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There is increasing clinical and experimental evidence that inflammation and cancer are causally linked. Much progress has been made in understanding how inflammatory cells contribute to cancer development; however, it is still largely unknown which molecular mechanisms are responsible for initiation and maintenance of chronic inflammation associated with developing neoplasms. This review will discuss how the adaptive and innate immune systems interact during physiological and chronic inflammation, with a focus on studies revealing new insights into the role of adaptive immune cells as important regulators of chronic inflammation-associated carcinogenesis. We will speculate on whether current knowledge about the dysregulated interplay between adaptive and innate immunity during chronic inflammatory disorders might be useful in understanding and targeting the underlying mechanisms of chronic inflammation-associated neoplastic progression.This article is a symposium paper from the conference Tumor Escape and its Determinants, held in Salzburg, Austria, on 10–13 October 2004  相似文献   

Plant pathogenesis-related genes (PR genes) code for enzymes, enzyme inhibitors, and other peptides that confer resistance to pathogens and herbivores. Although several PR genes have been the subject of molecular population genetic analyses, a general understanding of their long-term evolutionary dynamics remains incomplete. Here we analyze sequence data from 17 PR genes from two closely related teosinte species of central Mexico. In addition to testing whether patterns of diversity at individual loci depart from expectations under a neutral model, we compared patterns of diversity at defense genes, as a class, to nondefense genes. In Zea diploperennis, the majority of defense genes have patterns of diversity consistent with neutral expectations while at least two genes showed evidence of recent positive selection consistent with arms-race models of antagonistic coevolution. In Zea mays ssp. parviglumis, by contrast, analyses of both defense and nondefense genes revealed strong and consistent departures from the neutral model, suggestive of nonequilibrium population dynamics or population structure. Nevertheless, we found a significant excess of replacement polymorphism in defense genes compared to nondefense genes. Although we cannot exclude relaxed selective constraint as an explanation, our results are consistent with temporally variable (transient or episodic) selection or geographically variable selection acting on parviglumis defense genes. The different patterns of diversity found in the two Zea species may be explained by parviglumis' greater distribution and population structure together with geographic variation in selection.  相似文献   

The paper considers the main tasks facing evolutionary physiology as well as the methods that allow these tasks to be solved. It is shown that alongside with traditional, classical methods (phylogenetic, ontogenetic, experimental, clinical), there developed and got recognition in the present-day evolutionary physiology principally new methodological approaches important for solution of actual problems of this discipline. It is the method of mathematical modeling of functions, which makes it possible not only to study on the model, in temporary scales convenient for analysis, evolution of the given functions under the given actions, but also to model the evolutionary process itself in its different manifestations. It is the method of gene engineering that allows studying processes of formation of specific functional systems, their interaction and “mutual adjustment” at the organism level. It is lastly the method of tissue cultures allowing reconstruction under artificial conditions various systems of organism and study of regularities and mechanisms of morphogenesis and formation of functions. The paper discusses trends of development of evolutionary physiology for the last few years, considers perspective directions of studies, using specific examples, and shows possible ways for practical applications of fundamental investigations in the field of evolutionary physiology. Journal variant of the report published in the Collection of Papers “Tendency of Development of Physiological Sciences,” St. Petersburg, 2000.  相似文献   

Dispersal, whether in the form of a dandelion seed drifting on the breeze, or a salmon migrating upstream to breed in a nonnatal stream, transports genes between locations. At these locations, local adaptation modifies the gene frequencies so their carriers are better suited to particular conditions, be those of newly disturbed soil or a quiet river pool. Both dispersal and local adaptation are major drivers of population structure; however, in general, their respective roles are not independent and the two may often be at odds with one another evolutionarily, each one exhibiting negative feedback on the evolution of the other. Here, we investigate their joint evolution within a simple, discrete‐time, metapopulation model. Depending on environmental conditions, their evolutionary interplay leads to either a monomorphic population of highly dispersing generalists or a collection of rarely dispersing, locally adapted, polymorphic sub‐populations, each adapted to a particular habitat type. A critical value of environmental heterogeneity divides these two selection regimes and the nature of the transition between them is determined by the level of kin competition. When kin competition is low, at the transition we observe discontinuities, bistability, and hysteresis in the evolved strategies; however, when high, kin competition moderates the evolutionary feedback and the transition is smooth.  相似文献   

《Trends in plant science》2023,28(5):519-526
Infectious plant diseases are a major threat to global agricultural productivity, economic development, and ecological integrity. There is widespread concern that these social and natural disasters caused by infectious plant diseases may escalate with climate change and computer modeling offers a unique opportunity to address this concern. Here, we analyze the intrinsic problems associated with current modeling strategies and highlight the need to integrate evolutionary principles into polytrophic, eco-evolutionary frameworks to improve predictions. We particularly discuss how evolutionary shifts in functional trade-offs, relative adaptability between plants and pathogens, ecosystems, and climate preferences induced by climate change may feedback to future plant disease epidemics and how technological advances can facilitate the generation and integration of this relevant knowledge for better modeling predictions.  相似文献   

We analyze the consequences of diet choice behavior for the evolutionary dynamics of foraging traits by means of a mathematical model. The model is characterized by the following features. Consumers feed on two different substitutable resources that are distributed in a fine-grained manner. On encounter with a resource item, consumers decide whether to attack it so as to maximize their energy intake. Simultaneously, evolutionary change occurs in morphological traits involved in the foraging process. The assumption here is that evolution is constrained by a trade-off in the consumer's ability to forage on the alternative resources. The model predicts that flexible diet choice behavior can guide the direction of evolutionary change and mediate coexistence of different consumer types. Such polymorphisms can evolve from a monomorphic population at evolutionary branching points and also at points where a small genetic change in a trait can provoke a sharp instantaneous and nongenetic change in choice behavior. In the case of weak trade-offs, the evolutionary dynamics of a dimorphic consumer population can lead to alternative evolutionarily stable communities. The robustness of these predictions is checked with individual-based simulations and by relaxing the assumption of optimally foraging consumers.  相似文献   

RNA silencing was originally identified as an immune system targeted against transposons and viruses, but is now also recognized as a major regulatory process that affects all layers of host gene expression through the activities of various small RNA species. Recent work in plants and animals indicates that viruses not only suppress, but can also exploit, endogenous RNA silencing pathways to redirect host gene expression. There are also indications that cellular, as opposed to virus-derived small RNAs, might well constitute an unsuspected defense layer against foreign nucleic acids. This complex interplay has implications in the context of disease resistance and evolution of viral genomes.  相似文献   

Long-term maintenance of genetic diversity is affected by ecological forces that are driven in turn by current levels of genetic variation. The strength of population regulation and the consequent patterns of population fluctuations determine the likelihood of genetic changes considered pivotal for rapid speciation. However, genetic diversity in the susceptibility to regulatory forces can reduce the magnitude of such fluctuations and minimize the likelihood of genetic revolutions. A group of populations that experiences local extinctions and recolonizations may hold lower levels of genetic diversity than in the absence of such extinctions, but local adaption, which provides enhanced genetic diversity, can reduce the likelihood of local extinctions. Tightly regulated populations experience different selection pressures than poorly regulated populations, although tighter regulation itself can evolve. When genotypic variation affects the outcome of interspecific interactions on a local scale, this effect, coupled with appropriate spatial variation, can enhance the resilience of the interactive system.  相似文献   

Regressions of biological variables across species are rarely perfect. Usually, there are residual deviations from the estimated model relationship, and such deviations commonly show a pattern of phylogenetic correlations indicating that they have biological causes. We discuss the origins and effects of phylogenetically correlated biological variation in regression studies. In particular, we discuss the interplay of biological deviations with deviations due to observational or measurement errors, which are also important in comparative studies based on estimated species means. We show how bias in estimated evolutionary regressions can arise from several sources, including phylogenetic inertia and either observational or biological error in the predictor variables. We show how all these biases can be estimated and corrected for in the presence of phylogenetic correlations. We present general formulas for incorporating measurement error in linear models with correlated data. We also show how alternative regression models, such as major axis and reduced major axis regression, which are often recommended when there is error in predictor variables, are strongly biased when there is biological variation in any part of the model. We argue that such methods should never be used to estimate evolutionary or allometric regression slopes.  相似文献   

How did plant species emerge from their most recent common ancestors (MRCAs) 250 million years ago? Modern plant genomes help to address such key questions in unveiling precise species genealogies. The field of paleogenomics is undergoing a paradigm shift for investigating species evolution from the study of ancestral genomes from extinct species to deciphering the evolutionary forces (in terms of duplication, fusion, fission, deletion, and translocation) that drove present‐day plant diversity (in terms of chromosome/gene number and genome size). In this review, inferred ancestral karyotype genomes are shown to be powerful tools to (1) unravel the past history of extant species by recovering the variations of ancestral genomic compartments and (2) accelerate translational research by facilitating the transfer of genomic information from model systems to species of agronomic interest.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA and two perspectives on evolutionary genetics   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
This essay reviews comparative studies of animal mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), with emphasis on findings made and ideas developed at Berkeley. It argues that such studies are bringing together two previous paths of progress in evolutionary biology. One path is that of those who worked far above the species level and were concerned with genealogical trees, time scales and the accumulation of new mutations on surviving molecular lineages. The other path is that of those who worked at and below the species level and were concerned mainly with population structure, migration and the frequencies of alleles that existed in an ancestral population. This fusion of paths is made possible by the high rate at which mutations accumulate on mtDNA lineages and by this molecule's uniparental and apparently haploid mode of inheritance. These properties make mtDNA a superb tool for building trees and time scales relating molecular lineages at and below the species level. In addition, owing to its mode of inheritance, mtDNA is more sensitive to bottlenecks in population size and to population subdivision than are nuclear genes. Joint comparative studies of both mtDNA and nuclear DNA variability give us valuable insights into how effective population size has varied through time. Such studies also give insight into the conditions under which mtDNA from one species can colonize another species.  相似文献   

During their evolution, plants have acquired diverse capabilities to sense their environment and modify their growth and development as required. The versatile utilization of solar radiation for photosynthesis as well as a signal to coordinate developmental responses to the environment is an excellent example of such a capability. Specific light quality inputs are converted to developmental outputs mainly through hormonal signalling pathways. Accordingly, extensive interactions between light and the signalling pathways of every known plant hormone have been uncovered in recent years. One such interaction that has received recent attention and forms the focus of this review occurs between light and the signalling pathway of the jasmonate hormone with roles in regulating plant defence and development. Here the recent research that revealed new mechanistic insights into how plants might integrate light and jasmonate signals to modify their growth and development, especially when defending themselves from either pests, pathogens, or encroaching neighbours, is discussed.  相似文献   

Light regulates many physiological and developmental events in plants through the action of multiple sensory pigment systems. Although our understanding of the regulatory photoreceptors, including phytochromes (that principally absorb red and far-red energy) and blue light receptors, has advanced considerably in the recent past, the mechanisms of light signal transduction in higher plants are poorly understood. To unravel the molecular events associated with light-regulated plant development, a large number of photomorphogenic mutants have been isolated in several different plant species, including Arabidopsis, cucumber, tomato, pea, Brassica and Sorghum, which are either impaired in normal perception of light signal (photoreceptor mutants) or are affected in some specific or a sub-set of phenotypic traits (signal transduction mutants). Their physiological and molecular analysis is proving to be valuable in (1) assigning specific function to discrete phytochrome species, (2) elucidation of elements that constitute the transduction pathway downstream of signal perception, and (3) determining how different photosensory systems regulate many diverse responses. The progress made in the analysis of photomorphogenic mutants, as reviewed in this article, clearly indicates that multiple photoreceptors, either of the same or different class, interact through an intricate network of signal transduction pathways to finally determine the light-dependent phenotype of both monocots and dicots.  相似文献   

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