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Knowledge of the transition state is key to understanding a reaction mechanism. This vital information has been lacking for integral membrane protein folding, but now recent advances have given insight into the structure of their folding transition state. This progress has arisen through the successful translation of a classical protein engineering method, ? value analysis, from water-soluble proteins to the hydrophobic, membrane-embedded protein class. This review covers the transition state for the folding of α helical membrane proteins. Helix formation in the transition state correlates with sequence position and the order of transmembrane insertion into the cell membrane, showing that in vitro measurements, in entirely different conditions to natural membranes, may reflect the cellular situation.  相似文献   

The 62 residue IgG binding domain of protein L consists of a central alpha-helix packed on a four-stranded beta-sheet formed by N and C-terminal beta-hairpins. The overall topology of the protein is quite symmetric: the beta-hairpins have similar lengths and make very similar interactions with the central helix. Characterization of the effects of 70 point mutations distributed throughout the protein on the kinetics of folding and unfolding reveals that this symmetry is completely broken during folding; the first beta-hairpin is largely structured while the second beta-hairpin and helix are largely disrupted in the folding transition state ensemble. The results are not consistent with a "hydrophobic core first" picture of protein folding; the first beta-hairpin appears to be at least as ordered at the rate limiting step in folding as the hydrophobic core.  相似文献   

The concept of the protein transition state ensemble (TSE), a collection of the conformations that have 50% probability to convert rapidly to the folded state and 50% chance to rapidly unfold, constitutes the basis of the modern interpretation of protein engineering experiments. It has been conjectured that conformations constituting the TSE in many proteins are the expanded and distorted forms of the native state built around a specific folding nucleus. This view has been supported by a number of on-lattice and off-lattice simulations. Here we report a direct observation and characterization of the TSE by molecular dynamic folding simulations of the C-Src SH3 domain, a small protein that has been extensively studied experimentally. Our analysis reveals a set of key interactions between residues, conserved by evolution, that must be formed to enter the kinetic basin of attraction of the native state.  相似文献   

Using a variational free energy functional, we calculate the characteristics of the transition state ensembles (TSE) for the folding of protein U1A and investigate how they respond to thermal and mutational changes. The functional directly yields predicted chevron plots both for the wild-type protein and for various mutants. The detailed variations of the TSE and changes in chevron plots predicted by the theory agree reasonably well with the results of the experiments. We also show how to visualize the folding nuclei using 3D isodensity plots.  相似文献   

Reversing the loop lengths of the small protein S6 by circular permutation has a dramatic effect on the transition state structure: it changes from globally diffuse to locally condensed. The phenomenon arises from a biased dispersion of the contact energies. Stability data derived from point mutations throughout the S6 structure show that interactions between residues that are far apart in sequence are stronger than those that are close. This entropy compensation drives all parts of the protein to fold simultaneously and produces the diffuse transition-state structure typical for two-state proteins. In the circular permutant, where strong contacts and short sequence separations are engineered to concur, the transition state becomes atypically condensed and polarized. Taken together with earlier findings that S6 may also fold by a 'collapsed' trajectory with an intermediate, the results suggest that this protein may fold by a multiplicity of mechanisms. The observations indicate that the diffuse transition state of S6 is not required for folding but could be an evolutionary development to optimize cooperativity.  相似文献   

Through extensive experiment, simulation, and analysis of protein S6 (1RIS), we find that variations in nucleation and folding pathway between circular permutations are determined principally by the restraints of topology and specific nucleation, and affected by changes in chain entropy. Simulations also relate topological features to experimentally measured stabilities. Despite many sizable changes in phi values and the structure of the transition state ensemble that result from permutation, we observe a common theme: the critical nucleus in each of the mutants share a subset of residues that can be mapped to the critical nucleus residues of the wild-type. Circular permutations create new N and C termini, which are the location of the largest disruption of the folding nucleus, leading to a decrease in both phi values and the role in nucleation. Mutant nuclei are built around the wild-type nucleus but are biased towards different parts of the S6 structure depending on the topological and entropic changes induced by the location of the new N and C termini.  相似文献   

Using distributed molecular dynamics simulations we located four distinct folding transitions for a 39-residue betabetaalphabeta protein fold. To characterize the nature of each room temperature transition, we calculated the probability of transmission for 500 points along each free energy barrier. We introduced a method for determining transition states by employing the transmission probability, Ptrans, and determined which conformations were transition state ensemble members (Ptrans approximately 0.5). The transmission probability may be used to characterize the barrier in several ways. For example, we ran simulations at 82 degrees C, determined the change in Ptrans with temperature for all 2,000 conformations, and quantified Hammond behavior directly using Ptrans correlation. Additionally, we propose that diffusion along Ptrans may provide the configurational diffusion rate at the top of the barrier. Specifically, given a transition state conformation x0 with estimated Ptrans=0.5, we selected a large set of subsequent conformations from independent trajectories, each exactly a small time deltat after x0 (250 ps). Calculating Ptrans for the new trial conformations, we generated the P(Ptrans|deltat=250 ps) distribution that reflected diffusion. This approach provides a novel perspective on the diffusive nature of a protein folding transition and provides a framework for a quantitative study of activated relaxation kinetics.  相似文献   

The B-domain of protein A is a small three-helix bundle that has been the subject of considerable experimental and theoretical investigation. Nevertheless, a unified view of the structure of the transition-state ensemble (TSE) is still lacking. To characterize the TSE of this surprisingly challenging protein, we apply a combination of psi analysis (which probes the role of specific side-chain to side-chain contacts) and kinetic H/D amide isotope effects (which measures hydrogen-bond content), building upon previous studies using mutational phi analysis (which probes the energetic influence of side-chain substitutions). The second helix is folded in the TSE, while helix formation appears just at the carboxy and amino termini of the first and third helices, respectively. The experimental data suggest a homogenous yet plastic TS with a native-like topology. This study generalizes our earlier conclusion, based on two larger alpha/beta proteins, that the TSEs of most small proteins achieve approximately 70% of their native state's relative contact order. This high percentage limits the degree of possible TS heterogeneity and requires a reevaluation of the structural content of the TSE of other proteins, especially when they are characterized as small or polarized.  相似文献   

It has been shown recently that an 11-residue peptide fragment of transthyretin, TTR(105-115), can form amyloid fibrils in vitro by adopting an extended beta-strand conformation. We used molecular dynamics simulations on systems of TTR(105-115) peptides, for a total length of about 5 micros, to explore the process of self-assembly and the structures of the resulting aggregates. Our results suggest that an antiparallel association of the beta-strands is more probable than a parallel one and that the central residues (T106-L111) in a beta-strand have a high propensity to form inter-peptide hydrogen bonds. The study of the dynamics of self-association indicated that, for this peptide, trajectories leading to conformations with high alpha-helical content are off-pathway from those leading to aggregates with high beta-structure content. We also show that the diverse oligomeric structures that form spontaneously in the molecular dynamics simulations are, to a large extent, compatible with solid-state NMR experimental measurements, including chemical shifts, on fully formed fibrils. The strategy that we present may therefore be used in the design of new experiments to determine the structure of amyloid fibrils, such as those involving site-specific isotope labelling schemes to measure key inter-atomic distances.  相似文献   

pH-Dependent studies of the folding kinetics and stability of a set of His to Gln point mutants were used to characterize the denatured state and transition state ensembles for the C-terminal domain of the ribosomal protein L9 (CTL9). CTL9 contains three histidine residues, two of which, H106 and H134, are buried in the native state, while the third, H144, is more exposed. Comparison of the pH-dependent stability calculated using the Tanford-Wyman linkage relationship to the measured values demonstrates that the apparent pK(a) values of the three histidine residues are not significantly perturbed in the denatured state ensemble. Kinetic measurements show that mutation of H134 has a larger effect on the folding process than does mutation of H106 and H144. The Phi-value for H134 is significantly larger than the Phi-values for the other histidine residues, which are near zero at both pH 5.45 and pH 8.0. The Phi-value for H134 is higher, 0.55, at pH 8.0 than at pH 5.45, 0.39. At pH 5.45, H134 is protonated in the unfolded state but deprotonated in the native state, while at pH 8.0 it is deprotonated in both. There is an excellent linear relationship between stability (logK) and folding rates (logk(f)) over the range of pH 5-9 for all mutants. From these plots, the ratio of DeltaQ( not equal)/DeltaQ can be calculated for each mutant. DeltaQ( not equal) is the difference in the number of protons bound to the transition state and to the unfolded state, while DeltaQ represents the difference between folded and denatured state. The linear plots indicate that the relative position of the transition state ensemble as judged by DeltaQ( not equal)/DeltaQ is independent of pH. The linkage analysis is consistent with the Phi-value analysis, showing that H134 is the most critical contributor to the development of pH-dependent interactions, including desolvation effects in the transition state ensemble.  相似文献   

The development of electrostatic interactions during the folding of the N-terminal domain of the ribosomal protein L9 (NTL9) is investigated by pH-dependent rate equilibrium free energy relationships. We show that Asp8, among six acidic residues, is involved in non-native, electrostatic interactions with K12 in the transition state for folding as well as in the denatured state. The perturbed native state pK(a) of D8 (pK(a) = 3.0) appears to be maintained through non-native interactions in both the transition state and the denatured state. Mutational effects on the stability of the transition state for protein (un)folding are often analyzed in respect to change in ground states. Thus, the interpretation of transition state analysis critically depends on an understanding of mutational effects on both the native and denatured state. Increasing evidence for structurally biased denatured states under physiological conditions raises concerns about possible denatured state effects on folding studies. We show that the structural interpretation of transition state analysis can be altered dramatically by denatured state effects.  相似文献   

The cold shock protein CspB shows a five-stranded beta-sheet structure, and it folds rapidly via a native-like transition state. A previous Phi value analysis showed that most of the residues with Phi values close to one reside in strand beta1, and two of them, Lys5 and Lys7 are partially exposed charged residues. To elucidate how coulombic interactions of these two residues contribute to the energetic organisation of the folding transition state we performed comparative folding experiments in the presence of an ionic denaturant (guanidinium chloride) and a non-ionic denaturant (urea) and a double-mutant analysis. Lys5 contributes 6.6 kJ mol(-1) to the stability of the transition state, and half of it originates from screenable coulombic interactions. Lys7 contributes 5.3 kJ mol(-1), and 3.4 kJ mol(-1) of it are screened by salt. In the folded protein Lys7 interacts with Asp25, and the screenable coulombic interaction between these two residues is fully formed in the transition state. This suggests that long-range coulombic interactions such as those originating from Lys5 and Lys7 of CspB can be important for organizing and stabilizing native-like structure early in protein folding.  相似文献   

Shandiz AT  Capraro BR  Sosnick TR 《Biochemistry》2007,46(48):13711-13719
We examine the utility of intramolecular covalent cross-linking to identify the structure present in the folding transition state. In mammalian ubiquitin, cysteine residues located across two beta-strands are cross-linked with dichloroacetone. The kinetic effects of these covalent cross-links in ubiquitin, and engineered disulfide bonds in src SH3 (Grantcharova, V. P., Riddle, D. S., and Baker, D. (2000) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 97, 7084-7089), are compared to the results of psi-analysis where strand association is stabilized by metal ion binding to engineered bihistidine sites (Krantz, B. A., Dothager, R. S., and Sosnick, T. R. (2004) J. Mol. Biol. 337, 463-75) at the same positions. The results for the two methods agree at some of the sites. The cross-linking phi crosslink-values agree with their corresponding psi-values when they have both have values of zero or one, which represent the absence and presence of native structure, respectively. When phi crosslink > psi, the apparent inconsistency is rationalized by the difference between each method's mode of stabilization; cross-linking reduces the configurational entropy of the unfolded state whereas metal binding directly stabilizes the native state. However, when the cross-linking phi-values are smaller than their corresponding psi-values, the apparent underestimation of structure formation is difficult to rationalize while retaining the assumption that the cross-link exclusively affects the entropy of the unfolded state. The interpretation also is problematic for data on cross-links located across strands which are not hairpins, and hence, these sites are likely to be of limited utility in folding studies. We conclude that cross-linking data for sites on hairpins generally report on the amount of structure formed within the enclosed loop while the metal binding data report on the amount structure formed at the site itself.  相似文献   

Amino acid replacements were used to probe the roles of 14 sites in two well-characterized intermediates in the folding pathway of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI). One of these intermediates contains one of the three disulfides found in the native protein (30--51). NMR studies have shown that approximately two-thirds of this polypeptide has a native-like conformation. The other intermediate contains two native disulfides (30--51 and 5--55) and has a fully folded conformation. The phi-values for a majority of residues were <1, indicating that the native protein was significantly more destabilized than either intermediate even when the altered residue was located in a well-ordered region of the intermediate. These observations suggest that folding intermediates and transition states may generally be more structured than indicated by phi-values alone.  相似文献   

D Perl  G Holtermann  F X Schmid 《Biochemistry》2001,40(51):15501-15511
Residues Arg3 and Leu66 are crucially important for the enhanced stability of the cold shock protein Bc-Csp from the thermophile Bacillus caldolyticus relative to its homologue Bs-CspB from the mesophile Bacillus subtilis. Arg3, which replaces Glu3 of Bs-CspB, accounts for two-thirds of the stability difference and for the entire difference in Coulombic interactions between the two proteins. Leu66, which replaces Glu66 of Bs-CspB, contributes additional hydrophobic interactions. To elucidate the role of these two residues near the chain termini for the rapid folding of the cold shock proteins, we performed an extensive mutational analysis of the folding kinetics to characterize interactions between residues 3, 46, and 66 in the transition state of folding. We employed a pressure-jump apparatus which allows folding to be followed over a broad range of temperatures and urea concentrations in the time range of microseconds to minutes. The N-terminal region folds early, and the interactions that originate from residue 3 are present to a large extent in the transition state already. They include a hydrophobic contribution, a general electrostatic stabilization by the positive charge of Arg3 in Bc-Csp, and a pairwise Coulombic repulsion with Glu46 in the Arg3Glu variant. The C-terminus appears to be largely unfolded in the transition state. The interactions of Leu66, including those with the already structured N-terminal region, are established only after passage through the transition state. The N- and C-termini of the cold shock proteins thus contribute differently to the folding kinetics, although they are very close in space in the folded protein.  相似文献   

The single domain protein, interleukin-1beta, is representative of a distinct class of proteins characterized by their beta-trefoil topology. Each subdomain of this structural class is composed of a beta beta beta loop beta (betabetabetaLbeta) motif comprised of approximately 50 residues and gives the protein a pseudo- 3-fold axis of symmetry. A common feature of proteins in this topological family appears to be that they are slow folders, which reach the native state on the order of tens to 100s of seconds. Sequence analysis of interleukin-1beta indicates that three phenylalanine residues located at positions 42, 101, and 146 are well conserved, separated by approximately 50 residues in the primary sequence, located in similar positions in the pseudo-symmetric units of the trefoil, and are juxtaposed to one another in conformational space. These residues surround the hydrophobic cavity and "pin" the hairpin triplet cap to the core beta-barrel. To determine if cap-barrel interactions are involved in maintaining the structural stability and cooperativity or in controlling the slow formation of the native state, we performed a series of mutational studies. The results indicate that interleukin-1beta tolerates large increases in side-chain volume at these three topologically conserved sites with little effect on stability, while the kinetics show significant differences in both the unfolding and refolding rates. Taken together, our results indicate that these conserved core residues are essential contacts in the transition-state ensemble for folding.  相似文献   

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