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湿度对黄喉拟水龟胚胎发育与新生幼体特征的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄喉拟水龟(Mauremys mutica Cantor)为东亚常见的淡水水生龟类之一,主要分布于中国、日本和越南.在中国,黄喉拟水龟已成为潜在的水产养殖品种,研究了湿度对黄喉拟水龟胚胎发育和新生幼体的影响.恒温29℃时,用未受精卵做对比,在-12、-150kPa和-300kPa 3种孵化湿度下,观察并记录了黄喉拟水龟胚胎发育过程中卵重的变化、孵化周期、孵化成功率、卵壳龟裂率、卵壳受精斑变化规律及新生幼体的特征.在-12kPa和-150kPa处理组,受精卵在孵化中期开始持续增重;而在-300kPa处理组,受精卵在孵化中期开始持续减轻;孵化湿度显著影响卵壳受精斑的变化,-12kPa处理组的受精斑绕卵短径合拢的时间显著长于-150kPa和-300kPa处理组;受精卵的卵壳龟裂率随着孵化湿度的增加而增加;湿度显著影响新生幼体体重和背甲宽,但对体高、背甲长、腹甲长、腹甲宽以及尾长无明显影响;孵化湿度对孵化周期及新生幼体的运动能力影响不明显.  相似文献   

吴美仙  赵波  张文  陆洪良 《生态学报》2014,34(19):5398-5404
用3个恒定温度(24、26和28℃)孵化黄喉拟水龟南方种群卵,检测孵化温度对孵化期、孵化成功率和孵出幼体特征的影响。孵化温度显著影响孵化期和孵化成功率、以及幼体的性别、大小和早期生长。黄喉拟水龟幼体的性别取决于孵化温度(属TSDⅠa型),26℃和28℃孵出幼体偏雄性,30℃孵出幼体都是雌性。随着孵化温度的升高,孵化期呈非线性缩短,而孵化成功率略微增加。较高温度下孵出的幼体较大且具有较好的功能表现,但生长较慢。低温孵出幼体较小,但胚后生长速率较快。低温孵出幼体较小可能与胚胎发育期长、总代谢消耗大有关;而生长速率快则可能是因为低温产生的雄性幼体生长快于高温产生的雌性幼体。与已报道的黄喉拟水龟北方种群卵孵化结果相比较,26℃和28℃条件下南方种群卵的孵化期和产生1∶1性比的关键温度较大。这种地理上的变异可能反映不同种群对当地热环境适应性上的差异。  相似文献   

温度、湿度对黄喉拟水龟胚胎发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在9种不同温湿度组合条件(25 ℃和-12 kPa、29 ℃和-12 kPa、33 ℃和-12 kPa、25 ℃和-150 kPa、29 ℃和-150 kPa、33 ℃和-150 kPa、25 ℃和-300 kPa、29 ℃和-300 kPa、33 ℃和-300 kPa)下孵化了黄喉拟水龟卵,研究了温度对黄喉拟水龟卵孵出幼体特征的影响及其与湿度的相互作用对孵化期、孵化成功率和孵出幼体特征的影响.结果表明:黄喉拟水龟卵的初始质量、孵化温度、湿度及温湿度相互作用均显著影响孵化过程中卵质量的增加;同一温度下,孵化湿度越高,卵的终末质量越大;而孵化卵的终末质量与孵化温度并不呈线性相关;孵化温度显著影响黄喉拟水龟卵的孵化期,温度越高、孵化期越短,孵化湿度及温湿度相互作用对孵化期的影响不显著;孵化温度和湿度显著影响孵化成功率和卵壳龟裂率;25 ℃和33 ℃处理组孵出幼体中发现畸形个体,而29 ℃处理组中未发现;孵化温度显著影响孵出幼体的质量、背甲长和宽、腹甲长和宽、体高和尾长;孵化湿度只对孵出幼体的背甲长有影响,对其他被检测的幼体特征无显著影响;温湿度的相互作用对所有被检测的孵出幼体特征无叠加或减弱的显著影响.  相似文献   

Plastic responses of embryos to developmental environments can shape phenotypes in ways that impact fitness. The mechanisms by which developmental conditions affect offspring phenotypes vary substantially among taxa and are poorly understood in most systems. In this study, we evaluate the effects of thermal and hydric conditions on patterns of egg water uptake, embryonic development and yolk metabolism in embryos of the lizard Anolis sagrei to gain insights into how these factors shape morphological variation in hatchlings. Our 3 × 2 experimental design (3 thermal and 2 hydric conditions) revealed that developmental temperature has strong effects on rates of development and yolk metabolism, but the impacts of moisture were minimal. Increased water uptake by eggs under relatively wet conditions resulted in larger hatchlings with less internalized residual yolk than hatchlings from dry‐incubated eggs. However, the relatively small phenotypic differences among treatments may have small fitness consequences. These results demonstrate that embryos of A. sagrei can tolerate a broad range of environmental conditions without substantial impacts on critical morphological traits. Such embryonic tolerances may facilitate colonization and establishment in novel environments. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 25–41.  相似文献   

Countergradient variation in norms of reaction can dampen the direct effects of environmental influences on phenotypic traits, allowing phenotypic similarity among populations despite exposure to different environmental conditions. Such norms of reaction may occur at any phase of the life‐history (e.g. growth rates during both embryonic and postembryonic stages may influence geographical variation in adult body size). We collected gravid female lizards (Sceloporus undulatus) from northern (Indiana), central (Mississippi), and southern (Florida) populations, spanning almost the full latitudinal range of the species. Adult females from the southern population were smaller. Intrinsic growth rates of hatchlings were higher for the central population than for the other two populations. This pattern does not parallel the countergradient variation previously found in embryonic developmental rates among these populations. Earlier hatching enhanced survival rates of juveniles to a similar degree among populations, although juvenile survival rates in the field generally increase with latitude in this species. Our data reveal geographical variation in the ways in which intrinsic developmental/growth rates and survival shift during ontogeny, and suggest that latitudinal patterns in adult body size (such as Bergmann's rule) can result from both faster growth, and longer periods of growth. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 202–209.  相似文献   

The annual reproductive cycle of 27 female Mauremys mutica was observed by radiography and ultrasonography from April 2006 to August 2007. Radiography was used to monitor clutch size and ultrasonography was used to monitor changes in the ovarian follicles. The follicles started to enlarge in September and became preovulatory in January. The mean maximum follicle diameter of ovulation was 18.30±1.44 mm, and ovulation occurred from March through August. Eggs were laid between April and August. Turtles entered latent period in early August and the maximum follicular size was at a low of 13.22±2.36 mm in late September. The vitellogenesis of the next reproductive cycle began in October. The 24 adult females laid 56 clutches containing a total of 227 eggs. Average clutch size was 4.05 eggs (range 1–8) and there were 2.33 clutches (range 1–4) per female. Egg shell images were first observed on the sixth or seventh day after ovulation. The oviductal period averaged 6.9 weeks (range 2–16 weeks) on the first clutch, 3.4 weeks (range 2–8 weeks) on the second, and 2.75 weeks (range 2–6 weeks) for the third. Radiography and ultrasonography are non‐invasive and convenient methods to evaluate the reproductive cycle of female M. mutica. They should be applicable to other turtles and should greatly enhance knowledge of reproductive physiology. Zoo Biol 29:50–58, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The life-history tactics of many Antarctic marine invertebrates suggest that the commonly observed slow rates of growth are adaptations to the pattern of food availability, and not due to low temperature per se. This implies that marine invertebrates have been able, over the course of evolutionary time, to compensate their rates of embryonic development for the effect of temperature. Data from north Atlantic copepods indicate that this is so. It is therefore suggested that the slow rates of embryonic development in many Antarctic marine invertebrates are the result of large egg size, and not the low temperature. Large, slowly developing eggs are part of a suite of tactics, often called K-strategies, which characterise many marine invertebrates in Antarctica.  相似文献   

Although the effects of constant temperatures on hatchling traits have been extensively studied in reptiles, the effects of fluctuating temperatures remain poorly understood. Eggs of the Chinese three-keeled pond turtle (Chinemys reevesii) were incubated at a constant temperatures (28 °C) and two fluctuating temperatures (28±3 °C and 28±6 °C) to test for the influence of thermal environment on incubation duration, hatchling traits, and post-hatching growth. Incubation duration was shorter at constant temperature than at fluctuating temperatures. The sex ratio of hatchlings varied among temperature treatments, with more females from 28±6 °C than from 28 °C. The size and mass were greater for hatchlings from a constant temperature than from fluctuating ones, but this difference in body size disappeared when the hatchlings were 3 months old. In addition, the swimming ability, survival, and growth of hatchlings from fluctuating temperatures did not differ from those of hatchlings from constant temperature, when they were kept at an artificial environment without food scarcity or predation. Therefore, the thermal environments with various temperature fluctuations used in this study do not significantly affect fitness-related hatchling traits in this species.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity may allow an organism to adjust its phenotype to environmental needs. However, little is known about environmental effects on offspring biochemical composition and turnover rates, including energy budgets and developmental costs. Using the tropical butterfly Bicyclus anynana and employing a full-factorial design with two oviposition and two developmental temperatures, we explore the consequences of temperature variation on egg and hatchling composition, and the associated use and turnover of energy and egg compounds. At the lower temperature, larger but fewer eggs were produced. Larger egg sizes were achieved by provisioning these eggs with larger quantities of all compounds investigated (and thus more energy), whilst relative egg composition was rather similar to that of smaller eggs laid at the higher temperature. Turnover rates during embryonic development differed across developmental temperatures, suggesting an emphasis on hatchling quality (i.e. protein content) at the more stressful lower temperature, but on storage reserves (i.e. lipids) at the higher temperature. These differences may represent adaptive maternal effects. Embryonic development was much more efficient at the lower temperature, providing a possible mechanism underlying the temperature-size rule.  相似文献   

孙文佳  俞霄  曹梦洁  林隆慧 《生态学报》2012,32(18):5924-5929
研究了赤链蛇(Dinodon rufozonatum)在孵化过程中卵的生长、孵化期、胚胎代谢和孵出幼体行为表现的热依赖性。结果显示:孵化温度对孵化期、卵增重、孵化过程中消耗的总能量和孵出幼体的运动表现有显著影响,但不影响胚胎代谢率、孵化成功率和幼体吐信频次。孵化期随着孵化温度的升高而缩短,孵化过程中,24℃终末卵重和胚胎代谢率显著大于30℃,而27℃与其他两个温度没有差异;27℃孵出幼体游速较24℃快,30℃孵出幼体与其他两个温度孵出幼体的游速无显著差异。上述结果显示:24—30℃是赤链蛇适合的孵化温度范围,与赤链蛇所处的生境温度相近。  相似文献   

孵化温度对白条草蜥孵出幼体大小、形态和运动表现的影响   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
潘志崇  计翔 《生态学报》2001,21(12):2031-2038
实验用白条草蜥(Takydrous wolteri)卵由1999年和2000年4月捕自安徽滁州的19条成年雌体产出。用4个恒定温度(24-33℃)孵化白条草蜥卵,检测孵化温度对孵出幼体大小、形态和运动表现的影响。孵化卵从环境中吸不导致生量增加,卵重量增加与卵初始重量和孵化温度有关。24、27、30和33℃孵化期的平均值分别为41.9、30.6、6.25和22.6d。温度显著影响孵化成功率及孵出幼体的湿重、躯干干重和剩余卵黄干重,但对孵出幼体的性别、体长、尾长和干重无显著影响。24℃和27℃孵出幼体湿重和躯干干重大于33℃孵出幼体,剩余卵黄干则小于33℃孵出幼体;30℃和33℃孵出幼体的湿重、躯干干重和剩余卵黄干重无显著差异。孵化温度显著影响孵出幼体一些局部形态特征:24℃和27℃孵出幼体头长和头宽矫正值显著大于高温(33℃)孵出幼体,24℃孵出幼体耳径正值一般小于较高温度孵出的幼体。疾跑速与幼体体长成正相关,与幼体尾长和状态无关。高温孵出幼体运动能力较差。雄笥幼体腹鳞行数少于雌性幼体,尾长和后肢长大于雌性幼体,这些特征的两性差异与孵化温度无关。孵化热环境能诱导白条草蜥部分表型特征的变异,这些特征的变异可能对个体的适应性具有长期的影响。  相似文献   

Freshly-laid eggs of the Chinese three-keeled pond turtle (Chinemys reevesii) from captive cohorts in Hunan, Shanghai and Jiangxi were incubated at four constant temperatures of 24, 26, 28 and 30 °C to assess the effects of incubation temperature and cohort origin on incubation duration and hatchling phenotypes. Eggs from the three cohorts differed in size and shape. Egg mass and width were greatest in the Hunan cohort, smallest in the Jiangxi cohort, with the Shanghai cohort in between. Incubation duration decreased with increasing temperature and differed among the cohorts, with longer incubation duration for eggs from the Jiangxi cohort than those from the Hunan or Shanghai cohorts. Incubation temperatures significantly affected hatchling size and hatchlings from 30 °C were smaller than those from the lower temperatures in terms of carapace size and body mass. When incubated at a common temperature, hatchlings from the Hunan and Shanghai cohorts were larger than those from the Jiangxi cohort. The swimming capacity of hatchlings was affected by incubation temperature, but did not differ among the cohorts. The characteristics of eggs and hatchlings were similar among the Hunan and Shanghai cohorts, but they differed significantly from the Jiangxi cohort.  相似文献   

Adaptive genetic differentiation along a climatic gradient as a response to natural selection is not necessarily expressed at phenotypic level if environmental effects on population mean phenotypes oppose the genotypic effects. This form of cryptic evolution--called countergradient variation--has seldom been explicitly demonstrated for terrestrial vertebrates. We investigated the patterns of phenotypic and genotypic differentiation in developmental rates of common frogs (Rana temporaria) along a ca. 1600 km latitudinal gradient across Scandinavia. Developmental rates in the field were not latitudinally ordered, but displayed large variation even among different ponds within a given latitudinal area. In contrast, development rates assessed in the laboratory increased strongly and linearly with increasing latitude, suggesting a genetic capacity for faster development in the northern than the southern larvae. Experiments further revealed that environmental effects (temperature and food) could easily override the genetic effects on developmental rates, providing a possible mechanistic explanation as to why the genetic differentiation was not seen in the samples collected from the wild. Our results suggest that the higher developmental rates of the northern larvae are likely to be related to selection stemming from seasonal time constrains, rather than from selection dictated by low ambient temperatures per se. All in all, the results provide a demonstration of environmental effects concealing substantial latitudinally ordered genetic differentiation understandable in terms of adaptation to clinal variation in time constrains.  相似文献   

Wang L  Du W G  Shen J W  Zhu L J 《农业工程》2010,30(2):81-84
Freshly-laid eggs of the Chinese three-keeled pond turtle (Chinemys reevesii) from captive cohorts in Hunan, Shanghai and Jiangxi were incubated at four constant temperatures of 24, 26, 28 and 30 °C to assess the effects of incubation temperature and cohort origin on incubation duration and hatchling phenotypes. Eggs from the three cohorts differed in size and shape. Egg mass and width were greatest in the Hunan cohort, smallest in the Jiangxi cohort, with the Shanghai cohort in between. Incubation duration decreased with increasing temperature and differed among the cohorts, with longer incubation duration for eggs from the Jiangxi cohort than those from the Hunan or Shanghai cohorts. Incubation temperatures significantly affected hatchling size and hatchlings from 30 °C were smaller than those from the lower temperatures in terms of carapace size and body mass. When incubated at a common temperature, hatchlings from the Hunan and Shanghai cohorts were larger than those from the Jiangxi cohort. The swimming capacity of hatchlings was affected by incubation temperature, but did not differ among the cohorts. The characteristics of eggs and hatchlings were similar among the Hunan and Shanghai cohorts, but they differed significantly from the Jiangxi cohort.  相似文献   

Does water availability during incubation significantly affect the phenotypes of hatchling reptiles in natural nests? Two obstacles to obtaining any general answer to this question are the scarcity of studies on tropical species, and the difficulty of comparing experimental treatments to actual hydric conditions in nature. We used a split‐clutch design to incubate 102 eggs (eight clutches) of a colubrid snake species (the keelback, Tropidonophis mairii), from a floodplain in the Australian wet‐dry tropics. This species breeds over most of the year, and highly seasonal rainfall regimes generate strong shifts in water content of the soil over this period. We measured soil water content in a natural nest, and incubated eggs in both soil and vermiculite (the usual medium for experimental studies) at a range of water contents. These calibration trials let us compare our experimental ‘wet’ and ‘dry’ incubation treatments to conditions in natural nests, in terms of actual water uptake by eggs. Hatchlings from dry incubation were unable to resorb their desiccated yolk and thus were smaller (17% in mass, 12% in body length) than their siblings from moist substrates. Incubation conditions also affected the hatchlings’ muscular strength and locomotor speed: even at the same body length, dry‐incubated hatchlings were weaker and slower than their wet‐incubated siblings. Incubation moisture affected strength differently in males and females. We conclude that seasonal variation in water content of the soil in natural nests can generate strong phenotypic variation in hatchling snakes. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2002, 76 , 339–347.  相似文献   

Incubation temperature and the amount of water taken up by eggs from the substrate during incubation affects hatchling size and morphology in many oviparous reptiles. The Brisbane river turtle Emydura signata lays hard-shelled eggs and hatchling mass was unaffected by the amount of water gained or lost during incubation. Constant temperature incubation of eggs at 24 °C, 26 °C, 28 °C and 31 °C had no effect on hatchling mass, yolk-free hatchling mass, residual yolk mass, carapace length, carapace width, plastron length or plastron width. However, hatchlings incubated at 26 °C and 28 °C had wider heads than hatchlings incubated at 24 °C and 31 °C. Incubation period varied inversely with incubation temperature, while the rate of increase in oxygen consumption during the first part of incubation and the peak rate of oxygen consumption varied directly with incubation temperature. The total amount of oxygen consumed during development and hatchling production cost was significantly greater at 24 °C than at 26 °C, 28 °C and 31 °C. Hatchling mass and dimensions and total embryonic energy expenditure was directly proportional to initial egg mass. Accepted: 18 March 1998  相似文献   

饶小珍  林岗  张殿彩  陈寅山  许友勤 《生态学报》2010,30(23):6530-6537
龟足(Capitulum mitella Linnaeus)在我国主要分布于长江口以南海浪剧烈冲击的暴露型岩相海岸的中、高潮区,是一种颇具养殖潜力和市场前景的新品种。研究温度(24、27、30、33℃)和盐度(28,31,34)对龟足胚胎发育和幼虫生长的协同影响,可为龟足的人工育苗提供依据。结果如下(1):33℃-28温盐度组合胚胎发育时间最短144h,27℃-28温盐度组合胚胎相对孵化率最高。温度与盐度对胚胎发育时间没有显著影响;但温度和盐度对胚胎孵化率有极显著影响,温度与盐度间的交互作用显著。胚胎发育最适宜的温盐度组合是27℃-28。(2):27℃的3个盐度组、30℃-31温盐度组合无节幼虫持续时间最短。在同一盐度条件下以27℃的存活率较高,在同一温度条件下以盐度31的存活率较高,其中以27℃-31温盐度组合的存活率最高;存活率1和存活率2分别高达99.0%、90.7%。27℃-28、27℃-31温盐度组合变态率最高,变态率分别为81.8%、73.7%。34高盐组幼虫的存活率和变态率均很低甚至为零。温度和盐度对幼虫存活率和变态率有极显著影响,两者的交互作用极为显著。综合无节幼虫持续时间、存活和变态情况,27℃-31温盐度组合为幼虫生长发育的最佳组合条件。龟足胚胎发育、无节幼虫的生长和变态对温度盐度的敏感性有所不同,这是由龟足的自身繁殖特点及生活环境决定的。  相似文献   

Geographic variation in offspring size can be viewed as an adaptive response to local environmental conditions, but the causes of such variation remain unclear. Here, we compared the size and composition of eggs laid by female Chinese skinks (Plestiodon chinensis) from six geographically distinct populations in southeastern China to evaluate geographic variation in hatchling size. We also incubated eggs from these six populations at three constant temperatures (24, 28 and 32 °C) to evaluate the combined effects of incubation temperature and population source on hatchling size. Egg mass and composition varied among populations, and interpopulation differences in yolk dry mass and energy content were still evident after accounting for egg mass. Population mean egg mass and thus hatchling mass were greater in the colder localities. Females from three northern populations increased offspring size by laying larger eggs relative to their own size. Females from an inland population in Rongjiang could increase offspring size by investing relatively more dry materials and thus more energy into individual eggs without enlarging the size of their eggs. The degree of embryonic development at oviposition was almost the same across the six populations, so was the rate of embryonic development and thus incubation length at any given temperature. Both incubation temperature and population source affected hatchling traits examined, but the relative importance of these two factors varied between traits. Our data show that in P. chinensis hatchling traits reflecting overall body size (body mass, snout‐vent length and tail length) are more profoundly affected by population source. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 283–296.  相似文献   

To understand the process of natural selection, relationships between phenotype and fitness and sources of phenotypic variation must be known. We examined the importance of incubation moisture conditions, maternal yolk investment, and clutch (genotype) to phenotypic variation in hatchlings of the lizard Sceloporus undulatus . Eggs were distributed among two moisture treatments and a third treatment in which yolk was removed. After hatching, mass, snout–vent length, tail length, body shape, thermal preference, running speed, desiccation rate, and growth rate were measured for each hatchling in the laboratory. Hatchlings were then released at a field site in order to monitor growth and survival under natural conditions. Hatchlings from the dry and yolk-removed treatments were significantly smaller than those from the wet treatment. However, neither performance nor survival were affected by moisture or yolk removal. All phenotypes were affected by clutch. Clutches that produced relatively large hatchlings had higher survival than clutches that produced relatively small hatchlings. Furthermore, clutches that produced relatively slow growing individuals and fast runners had higher survival rates than clutches that produced relatively rapid growing individuals and slow runners. Our results emphasize the overriding importance of clutch (genotype) to variation in phenotypes and survival in hatchling S. undulatus . © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 76 , 105–124.  相似文献   

Organisms and parts of an organism like eggs or individual cells developing in colder environments tend to grow bigger. A unifying explanation for this Bergmann's rule extended to ectotherms has not been found, and whether this is an adaptive response or a physiological constraint is debated. The dependence of egg and clutch size on the mother's temperature environment were investigated in the yellow dung fly Scathophaga stercoraria. Smaller eggs were laid at warmer temperatures in the field and the laboratory, where possible confounding variables were controlled for. As clutch size at the same time was unaffected by temperature, this effect was not due to a trade-off between egg size and number. Temperature-dependent egg sizes even persisted within individuals: when females were transferred to a cooler (warmer) environment, they laid third-clutch eggs that were larger (smaller) than their first-clutch eggs. The fitness consequences of these temperature-mediated egg sizes were further investigated in two laboratory experiments. Neither egg and pre-adult survivorship nor larval growth rate were maximized, nor was development time minimized, at the ambient temperature corresponding to the mother's temperature environment. This does not support the beneficial acclimation hypothesis. Instead, this study yielded some, but by no means conclusive indications of best performance by offspring from eggs laid at intermediate temperatures, weakly supporting the optimal temperature hypothesis. In one experiment the smaller eggs laid at 24 °C had reduced survivorship at all ambient temperatures tested. Smaller eggs thus generally performed poorly. The most parsimonious interpretation of these results is that temperature-mediated variation in egg size is a maternal physiological response (perhaps even a constraint) of unclear adaptive value. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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