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Summary In order to explore how honeybees manage to retrieve the right landmark-memory in the right place, we trained bees along a short foraging route which consisted of two identical huts 33 m apart. Bees entered each hut to collect a drop of sucrose on the floor. The location of the drop was defined by the same arrangement of four blue and yellow cylindrical landmarks. However, in one hut the drop was between two yellow cylinders and in two other it was to the east of the blue cylinders. On tests with the sucrose missing, bees tended to search in the appropriate area in each hut (Fig. 1), thus showing that they used cues other than the sight of the local landmarks to select the appropriate memory.In a second experiment, the position of the sucrose was specified by yellow cylinders in one hut and by blue triangles in the other. When the arrays were swapped between huts, bees searched in the position specified by the array they encountered (Fig. 2). Thus, memories can be triggered by visual features of local landmarks.Bees were also trained outside to collect food from two platforms 40 m apart. The location of sucrose on one platform was defined by yellow cylinders, and on the other it was defined by blue triangles. When these arrays were exchanged between platforms, bees searched on each platform as though the landmarks had not been swapped. It seems that the more distant surroundings, which fill most of the visual field, may be more potent than the local landmarks in deciding which memory should be retrieved.It is argued that one role of distant landmarks and other contextual cues is to ensure that bees retrieve the correct memory of a constellation of local landmarks while the bees are still some distance away from their goal. Even at a short distance, a bee's current image of local landmarks may differ considerably from its stored representation of those landmarks as seen from the goal. Accurate recall of the appropriate memory will be more certain if it is primed by relatively distant landmarks which present a more constant image as a bee moves in the vicinity of its goal.  相似文献   

Many cognitive and sensorimotor functions in the brain involve parallel and modular memory subsystems that are adapted by activity-dependent Hebbian synaptic plasticity. This is in contrast to the multilayer perceptron model of supervised learning where sensory information is presumed to be integrated by a common pool of hidden units through backpropagation learning. Here we show that Hebbian learning in parallel and modular memories is more advantageous than backpropagation learning in lumped memories in two respects: it is computationally much more efficient and structurally much simpler to implement with biological neurons. Accordingly, we propose a more biologically relevant neural network model, called a tree-like perceptron, which is a simple modification of the multilayer perceptron model to account for the general neural architecture, neuronal specificity, and synaptic learning rule in the brain. The model features a parallel and modular architecture in which adaptation of the input-to-hidden connection follows either a Hebbian or anti-Hebbian rule depending on whether the hidden units are excitatory or inhibitory, respectively. The proposed parallel and modular architecture and implicit interplay between the types of synaptic plasticity and neuronal specificity are exhibited by some neocortical and cerebellar systems. Received: 13 October 1996 / Accepted in revised form: 16 October 1997  相似文献   

In humans, auditory perception reaches maturity over a broad age range, extending through adolescence. Despite this slow maturation, children are considered to be outstanding learners, suggesting that immature perceptual skills might actually be advantageous to improvement on an acoustic task as a result of training (perceptual learning). Previous non‐human studies have not employed an identical task when comparing perceptual performance of young and mature subjects, making it difficult to assess learning. Here, we used an identical procedure on juvenile and adult gerbils to examine the perception of amplitude modulation (AM), a stimulus feature that is an important component of most natural sounds. On average, Adult animals could detect smaller fluctuations in amplitude (i.e., smaller modulation depths) than Juveniles, indicating immature perceptual skills in Juveniles. However, the population variance was much greater for Juveniles, a few animals displaying adult‐like AM detection. To determine whether immature perceptual skills facilitated learning, we compared naïve performance on the AM detection task with the amount of improvement following additional training. The amount of improvement in Adults correlated with naïve performance: those with the poorest naïve performance improved the most. In contrast, the naïve performance of Juveniles did not predict the amount of learning. Those Juveniles with immature AM detection thresholds did not display greater learning than Adults. Furthermore, for several of the Juveniles with adult‐like thresholds, AM detection deteriorated with repeated testing. Thus, immature perceptual skills in young animals were not associated with greater learning. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 70: 636–648, 2010  相似文献   

Recent studies of the way animals learn challenge the idea that food learning relies mainly on how food tastes. Work on Drosophila has now shown that flies must ingest food with a metabolic benefit to form a lasting memory for a learned odour.  相似文献   

In a previous paper we defined the associative search problem and presented a system capable of solving it under certain conditions. In this paper we interpret a spatial learning problem as an associative search task and describe the behavior of an adaptive network capable of solving it. This example shows how naturally the associative search problem can arise and permits the search, association, and generalization properties of the adaptive network to bee clearly illustrated.  相似文献   

Associative matrix memories with real-valued synapses have been studied in many incarnations. We consider how the signal/noise ratio for associations depends on the form of the learning rule, and we show that a covariance rule is optimal. Two other rules, which have been suggested in the neurobiology literature, are asymptotically optimal in the limit of sparse coding. The results appear to contradict a line of reasoning particularly prevalent in the physics community. It turns out that the apparent conflict is due to the adoption of different underlying models. Ironically, they perform identically at their co-incident optima. We give details of the mathematical results, and discuss some other possible derivations and definitions of the signal/noise ratio.  相似文献   

Although salamanders have been shown to respond to classical conditioning,spatial learning has been largely unstudied.We tested whether salamanders could learn ...  相似文献   

Two parts of a geometrical figure are consecutively presented to healthy adult subjects in the left and right visual fields; the subjects have to compare them mentally and to decide whether these parts form a standard figure or not. Correctness of the reaction is controlled by a computer which lights up on the screen the words "good" or "error". The number of correct decisions of this visual-spatial task does not depend on the hemisphere to which information is addressed. The reaction time is substantially shorter if the information comes "directly" to the right hemisphere. Due to better training in the left hemisphere interhemispheric difference in reaction time gradually disappears in repeated tests. Training to mental "constructing" takes place only in the tests following positive feedback stimulus. Analysis of amplitude-temporal parameters of P300 wave shows that at correct decision of the visual-spatial task the level of activation in the right hemisphere is higher than in the left one.  相似文献   

R J Singh  G H Chung  R L Nelson 《Génome》2007,50(6):525-537
Legumes are members of the family Fabaceae or Leguminosae and include economically important grain legumes, oilseed crops, forage crops, shrubs, and tropical or subtropical trees. Legumes are a rich source of quality protein for humans and animals. They also enrich the soil by producing their own nitrogen in symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing bacteria. International centers and national institutes collect, maintain, distribute, and produce high-yielding legumes (grain-pulses, oilseeds, forages, nutraceuticals, medicinal shrubs, and trees). Legume breeders are confined within the primary gene pools (GP-1) in their varietal improvement programs and have not exploited secondary gene pools (GP-2), tertiary gene pools (GP-3), or quaternary gene pools (GP-4). Legumes are also an excellent source of timber, medicine, nutraceuticals, tannins, gums, insecticides, resins, varnish, paints, dyes, and eco-friendly by-products such as soy diesel. Three forage crops, Medicago truncatula, Lotus japonicus, and Trifolium pratense, are model legumes for phylogenetic studies and genome sequencing. This paper concludes that a "protein revolution" is needed to meet the protein demands of the world.  相似文献   

Landmark discoveries in intracellular transport and secretion   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Cellular protein transport and secretion is fundamental to the very existence of an organism, regulating important physiological functions such as reproduction, digestion, energy production, growth, neurotransmission, hormone release, water and ion transport, etc., all required for the survival and maintenance of homeostasis within an organism. Molecular understanding of transport and secretion of intracellular product has therefore been of paramount importance and aggressively investigated for over six decades. Only in the last 20 years, the general molecular mechanism of the process has come to light, following discovery of key proteins involved in ER-Golgi transport, and discovery of the porosome the universal secretion machinery in cells.  相似文献   

The paper deals with infection of Meriones (M.) tamariscinus Pallas, 1773 caused by Rhabditis strongyloides Schn., 1866 first recorded in the USSR. The clinical picture of the disease is described and data of pathoanatomical autopsy of dead animals are given. The way of infection of the animals in nature and in laboratory conditions is suggested. Under favourable conditions domestic animals can be infected with R. strongyloides too.  相似文献   

Nardo D  Santangelo V  Macaluso E 《Neuron》2011,69(5):1015-1028
In everyday life attention operates within complex and dynamic environments, while laboratory paradigms typically employ simple and stereotyped stimuli. This fMRI study investigated stimulus-driven spatial attention using a virtual-environment video. We explored the influence of bottom-up signals by computing saliency maps of the environment and by introducing attention-grabbing events in the video. We parameterized the efficacy of these signals for the orienting of spatial attention by measuring eye movements and used these parameters to analyze the imaging data. The efficacy of bottom-up signals modulated ongoing activity in dorsal fronto-parietal regions and transient activation of the ventral attention system. Our results demonstrate that the combination of computational, behavioral, and imaging techniques enables studying cognitive functions in ecologically valid contexts. We highlight the central role of the efficacy of stimulus-driven signals in both dorsal and ventral attention systems, with a dissociation of the efficacy of background salience versus distinctive events in the two systems.  相似文献   

In the urine of plague-infected great gerbils Yersinia pestis capsular antigen was detected by means of diagnostic preparations, both commercial and experimental (based on monoclonal antibodies). The antigen was detected in many urine samples taken from the animals over a prolonged period. The incidence and duration of antigenuria were found to be related to the survival time of great gerbils after infection and the level of antibodies in their blood. The number of animals with antigenuria markedly exceeded the number of animals from which Y. pestis was isolated, especially at a later period after infection. Examinations of urine samples from live great gerbils trapped in natural foci appears to be a method more effective in epizootiological survey than the bacteriological analysis of the animals.  相似文献   

Planar random figures can be described by series of landmarks. Bookstein's model assumes that the landmarks result from independent individual fluctuations around fixed fictive landmark centres. The aim of this paper is to estimate the distances between the centers and the variances of fluctuations around them. Furthermore, two new shape variable estimators are suggested and compared with an estimator of Bookstein.  相似文献   

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