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This paper analyzes the lithostratigraphic features and ostracod associations of the Pliocene deposits located in the western sector of the Guadalquivir basin (SW Spain). A regressive cycle is defined by the vertical distribution of five main facies (FA-1 to FA-5), which were deposited in upper bathyal to fluvial palaeoenvironments. The broad palaeontological record is utilized to draw a general outline of the food chain in each palaeoenvironment. A comparison with the Pliocene ostracod distribution of southeastern Spain, southwestern France and Portugal permits to define a common ostracod biozonation for southwestern Europe during this period. Four main marine biozones are distinguished: (a): Pontocythere elongata biozone (infralittoral); (b): Costa edwardsii biozone (shallow circalittoral); (c): Bosquetina carinella biozone (deep circalittoral); and (d): Henryhowella asperrima biozone (upper bathyal). Freshwater, brackish and lower bathyal/abyssal species are very scarce in this area during this period.  相似文献   

Lower Callovian deposits (subpatruus and koenigi ammonite zones) in the Mikhailovskii Mine section (Central Russia, Kursk Region) yielded 13 ostracode species (two of them are new) belonging to ten genera. This ostracode assemblage corresponds to ostracode beds with Praeschuleridea wartae-Pleurocythere kurskensis. The stratigraphic range of these beds corresponds to three ammonite biohorizons: Chamoussetia crobyloides, Kepplerites gowerianus gowerianus, and K. indigestus. Three distinct ostracode assemblages have been defined in the section based on their taxonomy and occurrence pattern. Two new species, Pleurocythere kurskensis sp. nov. and Pseudohutsonia wienholzae sp. nov., are described.  相似文献   

Ostracods from ten Late Miocene coral reef complexes built by Siderastrea, Tarbellastrea and Porites, cropping out in the Messara Plain (southern Iraklion basin, central Crete), have been investigated and five assemblages have been recognised, which point to different marine environments: (1) assemblage from the basal sandy silts, dominated by very shallow inner-infralittoral species, such as Cyamocytheridea meniscus, Cyamocytheridea obstipa, Cyamocytheridea dertonensis, Cytheretta semiornata and Nonurocythereis seminulum; (2) assemblage from the coral reef complexes within which Grinioneis haidingeri, Aurila cicatricosa, Cimbaurila diecii, Tenedocythere cruciata, Pokornyella italica and Callistocythere quadrangula are dominant and point to a stable inner-infralittoral environment characterised by warm, quiet and well-oxygenated waters; (3) assemblage from the silts intercalated among the coral reef complexes, mainly characterised by Neomonoceratina laskarevi, Cytheridea acuminata, Phlyctenophora farkasi and Aurila albicans together with Callistocythere spp., Xestoleberis communis and Xestoleberis dispar, which points to a very shallow marine environment rich in aquatic vegetation; (4) assemblage from the upper silts, which records the absolute dominance of Xestoleberis species, reflecting a very shallow and highly-vegetated environment and (5) assemblage from the uppermost silty clays, dominated by Hemicytherura defiorei, Xestoleberis spp. and Palmoconcha dertobrevis, accompanied by Acanthocythereis hystrix, Cytherella scutulum, Bairdoppilata conformis, Semicytherura spp., Krithe sp., Cytheropteron alatum, Bythocypris sp. and Pseudocythere caudata, which suggest deeper marine environments probably located in the outer infralittoral/inner-circalittoral zones. The studied section has been dated by means of calcareous nannoplankton to be not younger than Zone MNN9 (Early Tortonian), which is the biostratigraphical datum recorded in the fine-grained deposits that overlie the coral reef complexes. An age not older than Tortonian can be inferred by the stratigraphical distribution of the recognized ostracods. Thus, the coral reef complexes have been tentatively referred to the Early Tortonian.  相似文献   

Ostracode faunas from three sections in the Nkalagu area, including the type section of the Nkalagu Formation, were analysed qualitatively and quantitatively. Based on the results, an ostracode zonation is proposed as follows: aCythereis sp. 2 Interval Zone (late Turanian to Coniacian), aCythereis vitiliginosa reticulata Interval Zone (Turonian) and aCytherella spp. Abundance Zone (Cenomanian). This zonation may be only of local (basin wide) character but should allow a micropalaeontological correlation of strata in the Lower Benue Trough. By comparison with sedimentological and palaeontological parameters, aCytherella dominated shelf/depleted oxygen-assemblage can be distinguished from aCythereis/Ovocytheridea dominated upper bathyal/suboxic to oxic-assemblage. The stratigraphic and palaeoecologic characteristics of the ostracode assemblages will be specified and presented in this contribution. Some of the species (Leguminocythereis sp.,Cytherella cf.comanchensis) are assumed to be replaced and to reflect the turbiditic activity in the area, resulting in carbonate deposits of economic significance.  相似文献   

Invertebrate fossils described from ancient hydrocarbon seep deposits represent diverse groups, e.g., brachiopods, mollusks, decapod crustaceans, worm tubes, and rare echinoderms, but the fossil record of ostracodes from hydrocarbon seep deposits is still very limited, making their ecology and evolutionary history still little known. We found fossil ostracodes in eight Eocene to Oligocene hydrocarbon seep deposits in the Humptulips, Lincoln Creek, Makah, and Pysht formations in western Washington State, USA. They represent eleven taxa belonging to genera found in a wide range of shelf to slope habitats: Acanthocythereis, Loxoconcha?, Cytherella, Cytheropteron, Macropyxis?, Krithe, Paracosta, Pontocythere?, Propontocypris, Palmoconcha, and Neonesidea? Acanthocythereis acroreticulata from one late Oligocene seep deposit in the Lincoln Creek Formation is the oldest and northernmost record for this species. The hydrocarbon seep ostracode faunas from Washington appear to be benthos-dominated, showing the same ecological structure and pattern of phylogenetic relatedness as ostracodes from Miocene and Quaternary seep sediments from Italy and off Ireland. We suggest that the benthos-dominated structure has been stable for ostracodes in hydrocarbon seep environments and/or has a higher preservation potential than the nektobenthos-dominated structure.  相似文献   

The insular mammals from the karstic deposits of Punta Nati-2 and the marine beds of es Cul de sa Ferrada, placed in the northwest coast of Minorca (Balearic islands, Spain, western Mediterranean) are described in this work. One of the mammals (only present in Punta Nati-2) is a new glirid species, Margaritamys adroveri, closely related with Margaritamys llulli Mein and Adrover, 1982 and Pseudodryomys granatensis Agustí, 1993, from the middle Miocene of Santa Margalida and Sant Llorenç (Mallorca) and Murchas (Granada), respectively. M. adroveri shows more derived characters than P. granatensis and is more archaic than M. llulli, the size being similar to P. granatensis. The ochotonid present in Minorca is very similar to Gymnesicolagus gelaberti Mein and Adrover, 1982 from Mallorca. In the two minorcan deposits were recovered the first mandibles of this ochotonid, characterized by their big size. The medium weight (estimated from the length of the lower row) for G. aff. gelaberti is 5.4 kg, very similar to that some extant leporids like Lepus alleni Mearns, 1890 or Lepus arcticus Ross, 1819 and higher than any other living ochotonid. Doubtless, the big size of G. aff. gelaberti is a consequence of insular evolution, but not the short diastema, a primitive character shared with continental ochotonids and insular leporids. The discovery of a mandible in the marine beds of es Cul de sa Ferrada permits to place G. aff. gelaberti in the lower Tortonian, which represents the youngest record for this species with respect the faunal associations of Mallorca and Granada, Langhian-Serravalian in age (middle-upper Miocene). The fauna from Punta Nati-2 may represent an endemic association or a faunal group closely related to the fauna of Mallorca and Granada, but in an older context. The age of Gymnesicolagus and the presence of a similar fauna in Mallorca and Minorca suggest a connection between both islands during the Serravalian and the existence of an emerged area in Minorca after the Tortonian transgression.  相似文献   

Late Miocene brackish ostracods and molluscs collected in three Italian basins show noticeable differences in their taxonomic composition, despite their capability of dispersing across wide geographic areas. In the Venetian-Friulian Basin (northern Italy), the upper Tortonian sediments contain oligotypic ostracod assemblages including Hemicyprideis dacica dacica, Hemicytheria pejinovicensis, and Loxoconcha cf. L. josephi and few gastropods referable to Planorbidae and Stenothyroides, which are typical of the central Paratethys. In central Italy, the brackish ostracods and molluscs recovered from upper Tortonian-lower Messinian deposits from four Tuscan basins (Volterra-Radicondoli, Velona, Baccinello-Cinigiano, and Valdelsa) display high affinity at a generic level but strong endemicity at a specific level. At Cessaniti (southern Italy), the upper Tortonian unit contains oligotypic brackish ostracods and molluscs: Mediocytherideis (Sylvestra) posterobursa, Cyprideis ruggierii, Loxoconcha cf. L. biformata, and Zonocypris membranae quadricella characterise the ostracod fauna, while Granulolabium bicinctum and Hydrobia frauenfeldi are the dominant molluscs. The recovered ostracods have a strong affinity with brackish species from central and eastern Palaeo-Mediterranean areas, whereas the molluscs present a Paratethyan origin. Despite the fact that the basins are all brackish and partly coeval, the systematics of these assemblages highlights the absence of common species among the three studied areas. Geochemical analyses (stable isotopes and trace elements) are performed on ostracods, and 87Sr/86Sr ratios are established in molluscs and echinoids. The results suggest brackish environments with different compositions and origins of solutes in the three different areas. The Tuscan basins are characterised by brackish waters, with NaCl-enriched waters coming from aquifers of Triassic evaporite bedrock. The brackish deposits of the Venetian-Friulian Basin and Cessaniti are true marginal marine environments, although the northern basin may have been influenced by both the Paratethyan Sava Basin and the northern portion of the Palaeo-Mediterranean water bodies.  相似文献   

The Miocene carbonate deposits of Scontrone (Abruzzo, Central Italy) are well known among palaeontologists because of their fossil vertebrate content that exhibits striking similarities to those of the remarkable “Terre Rosse” faunal complex of the Gargano region, defining the existence of the Miocene Central Mediterranean Apulia paleobioprovince. The main goal of this paper is to establish the age and environment of the Scontrone vertebrate bonebeds. The vertebrate remains are embedded in the basal portion of the Lithothamnion Limestone, a widespread carbonate-ramp lithosome representative of the Tortonian-early Messinian transgression over the entire Apulia Platform. The bonebeds belong to marginal-marine deposits (here called “Scontrone calcarenites”) preserved in a small area below transgressive ravinement surfaces. The rapid vertical and lateral facies variations displayed by the “Scontrone calcarenites”, together with paleoenvironmental considerations deriving from the vertebrate association, document a complex wave-dominated river-mouth depositional setting developed over a large, flat and semi-arid carbonate ramp. The “Scontrone calcarenites” have been split herein into five facies associations representing the stratigraphic response to a discontinuous or punctuated transgression within an overall rise of the relative sea level. Because of the absence of age-diagnostic fossils, the age of the “Scontrone calcarenites” cannot be directly defined through their paleontological content. However, a regional stratigraphic correlation between the Lithothamnion Limestone of Scontrone and the Lithothamnion Limestone of northern Majella, which is biostratigraphically well constrained, allows the attribution of the “Scontrone calcarenites” to the Tortonian.  相似文献   

The Miocene Termina Formation of the northern Apennines (Italy) contains thin marly limestone or marly sandstone bodies rich in macrofauna mainly consisting of large lucinid clams. Modern representatives of this fauna occur in cold seep settings where they house chemosymbiotic bacteria. Moreover, these rocks record a δ13C-depletion confirming their origin influenced by a cold seep. The Miocene sections of Sasso delle Streghe and Sarsetta (near Modena) represent classic examples of cold seeps. These sections consist of marls and marly sandstones, respectively, with lucinids (Sasso delle Streghe) or bioclastic sands with lucinids (Sarsetta); both sections are capped by the Sandstones of Montebaranzone. They yield ostracodes that are mainly represented by deep-water filter-feeder species (Platycopa, i.e. Cytherella sp.) and numerous deposit-feeders (Podocopa: i.e. Neonesidea and Krithe), together with species frequently occurring in shallow water environments. These assemblages are able to colonize disaerobic environments such as cold seeps. Although some authors consider the filter-feeders as dominant taxa in disaerobic settings, our data do not provide evidence of significant differences in the ostracode assemblage composition between the deposits originated in seafloors with or without seepage influence. However, the number of specimens is greater in seafloors devoid of seepage influence.  相似文献   

Geochemical proxy records of sea surface temperature (SST) or sea surface salinity (SSS) variability on intra- and interannual time-scales in corals from geological periods older than Pleistocene are extremely rare due to pervasive diagenetic alteration of coralline aragonite. Very recently, however, stable isotope data (δ18O, δ13C) from specimens of Porites of Late Miocene age (10 Ma) have been shown to preserve original environmental signatures. In this paper we describe new finds of the zooxanthellate corals Porites and Tarbellastraea in exceptional aragonite preservation from the island of Crete in sediments of Tortonian (~ 9 Ma) and Early Messinian (~ 7 Ma) age. Systematic, comparative stable isotope analysis of massive Tarbellastraea and Porites sampled from the same beds and localities reveal identical stable isotope fractionation patterns in both genera. Therefore, extinct Tarbellastraea represents an additional environmental archive fully compatible and mutually exchangeable with Porites. Provided that seasonal variations in δ18O reflect SST changes only, seasonal SST contrasts of 7.3 °C for the Tortonian and 4.8 °C for the Early Messinian are inferred, implying warmer summer and cooler winter SSTs during the Tortonian than during the Messinian. However, reduced δ18O seasonality (1.1‰ in the Tortonian and 0.7‰ in the Messinian) and slightly less negative mean δ18O in Messinian corals (? 2.4‰) compared to Tortonian specimens (? 2.7‰) may not necessarily indicate a long-term fall in SSTs, but changes in surface water δ18O, i.e. global ice build-up or enhanced evaporation during summer or increased precipitation/river discharge during winter and changes in insolation. On the other hand, coral communities of Tortonian and Messinian age in central Crete are identical, and compatible annual extension rates indicate similar average SSTs during the two investigated time periods. In addition, lithological and paleobotanical data from Central Crete document a change from humid to dry climatic conditions during the Late Miocene. Therefore, a likely explanation for the observed shift in coral mean δ18O and reduced δ18O seasonality from the Tortonian to the Early Messinian is a change in ambient seawater δ18O caused by a change in the hydrological balance towards high evaporation/high salinity during summer.  相似文献   

Paleoecological studies carried out in the Carbonate bank with Rudists of La Cadière d'Azur (Southeast France) and adjacent perideltaic areas have been made in order to define some stages during the evolution of the formation. For each period, type of ostracode assemblage can be proposed. This is undertaken by analysis using both a more precised systematics and especially quantitative methodology, particularly the factorial analysis of correspondances. One purpose of this study is to justify the paleoecological interpretations and moreover to conclude on the autecology of ostracode species. Lastly, it is suggested that carbonate rate (i.e. water content in calcium), turbulence of sea-waters (influencing the grain-size of terrigenous deposits) and perhaps depth are locally important controlling factors of ostracode diversity.  相似文献   

During the Rupelian–Burdigalian (early Oligocene–early Miocene), the Qom Formation was deposited along the northeastern margin of the Tethyan Seaway in the Sanandaj–Sirjan, Urumieh–Dokhtar, and Central Iran basins. The biostratigraphic data from a total of 1152 thin sections from 10 outcrop sections along over 1000 km of the Tethyan Seaway margin are presented. A larger benthic foraminiferal (LBF) biozonation, consisting of five biozones, is proposed for dating the Rupelian–Burdigalian Qom Formation. It is correlated with global planktonic zones, LBF zones, southeastern Asian “Letter Stages”, shallow benthic foraminiferal zones (SB-zones) of southern European basins, and newly revised zones of the Asmari Formation in southwestern Iran. This biozonation subdivides the Rupelian stage into “early Rupelian” and “late Rupelian”, based on the first appearances of lepidocyclinids in the latter one. The early Rupelian strata are characterized by the presence of Nummulites without lepidocyclinids which are reported merely from southwestern and southern Kashan, where the thickest Rupelian deposits of the Qom Formation are recorded. The basal layers of the Qom Formation in southeasternmost outcrops (northwestern Jazmurian Lake) are late Rupelian in age based on the co-occurrence of lepidocyclinids and Nummulites spp. By comparison of the well-documented transgression of the Tethyan Seaway over the Iranian plate (from southeast to northwest) and the limitation of all reported early Rupelian strata of the Qom Formation to southwestern and southern Kashan, the following scenarios can be supposed: 1) the oldest deposits could be deposited in southeastern Iran, but they have not been reported, yet; 2) during early Rupelian, there was a transgression from the Zagros Basin to southwestern and southern Kashan areas, then the transgression progressed both northwestward and southeastward.  相似文献   

The abundance and genetic diversity of the entomopathogenic fungus, Metarhizium anisopliae var. anisopliae, in southwestern British Columbia (BC) and southern Alberta was examined. The fungus was found to be widespread in soil throughout southwestern BC, and was recovered from 56% of 85 sample sites. In contrast to southwestern BC, no M. anisopliae isolates were recovered in southern Alberta. An automated fluorescent amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) method was used to examine genetic diversity. In excess of 200 isolates were characterized. The method identified 211 polymorphic amplicons, ranging in size from ≈92 to 400 base pairs, and it was found to be reproducible with a resolution limit of 86.2% similarity. The AFLP method distinguished Metarhizium from other entomopathogenic fungal genera, and demonstrated considerable genetic diversity (25 genotypes) among the reference strains of M. anisopliae isolates examined (i.e. recovered from various substrates and geographical locations). Although 13 genotypes of M. anisopliae var. anisopliae were recovered from southwestern BC soils, the vast majority of isolates (91%) belonged to one of two closely-related genotypes. Furthermore, these two genotypes predominated in urban, agricultural and forest soils. The reasons for the limited diversity of M. anisopliae var. anisopliae in southwestern BC are uncertain. However, findings of this study are consistent with island biogeography theory, and have significant implications for the development of this fungus for microbial control of pest insects.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Drought-associated vegetation declines are increasingly observed worldwide. We investigated whether differences in water relations can potentially explain the distribution and vulnerability to drought-induced decline of four common tree species in Mediterranean southwestern Australia.


We compared seasonal and daily water relations of four eucalypt species (i.e. C. calophylla, E. accedens, E. marginata, E. wandoo) when co-occurring as well as on nearby typical sites for each species.


When co-occurring, species generally inhabiting drier regions (i.e. E. accedens, E. wandoo) had lower summer leaf water potentials, osmotic potential, and vulnerability to cavitation and higher stomatal conductance and relative sapflow velocity. Both wetter zone species (e.g. C. calophylla and E. marginata) had remarkably high vulnerabilities to cavitation for Mediterranean woody species but showed greatly improved leaf water status on nearby sites where they dominate. Using local soil moisture retention curves of saprolitic clay layers underlying southwestern Australia we show the large disadvantage that the wetter zone species have in terms of accessing tightly bound water in these layers.


Our work shows that species distribution and local dominance of four dominant overstorey species in southwestern Australia is largely a function of plant water relations interacting with local soil profiles. The observed differences in water relations amongst species are consistent with some of the declines that have been observed in recent decades.  相似文献   

The Lower Miocene deposits of the Bardenas Reales of Navarre (NW Ebro Basin, northern Iberian Peninsula) have yielded a diverse vertebrate fauna, including remains of amphibians and reptiles. These remains occur in several localities in the Tudela Formation. The fossiliferous levels belong to the Biozones MN2b-3 (Biozones Z-A of the Ramblian, i.e., Late Aquitanian to Early Burdigalian in age). The amphibians and reptiles represent at least 13 out of 37 vertebrate species. Amphibians consist of a salamandrid urodele and two or three anurans. All the turtles are cryptodirans and consist of the chelydrid Chelydropsis apellanizi, the testudinids Ptychogaster (Temnoclemmys) bardenensis and Ptychogaster ronheimensis, and a Trionychinae indet. Squamates are represented by the anguid lizard Ophisaurus sp., a non-anguid lacertilian, an amphisbaenian, the erycine boid? Eryx sp., and indeterminate colubrids. Crocodilian remains are assigned to the basal alligatoroid Diplocynodon sp. The fossil associations of the Bardenas Reales of Navarre suggest that the vertebrates lived in the centre of an endoreic basin with stretches of water under intertropical to subtropical climatic conditions.  相似文献   

The continental deposits of Oued Méridja area (west of Bechar, southwestern Algeria) have been assigned by previous authors to the early Eocene on the basis of lacustrine gastropod fauna (Pseudoceratodes). This study reports new paleontological and biostratigraphic data from the Oued Méridja section. Recent field investigations resulted in the discovery of an important charophyte assemblage, composed of five species belonging to four genera: Maedleriella cristellata, Maedleriella aff. cristellata, Harrisichara aff. leptocera, Peckichara disermas and? Gyrogona sp. This association allows to suggest a late Thanetian to early Ypresian age for this locality.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogenetic analyses are mainly based on the small ribosomal RNA subunit (18S rRNA), internal transcribed spacer regions, and other molecular markers. We compared the phylogenetic relationships of Babesia spp. using large subunit ribosomal RNA, i.e., 28S rRNA, and the united 28S + 18S rRNA sequence fragments from 11 isolates of Babesia spp. collected in China. Due to sequence length and variability, the 28S rRNA gene contained more information than the 18S rRNA gene and could be used to elucidate the phlyogenetic relationships of B. motasi, B. major, and B. bovis. Thus, 28S rRNA is another candidate marker that can be used for the phylogenetic analysis of Babesia spp. However, the united fragment (28S + 18S) analysis provided better supported phylogenetic relationships than single genes for Babesia spp. in China.  相似文献   

Microbial Ecology of an Extreme Acidic Environment, the Tinto River   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
The Tinto River (Huelva, southwestern Spain) is an extreme environment with a rather constant acidic pH along the entire river and a high concentration of heavy metals. The extreme conditions of the Tinto ecosystem are generated by the metabolic activity of chemolithotrophic microorganisms thriving in the rich complex sulfides of the Iberian Pyrite Belt. Molecular ecology techniques were used to analyze the diversity of this microbial community. The community's composition was studied by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) using 16S rRNA and by 16S rRNA gene amplification. A good correlation between the two approaches was found. Comparative sequence analysis of DGGE bands showed the presence of organisms related to Leptospirillum spp., Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, Acidiphilium spp., “Ferrimicrobium acidiphilum,” Ferroplasma acidiphilum, and Thermoplasma acidophilum. The different phylogenetic groups were quantified by fluorescent in situ hybridization with a set of rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes. More than 80% of the cells were affiliated with the domain Bacteria, with only a minor fraction corresponding to Archaea. Members of Leptospirillum ferrooxidans, Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, and Acidiphilium spp., all related to the iron cycle, accounted for most of the prokaryotic microorganisms detected. Different isolates of these microorganisms were obtained from the Tinto ecosystem, and their physiological properties were determined. Given the physicochemical characteristics of the habitat and the physiological properties and relative concentrations of the different prokaryotes found in the river, a model for the Tinto ecosystem based on the iron cycle is suggested.  相似文献   

Palynological assemblages are reported for the first time for the La Irene Formation, southwestern Santa Cruz Province, Argentina. This unit represents the sedimentation during a regressive period from transitional or delta-plain to fluvial environments. Palynological assemblages are scarce and moderately well preserved. They mainly consist of continental elements (wood remains, cuticles, spores and pollen grains) with scarse marine palynomorphs (dinoflagellate cysts). The spore-pollen assemblages are dominated by fern spores, followed by angiosperm and gymnosperm pollen grains. Bryophyte spores and fungal remains are also present. Among ferns, Cyatheaceae and spores of Laevigatosporites, of uncertain affinity, are dominant. Of the angiosperm pollen, those of Chloranthaceae (Clavatipollenites sp.) and Arecaceae (Arecipites spp., Longapertites sp., Spinizonocolpites hialinus Archangelsky and Zamaloa) are the most abundant. Pollen of Liliaceae (Liliacidites spp.), Proteaceae (Proteacidites sp., Peninsulapollis gillii (Cookson) Dettmann and Jarzen, Retidiporites camachoii Archangelsky) and Ericaceae (Ericipites scabratus Harris) are also present. Gymnosperm pollen is represented by Podocarpaceae (Podocarpidites spp.) and Ephedraceae (Equisetosporites sp.). These palynological suites would represent a fern-angiosperm dominated coastal vegetation, developed under warm and at least locally humid climatic conditions. La Irene Formation is considered Maastrichtian in age based on stratigraphic evidence, which is, in turn consistent with the ages suggested by the species ranges and the similarities observed with others previously described assemblages. This is the southernmost record of Spinizonocolpites, similar to the extant mangrove palm Nypa.  相似文献   

《Trends in parasitology》2023,39(8):696-707
‘Chiggers’ (trombiculid mite larvae) are best known as vectors of rickettsial pathogens, Orientia spp., which cause a zoonosis, scrub typhus. However, several other pathogens (e.g., Hantaan orthohantavirus, Dabie bandavirus, Anaplasma spp., Bartonella spp., Borrelia spp., and Rickettsia spp.) and bacterial symbionts (e.g., Cardinium, Rickettsiella, and Wolbachia) are being reported from chiggers with increasing frequency. Here, we explore the surprisingly diverse chigger microbiota and potential interactions within this microcosm. Key conclusions include a possible role for chiggers as vectors of viral diseases; the dominance in some chigger populations of unidentified symbionts in several bacterial families; and increasing evidence for vertical transmission of potential pathogens and symbiotic bacteria in chiggers, suggesting intimate interactions and not simply incidental acquisition of bacteria from the environment or host.  相似文献   

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