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Chen H  Kim HU  Weng H  Browse J 《The Plant cell》2011,23(6):2247-2262
Malonyl-CoA is the precursor for fatty acid synthesis and elongation. It is also one of the building blocks for the biosynthesis of some phytoalexins, flavonoids, and many malonylated compounds. In plants as well as in animals, malonyl-CoA is almost exclusively derived from acetyl-CoA by acetyl-CoA carboxylase (EC However, previous studies have suggested that malonyl-CoA may also be made directly from malonic acid by malonyl-CoA synthetase (EC Here, we report the cloning of a eukaryotic malonyl-CoA synthetase gene, Acyl Activating Enzyme13 (AAE13; At3g16170), from Arabidopsis thaliana. Recombinant AAE13 protein showed high activity against malonic acid (K(m) = 529.4 ± 98.5 μM; V(m) = 24.0 ± 2.7 μmol/mg/min) but little or no activity against other dicarboxylic or fatty acids tested. Exogenous malonic acid was toxic to Arabidopsis seedlings and caused accumulation of malonic and succinic acids in the seedlings. aae13 null mutants also grew poorly and accumulated malonic and succinic acids. These defects were complemented by an AAE13 transgene or by a bacterial malonyl-CoA synthetase gene under control of the AAE13 promoter. Our results demonstrate that the malonyl-CoA synthetase encoded by AAE13 is essential for healthy growth and development, probably because it is required for the detoxification of malonate.  相似文献   

Triacylglycerols (TAGs) are major storage materials that accumulate in developing seeds and serve as carbon and energy reserves for germination and growth of the seedling. One of the critical reactions in TAG biosynthesis is activation of fatty acyl chains to fatty acyl CoAs, catalyzed by long-chain acyl CoA synthetases (LACSs). Of the nine LACSs identified in Arabidopsis, only LACS9 is known to reside in the plastid, the site of de novo fatty acid synthesis, and is considered the major LACS isoform involved in plastidial fatty acid export for TAG formation. Because the lacs9 null mutant did not show any detectable phenotype, it was hypothesized that at least one additional LACS enzyme must be active in the plastid. Expression analyses to identify potential plastid-localized LACSs involved in TAG biosynthesis revealed that, in addition to LACS9, isoforms LACS1, LACS2, LACS4 and LACS8 are transcribed in the seed. LACS8 showed the highest expression level in the embryo and a high sequence similarity with LACS9, and was therefore characterized further and shown to be associated with the ER, not the plastid. Furthermore, disruption of LACS8 in the lacs8 mutant and lacs8 lacs9 double mutant, and over-expression of LACS8, did not affect the seed fatty acid content. In contrast, 11 and 12% decreases in fatty acid content were detected in lacs1 lacs9 and lacs1 lacs8 lacs9 seeds, respectively, indicating that LACS1 and LACS9 have overlapping functions in TAG biosynthesis. This result is surprising because, unlike LACS9, LACS1 is localized in the ER and has been shown to be involved in cuticular lipid synthesis.  相似文献   

In plants and other eukaryotes, long-chain acyl-CoAs are assumed to be imported into peroxisomes for beta-oxidation by an ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporter. However, two genes in Arabidopsis thaliana, LACS6 and LACS7, encode peroxisomal long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase (LACS) isozymes. To investigate the biochemical and biological roles of peroxisomal LACS, we identified T-DNA knockout mutants for both genes. The single-mutant lines, lacs6-1 and lacs7-1, were indistinguishable from the wild type in germination, growth, and reproductive development. By contrast, the lacs6-1 lacs7-1 double mutant was specifically defective in seed lipid mobilization and required exogenous sucrose for seedling establishment. This phenotype is similar to the A. thaliana pxa1 mutants deficient in the peroxisomal ABC transporter and other mutants deficient in beta-oxidation. Our results demonstrate that peroxisomal LACS activity and the PXA1 transporter are essential for early seedling growth. The peroxisomal LACS activity would be necessary if the PXA1 transporter delivered unesterified fatty acids into the peroxisomal matrix. Alternatively, PXA1 and LACS6/LACS7 may act in parallel pathways that are both required to ensure adequate delivery of acyl-CoA substrates for beta-oxidation and successful seedling establishment.  相似文献   

Hall Q  Cannon MC 《The Plant cell》2002,14(5):1161-1172
Although a large number of embryo mutants have been studied, mostly at the morphological level, the critical molecular and cellular events responsible for embryogenesis are unknown. Here, we report that using an enhancer-trap embryo mutant of Arabidopsis, we identified a gene, ROOT-SHOOT-HYPOCOTYL-DEFECTIVE (RSH), that is essential for the correct positioning of the cell plate during cytokinesis in cells of the developing embryo. We traced the earliest point of influence of RSH to the first asymmetrical division of the zygote. Homozygous rsh embryos were defective morphologically, had irregular cell shape and size, and germinated to form agravitropic-defective seedlings incapable of further development. The RSH gene encodes a Hyp-rich glycoprotein-type cell wall protein. RSH localized to the cell wall throughout the embryo and to a few well-defined postembryonic sites. Although several lines of evidence from previous work suggest that the cell wall is involved in development, the protein(s) involved remained elusive.  相似文献   

Clathrin-mediated membrane trafficking is critical for multiple stages of plant growth and development. One key component of clathrin-mediated trafficking in animals is dynamin, a polymerizing GTPase that plays both regulatory and mechanical roles. Other eukaryotes use various dynamin-related proteins (DRP) in clathrin-mediated trafficking. Plants are unique in the apparent involvement of both a family of classical dynamins (DRP2) and a family of dynamin-related proteins (DRP1) in clathrin-mediated membrane trafficking. Our analysis of drp2 insertional mutants demonstrates that, similar to the DRP1 family, the DRP2 family is essential for Arabidopsis thaliana development. Gametophytes lacking both DRP2A and DRP2B were inviable, arresting prior to the first mitotic division in both male and female gametogenesis. Mutant pollen displayed a variety of defects, including branched or irregular cell plates, altered Golgi morphology and ectopic callose deposition. Ectopic callose deposition was also visible in the pollen-lethal drp1c-1 mutant and appears to be a specific feature of pollen-defective mutants with impaired membrane trafficking. However, drp2ab pollen arrested at earlier stages in development than drp1c-1 pollen and did not accumulate excess plasma membrane or display other gross defects in plasma membrane morphology. Therefore, the DRP2 family, but not DRP1C, is necessary for cell cycle progression during early gametophyte development. This suggests a possible role for DRP2-dependent clathrin-mediated trafficking in the transduction of developmental signals in the gametophyte.  相似文献   

Very long chain lipids are important components of the plant cuticle that establishes the boundary surface of aerial organs. In addition, these lipids were detected in the extracellular pollen coat (tryphine), where they play a crucial role in appropriate pollen‐stigma communication. As such they are involved in the early interaction of pollen with the stigma. A substantial reduction in tryphine lipids was shown to compromise pollen germination and, consequently, resulted in male sterility. We investigated the role of two long‐chain acyl‐CoA synthetases (LACSs) in Arabidopsis with respect to their contribution to the production of tryphine lipids. LACS was shown to provide CoA‐activated very long chain fatty acids (VLCFA‐CoAs) to the pathways of wax biosynthesis. The allocation of sufficient quantities of VLCFA‐CoA precursors should therefore be relevant to the generation of tryphine lipids. Here, we report on the identification of lacs1 lacs4 double knock‐out mutant lines that were conditionally sterile and showed significant reductions in pollen coat lipids. Whereas the contributions of both LACS proteins to surface wax levels were roughly additive, their co‐operation in tryphine lipid biosynthesis was clearly more complex. The inactivation of LACS4 resulted in increased levels of tryphine lipids accompanied by morphological anomalies of the pollen grains. The additional inactivation of LACS1 neutralized the morphological defects, decreased the tryphine lipids far below wild‐type levels and resulted in conditionally sterile pollen.  相似文献   

5'-Methylthioadenosine (MTA) is the common by-product of polyamine (PA), nicotianamine (NA), and ethylene biosynthesis in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). The methylthiol moiety of MTA is salvaged by 5'-methylthioadenosine nucleosidase (MTN) in a reaction producing methylthioribose (MTR) and adenine. The MTN double mutant, mtn1-1mtn2-1, retains approximately 14% of the MTN enzyme activity present in the wild type and displays a pleiotropic phenotype that includes altered vasculature and impaired fertility. These abnormal traits were associated with increased MTA levels, altered PA profiles, and reduced NA content. Exogenous feeding of PAs partially recovered fertility, whereas NA supplementation improved fertility and also reversed interveinal chlorosis. The analysis of PA synthase crystal structures containing bound MTA suggests that the corresponding enzyme activities are sensitive to available MTA. Mutant plants that expressed either MTN or human methylthioadenosine phosphorylase (which metabolizes MTA without producing MTR) appeared wild type, proving that the abnormal traits of the mutant are due to MTA accumulation rather than reduced MTR. Based on our results, we propose that the key targets affected by increased MTA content are thermospermine synthase activity and spermidine-dependent posttranslational modification of eukaryotic initiation factor 5A.  相似文献   

Glucosidase II, one of the early N-glycan processing enzymes and a major player in the glycoprotein folding quality control, has been described as a soluble heterodimer composed of α and β subunits. Here we present the first characterization of a plant glucosidase II α subunit at the molecular level. Expression of the Arabidopsis α subunit restored N-glycan maturation capacity in Schizosaccharomyces pombe α− or αβ−deficient mutants, but with a lower efficiency in the last case. Inactivation of the α subunit in a temperature sensitive Arabidopsis mutant blocked N-glycan processing after a first trimming by glucosidase I and strongly affected seedling development. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Cecilia D’Alessio and Thomas Paccalet have equal contributions to this work An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Hemoglobin is essential for normal growth of Arabidopsis organs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In Arabidopsis thaliana , the class I hemoglobin AHb1 is transiently expressed in the hydathodes of leaves and in floral buds from young inflorescences. Nitric oxide (NO) accumulates to high levels in these organs when AHb1 is silenced, indicating an important role in metabolizing NO. AHb1 -silenced lines are viable but show a mutant phenotype affecting the regions where AHb1 is expressed. Arabidopsis lines with an insertional knockout or overexpression of AHb2, a class II 3-on-3 hemoglobin, were generated. Seedlings overexpressing AHb2 show enhanced survival of hypoxic stress. The AHb2 knockout lines develop normally. However, when AHb2 knockout is combined with AHb1 silencing, seedlings die at an early vegetative stage suggesting that the two 3-on-3 hemoglobins, AHb1 and AHb2, together play an essential role for normal development of Arabidopsis seedlings. In conclusion, these results suggests that 3-on-3 hemoglobins apart from a role in hypoxic stress play a general role under non-stressed conditions where they are essential for normal development by controlling the level of NO which tends to accumulate in floral buds and leaf hydathodes of plants.  相似文献   

Long chain acyl CoA synthetase 4 (Acsl4) is a key enzyme in steroidogenesis. It participates in steroid synthesis through of arachidonic acid release and Steroidogenic Acute Regulatory protein (StAR) induction.Acsl4 prefers arachidonic acid as substrate and acts probably as a homodimer. In steroidogenic cells, it has been demonstrated that Acsl4 is a high turnover protein located mainly in mitochondrial-associated membrane fraction (MAM) bound to other proteins and that it is newly synthesized by hormone stimulation. The synthesis of Acsl4 constitutes an early step in steroidogenesis.In the steroid synthesis process, activation of kinases plays a very important role. For this reason, the aim of this work was to study Acsl4 as a possible phosphoprotein and try to elucidate the role of its phosphorylation.We have determined for the first time that Acsl4 is a phosphoprotein whose phosphorylation is hormone-dependent. We also demonstrated that Acsl4 acts effectively as a dimer and that phosphorylation occurs after dimer formation.Studies in vitro demonstrated that Acsl4 is a substrate of both PKA and PKC and its phosphorylation by these kinases regulates its activity.  相似文献   

Szymanski DB  Marks MD  Wick SM 《The Plant cell》1999,11(12):2331-2347
Actin microfilaments form a three-dimensional cytoskeletal network throughout the cell and constitute an essential throughway for organelle and vesicle transport. Development of Arabidopsis trichomes, unicellular structures derived from the epidermis, is being used as a genetic system in which to study actin-dependent growth in plant cells. The present study indicates that filamentous actin (F-actin) plays an important role during Arabidopsis trichome morphogenesis. For example, immunolocalization of actin filaments during trichome morphogenesis identified rearrangements of the cytoskeletal structure during the development of the mature cell. Moreover, pharmacological experiments indicate that there are distinct requirements for actin- and microtubule-dependent function during trichome morphogenesis. The F-actin-disrupting drug cytochalasin D does not affect the establishment of polarity during trichome development; however, maintenance and coordination of the normal pattern of cell growth are very sensitive to this drug. In contrast, oryzalin, an agent that depolymerizes microtubules, severely inhibits cell polarization. Furthermore, cytochalasin D treatment phenocopies a known class of mutations that cause distorted trichome morphology. Results of an analysis of cell shape and microfilament structure in wild-type, mutant, and drug-treated trichomes are consistent with a role for actin in the maintenance and coordination of an established growth pattern.  相似文献   

A recessive Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) mutant with short primary roots and root hairs was identified from a forward genetic screen. The disrupted gene in the mutant encoded the plastidial isoform of folylpolyglutamate synthetase (FPGS), previously designated as AtDFB, an enzyme that catalyzes the addition of glutamate residues to the folate molecule to form folylpolyglutamates. The short primary root of atdfb was associated with a disorganized quiescent center, dissipated auxin gradient in the root cap, bundled actin cytoskeleton, and reduced cell division and expansion. The accumulation of monoglutamylated forms of some folate classes in atdfb was consistent with impaired FPGS function. The observed cellular defects in roots of atdfb underscore the essential role of folylpolyglutamates in the highly compartmentalized one-carbon transfer reactions (C1 metabolism) that lead to the biosynthesis of compounds required for metabolically active cells found in the growing root apex. Indeed, metabolic profiling uncovered a depletion of several amino acids and nucleotides in atdfb indicative of broad alterations in metabolism. Methionine and purines, which are synthesized de novo in plastids via C1 enzymatic reactions, were particularly depleted. The root growth and quiescent center defects of atdfb were rescued by exogenous application of 5-formyl-tetrahydrofolate, a stable folate that was readily converted to metabolically active folates. Collectively, our results indicate that AtDFB is the predominant FPGS isoform that generates polyglutamylated folate cofactors to support C1 metabolism required for meristem maintenance and cell expansion during postembryonic root development in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Selenophosphate synthetase (SelD) generates the selenium donor for selenocysteine biosynthesis in eubacteria. One homologue of SelD in eukaryotes is SPS1 (selenophosphate synthetase 1) and a second one, SPS2, was identified as a selenoprotein in mammals. Earlier in vitro studies showed SPS2, but not SPS1, synthesized selenophosphate from selenide, whereas SPS1 may utilize a different substrate. The roles of these enzymes in selenoprotein synthesis in vivo remain unknown. To address their function in vivo, we knocked down SPS2 in NIH3T3 cells using small interfering RNA and found that selenoprotein biosynthesis was severely impaired, whereas knockdown of SPS1 had no effect. Transfection of SPS2 into SPS2 knockdown cells restored selenoprotein biosynthesis, but SPS1 did not, indicating that SPS1 cannot complement SPS2 function. These in vivo studies indicate that SPS2 is essential for generating the selenium donor for selenocysteine biosynthesis in mammals, whereas SPS1 probably has a more specialized, non-essential role in selenoprotein metabolism.  相似文献   

The process of microtubule nucleation in plant cells is still a major question in plant cell biology. gamma-Tubulin is known as one of the key molecular players for microtubule nucleation in animal and fungal cells. Here, we provide genetic evidence that in Arabidopsis thaliana, gamma-tubulin is required for the formation of spindle, phragmoplast, and cortical microtubule arrays. We used a reverse genetics approach to investigate the role of the two Arabidopsis gamma-tubulin genes in plant development and in the formation of microtubule arrays. Isolation of mutants in each gene and analysis of two combinations of gamma-tubulin double mutants showed that the two genes have redundant functions. The first combination is lethal at the gametophytic stage. Disruption of both gamma-tubulin genes causes aberrant spindle and phragmoplast structures and alters nuclear division in gametophytes. The second combination of gamma-tubulin alleles affects late seedling development, ultimately leading to lethality 3 weeks after germination. This partially viable mutant combination enabled us to follow dynamically the effects of gamma-tubulin depletion on microtubule arrays in dividing cells using a green fluorescent protein marker. These results establish the central role of gamma-tubulin in the formation and organization of microtubule arrays in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

In angiosperms the late pollen actins (LPAs) are strongly expressed in mature pollen and pollen tubes and at much lower levels in ovules. Four Arabidopsis lines with homozygous knockout mutations in the four individual LPA genes displayed normal flowers, pollen, and seed set. However, when all four LPAs were silenced simultaneously with a single RNA interference (RNAi) construct targeting the 3′UTR of each mRNA, obvious reproductive defects were observed. Western analysis of various Late Pollen actin RNA interference (LPRi) epialleles showed total LPA protein and RNA expression levels were knocked down from 0% to 95% compared to wild-type levels. Reciprocal crosses with the RNAi lines demonstrated that lowered LPA expression was associated with defects in both male and female fertility. Strong epialleles showed significant reductions in normal silique and seed production and were nearly sterile. Dissection of the siliques from moderate LPRi epialleles revealed many unfertilized ovules, increased numbers of aborted seeds, and decreased numbers of healthy seeds. Microscopic analysis of LPRi pollen indicated that the pollen shape and size were normal, but pollen germinated poorly. While multiple LPA genes may have some functional redundancy, the combined expression of multiple LPA genes appears essential to normal male and female reproductive development.  相似文献   

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