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Different lines of evidence suggest that the occurrence and extent of local adaptation in high gene flow marine environments – even in mobile and long‐lived vertebrates with complex life cycles – may be more widespread than earlier thought. We conducted a common garden experiment to test for local adaptation to salinity in Baltic Sea sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Fish from three different native salinity regimes (high, mid and low) were subjected to three salinity treatments (high, mid and low) in a full‐factorial experimental design. Irrespective of their origin, fish subjected to low (and mid) salinity treatments exhibited higher juvenile survival, grew to largest sizes and were in better condition than fish subjected to the high salinity treatment. However, a significant interaction between native and treatment salinities – resulting mainly from the poor performance of fish native to low salinity in the high salinity treatment – provided clear cut evidence for adaptation to local variation in salinity. Additional support for this inference was provided by the fact that the results concur with an earlier demonstration of significant differentiation in a number of genes with osmoregulatory functions across the same populations and that the population‐specific responses to salinity treatments exceeded that to be expected by random genetic drift.  相似文献   

The evolution of striking phenotypes on islands is a well‐known phenomenon, and there has been a long‐standing debate on the patterns of body size evolution on islands. The ecological causes driving divergence in insular populations are, however, poorly understood. Reduced predator fauna is expected to lower escape propensity, increase body size and relax selection for crypsis in small‐bodied, insular prey species. Here, we investigated whether escape behaviour, body size and dorsal coloration have diverged as predicted under predation release in spatially replicated islet and mainland populations of the lizard species Podarcis gaigeae. We show that islet lizards escape approaching observers at shorter distances and are larger than mainland lizards. Additionally, we found evidence for larger between‐population variation in body size among the islet populations than mainland populations. Moreover, islet populations are significantly more divergent in dorsal coloration and match their respective habitats poorer than mainland lizards. These results strongly suggest that predation release on islets has driven population divergence in phenotypic and behavioural traits and that selective release has affected both trait means and variances. Relaxed predation pressure is therefore likely to be one of the major ecological factors driving body size divergence on these islands.  相似文献   

Populations of three‐spined sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus originating from contrasting habitats were studied to determine if habitat can affect the ability to combine spatial cues. Previous work has shown that different species combine spatial cues in different ways, and this study showed these differences also arose within a species: all fish were able to use geometrical cues to locate a maze exit, but only fish collected from river populations combined geometric cues with a non‐geometric global landmark cue.  相似文献   

Several factors related to buoyancy were compared between one marine and two freshwater populations of three‐spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus. Fish from all three populations had buoyancy near to neutral to the ambient water. This showed that neither marine nor freshwater G. aculeatus used swimming and hydrodynamic lift to prevent sinking. Comparing the swimbladder volumes showed that freshwater completely plated G. aculeatus had a significantly larger swimbladder volume than both completely plated marine and low‐plated freshwater G. aculeatus. Furthermore, body tissue density was lower in low‐plated G. aculeatus than in the completely plated marine and freshwater fish. The results show that G. aculeatus either reduce tissue density or increase swimbladder volume to adapt to lower water density. Mass measurements of lateral plates and pelvis showed that loss of body armour in low‐plated G. aculeatus could explain the tissue density difference between low‐plated and completely plated G. aculeatus. This suggests that the common occurrence of plate and armour reduction in freshwater G. aculeatus populations can be an adaptation to a lower water density.  相似文献   

Environmental differences among populations are expected to lead to local adaptation, while spatial or temporal environmental variation within a population will favour evolution of phenotypic plasticity. As plasticity itself can be under selection, locally adapted populations can vary in levels of plasticity. Nine‐spined stickleback (Pungitius pungitius) originating from isolated ponds (low piscine predation risk, high competition) vs. lake and marine populations (high piscine predation risk, low competition) are known to be morphologically adapted to their respective environments. However, nothing is known about their ability to express phenotypic plasticity in morphology in response to perceived predation risk or food availability/competition. We studied predator‐induced phenotypic plasticity in body shape and armour of marine and pond nine‐spined stickleback in a factorial common garden experiment with two predator treatments (present vs. absent) and two feeding regimes (low vs. high). The predation treatment did not induce any morphological shifts in fish from either habitat or food regime. However, strong habitat‐dependent differences between populations as well as strong sexual dimorphism in both body shape and armour were found. The lack of predator‐induced plasticity in development of the defence traits (viz. body armour and body depth) suggests that morphological anti‐predator traits in nine‐spined stickleback are strictly constitutive, rather than inducible. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ??, ??–??.  相似文献   

Studies of mating behaviour have assumed that individuals are at greater risk when paired than when engaged in other activities. Recently, four experimental studies of insects and crustaceans have tested this assumption using predators from divergent taxa. Three of these studies indicate that mating carries no additional risk to the participants. Indeed, the findings suggest decreased vulnerability, relative to other activities, due to decreased predation on one or the other of the mating pair.  相似文献   

Predators can shape genetic correlations in prey by altering prey perception of risk. We manipulated perceived risk to test whether such non‐consumptive effects tightened behavioural trait correlations in wild‐caught stickleback from high‐ compared to low‐risk environments due to genetic variation in plasticity. We expected tighter genetic correlations within perceived risk treatments than across them, and tighter genetic correlations in high‐risk than in low‐risk treatments. We identified genetic variation in plasticity, with genetic correlations between boldness, sociality, and antipredator morphology, as expected, being tighter within treatments than across them, for both of two populations. By contrast, genetic correlations did not tighten with exposure to risk. Tighter phenotypic correlations in wild stickleback may thus arise because predators induce correlational selection on environmental components of these traits, or because predators tighten residual correlations by causing environmental heterogeneity that is controlled in the laboratory. Our study places phenotypic integration firmly into an ecological context.  相似文献   

The egg nest of male three‐spined sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus is constructed with a glue‐like secretion that this study demonstrates has antimicrobial properties. Glue collected from reproductively active males decreased the growth rate of bacteria and opportunistic fungi, and eggs were more likely to mature and hatch after exposure to their father’s glue. This phenomenon may represent a direct physiological contribution from a male towards protecting his offspring from pathogens, and if so is a novel form of parental protection.  相似文献   

Comparisons of the patterns of differentiation among genetic markers with different modes of inheritance can provide insights into patterns of sex-biased dispersal and gene flow. Here, we compare the patterns of differentiation in six microsatellite loci among eight northern breeding populations of the yellow warbler (Dendroica petechia) with results obtained with mitochondrial DNA. Significant but low levels of differentiation (overall FST = 0.014; overall RST = 0.015) were present across all populations. The level of differentiation is substantially less than that observed in the same samples based on mitochondrial DNA control region variation. The presence of low population imbalance index values and significant isolation-by-distance relationships for both FST and RST suggests that these populations are at evolutionary equilibrium and that the high degree of similarity between populations may be due to high levels of male-biased gene flow. This suggests that there may be significant but previously unappreciated differences in the long-distance and/or episodic dispersal behaviour of males and females in these birds.  相似文献   

Does fecundity drive the evolution of insect diet?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigate whether egg load (a surrogate for fecundity) drives host specificity in a herbivorous insect. In many insects, including our study organism (Edith's checkerspot butterfly), both egg load and tendency to accept low-ranked hosts increase during each search for an oviposition site. Effects on host acceptance of egg load and passage of time are thereby potentially confounded. We conducted two experiments designed to disentangle these effects. In both experiments, we estimated the times of first acceptance of both a high-ranked and a low-ranked host, without allowing the insects to oviposit. In the first experiment, we measured egg load at the time of first acceptance of the low-ranked host. The later the time of first acceptance, the higher was the fecundity. We therefore reject the hypothesis that all insects accepted the low-ranked host at the same predetermined egg load. In the second experiment, we measured egg load 48 h after the high-ranked host was first accepted. We found no relationship between egg load and timing of acceptance of the low-ranked host. Insects with higher rates of egg accumulation did not accept the low-ranked host sooner. Taken together, these results suggest that acceptance of the low-ranked host is not driven directly by egg load. Rather, this acceptance results from some other process that is influenced by time since last oviposition. We conclude that there is no evidence to support the assumption that females with high rates of egg accumulation are more likely to accept low-ranked hosts.  相似文献   

Does secotioid inertia drive the evolution of false-truffles?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Secotioid inertia is a model implemented to explain the prevalence of highly derived false-truffles with no obvious connection to the Homobasidiomycetes. The model accommodates the apparent lack of epigeous sister taxa for some highly derived hypogeous lineages by assuming that gasteromycetation in some fungi leads to the extinction of their epigeous sister population. The derived state of some hypogeous lineages suggests that they arose early in the evolution of Homobasidiomycetes and that those groups were subject to conditions that favoured hypogeous lineages such that the hypogeous fruit body form became the predominant form for some lineages. The directional selection component of secotioid inertia, termed secotioid drive, led to the extinction of their epigeous sister taxon. Morphological and molecular data from Russulaceae are used to model the evolutionary stages of secotioid inertia. The resulting phylogenetic results are compared with data from the order Leucogastrales, and the genus Destuntzia. The implications of secotioid drive are discussed with reference to gasteromycete phylogenetics, evolution, and conservation. Specifically, secotioid inertia can be used to account for reversals in fruit body morphology and instability in mycorrhizal formation.  相似文献   

Females and males within a species commonly have distinct reproductive roles, and the associated traits may be under perpetual divergent natural selection between the sexes if their sex‐specific control has not yet evolved. Here, we explore whether such sexually antagonistic selection can be detected based on the magnitude of differentiation between the sexes across genome‐wide genetic polymorphisms by whole‐genome sequencing of large pools of female and male threespine stickleback fish. We find numerous autosomal genome regions exhibiting intersex allele frequency differences beyond the range plausible under pure sampling stochasticity. Alternative sequence alignment strategies rule out that these high‐differentiation regions represent sex chromosome segments misassembled into the autosomes. Instead, comparing allele frequencies and sequence read depth between the sexes reveals that regions of high intersex differentiation arise because autosomal chromosome segments got copied into the male‐specific sex chromosome (Y), where they acquired new mutations. Because the Y chromosome is missing in the stickleback reference genome, sequence reads derived from DNA copies on the Y chromosome still align to the original homologous regions on the autosomes. We argue that this phenomenon hampers the identification of sexually antagonistic selection within a genome, and can lead to spurious conclusions from population genomic analyses when the underlying samples differ in sex ratios. Because the hemizygous sex chromosome sequence (Y or W) is not represented in most reference genomes, these problems may apply broadly.  相似文献   

Increased understanding of the regulation of body patterning genes in development, especially the homeotic genes, has led to the revival of ideas suggesting that “saltational” modes of evolution are important. However, such models are problematic on the grounds of functional continuity and population genetics, and the more dramatic scenarios rely on an overinterpretation of the taxonomic hierarchy. This article proposes an alternative model for the evolution of Hox gene expression, stressing the need for incremental functional integration. One surprising implication of the model would be that mutations in Hox genes and their regulators have virtually no primary role in driving morphological evolution. Rather, morphological change through microevolutionary adaptation comes first, with Hox expression shifting only afterwards, presumably to make the building of the new body pattern more efficient or more stable. Such a model has affinities to Waddington's “genetic assimilation” but invokes discrete rather than continuous shifts in control of a particular morphology. BioEssays 21:326–332, 1999. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

While considerable variations in both the frequency of extra‐pair paternity (EPP) and the behavioral events that produce it are recognized among species, populations, individuals, and breeding attempts, the determinants of these variations are surprisingly difficult to establish. Nest predation may be one such determinant, since it is the most important source of reproductive failure, and past studies have suggested a variety of reproductive flexibilities under nest predation risk. However, despite its potentially significant effect on mating behaviors, nest predation risk has rarely been discussed in association with variations in intraspecific EPP patterns. Here, we examined the effect of naturally occurring nest predation, which varied between sites, years, and breeding attempts, on patterns of EPP in 92 broods (132 adults and 710 nestlings) of the Japanese great tit Parus major minor. We found that the frequency of extra‐pair offspring was positively correlated with the nest predation rate, along with a correlation to breeding attempts in a season, but not with other factors such as individual quality or breeding density. Under high nest‐predation risk, it may be adaptive for males to search for additional extra‐pair copulation to spread the risk of losing all offspring and to invest less in mate‐guarding, which also enables females to seek additional extra‐mating. The results of this study suggest that nest predation risk, among other factors, may significantly influence paternity allocation in birds.  相似文献   

High levels of sub‐speciation in Australian mesic zone taxa have been attributed to the creation of biogeographic barriers by Pleistocene expansion of the arid zone. However, several of these barriers also align with major floodplains. The Carpentarian Barrier in the Gulf Plains (GUP) – one of Australia's most significant biogeographic barriers – experiences extreme floods on a sub‐decadal timescale. These floods rise suddenly, cover thousands of square kilometres to a depth of several metres and can take weeks to subside. We investigated whether these floods have shaped community composition. If this is the case, species that are particularly vulnerable to extreme flooding – understorey animals and woody plants, particularly shrubs – should be under‐represented, and grasslands should be over‐represented on GUP floodplains. We used Akaike selection of logistic models to assess influence of floodplains and other potential drivers on grassland distribution and shrub abundance, and on representation of understorey fauna. We also compared post‐flood faunal records with the bioregional data set to assess influence of the 2009 flood on representation of understorey reptiles. Grasslands and shrub‐free vegetation were significantly over‐represented and understorey fauna significantly under‐represented on floodplains, even when the influences of other factors were taken into account. Understorey Gekkota were absent from – and understorey skinks under‐represented in – recently flooded areas. Hence, floods appear to have shaped community composition on GUP floodplains by selectively displacing and/or destroying woody plants – particularly shrubs – and understorey animals. Our findings demonstrate association rather than causality, but show that further examination of the ecological and biogeographic impacts of extreme flooding is warranted. Influence of floods on the Australian biota should be considered an ongoing ecological and evolutionary driver, and one that is likely to intensify as extreme floods are expected to become more frequent under climate change.  相似文献   

This experiment was designed to determine the contribution, if any, of posthatching gonadal hormones to sexual differentiation of behavior in Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Males and females were gonadectomized or sham-operated (controls) prior to age 7 days posthatching. At age 4-9 weeks controls were gonadectomized. All birds were then given 2 weeks of testosterone propionate injections and tested for sexual behavior with female partners. Neonatally gonadectomized females exhibited more male-typical copulatory behavior than control females, but this effect was not statistically significant. Neonatal gonadectomy had no effect on males, and neonatally gonadectomized males exhibited significantly more male-typical copulatory behavior than neonatally gonadectomized females. Although the process of sexual differentiation may extend to a minor degree into the posthatching period in females, nonetheless it is largely complete at hatching in this species.  相似文献   

Host recognition and use in female parasitoids strongly relies on host fidelity, a plastic behavior which can significantly restrict the host preferences of parasitoids, thus reducing the gene flow between parasitoid populations attacking different insect hosts. However, the effect of migrant males on the genetic differentiation of populations has been frequently ignored in parasitoids, despite its known impact on gene flow between populations. Hence, we studied the extent of gene flow mediated by female and male parasitoids by assessing sibship relationships among parasitoids within and between populations, and its impact on geographic and host‐associated differentiation in the aphid parasitoid Aphidius ervi. We report evidences of a high gene flow among parasitoid populations on different aphid hosts and geographic locations. The high gene flow among parasitoid populations was found to be largely male mediated, suggested by significant differences in the distribution of full‐sib and paternal half‐sib dyads of parasitoid populations.  相似文献   

Nonmetric and metric traits were studied in cranial series representing prehistoric and modern populations of America and Siberia. Frequencies of the infraorbital pattern type II (longitudinal infraorbital suture overlaid by the zygomatic bone) are universally lower in Amerindians than in Siberians. The os japonicum posterior trace, too, is much less frequent in America than in Siberia. The only two Siberian groups with an almost Amerindian combination are late third to early second millennium bc populations from Okunev and Sopka, southern Siberia. The multivariate analysis of five nonmetric facial traits and ten facial measurements in 15 cranial series reveals two independent tendencies. One of them shows a contrast between prehistoric Siberian Caucasoids and modern Siberian Mongoloids; the second one sets Amerindians apart from others. Prehistoric people who lived west of Lake Baikal and modern Uralic speakers are intermediate between Siberian Caucasoids and Siberian Mongoloids; Eskimos, Aleuts, and Chukchi are intermediate between Siberian Mongoloids and Amerindians; and Okunev and Sopka are intermediate between Siberian Caucasoids and Amerindians. Our results suggest that people of Okunev and Sopka are collateral relatives of Amerindians with some Caucasoid admixture. Am J Phys Anthropol 108:193–204, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Interactions with parasites may promote the evolution of disassortative mating in host populations as a mechanism through which genetically diverse offspring can be produced. This possibility has been confirmed through simulation studies and suggested for some empirical systems in which disassortative mating by disease resistance genotype has been documented. The generality of this phenomenon is unclear, however, because existing theory has considered only a subset of possible genetic and mating scenarios. Here we present results from analytical models that consider a broader range of genetic and mating scenarios and allow the evolution of non-random mating in the parasite as well. Our results confirm results of previous simulation studies, demonstrating that coevolutionary interactions with parasites can indeed lead to the evolution of host disassortative mating. However, our results also show that the conditions under which this occurs are significantly more fickle than previously thought, requiring specific forms of infection genetics and modes of non-random mating that do not generate substantial sexual selection. In cases where such conditions are not met, hosts may evolve random or assortative mating. Our analyses also reveal that coevolutionary interactions with hosts cause the evolution of non-random mating in parasites as well. In some cases, particularly those where mating occurs within groups, we find that assortative mating evolves sufficiently to catalyze sympatric speciation in the interacting species.  相似文献   

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