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A whole-genome duplication in the ray-finned fish lineage has been supported by the analyses of the genome sequence of the Japanese pufferfish, Fugu rubripes. Recently, genome sequence of a second teleost fish, the freshwater pufferfish, Tetraodon nigroviridis, was completed. Comparisons of long-range synteny between the Tetraodon and human genomes provided additional evidence for the whole-genome duplication in the ray-finned fish lineage. In the present study, we conducted phylogenetic analysis of the Tetraodon and human proteins to identify ray-finned fish lineage-specific (‘fish-specific’) duplicate genes in the Tetraodon genome. Our analyses provide evidence for 1087 well defined fish-specific duplicate genes in Tetraodon. We also analyzed the Fugu proteome that was predicted in the recent Fugu genome assembly, and identified 346 duplicate genes in addition to the 425 duplicates previously identified. We estimated the ages of duplicate genes using the molecular clock. The ages of duplicate genes in the two pufferfishes independently support a large-scale gene duplication around 380–400 Myr ago. In addition, a burst of recent gene duplications was evident in the Tetraodon lineage. These findings provide further evidence for a whole-genome duplication early in the evolution of ray-finned fishes, and suggest that independent gene duplications have occurred recently in the Tetraodon lineage.  相似文献   

It is now clear that a whole-genome duplication (WGD) occurred at the base of the teleost fish lineage. Like the other anciently polyploid genomes investigated so far, teleost genomes now behave like diploids with chromosomes forming pairs at meiosis. The diploidization process is currently poorly understood. It is associated with many gene deletions, such that one of the duplicates is lost at most loci and has also been proposed to coincide with an increase in genomic instability. Here we ask whether WGD is a determinant of the genomic rearrangement rate in teleosts. We study variability of the rates of rearrangement along a vertebrate phylogenetic tree, composed of 3 tetrapods (human, chicken, and mouse) and 3 teleost fishes (zebrafish, Tetraodon, and Takifugu), whose complete genome sequences are available. We devise a simple parsimony method for counting rearrangements, which takes into account various methodological complications caused by the WGD and the subsequent gene losses. We show that there does appear to be an increase in rearrangement rate after WGD, but that there is also a great deal of additional variability in rearrangement rates across species.  相似文献   

The genomes of barley and wheat, two of the world's most important crops, are very large and complex due to their high content of repetitive DNA. In order to obtain a whole-genome sequence sample, we performed two runs of 454 (GS20) sequencing on genomic DNA of barley cv. Morex, which yielded approximately 1% of a haploid genome equivalent. Almost 60% of the sequences comprised known transposable element (TE) families, and another 9% represented novel repetitive sequences. We also discovered high amounts of low-complexity DNA and non-genic low-copy DNA. We identified almost 2300 protein coding gene sequences and more than 660 putative conserved non-coding sequences. Comparison of the 454 reads with previously published genomic sequences suggested that TE families are distributed unequally along chromosomes. This was confirmed by in situ hybridizations of selected TEs. A comparison of these data for the barley genome with a large sample of publicly available wheat sequences showed that several TE families that are highly abundant in wheat are absent from the barley genome. This finding implies that the TE composition of their genomes differs dramatically, despite their very similar genome size and their close phylogenetic relationship.  相似文献   

The Sox gene family is found in a broad range of animal taxa and encodes important gene regulatory proteins involved in a variety of developmental processes. We have obtained clones representing the HMG boxes of twelve Sox genes from grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), one of the four major domestic carps in China. The cloned Sox genes belong to group B1, B2 and C. Our analyses show that whereas the human genome contains a single copy of Sox4, Sox11 and Sox14, each of these genes has two co-orthologs in grass carp, and the duplication of Sox4 and Sox11 occurred before the divergence of grass carp and zebrafish, which support the "fish-specific whole-genome duplication" theory. An estimation for the origin of grass carp based on the molecular clock using Sox1, Sox3 and Sox11 genes as markers indicates that grass carp (subfamily Leuciscinae) and zebrafish (subfamily Danioninae) diverged approximately 60 million years ago. The potential uses of Sox genes as markers in revealing the evolutionary history of grass carp are discussed.  相似文献   

Ray‐finned fishes (Actinopterygii) constitute approximately half of all living vertebrate species. A stable hypothesis of relationships among major modern lineages has emerged over the past decade, supported by both anatomy and molecules. Diversity is unevenly partitioned across the actinopterygian tree, with most species concentrated within a handful of geologically young (i.e. Cretaceous) teleost clades. Extant non‐teleost groups are portrayed as ‘living fossils’, but this moniker should not be taken as evidence of especially primitive structure: each of these lineages is characterized by profound specializations. Attribution of fossils to the crowns and apical stems of Cladistia, Chondrostei and Neopterygii is uncontroversial, but placements of Palaeozoic taxa along deeper branches of actinopterygian phylogeny are less secure. Despite these limitations, some major outlines of actinopterygian diversification seem reasonably clear from the fossil record: low richness and disparity in the Devonian; elevated morphological variety, linked to increases in taxonomic dominance, in the early Carboniferous; and further gains in taxonomic dominance in the Early Triassic associated with earliest appearance of trophically diverse crown neopterygians.  相似文献   

The role of whole-genome duplication (WGD) in facilitating shifts into novel biomes remains unknown. Focusing on two diverse woody plant groups in New Zealand, Coprosma (Rubiaceae) and Veronica (Plantaginaceae), we investigate how biome occupancy varies with ploidy level, and test the hypothesis that WGD increases the rate of biome shifting. Ploidy levels and biome occupancy (forest, open and alpine) were determined for indigenous species in both clades. The distribution of low-ploidy (Coprosma: 2x, Veronica: 6x) versus high-ploidy (Coprosma: 4–10x, Veronica: 12–18x) species across biomes was tested statistically. Estimation of the phylogenetic history of biome occupancy and WGD was performed using time-calibrated phylogenies and the R package BioGeoBEARS. Trait-dependent dispersal models were implemented to determine support for an increased rate of biome shifting among high-ploidy lineages. We find support for a greater than random portion of high-ploidy species occupying multiple biomes. We also find strong support for high-ploidy lineages showing a three- to eightfold increase in the rate of biome shifts. These results suggest that WGD promotes ecological expansion into new biomes.  相似文献   

In addition to the nuclear genome, organisms have organelle genomes. Most of the DNA present in eukaryotic organisms is located in the cell nucleus. Chloroplasts have independent genomes which are inherited from the mother. Duplicated genes are common in the genomes of all organisms. It is believed that gene duplication is the most important step for the origin of genetic variation, leading to the creation of new genes and new gene functions. Despite the fact that extensive gene duplications are rare among the chloroplast genome, gene duplication in the chloroplast genome is an essential source of new genetic functions and a mechanism of neo-evolution. The events of gene transfer between the chloroplast genome and nuclear genome via duplication and subsequent recombination are important processes in evolution. The duplicated gene or genome in the nucleus has been the subject of several recent reviews. In this review, we will briefly summarize gene duplication and evolution in the chloroplast genome. Also, we will provide an overview of gene transfer events between chloroplast and nuclear genomes.  相似文献   

Patterns of genome size diversity in the ray-finned fishes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ray-finned fishes make up about half of all vertebrate diversity and are by far the best represented group in the Animal Genome Size Database. However, they have traditionally been the least well investigated among vertebrates in terms of patterns and consequences of genome size diversity. This article synthesizes and expands upon existing information about genome size diversity in ray-finned fishes. Specifically, compiled data from the Animal Genome Size Database and FishBase are used to examine the potential patterns of interspecific genome size variability according to ecology, environment, morphology, growth, physiology, reproduction, longevity, and taxonomic diversity. Polyploidy and haploid genome sizes are considered separately, revealing differences in their respective consequences. This represents the most comprehensive summary of fish genome size diversity presented to date, and highlights areas of particular interest to investigate as more data become available.
T. Ryan GregoryEmail:

Zizania palustris L. (northern wild rice, NWR) is an aquatic grass native to North America that is notable for its nutritious grain. This is an important species with ecological, cultural and agricultural significance, specifically in the Great Lakes region of the USA. Using flow cytometry, we first estimated the NWR genome size to be 1.8 Gb. Using long- and short-range sequencing, Hi-C scaffolding and RNA-seq data from eight tissues, we generated an annotated whole-genome de novo assembly of NWR. The assembly was 1.29 Gb in length, highly repetitive (approx. 76.0%) and contained 46 421 putative protein-coding genes. The expansion of retrotransposons within the genome and a whole-genome duplication (WGD) after the ZizaniaOryza speciation event have both led to an increase in the genome size of NWR in comparison with Oryza sativa L. and Zizania latifolia. Both events depict a genome rapidly undergoing change over a short evolutionary time. Comparative analyses revealed the conservation of large syntenic blocks between NWR and O. sativa, which were used to identify putative seed-shattering genes. Estimates of divergence times revealed that the Zizania genus diverged from Oryza approximately 26–30 million years ago (26–30 MYA), whereas NWR and Zlatifolia diverged from one another approximately 6–8 MYA. Comparative genomics confirmed evidence of a WGD in the Zizania genus and provided support that the event occurred prior to the NWR–Zlatifolia speciation event. This genome assembly and annotation provides a valuable resource for comparative genomics in the Oryzeae tribe and provides an important resource for future conservation and breeding efforts of NWR.  相似文献   

A fairly recent whole-genome duplication (WGD) event in yeast enables the effects of gene duplication and subsequent functional divergence to be characterized. We examined 15 ohnolog pairs (i.e. paralogs from a WGD) out of c . 500 Saccharomyces cerevisiae ohnolog pairs that have persisted over an estimated 100 million years of evolution. These 15 pairs were chosen for their high levels of asymmetry, i.e. within the pair, one ohnolog had evolved much faster than the other. Sequence comparisons of the 15 pairs revealed that the faster evolving duplicated genes typically appear to have experienced partially – but not fully – relaxed negative selection as evidenced by an average nonsynonymous/synonymous substitution ratio (d N /d S avg=0.44) that is higher than the slow-evolving genes' ratio (d N /d S avg=0.14) but still <1. Increased number of insertions and deletions in the fast-evolving genes also indicated loosened structural constraints. Sequence and structural comparisons indicated that a subset of these pairs had significant differences in their catalytically important residues and active or cofactor-binding sites. A literature survey revealed that several of the fast-evolving genes have gained a specialized function. Our results indicate that subfunctionalization and even neofunctionalization has occurred along with degenerative evolution, in which unneeded functions were destroyed by mutations.  相似文献   

Y Uno  C Nishida  C Takagi  N Ueno  Y Matsuda 《Heredity》2013,111(5):430-436
It has been suggested that whole-genome duplication (WGD) occurred twice during the evolutionary process of vertebrates around 450 and 500 million years ago, which contributed to an increase in the genomic and phenotypic complexities of vertebrates. However, little is still known about the evolutionary process of homoeologous chromosomes after WGD because many duplicate genes have been lost. Therefore, Xenopus laevis (2n=36) and Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis (2n=20) are good animal models for studying the process of genomic and chromosomal reorganization after WGD because X. laevis is an allotetraploid species that resulted from WGD after the interspecific hybridization of diploid species closely related to X. tropicalis. We constructed a comparative cytogenetic map of X. laevis using 60 complimentary DNA clones that covered the entire chromosomal regions of 10 pairs of X. tropicalis chromosomes. We consequently identified all nine homoeologous chromosome groups of X. laevis. Hybridization signals on two pairs of X. laevis homoeologous chromosomes were detected for 50 of 60 (83%) genes, and the genetic linkage is highly conserved between X. tropicalis and X. laevis chromosomes except for one fusion and one inversion and also between X. laevis homoeologous chromosomes except for two inversions. These results indicate that the loss of duplicated genes and inter- and/or intrachromosomal rearrangements occurred much less frequently in this lineage, suggesting that these events were not essential for diploidization of the allotetraploid genome in X. laevis after WGD.  相似文献   

Gymnocypris przewalskii, a cyprinid fish endemic to the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, has evolved unique morphological, physiological and genetic characteristics to adapt to the highland environment. Herein, we assembled a high-quality G. przewalskii tetraploid genome with a size of 2.03 Gb and scaffold N50 of 44.93 Mb, which was anchored onto 46 chromosomes. The comparative analysis suggested that gene families related to highland adaptation were significantly expanded in G. przewalskii. According to the G. przewalskii genome, we evaluated the phylogenetic relationship of 13 schizothoracine fishes, and inferred that the demographic history of G. przewalskii was strongly associated with geographic and eco-environmental alterations. We noticed that G. przewalskii experienced whole-genome duplication, and genes preserved post duplication were functionally associated with adaptation to high salinity and alkalinity. In conclusion, a chromosome-scale G. przewalskii genome provides an important genomic resource for teleost fish, and will particularly promote our understanding of the molecular evolution and speciation of fish in the highland environment.  相似文献   

Song C  Guo J  Sun W  Wang Y 《遗传学报》2012,39(7):361-368
Whole genome duplication(WGD)events have been proven to occur in the evolutionary history of most angiosperms.Tomato is considered a model species of the Solanaceae family.In this study,we describe the details of the evolutionary process of the tomato genome by detecting collinearity blocks and dating the WGD events on the tree of life by combining two different methods:synonymous substitution rates(Ks)and phylogenetic trees.In total,593 collinearity blocks were discovered out of 12 pseudo-chromosomes constructed. It was evident that chromosome 2 had experienced an intra-chromosomal duplication event.Major inter-chromosomal duplication occurred among all the pseudo-chromosome.We calculated the Ks value of these collinearity blocks.Two peaks of Ks distribution were found,corresponding to two WGD events occurring approximately 36-82 million years ago(MYA)and 148-205 MYA.Additionally, the results of phylogenetic trees suggested that the more recent WGD event may have occurred after the divergence of the rosidasterid clade,but before the major diversification in Solanaceae.The older WGD event was shown to have occurred before the divergence of the rosid-asterid clade and after the divergence of rice-Arabidopsis(monocot-dicot).  相似文献   

The phenomenal advances in sequencing techniques and analytical development during the last decade have provided a unique opportunity to unravel the evolutionary history of lineages under complex patterns of evolution. This is the case of the largest clade of the ginseng family (Araliaceae), the Asian Palmate group (AsPG), where the large internal polytomies and genome incongruences detected in previous studies pointed to a scenario of radiation with hybridization events between genera for the early evolution of the group. In this study, we aim to obtain well-resolved nuclear and plastid phylogenies of the AsPG using Hyb-Seq to evaluate the radiation hypothesis and assess the role of hybridization in the early evolution of the group. We performed concatenated- and coalescent-based phylogenetic analyses from the 936 targeted nuclear loci and 261 plastid loci obtained for 72 species representing 20 genera of the AsPG and the main clades of Araliaceae. The impact of hybridization and incomplete lineage sorting (ILS) was assessed with SNaQ, and genome duplications were evaluated with ChromEvol. Our nuclear and plastid phylogenies are compatible with a scenario of early radiation in the AsPG. Also, the identification of extensive signals of hybridization and ILS behind the genome incongruences supports hybridization as a major driving force during the early radiation. We hypothesize a whole-genome duplication event at the origin of the AsPG, followed by a radiation that led to extensive ILS, which, alongside the early inter-genera hybridization, is obscuring the phylogenetic signal in the early evolution of this major clade.  相似文献   

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