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Y-axis orientation, a movement perpendicular to the shore or coastline, enables aquatic animals to stay in a preferred zone in generally unstable habitats. Such behaviour is a widespread phenomenon in many freshwater and intertidal animal taxa. In the present study, an arena approach was used to test the orientation response of pulmonate freshwater snails. Using this experimental design, Y-axis orientation was shown for the first time in a freshwater snail species, the riverine Chilina patagonica. Some cues, potentially mediating Y-axis orientation, appeared to play no role in the shown orientation behaviour, such as chemical, gravity and humidity cues or a sun compass. Magnetic cues, however, could not be excluded. Since no significant differences in orientation were detected between different size classes in C. patagonica, orientation behaviour may not vary substantially throughout the snail's life history. In contrast to C. patagonica, no consistent orientation response was seen in the related lacustrine species Chilina llanquihuensis. The adaptation of C. patagonica to exhibit orientation along the Y-axis may be driven by the avoidance of high velocities in deeper water.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to describe the structure of larval digenean communities in the freshwater snail Chilina dombeyana in Lake Mascardi, an oligotrophic Andean Patagonian lake. In total, 1,923 snails were collected during 2 sampling periods. Specimens were examined, and 8 digenean species were identified, all with allogenic life cycles. The snail infracommunities nearly always occurred as single-species infections, distributed mainly in the hepatopancreas. The double infections (0.2%) were always prepatent, and involved a schistosome and the notocotylid Catatropis chilinae. The overall prevalence, the prevalence of C. chilinae, and total species prevalence (without C. chilinae) significantly increased with snail size. Catatropis chilinae was the dominant species in all months and across all snail size classes. Maximum richness was reached in the size class between 16 and 18 mm. Diversity indices, i.e., the Shannon-Wiener Index and the reciprocal of the Simpson Index, increased with snail size only during the second sampling period. No robust evidence of antagonistic interactions was found in the digenean community of C. dombeyana from Lake Mascardi.  相似文献   

The life cycle, population dynamics and secondary production of the xerothermophilic land snail Xeropicta arenosa were studied in northern Greece. The study of biology and the demographic analysis of the populations of X. arenosa revealed that it is a semelparous annual species. Reproduction takes place in autumn and the majority of the adults die after egglaying. Growth is continuous throughout the year and no seasonal fluctuations occur. Estimation of annual secondary production with the Hynes' size frequency method revealed a mean standing crop ( aa ) of 0.075 g m-2 year-1 and a productivity ( P ) of 0.267+ 0.043 gm-2 year-1. The annual turnover ratio ( P/ ) was equal to 3.56.  相似文献   

Abstract. The albumen gland is a female accessory sex gland that synthesizes and secretes perivitelline fluid around pulmonate eggs. The perivitelline fluid is composed of mainly galactogen and proteins, and is thought to provide nourishment to the embryos during development. We have previously identified the major secretory protein of the albumen gland of the freshwater snail Helisoma duryi as a native glycoprotein of ∼288 kDa, consisting of four 66-kDa subunits. In this study, the major albumen gland protein in H. duryi was purified, cloned, and the full-length cDNA sequence determined. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that the albumen gland protein (HdAGP) shared 83% identity with a partial cDNA sequence from a developmentally regulated albumen gland protein in Biomphalaria glabrata . The HdAGP mRNA was detected by RT-PCR in the albumen gland, ovotestis, mantle and digestive gland. SDS-PAGE analysis of the albumen gland protein in egg masses at different stages of development showed that the amount of HdAGP steadily decreased during embryogenesis, suggesting its possible catabolism by the developing embryos. Protein domain searches suggested that the HdAGP shared limited sequence identity, and adopted a similar three-dimensional conformation to the bactericidal, permeability increasing, protein family, raising the possibility of a potential bactericidal function for this important reproductive/developmental protein.  相似文献   

Eleven microsatellites were isolated in the freshwater snail Bulinus forskalii, intermediate host for the medically important trematode Schistosoma intercalatum. Characterization in 60 snails from three populations of B. forskalii from Cameroon revealed 4 to 18 alleles per locus. Low observed heterozygosity but higher expected heterozygosity, high FIS estimates, significant departures from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium and genotypic linkage disequilibria all indicate that B. forskalii is a preferential selfer. High FST estimates suggest that effective dispersal is limited and genetic drift is an important determinant of genetic structure. The potential utility of the microsatellite primers in other closely related Bulinus species was explored.  相似文献   

We describe 15 new variable microsatellites in the freshwater snail Aplexa (Physa) marmorata, as well as conditions for multiplexing and simultaneous genotyping sets of loci. Two to 11 alleles were detected per locus over the five populations studied, and up to eight alleles per locus and population. The observed heterozygosity was extremely low, most probably as the consequence of high selfing rates. The genetic differentiation among populations was large. These markers will constitute efficient tools for investigating the population structure in fragmented habitats. Cross-species amplification in three Physa species (P. acuta, P. fontinalis and P. gyrina) was rather unsuccessful.  相似文献   

1. This is the first study on the life cycle, growth and production of Sigara selecta, a Palearctic corixid species typical of brackish and saline waters, at the warmest limit of its European distributional range. The study combines field and laboratory approaches. 2. The S. selecta population studied was multivoltine, producing four asynchronous cohorts from early spring to December and overwintering in the adult state. Development time from egg to first adult ranged from 2 to 3 months. A minimum temperature threshold of 10 °C and diel amplitude of ≥10 °C were observed for reproduction and oviposition. 3. Maximum density and biomass were reached in mid spring and early autumn. The sex ratio was unbalanced, females dominating during most of the year, except in spring, when the sex ratio was balanced or dominated by males during the first adult emergence. 4. Laboratory rearing experiments at constant temperatures (18, 22 and 26 °C) pointed to a significant effect of temperature on egg development and nymphal growth. In the range of temperatures tested, both egg and nymphal instar duration decreased with increasing temperature. Mean nymphal development time varied from 43 days at 26 °C to 71 days at 18 °C, with a mean of 57 days. Survivorship was independent of temperature. 5. A reduction in nymphal and adult length was observed with increasing temperature. 6. Growth rates decreased with increasing body mass and increased as temperature increased. The first nymphal instar had the highest length increments and growth rates in all temperature treatments. 7. Satisfactory agreement was found between the field and laboratory degree‐days required for complete development from egg to first adult. At constant and variable thermal regimes, degree‐days decreased with increasing temperature. 8. Rate of growth in the field could be predicted with reasonable accuracy from a simple model obtained as a function of body mass. The model explained 67% of the variability in growth rates. 9. Annual production and production/biomass ratio (P/B) of S. selecta estimated by the Instantaneous Growth method were 1.28 g m?2 year?1 and 13.71, respectively. Spring and autumn cohorts contributed 32% and 54%, respectively, of total annual production. Maximum production corresponded to intermediate temperature periods, although summer production may have been underestimated because of the longer sampling interval relative to cohort interval production. The Size Frequency method underestimated production by at least 18% with respect to the Instantaneous Growth method.  相似文献   

Partial DNA sequences of two mitochondrial genes [cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) and 16S rRNA] from 59 specimens of Iberus were used to test the validity of the described morphospecies of this genus, and examine genetic divergences within and between main phylogenetic groups. Both gene fragments showed phylogenetic concordance. The COI gene was found to be faster evolving than the 16S gene and was fully protein-coding with no insertions or deletions. 16S rRNA was more informative than COI for resolving basal nodes. Both individual and combined analyses of the two gene fragments revealed five main phylogroups. These five groups are genetically unique lineages that are allopatrically distributed and considered to have full species status. Further subdivisions were also considered. Shell morphology was suitable for delimiting species boundaries, but several incongruences between morphology and mtDNA phylogeny were observed. These incongruences were considered consequence of hybridization between Iberus cobosi and Iberus marmoratus , and the result of shell shape polymorphism in Iberus rositai . According to spatial patterns of sequence divergence, life habits and shell morphology may be concluded that the keeled-flat shelled snails independently originated several times within Iberus and they could represent cases of similar shell adaptation to a karstic arid environment.  相似文献   

Gastropod faunas from the Early Jurassic (Late Pliensbachian–Early Toarcian) marine deposits of Chubut Province, Argentina, are described from Lomas Occidentales, Cerro La Trampa and Puesto Currumil localities, representing eight species, three of them new. These are Scurriopsis? sp., Chartronella gradata sp. nov., Calliotropis? sp., Pleurotomaria sp., Leptomaria sp., Hamusina? wahnishae sp. nov., Colpomphalus musacchioi sp. nov. and Jurassiphorus? cf. triadicus Haas. The gastropod assemblage reported here testifies paleobiogeographical connections with other coeval gastropod associations from the western Tethys. However, Chartronella, Hamusina and Jurassiphorus may represent survivors of Triassic associations, considering the ancient seaway from Peru as the most plausible hypothesis for biotic exchange of these faunas during the Late Triassic–Early Jurassic boundary. An abundant and diverse invertebrate fauna such as corals, echinoderms, cephalopods, brachiopods, bivalves and other gastropods found in association with the gastropods described here characterises a shallow marine environment for the gastropod-bearing rocks.http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:7B8EAFC0-3AC0-4F91-97A5-22AAC6A19909  相似文献   

Thirteen new microsatellite loci were isolated and tested on two land snail species, Trochulus villosus and T. sericeus (Pulmonata: Hygromiidae), resulting in a set of eight polymorphic markers for each species. The expected heterozygosity was high for all loci and species (between 0.616 and 0.944). Such levels of variability will allow detailed insights into the population genetic structure of some Trochulus species.  相似文献   

Aim Our aim was to understand the processes that have shaped the present‐day distribution of the freshwater limpet Ancylus fluviatilis sensu stricto in order to predict the consequences of global climate change for the geographical range of this species. Location North‐western Europe. Methods We sampled populations of A. fluviatilis sensu stricto over the entire range of the species (north‐western Europe) and sequenced 16S ribosomal RNA (16S) and cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) mitochondrial fragments to perform phylogenetic and phylogeographical analyses. Climatic niche modelling allowed us to infer the climatic preferences of the species. A principal components analysis identified the most important climatic factors explaining the actual range of A. fluviatilis. We also identified which climatic factor was the most limiting at range margins, and predicted the species’ geographical range under a climate change scenario [Community Climate Model 3 (CCM3)]. Results By means of the phylogeographical analysis, we infer that A. fluviatilis sensu stricto occupied northern refuges during the Last Glacial Maximum. We show that the climatic preferences of Baltic populations are significantly different from those of Central European populations. The projection of the occupied area under the CCM3 climate model predicts a moderate poleward shift of the northern range limits, but a dramatic loss of areas currently occupied, for instance in northern Germany and in southern Great Britain. Main conclusions The post‐glacial range dynamics of A. fluviatilis are not governed by niche conservatism. Therefore, we must be cautious about bioclimatic model predictions: the expected impact of climate change could be tempered by the adaptive potential this species has already shown in its evolutionary history. Thus, modelling approaches should rather be seen as conservative forecasts of altered species ranges as long as the adaptive potential of the organisms in question cannot be predicted.  相似文献   

The production of five genera of chironomids collected at 4- and 8-m depths at four stations in Lake Norman, North Carolina, was estimated using the size-frequency method. To correct for multivoltinism, the estimates were adjusted by multiplying by 365/Cohort Production Interval. Ranges of production estimates (P) in milligrams dry mass m-2 yr-1 and production/mean annual biomass ratios (P/B ratios) for each genus over both depths were: Tanytarsus, P = 744 to 8788, P/BB = 66 to 176; Cladotanytarsus, P = 74 to 2387, P/B = 69 to 100; Stempellina, P = 19 to 412, P/ B = 74 to 132; Chironomus, P = 166 to 7293, P/ B = 50 to 70; Cryptochironomus, P = 92 to 398, P/ B = 71 to 221. These estimates are among the highest reported for chironomids, due primarily to the rapid larval development times estimated for these genera.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Measurements of the population density of Theodoxus jordani were made for the period July 1980 until June 1981. Numbers showed a well-defined pattern of fluctuation and varied between 390 in February and 1804 snails m−2 in May after recruitment.
2. The population age structure revealed that the snail was semelparous, and that one generation dominated the population for most of the year.
3. The breeding season was long. Snails laid eggs from early December to the end of April. Eggs were laid in protective capsules and one snail developed per capsule. Total population natality estimated from field samples was 9813 snails m−2.
4. Age specific mortality was high immediately after recruitment, low during the juvenile stages, and increased sharply at the adult stage with the onset of reproduction.  相似文献   

Jamwa Ramgarh reservoir near Jaipur (Rajasthan) is one of the oldest man-made lakes in western India. This paper presents a case study of likely impacts of human activities in freshwater bodies. The history, vegetation and human activities in the catchment area, flora and fauna, physico-chemical characteristics and production in the reservoir are briefly described. The impact of increasing human activities in the last few years is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Self-compatible hermaphroditic organisms that mix self-fertilization and outcrossing are of great interest for investigating the evolution of mating systems. We investigate the evolution of selfing in Lymnaea truncatula , a self-compatible hermaphroditic freshwater snail. We first analyze the consequences of selfing in terms of genetic variability within and among populations and then investigate how these consequences along with the species ecology (harshness of the habitat and parasitism) might govern the evolution of selfing. Snails from 13 localities (classified as temporary or permanent depending on their water availability) were sampled in western Switzerland and genotyped for seven microsatellite loci. FIS (estimated on adults) and progeny array analyses (on hatchlings) provided similar selfing rate estimates of 80%. Populations presented a low polymorphism and were highly differentiated (FST= 0.58). Although the reproductive assurance hypothesis would predict higher selfing rate in temporary populations, no difference in selfing level was observed between temporary and permanent populations. However, allelic richness and gene diversity declined in temporary habitats, presumably reflecting drift. Infection levels varied but were not simply related to either estimated population selfing rate or to differences in heterozygosity. These findings and the similar selfing rates estimated for hatchlings and adults suggest that within-population inbreeding depression is low in L. truncatula.  相似文献   

The propagation of an immigrant from North America, viz. the spionid Marenzelleria cf. viridis in the Darss-Zingst Bodden (DZB) (southern Baltic Sea), was studied at three stations from March 1992 to December 1995. Highest mean abundances (over 28 000 ind. m-2) and wet weights (400 g m-2) were recorded at station 2 in 1994. The spionid also reached its highest dominances in terms of biomass (40 to 90%) at this station, which was selected for the population dynamics, growth and secondary production studies. The spionid has a life span of about 3 years, and many individuals achieved sexual maturity after one year. Their growth curve is steepest during the first year of life, during which the animals grow to a length of about 180 segments. However, growth depression was observed during the ripening of the gametes in April, May and June. Secondary production was in the region of 55 to 85 g AFDW m-2 y-1. Productivity (P/B) varied considerably from generation to generation, ranging between 0 and 4.8 with an average between 1.2 and 1.6.  相似文献   

Delimitation of species is often complicated by discordance of morphological and genetic data. This may be caused by the existence of cryptic or polymorphic species. The latter case is particularly true for certain snail species showing an exceptionally high intraspecific genetic diversity. The present investigation deals with the Trochulus hispidus complex, which has a complicated taxonomy. Our analyses of the COI sequence revealed that individuals showing a T. hispidus phenotype are distributed in nine highly differentiated mitochondrial clades (showing p‐distances up to 19%). The results of a parallel morphometric investigation did not reveal any differentiation between these clades, although the overall variability is quite high. The phylogenetic analyses based on 12S, 16S and COI sequences show that the T. hispidus complex is paraphyletic with respect to several other morphologically well‐defined Trochulus species (T. clandestinus, T. villosus, T. villosulus and T. striolatus) which form well‐supported monophyletic groups. The nc marker sequence (5.8SITS228S) shows only a clear separation of T. o. oreinos and T. o. scheerpeltzi, and a weakly supported separation of T. clandestinus, whereas all other species and the clades of the T. hispidus complex appear within one homogeneous group. The paraphyly of the T. hispidus complex reflects its complicated history, which was probably driven by geographic isolation in different glacial refugia and budding speciation. At our present state of knowledge, it cannot be excluded that several cryptic species are embedded within the T. hispidus complex. However, the lack of morphological differentiation of the T. hispidus mitochondrial clades does not provide any hints in this direction. Thus, we currently do not recommend any taxonomic changes. The results of the current investigation exemplify the limitations of barcoding attempts in highly diverse species such as T. hispidus.  相似文献   

Summary The neurosecretory system of the freshwater snail Bulinus truncatus was investigated. With the Alcian blue-Alcian yellow (AB/AY) staining method at least 10 different types of neurosecretory cells (NSC) were distinguished in the ganglia of the central nervous system. The differences in staining properties of the NSC — with AB/AY the cells take on different shades of green and yellow — are borne out at the ultrastructural level: the NSC types contain different types of neurosecretory elementary granules.The neurosecretory system of B. truncatus is compared to that of Lymnaea stagnalis, the species which has received the most attention among the pulmonates. It appears from the comparison that the systems of both species show many similarities, although some differences are also apparent.  相似文献   

The population dynamics and production of Daphnia hyaiina^ the dominant cladoceran i n Eglwys Nynydd, a shallow eutrophic reservoir in South Wales, were studied for 2 years against a background of limnological measurements. The appearance and development of successive generations from egg to adult could be followed from changing numbers in arbitrarily defined size classes. Seasonal variations in mean length, mean brood-size and proportion of gravid adults were recorded and mean brood-size was related to changing food and temperature conditions. Egg-development times for D. hyaiina were determined in culture and the population parameters finite birth (S), instantaneous birth (b′), instantaneous population change (r′), instantaneous death (d′) and finite death rates (D) were estimated from field data. Turnover and production estimates were calculated from finite death rates and biomass. The calculated potential rate of increase (b′) was nearly always greater than the observed rate of increase (r′): seasonal changes in death rate (d′) generally parallel changes in birth rate (b′) but remain somewhat out of phase. Population oscillations are probably due t o a delay in the expression of the effects of population density upon birth and death rates. The mean biomass of Daphnia in 1970 was 0-57 mg dry wt/l (0-88 g C/m2) and in 1971 0-32 mg dry wt/l (0.49 g C/m2). Annual production for Daphnia was 11-8 mg dry wt/l (18-2 g C/m2) in 1970 and 8-30 mg dry wt/l (12 8 g C/m2) in 1971. Information available on primary production in the reservoir suggests that the production of Daphnia accounts for less than 2% of gross primary production. However, the pattern of population growth of Daphnia in Eglwys Nynydd almost certainly reflects a food limited system. In summer, blue-green algae may be abundant but serve as a poor food source: throughout the blue-green bloom egg production remains low, at times remaining below 0-5 eggs/adult.  相似文献   

A correspondence analysis of shell measurements taken from 521 widely dispersed specimens of the African aquatic pulmonate snail Biomphalaria pfeifferi suggests the existence of eight morphological groups. These groups appear to relate to either ecophysiological factors or to factors associated with the stability of the freshwater system rather than to aspects of geographic distribution and genetic isolation.  相似文献   

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