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小干扰RNA(si RNA)的发展给针对病理障碍特异性基因的靶向治疗带来了巨大的希望。然而,细胞膜对带负电荷分子的低渗透性,细胞对si RNA的摄取能力差,成为了si RNA临床应用的主要障碍。虽然学者们提出了一系列si RNA递送的方法,但是截止到目前,仍没有递送si RNA的通用方法。细胞膜穿透肽(cell-penetrating peptides,CPPs)的发现为si RNA非侵袭性的进入细胞提供了一种非常有前景的运载工具,已被成功地应用于治疗性si RNA分子的体内和体外实验的递送。最近,一种新的以两亲性CPPs为基础的si RNA递送系统-CADY(a secondary amphipathic peptide,Ac-GLWRALWRLLRSLWRLLWRA-cysteamide)受到了高度关注,它能与si RNA形成稳定的非共价复合物,并在原代和悬浮细胞系中高效地递送si RNA,具有极高的应用前景。  相似文献   

细胞穿透肽设计及肿瘤靶向治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
细胞穿透肽是近年来发现的具有穿透生物膜功能,并能介导大分子物质跨膜转导的一类小分子短肽。该肽段以其转导效率高,速度快,生物活性好,对细胞损害小等特点,成为药物导向治疗方法研究领域的热点。肿瘤靶向治疗的一个局限性是不能使药物有效地进入肿瘤细胞内,极大地降低了肿瘤靶向药物治疗的疗效。因此,如何使抗癌药物特定输送至肿瘤细胞群是当前亟需研究设计的课题,本文就特异性靶向穿膜肽在肿瘤靶向治疗方面的设计、应用作一综述。  相似文献   

细胞穿透肽是一类具有特殊细胞膜穿透作用的短肽,研究发现其为药物大分子物质的细胞内转运提供了有力工具,现已得到了广泛关注和大量研究.一方面,近年来发现,细胞穿透肽的应用面临着药物释放率、代谢降解、细胞系的分化状态和Rho-GTPases活性的依赖性等问题,从而阻碍了其研究开发的进程.另一方面,细胞穿透肽在肿瘤治疗、抗菌和抗炎靶向药物等方面的研究却取得了显著的进展,甚至进入了临床前和临床研究阶段.本文围绕细胞穿透肽在应用开发中所面临的挑战和机遇两方面,综述了近期的研究进展,并对细胞穿透肽在新领域中的应用进行了展望.  相似文献   

细胞膜的选择通透性对维持细胞内环境的稳定起着非常重要的作用,但细胞膜的这种特性限制了一些生物大分子和药物进入细胞内,不利于对一些细胞内疾病的诊断和药物靶向治疗的应用。如何将一些具有诊断和治疗潜力的生物大分子、药物通过细胞膜进入细胞内一直是医学界研究的热点和难点。细胞穿透肽是一类能够携带多肽、蛋白质、核酸、纳米颗粒、病毒颗粒及药物等穿过细胞膜进入细胞,导致完整载物内化的短肽,为生物大分子和药物进入细胞内部提供了有力的运载工具,其作为载体具有的高转导效率和低毒性特点,已经得到了广泛关注和大量研究。目前,细胞穿透肽作为生物分子和药物细胞内化的运载体已经在荧光成像,肿瘤治疗,抗炎治疗及药物靶向治疗中发挥了潜在的诊断和治疗作用,显示出其诱人的应用前景。  相似文献   

自从20年余前第一次发现细胞穿透肽(cell-penetrating peptides,CPPs)以来,细胞穿透肽新家族成员的发掘和应用研究发展迅速。这些短肽可以通过共价或非共价连接形式穿过细胞膜,并且可以携带多种没有能力克服细胞膜通透性障碍的分子进入细胞。作为纳米级转运载体,大多数CPPs是无毒的,并已成为药物治疗、诊断以及蛋白质、核酸功能等方面研究的新型潜在工具。该文重点从CPPs的分类、结构与功能关系、跨膜机制、细胞器定位、细胞毒性、与外源物质连接方式以及应用等方面介绍了国际上有关CPPs的研究进展及其存在的挑战和未来前景。  相似文献   

内含肽介导的生物学效应及其应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
蛋白质翻译产物在成熟过程中剪切释放出来的一段氨基酸序列称为“intein”---即内含肽。它与前体蛋白以框内融合的形式共同翻译,并内嵌于前体蛋白序列中。内含肽的解离以及内含肽两侧氨基酸序列的连接是在内含肽自身催化作用下完成的。本文将从内含肽的发现、结构特征和作用机理等方面对这种具有特殊意义的蛋白质成熟机制进行较为全面的论述,同时介绍了近年来发展起来的以内含肽介导的蛋白质剪接为基础的蛋白质纯化和改造技术。  相似文献   

膜穿透肽的应用与穿膜机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈向  付爱玲 《生命的化学》2008,28(3):311-314
膜穿透肽(membrane penetrating peptide,MPP)能引导大分子物质穿透细胞膜.应用MPP为载体,引导神经营养分子通透血脑屏障进入神经元,能有效治疗中枢神经系统疾病;在基因治疗方面, MPP引导干扰小RNA进行基因治疗,避免了使用病毒载体等一些传统基因治疗方法的毒副作用.穿膜机制研究证实 MPP通透细胞膜的过程分为三个阶段:与细胞表面结合;细胞巨胞饮摄取 MPP;MPP从胞饮体中逃逸入胞质,其中最后阶段是限速步骤.随着对多肽片段的深入研究和穿膜机制的逐渐明晰,MPP的应用将会更为深入和广泛.  相似文献   

随着人类对基因组信息解读的不断深入,越来越多的生物大分子作为候选药物进入生物治疗领域。但细胞表面的脂质双层膜具有选择通透性,这种天然屏障作用在保护细胞的同时也限制了绝大多数生物大分子进入细胞内部发挥治疗效应。目前流行的入胞转运方式如电穿孔、脂质体转染等均存在对细胞的额外毒副作用,且作用范围局限于体外实验。细胞穿透肽是一类以非受体依赖方式,非经典内吞方式直接穿过细胞膜进入细胞的多肽。它们可以与多种生物活性物质连接并携带其进入细胞,这一特性为它们成为理想的药物载体提供了可能。本文对使用细胞穿透肽作为载体转运具有抗癌作用的生物大分子进入细胞的抗癌实验予以介绍。  相似文献   

小RNA药物应用于临床的主要技术瓶颈在于如何高效、低毒地将小RNA分子传递到它发挥功能的场所.基于细胞穿透肽在小RNA透皮给药的临床应用中所取得的进展,本文系统评述了近年来细胞穿透肽在小RNA的体内、体外传递方面的研究动态,分析了细胞穿透肽的结构改造对肽/小RNA复合物转染进入细胞发挥功能的影响,展望了细胞穿透肽作为小RNA的体内药物传递载体的发展方向.  相似文献   

几种物理方法对细胞膜通透性的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
刘晓艳  丘泰球  胡爱军  刘石生 《生物技术》2002,12(2):48-48,F003
目前 ,来自植物细胞培养的有用物质有 4 0 0种左右 ,包括色素、固醇、生物碱、维生素及激素、多糖、植物杀虫剂及生长激素等数十个类别[1] 。在不降低细胞活性及其生物碱合成能力的前提下 ,促使胞内产物释放是植物细胞培养中一个非常重要的环节。对大部分植物细胞来说 ,代谢产物产生后 ,主要储存于液泡中 ,这样胞内产物的释放就需要穿过液泡膜和细胞膜两道障碍[2 ] 。目前国内外所使用的调控代谢产物的方法主要包括 :化学法如有机溶剂法、抗生素法 ;物理法如空气干燥、渗透压冲击、温度冲击、超声波处理以及pH扰动等。化学法有一定局限性 …  相似文献   

近年来细胞穿膜肽(cell-penetrating peptides,CPP)在生物医药领域被广泛应用,它为生物分子的胞内递送提供了有效的策略。关注CPP在肿瘤治疗及疾病诊断中的作用,并重点介绍其在肿瘤靶向治疗和医学影像诊断中的应用及优势。同时,根据CPP在药物传递系统中的特点,改进CPP存在的不足,扩大其联合用药的可能性,这也成为CPP研究的热点。对CPP及其在肿瘤等疾病的诊断及治疗中的应用作一综述,并简述其优化及改进策略,以期促进CPP在临床中的应用。  相似文献   

Cell-penetrating peptides can cross cell membranes and are commonly seen as biologically inert molecules. However, we found that some cell-penetrating peptides could remodel actin cytoskeleton in oncogene-transformed NIH3T3/EWS-Fli cells. These cells have profound actin disorganization related to their tumoral transformation. These arginine- and/or tryptophan-rich peptides could cross cell membrane and induce stress fiber formation in these malignant cells, whereas they had no perceptible effect in non-tumoral fibroblasts. In addition, motility (migration speed, random motility coefficient, wound healing) of the tumor cells could be decreased by the cell-permeant peptides. Although the peptides differently influenced actin polymerization in vitro, they could directly bind monomeric actin as determined by NMR and calorimetry studies. Therefore, cell-penetrating peptides might interact with intracellular protein partners, such as actin. In addition, the fact that they could reverse the tumoral phenotype is of interest for therapeutic purposes.  相似文献   

迄今为止,已有多达上百种的细胞穿膜肽(cell-penetrating peptides,CPPs)被发现报道,但这类多肽分子的入胞能力参差不齐,限制了其作为药物载体的应用。虽然已有多种实验方法可用于细胞穿膜肽入胞的检测,但由于缺乏通用的技术来确切证实CPPs的入胞能力,所以应当结合使用多种方法以降低误差。对不同的技术在检测CPPs入胞时的优缺点进行比较,并针对性地提出比较理想的解决方案,可为制订CPPs入胞标准化检测步骤提供一些参考。  相似文献   

Recent years have seen a surge in interest in cell-penetrating peptides (CPP) as an efficient means for delivering therapeutic targets into cellular compartments. The cell membrane is impermeable to hydrophilic substances yet linking to CPP can facilitate delivery into cells. Thus the unique translocatory property of CPP ensures they remain an attractive carrier, with the capacity to deliver cargoes in an efficient manner having applications in drug delivery, gene transfer and DNA vaccination. Fundamental for an effective vaccine is the delivery of antigen epitopes to antigen-presenting cells, ensuing processing and presentation and induction of an immune response. Vaccination with proteins or synthetic peptides incorporating CTL epitopes have proven limited due to the failure for exogenous antigens to be presented efficiently to T cells. Linking of antigens to CPP overcomes such obstacles by facilitating cellular uptake, processing and presentation of exogenous antigen for the induction of potent immune responses. This review will encompass the various strategies for the delivery of whole proteins, T cell epitopes and preclinical studies utilizing CPP for cancer vaccines.  相似文献   

Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) can traverse cellular membranes and deliver biologically active molecules into cells. In this study, we demonstrate that CPPs comprised of nona-arginine (R9) and a penetration accelerating peptide sequence (Pas) that facilitates escape from endocytic lysosomes, denoted as PR9, greatly enhance the delivery of noncovalently associated quantum dots (QDs) into human A549 cells. Mechanistic studies, intracellular trafficking analysis and a functional gene assay reveal that endocytosis is the main route for intracellular delivery of PR9/QD complexes. Endocytic trafficking of PR9/QD complexes was monitored using both confocal and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Zeta-potential and size analyses indicate the importance of electrostatic forces in the interaction of PR9/QD complexes with plasma membranes. Circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy reveals that the secondary structural elements of PR9 have similar conformations in aqueous buffer at pH 7 and 5. This study of nontoxic PR9 provides a basis for the design of optimized cargo delivery that allows escape from endocytic vesicles.  相似文献   

穿膜肽是一类具有特殊穿膜功能的多肽分子,能携带其它分子甚至超分子颗粒穿膜进入细胞内部.早期研究认为,其进胞是一种无需受体、也不存在饱和状态的非经典胞吞行为.近年研究表明,其穿膜机制可能与其含有的氨基酸种类有很大关系.现在,穿膜肽的穿膜过程称为巨型胞饮行为,它与传统的胞吞形式很相似.当然,还可能存在着其它的进胞方式而没有被证明或发现.关于穿膜肽的应用也是人们最感兴趣的,在很多领域的研究都在进行并不断取得进展.不论是生物界还是医学界,穿膜肽都被认为将是一类非常有发展潜力的多肽分子.  相似文献   

Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) have been previously shown to be powerful transport vector tools for the intracellular delivery of a large variety of cargoes through the cell membrane. Intracellular delivery of plasmid DNA (pDNA), oligonucleotides, small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), proteins and peptides, contrast agents, drugs, as well as various nanoparticulate pharmaceutical carriers (e.g., liposomes, micelles) has been demonstrated both in vitro and in vivo. This review focuses on the peptide-based strategy for intracellular delivery of CPP-modified nanocarriers to deliver small molecule drugs or DNA. In addition, we discuss the rationales for the design of 'smart' pharmaceutical nanocarriers in which the cell-penetrating properties are hidden until triggered by exposure to appropriate environmental conditions (e.g., a particular pH, temperature, or enzyme level), applied local microwave, ultrasound, or radiofrequency radiation.  相似文献   

Cell-penetrating inhibitors of calpain   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Inhibitors of the calcium-dependent cysteine protease calpain are described that are new analogs of the naturally-occurring compounds E-64 and leupeptin. These new derivatives, unlike the parent compounds, can inhibit calpain within cells. Their lack of charged groups probably accounts for this improved membrane permeability. These new inhibitors are proving useful in exploration of the role of calpain in many cellular processes, including platelet activation.  相似文献   

The recent discovery of new potent therapeutic molecules which do not reach the clinic due to poor delivery and low bioavailability have made the delivery of molecules a keystone in therapeutic development. Several technologies have been designed to improve cellular uptake of therapeutic molecules, including CPPs (cell-penetrating peptides), which represent a new and innovative concept to bypass the problem of bioavailability of drugs. CPPs constitute very promising tools and have been successfully applied for in vivo. Two CPP strategies have been described to date; the first one requires chemical linkage between the drug and the carrier for cellular drug internalization, and the second is based on the formation of stable complexes with drugs, depending on their chemical nature. The Pep and MPG families are short amphipathic peptides, which form stable nanoparticles with proteins and nucleic acids respectively. MPG- and Pep-based nanoparticles enter cells independently of the endosomal pathway and efficiently deliver cargoes, in a fully biologically active form, into a large variety of cell lines, as well as in animal models. This review focuses on the structure-function relationship of non-covalent MPG and Pep-1 strategies, and their requirement for cellular uptake of biomolecules and applications in cultured cells and animal models.  相似文献   

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