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Transfection experiments, a powerful tool to study the function of steroid hormone receptors and their coregulators, are often performed in COS-7 cells, because of high transfection efficiencies and expression levels. Here we report on the presence in COS-7 cells of an endogenous steroid hormone receptor, which is highly responsive to progesterone and the synthetic steroids R1881 and ORG2058, but not to 5 alpha-DHT. A 10-fold excess of the progesterone antagonist RU486 abolishes the stimulation by progesterone, while cotransfection with the coactivator TIF2 increases its activity 6- to 7-fold. A comparison of the ligand specificity with transfected androgen or progesterone receptors indicates that the endogenous receptor is a progesterone receptor. Its presence is confirmed by steroid-binding experiments, RT-PCR and Northern blot analysis. Consequently, progesterone receptor function may be studied conveniently in COS-7 cells without cotransfection of receptor, but the endogenous receptor may interfere in studies of ligand specificity and coactivation of cotransfected receptors.  相似文献   

A series of bipolar biphenyl compounds was synthesized as proteomimetic analogs of the LXXLL penta-peptide motif responsible for the binding of coactivator proteins to the nuclear hormone receptor coactivator binding domain. These compounds were subjected to multiple in vitro assays to evaluate their effectiveness as competitive binding inhibitors. The results from this initial study indicate that these proteomimetics possess the ability to inhibit this protein-protein interaction.  相似文献   

The androgen receptor (AR) has a critical role in the growth and progression of androgen-dependent and castration-resistant prostate cancers. To identify novel inhibitors of AR transactivation that block growth of prostate cancer cells, a luciferase-based high-throughput screen of ~160,000 small molecules was performed in cells stably expressing AR and a prostate-specific antigen (PSA)-luciferase reporter. CPIC (1-(3-(2-chlorophenoxy) propyl)-1H-indole-3-carbonitrile) was identified as a small molecule that blocks AR transactivation to a greater extent than other steroid receptors. CPIC inhibited AR-mediated proliferation of androgen-sensitive prostate cancer cell lines, with minimal toxicity in AR-negative cell lines. CPIC treatment also reduced the anchorage-independent growth of LAPC-4 prostate cancer cells. CPIC functioned as a pure antagonist by inhibiting the expression of AR-regulated genes in LAPC-4 cells that express wild-type AR and exhibited weak agonist activity in LNCaP cells that express the mutant AR-T877A. CPIC treatment did not reduce AR levels or alter its nuclear localization. We used chromatin immunoprecipitation to identify the site of action of CPIC. CPIC inhibited recruitment of androgen-bound AR to the PSA promoter and enhancer sites to a greater extent than bicalutamide. CPIC is a new therapeutic inhibitor that targets AR-mediated gene activation with potential to arrest the growth of prostate cancer.  相似文献   

In rats, androgens in adulthood regulate the morphology of motoneurons in the spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus (SNB), including the size of their somata and the length of their dendrites. There are conflicting reports about whether androgens exert similar influences on SNB motoneurons in mice. We castrated or sham-operated C57BL6J mice at 90 days of age and, thirty days later, injected cholera toxin conjugated horseradish peroxidase into the bulbocavernosus muscle (to label SNB motoneurons) on one side, and into intrinsic foot muscles contralaterally (to label motoneurons of the retrodorsolateral nucleus (RDLN)). Castrated mice had significantly smaller SNB somas compared to sham-operated mice while there were no differences in soma size of RDLN motoneurons. Dendritic length in C57BL6J mice, estimated in 3-dimensions, also decreased significantly after adult castration. In rats, androgens act directly through androgen receptors (AR) in SNB motoneurons to control soma size and nearly all SNB motoneurons contain AR. Since SNB somata in C57BL6J mice shrank after adult castration, we used immunocytochemistry to characterize AR expression in SNB cells as well as motoneurons in the RDLN and dorsolateral nucleus (DLN). A pattern of labeling matched that seen previously in rats: the highest percentage of AR-immunoreactive motoneurons are in the SNB (98%), the lowest in the RDLN (25%) and an intermediate number in the DLN (78%). This pattern of AR labeling is consistent with the possibility that androgens also act directly on SNB motoneurons in mice to regulate soma size in mice.  相似文献   

《Cancer epidemiology》2014,38(3):291-297
Astrocytic tumors are the most common primary brain tumors. It has been reported that androgen receptor (AR), estrogen receptors alpha (ERα) and beta (ERβ) and their coactivator SRC-1 and SRC-3 are involved in the regulation of the growth and development of many tumors, but their expression profiles and significances in the astrocytic tumors remain largely unknown. In this study, the expression of AR, ERs, and SRCs, and the possible roles of them in astrocytic neoplasm were evaluated and compared to normal brain tissues by nickel-intensified immunohistochemistry with tissue microarrays. The results showed that there were no age- or gender-differences regarding to the levels of these receptors or coactivators in astrocytic or normal brain tissues. In the high-grade astrocytic tissue, the levels of AR, ERs and SRC-3 were significantly decreased when compared to the low-grade astrocytic tissues, but the levels of SRC-1 remain unchanged. Correlation analysis revealed that the levels of AR, ERs and SRC-3 were negatively correlated to tumor differentiation, and the levels of SRC-3 were positively correlated to that of ERα. Furthermore, the decreased levels of SRC-3 were associated with an increase of ERβ in astrocytic tumors when compared to that of normal brain tissues. These above results indicate a combination of decreased expression of ERs, AR and SRC-3 but not SRC-1 may be involved in the tumorigenesis of gliomas, ERα/SRC-3 axis may play central role in the regulation these tumors.  相似文献   

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