish were attacked and the behavior performed varied with the age of the defended young and the sex of the parent, as well as the species and size of the intruder. The sexes differed in their reproductive and agonistic activities. Predation on young was rapid if the parents were diverted from their defense. Serious injuries to adults were not observed to result from intraspecific contests. Such interactions were very common, but were ritualized with physical contact between animals rare. Color patterning varied with breeding interval, sex and behavior.  相似文献   

Organisms are tightly packed with structures so architectonic interdependency of structures is an obvious aspect of integration. This aspect of functional morphology, however, has received remarkably little attention. The present paper presents an example of the spatial relations among several apparatuses in the head of the cichlid fish, Astatoreochromis alluaudi. It investigates the transformations of these apparatuses and their functions due to a change in the pharyngeal jaw apparatus resulting from a functional shift (insect eating to snail crushing or vice versa ). The volume of the pharyngeal jaw apparatus differs 55% between the insect eating- and the snail eating morph. The increase in volume of the pharyngeal jaw apparatus has an impressive number of spatial effects, both direct and indirect, on other structures. Reallocation of space within the pharyngeal jaw apparatus occurs. Total head volume increases 31% but a reallocation of space is still necessary as the increase of the opercular compartment where the pharyngeal jaw apparatus is situated compensates for only 59% of the volume increase of that. Not all spatial effects do impose constraints. Spatial constraints are avoided when one of the apparatuses can use a topographically different volume of space. The respiratory apparatus shows internal reallocations of space without loss of total volume. The same solution occurs for elements of the expansion apparatus and the buccal savity. The eyes are not influenced. Finally spatial effects can have positive repercussions. The muscles of the oral jaw apparatus increase in size. This may be an example of an epiphenomenon.  相似文献   

The study of the pharyngeal jaws in two geographically isolated Italian populations of Lebias fasciata indicated the presence of two phenotypes: the Adriatic phenotype with a large ceratobranchial V and upper and lower pharyngeal jaws bearing few large teeth and the Sicilian phenotype with a smaller ceratobranchial V and pharyngeal jaws with smaller and more numerous teeth. The morphological variations of pharyngeal jaws should be interpreted as a result of the geographical isolation of these two populations. J. Morphol. 241:107–114, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The relationship in geographical distribution and morphological variation of leaflet width and length (diagnostic trait), between and within populations of Dioon edule Lindl., has been investigated throughout its known range in eastern Mexico (from the states of Nuevo León to Veracruz, north to south, respectively). A total of 1832 leaflets were measured for width and length from 154 plants distributed amongst five populations using four leaflet replicas from each of three leaves per plant. For leaflet width and length the variation among populations indicated significant stat-istical differences ( F 4,147 = 125.83; P  < 0.0001; R 2 = 92.17% and F 4,147 = 9.04; P  < 0.001; R 2 = 26.8%), respectively. With respect to leaflet width, the multiple range test showed three groups with a north to south distributional relationship along the range of the species. The correlation coefficient among paired populations, respect to geographical distance and the absolute value of the mean difference of leaflet width in each population, was positive, and different from zero ( r  = 0.82; P  = 0.013). A great variation of important ecological and evolutionary parameters was shown.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 141 , 465–470.  相似文献   

We estimated ages of divergence between major labrid tribes and the timing of the evolution of trophic novelty. Sequence data for 101 labrid taxa and 14 outgroups consisting of two mitochondrial gene regions (12s, 16s), and two nuclear protein-coding genes (RAG2, TMO4c4), a combined 2567 bp of sequence, were examined using novel maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony and mixed model Bayesian inference methods. These analyses yielded well supported trees consistent with published phylogenies. Bayesian inference using five fossil calibration points estimated the minimum ages of lineages. With origins in the late Cretaceous to early tertiary, the family diversified quickly with both major lineages (hypsigenyine and julidine) present at approximately 62.7 Ma, shortly after the K/T boundary. All lineages leading to major tribes were in place by the beginning of the Miocene (23 Ma) with most diversification in extant lineages occurring within the Miocene. Optimisation of trophic information onto the chronogram revealed multiple origins of novel feeding modes with two distinct periods of innovation. The Palaeocene/Eocene saw the origins of feeding modes that are well represented in other families: gastropod feeders, piscivores and browsing herbivores. A wave of innovation in the Oligocene/Miocene resulted in specialized feeding modes, rarely seen in other groups: coral feeding, foraminifera feeding and fish cleaning. There is little evidence of a general relationship between trophic specialization and species diversity. The current trophic diversity of the Labridae is a result of the accumulation of feeding modes dating back to the K/T boundary at 65 Ma, with all major feeding modes on present day reefs already in place 7.5 million years ago.  相似文献   

The food and feeding habits of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) were studied in Lake Koka, Ethiopia, in May 2011 (dry month) and September 2011 (wet month). Three hundred and thirty eight nonempty stomach samples were analysed using frequency of occurrence and volumetric methods of analysis. Detritus, insects, macrophytes, zooplankton and fish were the dominant food categories by occurrence, and they occurred in 79.6%, 63.6%, 63.0%, 56.2% and 15.4% of the stomachs, respectively. Volumetrically, the above food items comprised 24.3%, 14.1%, 14.5%, 19.3% and 21.8% of the total volume of food categories. Phytoplankton and gastropods were of low importance, and they occurred in 28.7% and 8.6% of the stomachs, respectively. Their volumetric contributions were 3.2% and 2.8% of the total volume of food categories. During the dry month, fish, zooplankton, insects and detritus were important food categories, while during the wet month detritus, macrophytes, insects and gastropods were important. Smaller catfish diets were dominated by detritus, macrophytes and insects, whereas larger catfish shifted to fish and zooplankton. Based on the results, C. gariepinus was found to be omnivorous in its feeding habits in Lake Koka.  相似文献   

Individuals are constantly in competition with one another and, on both ecological and evolutionary timescales, processes act to reduce this competition and promote the gain of fitness advantages via diversification. Here we have investigated the genetic (AFLP) and morphological (geometric morphometrics) aspects of the littoral–pelagic axis, a commonly observed resource polymorphism in freshwater fishes of postglacial lakes. We found a large degree of variation in the genetic and morphological divergence between littoral and pelagic perch and roach across Swedish lakes. Although there was evidence of assortative mating (elevated kinship values) in both species, we could not find any significant coupling of morphology and genetic divergence. Instead, there was evidence that the extent of resource polymorphism may be largely caused by phenotypic plasticity. These results suggest that assortative mating, which can lead to genetically determined adaptive divergence, does occur in these species, particularly perch, but not according to genetically fixed morphological traits. The behavioural mechanisms facilitating associative mating need to be investigated to explore the interaction between phenotypic plasticity and adaptive genetic divergence and their roles in diversification. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 114 , 929–940.  相似文献   

Plant defence often varies by orders of magnitude as plants develop from the seedling to juvenile to mature and senescent stages. Ontogenetic trajectories can involve switches among defence traits, leading to complex shifting phenotypes across plant lifetimes. While considerable research has characterised ontogenetic trajectories for now hundreds of plant species, we still lack a clear understanding of the molecular, ecological and evolutionary factors driving these patterns. In this study, we identify several non‐mutually exclusive factors that may have led to the evolution of ontogenetic trajectories in plant defence, including developmental constraints, resource allocation costs, multi‐functionality of defence traits, and herbivore selection pressure. Evidence from recent physiological studies is highlighted to shed light on the underlying molecular mechanisms involved in the regulation and activation of these developmental changes. Overall, our goal is to promote new research avenues that would provide evidence for the factors that have promoted the evolution of this complex lifetime phenotype. Future research focusing on the questions and approaches identified here will advance the field and shed light on why defence traits shift so dramatically across plant ontogeny, a widespread but poorly understood ecological pattern.  相似文献   

The small, typically estuarine fish Atherina boyeri Risso forms local populations which can differ greatly in their population biology and morphology; this species is viewed as being on the brink of speciation. This analysis of the reproductive strategy shows that A. boyeri can rapidly adapt its life history and morphology to environments ranging from freshwater to polyhaline coastal lagoons and oceanic waters. The optimum strategy is shown to be tied to temperate seasonality: the cold winters act to lengthen the life cycle, and result in cyclic switching of energy between reproduction, somatic growth and fat storage. The adaptability of the fish to a range of environmental characters is viewed as being due to natural selection acting to produce a genotype capable of a flexible phenotypic response. This flexibility is essential for survival in the highly variable inshore/brackish habitat. It is argued that such preadaptive plasticity, coupled with the potential for populations to become isolated, produces ideal conditions for speciation. The importance of the coastal, estuarine and lagoonal environment as a springboard for teleost evolution is discussed.  相似文献   

To assess how tooth microstructure and composition might facilitate the pharyngeal mill mechanism of halfbeaks, apatite structure and iron content were determined by scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X‐ray analysis for Hyporhamphus regularis ardelio, Arrhamphus sclerolepis krefftii, and Hemiramphus robustus. Iron was present in developing teeth and was concentrated along the shearing edge of spatulate incisiform teeth, which dominate the occlusive wear zone in all three species. A model based on tooth structure and wear rate is proposed to explain how halfbeaks maintain a fully functional occlusion zone throughout growth and consequent tooth addition and replacement. Replacement teeth erupt and wear rapidly so that a constant occlusion plane is always present. Iron within the tooth tissue reduces the wear rate of the cutting edge while simultaneously maintaining its sharpness and efficiency. J. Morphol. 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Variability in life-history traits of the common pond skater Gerris lacustris (L.) (Heteroptera: Gerridae) was investigated on a small geographical scale in Bavaria, Germany (≈ 49 °N). In an area of approximately 3.5 × 3.0 km, voltinism and wing length data of G. lacustris were recorded from 65 ponds located either in an open field or surrounded by forest.
2. Life history differed significantly between populations in the two habitat types. Gerris lacustris showed a bivoltine life-cycle in most of the field ponds with a high proportion of long-winged individuals in the diapause generation and a large increase of the short-winged morph in the midsummer generation. In contrast, almost all populations inhabiting forest ponds were univoltine. Only a few forest populations produced any second generation larvae. The long-winged morph dominated during the whole season in forest ponds.
3. The appearance of first-instar larvae was delayed by 3–4 weeks in forest ponds compared with field ponds. Presumably, low temperatures led to this reduction in the developmental rate of eggs and larvae. Consequently, 'field larvae' of the first generation developed under increasing daylight conditions (triggering direct reproduction and brachyptery) but 'forest larvae' developed under a shortening photoperiod (triggering diapause and macroptery).
4. Offspring raised from 'forest parents' in the laboratory showed the same variability in life history when reared in a cool (16.9 ± 2.4 °C) or warm (23.1 ± 1.8 °C) temperature regime.
5. Given the small spatial scale of the study, it is concluded that the variability in the life history of G. lacustris has a strong phenotypic component.  相似文献   

The cryptic diversity in the polychaete Syllis gracilis Grube, 1840, in the Mediterranean Sea was examined with an integrative morpho-molecular approach. Individuals of S. gracilis were collected at eleven Mediterranean localities to provide an insight into the role of brackish environments in inducing cryptic speciation. The examination of morphological features combined with a molecular genetic analysis based on a partial sequence of the 16S rRNA gene highlighted discrepancies between morphological and molecular diversity. Morphological data allowed to identify a morphotype with short appendages occurring in coralline algae communities and another one with long appendages observed in brackish-water environments and Sabellaria reefs. Multivariate analyses showed that sampling localities were the greatest source of morphological divergence, suggesting that phenotypic plasticity may play a role in local adaptations of S. gracilis populations. Molecular data showed the occurrence of four divergent lineages not corresponding to morphological clusters. Different species delimitation tests gave conflicting results, retrieving, however, at least four separated entities. Some lineages occurred in sympatry and were equally distributed in marine and brackish-water environments, excluding a biogeographic or ecological explanation of the observed pattern and suggesting instead ancient separation between lineages and secondary contact. The co-occurrence of different lineages hindered the identification of the lineage corresponding to S. gracilis sensu stricto. The discrepancy between morphological and molecular diversity suggests that different environmental and biogeographic features may interact in a complex and unpredictable way in shaping diversity patterns. An integrative approach is needed to provide a satisfactory insight on evolutionary processes in marine invertebrates.  相似文献   

Extinct populations of Terricola savii have been investigated in order to analyse evolutionary stasis and correlation of first lower molar shape with climatic proxies by means of geometric morphometrics. Evolutionary stasis, its recognition and explanation are central topics in evolutionary paleobiology. In this study, tooth shape variation of the arvicolid T. savii has been analysed through time. In addition to explicit multivariate tests of stasis based on landmark and semi‐landmark geometric morphometrics, first lower molar M1 shape has been decomposed in orthogonal axes of variation and tested for correlation with climate changes. Multivariate tests were consistent with evolutionary stasis. Yet, according to univariate tests, the dominant dimension of shape variation shows a temporal trend well correlated with a climatic proxy, i.e. δ18O. The remaining variation does not show any trend. Adaptation to current climatic condition might occur even without affecting shape as a whole. Phenotypic plasticity of this species could be invoked to explain evolutionary stasis, as a long time pattern.  相似文献   

Tidal marshes present profound adaptive challenges to terrestrial vertebrates. For example, North American sparrows have relatively longer and thinner bills and darker dorsal plumage in coastal saltmarshes than in interior marshes. Bay‐capped wren‐spinetail (Furnariidae; Spartonoica maluroides) show a strong association with South American saltmarshes. We hypothesized that bay‐capped wren‐spinetail have similar morphological adaptations to North American sparrows to the saltmarsh environment, which would be indicative of the generality of selection on these traits in the coastal saltmarsh ecosystem. We captured individuals of S. maluroides from coastal saltmarshes and interior marshes. Populations were compared based on morphology and molecular markers. We found significant phenotypic differences in bill shape and plumage coloration (melanism) between S. maluroides populations from coastal and inland marshes. The low levels of genetic variation, weak geographical structure and shallow divergences, based on mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite data, suggest that coastal populations had a recent demographic expansion. Our results are consistent with the pattern of morphological divergence found between North American Emberizids. The possibility of convergent evolutionary adaptations between saltmarsh North American Emberizids and South American Furnariids suggests that there are strong selective pressures associated with saltmarsh environments on the beak, leading to adaptations for food acquisition, and on plumage coloration for better camouflage for predator avoidance (melanism). © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109 , 78–91.  相似文献   

Nereocystis luetkeana is a canopy-forming kelp that exhibits morphological plasticity across hydrodynamic gradients, producing broad, undulate blades in slow flow and narrow, flattened blades in fast flow, enabling thalli to reduce drag while optimizing photosynthesis. While the functional significance of this phenomenon has been well studied, the developmental and physiological mechanisms that facilitate the plasticity remain poorly understood. In this study, we conducted three experiments to characterize how the (1) magnitude, (2) direction, and (3) location of plasticity-inducing mechanical stimuli affect the morphology of Nereocystis blades. We found that applying a gradient of tensile force caused blades to grow progressively longer, narrower, less ruffled, and heavier in a linear fashion, suggesting that Nereocystis is equally well adapted for all conditions within its hydrodynamic niche. We also found that applying tension transversely across blades caused the growth response to rotate 90°, indicating that there is no substantial separation between the sites of stimulus perception and response and suggesting that a long-distance signaling mechanism, such as a hormone, is unlikely to mediate this phenomenon. Meristoderm cells showed morphological changes that paralleled those of their respective blades in this experiment, implying that tissue-level morphology is influenced by cell growth. Finally, we found that plasticity was only induced when tension was applied directly to the growing tissue, reinforcing that long-distance signaling is probably not involved and possibly indicating that the mechanism on display generally requires an intercalary meristem to facilitate mechanoperception.  相似文献   

Synopsis The cichlid species flocks of the African Great Lakes represent the most extreme case of adaptive radiation among vertebrates. Recently, attention has focused on the potential for sexual selection to drive or accelerate speciation in these fishes. Cichlids as a whole are social in nature and display complex behavior, particularly during courtship and spawning; however, the extent to which changes in species recognition cues may account for species diversity among haplochromine lineages has remained speculative. Our investigations have indicated that oral incubating haplochromines show a reduction in diversity and extent of courtship relative to substrate brooding cichlids, and apparently retain aspects of a primitive specific mate recognition system. Laboratory observations of courtship in the Malawian endemicPseudotropheus zebra suggest that organization of the spawning bout is loose, and lacking in any well defined stimulus-response chain. Interspecific comparisons of in situ courtship behavior among male mbuna, lithophilous haplochromines of Lake Malawi, revealed only one potential example of species-specific behavior, and indicated that mate choice occurred prior to the onset of intense courtship. Courtship display by male mbuna does not appear critical to species recognition and may represent an evolutionary relict. Alternatively, male courtship display may have an indirect effect on successful reproduction or may be maintained through pleiotropic effects. The mbuna display no evidence of behavioral innovation and show limited interspecific differentiation in behavioral expression. More generally, there is no evidence at present to suggest that epigamic sexual selection, acting on courtship behavior, has been a major mechanism in the diversification of the haplochromine species flocks.  相似文献   

Polymorphisms are common in the natural world and have played an important role in our understanding of how selection maintains multiple phenotypes within extant populations. Studying the evolutionary history of polymorphisms has revealed important features of this widespread form of phenotypic diversity, including its role in speciation, niche breadth, and range size. In the present study, we examined the evolutionary history of a ubiquitous colour polymorphism in the sulphur butterflies (subfamily: Coliadinae) termed the ‘alba’ polymorphism. We investigated the origin and stability of the ‘alba’ polymorphism using ancestral state reconstruction analysis. Our results indicate that the ancestor of the Coliadinae was polymorphic and that this polymorphism has undergone repeated transitions to monomorphism. Repeated loss of polymorphism suggests that the ‘alba’ polymorphism may be relatively unstable over evolutionary time. These results provide a framework for future studies on the origin and maintenance of the ‘alba’ polymorphism and guide the direction of future hypotheses. We discuss these results in light of current understandings of how the ‘alba’ polymorphism is maintained in extant populations.  相似文献   

This study tests the hypothesis that high species richness in small-bodied mammals results from higher speciation rates than in clades composed of large-bodied individuals. A right-skewed pattern is evident in size distributions of all mammal groups tested. Gaps between 100 g bins expand smoothly for the global mammal database. Less diverse mammal clades composed of large-sized individuals originated at relatively large size. Mechanisms promoting isolation and higher speciation rates in small mammals include the environmental mosaic, low absolute energy needs, small home range size, stenotopy, and intraspecific competition. A decline in diversity for the smallest size category in some clades suggests there is a lower limit in homoiotherms of about 1.5–2 g, possibly related to high metabolic rate and high surface area to volume ratio. Mammal size diversity from young Canadian ecosystems (≤19,000 years BP) is right-skewed, and diversity of species per unit area is approximately the same as for North America. Diversity and size distributions for mammals and select animal groups from southern Minnesota follow expected right-skewed patterns, suggesting the inverse relationship of body size and speciation rate is universal for complex metazoans. A logistic model is presented integrating γ and α diversity over evolutionary timescales.  相似文献   

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