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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of time of day on aerobic contribution during high-intensity exercise. A group of 11 male physical education students performed a Wingate test against a resistance of 0.087 kg . kg(-1) body mass. Two different times of day were chosen, corresponding to the minimum (06:00 h) and the maximum (18:00 h) levels of power. Oxygen uptake (.VO(2)) was recorded breath by breath during the test (30 sec). Blood lactate concentrations were measured at rest, just after the Wingate test, and again 5 min later. Oral temperature was measured before each test and on six separate occasions at 02:00, 06:00, 10:00, 14:00, 18:00, and 22:00 h. A significant circadian rhythm was found in body temperature with a circadian acrophase at 18:16+/-00:25 h as determined by cosinor analysis. Peak power (P(peak)), mean power (P(mean)), total work done, and .VO(2) increased significantly from morning to afternoon during the Wingate Test. As a consequence, aerobic contribution recorded during the test increased from morning to afternoon. However, no difference in blood lactate concentrations was observed from morning to afternoon. Furthermore, power decrease was greater in the morning than afternoon. Altogether, these results indicate that the time-of-day effect on performances during the Wingate test is mainly due to better aerobic participation in energy production during the test in the afternoon than in the morning.  相似文献   

The effect of different starting stances from a standing position on short sprint times and the subsequent variability in times was investigated in this study. A dual-beam timing light system was used to measure 5- and 10-m times for 3 different standing starts commonly found in the sporting environment: parallel (feet parallel to the start line), split (lead left foot on start line, right leg back), and false (initial parallel start, right leg drops back to split start when movement initiated). The parallel start was found to be significantly (alpha < 0.05) slower than the other 2 stances for both the 5- ( approximately 8.3%) and the 10-m (approximately 5.9%) distances. Within the trial, variation of the different starting stances was equally consistent; however, there was less variability for the 10-m distance (CV = 1.16-1.67%) than the 5-m distance (CV = 1.43-2.15%) for each start for both men and women. The split and false start seem to offer the best option as a movement strategy for minimizing short-distance sprint times. However, the benefits of these 2 starts are less clear if total movement time is the variable of interest.  相似文献   

To develop an active microbial activity quickly developing stabilizing thermophilic temperatures during the composting of wastewater sludge, the bulking agent (BA) plays a major role in establishing the recipe structure, exposed particle surface area and porosity. To optimize the biodegradation of a sludge compost recipe, the objective of this paper was to study the effect and interaction of initial moisture content (MC) and BA particle size distribution. Three 300 L insulated laboratory composters were used to treat two series of ten (10) recipes with different combinations of MC and BA particle size distribution. Using a to wastewater sludge to BA dry mass ratio of 1/6, the ten (10) recipes were repeated using two BA, residues recycled from a commercial sludge composting plant and crushed wood pallets. Each four week trial monitored O2 uptake, temperature, compost consolidation and airflow distribution. The Central Composite Factor Design method produced a model from the results estimating the impact of a wider range of MC and BA particles size distribution. The MC directly affected the total O2 uptake and therefore, organic matter biodegradation. The BA particle size distribution influenced compost consolidation with a MC crossed effect. Both BA particle size distribution and MC influenced compost airflow dispersion. Composting was optimized using the BA consisting of recycled green waste residues with particle size of 20–30 mm and a 55% MC. The predictive models suggested the need for further optimization of sludge and wood residue composting recipe.  相似文献   

Zhang DQ  He PJ  Yu LZ  Shao LM 《Bioresource technology》2009,100(3):1087-1093
The study aimed at investigating the effects of inoculation time on the bio-drying performance of combined hydrolytic-aerobic process. Results showed that the addition of inoculating material at different time exhibited various effects not only on the degradation rate of total organics, but also on the performance of water removal and water content reduction. The beginning of aerobic stage (day 5) was suggested to be the optimal time for inoculation. Under this operational condition, 815 g/kg-W(0) (W(0)=initial water content) was removed and the water content reduced from the initial 72.0% to 48.5%. Adding inoculating material at the start of hydrolytic stage (day 0) reduced water removal and water content reduction rates. The addition of inoculating material at day 7 or 9 could not improve the bio-drying performance significantly. Additionally, the inoculation at days 0, 5, 7 and 9 enhanced lignocelluloses degradation rate by 3.8%, 11.6%, 7.9% and 7.7%, respectively.  相似文献   

Mediator-coupled microbial fuel cells containing Proteus vulgaris were constructed and the cell performance was tested. Fuel cell efficiency depended on the carbon source in the initial medium of the microorganism. Maltose and trehalose were not utilized substantially by P. vulgaris; however, their presence in the initial medium resulted in enhanced cell performance. In particular, galactose showed 63% coulombic efficiency in a biofuel cell after P. vulgaris was cultured in a trehalose-containing medium. This work demonstrates that optimum utilization of carbon sources by microorganisms, which leads to the maximization of fuel cell performance, is possible simply by adjusting initial carbon sources.  相似文献   

The effects of fibre in a pelleted diet on food intake, digestibility of crude fibre, dry matter and energy, on passage time and consistency of faeces were studied in 2 species of Callithricidae, Callithrix jacchus and Saguinus fuscicollis. Coarse cellulose, microcellulose, wheat bran and shrimp meal (chitin = crude fibre) were tested in diets containing 2,4 and 6% total crude fibre, respectively. Digestibility and passage time were determined by inclusion of 0.5% Cr2O3 in the diet. Both celluloses had little influence on the digestibility of energy and dry matter. Digestibility of crude fibre was very low. Wheat bran led to evident depression of energy and dry matter digestibility. High digestibility of crude fibre occurred at the higher levels of inclusion in the diet. Shrimp meal was highly digested with little influence on digestibility of energy and dry matter, indicating considerable degradation of chitin. Wheat bran showed a marked effect, while microcellulose had no effect on passage time, consistency and volume of faeces.  相似文献   

In the present paper we obtain the probability distribution and the first two moments, of the number of generations required by a supercritical branching process to cross for the first time a given population size, when it is restricted to the non-extinction set.  相似文献   

Sensory stimulation can systematically bias the perceived passage of time, but why and how this happens is mysterious. In this report, we provide evidence that such biases may ultimately derive from an innate and adaptive use of stochastically evolving dynamic stimuli to help refine estimates derived from internal timekeeping mechanisms. A simplified statistical model based on probabilistic expectations of stimulus change derived from the second-order temporal statistics of the natural environment makes three predictions. First, random noise-like stimuli whose statistics violate natural expectations should induce timing bias. Second, a previously unexplored obverse of this effect is that similar noise stimuli with natural statistics should reduce the variability of timing estimates. Finally, this reduction in variability should scale with the interval being timed, so as to preserve the overall Weber law of interval timing. All three predictions are borne out experimentally. Thus, in the context of our novel theoretical framework, these results suggest that observers routinely rely on sensory input to augment their sense of the passage of time, through a process of Bayesian inference based on expectations of change in the natural environment.  相似文献   

The action of etimizol on the acquisition of the conditioned reflexes with different complexity and biological significance of reinforcement was studied. The acquisition was performed in a shuttle box and U-shaped maze using food and footshock stimuli. The time interval between administration of etimizol (3 mg/kg) and the onset of learning varied between 0.5 and 3 h in the several series. Etimizol did not facilitate the learning in rats whatever the time of administration and biological modality of reinforcement. It is suggested that the positive effect of etimizol on the memory is related to its influence on the consolidation stage.  相似文献   



The developmental overnutrition hypothesis suggests that greater maternal obesity during pregnancy results in increased offspring adiposity in later life. If true, this would result in the obesity epidemic progressing across generations irrespective of environmental or genetic changes. It is therefore important to robustly test this hypothesis.

Methods and Findings

We explored this hypothesis by comparing the associations of maternal and paternal pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI) with offspring dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA)–determined fat mass measured at 9 to 11 y (4,091 parent–offspring trios) and by using maternal FTO genotype, controlling for offspring FTO genotype, as an instrument for maternal adiposity. Both maternal and paternal BMI were positively associated with offspring fat mass, but the maternal association effect size was larger than that in the paternal association in all models: mean difference in offspring sex- and age-standardised fat mass z-score per 1 standard deviation BMI 0.24 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.22 to 0.26) for maternal BMI versus 0.13 (95% CI: 0.11, 0.15) for paternal BMI; p-value for difference in effect < 0.001. The stronger maternal association was robust to sensitivity analyses assuming levels of non-paternity up to 20%. When maternal FTO, controlling for offspring FTO, was used as an instrument for the effect of maternal adiposity, the mean difference in offspring fat mass z-score per 1 standard deviation maternal BMI was −0.08 (95% CI: −0.56 to 0.41), with no strong statistical evidence that this differed from the observational ordinary least squares analyses (p = 0.17).


Neither our parental comparisons nor the use of FTO genotype as an instrumental variable, suggest that greater maternal BMI during offspring development has a marked effect on offspring fat mass at age 9–11 y. Developmental overnutrition related to greater maternal BMI is unlikely to have driven the recent obesity epidemic.  相似文献   

DNA strand displacement, in which a single-stranded nucleic acid invades a DNA duplex, is pervasive in genomic processes and DNA engineering applications. The kinetics of strand displacement have been studied in bulk; however, the kinetics of the underlying strand exchange were obfuscated by a slow bimolecular association step. Here, we use a novel single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer approach termed the “fission” assay to obtain the full distribution of first passage times of unimolecular strand displacement. At a frame time of 4.4 ms, the first passage time distribution for a 14-nucleotide displacement domain exhibited a nearly monotonic decay with little delay. Among the eight different sequences we tested, the mean displacement time was on average 35 ms and varied by up to a factor of 13. The measured displacement kinetics also varied between complementary invaders and between RNA and DNA invaders of the same base sequence, except for T → U substitution. However, displacement times were largely insensitive to the monovalent salt concentration in the range of 0.25–1 M. Using a one-dimensional random walk model, we infer that the single-step displacement time is in the range of ~30–300 μs, depending on the base identity. The framework presented here is broadly applicable to the kinetic analysis of multistep processes investigated at the single-molecule level.  相似文献   

Numerous environmental features have the potential to act as barriers to fishes in the field. Passage of these barriers depends on two main properties: willingness (behavioural) and physiological capacity. The physiological swimming capacity of fishes has been well studied. However, because most barrier research has focused on the population level effects of man – made barriers, little attention has been given to the behavioural aspects of fish passage. We used appetitive conditioning to create a simple laboratory based protocol to estimate behavioural limits to fish passage. We tested our protocol using barrier height (or passage space) as a model. Our protocol successfully identified behavioural limits in two species, juvenile rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, and fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas. Our most interesting observation was that even a partial, submerged barrier had the potential to block fish movements. Our results suggest a potential use for conditioning techniques in assessing factors that constitute behaviour barriers to fishes. This information may help us to better predict fish movements in the field and may help us to design barriers that are more efficient at passing fishes.  相似文献   

Rice plants are relatively insensitive to low boron environment. We examined the role of boron stored in seeds in growth of rice seedlings in regard to its insensitivity to low boron condition. In experiments using seeds without the removal of the endosperm, the effect of low boron treatments (0.18 and 0.03 μM B) was not evident on growth of seedlings until 5 weeks from germination. Analysis of boron distribution among different organs in rice grain demonstrated that the endosperm contained 92% of total boron in brown rice and husks contained twice as much boron as the brown rice. To examine the role of boron stored in the endosperm, endosperm were removed 5 days after de-husking and imbibition and the plants were subjected to boron treatments. The growth of the plants without endosperm was much reduced after 10 days under the 0.03 μM boron compared with the plants grown with the normal level (18 μM B). With the normal level of boron supply, the growth did not differ between the plants with and without endosperm, suggesting that growth difference between seedlings with and without endosperm under low B condition is not due to lack of starch or proteins, but due to lack of boron stored in seeds. Tracer experiments confirmed that a substantial amount of B was supplied from the seed to the seedling and that B limitation increased the B supply from seeds to seedlings, especially to roots. Our results established that boron stored in seeds, principally in the endosperm, contributes significantly to the growth of rice seedlings when external boron supply is limited.  相似文献   

An enkephalin-like tetrapeptide (subcutaneous, intraperitoneal and intraventricular injections) disturbs the goal-oriented food instrumental behavior of rats by decreasing the number of adequately performed instrumental reactions. In addition to these disorders, intraventricular microinjections entail an increase in the number of inadequate, incomplete behavioral reactions. Besides, injection of the tetrapeptide evokes specific disorders of motor activity, which manifest in the occurrence in rats of stretches, "duck-like step", motor stereotypy, arching of the tail, changes in the tone of abdominal muscles, etc. The tetrapeptide effects described were not inhibited by narcan, remaining unchanged for 3.5-5 months following a single injection of the tetrapeptide.  相似文献   

Fluorescence induction of isolated spinach chloroplasts was measured by using weak continuous light. It is found that the kinetics of the initial phase of fluorescence induction as well as the initial fluorescence level Fj are influenced by the number of preilluminating flashes, and shows damped period 4 oscillation. Evidence is given to show that it is correlated with the S-state transitions of oxygen evolution. Based on the previous observations that the S states can modulate the fluorescence yield of Photosystem II, a simulating calculation suggests that, in addition to the Photosystem II centers inactive in the plastoquinone reduction, the S-state transitions can also make a contribution to the intial phase of fluorescence induction.Abbreviations DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethyl urea - F0 non-variable fluorescence level emitted when all PS II centers are open - Fi initial fluorescence level immediately after shutter open - Fpt intermediate plateau fluorescence level - Fm maximum fluorescence level emitted when all PS II centers are closed - PS II Photosystem II - QA primary quinone acceptor of PS II - QB secondary quinone acceptor of PS II  相似文献   

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