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The Na/K pump in human red blood cells that normally exchanges 3 Nai for 2 Ko is known to continue to transport Na in a ouabain-sensitive and ATP-dependent manner when the medium is made free of both Nao and Ko. Although this Na efflux is called "uncoupled" because of removal of ions to exchange with, the efflux has been shown to be comprised of a coefflux with cellular anions. The work described in this paper presents a new mode of operation of uncoupled Na efflux. This new mode not only depends upon the combined presence of ADP and intracellular orthophosphate (P(i))i but the Na efflux that is stimulated to occur is coeffluxed with (P(i))i. These studies were carried out with DIDS- treated resealed red cell ghosts, suspended in buffered (NMG)2SO4, that were made to contain, in addition to other constituents, varying concentrations of ADP and P(i) together with Na2 SO4, MgSO4 and hexokinase. While neither ADP nor P(i) was effective alone, ouabain- sensitive uncoupled Na efflux, (measured with 22Na) could be activated by [ADP+P(i)] where the K0.5 for ADP in the presence of 10 mmol (P(i))i/liter ghosts was 100-200 mumol/liter ghosts and the K0.5 for (P(i))i, in the presence of 500 mumol ADP/liter ghosts was 3-4 mmol/liter ghosts. [ADP+P(i)] activation of this Na efflux could be inhibited by as little as 2 mumol ATP/liter ghosts but the inhibition could be relieved by the addition of 50 mM glucose, given entrapped hexokinase. While ouabain-sensitive Na efflux was found to be coeffluxed with P(i) (measured with entrapped [32P]H3PO4), this was not so for SO4 (measured with 35SO4). The stoichiometry of Na to P(i) efflux was found to be approximately 2 to 1. Na efflux as well as (P(i))i efflux were both inhibited by 10 mM Nao (K0.5 approximately equal to 4 mM). But, whereas 20 mM Ko (K0.5 approximately equal to 6 mM) inhibited the efflux of (P(i))i, as would be expected from previous work, Na efflux was actually increased. When Ko influx was measured in this situation there was a 1 for 1 exchange of Nai for Ko, that is, of course, downhill with respect to the gradient of each ion. Surprisingly AsO4 was unable to replace P(i) for activation of Na efflux but Na efflux could be inhibited by vanadate and oligomycin. In terms of mechanism, it is likely that ADP acts to promote the formation of the phosphoenzyme (EP) by (P(i))i that would otherwise be inhibited by Nai.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The Na+,K+ pump of resealed human red cell ghosts is more sensitive to inhibition by intracellular Ca (Cai) when they contain diluted hemolysate compared to ghosts without hemolysate. The activity of the Na+,K+ pump was assessed by measuring ouabain-sensitive 22Na efflux in ghosts that, in addition to the presence or absence of hemolysate, also contained arsenazo III to measure free Cai and a regenerating system to maintain a constant concentration of ATP. Incorporating hemolysate diluted 20-fold compared to in situ conditions doubled the inhibitory effects of 1-50 microM free Cai on the Na+,K+ pump and caused 50% inhibition to occur between 5 and 10 microM free Cai. Increased inhibition in the presence of the hemolysate was not due to a cytoplasm-induced decrease in the ATP content of the ghosts. These findings are consistent with the suggestion that the cytoplasm of human red cells contains a factor which increases the sensitivity of the Na+,K+ pump to inhibition by Cai.  相似文献   

A selective potassium leak is observed in resealed, human red blood cell ghosts when hemolysis is performed with distilled water at pH 6.5, 0° C. The leak, which has a maximum near pH 6.7, is suppressed when either magnesium or a chelating agent is present in the hemolysing medium. The potassium leak has the additional property that it can be suppressed after resealing by washing the ghost membranes in a medium containing a low concentration of ATP or EDTA. The data suggest that through the dilution of endogenous chelating agents at hemolysis a potassium leak may be unmasked.  相似文献   

The (45)Ca(2+) influx into right-side-out resealed ghosts (RG) prepared from human red blood cells (RBC) was measured. The (45)Ca(2+) equilibration occurred with t(1/2)=2.5 min and the steady-state was reached after 17 min with the level of 22+/-2 micromol/L(packed cells) at 37 degrees C. The rate of the influx was 97+/-17 micromol/L(packed cells)h. The (45)Ca(2+) influx was saturated with [Ca(2+)](0) at 4 mmol/L and was optimal at pH 6.5 and 30 degrees C. Divalent cations (10(-4)-10(-6)mol/L), nifedipine (10(-5)-10(-4)mol/L), DIDS (up to 10(-4)mol/L), and quinidine (10(-4)-10(-3)mol/L), inhibited the (45)Ca(2+) influx while uncoupler (10(-6)-10(-5)mol/L) stimulated it. In contrast to intact RBC, vanadate inhibited the (45)Ca(2+) influx when added to the external medium, however, the stimulation was observed when vanadate was present in media during both lysis and resealing. PMA had no effect under conditions found to stimulate the Ca(2+) influx in intact RBC. The results show that the Ca(2+) influx into RG is a carrier-mediated process but without control by protein kinase C and that the influx and efflux of Ca(2+) are coupled via the H(+) homeostasis similarly as in intact RBC but with modified mechanism.  相似文献   

The interaction of the cardiac glycoside [3H]ouabain with the Na+, K+ pump of resealed human erythrocyte ghosts was investigated. Binding of [3H]ouabain to high intracellular Na+ ghosts was studied in high extracellular Na+ media, a condition determined to produce maximal ouabain binding rates. Simultaneous examination of both the number of ouabain molecules bound per ghost and the corresponding inhibition of the Na+, K+-ATPase revealed that one molecule of [3H]ouabain inhibited one Na+, K+-ATPase complex. Intracellular magnesium or magnesium plus inorganic phosphate produced the lowest ouabain binding rate. Support of ouabain binding by adenosine diphosphate (ADP) was negligible, provided synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) through the residual adenylate kinase activity was prevented by the adenylate kinase inhibitor Ap5A. Uridine 5'-triphosphate (UTP) alone did not support ouabain binding after inhibition of the endogenous nucleoside diphosphokinase by trypan blue and depletion of residual ATP by the incorporation of hexokinase and glucose. ATP acting solely at the high- affinity binding site of the Na+, K+ pump (Km approximately 1 microM) promoted maximal [3H]ouabain binding rates. Failure of 5'-adenylyl-beta- gamma-imidophosphate (AMP-PNP) to stimulate significantly the rate of ouabain binding suggests that phosphorylation of the pump was required to expose the ouabain receptor.  相似文献   

A selective potassium leak is observed in resealed, human red blood cell ghosts when hemolysis is performed with distilled water at pH 6.5, 0 degrees C. The leak, which has a maximum near pH 6.7, is suppressed when either magnesium or a chelating agent is present in the hemolysing medium. The potassium leak has the additional property that it can be suppressed after resealing by washing the ghost membranes in a medium containing a low concentration of ATP or EDTA. The data suggest that through the dilution of endogenous chelating agents at hemolysis a potassium leak may be unmasked.  相似文献   

The effects of variations in preparative procedures on the volume and content of resealed red cell ghosts have been investigated. Following hypotonic lysis at 0 degrees C, and after a variable delay time (td), concentrated buffer was added to restore isotonicity; resealing was then induced by incubation at 37 degrees C for one hour. Using this procedure, both the resealed ghost volume and the residual hemoglobin (Hb) content decreased for increasing td. If ghosts were maintained at 0 degree C (i.e., no 37 degrees C incubation), they remained nearly spherical until isotonicity was restored. Their volume then fell abruptly, but subsequently increased toward an intermediate level. The fall in volume was greater and the final level achieved was smaller for longer delay times. At 0 degree C, return to isotonicity also halted the otherwise gradual loss of residual Hb from unsealed ghosts. In addition, ghosts with internal osmolality of 40 to 300 mosmol/kg were prepared by adding different amounts of concentrated buffer before resealing for one hour at 37 degrees C. Under these conditions, the final ghost volume was inversely related to the resealing osmolality (i.e., lower osmolality yielded a larger volume). Ghost volume also increased, along with Hb content, if the quantity or concentration of the red cell suspension added to the lysing medium was increased. We conclude that resealed ghost volume is influenced by the ratio of lysate to resealing medium osmolality and by the colloid osmotic pressure of the residual ghost Hb. These data indicate methods by which ghosts with desired characteristics can be prepared, and have potential application for studies of ghost mechanical and biophysical behavior.  相似文献   

The red cell Na/K pump is known to continue to extrude Na when both Na and K are removed from the external medium. Because this ouabain-sensitive flux occurs in the absence of an exchangeable cation, it is referred to as uncoupled Na efflux. This flux is also known to be inhibited by 5 mM Nao but to a lesser extent than that inhibitable by ouabain. Uncoupled Na efflux via the Na/K pump therefore can be divided into a Nao-sensitive and Nao-insensitive component. We used DIDS-treated, SO4-equilibrated human red blood cells suspended in HEPES-buffered (pHo 7.4) MgSO4 or (Tris)2SO4, in which we measured 22Na efflux, 35SO4 efflux, and changes in the membrane potential with the fluorescent dye, diS-C3 (5). A principal finding is that uncoupled Na efflux occurs electroneurally, in contrast to the pump's normal electrogenic operation when exchanging Nai for Ko. This electroneutral uncoupled efflux of Na was found to be balanced by an efflux of cellular anions. (We were unable to detect any ouabain-sensitive uptake of protons, measured in an unbuffered medium at pH 7.4 with a Radiometer pH-STAT.) The Nao-sensitive efflux of Nai was found to be 1.95 +/- 0.10 times the Nao-sensitive efflux of (SO4)i, indicating that the stoichiometry of this cotransport is two Na+ per SO4=, accounting for 60-80% of the electroneutral Na efflux. The remainder portion, that is, the ouabain-sensitive Nao-insensitive component, has been identified as PO4-coupled Na transport and is the subject of a separate paper. That uncoupled Na efflux occurs as a cotransport with anions is supported by the result, obtained with resealed ghosts, that when internal and external SO4 was substituted by the impermeant anion, tartrate i,o, the efflux of Na was inhibited 60-80%. This inhibition could be relieved by the inclusion, before DIDS treatment, of 5 mM Cli,o. Addition of 10 mM Ko to tartrate i,o ghosts, with or without Cli,o, resulted in full activation of Na/K exchange and the pump's electrogenicity. Although it can be concluded that Na efflux in the uncoupled mode occurs by means of a cotransport with cellular anions, the molecular basis for this change in the internal charge structure of the pump and its change in ion selectivity is at present unknown.  相似文献   

The side-dependent effects of internal and external Na and K on the ouabain binding rate, as promoted by inside MgATP, has been evaluated utilizing reconstituted human red blood cell ghosts. Such ghost systems provide the situation where [Na]i, [K]i, [Na]o, and [K]o can each be varied under conditions in which the others are either absent or fixed at constant concentrations. It was found that, in the presence of Ko, increasing either [Na]i or [K]i resulted in decreasing the rate at which ouabain was bound. Changes in [Na]i or [K]i in the absence of Ko were without effect on the ouabain binding rate. Thus, the ouabain binding rate was found to vary inversely with the rate of Na:K and K:K exchange but was independent of the rate of Na:Na exchange. The effect of Ko in antagonizing ouabain binding, as well as the influence of Nao on this interaction, were found to require the presence of either Nai or Ki. The results are interpreted in terms of a model relating the availability of the ouabain binding site to different conformational states of the pump complex. Differences were observed in the ouabain binding properties of red cell ghosts compared to microsomal preparations but it is not known whether the basis for the differences resides in the different preparations studied or in the lack of control of sidedness in the microsomal systems.  相似文献   

Modulation of phosphoenzyme forms of the Na/K pump by Na+ and K+ was studied by measuring the rate of Pi-promoted ouabain binding to resealed ghosts made from human red cells. This system permits distinguishing the effects of the ions at intracellular and external binding sites. Internal K+, Ki, inhibited the rate of Pi-promoted ouabain binding, contrary to a prediction based on a current model of the pump. External K+, Ko, failed to inhibit ouabain binding in the absence of Ki. However, Ko enhanced the inhibition by Ki. Nai also inhibited ouabain binding; this inhibition was much less affected by Ko than was inhibition by Ki, suggesting that Ki and Nai affect ouabain binding at different internal sites. Nao inhibited ouabain binding in the absence of Ki or Ko, so Nao and Ko also act at different sites. With Nao present, Ki stimulated ouabain binding. Thus a condition was found in which the predicted stimulation of binding by Ki was observed. The results of this study are interpreted in terms of three phosphoenzyme forms of the pump: E1P, E*P, and E2P. E*P is the form binding ouabain with highest affinity. Ki promotes E*P----E2P, thereby inhibiting ouabain binding. Ko binds only to E2P, therefore Ki is required for inhibition by Ko, and there is little E2P present with no Ki. Nao inhibits binding by stabilizing E1P whereas Nai inhibits by stabilizing E1. The stimulation by Ki with Nao present means that Ki and Nao together favor formation of E*P. Furthermore, Ki and Nao may bind to the pump simultaneously. Ki may play a role in the normal pump cycle, binding at allosteric sites to promote E*P----E2P.  相似文献   

Volume-sensitive K influx in human red cell ghosts   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
K influx into resealed human red cell ghosts increases when the ghosts are swollen. The influx demonstrates properties similar to volume-sensitive K fluxes present in other cells. The influx is, for the most part, insensitive to the nature of the major intracellular cation and therefore is not a K-K exchange. The influx is much greater when the major anion is Cl than when the major anion is NO3; Cl stimulates the flux and, at constant Cl, NO3 inhibits it. Increase in the influx rate is rapid when shrunken ghosts are swollen or when NO3 is replaced by Cl. The volume-sensitive K influx requires intracellular MgATP at low concentrations, and ATP cannot be replaced by nonhydrolyzable ATP analogues. The volume-sensitive influx is inhibited by Mg2+ and by high concentrations of vanadate, but is stimulated by low concentrations of vanadate. It is not modified by cAMP, the removal of Ca2+ by EGTA, substances that activate protein kinase C, or by inhibition of phosphatidylinositol kinase. The influx is inhibited by neomycin and by trifluoperazine.  相似文献   

This paper describes work which begins to define the molecular organization in the region of the membrane that comprises the functional domain of the Na:K pump. The membrane-bound phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) and Na, K-ATPase appear to be directly linked via a compartmentalized form of ATP. Evidence for the membrane pool of ATP is based on the labeling characteristics of the phosphoproteins by [γ-(32)P]ATP of ghosts incubated under various conditions. Preincubation of ghosts in the presence of ATP at 37 degrees C, but not at 0 degrees C, completely obscures the formation of the Na-phosphoprotein in ghosts washed and subsequently incubated in the presence of [gamma-(32)P]ATP. In contrast to the Na component, the Mg component of phosphorylation is only slightly altered by preincubation with ATP. ATPase activity measured as (32)P(i) liberated during the subsequent incubation at 0 degrees C, reflects completely the differential effects of preincubation with ATP on (32)P incorporation into phosphoprotein. ATP placed within the pool by preincubation can be removed by operating the Na, K-ATPase or the PGK reaction in the reverse direction by use of exogenous substrates. Alternatively, the membrane pool of ATP can be formed also from exogenous substrates by running the PGK reaction in the forward direction. These results, while providing direct support for a membrane compartment of ATP, also indicate the location of this compartment in relation to the PGK and the Na, K-ATPase. In addition, these results also imply that the Mg and Na components are different enzymatic entities since substrate ATP can be derived from separate sources.  相似文献   

Physiological characteristics of human red blood cell ghosts   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The properties of ghosts prepared by hypotonic hemolysis at various ratios of cells (C) to hemolyzing solution (H) have been studied. At all ratios, hemoglobin (Hb) was found to be distributed equally between the ghost and supernatant compartments. Techniques employing Fe(59)-labelled Hb showed that during hemolysis all of the Hb is exchangeable and that following hemolysis the ghost is impermeable to Hb. Ghosts containing defined fractions of their original Hb were prepared by appropriately altering the ratio C/H. When washed and suspended in 0.17 M NaCl-PO(4)-buffered media, the ghosts returned to their initial volume, recovered normal shape, and behaved as osmometers. The rate of rehemolysis of these reconstituted ghosts was observed to be proportional to the concentration of Hb in the ghosts. The rate of rehemolysis was accelerated by the addition of n-butyl alcohol (BA). For a given concentration of BA, temperature, and Hb content the rate of rehemolysis was minimal around the isoelectric point of Hb. Rehemolysis by BA was inhibited by the addition of sucrose to the medium. K influx and outflux were measured and found to be increased by the addition of BA and not influenced by the presence of sucrose. These results on the rehemolytic characteristics of ghosts are consistent with and support the colloid-osmotic theory of hemolysis.  相似文献   

Previous evidence established that a sequestered form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP pools) resides in the membrane/cytoskeletal complex of red cell porous ghosts. Here, we further characterize the roles these ATP pools can perform in the operation of the membrane''s Na+ and Ca2+ pumps. The formation of the Na+- and Ca2+-dependent phosphointermediates of both types of pumps (ENa-P and ECa-P) that conventionally can be labeled with trace amounts of [γ-3P]ATP cannot occur when the pools contain unlabeled ATP, presumably because of dilution of the [γ-3P]ATP in the pool. Running the pumps forward with either Na+ or Ca2+ removes pool ATP and allows the normal formation of labeled ENa-P or ECa-P, indicating that both types of pumps can share the same pools of ATP. We also show that the halftime for loading the pools with bulk ATP is 10–15 minutes. We observed that when unlabeled “caged ATP” is entrapped in the membrane pools, it is inactive until nascent ATP is photoreleased, thereby blocking the labeled formation of ENa-P. We also demonstrate that ATP generated by the membrane-bound pyruvate kinase fills the membrane pools. Other results show that pool ATP alone, like bulk ATP, can promote the binding of ouabain to the membrane. In addition, we found that pool ATP alone functions together with bulk Na+ (without Mg2+) to release prebound ouabain. Curiously, ouabain was found to block bulk ATP from entering the pools. Finally, we show, with red cell inside-outside vesicles, that pool ATP alone supports the uptake of 45Ca by the Ca2+ pump, analogous to the Na+ pump uptake of 22Na in this circumstance. Although the membrane locus of the ATP pools within the membrane/cytoskeletal complex is unknown, it appears that pool ATP functions as the proximate energy source for the Na+ and Ca2+ pumps.  相似文献   

The use of resealed red blood cell membranes (ghosts) allows the study of the transport of a compound in a nonmetabolizing system with a biological membrane. Transmembrane movements of anandamide (N-arachidonoylethanolamine, arachidonoylethanolamide) have been studied by exchange efflux experiments at 0 degrees C and pH 7.3 with albumin-free and albumin-filled human red blood cell ghosts. The efflux kinetics is biexponential and is analyzed in terms of compartment models. The distribution of anandamide on the membrane inner to outer leaflet pools is determined to be 0.275 +/- 0.023, and the rate constant of unidirectional flux from inside to outside is 0.361 +/- 0.023 s(-1). The rate constant of unidirectional flux from the membrane to BSA in the medium ([BSA]o) increases with the square root of [BSA]o in accordance with the theory of an unstirred layer around ghosts. Anandamide passed through the red blood cell membrane very rapidly, within seconds. At a molar ratio of anandamide to BSA of <1, membrane binding of anandamide increases with increasing temperatures between 0 degrees C and 37 degrees C, and the equilibrium dissociation constants are in the nanomolar range. The nature of membrane binding and the mechanism of membrane translocation are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The sulfate and the chloride self-exchange fluxes were determined by measuring the rate of the tracer efflux from radioactively labeled human red blood cells and red blood cell ghosts. The concentration dependence and the pH-dependence of the sulfate self-exchange flux were studied. In addition, the effects of some monovalent and divalent anions on the sulfate and the chloride self-exchange fluxes were investigated.The sulfate self-exchange fluxes saturate, exhibiting a concentration maximum at sulfate concentrations between 100 and 300mm (25°C). The position of the concentration maximum depends upon pH. At high sulfate concentrations a self-inhibition of the flux becomes apparent. The apparent half-saturation constant and the apparent self-inhibition constant at pH 7.2 were 30mm and 400mm respectively. Within the pH range of 6.3–8.5, both constants decreased with increasing pH. No saturation of the sulfate self-exchange flux was observed if the sulfate concentration was raised by substituting sulfate for isoosmotic amounts of a second salt (NaCl, NaNO3, Na-acetate, Na-lactate, Na-succinate or Na2HPO4). Red blood cells and red blood cell ghosts display the same pattern of concentration responsiveness.The sulfate self-exchange flux exhibits a pH-maximum at about pH 6.2 (37°C). The location of the pH-maximum is little affected by variations of the sulfate concentration. The logarithmic plots (log vs. pH) revealed that the flux/pH relation can be approximated by two straight lines. The slopes of the alkaline branches of the flux/pH curves range from –0.55 to –0.86, the slopes of the branches of the curves range from 0.08 to 1.14 and were strongly affected by changes of the sulfate concentrations. The apparent pK's obtained from the alkaline and from the acidic branches of the flux/pH curves were about 7.0 and 6.0, respectively. Intact red blood cells and red blood cell ghosts display the same type of pH-dependency of the sulfate self-exchange flux.The sulfate self-exchange flux is competitively inhibited by nitrate, chloride, acetate, oxalate and phosphate. The chloride self-exchange flux is competitively inhibited by thiocyanate, nitrate, sulfate and phosphate. The inhibition constants for the various anion species increase in the given sequence.The results of our studies indicate that the sulfate self-exchange flux is mediated by a two-site transport mechanism consisting either of a mobile carrier or a two-site pore. The experiments reported in this paper do not permit distinguishing between both transport mechanisms. The similarities of the sulfate and the chloride self-exchange flux and the mutual competition between sulfate and chloride point to a common transport system for both anion species.  相似文献   

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