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Erythrocyte ghosts were incubated with sonicated vesicles and the uptake of cholesterol by vesicles allowed to proceed to equilibrium. The experiments were carried out for a series of phospholipids at different temperatures. The equilibrium partition of cholesterol between ghosts and single shelled vesicles provided a measure of the relative affinities of cholesterol for the different phospholipids studied. It was found that the affinity of cholesterol for dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine was the same as that for N-palmitoyl sphingomyelin both at temperatures above and below the gel to liquid crystalline transition temperature of these phospholipids.  相似文献   

Ceramides (Cers) may exert their biological activity through changes in membrane structure and organization. To understand this mechanism, the effect of Cer on the biophysical properties of phosphatidylcholine, sphingomyelin (SM) and SM/cholesterol bilayers was determined using fluorescence probe techniques. The Cers were bovine brain Cer and synthetic Cers that contained a single acyl chain species. The phospholipids were 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC) and 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glyero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC) and bovine brain, egg yolk and bovine erythrocyte SM. The addition of Cer to POPC and DPPC bilayers that were in the liquid-crystalline phase resulted in a linear increase in acyl chain order and decrease in membrane polarity. The addition of Cer to DPPC and SM bilayers also resulted in a linear increase in the gel to liquid-crystalline phase transition temperature (T(M)). The magnitude of the change was dependent upon Cer lipid composition and was much higher in SM bilayers than DPPC bilayers. The addition of 33 mol% cholesterol essentially eliminated the thermal transition of SM and SM/Cer bilayers. However, there is still a linear increase in acyl chain order induced by the addition of Cer. The results are interpreted as the formation of DPPC/Cer and SM/Cer lipid complexes. SM/Cer lipid complexes have higher T(M)s than the corresponding SM because the addition of Cer reduces the repulsion between the bulky headgroup and allows closer packing of the acyl chains. The biophysical properties of a SM/Cer-rich bilayer are dependent upon the amount of cholesterol present. In a cholesterol-poor membrane, a sphingomyelinase could catalyze the isothermal conversion of a liquid-crystalline SM bilayer to a gel phase SM/Cer complex at physiological temperature.  相似文献   

An angiogenic factor, platelet-derived endothelial cell growth factor/thymidine phosphorylase (PD-ECGF/TP), stimulates the chemotaxis of endothelial cells and confers resistance to apoptosis induced by hypoxia. 2-deoxy-D-ribose, a degradation product of thymidine generated by TP enzymatic activity partially prevented hypoxia-induced apoptosis. 2-Deoxy-D-ribose inhibits a number of components of the caspase-mediated hypoxia-induced apoptotic pathway. It inhibits hypoxia-induced caspase 3 activation, mitochondrial cytochrome c release, downregulation of Bcl-2 and Bcl-x(L), upregulation of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1 alpha, and loss of mitochondrial transmembrane potential in human leukemia HL-60 cell line. These findings suggest a molecular mechanism by which 2-deoxy-d-ribose confers the resistance to apoptosis. Thus 2-deoxy-D-ribose-modulated suppression of HIF-1 alpha expression could prevent the hypoxia-induced decrease of the anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 and Bcl-x(L) on the mitochondria. 2-Deoxy-L-ribose and its analogs may enhance apoptosis and suppress the growth of tumors by competitively inhibiting the activities of 2-deoxy-d-ribose and thus these analogs show promise for anti-tumor therapy.  相似文献   

Cholesterol and phospholipids are essential to the body, but an excess of cholesterol or lipids is toxic and a risk factor for arteriosclerosis. ABCG1, one of the half-type ABC proteins, is thought to be involved in cholesterol homeostasis. To explore the role of ABCG1 in cholesterol homeostasis, we examined its subcellular localization and function. ABCG1 and ABCG1-K120M, a WalkerA lysine mutant, were localized to the plasma membrane in HEK293 cells stably expressing ABCG1 and formed a homodimer. A stable transformant expressing ABCG1 exhibited efflux of cholesterol and choline phospholipids in the presence of BSA, and the cholesterol efflux was enhanced by the presence of HDL, whereas cells expressing ABCG1-K120M did not, suggesting that ATP binding and/or hydrolysis is required for the efflux. Mass and TLC analyses revealed that ABCG1 and ABCA1 secrete several species of sphingomyelin (SM) and phosphatidylcholine (PC), and SMs were preferentially secreted by ABCG1, whereas PCs were preferentially secreted by ABCA1. These results suggest that ABCA1 and ABCG1 mediate the lipid efflux in different mechanisms, in which different species of phospholipids are secreted, and function coordinately in the removal of cholesterol and phospholipids from peripheral cells.  相似文献   

The interaction between cholesterol and phospholipids in bilayer membranes is important for the formation and maintenance of membrane structure and function. However, cholesterol does not interact favorably with all types of phospholipids and, for example, prefers more ordered sphingomyelins (SMs) over phosphatidylcholines (PCs). The reason for this preference is not clear. Here we have studied whether acyl-chain order could be responsible for the preferred sterol interaction with SMs. Acyl-chain order was deduced from diphenylhexatriene anisotropy and from the deuterium order parameter obtained by 2H-NMR on bilayers made from either 14:0/14:0(d27)-PC, or 14:0(d27)-SM. Sterol/phospholipid interaction was determined from sterol bilayer partitioning. Cholestatrienol (CTL) was used as a fluorescence probe for cholesterol, because its relative membrane partitioning is similar to cholesterol. When CTL was allowed to reach equilibrium partitioning between cyclodextrins and unilamellar vesicles made from either 14:0/14:0-PC or 14:0-SM, the molar-fraction partitioning coefficient (Kx) was approximately twofold higher for SM bilayers than for PC bilayers. This was even the case when the temperature in the SM samples was raised to achieve equal acyl-chain order, as determined from 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (DPH) anisotropy and the deuterium order parameter. Although the Kx did increase with acyl-chain order, the higher Kx for SM bilayers was always evident. At equal acyl-chain order parameter (DPH anisotropy), the Kx was also higher for 14:0-SM bilayers than for bilayers made from either 14:0/15:0-PC or 15:0-/14:0-PC, suggesting that minor differences in chain length or molecular asymmetry are not responsible for the difference in Kx. We conclude that acyl-chain order affects the bilayer affinity of CTL (and thus cholesterol), but that it is not the cause for the preferred affinity of sterols for SMs over matched PCs. Instead, it is likely that the interfacial properties of SMs influence and stabilize interactions with sterols in bilayer membranes.  相似文献   

Pressure versus fluid spacing relations have been obtained for sphingomyelin bilayers in the gel phase and equimolar sphingomyelin/cholesterol in the liquid-crystalline phase by the use of X-ray diffraction analysis of osmotically stressed aqueous dispersions and oriented multilayers. For interbilayer separations in the range of 5-20 A, the repulsive hydration pressure decays exponentially with increasing fluid spacing. The decay length (lambda) of this repulsive pressure is about 2 A for both bovine brain and N-tetracosanoylsphingomyelin, similar to that previously found for phosphatidylcholine bilayers. However, both the magnitude of the hydration pressure and the magnitude of the dipole potential (V) measured for monolayers in equilibrium with liposomes are considerably smaller for sphingomyelin than for either gel or liquid-crystalline phosphatidylcholine bilayers. Addition of equimolar cholesterol increases both the magnitude of the hydration pressure and the dipole potential. These data suggest that the magnitude of the hydration pressure depends on the electric field at the interface as given by (V/lambda)2. For sphingomyelin bilayers, there is a sharp upward break in the pressure-fluid spacing relation at an interbilayer spacing of about 5 A, indicating the onset of steric hindrance between the head groups of apposing bilayers.  相似文献   

H+/OH- permeation through lipid bilayers occurs at anomalously high rates and the determinants of proton flux through membranes are poorly understood. Since all life depends on proton gradients, it is important to develop a greater understanding of proton leak phenomena. We have used stopped-flow fluorimetry to probe the influence of two lipid raft components, chol (cholesterol) and SM (sphingomyelin), on H+/OH- and water permeability. Increasing the concentrations of both lipids in POPC (palmitoyl-2-oleoyl phosphatidylcholine) liposomes decreased water permeability in a concentration-dependent manner, an effect that correlated with increased lipid order. Surprisingly, proton flux was increased by increasing the concentration of chol and SM. The chol effect was complex with molar concentrations of 17.9, 33 and 45.7% giving 2.8-fold (P<0.01), 2.2-fold (P<0.001) and 5.1-fold (P<0.001) increases in H+/OH- permeability from a baseline of 2.4x10(-2) cm/s. SM at 10 mole% effected a 2.8-fold increase (P<0.01), whereas 20 and 30 mole% enhanced permeability by 3.6-fold (P<0.05) and 4.1-fold respectively (P<0.05). Supplementing membranes containing chol with SM did not enhance H+/OH- permeability. Of interest was the finding that chol addition to soya-bean lipids decreased H+/OH- permeability, consistent with an earlier report [Ira and Krishnamoorthy (2001) J. Phys. Chem. B 105, 1484-1488]. We speculate that the presence of proton carriers in crude lipid extracts might contribute to this result. We conclude that (i) chol and SM specifically and independently increase rates of proton permeation in POPC bilayers, (ii) domains enriched in these lipids or domain interfaces may represent regions with high H+/OH- conductivity, (iii) H+/OH- fluxes are not governed by lipid order and (iv) chol can inhibit or promote H+/OH- permeability depending on the total lipid environment. Theories of proton permeation are discussed in the light of these results.  相似文献   

The effects of cholesterol (Chol) on phospholipid bilayers include ordering of the fatty acyl chains, condensing of the lipids in the bilayer plane, and promotion of the liquid-ordered phase. These effects depend on the type of phospholipids in the bilayer and are determined by the nature of the underlying molecular interactions. As for Chol, it has been shown to interact more favorably with sphingomyelin than with most phosphatidylcholines, which in given circumstances leads to formation of lateral domains. However, the exact origin and nature of Chol-phospholipid interactions have recently been subjects of speculation. We examine interactions between Chol, palmitoylsphingomyelin (PSM) and palmitoyl-oleoyl-phosphatidylcholine (POPC) in hydrated lipid bilayers by extensive atom-scale molecular dynamics simulations. We employ a tailored lipid configuration: Individual PSM and Chol monomers, as well as PSM-Chol dimers, are embedded in a POPC lipid bilayer in the liquid crystalline phase. Such a setup allows direct comparison of dimeric and monomeric PSMs and Chol, which ultimately shows how the small differences in PSM and POPC structure can lead to profoundly different interactions with Chol. Our analysis shows that direct hydrogen bonding between PSM and Chol does not provide an adequate explanation for their putative specific interaction. Rather, a combination of charge-pairing, hydrophobic, and van der Waals interactions leads to a lower tilt in PSM neighboring Chol than in Chol with only POPC neighbors. This implies improved Chol-induced ordering of PSM's chains over POPC's chains. These findings are discussed in the context of the hydrophobic mismatch concept suggested recently.  相似文献   

The lateral distribution of N-[10(1-pyrenyl)decanoyl]-sphingomyelin (PyrSPM) and N-[10(1-pyrenyl)decanoyl]-glucocerebroside (PyrGlcCer) was studied in multilamellar vesicles of 1,2-dipalmitoyl-, 1,2-dimyristoyl-, and 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-phosphatidylcholine (DPPC, DMPC, and POPC, respectively) under anaerobic conditions by determining the excimer-to-monomer fluorescence intensity ratio (E/M) as a function of temperature. The E/M(T) curves for PyrSPM and PyrGlcCer in the three phosphatidylcholine matrices are qualitatively similar to the curves reported for 1-palmitoyl-2-[10-(1-pyrenyl)decanoyl]-phosphatidylcholine (PyrPC) in the same three matrix phospholipids (Hresko, R. C., I. P. Sugár, Y. Barenholz, and T. E. Thompson, 1986, Biochemistry, 25:3813-3823). However, there is independent evidence to suggest that sphingomyelin and glucocerebroside are organized in POPC, DPPC, and DMPC in a more complex manner than is PyrPC. In an effort to examine further the relationship between the lateral distribution of the labeled lipid and the shape of an E/M(T) curve, E/M vs. temperature simulations were carried out together with an analysis of the equation that relates E/M to the system parameters. The results indicate that information about the lateral distribution of the pyrene-labeled lipid can be obtained from an E/M(T) curve only for those systems in which the gel to liquid crystalline phase transition temperature of the matrix lipid is higher than that of the pyrene-labeled lipid. However, very little can be known about the system from an E/M(T) curve if the matrix lipid has the lower phase transition temperature.  相似文献   

Pulsed field gradient (pfg)-NMR measurements of the lipid lateral diffusion coefficients in several macroscopically aligned bilayer systems were summarized from previous and new studies. The aim was to carry out a comparison of the translational dynamics for bilayers with various mixtures of l,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DOPC), l,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC) and chicken egg yolk sphingomyelin (eSM), with or without cholesterol. New useful information was obtained on the dynamics in these lipid bilayers that has not been previously appreciated. Thus, we were able to propose that the driving force behind the phase separation into l(d)and l(o)phases evolves from the increasing difficulty to incorpotate DOPC into a highly ordered phase. Our results suggest that DOPC has a preference to be located in a disordered phase, while DPPC and eSM prefer the ordered phase. Quite unexpectedly, CHOL seems to partition into both phases to roughly the same extent, indicating that CHOL has no particular preference for any of the l(d)or l(o) phases, and there are no specific interactions between CHOL and saturated lipids.  相似文献   

Thermal, structural, and cohesive measurements have been obtained for both bovine brain sphingomyelin (BSM) and N-tetracosanoylsphingomyelin (C24-SM) in the presence and absence of cholesterol. A goal of these experiments has been to clarify the mechanisms responsible for the strong interaction between sphingomyelin and cholesterol. Differential scanning calorimetry shows that fully hydrated bilayers of BSM and C24-SM have main endothermic phase transitions at 39 and 46 degrees C, respectively, that reflect the melting of the acyl chains from a gel to a liquid-crystalline phase. For each lipid, the addition of cholesterol monotonically reduces the enthalpy of this transition, so that at equimolar cholesterol the transition enthalpy is zero. The addition of equimolar cholesterol to either BSM or C24-SM coverts the wide-angle X-ray diffraction reflection at 4.15 A to a broad band centered at 4.5 A. Electron density profiles of gel-phase C24-SM bilayers contain two terminal methyl dips in the center of the bilayer, indicating that the lipid hydrocarbon chains partially interdigitate so that the long saturated 24-carbon acyl chains in one monolayer cross the bilayer center and appose the shorter sphingosine chains from the other monolayer. The incorporation of cholesterol adds electron density to the hydrocarbon chain region near the head group and removes the double terminal methyl dip. These wide- and low-angle X-ray data indicate that cholesterol packs into the hydrocarbon chain region near the sphingomyelin head group, fluidizes the methylene chains near the center of the bilayer compared to the gel phase, and reduces the extent of methylene chain interdigitation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The ESR spectra from different positional isomers of sphingomyelin and phosphatidylcholine spin-labeled in their acyl chain have been studied in sphingomyelin(cerebroside)-phosphatidylcholine mixed membranes that contain cholesterol. The aim was to investigate mechanisms by which cholesterol could stabilize possible domain formation in sphingolipid-glycerolipid membranes. The outer hyperfine splittings in the ESR spectra of sphingomyelin and phosphatidylcholine spin-labeled on the 5 C atom of the acyl chain were consistent with mixing of the components, but the perturbations on adding cholesterol were greater in the membranes containing sphingomyelin than in those containing phosphatidylcholine. Infrared spectra of the amide I band of egg sphingomyelin were shifted and broadened in the presence of cholesterol to a greater extent than the carbonyl band of phosphatidylcholine, which was affected very little by cholesterol. Two-component ESR spectra were observed from lipids spin-labeled on the 14 C atom of the acyl chain in cholesterol-containing membranes composed of sphingolipids, with or without glycerolipids (sphingomyelin/cerebroside and sphingomyelin/cerebroside/phosphatidylcholine mixtures). These results indicate the existence of gel-phase domains in otherwise liquid-ordered membranes that contain cholesterol. In the gel phase of egg sphingomyelin, the outer hyperfine splittings of sphingomyelin spin-labeled on the 14-C atom of the acyl chain are smaller than those for the corresponding spin-labeled phosphatidylcholine. In the presence of cholesterol, this situation is reversed; the outer splitting of 14-C spin-labeled sphingomyelin is then greater than that of 14-C spin-labeled phosphatidylcholine. This result provides some support for the suggestion that transbilayer interdigitation induced by cholesterol stabilizes the coexistence of gel-phase and "liquid-ordered" domains in membranes containing sphingolipids.  相似文献   

Human fibroblasts in culture take up exogenous [choline-Me-3H,32P]sphingomyelin (SM) from the medium and incorporate it into cellular SM and phosphatidylcholine [Spence, Clarke & Cook (1983) J. Biol. Chem. 258, 8595-8600]. The ratio of [3H]choline/[32P]Pi is similar in SM and phosphatidylcholine, indicating that the phosphocholine (P-Cho) moiety is transferred intact. Similar results are obtained with Niemann-Pick (NP) cells which are deficient in lysosomal sphingomyelinase activity, suggesting that the P-Cho transfer may not be mediated by the lysosomal sphingomyelinase and that alternative pathways of sphingomyelin catabolism are present in cultured cells. In this study we have shown that: (1) the P-Cho pool in control and NP cells incubated with exogenous labelled SM has a specific radioactivity intermediate between that of SM and PtdCho; (2) expansion of the intracellular P-Cho pool by incubation with exogenous choline reduces the incorporation of [3H]choline from SM into PtdCho; and (3) incorporation of P-Cho from SM into PtdCho is decreased at the non-permissive temperature in Chinese hamster ovary cells with a temperature-sensitive mutation in the cytidylyltransferase reaction. These results suggest that incorporation of P-Cho from SM into PtdCho involves a reaction sequence in which P-Cho is hydrolysed from SM by a sphingomyelinase, followed by incorporation of P-Cho into PtdCho via the cytidine pathway of biosynthesis (SM----P-Cho----CDP-Cho----PtdCho). The appreciable incorporation of P-Cho from SM into PtdCho in sphingomyelinase-deficient NP cells suggests a more substantial or effective lysosomal sphingomyelinase activity in intact cells than is measured in vitro, and/or a significant contribution by other sphingomyelinase activities in these cells.  相似文献   

The distribution of phosphatidylcholine and of sphingomyelin in sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes was studied by using phospholipases. Treatment of intact membranes with phospholipase A from Vipera russeli, at 35 °C, causes breakdown of about 50–55% of the total phosphatidylcholine present in the sarcoplasmic reticulum, whereas about 90–95% degradation is obtained under the same conditions in membranes disrupted by sodium deoxycholate. On the other hand, in intact membranes, sphingomyelinase hydrolyzes only 20% of the sphingomyelin, which is largely hydrolyzed by the enzyme after disrupting the membranes with deoxycholate. The results suggest that phosphatidylcholine is similarly distributed on both layers of the membrane (~50% on each side), whereas most of the sphingomyelin (~80%) is internally localized and, therefore, asymmetrically distributed in the sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes.  相似文献   

The lateral organization of biomembranes has gained significant interest when the fluid mosaic model was challenged by the model of "lipid rafts". Several lipid classes like cholesterol and sphingolipids are considered to be essential for their formation. Here we investigate the lateral domain formation in binary mixtures of sphingomyelin and phosphatidylcholine. Both are major lipid components of lipoproteins and mammalian cell membranes at various molar ratios. Surface pressure-area isotherms and surface potential-area isotherms of monolayers composed of these lipids clearly indicated non-ideal mixing. In addition, Brewster angle microscopy provided a well-suited approach to image the formation of lateral domains. These images demonstrated that pure sphingomyelin forms very stable finger-like domains that exhibit a distinct internal organization suggesting an anisotropic orientation of the acyl side chains. Similar behavior was found for mixtures containing more than 60 mol% sphingomyelin. With increasing content of phosphatidylcholine the domain size decreased and the surface pressure, where domain formation occurred, increased. At lower sphingomyelin content (30-60 mol%) rather round-shaped, smaller domains were observed. Thus, the potential of sphingomyelin domains as potentially important building blocks for actual domains that could be building blocks for raft formation is suggested, even without the presence of cholesterol. In addition, these observations may suggest a role for the distinct molar ratio of these key lipids frequently found in physiologically relevant particles such as low and high density lipoproteins or the outer leaflet of the human erythrocyte membrane.  相似文献   

Freeze-fracture electron microscopy is used to study the rippled texture in pure dimyristoyl and dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine membranes and in mixtures of dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol. Evidence is presented that the apparent phase transition properties of multilamellar liposomes may be dependent on the manner in which liposomes are prepared. Under certain conditions the ripple structures as visualized by freeze-fracture electron microscopy for the pure phosphatidylcholines are observed to be temperature dependent in the vicinity of the pretransition. Thus the transition can sometimes appear to be a gradual transition rather than a sharp, first-order phase transition. In mixtures of dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol, the ripple repeat distance is found to increase as the cholesterol concentration is increased between 0 and 20 mol%. Above 20 mol%, no rippling is observed. A simple theory is presented for the dependence of ripple repeat spacing on cholesterol concentration in the range 0–20 mol%. This theory accounts for the otherwise inexplicable abrupt increase in the lateral diffusion coefficients of fluorescent lipids in binary mixtures of phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol when the cholesterol concentration is increased above 20 mol%.  相似文献   

Both phosphatidylcholine (PC) and sphingomyelin (SM) are the major phospholipids in the outer leaflet of the hepatocyte canalicular membrane. Yet, the phospholipids secreted into bile consist principally (>95%) of PC. In order to understand the physical;-chemical basis for preferential biliary PC secretion, we compared interactions with bile salts (taurocholate) and cholesterol of egg yolk (EY)SM (mainly 16:0 acyl chains, similar to trace SM in bile), buttermilk (BM)SM (mainly saturated long (>20 C-atoms) acyl chains, similar to canalicular membrane SM) and egg yolk (EY)PC (mainly unsaturated acyl chains at sn-2 position, similar to bile PC). Main gel to liquid-crystalline transition temperatures were 33. 6 degrees C for BMSM and 36.6 degrees C for EYSM. There were no significant effects of varying phospholipid species on micellar sizes or intermixed-micellar/vesicular bile salt concentrations in taurocholate-phospholipid mixtures (3 g/dL, 37 degrees C, PL/BS + PL = 0.2 or 0.4). Various phases were separated from model systems containing both EYPC and (EY or BM)SM, taurocholate, and variable amounts of cholesterol, by ultracentrifugation with ultrafiltration and dialysis of the supernatant. At increasing cholesterol content, there was preferential distribution of lipids and enrichment with SM containing long saturated acyl chains in the detergent-insoluble pelletable fraction consisting of aggregated vesicles. In contrast, both micelles and small unilamellar vesicles in the supernatant were progressively enriched in PC. Although SM containing vesicles without cholesterol were very sensitive to micellar solubilization upon taurocholate addition, incorporation of the sterol rendered SM-containing vesicles highly resistant against the detergent effects of the bile salt. These findings may have important implications for canalicular bile formation.  相似文献   

Interaction of cholesterol with various glycerophospholipids and sphingomyelin   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
M B Sankaram  T E Thompson 《Biochemistry》1990,29(47):10670-10675
The influence of cholesterol on the phase behavior of glycerophospholipids and sphingomyelins was investigated by spin-label electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. 4-(4,4-Dimethyl-3-oxy-2-tridecyl-2-oxazolidinyl)butanoic acid (5-SASL) and 1-stearoyl-2-[4-(4,4-dimethyl-3-oxy-2-tridecyl-2-oxazolidinyl)butanoy l]-sn- glycero-3-phosphocholine (5-PCSL) spin-labels were employed for this purpose. The outer hyperfine splitting constants, Amax, measured from the spin-label ESR spectra as a function of temperature were taken as empirical indicators of cholesterol-induced changes in the acyl chain motions in the fluid state. The Amax values of 5-PCSL exhibit a triphasic dependence on the concentration of cholesterol for phosphatidylcholines and bovine brain sphingomyelin. We interpret this dependence as reflecting the existence of liquid-disordered, ld, liquid-ordered, lo, and coexistence regions, ld + lo. The phase boundary between the ld and the two-phase region and the boundary between the lo and the two-phase region in the phosphatidylcholine-cholesterol systems coalesce at temperatures 25-33 degrees C above the main-chain melting transition temperature of the cholesterol-free phosphatidylcholine bilayers. In the case of bovine brain sphingomyelin, the ld-lo phase coalescence occurs about 47 degrees C above the melting temperature of the pure sphingomyelin. The selectivity of interaction of cholesterol with glycerophospholipids of varying headgroup charge was studied by comparing the cholesterol-induced changes in the Amax values of derivatives of phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidic acid, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylglycerol, and phosphatidylserine spin-labeled at the fifth position of the sn-2 chain.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Phenothiazines and tricyclic antidepressants, when added to culture medium, gave rise in several types of cells (C6 rat glioma cells and human fibroblasts), to a decrease in lysosomal sphingomyelinase activity. The effect of chlorpromazine and desipramine was dose dependent, and was observed after 3 hours of incubation with the drugs at concentrations ranging between 1 and 10 microM. In C6 glioma cell cultures, the decrease in sphingomyelinase activity was related to the clinical effectiveness of phenothiazines, tricyclic antidepressants and derivatives. Incorporation of (choline-14C) sphingomyelin showed that the metabolic pathway implying the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine from the hydrolysis of sphingomyelin and/or transfer of phosphorylcholine to phosphatidylcholine was also partially reduced.  相似文献   

Bovine liver phosphatidylcholine transfer protein (PC-TP) has been expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity from the cytosol fraction at a yield of 0.45 mg PC-TP per 10 mg total cytosolic protein. In addition, active PC-TP was obtained from inclusion bodies. An essential factor in the activation of PC-TP was phosphatidylcholine (PC) present in the folding buffer. PC-TP from the cytosol contains phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidylglycerol (PG) with a preference for the di-monounsaturated species over the saturated species as determined by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry (FAB-MS). By incubation with microsomal membranes the endogenous PE and PG were replaced by PC. Relative to the microsomal PC species composition, PC-TP bound preferentially C16:0/C20:4-PC and C16:0/C18:2-PC (twofold enriched) whereas the major microsomal species C18:0/C18:1-PC and C18:0/C18:2-PC were distinctly less bound. PC-TP is structurally homologous to the lipid-binding domain of the steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (Nat. Struct. Biol. 7 (2000) 408). Replacement of Lys(55) present in one of the beta-strands forming the lipid-binding site, with an isoleucine residue yielded an inactive protein. This suggests that Lys(55) be involved in the binding of the PC molecule.  相似文献   

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