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Summary The iron storage protein, ferritin, is the major yolk protein in freshwater snails. In this report we show by in vitro labelling experiments that yolk ferritin of the snails Lymnaea stagnalis L. and Planorbarius corneus L. is an exogenous protein synthesized in the midgut gland and secreted into the hemolymph. Gonad and mantle tissue are inactive in the synthesis of yolk ferritin, but, together with the midgut gland, they synthesize another ferritin type (soma ferritin) which is not released into the hemolymph and which may be a housekeeping ferritin. Soma ferritin and yolk ferritin are not in a precursor/product relationship since subunits of both ferritins are synthesized as primary translation products in rabbit reticulocyte lysate programmed with poly (A)+ RNA from midgut gland and gonad. Results suggest that both ferritins are synthesized on different mRNAs (and possibly on different genes) so they may be regulated in a different way.  相似文献   

F. Moriarty 《Hydrobiologia》1978,58(3):271-275
The effect of different degrees of partial starvation on growth was studied in the fresh-water gastropodPlanorbarius corneus (L.). Two indices of growth were used, fresh weight and shell diameter, and for both indices the rate of growth decreased proportionately at least as much as the proportion of time that food was absent. This suggests that growth is not regulated in this species, and some doubts are expressed about the validity of results with other invertebrate species that suggest growth is regulated.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Aggregate regelmäßig undulierender Tubuli im Zytoplasma der Spermatiden von Planorbarius corneus wurden elektronenmikroskopisch untersucht. Diese Tubulikörper sind nur während der frühen Spermiohistogenese bis zur beginnenden Ausdifferenzierung der Mittelstücke zu beobachten. Sie stehen mit dem endoplasmatischen Retikulum in Verbindung. Unterschiedliche Strukturen werden als Bildmuster verschiedener Schnittebenen desselben dreidimensionalen Gefüges gedeutet. Ähnlich strukturierte, für andere Zellen beschriebene Einschlüsse wurden mit den Tubulikörpern verglichen. Dazu diente ein dreidimensionaler Modellentwurf.
Tubular bodies in the cytoplasm of spermatids of Planorbarius corneus L. (Basommatophora)
Summary Aggregates of regularly undulating tubules in the cytoplasm of spermatids of Planorbarius corneus have been studied by electron microscopy. Generally, these tubular bodies can be observed in early spermatids until beginning of middle-piece-formation. Some of the tubules are connected with the endoplasmic reticulum. The various electron microscopic patterns may result from different planes of section through the same three-dimensional texture. Similar structured inclusions found in other tissue cells have been compared.
Frau B. Dingerdissen, Abteilung für Elektronenmikroskopie des Physikalischen Instituts, danken wir für technische Assistenz am Elmiskop.  相似文献   

Summary The spatial and temporal patterns of macromolecular syntheses in oocytes and somatic auxiliary cells of the snail Planorbarius corneus have been investigated by autoradiography and cytophotometry. Oogenesis has been divided into three stages, comprising early meiosis up to diplotene (stage I), previtellogenetic growth phase (stage II), and vitellogenesis (stage III). No DNA synthesis was found in any oocyte stage. In stage-I oocytes, only nucleoli were found labelled with 3H-uridine. Oocyte nuclei of stage II and III actively synthesize RNA in nucleoli and chromosomes. The most intense incorporation of uridine in chromatin probably occurs during the previtellogenesis — vitellogenesis transition period during which cytological findings suggest well developed lampbrush chromosomes. RNA synthesis in amphinucleoli of stage-III oocytes is restricted to basophilic nucleolar parts, whereas acidophilic parts (protein bodies) neither synthesize nor store RNA. During vitellogenesis oocytes incorporate amino acids into yolk platelet proteins. Radioactive proteins are found in yolk platelet precursors 5 h after injection of the tracer and in yolk platelets 3 h thereafter. The labelling pattern suggests that oocytes synthesize certain hitherto unidentified yolk components. No evidence for the participation of follicle cells in synthesis and transport of vitellogenic proteins has been obtained from autoradiography. Cytological findings suggest an important role for these cells in oogenesis. They are highly active in RNA and protein synthesis. Cellular differentiation is accompanied by polyploidization of the nuclei which attain a highest DNA content of 256 c. Polyploidization probably occurs in incremental steps as indicated by complete endomitotic chromosomal cycles. Autoradiographs show that, during vitellogenesis, oocytes do not incorporate significant amounts of glucose, and only certain follicle cells were labelled with glucose, probably indicating the synthesis of glycogen.  相似文献   

Morphological and histochemical examination of the blood and connective tissue of the freshwater snail Lymnaea stagnalis injected with various types of foreign particulate materials has shown the existence of free as well as fixed phagocytic cells. The morphology of the fixed phagocytes is described, and the phagocytic system of the snail is compared with that of other molluscan species.  相似文献   

Summary Electron micrographs of pore cells of Lymnaea stagnalis suggest that these cells produce and store haemocyanin.  相似文献   

The attachment of the body of the snail Lymnaea stagnalis to the shell was studied by histochemistry and light and electron microscopy. Muscles of the body wall insert into the connective tissue by way of long thin projections of sarcolemma. The muscle cells end under the basement membrane of a specialised area of the epidermis, the adhesive epithelium. The cells of this epithelium are filled with microfilaments and possess characteristic knob-like microvilli. The epithelium is attached to the shell by way of an adhesive substance containing proteins and mucopolysaccharides.This research was made possible by a grant from the Netherlands Organization for Pure Research (Z.W.O.)  相似文献   

The cerebral ganglia of the freshwater snail Lymnaea stagnalis contain two clusters of neurosecretory Caudo-Dorsal Cells (CDC). These cells produce a neurohormone which stimulates ovulation. Ganglion transplantation and quantitative electron microscopy show that neuronal isolation of the cerebral ganglia complex (CCC) results in an activation of the CDC. It was, therefore, concluded that the CDC are controlled by an inhibitory neuronal input originating outside the cerebral ganglia. Ultrastructural studies on synaptic degeneration in the CCC suggest that this input reaches the CDC via a special type of synapse-like structure, the type C-SLS.Furthermore, transplantation of CCC into acceptor snails leads to a reduced release and an increased intracellular breakdown of neurohormone in the CDC of the nervous system of the acceptors. It is supposed that these phenomena are caused by the release of an (unknown) factor from the transplanted CCC. Special attention was given to the formation and degradation of a peculiar type of neurohormone granule, the large electron dense granule.  相似文献   

InLymnaea stagnalis, oral uptake of ambient medium was studied using51Cr-ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid. In normal snails Cr-ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid uptake showed two components: a high uptake rate within the first hour followed by moderate uptake proportional with time. The tracer accumulated mainly in the digestive system. All animals showed initial, transient uptake. Moderate uptake proportional with time did not occur in snails in which the buccal ganglia had been extirpated, in which both the buccal ganglia had been extirpated and the oesophagus was sectioned, or in snails provided with an oesophageal fistula. These snails did not accumulate tracer in the intestinal system. This type of tracer accumulation clearly represented oral ingestion of surrounding water. The oral water ingestion rate ranged from 8 to 12 μl·h−1·g−1. Assuming complete absorption, this accounts for 20–30% of the urine production rate. At low external concentrations the contribution of oral water ingestion to Na+ balance is negligible. However, its importance will grow with increasing external concentrations and becomes a major factor at higher concentrations. The ingestion rate increased almost sixfold when starving snails were allowed to feed. It is suggested that oral water ingestion is a consequence of making bite cycles and swallowing.  相似文献   

The disturbance of plasma membrane carbohydrates and of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) ligands in relation to cytoskeletal transformations of haemocytes has been investigated after chronic exposure of pond snails (Lymnaea stagnalis) to the peroxidizing toxicant fomesafen. Neither of the two lectins used (concanavalin A and wheat germ agglutinin) showed any binding modification after incubation of the snails in the presence of the toxicant. However, after exposure of the snails to fomesafen, a clear and persistent reduction in LPS labelling of haemocytes occurred. The actin cytoskeleton of the same cells also appeared to be sensitive to the toxicant. The reduction in LPS-binding sites was related to actin staining, leading to the hypothesis that LPS ligands and actin could be similarly modulated by the toxicant. Damaged cells showed non-adherent membrane portions with reduced filopodial extrusions, exhibiting a smooth surface free of microvilli. These changes could lower the spreading and adhesion of the cells and could therefore account for the loss in their phagocytic capabilities.  相似文献   

Summary The intracellular localization of calcium by means of cytochemical techniques was studied in smooth muscle cells of mouse intestine. When the lead acetate method according to Carasso and Favard (1966) was used calcium was found in mitochondria and sarcoplasmic reticulum and occasionally between the myofilaments. The active ATP-dependent accumulation of calcium into cell structures was investigated by the oxalate method (Heumann and Zebe, 1967). After appropriate treatment the only structures of smooth muscle cells which contained calcium oxalate (identified by microprobe analysis) were elements of the sarcoplasmic reticulum.The results are discussed in relation to the role of calcium in the control of muscle activity during the contraction-relaxation cycle.The electron probe microanalysis was carried out at SIEMENS (Berlin) in collaboration with Dr. von Muschwitz. I thank Miss M. Schlatter for her skillful assistance. The investigation was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary Three neuronal systems of the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis were immunocytochemically investigated at the ultrastructural level with the unlabeled peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique. Preliminary electrophysiological and cell-filling investigations have shown that a cluster of neurons which reacts positively with an antiserum against the molluscan cardio-active peptide FMRFamide, sends axons to the penis retractor muscle. In this muscle anti-FMRF-amide (aFM) positive axons form neuro-muscular synapses with (smooth) muscle fibers. The morphological observations suggest the aFM immunoreactive system to be involved in peptidergic neurotransmission. In the right parietal ganglion a large neuron (LYAC) is penetrated by aFM positive axons which form synapse-like structures (SLS) with the LYAC. The assumption that the SLS represent the morphological basis for peptidergic transmission is sustained by the observation that iontophoretical application of synthetic FMRFamide depolarizes the LYAC. The axons of a group of pedal anti-vasopressin (aVP) positive cells run in close vicinity to the cerebral ovulation (neuro-)-hormone producing cell system (CDC system) Synapses or SLS between the two systems were not observed. The fact that (bath) application of arg-vasopressin induces bursting in the CDC, may indicate that the vasopressin-like substance of the aVP cells is released non-synaptically.  相似文献   

Central nervous system of freshwater pulmonate molluscs Lymnaea stagnalis and Planorbarius corneus was stained using retrograde transport of neurobiotin in the optic tract fibers. In both species, perikarya and fibers of the stained neurons are found in all ganglia except the buccal ones. Afferent fibers of the optic nerve form dense sensory neuropil located in relatively small volume of cerebral ganglia. Typical neuronal groups sending their processes into the optic nerves of ipsilateral and contralateral body halves are described. Among them, neurons of visceral and parietal ganglia innervating both eyes concurrently as well as sending projections into peripheral nerves are revealed. These neurons, supposedly, have a function to integrate sensory signals, which may be a basis for regulation of light sensitivity of retina and functioning of peripheral organs. Bilateral links of the molluscan eye with the pedal ganglia cells and statocysts are found, which is, likely, a structural basis of certain known behavioral patterns related to stimulation of visual inputs in the studied gastropod molluscs.  相似文献   

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