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The genetic variation of the critically endangered Corfu killifish (Valencia letourneuxi), an endemic freshwater fish species of the western Balkans, was assessed for nine populations sampled in eight water systems in western continental Greece, the Peloponnese and the Ionian Island of Corfu, using mitochondrial and microsatellite markers. The analyses were based on data from three mtDNA regions (D‐loop, COI and 16S rRNA sequences) and 14 microsatellite loci. Samples from the congeneric species Valencia hispanica and the phylogenetically closely related species Aphanius fasciatus were also used in the study as outgroups. Both the mitochondrial and the microsatellite analyses revealed three distinct population groupings associated with the geographical distribution of the populations: one southern group occupying rivers draining to the Patraikos Gulf, the second one including the populations flowing into the Amvrakikos Gulf and the third, more northern group, including the other populations from rivers in Corfu Island and Epirus flowing into the Ionian Sea. Within these groupings there is limited genetic differentiation between populations; in addition, there is reduced intrapopulation genetic variation, evidenced by low heterozygosity values, number of alleles and haplotype diversity. In terms of taxonomic implications and appropriate management actions for conservation, our data suggest that the major population groups should be regarded at least as three distinct conservation units (CUs), with translocation and restocking actions to take place only within the geographical range of the CU concerned. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 334–349.  相似文献   

The theory of classical and cryptic Pleistocene refugia is based mainly on historical changes in temperature, and the refugia are usually defined within a latitudinal gradient. However, the gradient of oceanic–continental climate (i.e. longitudinal) was also significantly variable during glacial cycles with important biotic consequences. Range‐wide phylogeography of the European ground squirrel (EGS) was used to interpret the evolutionary and palaeogeographical history of the species in Europe and to shed light on its glacial–interglacial dynamic. The EGS is a steppe‐inhabiting species and the westernmost member of the genus in the Palaearctic region. We have analysed 915 specimens throughout the present natural range by employing mitochondrial DNA sequences (cytochrome b gene) and 12 nuclear microsatellite markers. The reconstructed phylogeography divides the species into two main geographical groups, with deep substructuring within both groups. Bulgaria is the centre of the ancestral area, and it also has the highest genetic diversity within the species. The northernmost group of the EGS survived in the southern part of Pannonia throughout several glacial–interglacial cycles. Animals from this population probably repeatedly colonized areas further to the north and west during the glacial periods, while in the interglacial periods, the EGS distribution contracted back to this Pannonian refugium. The EGS thus represents a species with a glacial expansion/interglacial contraction palaeogeographical dynamics, and the Pannonian and southeastern Balkanian steppes are supported as cryptic refugia of continental climate during Pleistocene interglacials.  相似文献   

C Cunha  I Doadrio  J Abrantes  M M Coelho 《Heredity》2011,106(1):100-112
Understanding the population structure, population dynamics and processes that give rise to polyploidy and helps to maintain it is central to our knowledge of the evolution of asexual vertebrates. Previous studies revealed high genetic diversity and several reproductive pathways in the southern populations of the Squalius alburnoides hybrid complex. In contrast, lower genetic variability and the associated limited chance of introducing new genetic combinations may threaten the survival of the northern Mondego populations. We analysed the genetic diversity and structure of nine populations of S. alburnoides in the Iberian Peninsula using microsatellite loci to provide further insights on the evolutionary history of this complex. Special attention was given to the less-studied northern populations (Mondego and Douro basins). Marked population structure, a high frequency of private alleles and a high diversity of some biotypes in the Douro basin indicate that some northern populations may not be at high risk of extinction, contrary to what was expected. The genetic diversity found in the northern Douro populations contradicts the general trend of remarkable genetic impoverishment northwards that occurs in other species and regions. The results indicate the possible existence of a glacial refugium in the Rabaçal River, corroborating findings in other species of this region. Historical events seem to have affected the geographical patterns of genetic variability found among and within the northern and southern populations of this complex and contributed to different patterns of genome composition. Therefore, historical events might have a major role in the long-term persistence of some polyploid hybrid taxa.  相似文献   

Biodiversity across a landscape is a product of both historical events and ongoing contemporary forces. The past and present factors that influence black bear Ursus americanus diversity on the Alexander Archipelago and mainland of Southeast Alaska were investigated by assessing nuclear genetic variation. The natural fragmentation of the region, the high vagility of black bears and their possible recent post-Pleistocene colonization to Southeast Alaska allowed us to discern between past and present forces characterizing diversity. Two known black bear lineages, estimated previously with mitochondrial DNA to have diverged 1.8 million years ago, remained evident in data from more rapidly evolving nuclear genetic markers. Two nuclear genetic clusters geographically correspond to the lineages, suggesting that contemporary movement since colonization (likely beginning 18 000 cybp) has not been sufficient to eliminate genetic differences between the highly divergent lineages. Concomitantly, the clearest pattern of genetic diversity is related to contemporary geographic patterns; contemporary geography differs from geography immediately after deglaciation due to sea-level change. Narrow saltwater straits, expansive ice fields, narrow beach fringes and saltwater inland bays separate genetically distinct groupings of black bears.  相似文献   

Southern Australia is currently divided into three marine biogeographical provinces based on faunal distributions and physical parameters. These regions indicate eastern and western distributions, with an overlap occurring in the Bass Strait in Victoria. However, studies indicate that the boundaries of these provinces vary depending on the species being examined, and in particular on the mode of development employed by that species, be they direct developers or planktonic larvae dispersers. Mitochondrial DNA sequence analysis of the surf barnacle Catomerus polymerus in southern Australia revealed an east-west phylogeographical split involving two highly divergent clades (cytochrome oxidase I 3.5 +/- 0.76%, control region 6.7 +/- 0.65%), with almost no geographical overlap. Spatial genetic structure was not detected within either clade, indicative of a relatively long-lived planktonic larval phase. Five microsatellite loci indicated that C. polymerus populations exhibit relatively high levels of genetic divergence, and fall into four subregions: eastern Australia, central Victoria, western Victoria and Tasmania, and South Australia. F(ST) values between eastern Australia (from the eastern mitochondrial DNA clade) and the remaining three subregions ranged from 0.038 to 0.159, with other analyses indicating isolation by distance between the subregions of western mitochondrial origin. We suggest that the east-west division is indicative of allopatric divergence resulting from the emergence of the Bassian land-bridge during glacial maxima, preventing gene flow between these two lineages. Subsequently, contemporary ecological conditions, namely the East Australian, Leeuwin, and Zeehan currents and the geographical disjunctions at the Coorong and Ninety Mile Beach are most likely responsible for the four subregions indicated by the microsatellite data.  相似文献   

The use of molecular genetic techniques can aidwildlife managers in setting priorities anddevising management strategies for scatteredpopulations of threatened taxa. In this study,six remnant populations of the criticallyendangered brush-tailed rock-wallaby (Petrogale penicillata) in Victoria, Australia,were examined using karyotypic, microsatellite(11 loci) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) controlregion sequence analysis. Each remnantpopulation was found to be genetically distinct(unique microsatellite alleles and controlregion haplotypes), but had low geneticdiversity. This distribution of geneticdiversity between, rather than withinpopulations, is most likely a consequence ofrecent severe reductions in population size anddispersal that have occurred since Europeansettlement. The six mtDNA control regionhaplotypes identified in the Victorianpopulations were all closely related (average1.3% sequence divergence), and only 2%divergence separated haplotypes from EastGippsland and the Grampians (550 km to thewest). In contrast there was considerablesequence divergence (7.7%) between theVictorian haplotypes and those found in P.penicillata from elsewhere in the speciesrange. In comparison, 8.8% divergenceseparates P. penicillata from the closelyrelated P. herberti. The Victorianhaplotypes also formed a distinct and wellsupported monophyletic group that excludedhaplotypes from other P. penicillata andP. herberti. In light of these data, werecommend that the remnant Victorianpopulations of P. penicillata be managedseparately from remaining populations in NewSouth Wales and Queensland; and thatindividuals be regularly exchanged amongst theVictorian populations to increase theirdiversity and reduce the likelihood ofinbreeding depression.  相似文献   

According to the inclusive fitness theory, some degree of positive relatedness is required for the evolution and maintenance of altruism. However, ant colonies are sometimes large interconnected networks of nests, which are genetically homogenous entities, causing a putative problem for the theory. We studied spatial structure and genetic relatedness in two supercolonies of the ant Formica exsecta, using nuclear and mitochondrial markers. We show that there may be multiple pathways to supercolonial social organization leading to different spatial genetic structures. One supercolony formed a genetically homogenous population dominated by a single mtDNA haplotype, as expected if founded by a small number of colonizers, followed by nest propagation by budding and domination of the habitat patch. The other supercolony had several haplotypes, and the spatial genetic structure was a mosaic of nuclear and mitochondrial clusters. Genetic diversity probably originated from long‐range dispersal, and the mosaic population structure is likely a result of stochastic short‐range dispersal of individuals. Such a mosaic spatial structure is apparently discordant with the current knowledge about the integrity of ant colonies. Relatedness was low in both populations when estimated among nestmates, but increased significantly when estimated among individuals sharing the same genetic cluster or haplogroup. The latter association indicates the important historical role of queen dispersal in the determination of the spatial genetic structure.  相似文献   

To understand speciation we need to study the genetics and ecology of intermediate cases where interspecific hybridization still occurs. Two closely related species of Heliconius butterflies meet this criterion: Heliconius himera is endemic to dry forest and thorn scrub in southern Ecuador and northern Peru, while its sister species, H. erato , is ubiquitous in wet forest throughout south and central America. In three known zones of contact, the two species remain distinct, while hybrids are found at low frequency. Collections in southern Ecuador show that the contact zone is about 5 km wide, half the width of the narrowest clines between colour pattern races of H. erato. The narrowness of this dine argues that very strong selection (s ≅ 1) is maintaining the parapatric distributions of these two species. The zone is closely related with a habitat transition from wet to dry forest, which suggests that the narrow zone of parapatry is maintained primarily by ecological adaptation. Selection on colour pattern loci, assortative mating and hybrid inviability may also be important. The genetics of hybrids between the two species shows that the major gene control of pattern elements is similar to that found in previous studies of H. erato races, and some of the loci are homologous. This suggests that similar genetic processes are involved in the morphological divergence of species and races. Evidence from related Heliconius supports a hypothesis that ecological adaptation is the driving force for speciation in the group.  相似文献   

To investigate the origin and maintenance of the genetic discontinuity between Atlantic and Mediterranean populations of the common sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) we analysed the genetic variation at a fragment of mitochondrial cytochrome b sequence for 18 population samples. The result were also compared with new or previously published microsatellite data. Seven mitochondrial haplotypes and an average nucleotidic divergence of 0.02 between Atlantic and Mediterranean populations that matches a Pleistocene allopatric isolation were found. The frequency variation at the cytochrome b locus was many times greater between Atlantic and Mediterranean populations (theta(C) = 0.67) than at microsatellite loci (theta(N)= 0.02). The examination of the different evolutionary forces at play suggests that a sex-biased hybrid breakdown is a likely explanation for part of the observed discrepancy between mitochondrial and nuclear loci. In addition, an analysis is made of the correlation between microsatellite loci points towards the possible existence of a hybrid zone in samples from the Alboran Sea.  相似文献   

Mimicry has been a fundamental focus of research since the birth of evolutionary biology yet rarely has been studied from a phylogenetic perspective beyond the simple recognition that mimics are not similar due to common descent. The difficulty of finding characters to discern relationships among closely related and convergent taxa has challenged systematists for more than a century. The phenotypic diversity of wing pattens among mimetic Heliconius adds an additional twist to the problem, because single species contain more than a dozen radically different-looking geographical races even though the mimetic advantage is theoretically highest when all individuals within and between species appear the same. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) offers an independent way to address these issues. In this study, Cytochrome Oxidase I and II sequences from multiple, parallel races of Heliconius erato and Heliconius melpomene are examined, to estimate intraspecific phylogeny and gauge sequence divergence and ages of clades among races within each species. Although phenotypes of sympatric races exhibit remarkable concordance between the two species, the mitochondrial cladograms show that the species have not shared a common evolutionary history. H. erato exhibits a basal split between trans- and cis-Andean groups of races, whereas H. melpomene originates in the Guiana Shield. Diverse races in either species appear to have evolved within the last 200,000 yr, and convergent phenotypes have evolved independently within as well as between species. These results contradict prior theories of the evolution of mimicry based on analysis of wing-pattern genetics.  相似文献   

Tetragonisca angustula is one of the most widespread stingless bees in the Neotropics. This species swarms frequently and is extremely successful in urban environments. In addition, it is one of the most popular stingless bee species for beekeeping in Latin America, so nest transportation and trading is common. Nest transportation can change the genetic structure of the host population, reducing inbreeding and increasing homogenization. Here, we evaluate the genetic structure of 17 geographic populations of T. angustula in southern Brazil to quantify the level of genetic differentiation between populations. Analyses were conducted on partially sequenced mitochondrial genes and 11 microsatellite loci of 1002 workers from 457 sites distributed on the mainland and on 3 islands. Our results show that T. angustula populations are highly differentiated as demonstrated by mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and microsatellite markers. Of 73 haplotypes, 67 were population‐specific. MtDNA diversity was low in 9 populations but microsatellite diversity was moderate to high in all populations. Microsatellite data suggest 10 genetic clusters and low level of gene flow throughout the studied area. However, physical barriers, such as rivers and mountain ranges, or the presence or absence of forest appear to be unrelated to population clusters. Factors such as low dispersal, different ecological conditions, and isolation by distance are most likely shaping the population structure of this species. Thus far, nest transportation has not influenced the general population structure in the studied area. However, due to the genetic structure we found, we recommend that nest transportation should only occur within and between populations that are genetically similar.  相似文献   

Summary In the queenless ant genus Diacamma, one mated worker (called gamergate) maintains reproductive mono-poly in a colony by mutilating newly emerged workers. However, in several populations from south India, referred to as nilgiri, gamergates do not mutilate their nestmates but monopolize reproduction using dominance interactions . Various lines of evidence indicate that nilgiri populations are closely related to the neighboring species D. ceylonense. To determine whether this important behavioural difference between nilgiri and D. ceylonense is associated with signi-ficant genetic differentiation, we have used microsatellite and mitochondrial markers to examine genetic variation within and between nilgiri and D. ceylonense. We found a very high genetic differentiation between the two forms, which suggests a lack of gene flow. There was an unexpected pattern of mitochondrial variation, because all nilgiri populations show identical or very closely related COII sequences except one population with a very different haplotype. This divergent haplotype is genetically much more distant from the other nilgiri haplotypes than are D. ceylonense haplotypes. This pattern is not observed at the nuclear level, which suggests that introgression of mitochondrial DNA probably occurred in some nilgiri populations.  相似文献   

Molecular markers, such as mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite loci, are widely studied to assess population genetics and phylogeography; however, the selective neutrality of these markers is increasingly being questioned. Given the importance of molecular markers in fisheries science and conservation, we evaluated the neutrality of both mtDNA and microsatellite loci through their associations with population size. We surveyed mtDNA and microsatellite data from the primary literature and determined whether genetic diversity increased with abundance across a total of 105 marine and freshwater fishes, with both global fisheries catch data and body size as proxies for abundance (with an additional 57 species for which only body size data were assessed). We found that microsatellite data generally yielded higher associations with abundance than mtDNA data, and within mtDNA analyses, number of haplotypes and haplotype diversity were more strongly associated with abundance than nucleotide diversity, particularly for freshwater fishes. We compared genetic diversity between freshwater and marine fishes and found that marine fishes had higher values of all measures of genetic diversity than freshwater fishes. Results for both mtDNA and microsatellites generally conformed to neutral expectations, although weaker relationships were often found between mtDNA nucleotide diversity and ‘abundance’ compared to any other genetic statistic. We speculate that this is because of historical events unrelated to natural selection, although a role for selection cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Examining population genetic structure can reveal patterns of reproductive isolation or population mixing and inform conservation management. Some avian species are predicted to exhibit minimal genetic differentiation among populations as a result of the species high mobility, with habitat specialists tending to show greater fine‐scale genetic structure. To explore the relationship between habitat specialization and gene flow, we investigated the genetic structure of a saltmarsh specialist with high potential mobility across a wide geographical range of fragmented habitat. Little variation among mitochondrial sequences (620 bp from ND2) was observed among 149 individual Clapper Rails Rallus crepitans sampled along the Atlantic coast of the USA, with the majority of individuals at all sampling sites sharing a single haplotype. Genotyping of nine microsatellite loci across 136 individuals revealed moderate genetic diversity, no evidence of bottlenecks and a weak pattern of genetic differentiation that increased with geographical distance. Multivariate analyses, Bayesian clustering and an AMOVA all suggested a lack of genetic structuring across the Atlantic coast of the USA, with all individuals grouped into a single interbreeding population. Spatial autocorrelation analyses showed evidence of weak female philopatry and a lack of male philopatry. We conclude that high gene flow connecting populations of this habitat specialist may result from the interaction of ecological and behavioural factors that promote dispersal and limit natal philopatry and breeding‐site fidelity. As climate change threatens saltmarshes, the genetic diversity and population connectivity of Clapper Rails may promote resilience of their populations. This finding helps inform about potential fates of other similarly behaving saltmarsh specialists on the Atlantic coast.  相似文献   

The genetic population structure of the bumble bee Bombus pascuorum was studied using six microsatellite loci and a partial sequence of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b . Eighteen populations from central and northern Europe were included in the analysis. Observed levels of genetic variability and heterozygosity were high. Estimates of population differentiation based on F - and Φ-statistics revealed significant genetic differentiation among B. pascuorum populations and suggest that two partially isolated gene pools, separated by the Alps, do exist. The distribution of mtDNA haplotypes supports this view and presents direct evidence for gene flow across the Alps. Estimates of the number of migrants exchanged among populations north of the Alps suggest that historical events may have left a strong imprint on population structure.  相似文献   

For elusive mammals like bats, colonization of new areas and colony formation are poorly understood, as is their relationship with the genetic structure of populations. Understanding dispersal and group formation behaviors is critical not only for a better comprehension of mammalian social dynamics, but also for guiding conservation efforts of rare and endangered species. Using nuclear and mitochondrial markers, we studied patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation among and within breeding colonies of giant noctule bats (Nyctalus lasiopterus), their relation to a new colony still in formation, and the impact of this ongoing process on the regionwide genetic makeup. Nuclear differentiation among colonies was relatively low and mostly nonsignificant. Mitochondrial variation followed this pattern, contrasting with findings for other temperate bat species. Our results suggest that this may indicate a recent population expansion. On average, female giant noctules were not more closely related to other colony members than to foreign individuals. This was also true for members of the newly forming colony and those of another, older group sampled shortly after its formation, suggesting that contrary to findings for other temperate bats, giant noctule colonies are not founded by relatives. However, mother–daughter pairs were found in the same populations more often than expected under random dispersal. Given this indication of philopatry, the lack of mitochondrial differentiation among most colonies in the region is probably due to the combination of a recent population expansion and group formation events.  相似文献   

Studying the population history and demography of organisms with important ecological roles can aid understanding of evolutionary processes at the community level and inform conservation. We screened genetic variation (mtDNA and microsatellite) across the populations of the southern grey shrike (Lanius meridionalis koenigi) in the Canary Islands, where it is an endemic subspecies and an important secondary seed disperser. We show that the Canarian subspecies is polyphyletic with L. meridionalis elegans from North Africa and that shrikes have colonized the Canary Islands from North Africa multiple times. Substantial differences in genetic diversity exist across islands, which are most likely the product of a combination of historical colonization events and recent bottlenecks. The Eastern Canary Islands had the highest overall levels of genetic diversity and have probably been most recently and/or frequently colonized from Africa. Recent or ongoing bottlenecks were detected in three of the islands and are consistent with anecdotal evidence of population declines due to human disturbance. These findings are troubling given the shrike's key ecological role in the Canary Islands, and further research is needed to understand the community‐level consequences of declines in shrike populations. Finally, we found moderate genetic differentiation among populations, which largely reflected the shrike's bottleneck history; however, a significant pattern of isolation‐by‐distance indicated that some gene flow occurs between islands. This study is a useful first step toward understanding how secondary seed dispersal operates over broad spatial scales.  相似文献   

In this study, genetic variation was assessed in Aphanius fasciatus and Aphanius iberus characterized by similar ecological traits but with very different distribution ranges in the Mediterranean area. Five populations of A. iberus and five of A. fasciatus were analysed using five polymorphic microsatellite loci and partial mitochondrial control region (D‐loop) sequences. Congruent results were found with both nuclear and mitochondrial molecular markers. The results showed that similar levels of genetic divergence, based on mitochondrial control region sequences, are present among populations of A. iberus and among populations of A. fasciatus despite the very different geographic distance existing among the examined populations of the two species (low geographic distance in A. iberus and high in A. fasciatus). A possible explanation could be that the populations of A. iberus were isolated for a longer time than the populations of A. fasciatus supporting the hypothesis that the split in the lineage leading to A. iberus is older than the split in the lineage leading to A. fasciatus. The possibility that the wide circum‐Mediterranean distribution of A. fasciatus ensures the high connectivity of its populations, preventing, in some cases, local differentiation, however, cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

The European wild boar is an important game species, subjected to local extinctions and translocations in the past, and currently enormously and worryingly expanding in some areas where management is urgently required. Understanding the relative roles of ancient and recent events in shaping the genetic structure of this species is therefore not only an interesting scientific issue, but it represents also the basis for addressing future management strategies. In addition, several pig breeds descend from the European wild boar, but the geographical location of the domestication area(s) and the possible introgression of pig genomes into wild populations are still open questions. Here, we analysed the genetic variation in different wild boar populations in Europe. Ten polymorphic microsatellites were typed in 252 wild boars and the mtDNA control region was sequenced in a subset of 145 individuals. Some samples from different pig breeds were also analysed. Our results, which were obtained considering also 612 published mtDNA sequences, suggest that (i) most populations are similarly differentiated, but the major discontinuity is found along the Alps; (ii) except for the Italian populations, European wild boars show the signature of a postglacial demographic expansion; (iii) Italian populations seem to preserve a high proportion of preglaciation diversity; (iv) the demographic decline which occurred in some areas in the last few centuries did not produce a noticeable reduction of genetic variation; (v) signs of human-mediated gene flow among populations are weak, although in some regions the effects of translocations are detectable and a low degree of pig introgression can be identified; (vi) the hypothesis of an independent domestication centre in Italy is not supported by our data, which in turn confirm that Central European wild boar might have represented an important source for domestic breeds. We can therefore conclude that recent human activities had a limited effect on the wild boar genetic structure. It follows that areas with high variation and differentiation represent natural reservoirs of genetic diversity to be protected avoiding translocations. In this context controlling some populations by hunting is not expected to affect significantly genetic variation in this species.  相似文献   

In the 1930s, the Scandinavian brown bear was close to extinction due to vigorous extermination programmes in Norway and Sweden. Increased protection of the brown bear in Scandinavia has resulted in the recovery of four subpopulations, which currently contain close to 1000 individuals. Effective conservation and management of the Scandinavian brown bear requires knowledge of the current levels of genetic diversity and gene flow among the four subpopulations. Earlier studies of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) diversity revealed extremely low levels of genetic variation, and population structure that grouped the three northern subpopulations in one genetic clade and the southernmost subpopulation in a second highly divergent clade. In this study, we extended the analysis of genetic diversity and gene flow in the Scandinavian brown bear using data from 19 nuclear DNA microsatellite loci. Results from the nuclear loci were strikingly different than the mtDNA results. Genetic diversity levels in the four subpopulations were equivalent to diversity levels in nonbottlenecked populations from North America, and significantly higher than levels in other bottlenecked and isolated brown bear populations. Gene flow levels between subpopulations ranged from low to moderate and were correlated with geographical distance. The substantial difference in results obtained using mtDNA and nuclear DNA markers stresses the importance of collecting data from both types of genetic markers before interpreting data and making recommendations for the conservation and management of natural populations. Based on the results from the mtDNA and nuclear DNA data sets, we propose one evolutionarily significant unit and four management units for the brown bear in Scandinavia.  相似文献   

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