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The genetic analysis of meiosis in female Drosophila melanogaster.   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The three major features of meiosis are first synapsis, then exchange, and finally, disjunction of homologous chromosomes; these phenomena occur before pachytene, during pachytene, and after pachytene respectively. The effects of meiotic mutants, or other perturbations, either endogenous or exogenous, on the meiotic process may be assigned tentatively to one of these intervals, based on the earliest discernible abnormality. Thus mutants exhibiting abnormal disjunction and normal exchange affect post-pachytene functions; mutants exhibiting abnormal disjunction and exchange but with ultrastructurally normal appearing synaptonemal complex affect pachytene functions; and mutants with abnormal disjunction, exchange, and synaptonemal complex affect prepachytene functions. This rationale is applied to the temporal seriation of effects of meiotic mutants and chromosomal abnormalities on the meiotic programme.  相似文献   

Modulatory calcineurin-interacting proteins (MCIPs)--also termed regulators of calcineurin (RCNs), calcipressins, or DSCR1 (Down's syndrome critical region 1)--are highly conserved regulators of calcineurin, a Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase . Although overexpression experiments in several organisms have revealed that MCIPs inhibit calcineurin activity , their in vivo functions remain unclear. Here, we show that the Drosophila MCIP sarah (sra) is essential for meiotic progression in oocytes. Eggs from sra null mothers are arrested at anaphase of meiosis I. This phenotype was due to loss of function of sra specifically in the female germline. Sra is physically associated with the catalytic subunit of calcineurin, and its overexpression suppresses the phenotypes caused by constitutively activated calcineurin, such as rough eye or loss of wing veins. Hyperactivation of calcineurin signaling in the germline cells resulted in a meiotic-arrest phenotype, which can also be suppressed by overexpression of Sra. All these results support the hypothesis that Sra regulates female meiosis by controlling calcineurin activity in the germline. To our knowledge, this is the first unambiguous demonstration that the regulation of calcineurin signaling by MCIPs plays a critical role in a defined biological process.  相似文献   

Conventional centrosomes are absent from a female meiotic spindle in many animals. Instead, chromosomes drive spindle assembly, but the molecular mechanism of this acentrosomal spindle formation is not well understood. We have screened female sterile mutations for defects in acentrosomal spindle formation in Drosophila female meiosis. One of them, remnants (rem), disrupted bipolar spindle morphology and chromosome alignment in non-activated oocytes. We found that rem encodes a conserved subunit of Cdc2 (Cks30A). As Drosophila oocytes arrest in metaphase I, the defect represents a new Cks function before metaphase-anaphase transition. In addition, we found that the essential pole components, Msps and D-TACC, were often mislocalized to the equator, which may explain part of the spindle defect. We showed that the second cks gene cks85A, in contrast, has an important role in mitosis. In conclusion, this study describes a new pre-anaphase role for a Cks in acentrosomal meiotic spindle formation.  相似文献   

The adult gonads in both male and female Drosophila melanogaster produce gametes that originate from a regenerative pool of germline stem cells (GSCs). The differentiation programme that produces gametes must be co-ordinated with GSC maintenance and proliferation in order to regulate tissue regeneration. The HOW RNA-binding protein has been shown to maintain mitotic progression of male GSCs and their daughters by maintenance of Cyclin B expression as well as suppressing accumulation of the differentiation factor Bam. Loss of HOW function in the male germline results in loss of GSCs due to a delay in G2 and subsequent apoptosis. Here we show that female how mutant GSCs do not have any cell cycle defects although HOW continues to bind bam mRNA and suppress Bam expression. The role of HOW in suppressing germ cell Bam expression appears to be conserved between sexes, leading to different cellular outcomes in how mutants due to the different functions of Bam. In addition the role in maintaining Cyclin B expression has not been conserved so female how GSCs differentiate rather than arrest.  相似文献   

The conserved kinase Mps1 is necessary for the proper functioning of the mitotic and meiotic spindle checkpoints (MSCs), which monitor the integrity of the spindle apparatus and prevent cells from progressing into anaphase until chromosomes are properly aligned on the metaphase plate. In Drosophila melanogaster, a null allele of the gene encoding Mps1 was recently shown to be required for the proper functioning of the MSC, but it did not appear to exhibit a defect in female meiosis. We demonstrate here that the meiotic mutant ald1 is a hypomorphic allele of the mps1 gene. Both ald1 and a P-insertion allele of mps1 exhibit defects in female meiotic chromosome segregation. The observed segregational defects are substantially more severe for pairs of achiasmate homologs, which are normally segregated by the achiasmate (or distributive) segregation system, than they are for chiasmate bivalents. Furthermore, cytological analysis of ald1 mutant oocytes reveals both a failure in the coorientation of achiasmate homologs at metaphase I and a defect in the maintenance of the chiasmate homolog associations that are normally observed at metaphase I. We conclude that Mps1 plays an important role in Drosophila female meiosis by regulating processes that are especially critical for ensuring the proper segregation of nonexchange chromosomes.  相似文献   

Spindle formation in female meiosis differs from mitosis in many animals, as it takes place independently of centrosomes, and the molecular requirements of this pathway remain to be understood. Here, we report two crucial roles of Incenp, an essential subunit of the chromosomal passenger complex (the Aurora B complex), in centrosome-independent spindle formation in Drosophila female meiosis. First, the initial assembly of spindle microtubules is drastically delayed in an incenp mutant. This clearly demonstrates, for the first time, a crucial role for Incenp in chromosome-driven spindle microtubule assembly in living oocytes. Additionally, Incenp is necessary to stabilise the equatorial region of the metaphase I spindle, in contrast to mitosis, where the equivalent function becomes prominent after anaphase onset. Our analysis suggests that Subito, a kinesin-6 protein, cooperates with Incenp for this latter function, but not in microtubule assembly. We propose that the two functions of Incenp are part of the mechanisms that compensate for the lack of centrosomes during meiotic spindle formation.  相似文献   

Drosophila nemo was first identified as a gene required for tissue polarity during ommatidial development. We have extended the analysis of nemo and found that it participates in multiple developmental processes. It is required during wing development for wing shape and vein patterning. We observe genetic interactions between nemo and mutations in the Notch, Wingless, Frizzled and Decapentaplegic pathways. Our data support the findings from other organisms that Nemo proteins act as negative regulators of Wingless signaling. nemo mutations cause polarity defects in the adult wing and overexpression of nemo leads to abdominal polarity defects. The expression of nemo during embryogenesis is dynamic and dsRNA inhibition and ectopic expression studies indicate that nemo is essential during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Recent work shows that cytokinesis and other cellular morphogenesis events are tuned by an interplay among biochemical signals, cell shape, and cellular mechanics. In cytokinesis, this includes cross-talk between the cortical cytoskeleton and the mitotic spindle in coordination with cell cycle control, resulting in characteristic changes in cellular morphology and mechanics through metaphase and cytokinesis. The changes in cellular mechanics affect not just overall cell shape, but also mitotic spindle morphology and function. This review will address how these principles apply to oocytes undergoing the asymmetric cell divisions of meiosis I and II. The biochemical signals that regulate cell cycle timing during meiotic maturation and egg activation are crucial for temporal control of meiosis. Spatial control of the meiotic divisions is also important, ensuring that the chromosomes are segregated evenly and that meiotic division is clearly asymmetric, yielding two daughter cells - oocyte and polar body - with enormous volume differences. In contrast to mitotic cells, the oocyte does not undergo overt changes in cell shape with its progression through meiosis, but instead maintains a relatively round morphology with the exception of very localized changes at the time of polar body emission. Placement of the metaphase-I and -II spindles at the oocyte periphery is clearly important for normal polar body emission, although this is likely not the only control element. Here, consideration is given to how cellular mechanics could contribute to successful mammalian female meiosis, ultimately affecting egg quality and competence to form a healthy embryo.  相似文献   

It is important for the proper execution of cell division in both mitosis and meiosis that the chromosome segregation, cytokinesis, and partition of cell organelles progress in smooth coordination. We show here that the mitochondria inheritance is closely linked with microtubules during meiotic divisions in Drosophila males. They are first clustered in a cell equator at metaphase associated with astral microtubules and then distributed along central spindle microtubules after anaphase. The molecular mechanism for the microtubule-dependent inheritance of mitochondria in male meiosis has not been demonstrated yet. We first isolated mutations for a larp gene that is highly conserved among eukaryotes and showed that these mutant males exhibited multiple meiotic phenotypes such as a failure of chromosome segregation, cytokinesis, and mitochondrial partition. Our cytological examination revealed that the mutants showed defects in spindle pole organization and spindle formation. The larp encodes a Drosophila orthologue of a La-related protein containing a domain exhibiting an outstanding homology with a La type RNA-binding protein. Surprisingly, the dLarp protein is localized in the cytoplasm of the male germ line cells, as observed by its distinct co-localization with mitochondria in early spermatocytes and during meiotic divisions. We discuss here the essential role that dLarp plays in multiple processes in Drosophila male meiosis.  相似文献   

de Boer E  Heyting C 《Chromosoma》2006,115(3):220-234
In most eukaryotes, homologous chromosomes (homologs) are closely apposed during the prophase of the first meiotic division by a ladderlike proteinaceous structure, the synaptonemal complex (SC) [Fawcett, J Biophys Biochem Cytol 2:403–406, 1956; Moses, J Biophys Biochem Cytol 2:215–218, 1956]. SCs consist of two proteinaceous axes, which each support the two sister chromatids of one homolog, and numerous transverse filaments (TFs), which connect the two axes. Organisms that assemble SCs perform meiotic recombination in the context of these structures. Although much information has accumulated about the composition of SCs and the pathways of meiotic crossing over, several questions remain about the role of SCs in meiosis, in particular, about the role of the TFs. In this review, we focus on possible role(s) of TFs. The interest in TF functions received new impulses from the recent characterization of TF-deficient mutants in a number of species. Intriguingly, the phenotypes of these mutants are very different, and a variety of TF functions appear to be hidden behind a façade of morphological conservation. However, in all TF-deficient mutants a specific class of crossovers that display interference is affected. TFs appear to create suitable preconditions for the formation of these crossovers in most species, but are most likely not directly involved in the interference process itself. Furthermore, TFs are important for full-length homolog alignment.The synaptonemal complex—50 years.  相似文献   

Male and female meiosis in grasshoppers   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Male meiosis in the grasshopper Stethophyma grossum is well known as an example of proximal chiasma localisation. An investigation of female meiosis in oocytes of this species shows that both the frequency and distribution of chiasmata are quite different from the male situation. Mean chiasma frequency per cell (14.98) in considerably higher in females than in males (11.28) which agrees with the trend established in other comparative studies of male and female meiosis. More strikingly, males and females also show not only different but quite opposite patterns of chiasma distribution. In spermatocytes of males, chiasmata are strictly localised proximally in most bivalents, but in oocytes of females very few chiasmata form in proximal regions and nearly all chiasmata form either in distal or interstitial regions. The genetical significance of these findings is considered.  相似文献   

M. M. Green 《Chromosoma》1981,82(2):259-266
The third chromosome, mutagen sensitive mutant mus(3)312D1 impairs the meiotic process in females by increasing the frequency of first division nondisjunction and decreasing the frequency of meiotic crossing over. These genetic properties connote 312 to be defective in DNA replication and/or repair intimately associated with the crossing over exchange process. The mutant maps to the left arm of chromosome III between ru and h, and represents a new genetic site for a meiotic mutant. It is a pleasure and honor to dedicate this paper to my longtime younger friend and collaborator Wolfgang Beermann, cytologist par excellence, on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

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