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One of the most used techniques to study structural variation at a genome level is paired-end mapping (PEM). PEM has the advantage of being able to detect balanced events, such as inversions and translocations. However, inversions are still quite difficult to predict reliably, especially from high-throughput sequencing data. We simulated realistic PEM experiments with different combinations of read and library fragment lengths, including sequencing errors and meaningful base-qualities, to quantify and track down the origin of false positives and negatives along sequencing, mapping, and downstream analysis. We show that PEM is very appropriate to detect a wide range of inversions, even with low coverage data. However, % of inversions located between segmental duplications are expected to go undetected by the most common sequencing strategies. In general, longer DNA libraries improve the detectability of inversions far better than increments of the coverage depth or the read length. Finally, we review the performance of three algorithms to detect inversions —SVDetect, GRIAL, and VariationHunter—, identify common pitfalls, and reveal important differences in their breakpoint precisions. These results stress the importance of the sequencing strategy for the detection of structural variants, especially inversions, and offer guidelines for the design of future genome sequencing projects.  相似文献   



Several genomes have now been sequenced, with millions of genetic variants annotated. While significant progress has been made in mapping single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and small (<10 bp) insertion/deletions (indels), the annotation of larger structural variants has been less comprehensive. It is still unclear to what extent a typical genome differs from the reference assembly, and the analysis of the genomes sequenced to date have shown varying results for copy number variation (CNV) and inversions.


We have combined computational re-analysis of existing whole genome sequence data with novel microarray-based analysis, and detect 12,178 structural variants covering 40.6 Mb that were not reported in the initial sequencing of the first published personal genome. We estimate a total non-SNP variation content of 48.8 Mb in a single genome. Our results indicate that this genome differs from the consensus reference sequence by approximately 1.2% when considering indels/CNVs, 0.1% by SNPs and approximately 0.3% by inversions. The structural variants impact 4,867 genes, and >24% of structural variants would not be imputed by SNP-association.


Our results indicate that a large number of structural variants have been unreported in the individual genomes published to date. This significant extent and complexity of structural variants, as well as the growing recognition of their medical relevance, necessitate they be actively studied in health-related analyses of personal genomes. The new catalogue of structural variants generated for this genome provides a crucial resource for future comparison studies.  相似文献   



Generation of long (>5 Kb) DNA sequencing reads provides an approach for interrogation of complex regions in the human genome. Currently, large-insert whole genome sequencing (WGS) technologies from Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) enable analysis of chromosomal structural variations (SVs), but the cost to achieve the required sequence coverage across the entire human genome is high.


We developed a method (termed PacBio-LITS) that combines oligonucleotide-based DNA target-capture enrichment technologies with PacBio large-insert library preparation to facilitate SV studies at specific chromosomal regions. PacBio-LITS provides deep sequence coverage at the specified sites at substantially reduced cost compared with PacBio WGS. The efficacy of PacBio-LITS is illustrated by delineating the breakpoint junctions of low copy repeat (LCR)-associated complex structural rearrangements on chr17p11.2 in patients diagnosed with Potocki–Lupski syndrome (PTLS; MIM#610883). We successfully identified previously determined breakpoint junctions in three PTLS cases, and also were able to discover novel junctions in repetitive sequences, including LCR-mediated breakpoints. The new information has enabled us to propose mechanisms for formation of these structural variants.


The new method leverages the cost efficiency of targeted capture-sequencing as well as the mappability and scaffolding capabilities of long sequencing reads generated by the PacBio platform. It is therefore suitable for studying complex SVs, especially those involving LCRs, inversions, and the generation of chimeric Alu elements at the breakpoints. Other genomic research applications, such as haplotype phasing and small insertion and deletion validation could also benefit from this technology.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1370-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Genomic sequence duplication is an important mechanism for genome evolution, often resulting in large sequence variations with implications for disease progression. Although paired-end sequencing technologies are commonly used for structural variation discovery, the discovery of novel duplicated sequences remains an unmet challenge. We analyze duplicons starting from identified high-copy number variants. Given paired-end mapped reads, and a candidate high-copy region, our tool, Reprever, identifies (a) the insertion breakpoints where the extra duplicons inserted into the donor genome and (b) the actual sequence of the duplicon. Reprever resolves ambiguous mapping signatures from existing homologs, repetitive elements and sequencing errors to identify breakpoint. At each breakpoint, Reprever reconstructs the inserted sequence using profile hidden Markov model (PHMM)-based guided assembly. In a test on 1000 artificial genomes with simulated duplication, Reprever could identify novel duplicates up to 97% of genomes within 3 bp positional and 1% sequence errors. Validation on 680 fosmid sequences identified and reconstructed eight duplicated sequences with high accuracy. We applied Reprever to reanalyzing a re-sequenced data set from the African individual NA18507 to identify >800 novel duplicates, including insertions in genes and insertions with additional variation. polymerase chain reaction followed by capillary sequencing validated both the insertion locations of the strongest predictions and their predicted sequence.  相似文献   

Although we now routinely sequence human genomes, we can confidently identify only a fraction of the sequence variants that have a functional impact. Here, we developed a deep mutational scanning framework that produces exhaustive maps for human missense variants by combining random codon mutagenesis and multiplexed functional variation assays with computational imputation and refinement. We applied this framework to four proteins corresponding to six human genes: UBE2I (encoding SUMO E2 conjugase), SUMO1 (small ubiquitin‐like modifier), TPK1 (thiamin pyrophosphokinase), and CALM1/2/3 (three genes encoding the protein calmodulin). The resulting maps recapitulate known protein features and confidently identify pathogenic variation. Assays potentially amenable to deep mutational scanning are already available for 57% of human disease genes, suggesting that DMS could ultimately map functional variation for all human disease genes.  相似文献   

Chromosome rearrangement has been considered to be important in the evolutionary process. Here, we demonstrate the evolutionary relationship of the rearranged human chromosome 12 and the corresponding chromosome XII in apes (chimpanzee, bonobo, gorilla, orangutan, and gibbon) by examining PCR products derived from the breakpoints of inversions and by conducting shotgun sequencing of a gorilla fosmid clone containing the breakpoint and a "duplicated segment" (duplicon). We confirmed that a pair of 23-kb duplicons flank the breakpoints of inversions on the long and short arms of chimpanzee chromosome XII. Although only the 23-kb duplicon on the long arm of chimpanzee chromosome XII and its telomeric flanking sequence are found to be conserved among the hominoids (human, great apes, and gibbons), the duplicon on the short arm of chimpanzee chromosome XII is suggested to be the result of a duplication from that on the long arm. Furthermore, the shotgun sequencing of a gorilla fosmid indicated that the breakpoint on the long arm of the gorilla is located at a different position 1.9 kb from that of chimpanzee. The region is flanked by a sequence homologous to that of human chromosome 6q22. Our findings and sequence analysis suggest a close relationship between segmental duplication and chromosome rearrangement (or breakpoint of inversion) in Hominoidea. The role of the chromosome rearrangement in speciation is also discussed based on our new results.  相似文献   

Inversions are an important form of structural variation, but they are difficult to characterize, as their breakpoints often fall within inverted repeats. We have developed a method called 'haplotype fusion' in which an inversion breakpoint is genotyped by performing fusion PCR on single molecules of human genomic DNA. Fusing single-copy sequences bracketing an inversion breakpoint generates orientation-specific PCR products, exemplified by a genotyping assay for the int22 hemophilia A inversion on Xq28. Furthermore, we demonstrated that inversion events with breakpoints embedded within long (>100 kb) inverted repeats can be genotyped by haplotype-fusion PCR followed by bead-based single-molecule haplotyping on repeat-specific markers bracketing the inversion breakpoint. We illustrate this method by genotyping a Yp paracentric inversion sponsored by >300-kb-long inverted repeats. The generality of our methods to survey for, and genotype chromosomal inversions should help our understanding of the contribution of inversions to genomic variation, inherited diseases and cancer.  相似文献   



Accurate catalogs of structural variants (SVs) in mammalian genomes are necessary to elucidate the potential mechanisms that drive SV formation and to assess their functional impact. Next generation sequencing methods for SV detection are an advance on array-based methods, but are almost exclusively limited to four basic types: deletions, insertions, inversions and copy number gains.


By visual inspection of 100 Mbp of genome to which next generation sequence data from 17 inbred mouse strains had been aligned, we identify and interpret 21 paired-end mapping patterns, which we validate by PCR. These paired-end mapping patterns reveal a greater diversity and complexity in SVs than previously recognized. In addition, Sanger-based sequence analysis of 4,176 breakpoints at 261 SV sites reveal additional complexity at approximately a quarter of structural variants analyzed. We find micro-deletions and micro-insertions at SV breakpoints, ranging from 1 to 107 bp, and SNPs that extend breakpoint micro-homology and may catalyze SV formation.


An integrative approach using experimental analyses to train computational SV calling is essential for the accurate resolution of the architecture of SVs. We find considerable complexity in SV formation; about a quarter of SVs in the mouse are composed of a complex mixture of deletion, insertion, inversion and copy number gain. Computational methods can be adapted to identify most paired-end mapping patterns.  相似文献   

Genomic rearrangements can result in losses, amplifications, translocations and inversions of DNA fragments thereby modifying genome architecture, and potentially having clinical consequences. Many genomic disorders caused by structural variation have initially been uncovered by early cytogenetic methods. The last decade has seen significant progression in molecular cytogenetic techniques, allowing rapid and precise detection of structural rearrangements on a whole-genome scale. The high resolution attainable with these recently developed techniques has also uncovered the role of structural variants in normal genetic variation alongside single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). We describe how array-based comparative genomic hybridisation, SNP arrays, array painting and next-generation sequencing analytical methods (read depth, read pair and split read) allow the extensive characterisation of chromosome rearrangements in human genomes.  相似文献   

With the aid of novel and powerful molecular biology techniques, recent years have witnessed a dramatic increase in the number of studies reporting the involvement of complex structural variants in several genomic disorders. In fact, with the discovery of Copy Number Variants (CNVs) and other forms of unbalanced structural variation, much attention has been directed to the detection and characterization of such rearrangements, as well as the identification of the mechanisms involved in their formation. However, it has long been appreciated that chromosomes can undergo other forms of structural changes - balanced rearrangements - that do not involve quantitative variation of genetic material. Indeed, a particular subtype of balanced rearrangement – inversions – was recently found to be far more common than had been predicted from traditional cytogenetics. Chromosomal inversions alter the orientation of a specific genomic sequence and, unless involving breaks in coding or regulatory regions (and, disregarding complex trans effects, in their close vicinity), appear to be phenotypically silent. Such a surprising finding, which is difficult to reconcile with the classical interpretation of inversions as a mechanism causing subfertility (and ultimately reproductive isolation), motivated a new series of theoretical and empirical studies dedicated to understand their role in human genome evolution and to explore their possible association to complex genetic disorders. With this review, we attempt to describe the latest methodological improvements to inversions detection at a genome wide level, while exploring some of the possible implications of inversion rearrangements on the evolution of the human genome.  相似文献   

Complex structural variants (CSVs) are genomic alterations that have more than two breakpoints and are considered as the simultaneous occurrence of simple structural variants. However, detecting the compounded mutational signals of CSVs is challenging through a commonly used model-match strategy. As a result, there has been limited progress for CSV discovery compared with simple structural variants. Here, we systematically analyzed the multi-breakpoint connection feature of CSVs, and proposed Mako, utilizing a bottom-up guided model-free strategy, to detect CSVs from paired-end short-read sequencing. Specifically, we implemented a graph-based pattern growth approach, where the graph depicts potential breakpoint connections, and pattern growth enables CSV detection without pre-defined models. Comprehensive evaluations on both simulated and real datasets revealed that Mako outperformed other algorithms. Notably, validation rates of CSVs on real data based on experimental and computational validations as well as manual inspections are around 70%, where the medians of experimental and computational breakpoint shift are 13 bp and 26 bp, respectively. Moreover, the Mako CSV subgraph effectively characterized the breakpoint connections of a CSV event and uncovered a total of 15 CSV types, including two novel types of adjacent segment swap and tandem dispersed duplication. Further analysis of these CSVs also revealed the impact of sequence homology on the formation of CSVs. Mako is publicly available at https://github.com/xjtu-omics/Mako.  相似文献   

Genomic structural variation (SV), a common hallmark of cancer, has important predictive and therapeutic implications. However, accurately detecting SV using high-throughput sequencing data remains challenging, especially for ‘targeted’ resequencing efforts. This is critically important in the clinical setting where targeted resequencing is frequently being applied to rapidly assess clinically actionable mutations in tumor biopsies in a cost-effective manner. We present BreaKmer, a novel approach that uses a ‘kmer’ strategy to assemble misaligned sequence reads for predicting insertions, deletions, inversions, tandem duplications and translocations at base-pair resolution in targeted resequencing data. Variants are predicted by realigning an assembled consensus sequence created from sequence reads that were abnormally aligned to the reference genome. Using targeted resequencing data from tumor specimens with orthogonally validated SV, non-tumor samples and whole-genome sequencing data, BreaKmer had a 97.4% overall sensitivity for known events and predicted 17 positively validated, novel variants. Relative to four publically available algorithms, BreaKmer detected SV with increased sensitivity and limited calls in non-tumor samples, key features for variant analysis of tumor specimens in both the clinical and research settings.  相似文献   

High-throughput sequencing technologies have offered in recent years new opportunities to study genome variations. These studies have mostly focused on single nucleotide polymorphisms, small insertions or deletions and on copy number variants. Other structural variants, such as large insertions or deletions, tandem duplications, translocations, and inversions are less well-studied, despite that some have an important impact on phenotypes. In the present study, we performed a large-scale survey of structural variants in cattle. We report the identification of 6,426 putative structural variants in cattle extracted from whole-genome sequence data of 62 bulls representing the three major French dairy breeds. These genomic variants affect DNA segments greater than 50 base pairs and correspond to deletions, inversions and tandem duplications. Out of these, we identified a total of 547 deletions and 410 tandem duplications which could potentially code for CNVs. Experimental validation was carried out on 331 structural variants using a novel high-throughput genotyping method. Out of these, 255 structural variants (77%) generated good quality genotypes and 191 (75%) of them were validated. Gene content analyses in structural variant regions revealed 941 large deletions removing completely one or several genes, including 10 single-copy genes. In addition, some of the structural variants are located within quantitative trait loci for dairy traits. This study is a pan-genome assessment of genomic variations in cattle and may provide a new glimpse into the bovine genome architecture. Our results may also help to study the effects of structural variants on gene expression and consequently their effect on certain phenotypes of interest.  相似文献   

Chromosomal inversions are the most common type of genome rearrangement in the genus Drosophila. Although the potential of transposable elements (TEs) for generating inversions has been repeatedly demonstrated in the laboratory, little is known on their role in the generation of natural inversions, which are those effectively contributing to the adaptation and/or evolution of species. We have cloned and sequenced the two breakpoints of the polymorphic inversion 2q7 of D. buzzatii. The sequence analysis of the breakpoint regions revealed the presence in the inverted chromosomes of large insertions, formed by complex assemblies of transposons, that are absent from the chromosomes without the inversion. Among the transposons inserted, the Foldback-like element Galileo, that was previously found responsible of the generation of the widespread inversion 2j of D. buzzatii, is present at both 2q7 breakpoints and is the most likely inducer of the inversion. A detailed study of the nucleotide and structural variation in the breakpoint regions of six chromosomal lines with the 2q7 inversion detected no nucleotide differences between them, which suggests a monophyletic and recent origin. In contrast, a remarkable degree of structural variation was observed in the same six chromosomal lines. It thus appears that the two breakpoints of the inverted chromosomes have become genetically unstable hotspots, as was previously found for the 2j inversion breakpoints. The possibility that this instability is caused by structural properties of Foldback elements is discussed.  相似文献   

Paired-end sequencing is emerging as a key technique for assessing genome rearrangements and structural variation on a genome-wide scale. This technique is particularly useful for detecting copy-neutral rearrangements, such as inversions and translocations, which are common in cancer and can produce novel fusion genes. We address the question of how much sequencing is required to detect rearrangement breakpoints and to localize them precisely using both theoretical models and simulation. We derive a formula for the probability that a fusion gene exists in a cancer genome given a collection of paired-end sequences from this genome. We use this formula to compute fusion gene probabilities in several breast cancer samples, and we find that we are able to accurately predict fusion genes in these samples with a relatively small number of fragments of large size. We further demonstrate how the ability to detect fusion genes depends on the distribution of gene lengths, and we evaluate how different parameters of a sequencing strategy impact breakpoint detection, breakpoint localization, and fusion gene detection, even in the presence of errors that suggest false rearrangements. These results will be useful in calibrating future cancer sequencing efforts, particularly large-scale studies of many cancer genomes that are enabled by next-generation sequencing technologies.  相似文献   



Characterization of genomic structural variation (SV) is essential to expanding the research and clinical applications of genome sequencing. Reliance upon short DNA fragment paired end sequencing has yielded a wealth of single nucleotide variants and internal sequencing read insertions-deletions, at the cost of limited SV detection. Multi-kilobase DNA fragment mate pair sequencing has supplemented the void in SV detection, but introduced new analytic challenges requiring SV detection tools specifically designed for mate pair sequencing data. Here, we introduce SVachra – Structural Variation Assessment of CHRomosomal Aberrations, a breakpoint calling program that identifies large insertions-deletions, inversions, inter- and intra-chromosomal translocations utilizing both inward and outward facing read types generated by mate pair sequencing.


We demonstrate SVachra’s utility by executing the program on large-insert (Illumina Nextera) mate pair sequencing data from the personal genome of a single subject (HS1011). An additional data set of long-read (Pacific BioSciences RSII) was also generated to validate SV calls from SVachra and other comparison SV calling programs. SVachra exhibited the highest validation rate and reported the widest distribution of SV types and size ranges when compared to other SV callers.


SVachra is a highly specific breakpoint calling program that exhibits a more unbiased SV detection methodology than other callers.

Investigation of the origins of human autosomal inversions   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A significant proportion of both pericentric and paracentric inversions have recurrent breakpoints and so could either have arisen through multiple independent events or be identical by descent (IBD) with a single common ancestor. Of two common variant inversions previously studied, the inv(2)(p11q13) was genuinely recurrent while the inv(10)(p11.2q21.2) was IBD in all cases tested. Excluding these two variants we have ascertained 257 autosomal inversion probands at the Wessex Regional Genetics Laboratory. There were 104 apparently recurrent inversions, representing 35 different breakpoint combinations and we speculated that at least some of these had arisen on more than one occasion. However, haplotype analysis identified no recurrent cases among eight inversions tested, including the variant inv(5)(p13q13). The cases not IBD were shown to have different breakpoints at the molecular cytogenetic level. No crossing over was detected within any of the inversions and the founder haplotypes extended for variable distances beyond the inversion breakpoints. Defining breakpoint intervals by FISH mapping identified no obvious predisposing elements in the DNA sequence. In summary the vast majority of human inversions arise as unique events. Even apparently recurrent inversions, with the exception of the inv(2)(p12q13), are likely to be either derived from a common ancestor or to have subtly different breakpoints. Presumably the lack of selection against most inversions allows them to accumulate and disperse amongst different populations over time. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

In recent years different types of structural variants (SVs) have been discovered in the human genome and their functional impact has become increasingly clear. Inversions, however, are poorly characterized and more difficult to study, especially those mediated by inverted repeats or segmental duplications. Here, we describe the results of a simple and fast inverse PCR (iPCR) protocol for high-throughput genotyping of a wide variety of inversions using a small amount of DNA. In particular, we analyzed 22 inversions predicted in humans ranging from 5.1 kb to 226 kb and mediated by inverted repeat sequences of 1.6–24 kb. First, we validated 17 of the 22 inversions in a panel of nine HapMap individuals from different populations, and we genotyped them in 68 additional individuals of European origin, with correct genetic transmission in ∼12 mother-father-child trios. Global inversion minor allele frequency varied between 1% and 49% and inversion genotypes were consistent with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. By analyzing the nucleotide variation and the haplotypes in these regions, we found that only four inversions have linked tag-SNPs and that in many cases there are multiple shared SNPs between standard and inverted chromosomes, suggesting an unexpected high degree of inversion recurrence during human evolution. iPCR was also used to check 16 of these inversions in four chimpanzees and two gorillas, and 10 showed both orientations either within or between species, providing additional support for their multiple origin. Finally, we have identified several inversions that include genes in the inverted or breakpoint regions, and at least one disrupts a potential coding gene. Thus, these results represent a significant advance in our understanding of inversion polymorphism in human populations and challenge the common view of a single origin of inversions, with important implications for inversion analysis in SNP-based studies.  相似文献   

Copy-number variations (CNVs) are widespread in the human genome, but comprehensive assignments of integer locus copy-numbers (i.e., copy-number genotypes) that, for example, enable discrimination of homozygous from heterozygous CNVs, have remained challenging. Here we present CopySeq, a novel computational approach with an underlying statistical framework that analyzes the depth-of-coverage of high-throughput DNA sequencing reads, and can incorporate paired-end and breakpoint junction analysis based CNV-analysis approaches, to infer locus copy-number genotypes. We benchmarked CopySeq by genotyping 500 chromosome 1 CNV regions in 150 personal genomes sequenced at low-coverage. The assessed copy-number genotypes were highly concordant with our performed qPCR experiments (Pearson correlation coefficient 0.94), and with the published results of two microarray platforms (95-99% concordance). We further demonstrated the utility of CopySeq for analyzing gene regions enriched for segmental duplications by comprehensively inferring copy-number genotypes in the CNV-enriched >800 olfactory receptor (OR) human gene and pseudogene loci. CopySeq revealed that OR loci display an extensive range of locus copy-numbers across individuals, with zero to two copies in some OR loci, and two to nine copies in others. Among genetic variants affecting OR loci we identified deleterious variants including CNVs and SNPs affecting ~15% and ~20% of the human OR gene repertoire, respectively, implying that genetic variants with a possible impact on smell perception are widespread. Finally, we found that for several OR loci the reference genome appears to represent a minor-frequency variant, implying a necessary revision of the OR repertoire for future functional studies. CopySeq can ascertain genomic structural variation in specific gene families as well as at a genome-wide scale, where it may enable the quantitative evaluation of CNVs in genome-wide association studies involving high-throughput sequencing.  相似文献   

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