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Abstract: We have investigated which α2-receptor subtypes are expressed in cultured cortical astroglia, and their coupling to second messengers. Binding assays using [3H]rauwolscine showed a very low number of α2 receptors in the astrocytic cultures. Treatment of cultures with dibutyryl cyclic AMP (dBcAMP) increased significantly the number of receptors. The RNase protection assay was used to investigate which receptor subtype the cells express. The α2B message was expressed at a low level in both treated and untreated cells, the levels of mRNA for the α2A/D subtype were up-regulated significantly in cells treated with dBcAMP and no expression of mRNA for the α2C subtype was detected. The α2 agonist dexmedetomidine inhibited forskolin-induced increases in cyclic AMP both in treated and untreated cultures in a pertussis toxin-dependent manner. This effect was abolished by the α2-receptor antagonist rauwolscine. Selective α2-receptor agonists dexmedetomidine, clonidine, and UK14,304 all increased intracellular calcium only in dBcAMP-treated cells. The antagonist rauwolscine abolished this effect. Ca2+ responses were also seen in the absence of extracellular Ca2+ and they were inhibited by the phospholipase C inhibitor U-73122, suggesting that astroglial α2 receptors are coupled to the inositol phospholipid pathway. We therefore also tested the effect of dexmedetomidine directly on inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate accumulation. A significant increase was seen that was blocked by the antagonist rauwolscine and, as expected, by U-73122. In short, the results demonstrate that the α2 receptors in astroglia are coupled to multiple second messenger pathways. They are up-regulated in cells treated with dBcAMP, which simultaneously assume a process-bearing morphology. If this morphological change reflects some in vivo process such as reactive gliosis, the up-regulation of α2-receptor expression could mean an adaptive change in astrocytic responses to a common neurotransmitter, noradrenaline.  相似文献   

Most antibodies known to interact with beta-adrenergic receptors do not exhibit subtype selectivity, nor do they provide quantitative immunoprecipitation. A monoclonal antibody, G27.1 raised against a synthetic peptide corresponding to the C-terminus of the beta 2-adrenergic receptor of hamster, is selective for the beta 2 subtype. G27.1 provides nearly quantitative immunoprecipitation of the beta 2-adrenergic receptor from hamster lung that has been photoaffinity-labeled and solubilized with sodium dodecyl sulfate. Immunoprecipitation is completely blocked by nanomolar concentrations of the immunizing peptide. This antibody interacts with beta 2-adrenergic receptors from three rodent species, but not with those from humans. When C6 glioma cells, which contain both beta 1- and beta 2-adrenergic receptors, are photoaffinity-labeled in the absence or presence of subtype-selective antagonists, subtype-selective photoaffinity-labeling results. G27.1 can immunoprecipitate beta 2-, but not beta 1-, adrenergic receptors from these cells. Similar results were obtained following subtype-selective photoaffinity-labeling of membranes from rat cerebellum and cerebral cortex. The beta-adrenergic receptors from C6 glioma cells and rat cerebral cortex exist as a mixture of two molecular weight species. These species differ in glycosylation, as shown by endoglycosidase F digestion of crude and immunoprecipitated receptors.  相似文献   

β2-Adrenergic Receptors on Peripheral Nerves   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We report that peripheral nerves have a functional adenylate cyclase-coupled beta-adrenergic receptor. The pharmacological specificity of this receptor is shown to be of the beta 2 subtype. Two peripheral nerves, the sciatic from the frog and rat and the vagus from the rat, responded to beta 2-agonists with 10-50-fold increases in intracellular cyclic AMP level. This increase was inhibited by the beta-adrenergic antagonist propranolol. In contrast, a central nerve tract, the corpus callosum, responded to isoproterenol with only a minimal one- to twofold increase in cyclic AMP level. These studies demonstrate that peripheral nerves have beta 2-adrenergic receptors that are responsive to exogenously applied catecholamines and suggest a role for these ligands in the previously described modulation of axonal conduction.  相似文献   

Abstract: This study explores the role of cyclic AMP in electrically evoked [3H]noradrenaline release and in the α2-adrenergic modulation of this release in chick sympathetic neurons. Along with an increase in stimulation-evoked tritium overflow, applications of forskolin enhanced the formation of intracellular cyclic AMP. Both effects of forskolin were potentiated by the phosphodiesterase inhibitor 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine. The forskolin-induced increase in overflow was abolished by the Rp-diastereomer of cyclic AMP-thioate, an antagonist at cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinases, and 1,9-dideoxy-forskolin, an inactive analogue at adenylyl cyclase, had no effect on the evoked overflow. A 24-h pretreatment with either cholera toxin or forskolin reduced the subsequent forskolin-induced accumulation of cyclic AMP and inhibited the stimulation-evoked release. Basal cyclic AMP production, however, remained unaltered after forskolin treatment and was enhanced after 24 h of cholera toxin exposure. The α2-adrenergic agonist bromoxidine did not affect the formation of cyclic AMP stimulated by forskolin but reduced electrically evoked release. However, effects of bromoxidine on 3H overflow were attenuated by forskolin as well as by 8-bromo-cyclic AMP. Effects of bromoxidine on [3H]noradrenaline release were paralleled by an inhibition of voltage-activated Ca2+ currents, primarily through a delayed time course of current activation. This effect was abolished when either forskolin or 8-bromo-cyclic AMP was included in the pipette solution. Both substances, however, failed to affect Ca2+ currents in the absence of bromoxidine. These results suggest that the signaling cascade of the α2-adrenergic inhibition of noradrenaline release involves voltage-activated Ca2+ channels but not cyclic AMP. Elevated levels of cyclic AMP, however, antagonize this α2-adrenergic reduction, apparently through a disinhibition of Ca2+ channels.  相似文献   

Two cell cultures, NEP2 and NEM2, isolated from human foetal brain have been maintained through several passages and found to express some properties of astrocytes. Both cell cultures contain adenylate cyclase stimulated by catecholamines with a potency order of isoprenaline greater than adrenaline greater than salbutamol much greater than noradrenaline, which is consistent with the presence of beta 2-adrenergic receptors. This study reports that the beta 2-adrenergic-selective antagonist ICI 118,551 is approximately 1,000 times more potent at inhibiting isoprenaline stimulation of cyclic AMP (cAMP) formation in both NEP2 and NEM2 than the beta 1-adrenergic-selective antagonist practolol. This observation confirms the presence of beta 2-adrenergic receptors in these cell cultures. The formation of cAMP in NEP2 is also stimulated by 5'-(N-ethylcarboxamido)adenosine (NECA) more potently than by either adenosine or N6-(L-phenylisopropyl)adenosine (L-PIA), which suggests that this foetal astrocyte expresses adenosine A2 receptors. Furthermore, L-PIA and NECA inhibit isoprenaline stimulation of cAMP formation, a result suggesting the presence of adenosine A1 receptors on NEP2. The presence of A1 receptors is confirmed by the observation that the A1-selective antagonist 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine reverses the inhibition of isoprenaline stimulation of cAMP formation by L-PIA and NECA. Additional evidence that NEP2 expresses adenosine receptors linked to the adenylate cyclase-inhibitory GTP-binding protein is provided by the finding that pretreatment of these cells with pertussis toxin reverses the adenosine inhibition of cAMP formation stimulated by either isoprenaline or forskolin.  相似文献   

Type B photoreceptors of the nudibranch mollusc Hermissenda crassicornis receive excitatory synaptic potentials (EPSPs) whose frequency is controlled by potential changes of a neighboring cell known as the S optic ganglion cell which is thought to be electrically coupled to the presynaptic source of these EPSPs, the E optic ganglion cell. The frequency of the EPSPs increases when a conditioned stimulus (light) is paired with an unconditioned stimulus (rotation) during acquisition of a Pavlovian conditioned response. The results of the present study are consistent with an adrenergic origin for these EPSPs. Noradrenergic agonists (greater than 100 microM), norepinephrine and clonidine, only slightly depolarize the type B cell but clearly prolong its depolarizing response to light. Serotonin, by contrast, causes hyperpolarization of the type B cell's resting potential as well as after a light step. Clonidine reduces voltage-dependent outward K+ currents (IA, an early current, ICa2+-K+, a late Ca2+-dependent current) that control the type B cell's excitability (and thus its light response and membrane potential). These effects of clonidine are reduced or blocked by the alpha 2-receptor antagonist, yohimbine (0.5 microM), but not the alpha 1-blocker, prazosin. The same yohimbine concentration also blocked depolarizing synaptic excitation of the type B cell in response to depolarization of a simultaneously impaled S optic ganglion cell. Histochemical techniques (both the glyoxylic acid method of de la Torre and Surgeon and the formaldehyde-induced fluorescence or Falck-Hillarp method) demonstrated the presence of a biogenic amine(s) within a single neuron in each optic ganglion as well as three or four cells within the vicinity of previously identified visual interneurons. No serotonergic neurons were found within the optic ganglion or in proximity to visual interneurons. A clonidine-like synaptic effect on type B cells, therefore, could amplify conditioning-specific changes of membrane currents by increasing type B depolarization and possibly, as well, by elevating intracellular second messengers.  相似文献   

Phenylephrine increased [3H]norepinephrine efflux and accumulation of cyclic AMP in cultured rat superior cervical ganglion cells superfused with Tyrode's solution. The purpose of this study was to determine the mechanism and relationship between these two events. Electrical stimulation (1-2 Hz), potassium chloride (50 mM), and the preferential alpha 1-adrenergic receptor agonist phenylephrine (1-100 microM) increased fractional tritium efflux, whereas methoxamine, cirazoline, and amidephrine were relatively ineffective. Phenylephrine, but not methoxamine and cirazoline, also increased cyclic AMP accumulation. Phenylephrine-induced tritium efflux was not altered by alpha- and beta-adrenergic receptor antagonists or by removal of extracellular calcium. Phenylephrine-induced cyclic AMP accumulation was blocked by the beta-adrenergic receptor antagonists propranolol and atenolol. Forskolin (10 microM) and the nonhydrolyzable cyclic AMP analogue 8-(4-chlorophenylthio)cyclic AMP (100 microM) had minimal effect on tritium efflux. However, phenylephrine-evoked increase in tritium efflux was dose dependently attenuated by the neuronal uptake blocker cocaine, and phenylephrine dose-dependently inhibited the incorporation of [3H]norepinephrine into neuronal stores. We conclude that the increase in tritium efflux induced by phenylephrine is independent of cyclic AMP accumulation and appears to be mediated by uptake of phenylephrine via the neuronal carrier-mediated amine transport process, which in turn promotes efflux of the adrenergic transmitter from its storage sites.  相似文献   

Noradrenaline (NA) and the alpha 2-adrenergic agonists clonidine, BHT-920, and UK 14304-18 inhibit potassium-evoked release of [3H]NA from rat occipital cortex tissue chops with similar potencies. NA (10(-5) M) was most effective as up to 85% inhibition could be observed compared with 75%, 55%, and 35% for UK 14304-18, clonidine, and BHT-920, respectively, all at 10(-5) M. Potassium-evoked release was enhanced by both forskolin (10(-5) M) and 1 mM dibutyryl cyclic AMP. Pretreatment of tissue chops with 1 mM dibutyryl cyclic AMP in the presence of 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine partially reversed the alpha 2-adrenergic agonist inhibition of NA release. No reversal of inhibition was observed following pretreatment with 10(-5) M forskolin. The effects of clonidine, BHT-920, UK-14308-18, and NA on cyclic AMP formation stimulated by (a) forskolin, (b) isoprenaline, (c) adenosine, (d) potassium, and (e) NA were examined. Only cAMP formation stimulated by NA was inhibited by these alpha 2-adrenergic agonists. These results suggest that only a small fraction of adenylate cyclase in rat occipital cortex is coupled to alpha 2-adrenergic receptors. These results are discussed in relation to recent findings that several alpha 2-adrenergic receptor subtypes occur, not all of which are coupled to the inhibition of adenylate cyclase, and that alpha 2-adrenergic receptors inhibit NA release in rat occipital cortex by a mechanism that does not involve decreasing cyclic AMP levels.  相似文献   

Acute treatment of rat spinal cord-dorsal root ganglion cocultured neurons with 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA), a known activator of protein kinase C, inhibited the dihydropyridine-sensitive voltage-dependent 45Ca2+ influx measured in these cells (IC50 of approximately 100 nM, 66% inhibition at 1 microM TPA). However, prolonged preincubation (24 h) of the cells with 100 nM TPA followed by extensive washing completely abolished, i.e., desensitized, the capacity of a second application of TPA to inhibit the activity of the voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels. Moreover, this treatment also abolished the inhibition of Ca2+ influx produced by kappa-opiate as well as by alpha 2-adrenergic and muscarinic receptor agonists. Substantial desensitization was already observed following a 1-h pretreatment with 100 nM TPA. In contrast to TPA, an inactive phorbol ester (4 beta-phorbol 13-acetate) did not affect the inhibition of the voltage-dependent Ca2+ influx by these receptor agonists. These results suggest that protein kinase C may have a role in the modulation of Ca2+ channels by kappa-opiate, alpha 2-adrenergic, and muscarinic receptor agonists.  相似文献   

The intrasynaptosomal free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) was measured in quin2-loaded synaptosomes prepared from rat cerebral cortex. Membrane-permeant cyclic adenosine-3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP) analogues [8-bromo-cyclic adenosine-3',5'-monophosphate (8-Br-cAMP) and dibutyryl-cyclic adenosine-3',5'-monophosphate (db-cAMP)] increased [Ca2+]i in a dose-dependent manner; The maximal increases were approximately 50% for 8-Br-cAMP and 35% for db-cAMP and occurred at approximately 10 microM with both analogues. Clonidine (1 microM) alone reduced [Ca2+]i by 26.5%; db-cAMP and 8-Br-cAMP attenuated this reduction to 14.2 and 8.2%, respectively. In contrast, the reduction (19.9%) in [Ca2+]i induced by the preferential kappa-opiate agonist dynorphin A(1-13) was not attenuated by the cAMP analogues; in fact, db-cAMP and 8-Br-cAMP potentiated the effect of dynorphin A(1-13) (1 microM), producing decreases in [Ca2+]i of 33.6 and 29.6%, respectively. We conclude that although alpha 2-adrenergic and kappa-opiate receptors both reduce [Ca2+]i, the alpha 2-adrenoceptor-mediated response and the kappa-opiate receptor-mediated response involve different effector mechanisms. It appears that presynaptic alpha 2-adrenoceptor agonist effects are linked to reductions in adenylate cyclase activity and cAMP production and a resultant increase in Ca2+ sequestration, Ca2+-channel blockade, or both. On the other hand, the kappa-opiate-mediated effects possibly involve an increase in cAMP production and a blockade of Ca2+ entry.  相似文献   

Solubilization and Characterization of Rat Brain α2-Adrenergic Receptor   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
alpha 2-Adrenergic receptors labelled by [3H]-clonidine (alpha 2-agonist) can be solubilized from the rat brain in a form sensitive to guanine nucleotides with a zwitterionic detergent, 3-[3-(cholamidopropyl)-dimethylammonio]-1-propane sulfonate (CHAPS). About 40% of the original [3H]CLO binding sites in the membranes were solubilized with 6 mM CHAPS. Separation of the soluble [3H]CLO-bound complex was performed by the vacuum filtration method using polyethylenimine-treated GF/B filters. Solubilized [3H]CLO binding sites retained the same pharmacological characteristics of membrane-bound alpha 2-adrenergic receptors. Scatchard plots of [3H]CLO binding to solubilized alpha 2-receptors were curvilinear, indicating the existence of the two distinct binding components. Solubilized receptors were eluted as a single peak from Bio-Gel A-1.5 m column with a Stokes radius of 6.6 nm. The isoelectric point was 5.6-5.8. Regulations of the receptor binding by guanine nucleotides, monovalent cations, and sulfhydryl-reactive agents were maintained intact in the soluble state, whereas those by divalent cations were lost. The apparent retention of receptors and guanine nucleotide binding regulatory component(s) in the soluble state may allow a investigation of the regulation mechanisms of the brain alpha 2-adrenergic receptor system at the molecular level.  相似文献   

Abstract: Epinephrine (Epi) mediates various physiological effects via α2A-adrenergic receptors (α2A-ARs). Studies in mice with a point mutation in the gene for α2A-AR have shown that these receptors are responsible for the centrally mediated depressor effects of α2-AR agonists. These studies underscore the importance of understanding the basic cellular mechanisms involved in the expression of α2A-ARs, of which little is known. We use astroglia cultured from the hypothalamus and brainstem of adult Sprague-Dawley rats as a model system in which to study factors that regulate α2A-AR expression. These cells contain α2-ARs, which are predominately of the α2A-AR subtype. Our studies have shown that Epi causes a dose- and time-dependent decrease in steady-state levels of α2A-AR mRNA and number of α2A-ARs, effects that are mediated via α1- and β-adrenergic receptors (α1-ARs and β-ARs). These effects of Epi on α2A-AR mRNA and α2A-AR number are mimicked by activation of protein kinase C or increases in cellular cyclic AMP, which are intracellular messengers activated by α1-ARs and β-ARs, respectively. Taken together, these results indicate that expression of α2A-ARs is regulated in a heterologous manner by Epi, via α1-AR- and β-AR-mediated intracellular pathways.  相似文献   

Forskolin and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) were shown to increase cyclic AMP accumulation in a human neuroblastoma cell line, SK-N-SH cells. The alpha 2-adrenergic agonist UK 14304 decreased forskolin-stimulated cyclic AMP levels by 40 +/- 2%, with an EC50 of 83 +/- 20 nM. This response was blocked by pretreatment with pertussis toxin (PT) (EC50 = 1 ng/ml) or by the alpha 2-antagonists yohimbine, idazoxan, and phentolamine. Antagonist IC50 values were 0.3 +/- 0.1, 2.2 +/- 0.3, and 1.4 +/- 0.1 microM, respectively. This finding suggests the presence of normal inhibitory coupling of SK-N-SH cell alpha 2-adrenergic receptors to adenylate cyclase via the inhibitory GTP-binding protein species, Gi. Muscarinic receptors in many target cell types are coupled to inhibition of adenylate cyclase. However, in SK-N-SH cells, muscarinic agonists synergistically increased (67-95%) the level of cyclic AMP accumulation elicited by forskolin or VIP. EC50 values for carbamylcholine (CCh) and oxotremorine facilitation of the forskolin response were 1.2 +/- 0.2 and 0.3 +/- 0.1 microM, respectively. Pharmacological studies using the muscarinic receptor subtype-preferring antagonists 4-diphenylacetoxy-N-methylpiperidine, pirenzepine, and AF-DX 116 indicated mediation of this response by the M3 subtype. IC50 values were 14 +/- 1, 16,857 +/- 757, and 148,043 +/- 16,209 nM, respectively. CCh-elicited responses were unaffected by PT pretreatment. Muscarinic agonist binding affinity was indirectly measured by the ability of CCh to compete for [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate binding sites on SK-N-SH cell membranes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In the rat pineal gland, alpha 1-adrenergic agonists, which stimulate arachidonic acid release, also potentiate vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)- or beta-adrenergic-stimulated cyclic AMP (cAMP) and cyclic GMP (cGMP) accumulation. In this study, the possible involvement of the arachidonic acid pathway in the potentiation mechanism was examined in dispersed rat pinealocytes using two inhibitors of the arachidonic acid cascade, indomethacin and nordihydroguaiaretic acid. These two inhibitors appeared to have differential effects on the alpha 1-adrenergic potentiation of VIP- or beta-adrenergic-stimulated cAMP and cGMP responses. Whereas nordihydroguaiaretic acid was effective in suppressing both the alpha 1-adrenergic potentiation of VIP- or beta-adrenergic-stimulated cAMP and cGMP responses, indomethacin inhibited selectively the VIP-mediated cAMP and cGMP responses. The role of arachidonic acid metabolites was further determined using several prostaglandins--A2, I2, E2, and F2 alpha--and leukotrienes--B4, C4, and D4. Of the seven compounds tested, prostaglandins E2 and F2 alpha stimulated basal cAMP but not cGMP accumulation. The prostaglandin E2- and F2 alpha-stimulated cAMP responses were additive to those stimulated by VIP or beta-adrenergic receptors. The other five compounds had no effects on basal or VIP- or beta-adrenergic-stimulated cAMP or cGMP accumulation. Taken together, these findings indicate that the arachidonic acid cascade is likely involved in the alpha 1-adrenergic potentiation of VIP- or beta-adrenergic-stimulated cAMP and cGMP accumulation. However, the specific arachidonic acid metabolite involved in the potentiation mechanisms of VIP- versus beta-adrenergic-stimulated cyclic nucleotide responses may be different.  相似文献   

One of the most important intracellular Ca2+ regulatory mechanisms in nonexcitable cells, "capacitative Ca2+ entry" (CCE), has not been adequately studied in astrocytes. We therefore investigated whether CCE exists in cultured rat cerebellar astrocytes and studied the roles of cyclic AMP (cAMP) and protein kinase C (PKC) in CCE. We found that (1) at least two different intracellular Ca2+ stores, the endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria, are present in cerebellar astrocytes; (2) CCE does exist in these cells and can be inhibited by Ni2+, miconazole, and SKF 96365; (3) CCE can be directly enhanced by an increase in intracellular cAMP, as 8-bromoadenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (8-brcAMP), forskolin, and isobutylmethylxanthine have stimulatory effects on CCE; and (4) neither of the two potent protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitors, H8 and H89, nor a specific PKA agonist, Sp-adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphothioate, had a significant effect on cAMP-enhanced Ca2+ entry. The [Ca2+]i increase was not due to a release from calcium stores, hyperpolarization of the membrane potential, inhibition of calcium extrusion, or a change in pHi, suggesting that cAMP itself probably acts as a novel messenger to modulate CCE. We also conclude that activation of PKC results in an increase in CCE. cAMP and PKC seem to modulate CCE by different pathways.  相似文献   

The antinociceptive actions of intrathecal injections of two alpha 2-adrenergic agonists, UK-14,304 and guanfacine, were investigated in rats after pretreatment of the animals with the noradrenaline neurotoxin N-2-chloroethyl-N-ethyl-2-bromobenzylamine (DSP4) 14 days in advance. The chronic noradrenaline depletion induced by DSP4 caused a marked increase in sensitivity of the antinociceptive action of UK-14,304 in the tail-flick test. By contrast, the antinociceptive effect of guanfacine was not appreciably affected by the DSP4 treatment. The antinociceptive effects of both UK-14,304 and guanfacine were blocked by intraperitoneal injections of yohimbine, a result indicating that both drugs induced their actions by activating alpha 2-adrenoceptors. Both UK-14,304 and guanfacine were found to reduce the production of cyclic AMP (cAMP) in the spinal cord, as determined using an in vitro radioisotopic method. The cAMP inhibitory effects of both agonists were effectively blocked by yohimbine, but not by prazosin, a finding indicating the alpha 2-adrenergic nature of the response. However, the cAMP inhibitory effect of UK-14,304 was not potentiated by pretreatment with DSP4, a finding in marked contrast with the strong potentiation of the antinociceptive action of UK-14,304 induced by the chronic depletion of endogenous noradrenaline. Moreover, intrathecal injections of forskolin, which increased the endogenous levels of spinal cord cAMP fivefold, did not modify the antinociceptive effects of UK-14,304 or guanfacine in neither normal nor DSP4-treated animals. It is suggested that there exist pharmacologically differing alpha 2-adrenergic receptor pathways capable of mediating antinociceptive effects at the level of the spinal cord. The cAMP inhibitory actions of spinal cord alpha 2-adrenoceptors appear not to be directly linked with the antinociceptive actions of these receptors.  相似文献   

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