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Risk assessments inevitably extrapolate from the known to the unknown. The resulting calculation of risk involves two fundamental kinds of uncertainty: uncertainty owing to intrinsically unpredictable (random) components of the future events, and uncertainty owing to imperfect prediction formulas (parameter uncertainty and error in model structure) that are used to predict the component that we think is predictable. Both types of uncertainty weigh heavily both in health and ecological risk assessments. Our first responsibility in conducting risk assessments is to ensure that the reported risks correctly reflect our actual level of uncertainty (of both types). The statistical methods that lend themselves to correct quantification of the uncertainty are also effective for combining different sources of information. One way to reduce uncertainty is to use all the available data. To further sharpen future risk assessments, it is useful to partition the uncertainty between the random component and the component due to parameter uncertainty, so that we can quantify the expected reduction in uncertainty that can be achieved by investing in a given amount of future data. An example is developed to illustrate the potential for use of comparative data, from toxicity testing on other species or other chemicals, to improve the estimates of low-effect concentration in a particular case with sparse case-specific data.  相似文献   

KwaZulu-Natal province in South Africa is currently the site of the world's fastest growing HIV/AIDS epidemic, where it is estimated that between 30 and 40 percent of the adult population is seropositive for HIV. With support from local politicians and members of various government ministries, several self-styled guardians of tradition have emerged to form organizations that advocate and conduct regular virginity testing of girls. Reference to the current HIV/AIDS epidemic is central to calls for greater support of this practice. Drawing on original research among Zulu-speaking people in the periurban communities of Durban, this article examines the sociocultural construction of HIV/AIDS and locates the growing popularity of virginity testing within a gendered meaning-making process consistent with commonly held beliefs that the epidemic is the result of women being sexually "out of control." With the social impact of AIDS starting to take its toll in the forms of increasing AIDS-related deaths and a growing population of orphans, I argue that virginity testing is an attempt to manage the epidemic by exerting greater control over women and their sexuality. In addition, virginity testing of girls helps to draw attention away from the role of men in the maturing epidemic, consideration of which has been conspicuously absent in the popular discourse on AIDS at all levels of South African society.  相似文献   

Quantification of uncertainty associated with risk estimates is an important part of risk assessment. In recent years, use of second-order distributions, and two-dimensional simulations have been suggested for quantifying both variability and uncertainty. These approaches are better interpreted within the Bayesian framework. To help practitioners better use such methods and interpret the results, in this article, we describe propagation and interpretation of uncertainty in the Bayesian paradigm. We consider both the estimation problem where some summary measures of the risk distribution (e.g., mean, variance, or selected percentiles) are to be estimated, and the prediction problem, where the risk values for some specific individuals are to be predicted. We discuss some connections and differences between uncertainties in estimation and prediction problems, and present an interpretation of a decomposition of total variability/uncertainty into variability and uncertainty in terms of expected squared error of prediction and its reduction from perfect information. We also discuss the role of Monte Carlo methods in characterizing uncertainty. We explain the basic ideas using a simple example, and demonstrate Monte Carlo calculations using another example from the literature.  相似文献   

This paper is a commentary on Hattis’ three laws of risk assessment. The first law, that “application of standard statistical techniques to a single data set will nearly always reveal only a trivial proportion of the overall uncertainty in the parameter value” is illustrated both by examining the relevance of animal models to man and by a retrospective view of exposure conditions whose importance has only recently been recognized to be important. The second law, that “any estimate of the uncertainty of a parameter value will always itself be more uncertain than the estimate of the parameter value,” is examined in terms of a model addressing multiple levels of uncertainty, e.g., the “uncertainty in the uncertainty”. A argument is made that the number of terms needed for convergence of this uncertainty hierarchy depends on how far from the central tendency of the risk distribution one goes. The further out the “tail” of the distribution, the more terms in the uncertainty hierarchy are needed for convergence. The third law, that “nearly all parameter distribu tions look lognormal, as long as you don't look too closely,” is illustrated with a number of examples. Several reasons are put forward as to why risk variables appear so frequently to be lognormal. Recognition of the lognormal character of variable distributions can provide insight into the proper form for the associated uncertainty distributions.  相似文献   



HIV in Israel started with a subtype-B epidemic among men who have sex with men, followed in the 1980s and 1990s by introductions of subtype C from Ethiopia (predominantly acquired by heterosexual transmission) and subtype A from the former Soviet Union (FSU, most often acquired by intravenous drug use). The epidemic matured over the last 15 years without additional large influx of exogenous infections. Between 2005 and 2013 the number of infected men who have sex with men (MSM) increased 2.9-fold, compared to 1.6-fold and 1.3-fold for intravenous drug users (IVDU) and Ethiopian-origin residents. Understanding contemporary spread is essential for effective public health planning.


We analyzed demographic and virologic data from 1,427 HIV-infected individuals diagnosed with HIV-I during 1998–2012. HIV phylogenies were reconstructed with maximum-likelihood and Bayesian methods.


Subtype-B viruses, but not A or C, demonstrated a striking number of large clusters with common ancestors having posterior probability ≥0.95, including some suggesting presence of transmission networks. Transmitted drug resistance was highest in subtype B (13%). MSM represented a frequent risk factor in cross-ethnic transmission, demonstrated by the presence of Israeli-born with non-B virus infections and FSU immigrants with non-A subtypes.


Reconstructed phylogenetic trees demonstrated substantial grouping in subtype B, but not in non-MSM subtype-A or in subtype-C, reflecting differences in transmission dynamics linked to HIV transmission categories. Cross-ethnic spread occurred through multiple independent introductions, with MSM playing a prevalent role in the transmission of the virus. Such data provide a baseline to track epidemic trends and will be useful in informing and quantifying efforts to reduce HIV transmission.  相似文献   

This study tested experimentally whether the combination of a history of childhood abuse and confrontation with difficult infant temperament is associated with negative changes in parenting self-efficacy. First-time pregnant women (N = 243) participated in the Adult Attachment Interview, which was used to assess the occurrence of abuse by parents in childhood and unresolved representations, and completed a task asking them to respond to infant cries. Sixty of the 243 participants (25%) experienced childhood abuse, mostly physical or sexual. The task simulated infant temperamental difficulty by manipulating soothing success in order to reflect an easy-to-soothe (80% soothing success) and a difficult-to-soothe infant (20% soothing success). Both after baseline and after each of the two stimulus series women assessed their parenting self-efficacy. Women who reported childhood abuse did not differ from women who reported no childhood abuse in parenting self-efficacy at baseline or in response to the easy-to-soothe infant (relative to baseline), but decreased more in parenting self-efficacy following the difficult-to-soothe infant. Effects did not vary according to resolution of trauma. These findings suggest that in response to infant temperamental difficulty, women who experienced childhood abuse may more easily lose confidence in their parenting abilities, which underlines the importance of preparing at-risk women for the possible challenges that come along with parenthood.  相似文献   

Previous research on warfare in a worldwide sample of societies by Ember and Ember (Journal of Conflict Resolution, 36, 242–262, 1992a) found a strong relationship between resource unpredictability (particularly food scarcity caused by natural disasters) in nonstate, nonpacified societies and overall warfare frequency. Focusing on eastern Africa, a region frequently plagued with subsistence uncertainty as well as violence, this paper explores the relationships between resource problems, including resource unpredictability, chronic scarcity, and warfare frequencies. It also examines whether resource scarcity predicts more resource-taking in land, movable property, and people, as well as the commission of atrocities. Results support previous worldwide results regarding the relationship between resource unpredictability and warfare frequency. Results regarding resource-taking and atrocities are more nuanced and complex. In almost all findings, relationships are generally in opposite directions in nonstate and state societies. In post-hoc analyses, atrocities are significantly more likely to be committed in states than in nonstates.  相似文献   

The debate over chlorine in industrialized economies has become extremely polarized in the last decade. Environmental pressure groups are striving for a virtual phaseout of chlorine and chlorinated hydrocarbons (CHCs), because they are convinced that the risks cannot be managed. Industry argues this is not necessary because environmental risks can be controlled, nor is it feasible, because at least 60% of all firms use CHCs, produds made with CHCs, or elemental chlorine. In an attempt to give this discussion a more factual basis, the Dutch minister of environment launched a strategic study on chlorine (see Kleijn et al. I997;Tukker et al. 1995). Using all available knowledge about emissions and contemporary evaluation methods, the study found only a limited number of environmental issues outstanding related to the chlorine chain: however, it also found important uncertainties. This article describes the outstanding uncertainties in more detail. It defines which uncertainties have to be regarded as chlorine-specific and the extent to which additional research can resolve them. For the remaining uncertainties the potential benefts of uncertainty reduction strategies are evaluted, relying mainly on the precautionary principle  相似文献   



Prevalence of obesity is the result of preceding incidence of newly developed obesity and persistence of obesity. We investigated whether increasing incidence and/or persistence during childhood drove the prevalence of childhood obesity during the emerging epidemic.


Height and weight were measured at ages 7 and 13 years in 192,992 Danish school children born 1930–1969. Trends in the incidence (proportion obese at 13 years among those not obese at 7 years) and persistence (proportion obese at 13 years among those obese at 7 years) across birth cohort periods (1930–41 with low stable prevalence of obesity, 1942–51 with increasing prevalence, 1952–69 with the higher, but stable prevalence) were investigated. Logistic regression was used to examine the associations between BMI at 7 years as a continuous trait, allowing interactions with the birth cohorts, and occurrence of obesity at 13 years.


The prevalence of obesity was similar at 7 and 13 years and increased across birth cohorts in boys from around 0.1% to 0.5% and in girls from around 0.3% to 0.7%. The incidence of obesity between ages 7 and 13 years increased from 0.15% to 0.35% in boys and from 0.20% to 0.44% in girls. The persistence increased from 28.6% to 41.4% in boys and from 16.4% to 31.0% in girls. Despite a decrease over time, the remission of obesity occurred in >60% of obese children in the last birth cohort. However, the odds ratios of obesity at age 13 years in relation to the full range of BMI at 7 years remained unchanged across the birth cohort periods.


The development of the obesity epidemic in children was due to an increase in both incidence and persistence of obesity. Contrary to prevailing expectations, a large, although declining, proportion of children obese at an early age underwent remission during childhood.  相似文献   

Culture and Sexual Risk: Anthropological Perspectives on AIDS. Han ten Brummelhuis and Gilbert Herdt. eds. Amsterdam: Gordon and Breach Publishers, 1995 (paper). xxvii. 355 pp.
AIDS Crossing Borders: The Spread of HIV among Migrant Latinos. Shiraz I. Mishra. Ross F. Conner. J. Raul Magaña. eds. Boulder, CO: Westview Press,1996(cloth). +214 pp.
AIDS in Africa and the Caribbean. George C. Bond. John Kreniske. Ida Susser. Joan Vincent. eds. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1997 (paper), xv. 234 pp.  相似文献   

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