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The genus Rhagada is the second most diverse camaenid genus in Australia. We examined anatomical and mitochondrial characters of previously unidentified material from the Kimberley that was earmarked to potentially represent new species in recently published molecular phylogenetic studies. Our comparisons revealed that specimens from Gibbings Island (‘R. sp. Gibbings’) were morphologically and genetically most similar to Rhagada cygna from the Dampier Peninsula. Hence, ‘R. sp. Gibbings’ is considered to be identical to R. cygna. In addition, we found that R. cygna as so delimited is not clearly distinguished from the second species on the Dampier Peninsula, Rhagada bulgana. Both species differ rather subtly in anatomical and mitochondrial characters, indicating their close relationships and potentially incomplete evolutionary differentiation. Furthermore, we describe two new species based on comparative morphology and mitochondrial sequences: Rhagada worora n. sp. from the Prince Regent Reserve in the Kimberley and Rhagada karajarri n. sp. from Dampierland. The present study confirms that species in Rhagada are best identified by means of both morphological and molecular data.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:556E1866-6F9E-4CC0-8ACF-CD56E929501F  相似文献   

Landouria omphalostoma n. sp. is described from northern Yunnan, China. The new species is placed in the genus Landouria Godwin-Austen, 1918 based on the presence of tuberculated flagellum and swollen basal part in the bursa copulatrix, and on the absence of dart sacs and mucous glands. L. omphalostoma n. sp. is characterized by a horizontal aperture of the shell which is unique in the genus. This feature resembles those of only two other camaenid/bradybaenid taxa, species of the Chinese genus Pseudaspasita Möllendorff, 1902 and species of the Japanese genus Coelorus Pilsbry, 1900. This is the first verified record of the genus in China and the easternmost record of Landouria. This paper provides the taxonomic ground work for further studies of the repeated evolution of a horizontal aperture.  相似文献   

Characterizing the patterns of hybridization between closely related species is crucial to understand the role of gene flow in speciation. In particular, systems comprising multiple contacts between sister species offer an outstanding opportunity to investigate how reproductive isolation varies with environmental conditions, demography and geographic contexts of divergence. The flat periwinkles, Littorina obtusata and L. fabalis (Gastropoda), are two intertidal sister species with marked ecological differences compatible with late stages of speciation. Although hybridization between the two was previously suggested, its extent across the Atlantic shores of Europe remained largely unknown. Here, we combined genetic (microsatellites and mtDNA) and morphological data (shell and male genital morphology) from multiple populations of flat periwinkles in north‐western Iberia to assess the extent of current and past hybridization between L. obtusata and L. fabalis under two contrasting geographic settings of divergence (sympatry and allopatry). Hybridization signatures based on both mtDNA and microsatellites were stronger in sympatric sites, although evidence for recent extensive admixture was found in a single location. Misidentification of individuals into species based on shell morphology was higher in sympatric than in allopatric sites. However, despite hybridization, species distinctiveness based on this phenotypic trait together with male genital morphology remained relatively high. The observed variation in the extent of hybridization among locations provides a rare opportunity for future studies on the consequences of different levels of gene flow for reinforcement, thus informing about the mechanisms underlying the completion of speciation.  相似文献   

The identification and designation of land snail species in the genus Trochulus on the basis of shell characteristics are problematic because of their great phenotypic plasticity. Some genetic analyses have proved inconclusive, with much variation within populations and apparent gene flow among them. We examined this issue by morphometric and molecular approaches on the morphologically similar species T. coelomphala, T. hispidus and T. striolatus, co‐occurring in the Alpenvorland of Germany. While these species differed in shell and reproductive system morphology, there were forms that turned out intermediate in shell characters between T. coelomphala and T. hispidus but had genital morphology similar to T. coelomphala. Phylogenetic analysis, however, showed that these forms clustered neither with T. coelomphala nor T. hispidus but are sister to T. striolatus from the same region, which suggests that they evolved by way of sympatric speciation. Further, these analyses suggest that T. coelomphala diverged within T. hispidus; a crossing experiment indicated that they were interfertile. Expanding the study to include all available Trochulus sequences enabled us to infer evolutionary relationships between them and showed that T. hispidus is polyphyletic. Some Trochulus samples of one nominal species were grouped within others. The combination of phenotypic plasticity and possible mitochondrial DNA introgression illustrates the complex nature of evolutionary processes and the need for caution in the application of traditional taxonomic practice.  相似文献   

Hybridization between different taxa is likely to take place when adaptive morphological differences evolve more rapidly than reproductive isolation. When studying the phylogenetic relationship between two land snails of different nominal genera, Ainohelix editha and Ezohelix gainesi, from Hokkaido, Japan, using nuclear internal transcribed spacer and mitochondrial 16S ribosomal DNA, we found a marked incongruence in the topology between nuclear and mitochondrial phylogenies. Furthermore, no clear association was found between shell morphology (which defines the taxonomy) and nuclear or mitochondrial trees and morphology of reproductive system. These patterns are most likely explained by historical introgressive hybridization between A. editha and E. gainesi. Because the shell morphologies of the two species are quite distinct, even when they coexist, the implication is that natural selection is able to maintain (or has recreated) distinct morphologies in the face of gene flow. Future studies may be able to reveal the regions of the genome that maintain the morphological differences between these species. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 115 , 77–95.  相似文献   

By complementing two independent systematic studies published recently on the Western Australian land snail Amplirhagada, we compare levels of morphological variation in shells and genitalia with those in the mitochondrial markers cytochrome c oxidase (COI) and 16S to evaluate the utility of mtDNA markers for delimiting species. We found that penial morphology and mitochondrial divergence are generally highly consistent in delimiting species, while shells have little overall taxonomic utility in these snails. In addition to this qualitative correspondence, there is almost no overlap between intraspecific and interspecific genetic distances in COI, with the highest intraspecific and lowest interspecific distance being 6%. This value is twice the general level suggested as a DNA barcode threshold by some authors and higher than the best average found in stylommatophoran land snails. Although in Amplirhagada land snails DNA barcoding may provide meaningful information as a first‐pass approach towards species delimitation, we argue that this is due only to specific evolutionary circumstances that facilitated a long‐termed separate evolution of mitochondrial lineages along spatial patterns. However, because in general the amounts of morphological and mitochondrial differentiation of species depend on their evolutionary history and age, the mode of speciation, distributional patterns and ecological adaptations, and absence or presence of mechanisms that prevent gene flow across species limits, the applicability of DNA barcoding has to be confirmed by morphological studies for each single group anew. Based on evidence from both molecular and morphological markers, we describe six new species from the Bonaparte Archipelago and revise the taxonomy of a further two. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 165 , 337–362.  相似文献   

A hybrid zone along an environmental gradient should contain a clinal pattern of genetic and phenotypic variation. This occurs because divergent selection in the two parental habitats is typically strong enough to overcome the homogenizing effects of gene flow across the environmental transition. We studied hybridization between two parapatric tree squirrels (Tamiasciurus spp.) across a forest gradient over which the two species vary in coloration, cranial morphology and body size. We sampled 397 individuals at 29 locations across a 600‐km transect to seek genetic evidence for hybridization; upon confirming hybridization, we examined levels of genetic admixture in relation to maintenance of phenotypic divergence despite potentially homogenizing gene flow. Applying population assignment analyses to microsatellite data, we found that Tamiasciurus douglasii and T. hudsonicus form two distinct genetic clusters but also hybridize, mostly within transitional forest habitat. Overall, based on this nuclear analysis, 48% of the specimens were characterized as T. douglasii, 9% as hybrids and 43% as T. hudsonicus. Hybrids appeared to be reproductively viable, as evidenced by the presence of later‐generation hybrid genotypes. Observed clines in ecologically important phenotypic traits—fur coloration and cranial morphology—were sharper than the cline of putatively neutral mtDNA, which suggests that divergent selection may maintain phenotypic distinctiveness. The relatively recent divergence of these two species (probably late Pleistocene), apparent lack of prezygotic isolating mechanisms and geographic coincidence of cline centres for both genetic and phenotypic variation suggest that environmental factors play a large role in maintaining the distinctiveness of these two species across the hybrid zone.  相似文献   

Hybridization and introgression can have important evolutionary consequences for speciation, especially during early stages of secondary contact when reproductive barriers may be weak. Few studies, however, have quantified dynamics of hybridization and introgression in systems in which recent natural dispersal across a geographic barrier resulted in secondary contact. We investigated patterns of hybridization and introgression between two Myzomela honeyeaters (M. tristrami and M. cardinalis) that recently achieved secondary contact on Makira in the Solomon Islands. Hybridization in this system was hypothesized to be a byproduct of conspecific mate scarcity during early stages of colonization. Our research, however, provides evidence of ongoing hybridization more than a century after secondary contact. Mitochondrial sequencing revealed strongly asymmetric reproductive isolation that is most likely driven by postzygotic incompatibilities rather than prezygotic behavioral barriers. Nuclear introgression was observed from the native species (M. tristrami) to the colonizing species (M. cardinalis). Nuclear introgression in the reverse direction is almost exclusively limited to birds that are phenotypically M. tristrami but possess M. cardinalis mitochondrial haplotypes, consistent with introgression of plumage‐related alleles into the genomic background of M. cardinalis. These results provide unique insight into the dynamics and consequences of hybridization and introgression during early stages of secondary contact.  相似文献   

In the Dampier Archipelago of Western Australia's Pilbara Region, several locally endemic, morphologically distinctive species of Rhagada land snails occur, contrasting with the morphologically conservative species with wider distributions on the adjacent mainland. To test alternative origins of this unusual local diversity in a continental archipelago, we examined sequences of the cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 and 16S mitochondrial genes in 22 described species and eight undescribed forms, including all known morphospecies from the Pilbara Region's Dampier Archipelago and adjacent mainland. Phylogenetic analyses consistently resolved four, deep clades within the Pilbara Region, with a mean sequence divergence of 15–18%. All but one of the species from the Dampier Archipelago formed one of the major clades, indicating that the morphological radiation in the archipelago evolved locally, rather than through multiple, relictual mainland lineages. Morphological divergence spanning almost that of the entire genus was within a subclade with sequence divergence < 4%, highlighting the disconnection between morphological diversification and levels of molecular genetic divergence. This in situ morphological radiation in the Dampier Archipelago, which transcends variation seen over much larger distances on the mainland, is unusual for a continental archipelago, and may relate to local heterogeneity of land forms. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 316–327.  相似文献   


Sigaloeista Shea & Griffiths, 2010 is a genus of small, litter-dwelling helicarionid snails that occurs in the rainforest and wet sclerophyll forest of northeastern New South Wales and southern Queensland. This group currently comprises three species known only from their shell morphology. We revise the taxonomy of this group using a comparison of key morphological features and mitochondrial genes COI and 16S, and describe four new species: Sigaloeista gracilis n. sp.; S. cavanbah n. sp.; S. dorrigo n. sp.; and S. ramula n. sp. Sigaloeista is unified by shared morphological characters including a small, glossy, discoidal shell of about 4.5 whorls, a body with a pronounced caudal horn and large, leaf-shaped shell lappets, and a reproductive system with a short vagina, absent epiphallic caecum, flagellum with internal cryptae and spermatophore with accessory spines.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:5D5D7603-06B2-4662-91BB-343E3BB5C4E8  相似文献   

Secondary contact zones have the potential to shed light on the mode and rate at which reproductive isolation accumulates during allopatric speciation. We investigated the population genetics of a contact zone between two highly divergent lineages of field voles (Microtus agrestis) in the Swiss Jura mountains. To shed light on the processes underlying introgression, we used maternally, paternally, and bi-parentally inherited markers. Though the two lineages maintained a strong genetic structure, we found some hybrids and evidence of gene flow. The extent of introgression varied with the mode of inheritance, being highest for mtDNA and absent for the Y chromosome. In addition, introgression was asymmetric, occurring only from the Northern to the Southern lineage. Both patterns seem parsimoniously explained by neutral processes linked to differences in effective sizes and sex-biased dispersal rates. The lineage with lower effective population size was also the more introgressed, and the mode-of-inheritance effect correlated with the male-biased dispersal rate of microtine rodents. We cannot exclude, however, that Haldane's effect contributed to the latter, as we found a marginally significant deficit in males (the heterogametic sex) among hybrids. We propose a possible demographic scenario to account for the patterns documented, and empirical extensions to further investigate this contact zone.  相似文献   

Evolutionary processes do not affect all character types equally. Depending on environmental effects, morphological and ecological evolution may be uncoupled from molecular evolution. A natural contact zone between two forms of the amphipod Gammarus fossarum was used to assess the levels of differentiation in genetic, morphological and habitat characters. About 50 individuals per population were analysed for six enzyme loci in 72 populations and four size-standardized morphometric traits in a subset of 32 populations. Nine environmental parameters per population were used to characterize the habitat. All three character sets revealed significant divergences between G. fossarum forms. The eastern form A of G. fossarum differs from the western form B by longer setae at the second antennae (males) and longer exopodits at die third uropods (males and females). The variance partitioning within populations, among populations and between forms, was compared within the three character sets. The relative variance component between forms in genetic characters appeared to be 10-fold greater in comparison to morphological traits, indicating morphological stasis during speciation. The inter-form environmental differentiation was shown to be low, but consistent between pure populations. The eastern form A seems to prefer higher altitudes, a substrate type of gravel, stones and leaves, shading, and water with higher conductivity and pH man the western form B.  相似文献   

1. Certain groups of fruit flies in the genus Rhagoletis (Diptera: Tephritidae) are exemplars for sympatric speciation via host plant shifting. Flies in these species groups are morphologically similar and overlap in their geographic ranges, yet attack different, non‐overlapping sets of host plants. Ecological adaptations related to differences in host choice and preference have been shown to be important prezygotic barriers to gene flow between these taxa, as Rhagoletis flies mate on or near the fruit of their respective host plants. Non‐host‐related assortative mating is generally absent or present at low levels between these sympatrically diverging fly populations. 2. However, some Rhagoletis taxa occasionally migrate to ‘non‐natal’ plants that are the primary hosts of other, morphologically differentiated fly species in the genus. These observations raise the question of whether sexual isolation may reduce courtship and copulation between morphologically divergent species of Rhagoletis flies, contributing to their prezygotic isolation along with host‐specific mating. 3. Using reciprocal multiple‐choice mating trials, we measured sexual isolation among nine species pairs of morphologically differentiated Rhagoletis flies. Complete sexual isolation was observed in eight of the nine comparisons, while partial sexual isolation was observed in the remaining comparison. 4. We conclude that sexual isolation can be an effective prezygotic barrier to gene flow contributing to substantial reproductive isolation between many morphologically distinct Rhagoletis species, even in the absence of differential host plant choice and host‐associated mating.  相似文献   

The paper describes morphometric and allozymic differences among four European species of the family Viviparidae: Viviparus contectus (Millet, 1813), V. viviparus (Linnaeus, 1758), V. acerosus Bourguignat, 1862, and V. ater (Cristofori et Jan, 1832). Fourteen continuous biometrical characters were measured. Incremental discriminant-function analysis, principal-component analysis, and non-metric multidimensional scaling were applied to analysis of the morphometric differences. All the techniques confirmed a similar picture: a slight morphometric differentiation, with the variability ranges of the species overlapping. On the other hand, the allozymic differentiation, studied at 12 loci, eight of them intra and/or interspecific polymorphic, is much better marked, the intraspecific Nei's distances among the four V. contectus populations ranging from 0.0014 to 0.0397, mean 0.0166, and interspecific distances ranging from 0.2306 (V. ater–V. acerosus) to 0.9888 (V. contectus 2 and V. viviparus), mean 0.6871. The allele frequencies and genetic distances (Nei's distance and Cavalli-Sforza and Edwards’chord distance) were used to compute maximum likelihood, additive Fitch–Margoliash and ultrametric Fitch–Margoliash trees. All the trees presented a similar pattern, but the maximum-likelihood and additive trees, based on Cavalli-Sforza and Edwards’distance, seem to reflect the phylogeny best. The results are compared with the most parsimonious phylogenies inferred for radular, soft-part morphology and anatomy, and opercular data from other papers by us, and the inferred phylogenies are also compared. Although the inferred molecular and morphological phylogenies are little different in topology, the amount of evolution along the corresponding branches (measured as the number of changes averaged over all reconstructions) is very different, the value of correlation coefficient between the two phylogenies being statistically insignificant. The occurrence of interspecific hybrids is discussed, and the isolation-by-competition mechanism is postulated. The probable origin of V. viviparus from a founder population extremely restricted in number is stressed. The possible history of the group is briefly discussed. The species is suggested to have originated in an unusual habitat of melt water at a glacier foreland that could have promoted genotypic differentiation and sympatric speciation.  相似文献   

When lineages diverge in allopatry and come into secondary contact, we have a unique opportunity to examine the degree to which they have become reproductively isolated from one another and the mechanisms that contribute to rates of interspecific gene flow. If hybridization and introgression have occurred in the past or are ongoing, examining patterns of variation in differentially inherited genetic markers can provide insight into underlying mechanisms determining interspecific reproductive interactions. We investigated genetic variation in a recently discovered contact zone between two species of woodrats (Neotoma fuscipes and N. macrotis) in central coastal California. Previous studies have found evidence of historic hybridization between these species, but an active site of sympatry had yet to be discovered. Here, we describe the first known area of sympatry between the two species and present evidence of ongoing hybridization at this site. We intensively sampled throughout the narrow area of interspecific contact and continuously into the adjacent areas where each taxon existed largely in isolation of the other. We genotyped 851 individuals sampled in a single year at 15 nuclear microsatellite loci and sequenced a portion of the cytochrome b gene in a subset of these to examine patterns of introgression. We find that the area of sympatry is less than 1 km in length, but hybridization appeared to be fairly common, with 15% of the woodrats being of hybrid origin. At least some hybrids are fertile because introgression was evident. However, introgression appeared to be asymmetric with backcrosses toward N. macrotis being more common, a pattern we suspect is due in part to directional mate choice related to differential body size. This study adds to our growing understanding of the nature of species boundaries, especially between lineages that are far along the continuum towards speciation. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 115 , 162–172.  相似文献   

Two closely related damselflies, Ischnura graellsii and I. elegans , were analysed for morphological differences and reproductive isolation in the north coast of Galicia (NW Spain). We compared animals from sympatric and allopatric localities, including I. elegans from Belgium and I. graellsii from southern Spain as pure allopatric populations. A set of morphometric characters were studied by means of multivariate discriminant analysis to determine if these two species can be unambiguously distinguished. Discriminant analysis revealed that I. graellsii and I. elegans are well differentiated on the first two axis (86% and 11%, respectively). I. graellsii individuals are distinguished from I. elegans by their smaller size and, specifically, by their narrower and shorter wings and shorter tibiae. In addition, I. elegans has a narrower space between the branches of each cercus, and greater distance between the branches of each paraproct. Sympatric individuals are morphologically intermediate, suggesting hybridization. When the species were put together in the laboratory, they showed partial temporal separation in mating behaviour, but males of I. elegans readily mated with females of I. graellsii , and hybrid individuals were obtained. The opposite heterospecific cross was almost impossible, apparently because of mechanical problems with the tandem linkage. Laboratory-reared hybrids (from male I. elegans × female I. graellsii ) are morphologically intermediate, mainly resembling the maternal phenotype. Although hybridization between both taxa is common, we suggest maintaining the specific status for both phenotypes because they show incipient reproductive isolation, as it is reported in the literature. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 76 , 225–235.  相似文献   

The behavioural ecology of terrestrial molluscs is poorly known. We consider the behavioural ecology of three morphologically similar, parapatric camaenids of southeast Australia: Meridolum corneovirens, Meridolum middenense, and Pommerhelix duralensis. We critically review available literature on their behaviour and address knowledge gaps through field and laboratory studies, including spool-line tracking data for P. duralensis and M. corneovirens. These data are supplemented by in situ observation for each species and ex situ dietary preference studies for P. duralensis and M. corneovirens. Our results suggest a complex behavioural ecology for each species, with some inter-specific behavioural differences within the morphologically conservative group. Implications for invertebrate conservation planning are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The family of polygyrid land snails in North America is significant for its sympatric shell convergences, diversity of mating systems and complex zoogeography; its monophyly and its relation to other families has long been questionable. Cladistic analysis has been performed on one representative each of 17 subfamilies, including all three polygyrid subfamilies and one or more subfamilies each from all ten of the families that have been proposed as the polygyrid sister groups. Eighteen anatomical synapomorphies are used, of which eight are newly discovered, four are differently assessed from previous studies, and six are traditional. The resulting strict consensus tree of alternative maximum-parsimony cladograms is: (Acavidae (Ammonitellidae Corillidae ((Discidae Oreohelicidae) (Helminthoglyptidae Bradybaenidae Polygyridae (Thysanophoridae (Camaenidae Sagdidae)))))).
According to this working hypothesis, the Polygyridae are monophyletic, and their sister group remains unresolved, although the Acavidae, Ammonitellidae, Corillidae, Discidae and Oreohelicidae can be ruled out. Of the five classifications of stylommatophoran families that have been proposed in the past 12 years, the consensus tree is closest to that of Nordsieck. For future morphological work, three regions are recommended as potentially rich in unused phylogenetic information: the fertilization pouch-seminal receptacle complex, the ureter at the pneumostome and the ventral-chain ganglia. Simultaneous dissection, wkh side-by-side comparisons, is recommended over other methods for detecting homologies in land snails. Molecular characters should be exploited, because of the scarcity and the frequent homoplasy of morphological characters.  相似文献   

On the small oceanic island of Chichijima, two endemic species of land snails, Mandarina mandarina and M. chichijimana, have discrete distributions separated by a hybrid zone. This study investigates the potential of hybridization as a source of morphological novelty in these snails. Mandarina mandarina possesses a shell with a higher whorl expansion rate and a smaller protoconch than M. chichijimana, relative to shell size. The number of whorls and shell size of M. mandarina do not differ from those of M. chichijimana, because the effect of higher expansion rate on number of whorls and size of the former is compensated for by its smaller protoconch. The whorl expansion rate and protoconch diameter of the individuals from the hybrid populations are intermediate or typical of either of the two species, and their average values show clinal changes along the hybrid zone. However, the hybrid populations include exceptionally high shells with many whorls and flat shells with few whorls, which are never found in the pure populations of either species. In addition, gradual increases in variance in shell height and number of whorls were found from the edges to the center of the hybrid zone. A combination of low expansion rate (typical of M. chichijimana) and a small protoconch (typical of M. mandarina) produces a shell with an extremely large number of whorls because of the geometry of shell coiling. However, the combination of high expansion rate and a large protoconch produces a shell with an extremely small number of whorls. Because of the correlation between the number of whorls and shell height, shells with an exceptional number of whorls possess an extraordinarily high or flat spire. Hybrids can inherit a mosaic of characters that, as they play out during growth, lead to novel adult morphologies. These findings emphasize the importance of hybridization as a source of morphological variation and evolutionary novelty in land snails.  相似文献   

In allopatric species, reproductive isolation evolves through the accumulation of genetic incompatibilities. The degree of divergence required for complete reproductive isolation is highly variable across taxa, which makes the outcome of secondary contact between allopatric species unpredictable. Since before the Pliocene, two species of Anolis lizards, Anolis carolinensis and Anolis porcatus, have been allopatric, yet this period of independent evolution has not led to substantial species‐specific morphological differentiation, and therefore, they might not be reproductively isolated. In this study, we determined the genetic consequences of localized, secondary contact between the native green anole, A. carolinensis, and the introduced Cuban green anole, A. porcatus, in South Miami. Using 18 microsatellite markers, we found that the South Miami population formed a genetic cluster distinct from both parental species. Mitochondrial DNA revealed maternal A. porcatus ancestry for 35% of the individuals sampled from this population, indicating a high degree of cytonuclear discordance. Thus, hybridization with A. porcatus, not just population structure within A. carolinensis, may be responsible for the genetic distinctiveness of this population. Using tree‐based maximum‐likelihood analysis, we found support for a more recent, secondary introduction of A. porcatus to Florida. Evidence that ~33% of the nuclear DNA resulted from a secondary introduction supports the hybrid origin of the green anole population in South Miami. We used multiple lines of evidence and multiple genetic markers to reconstruct otherwise cryptic patterns of species introduction and hybridization. Genetic evidence for a lack of reproductive isolation, as well as morphological similarities between the two species, supports revising the taxonomy of A. carolinensis to include A. porcatus from western Cuba. Future studies should target the current geographic extent of introgression originating from the past injection of genetic material from Cuban green anoles and determine the consequences for the evolutionary trajectory of green anole populations in southern Florida.  相似文献   

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