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Mares are generally inseminated with 500 million progressively motile fresh sperm and approximately 1 billion total sperms that have been cooled or frozen. Development of techniques for low dose insemination would allow one to increase the number of mares that could be bred, utilize stallions with poor semen quality, extend the use of frozen semen, breed mares with sexed semen and perhaps reduce the incidence of post-breeding endometritis. Three low dose insemination techniques that have been reported include: surgical oviductal insemination, deep uterine insemination and hysteroscopic insemination.Insemination techniques: McCue et al. [J. Reprod. Fert. 56 (Suppl.) (2000) 499] reported a 21% pregnancy rate for mares inseminated with 50,000 sperms into the fimbria of the oviduct.Two methods have been reported for deep uterine insemination. In the study of Buchanan et al. [Theriogenology 53 (2000) 1333], a flexible catheter was inserted into the uterine horn ipsilateral to the corpus luteum. The position of the catheter was verified by ultrasound. Insemination of 25 million or 5 million spermatozoa resulted in pregnancy rates of 53 and 35%, respectively. Rigby et al. [Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Stallion Reproduction (2001) 49] reported a pregnancy rate of 50% with deep uterine insemination. In their experiment, the flexible catheter was guided into position by rectal manipulation.More studies have reported the results of using hysteroscopic insemination. With this technique, a low number of spermatozoa are placed into or on the uterotubal junction. Manning et al. [Proc. Ann. Mtg. Soc. Theriogenol. (1998) 84] reported a 22% pregnancy rate when 1 million spermatozoa were inserted into the oviduct via the uterotubal junction. Vazquez et al. [Proc. Ann. Mtg. Soc. Theriogenol. (1998) 82] reported a 33% pregnancy rate when 3.8 million spermatozoa were placed on the uterotubal junction. Recently, Morris et al. [J. Reprod. Fert. 188 (2000) 95] utilized the hysteroscopic insemination technique to deposit various numbers of spermatozoa on the uterotubal junction. They reported pregnancy rates of 29, 64, 75 and 60% when 0.5, 1, 5 and 10 million spermatozoa, respectively, were placed on the uterotubal junction.Insemination of sex-sorted spermatozoa: One of the major reasons for low dose insemination is insemination of X- or Y-chromosome-bearing sperm. Through the use of flow cytometry, spermatozoa can be accurately separated into X- or Y-bearing chromosomes. Unfortunately, only 15 million sperms can be sorted per hour. At that rate, it would take several days to sort an insemination dose containing 800 million to 1 billion spermatozoa. Thus, low dose insemination is essential for utilization of sexed sperm. Lindsey [Hysteroscopic insemination with low numbers of fresh and cryopreserved flow-sorted stallion spermatozoa, M.S. Thesis, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA, 2000] utilized either deep uterine insemination or hysteroscopic insemination to compare pregnancy rates of mares inseminated with sorted, fresh stallion sperm to those inseminated with non-sorted, fresh stallion sperm. Hysteroscopic insemination resulted in more pregnancies than ultrasound-guided deep uterine insemination. Pregnancy rate was similar for mares bred with either non-sorted or sex-sorted spermatozoa.In a subsequent study, Lindsey et al. [Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Equine Embryo Transfer (2000) 13] determined if insemination of flow-sorted spermatozoa adversely affected pregnancy rates and whether freezing sex-sorted spermatozoa would result in pregnancies. Mares were assigned to one of four groups: group 1 was inseminated with 5 million non-sorted sperms using hysteroscopic insemination; group 2 was inseminated with 5 million sex-sorted sperms using hysteroscopic insemination; group 3 was inseminated with non-sorted, frozen-thawed sperm; and group 4 was inseminated with sex-sorted frozen sperm. Pregnancy rates were similar for mares inseminated with non-sorted fresh sperm, sex-sorted fresh sperm and non-sorted frozen sperm (40, 37.5 and 37.5%, respectively). Pregnancy rates were reduced dramatically for those inseminated with sex-sorted, frozen-thawed sperm (2 out of 15, 13%). These studies demonstrated that hysteroscopic insemination is a practical and useful technique for obtaining pregnancies with low numbers of fresh spermatozoa or low numbers of frozen-thawed spermatozoa. Further studies are needed to determine if this technique can be used to obtain pregnancies from stallions with poor semen quality. In addition, further studies are needed to develop techniques of freezing sex-sorted spermatozoa.  相似文献   

Different insemination doses have been used for artificial insemination(AI) in horses. Since the insemination dose can affect the pregnancy rate, it is important to ensure that an adequate dose be used regardless of the type of inseminationprotocol used. The aim of this study was to find out if it is possible to decrease the insemination dose from 500 x 10(6) progressively motile spermatozoa to 300 x 10(6) progressively motile spermatozoa and still maintain an acceptable pregnancy rate when using extended fresh semen. Thirteen stallions of known fertility and a well-defined group of 64 mares were used in the study. The mares were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 insemination groups. Examination for pregnancy was performed by ultrasonography per rectum approximately 16 d after the last insemination. When using an insemination dose of 300 x 10(6) progressively motile spermatozoa the pregnancy rate per cycle was 75%. With an insemination dose of 500 x 10(6) progressively motile spermatozoa the pregnancy rate per cycle was 64%. There was no significant difference in the pregnancy rate between the 2 insemination doses (P = 0.341). We conclude that when using fresh extended semen it is unlikely that an insemination dose of 300 x 10(6) progressively motile spermatozoa would yield a lower pregnancy rate than a dose of 500 x 10(6) progressively motile spermatozoa if stallions with good quality semen are selected.  相似文献   

The objective was to evaluate the effects of timing of insemination and type of semen in cattle subjected to timed artificial insemination (TAI). In Experiment 1, 420 cyclic Jersey heifers were bred at either 54 or 60 h after P4-device removal, using either sex-sorted (2.1 × 106 sperm/straw) or non-sorted sperm (20 × 106 sperm/straw) from three sires (2 × 2 factorial design). There was an interaction (P = 0.06) between time of AI and type of semen on pregnancy per AI (P/AI, at 30 to 42 d after TAI); it was greater when sex-sorted sperm (P < 0.01) was used at 60 h (31.4%; 32/102) than at 54 h (16.2%; 17/105). In contrast, altering the timing of AI did not affect conception results with non-sorted sperm (54 h = 50.5%; 51/101 versus 60 h = 51.8%; 58/112; P = 0.95). There was an effect of sire (P < 0.01) on P/AI, but no interaction between sire and time of AI (P = 0.88). In Experiment 2, 389 suckled Bos indicus beef cows were enrolled in the same treatment groups used in Experiment 1. Sex-sorted sperm resulted in lower P/AI (41.8%; 82/196; P = 0.05) than non-sorted sperm (51.8%; 100/193). In addition, there was a tendency for greater P/AI (P = 0.11) when TAI was performed 60 h (50.8%; 99/195) versus 54 h (42.8%; 83/194) after removing the progestin implant. In Experiment 3, 339 suckled B. indicus cows were randomly assigned to receive TAI with sex-sorted sperm at 36, 48, or 60 h after P4 device removal. Ultrasonographic examinations were performed twice daily in all cows to confirm ovulation. On average, ovulation occured 71.8 ± 7.8 h after P4 removal, and greater P/AI was achieved when insemination was performed closer to ovulation. The P/AI was greatest (37.9%) for TAI performed between 0 and 12 h before ovulation, whereas P/AI was significantly less for TAI performed between 12.1 and 24 h (19.4%) or >24 h (5.8%) before ovulation. In conclusion, sex-sorted sperm resulted in a lesser P/AI than non-sorted sperm following TAI. However, improvements in P/AI with delayed time of AI were possible (Experiments 1 and 3), and seemed achievable when breeding at 60 h following progestin implant removal, compared to the standard 54 h normally used in TAI protocols.  相似文献   

The objective was to compare the reproductive performance of a new PGF-based timed artificial insemination (TAI) protocol in sheep (Synchrovine®: two doses of PGF, 7 d apart) to a traditional progesterone-eCG (P4-eCG) protocol, considering the effects of seminal state, AI-times, and AI-pathway. Three experiments involving 1297 multiparous Australian Merino ewes were done during the physiologic breeding season (location 32 °S-57 °W). Reproductive performance was assessed as non-return rate to service 21 d after AI (NRR21d), based on detection with androgenized wethers, as well as Fertility (pregnant/inseminated ewes), Prolificacy (fetuses/pregnant ewe), and Fecundity (fetuses/inseminated ewe), which were based on transabdominal ultrasonography 50 d after TAI. In Experiment 1, Synchrovine® treated ewes TAI cervically with fresh semen at 42, 48, or 54 h had similar NRR21d (0.51, 0.46, 0.57), Fertility (0.27, 0.31, 0.26), and Fecundity (0.29, 0.32, 0.27), all of which were lower (P < 0.05) than in a control P4-eCG group inseminated at 54 h (0.61, 0.48, 0.52, NRR21d, Fertility and Fecundity respectively). In Experiment 2, using chilled semen and cervical TAI, Synchrovine® treated ewes inseminated at 42 h yielded lower (P < 0.05) NRR21d, Fertility and Fecundity (0.28, 0.06, 0.06) compared to 48 (0.43, 0.24, 0.24) and 54 h (0.44, 0.22, 0.23). In Experiment 3 with chilled semen, Synchrovine® treated ewes TAI into the cervix at 51 or 57 h were similar in NRR21d (0.16 vs 0.20), Fertility (0.12 vs 0.14), and Fecundity (0.12 vs 0.15), respectively; but lower (P < 0.05) than P4-eCG treated ewes TAI at 54 h (0.34, 0.28, and 0.33 for NRR21d, Fertility and Fecundity respectively). Synchrovine® treated ewes intrauterine TAI at 51 or 57 h yielded similar NRR21d (0.51 vs 0.58), Fertility (0.43 vs 0.51), and Fecundity (0.45 vs 0.56) respectively, but lower (P < 0.05) results compared to P4-eCG treated ewes (0.75, 0.71, and 0.88 for NRR21d, Fertility and Fecundity respectively). In conclusion, AI-time in Synchrovine® treated ewes with fresh semen might be extended (42 to 54 h after the second PGF), but should be delayed to 48-54 h with chilled semen and cervical AI. Independent of the seminal state, AI-time or AI-pathway, Synchrovine® yielded lower reproductive results than a conventional P4-eCG protocol.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of different artificial insemination (AI) regimes on the pregnancy rate in mares inseminated with either cooled or frozen-thawed semen. In essence, the influence of three different factors on fertility was examined; namely the number of inseminations per oestrus, the time interval between inseminations within an oestrus, and the proximity of insemination to ovulation. In the first experiment, 401 warmblood mares were inseminated one to three times in an oestrus with either cooled (500 x 10(6) progressively motile spermatozoa, stored at +5 degrees C for 2-4 h) or frozen-thawed (800 x 10(6) spermatozoa, of which > or =35% were progressively motile post-thaw) semen from fertile Hanoverian stallions, beginning -24, -12, 0, 12, 24 or 36 h after human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) administration. Mares were injected intravenously with 1500 IU hCG when they were in oestrus and had a pre-ovulatory follicle > or =40mm in diameter. Experiment 2 was a retrospective analysis of the breeding records of 2,637 mares inseminated in a total of 5,305 oestrous cycles during the 1999 breeding season. In Experiment 1, follicle development was monitored by transrectal ultrasonographic examination of the ovaries every 12 h until ovulation, and pregnancy detection was performed sonographically 16-18 days after ovulation. In Experiment 2, insemination data were analysed with respect to the number of live foals registered the following year. In Experiment 1, ovulation occurred within 48 h of hCG administration in 97.5% (391/401) of mares and the interval between hCG treatment and ovulation was significantly shorter in the second half of the breeding season (May-July) than in the first (March-April, P< or =0.05). Mares inseminated with cooled stallion semen once during an oestrus had pregnancy rates comparable to those attained in mares inseminated on two (48/85, 56.5%) or three (20/28, 71.4%) occasions at 24 h intervals, as long as insemination was performed between 24 h before and 12 h after ovulation (78/140, 55.7%). Similarly, a single frozen-thawed semen insemination between 12 h before (31/75, 41.3%) and 12 h after (24/48, 50%) ovulation produced similar pregnancy rates to those attained when mares were inseminated either two (31/62, 50%) or three (3/9, 33.3%) times at 24 h intervals.In the retrospective study (Experiment 2), mares inseminated with cooled semen only once per cycle had significantly lower per cycle foaling rates (507/1622, 31.2%) than mares inseminated two (791/1905, 41.5%), three (464/1064, 43.6%) or > or =4 times (314/714, 43.9%) in an oestrus (P< or =0.001). In addition, there was a tendency for per cycle foaling rates to increase when mares were inseminated daily (619/1374, 45.5%) rather than every other day (836/2004, 42.1%, P = 0.054) until ovulation.It is concluded that under conditions of frequent veterinary examination, a single insemination per cycle produces pregnancy rates as good as multiple insemination, as long as it is performed between 24 h before and 12 h after AI for cooled semen, or 12 h before and 12 h after AI for frozen-thawed semen. If frequent scanning is not possible, fertility appears to be optimised by repeating AI on a daily basis.  相似文献   

Güvenc K  Reilas T  Katila T 《Theriogenology》2005,63(9):2504-2512
It is unclear whether AI of mares deep into the uterine horn causes more or less inflammation of the endometrium than conventional AI. Thus, we compared uterine inflammatory reactions of mares inseminated with two different doses of frozen-thawed semen into the tip of the uterine horn (UH) ipsilateral to the preovulatory follicle with those of mares inseminated into the uterine body (UB). Thirty-two mares were assigned to one of four groups (eight mares/group): UB20=AI into UB, 20 x 10(6)sperm/0.5 mL; UB200=AI into UB, 200 x 10(6)sperm/0.5 mL; UH20=AI into UH, 20 x 10(6)sperm/0.5 mL; UH200=AI into UH, 200 x 10(6)sperm/0.5 mL, and inseminated 24 h after hCG administration. Before and 24 h after AI, they were examined with ultrasonography for the presence of intrauterine fluid. At 24 h, uterine fluid samples were obtained first by absorbing fluid into a tampon and then by uterine lavage. Uterine fluid was examined for polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) and bacteriology, and frozen for lysozyme and TIC (trypsin-inhibitor capacity) assays. Only three mares conceived, one in each of the following groups: UB200, UH20, and UH200. Mares in the UH20 group accumulated less intrauterine fluid (p<0.05) than those in the other groups, which had similar amounts. No significant differences in PMN numbers were detected in either tampon or lavage fluid. Enzyme levels between groups did not differ statistically, except for TIC, which was lowest in the UH200 group. Thus, deep uterine horn AI caused no greater inflammation or irritation than uterine body AI in normal mares 24 h after insemination.  相似文献   

It has recently been reported that large insemination volumes might affect fertility of mares. The results from these studies are confounded by other factors, however, such as inadequate number of spermatozoa in the inseminate. We conducted a study to test whether volume alone affects fertility when sufficient numbers of spermatozoa are present. Semen from one stallion was collected, extended at 50 x 10(6) spermatozoa/ml, and stored in a commercial semen cooling device for 18 to 30 h before insemination. Ten pony mares were assigned during estrus in random pairs to be bred every other day with either 30 or 120 ml of extended cooled semen. Pregnancy was diagnosed by ultrasonography per rectum on Days 11, 12 and 13 after ovulation. On Day 13, the mares were given a luteolytic dose (5 mg) of PGF(2alpha). On the subsequent cycle, the mares were given the alternate treatment. The pregnancy rates in the 30- and 120-ml insemination volume groups were 7 9 and 10 10 , respectively; this difference was not significant (P=0.2). Embryonic growth from Day 11 to Day 13 was not different (P>0.05) between groups. We conclude that insemination volumes as large as 120 ml have no adverse effect on fertility.  相似文献   

Sieme H  Bonk A  Hamann H  Klug E  Katila T 《Theriogenology》2004,62(5):915-928
The effects of different artificial insemination (AI) techniques and sperm doses on pregnancy rates of normal Hanoverian breed mares and mares with a history of barrenness or pregnancy failure using fresh or frozen-thawed sperm were investigated. The material included 187 normal mares (148 foaling and 39 young maiden mares) and 85 problem mares with abnormal reproductive history. Mares were randomly allotted into groups with respect to AI technique (routine AI into the uterine body, transrectally controlled deep intracornual AI ipsilateral to the preovulatory follicle, or hysteroscopic AI onto the uterotubal junction ipsilateral to the preovulatory follicle), storage method of semen (fresh, frozen-thawed), AI volume (0.5, 2, 12 ml), and sperm dose (50 x 10(6) or 300 x 10(6) progressively motile sperm (pms) for fresh semen and 100 or 800 x 10(6) frozen-thawed sperm with >35% post-thaw motility). The mares were inseminated once per cycle, 24 h after hCG administration when fresh semen was used, or 30 h for frozen-thawed semen. Differences in pregnancy rates between treatment groups were analyzed by Chi-squared test, and for most relevant factors (insemination technique, mare, semen, and stallion) expectation values and confidence intervals were calculated using multivariate logistic models. Neither insemination technique, volume, sperm dose, nor mare or stallion had significant effects (P > 0.05) on fertility. Type of semen, breeding mares during foal heat, and an interaction between insemination technique, semen parameters, and mares did have significant effects (P < 0.05). In problem mares, frozen semen AI yielded significantly lower pregnancy rates than fresh semen AI (16/43, 37.2% versus 25/42, 59.5%), but this was not the case in normal mares. In normal mares, hysteroscopic AI with fresh semen gave significantly (P < 0.05) better pregnancy rates than uterine body AI (27/38, 71% versus 18/38, 47.3%), whereas in problem mares this resulted in significantly lower pregnancy rates than uterine body AI (5/15, 33.3% versus 16/19, 84.2%). Our results demonstrate that for problem mares, conventional insemination into the uterine body appears to be superior to hysteroscopic insemination and in normal mares, the highest pregnancy rates can be expected by hysteroscopic insemination.  相似文献   

The estrus — ovulation time relationships was examined in Romney ewes treated with progestogen (intravaginal sponge) and gonadotropins (PMSG + HCG or PMSG alone) prior to (January) and during (April) the breeding season. The conception rate of ewes inseminated at predetermined times after treatment was also investigated.Ewes exhibited estrus sooner after sponge removal in April than in January (34.9 v 38.9 hrs, P < 0.001). The interval from sponge removal to ovulation was also shorter in April than in January (56.3 – 62.1 hrs, P < 0.01). There were no significant differences between treatments or season on the mean interval from estrus to ovulation. Types of gonadotropin treatment had no effect on the estrus — ovulation time relationships. There were no significant effects of season, hormone treatment or time of insemination on lambing rate.  相似文献   

We wished to compare the effect of summer heat stress on pregnancy rate in cows that were inseminated at a set interval associated with a synchronized ovulation vs those inseminated upon routine estrus detection. The study was carried out on a commercial dairy farm in Florida from May to September 1995. Lactating dairy cows were given PGF2 alpha (25 mg i.m.) at 30 + 3 d postpartum and randomly assigned to be inseminated at a set time (Timed group) or when estrus was detected (Control group). Cows in the Timed group were synchronized by sequential administration of Buserelin (8 micrograms i.m.) on Day 0 at 1600 h, PGF2 alpha (25 mg i.m.) on Day 7 at 1600 h and Buserelin (8 micrograms i.m.) on Day 9 at 1600 h. They were inseminated on Day 10 between 0800 and 0900 h (Day 9 + 16 h). Cows in the Control group were given PGF2 alpha at 57 + 3 d postpartum and inseminated when detected in estrus. Estrus detection or insemination rate for control insemination cows was 18.1 +/- 2.5% versus 100% for time inseminated cows (P < 0.01). Mean interval from PGF2 alpha to insemination was shorter for time inseminated cows (3 +/- 2.1 d < 35.5 +/- 1.9 d; P < 0.01). Pregnancy rate was greater for time inseminated cows (13.9 +/- 2.6 > 4.8 +/- 2.5%; P < 0.01) as was overall pregnancy rate by 120 d postpartum (27.0 +/- 3.6 > 16.5 +/- 3.5%; P < 0.05). Number of days open for cows conceiving by 120 d postpartum was less for time inseminated cows (77.6 +/- 3.8 < 90.0 +/- 4.2 d; P < 0.05), as was interval to first service (58.7 +/- 2.1 < 91.0 +/- 1.9 d; P < 0.01). Services per conception were greater for time inseminated cows (1.63 +/- 0.10 > 1.27 +/- 0.11; P < 0.05). The timed insemination program did improve group reproductive performance. However, the timed insemination program will not protect the embryo from temperature-induced embryonic mortality, but management limitations induced by heat stress on estrus detection are eliminated. An economical evaluation of the timed insemination program indicates an increase in net revenue per cow with implementation of timed insemination for first service during the summer months.  相似文献   

The most probable reason for persistent postbreeding endometritis in mares is weak myometrial contractility. The influence of oxytocin (OT; an ecbolic agent) and flunixin meglumine (FLU; a prostaglandin inhibitor serving as a model for mares with decreased uterine contractility) on uterine response to artificial insemination (AI) was studied in mares with no history of reproductive failure. The mares were treated intravenously with 10 mL saline (Group C, n = 10) or 0.01 IU/kg OT (Group OT, n = 10) 2, 4, 8, and 25 h after AI. Group FLU (n = 11) was treated with 1.1 mg/kg FLU 2 h after AI and with saline thereafter. The mares received the same treatments in the first and third cycles but were sampled either at 8 or 25 h. The amount of intrauterine fluid (IUF) and edema and the number of uterine contractions were recorded before AI and 10 min after the treatments using transrectal ultrasonography. At 8 h after AI, the mares were treated with human chorionic gonadotropin, and, after 8-h or 25-h scans, a 500-mL uterine lavage and a biopsy were performed. Ovulation was confirmed at 48 h and pregnancy 14 to 17 d after AI. No manipulations were done during the second estrus. At 8 h after AI, Group FLU had more polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) in the uterine lavage fluid than did Group OT (P < 0.05), but uterine contractions did not differ significantly. At 25 h, the PMN concentrations were low in all groups. Group OT rarely showed IUF. The uterine biopsy specimens of Group FLU showed less inflammation of the stroma but more PMNs in the uterine lumen 8 h after AI than that of the control group (P < 0.05). The pregnancy rates did not differ between the groups (63% C, 53% OT, and 50% FLU). Oxytocin rapidly and effectively removed IUF and PMNs after AI and thereby shortened the duration of postbreeding inflammation.  相似文献   

An artificial insemination dose for mares consisting of 500 million progressively motile spermatozoa is considered "standard" by most clinicians. However, little information is available directly comparing pregnancy outcome among methods of evaluating and selecting spermatozoa for insemination. The objective of this study was to determine if the method of spermatozoal evaluation and selection influences fertility as measured by pregnancy outcome. Mares were inseminated with 100 or 500 million spermatozoa that were selected for progressive motility, normal morphology, hypoosmotic swelling or absolute number regardless for evaluation method or quality. Thirty-two breeding cycles were tested for each treatment group and at each spermatozoal dose. Pregnancy outcomes were 44 and 41%, 55 and 41%, 39 and 31%, and 45 and 41%, for the 100 and 500 million progressively motile, morphologically normal, hypoosmotic swelling positive and absolute number treatment groups, respectively. Pregnancy outcome did not differ among methods of spermatozoal evaluation and selection for artificial insemination in the 100 (P=0.52) or 500 (P=0.78) million spermatozoa groups. Also the total number of spermatozoa and the absolute number of progressively motile, morphologically normal or hypoosmotic swelling positive spermatozoa inseminated, were not closely associated with pregnancy outcome in the 100 (P=0.24, 0.29, 0.33 and 0.38, respectively) or 500 (P=0.20, 0.84, 0.50 and 0.74, respectively) million spermatozoa groups. In this study, we found that the method of spermatozoal evaluation did not offer an advantage for pregnancy when used to select spermatozoa for insemination at the doses tested. These results were surprising, as we expected there would be differences among the evaluation methods. Instead, we found that evaluating spermatozoa offered no advantage for pregnancy over simply inseminating with a specified number of spermatozoa not selected for any particular characteristic under the conditions of our experiment.  相似文献   

Three trials utilizing 231 beef heifers were conducted in 1993 to determine if a timed insemination would result in similar synchronized pregnancy rates as insemination by estrus following synchronization of estrus using the 14-d MGA-prostaglandin system. All heifers were fed 0.5 mg MGA/h/d fof 14 d and given a 25 mg injection of PGF(2)alpha im 17 d after the final day of MGA feeding. Heifers in Group 1 (timed AI treatment) were inseminated at 72 h after the prostaglandin injection independent of whether or not they were observed in estrus. Heifers in Group 2 (AI by estrus) were inseminated 12 to 18 h after the onset of estrus. Since the trial was a significant source of variation for synchronized pregnancy rate, the effect of treatment on pregnancy rate was analyzed for each trial. Synchronized pregnancy rates in Trials 2 and 3 were similar in both treatment groups; 37 vs 35% and 61 vs 58% for the timed AI vs AI by estrus (Groups 1 and 2) in Trials 2 and 3, respectively. In both of these trials the degree of estrous synchrony was high. In Trial 1, the synchronized pregnancy rate in heifers that were time-inseminated was significantly lower than that of heifers that were inseminated by estrus (29 vs 57%). The lower synchronized pregnancy rate of Group 1 (timed AI) heifers in Trial 1 appeared to be due to the low degree of estrous synchrony in this trial. Our results indicate that using timed insemination with the 14-d MGA-prostaglandin system will give similar synchronized pregnancy rates as inseminating by estrus in groups of beef heifers where the degree of synchrony is high. However, in heifers where the degree of estrous synchrony is low, a timed insemination reduces synchronized pregnancy rates.  相似文献   

Schoppa NE 《Neuron》2006,49(2):271-283
Synchronized oscillatory activity at the gamma frequency (30-70 Hz) is thought to be important for information processing in many sensory systems. Here, I used patch-clamp recordings in neuron pairs in rat olfactory bulb slices to assess the mechanisms underlying such "gamma" activity in the olfactory system. Patterned electrical stimulation of afferents that mimicked a natural odor stimulus elicited rapidly synchronized spikes (lag < or = 5 ms) in mitral cells, along with oscillatory activity at the gamma (approximately 50 Hz) frequency. Analysis of coupling potentials, combined with dendritic sectioning, indicated that mitral cell synchrony was mainly driven by inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) imposed by GABAergic granule cells. Recordings in granule cell pairs indicated that granule cells were themselves synchronized by their excitatory inputs from mitral cells, providing a means to coordinate GABA release. These results demonstrate that rapid synchrony can emerge in a network through the precise back-and-forth interplay between neuronal populations.  相似文献   

The objective was to improve the reproductive performance of a prostaglandin (PG) F-based protocol for timed artificial insemination (TAI) in sheep (Synchrovine®: two doses of 160 μg of delprostenate 7 d apart, with TAI 42 h after second dose). Three experiments were performed: Experiment 1) two doses of a PGF analogue (delprostenate 80 or 160 μg) given 7 d apart; Experiment 2) two PGF treatment intervals (7 or 8 d apart) and two times of TAI (42 or 48 h); and Experiment 3) insemination 12 h after estrus detection or TAI with concurrent GnRH. Experiments involved 1131 ewes that received cervical insemination with fresh semen during the breeding season (32/34 °S–58 °W). Estrous behaviour, conception rate, prolificacy, and fecundity (ultrasonography 30–40 d), were assessed. In Experiment 1, ewes showing estrus between 25 and 48 h or at 72 h after the second PGF did not differ between 80 and 160 μg of delprostenate (73 vs 86%, P = 0.07; and 92 vs 95%, P = NS, respectively). Conception rate and fecundity were lower (P < 0.05) using 80 vs 160 μg (0.24 vs 0.42, and 0.27 vs 0.47, respectively). In Experiment 2, giving PGF 7 d apart resulted in higher (P < 0.05) rates of conception (0.45 and 0.51) and fecundity (0.49 and 0.53) than treatments 8 d apart (conception: 0.33 and 0.29; fecundity: 0.33 and 0.34) for TAI at 42 and 48 h, respectively. In Experiment 3, rates of conception, prolificacy and fecundity were similar (NS) between Synchrovine® with TAI at 42 h (0.50, 1.13, and 0.56) and AI 12 h after estrus detection (0.47, 1.18, and 0.55), and Synchrovine® plus GnRH at TAI (0.38, 1.28, and 0.49). However, all TAI treatments had lower (P < 0.05) prolificacy and fecundity compared to AI following detection of spontaneous estrus (1.39 and 0.83, respectively). In conclusion, the Synchrovine® protocol was: a) more successful using 160 vs 80 μg delprostenate; b) more successful with a 7 d than 8 d PGF interval; c) similarly effective for TAI versus AI 12 h after estrus detection; and d) not improved by giving GnRH at TAI.  相似文献   

The objective was to evaluate the effect of estrus occurrence (based on removal of tail-head marks) on ovarian responses and pregnancy per AI (P/AI; 30 d after AI) in suckled Bos indicus beef cows submitted to timed AI (TAI) protocols. Cows received an intravaginal device containing 1.0 g progesterone, and 2.0 mg estradiol benzoate im; 8 d later, the intravaginal device was removed, and they were given PGF (0.25 mg of cloprostenol sodium) and 300 IU of eCG, with TAI 48 to 52 h later. In Experiment 1, cows were assigned to receive one of three treatments: 1 mg of estradiol cypionate (ECP) im at progesterone (P4) device removal (N = 178); 10 μg of GnRH im at TAI (N = 190); or both treatments (N = 172). In cows given estradiol (ECP or ECP + GnRH), more displayed estrus (P = 0.002) and became pregnant (P < 0.0001) compared with those receiving only GnRH. In Experiment 2, the effect of the occurrence of estrus on ovarian responses was evaluated in cows (N = 53) synchronized using ECP at device removal. Cows that displayed estrus had a greater diameter of the largest follicle (LF) at device removal (P < 0.0001), a greater diameter at TAI (P < 0.0001), a greater ovulation rate (P = 0.02), a larger CL (P = 0.02), and a greater P4 concentration (P < 0.0001) than cows that did not display estrus. In Experiment 3, the effect of GnRH treatment on P/AI at TAI was evaluated in cows that received ECP at device removal, and either displayed, or did not display, estrus (N = 726). There was no estrus by GnRH interaction (P = 0.22); the P/AI was greater (P < 0.0001) in cows that displayed estrus (61.9%) than cows that did not display estrus (41.4%). However, GnRH did not improve (P = 0.81) P/AI (GnRH = 53.7% vs. no GnRH = 52.6%). In conclusion, exogenous estradiol at device removal increased both the proportion of suckled Bos indicus cows that displayed estrus and P/AI. Cows that displayed estrus had better ovarian responses (i.e., larger follicles at TAI, a greater ovulation rate, larger CL, and greater P4 concentrations) following an estradiol/P4-based synchronization protocol. Although occurrence of estrus improved pregnancy outcomes, GnRH at TAI did not improve P/AI in suckled Bos indicus cows treated with ECP, regardless of estrus occurrence.  相似文献   

Mares were inseminated with motile spermatozoa suspended in 30-150 microliters Tyrode's medium directly onto the uterotubal papilla at the anterior tip of the uterine horn, ipsilateral to the ovary containing a dominant preovulatory follicle of > or = 35 mm in diameter, by means of a fine gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) catheter passed through the working channel of a strobed light videoendoscope. Insemination of 10, 8, 25, 14, 11 and 10 mares with, respectively, 10.0, 5.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.1 or 0.001 x 10(6) motile spermatozoa resulted in conception rates of, respectively, 60, 75, 64, 29, 22 and 10%. Deposition of 1.0 x 10(6) motile spermatozoa onto the uterotubal papilla began to approach the limit of successful fertilization. These doses are far lower than the 3-15 x 10(9) spermatozoa normally ejaculated by fertile stallions during mating, and the accepted minimum dose of 500 x 10(6) spermatozoa used for conventional uterine body insemination in mares. The simplicity of the technique offers a practical means of exploiting new breeding technologies that require very small numbers of spermatozoa in horse breeding.  相似文献   

Ninety five mares were inseminated with frozen semen either within 12 h before ovulation or within 8 h after ovulation. The effect of preovulatory versus postovulatory insemination (AI) on the subsequent detection of uterine fluid was studied. The overall pregnancy rate was 43% and this was not significantly influenced by preovulatory or postovulatory insemination. When mares were first examined 12 h after AI, 18 of 52 mares (35%) had accumulated uterine fluid. However, when mares were first examined 18 to 24 h after AI, only 6 of 43 mares (14%) had uterine fluid. Presence of intrauterine fluid significantly lowered pregnancy rates. Timing of insemination did not affect incidence of uterine fluid. Serum concentrations of estrogen and progesterone at time of insemination did not influence uterine clearance or pregnancy rates, but both hormones were higher at preovulatory than at postovulatory inseminations. We concluded that there was no evidence that postovulatory inseminations would predispose mares to persistence of uterine fluid after AI.  相似文献   

In this study, we tested the hypothesis that insemination of mares with twice the recommended dose of cooled semen (2 x 10(9) spermatozoa) would result in higher pregnancy rates than insemination with a single dose (1 x 10(9) spermatozoa) or with 1 x 10(9) spermatozoa on each of 2 consecutive days. A total of 83 cycles from 61 mares was used. Mares were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatment groups when a 40-mm follicle was detected by palpation and ultrasonography. Mares in Group 1 were inseminated with 1 x 10(9) progressively motile spermatozoa that had been cooled in a passive cooling unit to 5 degrees C and stored for 24 h. A second aliquot of semen from the same collection was stored for an additional 24 h and inseminated at 48 h after collection. Mares in Group 2 were inseminated once with 1 x 10(9) progressively motile spermatozoa that had been cooled to 5 degrees C and stored for 24 h. Group 3 mares were inseminated once with 2 x 10(9) progressively motile spermatozoa that had been cooled to 5 degrees C and stored for 24 h. All mares were given 2500 IU i.v. hCG at the first insemination. Pregnancy was determined by ultrasonography 12, 14 and 16 d after ovulation. On Day 16, mares were administered i.m. 10 mg of PGF2 alpha and, upon returning to estrus, were randomly reassigned to a group for repeated treatment. Semen was collected from one of 3 stallions every 3 d; mares with a 40-mm ovarian follicle were inseminated with semen from the stallion collected on the preceding day. Semen was allocated into doses containing 1 x 10(9) progressively motile spermatozoa, diluted with dried skim milk-glucose extender to a concentration of 25 x 10(6) motile spermatozoa/ml (total volume 40 ml), placed in a passive cooling unit and cooled to 5 degrees C for 24 or 48 h. Response was measured by number of mares showing pregnancy. Data were analyzed by Chi square. Mares inseminated twice with 1 x 10(9) progressively motile spermatozoa on each of two consecutive days had a higher pregnancy rate (16/25, 64%; P < 0.05) than mares inseminated once with 1 x 10(9) progressively motile spermatozoa (9/29, 31%) or those inseminated once with 2 x 10(9) progressively motile spermatozoa (12/29, 41%). Pregnancy rates did not differ significantly (P > 0.10) among stallions (69, 34 and 32%). Interval from last insemination to ovulation was 0.9, 2.0 and 2.0 d for mares in Groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Based on these results, the optimal insemination regimen is a dose of 1 x 10(9) progressively motile spermatozoa given on two consecutive days. However, a shorter interval (< or = 24 h rather than > 0.9 d) between insemination and ovulation may affect pregnancy rates, and needs to be investigated.  相似文献   

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