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The possibility that free-spawning marine organisms may be subject to fertilization failure at low population density (due to the effects of sperm dilution) has sparked much interest, but these effects have been demonstrated only in a few species that broadcast their eggs. Some egg-brooding species may overcome dilution effects by filtering low concentrations of sperm from seawater and fertilizing eggs throughout an extended period of time. We examined the effects of population density and size on fertilization in Botryllus schlosseri, a hermaphroditic colonial ascidian that free-spawns sperm, but broods eggs. We experimentally manipulated the size and density of mating groups and surveyed fertilization levels in natural populations that varied in density. Fertilization was not affected by variation in population size or density in either the experimental or natural populations. Near the end of the reproductive season, some eggs may have been fertilized too late to complete development, suggesting a temporal form of sperm limitation that has not been considered in other systems. We also detected greater variability in fertilization levels at lower population density. Nevertheless, these results suggest that caution must be used in extrapolating reported density effects on fertilization to all taxa of free-spawners; density effects may be reduced in brooders that have efficient sperm collection mechanisms.  相似文献   

Bidens frondosa L. (Asteraceae) is a widespread invasive weed in China. By experimental observation and bagging treatment, the reproductive biological characteristics of this species, such as phenology of flowering, floral syndrome, breeding system and seed germination characteristics, were studied to assess the association of these reproductive characteristics with invasiveness. Flowers of B. frondosa bloom from September to October every year in Ji'an city, Jiangxi province. The lifespan of a single capitulum is approximately 4 to 5 days, with 30 to 60 florets per capitulum. The capitulum diameter, anthocaulus length, floret length and width, stamen length and pistil length were 6.1, 30.9, 2.2, 0.6, 3.0 and 2.7 mm, respectively. The seed set percentage of 48.5% in the treatment of bagging flowers without emasculation suggests B. frondosa is self‐compatible; meanwhile, the percentage of 63.1% in the treatment of bagging with emasculation and manual xenogamy suggests it also is cross‐compatible. P/O ratio per capitulum of this species was 450.5, which suggests that the breeding system of B. frondosa is facultative xenogamous, and it needs pollinators to some degree. The main floral visitors were insects of Hymenoptera, Diptera and Lepidoptera. The 1000‐achenes weight was 1.97 g. The achenes emerged as a small germination peak from the fourth to fifth day, and had a high accumulated germination rate of up to 84.0% on day 20 after sowing. Our experimental findings suggested that the reproductive biological characteristics, such as the versatile mating system of self‐ and cross‐pollination, high seed production, a special method of achene dispersal and germination peak, accompanied by a high accumulated germination rate, might contribute to the invasive ability of B. frondosa.  相似文献   

Synonymous codons are not used at equal frequency throughout the genome, a phenomenon termed codon usage bias (CUB). It is often assumed that interspecific variation in the intensity of CUB is related to species differences in effective population sizes (Ne), with selection on CUB operating less efficiently in species with small Ne. Here, we specifically ask whether variation in Ne predicts differences in CUB in mammals and report two main findings. First, across 41 mammalian genomes, CUB was not correlated with two indirect proxies of Ne (body mass and generation time), even though there was statistically significant evidence of selection shaping CUB across all species. Interestingly, autosomal genes showed higher codon usage bias compared to X‐linked genes, and high‐recombination genes showed higher codon usage bias compared to low recombination genes, suggesting intraspecific variation in Ne predicts variation in CUB. Second, across six mammalian species with genetic estimates of Ne (human, chimpanzee, rabbit, and three mouse species: Mus musculus, M. domesticus, and M. castaneus), Ne and CUB were weakly and inconsistently correlated. At least in mammals, interspecific divergence in Ne does not strongly predict variation in CUB. One hypothesis is that each species responds to a unique distribution of selection coefficients, confounding any straightforward link between Ne and CUB.  相似文献   

A central question in plant evolutionary ecology is how mixed mating systems are maintained in the face of selection against self-pollination. Recently, attention has focused on the potential reproductive assurance (RA) benefit of selfing: the ability to produce seeds via autonomous selfing when the potential for outcrossing is reduced or absent. To date, there is little experimental support for this benefit under natural pollination conditions. In addition, the RA hypothesis has not been tested experimentally in a species displaying morphological variation for traits expected to influence the mating system, such as flower size, which affects both attractiveness to pollinators and ability to self autonomously. Here, we document significant among-population variation in flower size in Collinsia parviflora and show that pollinators preferred large flowers over small flowers in experimental arrays. The pollinator community varied among three study sites, and two small-flowered populations had lower pollinator visitation rates than one large-flowered population. We compared seed production between intact flowers (can self) and experimentally emasculated flowers (require a pollinator) on large- and small-flowered plants. As predicted by the RA hypothesis, small-flowered plants show a greater RA benefit of selfing than large-flowered plants; emasculated, small flowers produced very few seeds, relative to intact, small flowers or either emasculated or intact, large flowers. We also show that the RA benefit is pollination-context dependent, differing between small- and large-flowered test sites, likely due to a combination of pollinator discrimination against small flowers and differences between test sites in the pollinator community. This paper is the first experimental evidence showing a trait-dependent RA benefit of selfing under natural pollination conditions.  相似文献   

In some plant populations, the availability of seeds strongly regulates recruitment. However, a scarcity of germination microsites, granivory or density-dependent mortality can reduce the number of plants that germinate or survive to flower. The relative strengths of these controls are unknown for most plant populations and for exotic invaders in particular. We conducted a seed addition experiment with a granivore exclusion treatment in a field setting to explore how these factors interact to regulate populations of the widespread invader Centaurea solstitialis (yellow starthistle) at three study sites across the plant’s range in California. We coupled the experimental approach with observational studies within established C. solstitialis populations to estimate seed rain, recruitment and mortality at natural densities. Seed limitation occurred in both experimental and observational plots in all populations. Although vertebrate granivores were active at each site, they had no effect on C. solstitialis recruitment. Density increased mortality, but the effect was variable and weak relative to its effect on fecundity. The seed limitation that was evident at the seedling stage persisted to flowering. Seed-limited populations such as these ought to be highly sensitive to losses to seed predators, and many biological control agents, including those established for C. solstitialis, are seed predators. However, flowering plant density was decoupled from seed production by a strong compensatory response in the surviving plants; seed production was nearly constant in plots across all seed addition levels. Thus, flowering plant density is reduced by the established biocontrol agents, but seed production compensates to replace the population every generation, and no long-term decline is predicted.  相似文献   

Kin selection theory predicts that, in social Hymenoptera, the parentage of males should be determined by within-colony relatedness. We present a model showing that, when sex ratios are split (bimodal) as a function of colony kin structure, the predictions of kin selection theory regarding the occurrence of worker reproduction and policing (prevention of worker reproduction) require modification. To test the predictions of kin selection theory and our model, we estimated using microsatellites the frequency of worker-produced male eggs and adults in the facultatively polygynous (multiple-queen) ant Leptothorax acervorum. Analysis of 210 male eggs and 328 adult males from 13 monogynous (single-queen) and nine polygynous colonies demonstrated that the frequency of worker-produced males was low (2.3-4.6% of all males) and did not differ significantly between colony classes or between eggs and adults. This suggested workers' self-restraint as the cause of infrequent worker reproduction in both colony classes. Such an outcome is not predicted either by comparing relatedness values or by our model. Therefore, it appears that factors other than colony kin structure and sex ratio effects determine the pattern of male parentage in the study population. A likely factor is a colony-level cost of worker reproduction.  相似文献   

1. Species invasions are often linked to reductions in biodiversity, and competitive superiority is often cited as the main reason for the success of an invasive species. Although invaded ecosystems are often examined, few have studied areas in which an invasive species has failed to successfully invade. 2. The western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), is a damaging pest and tospovirus vector that has invaded most of the world, and competitive superiority is considered one of the main reasons for this species' success. 3. However, a recent study demonstrated that competition between larval F. occidentalis and a native thrips species may be limiting F. occidentalis abundance in much of the eastern United States. Frankliniella occidentalis also has a limited abundance in central and southern Florida, which is dominated by the endemic F. bispinosa (Morgan). The potential for interspecific competition to limit F. occidentalis abundance in Florida was assessed. 4. The effects of competition between F. occidentalis and F. bispinosa on adult reproduction on a common host (Capsicum annuum L.) were quantified, using a response surface experimental design and a combination of linear and non‐linear competition models. 5. Evidence of symmetric competition between these thrips species was found, but contrary to expectations, F. occidentalis reproduced more in dense interspecific populations than F. bispinosa. These results suggest that, unlike most of the eastern US, interspecific competition is not important in limiting F. occidentalis abundance in central and southern Florida.  相似文献   

Numerous studies on different taxonomic groups have found thatvigilance behavior is negatively correlated with group size,as predicted by several theoretical models. This follows thelogical argument that each individual in a larger group canspend less time scanning for predators (and more time feeding),while the group as a whole maintains a high probability of detectingan approaching predator. We investigated the relationship betweenthese variables in the population of silvereyes (Zosterops lateralischlorocephala) on Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef. The studyused procedures of field observation that controlled or measuredother variables with which vigilance is often correlated: fooddensity and quality, temperature, time of day, distance fromcover, habitat obstructions, observer proximity, breeding status,age, sex, and dominance. There was no relationship between scanningbehavior and group size under these conditions. There are severalpossible explanations, related to the silvereyes' biology, forthis lack of covariation. An additional explanation is thatHeron Island is a predator-free environment for this species,and covariation between group size and vigilance is not expectedin the absence of predators.  相似文献   

One of the essential requirements for an introduced plant species to become invasive is an ability to reproduce outside the native range, particularly when initial populations are small. If a reproductive Allee effect is operating, plants in small populations will have reduced reproductive success relative to plants in larger populations. Alternatively, if plants in small populations experience less competition for pollination than those in large populations, they may actually have higher levels of reproductive success than plants in large populations. To resolve this uncertainty, we investigated how the per capita fecundity of plants was affected by population size in three invasive milkweed species. Field surveys of seed production in natural populations of different sizes but similar densities were conducted for three pollinator-dependent invasive species, namely Asclepias curassavica, Gomphocarpus fruticosus and G. physocarpus. Additionally, supplemental hand-pollinations were performed in small and large populations in order to determine whether reproductive output was limited by pollinator activity in these populations. Reproductive Allee effects were not detected in any of the study species. Instead, plants in small populations exhibited remarkably high levels of reproductive output compared to those in large populations. Increased fruit production following supplemental hand-pollinations suggested that the lower reproductive output of naturally pollinated plants in large populations is a consequence of pollen limitation rather than limitation due to abiotic resources. This is consistent with increased intraspecific competition for pollination amongst plants in large populations. It is likely that the invasion of these milkweed species in Australia has been enhanced because plants in small founding populations experience less intraspecific competition for pollinators than those in large populations, and thus have the ability to produce copious amounts of seeds.  相似文献   

Small populations of founding individuals or survivors of incomplete management programs often represent critical transitions in biological invasions. Theory predicts that population size affects reproduction and, consequently, a population’s expansion, but there are few empirical tests, and fewer that account for the reduced genetic diversity that often accompanies small population size. We created experimental small populations of invasive ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) with population size varying independently from genetic diversity. Treatment independence was achieved by cloning plants to increase population size without changing diversity. Plant fitness was measured as the proportion of florets producing a seed. We analyzed the effects of population size, genetic diversity, and their interaction using ANCOVAs, one of which accounted for variation in individual plant growth. As predicted, smaller populations produced significantly lower proportion seed set. Low genetic diversity also reduced seed set, but this was best interpreted as part of a significant interaction with population size. Specifically, the effect of population size on the proportion seed set was over five times larger for populations in the medium genetic diversity treatment than the highest diversity treatment, and 6.7 times larger for populations with the lowest level of diversity. Population size variation had biologically meaningful consequences, as the rate of seed set within the low diversity treatment increased by 80 % with increasing population size. The results indicate that both the demographics and genetics of populations can influence reproduction and invasive potential, and must be considered when assessing risk and designing management plans for invasive plants.  相似文献   

Despite its significance in evolutionary and conservation biology, few estimates of effective population size (N(e)) are available in plant species. Self-fertilization is expected to affect N(e), through both its effect on homozygosity and population dynamics. Here, we estimated N(e) using temporal variation in allele frequencies for two contrasted populations of the selfing annual Medicago truncatula: a large and continuous population and a subdivided population. Estimated N(e) values were around 5-10% of the population census size suggesting that other factors than selfing must contribute to variation in allele frequencies. Further comparisons between monolocus allelic variation and changes in the multilocus genotypic composition of the populations show that the local dynamics of inbred lines can play an important role in the fluctuations of allele frequencies. Finally, comparing N(e) estimates and levels of genetic variation suggest that H(e) is a poor estimator of the contemporaneous variance effective population size.  相似文献   

The ability of fish to recognize and preferentially associate with familiar conspecifics has been well documented in a series of laboratory experiments. In this paper we investigate the schooling preferences of wild female guppies, Poecilia reticulata, in the Upper Tunapuna River in Trinidad and confirm that they do indeed prefer to associate with familiar individuals. The guppies in this river occur in a series of pools that become isolated during the dry season. These fish interact solely with other individuals in their pool for periods of several months at a time and thus have ample opportunity to become accustomed to one another. Our study also reveals that the tendency of female guppies to school with familiar fish declines as the group size in which they naturally live increases. Preferences are strong when there are small numbers of females in a pool, but diminish thereafter. This indicates that the expression of familiarity is constrained by group size. The basis of recognition and the consequences of schooling preferences for familiar individuals are discussed.  相似文献   

  • One benefit of clonal integration is that resource translocation between connected ramets enhances the growth of the ramets grown under stressful conditions, but whether such resource translocation reduces the performance of the ramets grown under favourable conditions has not produced consistent results. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that resource translocation to recipient ramets may reduce the performance of donor ramets when resources are limiting but not when resources are abundant.
  • We grew Mikania micrantha stolon fragments (each consisting of two ramets, either connected or not connected) under spatially heterogeneous competition conditions such that the developmentally younger, distal ramets were grown in competition with a plant community and the developmentally older, proximal ramets were grown without competition. For half of the stolon fragments, slow‐release fertiliser pellets were applied to both the distal and proximal ramets.
  • Under both the low and increased soil nutrient conditions, the biomass, leaf number and stolon length of the distal ramets were higher, and those of the proximal ramets were lower when the stolon internode was intact than when it was severed. For the whole clone, the biomass, leaf number and stolon length did not differ between the two connection treatments. Connection did not change the biomass of the plant communities competing with distal ramets of M. micrantha.
  • Although clonal integration may promote the invasion of M. micrantha into plant communities, resource translocation to recipient ramets of M. micrantha will induce a cost to the donor ramets, even when resources are relatively abundant.


Background and Aims

Flowering phenology is a potentially important component of success of alien species, since elevated fecundity may enhance invasiveness. The flowering patterns of invasive alien plant species and related natives were studied in three regions with Mediterranean-type climate: California, Spain and South Africa''s Cape region.


A total of 227 invasive–native pairs were compared for seven character types across the regions, with each pair selected on the basis that they shared the same habitat type within a region, had a common growth form and pollination type, and belonged to the same family or genus.

Key Results

Invasive alien plant species have different patterns of flowering phenology from native species in the three regions. Whether the alien species flower earlier, later or at the same time as natives depends on the climatic regime in the native range of the aliens and the proportion of species in the invasive floras originating from different regions. Species invading at least two of the regions displayed the same flowering pattern, showing that flowering phenology is a conservative trait. Invasive species with native ranges in temperate climates flower earlier than natives, those from Mediterranean-type climates at the same time, and species from tropical climates flower later. In California, where the proportion of invaders from the Mediterranean Basin is high, the flowering pattern did not differ between invasive and native species, whereas in Spain the high proportion of tropical species results in a later flowering than natives, and in the Cape region early flowering than natives was the result of a high proportion of temperate invaders.


Observed patterns are due to the human-induced sympatry of species with different evolutionary histories whose flowering phenology evolved under different climatic regimes. The severity of the main abiotic filters imposed by the invaded regions (e.g. summer drought) has not been strong enough (yet) to shift the flowering pattern of invasive species to correspond with that of native relatives. It does, however, determine the length of the flowering season and the type of habitat invaded by summer-flowering aliens. Results suggest different implications for impacts at evolutionary time scales among the three regions.Key words: Biological invasions, flowering phenology, genetic inertia, Cape Floristic Region, California, Spain, Mediterranean-type ecosystems, water availability, climatic origin  相似文献   

[目的]为了明确全球生物安全与植物保护领域内数据库建设进展和我国数据库的建设成效,对全球重要的外来入侵生物与植物有害生物数据库进行分类介绍和比较评价研究.[方法]根据数据库收录物种的地理范围、类群及数据库特色功能,对数据库进行分类.对重要数据库的主要功能进行简要介绍,设立多指标评价体系将我国数据库与国际优质数据库进行比...  相似文献   

The alien species Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers. is in an intensive spreading phase in Lithuania. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPDs) and inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSRs) assays were used to study the genetic structure of old and new invasive populations and to determine the most spread genotypes of this species in Lithuania. Pairwise genetic distances between populations established using RAPD and ISSR markers significantly correlated (r=0.91, P<0.05). Our study indicates that there are two genetically different types of E. annuus populations. The first type is represented by a widely spread main clone and related monomorphic populations. The second type is represented by polymorphic populations, some of them present at sites where E. annuus has not been previously observed. Main clone predominates in nine populations and is from the region where this species was first described in natural ecosystems of Lithuania. UPGMA cluster analysis revealed genetic relationships between the main clone and accessions from old cemeteries where E. annuus has been grown as an ornamental plant. We found high genetic differentiation among populations (G ST=0.58 for RAPDs, G ST=0.64 for ISSRs). Taken together, our results will contribute to the monitoring of E. annuus spread in Lithuania.  相似文献   

The invasive plant Coreopsis lanceolata has established itself among various native vegetation types in Japan, but comparative studies of control effects among multiple vegetation types invaded by this plant are few. In the present study, experiments involving vegetation cutting at different frequencies were carried out on three vegetation types: Zoysia japonica dominant type (Zj), C. lanceolata dominant type (Cl) and Miscanthus sinensis dominant type (Ms). Responses of C. lanceolata to changes in cutting frequency varied with vegetation type. In Zj, the abundance of C. lanceolata increased when cutting was performed once or not at all, but tended to decrease when it was performed twice or thrice. In Cl, cutting once increased C. lanceolata, but this species was reduced when other cutting frequencies were employed. In Ms, C. lanceolata increased linearly with cutting frequency. The number of inflorescences of C. lanceolata in the plots was negatively correlated with cutting frequency in Zj and Cl. In Ms, the flowering of C. lanceolata was sometimes observed when cutting was performed only once. The most effective way to suppress C. lanceolata was not necessarily the best way to recover the natives. In Zj, cutting once positively influenced the abundances of native herbs, while cutting thrice or not at all tended to decrease them. In Cl and Ms, cutting thrice reduced the abundances of native herbs, while other cutting frequencies tended to increase them. To control invasive plants and restore the invaded vegetation effectively, the management approach should be changed flexibly in response to vegetation type, and careful monitoring of both invasive and native plants is desirable.  相似文献   

The repeated evolutionary transition from outcrossing to self-pollination in flowering plants has been suggested to occur because selfing provides reproductive assurance. Reports from biogeographical and ecological surveys indicate that selfing taxa are often associated with stressful and ephemeral environments, situations in which plant abundance is low (e.g., Baker's law) and with novel plant communities, however experimental tests of ecological hypotheses are few. In this study, we examined the ecological context of selection on mating system traits (herkogamy and protandry) in a California annual, Clarkia xantiana, where natural selfing populations differ from outcrossing populations in that they are often of small size or low density and occur mainly outside the range of pollinator-sharing congeners. We constructed artificial populations of plants with broad genetic variation in floral traits and manipulated two ecological factors, plant population size, and the presence versus absence of pollinator-sharing congeners, in the center of the geographic range of outcrossing populations. We found evidence for context-dependent selection on herkogamy and protandry via female fitness in which reduced traits, which promote autonomous selfing, were favored in small populations isolated from congeners whereas selection was comparatively weak in large populations or when congeners were present. In small, isolated populations, the fertility of plants with low herkogamy or protandry was elevated by 66% and 58%, respectively, compared to those with high herkogamy or protandry. The presence of pollinator-sharing congeners augmented bee visitation rates to C. xantiana flowers by 47% for all bees and by 93% for pollen specialists. By facilitating pollinator visitation, congeners mitigated selection on mating system traits in small populations, where outcross mating success is often low (the Allee effect). We also found support for the hypothesis that pollinator availability directly influenced variation in the strength of selection on herkogamy among populations. The striking parallels between our experimental results and patterns of variation in ecological factors across the geographic range of outcrossing and selfing populations suggest that reproductive assurance may play a central role in directing mating system evolution in C. xantiana.  相似文献   

Theory and experiment agree that climate warming will increase carbon fluxes between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere. The effect of this increased exchange on terrestrial carbon storage is less predictable, with important implications for potential feedbacks to the climate system. We quantified how increased mean annual temperature (MAT) affects ecosystem carbon storage in above‐ and belowground live biomass and detritus across a well‐constrained 5.2 °C MAT gradient in tropical montane wet forests on the Island of Hawaii. This gradient does not systematically vary in biotic or abiotic factors other than MAT (i.e. dominant vegetation, substrate type and age, soil water balance, and disturbance history), allowing us to isolate the impact of MAT on ecosystem carbon storage. Live biomass carbon did not vary predictably as a function of MAT, while detrital carbon declined by ~14 Mg of carbon ha?1 for each 1 °C rise in temperature – a trend driven entirely by coarse woody debris and litter. The largest detrital pool, soil organic carbon, was the most stable with MAT and averaged 48% of total ecosystem carbon across the MAT gradient. Total ecosystem carbon did not vary significantly with MAT, and the distribution of ecosystem carbon between live biomass and detritus remained relatively constant across the MAT gradient at ~44% and ~56%, respectively. These findings suggest that in the absence of alterations to precipitation or disturbance regimes, the size and distribution of carbon pools in tropical montane wet forests will be less sensitive to rising MAT than predicted by ecosystem models. This article also provides needed detail on how individual carbon pools and ecosystem‐level carbon storage will respond to future warming.  相似文献   

Expression of the small-subunit p49 mRNA of primase, the enzyme that synthesizes oligoribonucleotides for initiation of DNA replication, was examined in mouse cells stimulated to proliferate by serum and in growing cells. The level of p49 mRNA increased approximately 10-fold after serum stimulation and preceded synthesis of DNA and histone H3 mRNA by several hours. Expression of p49 mRNA was not sensitive to inhibition by low concentrations of cycloheximide, which suggested that the increase in mRNA occurred before the restriction point control for cell cycle progression described for mammalian cells and was not under its control. p49 mRNA levels were not coupled to DNA synthesis, as observed for the replication-dependent histone genes, since hydroxyurea or aphidicolin had no effect on p49 mRNA levels when added before or during S phase. These inhibitors did have an effect, however, on the stability of p49 mRNA and increased the half-life from 3.5 h to about 20 h, which suggested an interdependence of p49 mRNA degradation and DNA synthesis. When growing cells were examined after separation by centrifugal elutriation, little difference was detected for p49 mRNA levels in different phases of the cell cycle. This was also observed when elutriated G1 cells were allowed to continue growth and then were blocked in M phase with colcemid. Only a small decrease in p49 mRNA occurred, whereas H3 mRNA rapidly decreased, when cells entered G2/M. These results indicate that the level of primase p49 mRNA is not cell cycle regulated but is present constitutively in proliferating cells.  相似文献   

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